path: root/profile/txt2ti3.c
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
commit22f703cab05b7cd368f4de9e03991b7664dc5022 (patch)
tree6f4d50beaa42328e24b1c6b56b6ec059e4ef21a5 /profile/txt2ti3.c
Initial import of argyll version 1.5.1-8debian/1.5.1-8
Diffstat (limited to 'profile/txt2ti3.c')
1 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/profile/txt2ti3.c b/profile/txt2ti3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b425f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile/txt2ti3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+ * Argyll Color Correction System
+ *
+ * Read in the RGB/CMYK CGATS device data from Gretag/Logo/X-Rite etc.
+ * and convert it into a .ti3 CGATs format suitable for the Argyll CMS.
+ *
+ * Derived from kodak2cgats.c
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 16/11/00
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 - 2010, Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+/* TTBD
+ Need to add support for SPECTRAL_NM SPECTRAL_PCT type spectral values.
+ See /src/argyll/test/JosvanRiswick/R080505.cgt
+ Do we need to worry about normalising display values to Y = 100, or marking
+ them not normalised ?
+ Should have an option to output .ti1 files instead of .ti3.
+ */
+#undef DEBUG
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "copyright.h"
+#include "aconfig.h"
+#include "cgats.h"
+#include "xspect.h"
+#include "insttypes.h"
+#include "numlib.h"
+usage(char *mes) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Convert Gretag/Logo or X-Rite ColorPport raw RGB or CMYK device profile data to Argyll CGATS data, Version %s\n",ARGYLL_VERSION_STR);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3\n");
+ if (mes != NULL)
+ fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",mes);
+ fprintf(stderr,"usage: txt2ti3 [-v] [-l limit] [devfile] infile [specfile] outfile\n");
+/* fprintf(stderr," -v Verbose mode\n"); */
+ fprintf(stderr," -2 Create dummy .ti2 file as well\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -l limit set ink limit, 0 - 400%% (default max in file)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -d Set type of device as Display, not Output\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -i Set type of device as Input, not Output\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," [devfile] Input Device CMYK target file (typically file.txt)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," infile Input CIE, Spectral or Device & Spectral file (typically file.txt)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," [specfile] Input Spectral file (typically file.txt)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," outbasename Output file basename for .ti3 and .ti2\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i, j;
+ int fa,nfa; /* current argument we're looking at */
+ int verb = 0;
+ int out2 = 0; /* Create dumy .ti2 file output */
+ int disp = 0; /* nz if this is a display device */
+ int inp = 0; /* nz if this is an input device */
+ static char devname[200] = { 0 }; /* Input CMYK/Device .txt file (may be null) */
+ static char ciename[200] = { 0 }; /* Input CIE .txt file (may be null) */
+ static char specname[200] = { 0 }; /* Input Device / Spectral .txt file */
+ static char outname[200] = { 0 }; /* Output cgats .ti3 file base name */
+ static char outname2[200] = { 0 }; /* Output cgats .ti2 file base name */
+ cgats *cmy = NULL; /* Input RGB/CMYK reference file */
+ int f_id1 = -1, f_c, f_m, f_y, f_k = 0; /* Field indexes */
+ double dev_scale = 1.0; /* Device value scaling */
+ cgats *ncie = NULL; /* Input CIE readings file (may be Dev & spectral too) */
+ int f_id2, f_cie[3]; /* Field indexes */
+ cgats *spec = NULL; /* Input spectral readings (NULL if none) */
+ double spec_scale = 1.0; /* Spectral value scaling */
+ int f_id3 = 0; /* Field indexes */
+ int spi[100]; /* CGATS indexes for each wavelength */
+ cgats *ocg; /* output cgats structure for .ti3 */
+ cgats *ocg2; /* output cgats structure for .ti2 */
+ time_t clk = time(0);
+ struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
+ char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */
+ int islab = 0; /* CIE is Lab rather than XYZ */
+ int specmin = 0, specmax = 0, specnum = 0; /* Min and max spectral in nm, inclusive */
+ int npat = 0; /* Number of patches */
+ int ndchan = 0; /* Number of device channels, 0 = no device, RGB = 3, CMYK = 4 */
+ int tlimit = -1; /* Not set */
+ double mxsum = -1.0; /* Maximim sum of inks found in file */
+ int mxsumix = 0;
+ error_program = "txt2ti3";
+ if (argc <= 1)
+ usage("Too few arguments");
+ /* Process the arguments */
+ for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
+ nfa = fa; /* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
+ if (argv[fa][0] == '-') { /* Look for any flags */
+ char *na = NULL; /* next argument after flag, null if none */
+ if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
+ na = &argv[fa][2]; /* next is directly after flag */
+ else {
+ if ((fa+1) < argc) {
+ if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
+ nfa = fa + 1;
+ na = argv[nfa]; /* next is seperate non-flag argument */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argv[fa][1] == '?')
+ usage(NULL);
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == '2')
+ out2 = 1;
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'l' || argv[fa][1] == 'L') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("No ink limit parameter");
+ tlimit = atoi(na);
+ if (tlimit < 1)
+ tlimit = -1;
+ }
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'd') {
+ disp = 1;
+ inp = 0;
+ } else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i') {
+ disp = 0;
+ inp = 1;
+ } else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V')
+ verb = 1;
+ else
+ usage("Unknown flag");
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* See how many arguments remain */
+ switch (argc - fa) {
+ case 2: /* Must be a new combined device + cie/spectral */
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad dev filename");
+ strcpy(devname,argv[fa]);
+ strcpy(ciename,argv[fa++]);
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad output filename");
+ strcpy(outname, argv[fa++]);
+ if (verb) printf("Single source file, assumed dev/cie/spectral\n");
+ break;
+ case 3: /* Device + cie or spectral */
+ /* or combined cie + spectral */
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad dev filename");
+ strcpy(devname,argv[fa++]);
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad cie/spec filename");
+ strcpy(ciename,argv[fa++]);
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad output filename");
+ strcpy(outname, argv[fa++]);
+ if (verb) printf("Two source files, assumed dev + cie/spectral or dev/cie + spectral\n");
+ break;
+ case 4: /* Device, ci and spectral */
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad dev filename");
+ strcpy(devname,argv[fa++]);
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad cie filename");
+ strcpy(ciename,argv[fa++]);
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad spec filename");
+ strcpy(specname,argv[fa++]);
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Bad output filename");
+ strcpy(outname, argv[fa++]);
+ if (verb) printf("Three source files, assumed dev + cie + spectral\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage("Wrong number of filenames");
+ }
+ if (out2) {
+ strcpy (outname2, outname);
+ strcat(outname2,".ti2");
+ }
+ /* Convert basename into .ti3 */
+ strcat(outname,".ti3");
+ /* Open up the Input CMYK/RGB reference file (might be same as ncie/spec) */
+ cmy = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ cmy->add_other(cmy, "LGOROWLENGTH"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ cmy->add_other(cmy, "Date:"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ cmy->add_other(cmy, "ECI2002"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ cmy->add_other(cmy, ""); /* Wildcard */
+ if (cmy->read_name(cmy, devname))
+ error ("Read: Can't read dev file '%s'. Unknown format or corrupted file ?",devname);
+ if (cmy->ntables != 1)
+ warning("Input file '%s' doesn't contain exactly one table",devname);
+ if ((npat = cmy->t[0].nsets) <= 0)
+ error("No patches");
+ if ((f_id1 = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "SampleName")) < 0
+ && (f_id1 = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "Sample_Name")) < 0
+ && (f_id1 = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "SAMPLE_NAME")) < 0
+ && (f_id1 = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "SAMPLE_ID")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field SampleName, Sample_Name, SAMPLE_NAME or SAMPLE_ID",devname);
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_id1] != nqcs_t
+ && cmy->t[0].ftype[f_id1] != cs_t
+ && cmy->t[0].ftype[f_id1] != i_t)
+ error("Field SampleName (%s) from CMYK/RGB file '%s' is wrong type",cmy->t[0].fsym[f_id1],devname);
+ if (cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "RGB_R") >= 0) {
+ ndchan = 3;
+ if (verb) {
+ if (inp || disp)
+ printf("Seems to be an RGB device\n");
+ else
+ printf("Seems to be a psuedo-RGB device\n");
+ }
+ } else if (cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "CMYK_C") >= 0) {
+ ndchan = 4;
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Seems to be a CMYK device\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("No device values found - hope that's OK!\n");
+ }
+ if (ndchan == 3) {
+ if ((f_c = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "RGB_R")) < 0) {
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field RGB_R",devname);
+ }
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_c] != r_t)
+ error("Field RGB_R from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ if ((f_m = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "RGB_G")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field RGB_G",devname);
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_m] != r_t)
+ error("Field RGB_G from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ if ((f_y = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "RGB_B")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field RGB_B",devname);
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_y] != r_t)
+ error("Field RGB_B from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ } else if (ndchan == 4) {
+ if ((f_c = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "CMYK_C")) < 0) {
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field CMYK_C",devname);
+ }
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_c] != r_t)
+ error("Field CMYK_C from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ if ((f_m = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "CMYK_M")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field CMYK_M",devname);
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_m] != r_t)
+ error("Field CMYK_M from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ if ((f_y = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "CMYK_Y")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field CMYK_Y",devname);
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_y] != r_t)
+ error("Field CMYK_Y from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ if ((f_k = cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "CMYK_K")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field CMYK_Y",devname);
+ if (cmy->t[0].ftype[f_k] != r_t)
+ error("Field CMYK_K from file '%s' is wrong type",devname);
+ }
+ if (verb && ndchan > 0) printf("Read device values\n");
+ if (cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "XYZ_X") >= 0
+ || cmy->find_field(cmy, 0, "LAB_L") >= 0) {
+ /* We've got a new combined device+cie file as the first one. */
+ /* Shuffle it into ciename , and ciename into specname */
+ strcpy(specname, ciename);
+ strcpy(ciename, devname);
+ if (verb) printf("We've got a combined device + instrument readings file\n");
+ }
+ /* Open up the input nCIE or Spectral device data file */
+ ncie = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ ncie->add_other(ncie, "LGOROWLENGTH"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ ncie->add_other(ncie, "ECI2002"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ ncie->add_other(ncie, ""); /* Wildcard */
+ if (ncie->read_name(ncie, ciename))
+ error ("Read: Can't read cie file '%s'. Unknown format or corrupted file ?",ciename);
+ if (ncie->ntables != 1)
+ warning("Input file '%s' doesn't contain exactly one table",ciename);
+ if (npat != ncie->t[0].nsets)
+ error("Number of patches between '%s' and '%s' doesn't match",devname,ciename);
+ if ((f_id2 = ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SampleName")) < 0
+ && (f_id2 = ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "Sample_Name")) < 0
+ && (f_id2 = ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SAMPLE_NAME")) < 0
+ && (f_id2 = ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SAMPLE_ID")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field SampleName, Sample_Name, SAMPLE_NAME or SAMPLE_ID",ciename);
+ if (ncie->t[0].ftype[f_id2] != nqcs_t
+ && ncie->t[0].ftype[f_id2] != cs_t
+ && cmy->t[0].ftype[f_id2] != i_t)
+ error("Field SampleName (%s) from cie file '%s' is wrong type",ncie->t[0].fsym[f_id2],ciename);
+ if (ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "XYZ_X") < 0
+ && ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "LAB_L") < 0) {
+ /* Not a cie file. See if it's a spectral file */
+ if (ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "nm500") < 0
+ && ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "NM_500") < 0
+ && ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SPECTRAL_NM_500") < 0
+ && ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "R_500") < 0
+ && ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SPECTRAL_500") < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field XYZ_X or spectral",ciename); /* Nope */
+ /* We have a spectral file only. Fix things and drop through */
+ ncie->del(ncie);
+ ncie = NULL;
+ strcpy(specname, ciename);
+ ciename[0] = '\000';
+ } else { /* Continue dealing with cie value file */
+ char *fields[2][3] = {
+ { "XYZ_X", "XYZ_Y", "XYZ_Z" },
+ { "LAB_L", "LAB_A", "LAB_B" }
+ };
+ if (ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "nm500") >= 0
+ || ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "NM_500") < 0
+ || ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SPECTRAL_NM_500") >= 0
+ || ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "R_500") >= 0
+ || ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "SPECTRAL_500") >= 0) {
+ if (verb) printf("Found spectral values\n");
+ /* It's got spectral data too. Make sure we read it */
+ strcpy(specname, ciename);
+ }
+ if (ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, "LAB_L") >= 0)
+ islab = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if ((f_cie[i] = ncie->find_field(ncie, 0, fields[islab][i])) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field XYZ_Y",fields[islab][i], ciename);
+ if (ncie->t[0].ftype[f_cie[i]] != r_t)
+ error("Field %s from file '%s' is wrong type",fields[islab][i], ciename);
+ }
+ if (verb) printf("Found CIE values\n");
+ }
+ /* Open up the input Spectral device data file */
+ if (specname[0] != '\000') {
+ char bufs[5][50];
+ spec = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ spec->add_other(spec, "LGOROWLENGTH"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ spec->add_other(spec, "ECI2002"); /* Gretag/Logo Target file */
+ spec->add_other(spec, ""); /* Wildcard */
+ if (spec->read_name(spec, specname))
+ error ("Read: Can't read spec file '%s'. Unknown format or corrupted file ?",specname);
+ if (spec->ntables != 1)
+ warning("Input file '%s' doesn't contain exactly one table",specname);
+ if (npat != spec->t[0].nsets)
+ error("Number of patches between '%s' and '%s' doesn't match",specname);
+ if ((f_id3 = spec->find_field(spec, 0, "SampleName")) < 0
+ && (f_id3 = spec->find_field(spec, 0, "Sample_Name")) < 0
+ && (f_id3 = spec->find_field(spec, 0, "SAMPLE_NAME")) < 0
+ && (f_id3 = spec->find_field(spec, 0, "SAMPLE_ID")) < 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field SampleName, Sample_Name, SAMPLE_NAME or SAMPLE_ID",specname);
+ if (spec->t[0].ftype[f_id3] != nqcs_t
+ && spec->t[0].ftype[f_id3] != cs_t
+ && cmy->t[0].ftype[f_id3] != i_t)
+ error("Field SampleName (%s) from spec file '%s' is wrong type",spec->t[0].fsym[f_id3],specname);
+ /* Find the spectral readings nm range */
+ for (specmin = 500; specmin >= 300; specmin -= 10) {
+ sprintf(bufs[0],"nm%03d", specmin);
+ sprintf(bufs[1],"NM_%03d", specmin);
+ sprintf(bufs[2],"SPECTRAL_NM_%03d", specmin);
+ sprintf(bufs[3],"R_%03d", specmin);
+ sprintf(bufs[4],"SPECTRAL_%03d", specmin);
+ if (spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[0]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[1]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[2]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[3]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[4]) < 0) /* Not found */
+ break;
+ }
+ specmin += 10;
+ for (specmax = 500; specmax <= 900; specmax += 10) {
+ sprintf(bufs[0],"nm%03d", specmax);
+ sprintf(bufs[1],"NM_%03d", specmax);
+ sprintf(bufs[2],"SPECTRAL_NM_%03d", specmax);
+ sprintf(bufs[3],"R_%03d", specmax);
+ sprintf(bufs[4],"SPECTRAL_%03d", specmax);
+ if (spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[0]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[1]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[2]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[3]) < 0
+ && spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[4]) < 0) /* Not found */
+ break;
+ }
+ specmax -= 10;
+ if (specmin > 420 || specmax < 680) { /* Not enough range to be useful */
+ spec->del(spec);
+ spec = NULL;
+ specname[0] = '\000';
+ } else {
+ specnum = (specmax - specmin)/10 + 1;
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Found there are %d spectral values, from %d to %d nm\n",specnum,specmin,specmax);
+ /* Locate the fields for spectral values */
+ for (j = 0; j < specnum; j++) {
+ sprintf(bufs[0],"nm%03d", specmin + 10 * j);
+ sprintf(bufs[1],"NM_%03d", specmin + 10 * j);
+ sprintf(bufs[2],"SPECTRAL_NM_%03d", specmin + 10 * j);
+ sprintf(bufs[3],"R_%03d", specmin + 10 * j);
+ sprintf(bufs[4],"SPECTRAL_%03d", specmin + 10 * j);
+ if ((spi[j] = spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[0])) < 0
+ && (spi[j] = spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[1])) < 0
+ && (spi[j] = spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[2])) < 0
+ && (spi[j] = spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[3])) < 0
+ && (spi[j] = spec->find_field(spec, 0, bufs[4])) < 0) { /* Not found */
+ spec->del(spec);
+ spec = NULL;
+ specname[0] = '\000';
+ error("Failed to find spectral band %d nm in file '%s'\n",specmin + 10 * j,specname);
+ } else {
+ if (spec->t[0].ftype[spi[j]] != r_t)
+ error("Field '%s' from file '%s' is wrong type",spec->t[0].fsym[spi[j]], specname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ciename[0] == '\000' && specname[0] == '\000')
+ error("Input file doesn't contain either CIE or spectral data");
+ /* Setup output cgats file */
+ ocg = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ ocg->add_other(ocg, "CTI3"); /* our special type is Calibration Target Information 3 */
+ ocg->add_table(ocg, tt_other, 0); /* Start the first table */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Calibration Target chart information 3",NULL);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll target", NULL);
+ atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000'; /* Remove \n from end */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL);
+ if (disp)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","DISPLAY", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */
+ else if (inp)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","INPUT", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","OUTPUT", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */
+ /* Note what instrument the chart was read with */
+ /* Assume this - could try reading from file INSTRUMENTATION "SpectroScan" ?? */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TARGET_INSTRUMENT", inst_name(instSpectrolino) , NULL);
+ /* Fields we want */
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "SAMPLE_ID", nqcs_t);
+ if (f_id1 >= 0)
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "SAMPLE_NAME", cs_t);
+ if (ndchan == 3) {
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "RGB_R", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "RGB_G", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "RGB_B", r_t);
+ if (inp) {
+ if (islab)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","LAB_RGB", NULL);
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","XYZ_RGB", NULL);
+ } else if (disp) {
+ if (islab)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","RGB_LAB", NULL);
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","RGB_XYZ", NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (islab)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","iRGB_LAB", NULL);
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","iRGB_XYZ", NULL);
+ }
+ } else if (ndchan == 4) {
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_C", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_M", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_Y", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_K", r_t);
+ if (inp) { /* Does this make any sense ? */
+ if (islab)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","LAB_CMYK", NULL);
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","XYZ_CMYK", NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (islab)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","CMYK_LAB", NULL);
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","CMYK_XYZ", NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ncie != NULL) {
+ if (islab) {
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_L", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_A", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_B", r_t);
+ } else {
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "XYZ_X", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "XYZ_Y", r_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "XYZ_Z", r_t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Guess the device data scaling */
+ if (ndchan > 0) {
+ double maxv = 0.0;
+ int f_dev[4] = { f_c, f_m, f_y, f_k };
+ /* Guess what scale the spectral data is set to */
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ndchan; j++) {
+ double vv;
+ vv = *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_dev[j]]);
+ if (vv > maxv)
+ maxv = vv;
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxv < 10.0) {
+ dev_scale = 100.0/1.0;
+ if (verb) printf("Device max found = %f, scale by 100.0\n",maxv);
+ } else if (maxv > 160.0) {
+ dev_scale = 100.0/255.0;
+ if (verb) printf("Device max found = %f, scale by 100/255\n",maxv);
+ } else {
+ dev_scale = 100.0/100.0;
+ if (verb) printf("Device max found = %f, scale by 1.0\n",maxv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (spec != NULL) {
+ char buf[100];
+ double maxv = 0.0;
+ sprintf(buf,"%d", specnum);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "SPECTRAL_BANDS",buf, NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%d", specmin);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "SPECTRAL_START_NM",buf, NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%d", specmax);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "SPECTRAL_END_NM",buf, NULL);
+ /* Generate fields for spectral values */
+ for (j = 0; j < specnum; j++) {
+ sprintf(buf,"SPEC_%03d", specmin + 10 * j);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, buf, r_t);
+ }
+ /* Guess what scale the spectral data is set to */
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < specnum; j++) {
+ double vv;
+ vv = *((double *)spec->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]);
+ if (vv > maxv)
+ maxv = vv;
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxv < 10.0) {
+ spec_scale = 100.0/1.0;
+ if (verb) printf("Spectral max found = %f, scale by 100.0\n",maxv);
+ } else if (maxv > 160.0) {
+ spec_scale = 100.0/255.0;
+ if (verb) printf("Spectral max found = %f, scale by 100/255\n",maxv);
+ } else {
+ spec_scale = 100.0/100.0;
+ if (verb) printf("Spectral max found = %f, scale by 1.0\n",maxv);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Write out the patch info to the output CGATS file */
+ {
+ cgats_set_elem *setel; /* Array of set value elements */
+ if ((setel = (cgats_set_elem *)malloc(
+ sizeof(cgats_set_elem) * ocg->t[0].nfields)) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc failed!");
+ /* Write out the patch info to the output CGATS file */
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ char id[100];
+ int k = 0;
+ if (ncie != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)ncie->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id2])) != 0) {
+ error("Patch label mismatch to CIE values, patch %d, '%s' != '%s'\n",
+ i, ((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)ncie->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id2]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (spec != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)spec->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id3])) != 0) {
+ error("Patch label mismatch to spectral values, patch %d, '%s' != '%s'\n",
+ i, ((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)spec->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id3]));
+ }
+ }
+ /* SAMPLE ID */
+ sprintf(id, "%d", i+1);
+ setel[k++].c = id;
+ if (f_id1 >= 0)
+ setel[k++].c = (char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1];
+ if (ndchan == 3) {
+ setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_c]);
+ setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_m]);
+ setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_y]);
+ } else if (ndchan == 4){
+ double sum = 0.0;
+ sum += setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_c]);
+ sum += setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_m]);
+ sum += setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_y]);
+ sum += setel[k++].d = dev_scale * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_k]);
+ if (sum > mxsum) {
+ mxsum = sum;
+ mxsumix = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ncie != NULL) {
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)ncie->t[0].fdata[i][f_cie[0]]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)ncie->t[0].fdata[i][f_cie[1]]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)ncie->t[0].fdata[i][f_cie[2]]);
+ }
+ if (spec) {
+ for (j = 0; j < specnum; j++) {
+ setel[k++].d = spec_scale * *((double *)spec->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]);
+ }
+ }
+ ocg->add_setarr(ocg, 0, setel);
+ }
+ free(setel);
+ }
+ if (tlimit < 0 && mxsum > 0.0) {
+ if (verb)
+ printf("No ink limit given, using maximum %f found in file at %d\n",mxsum,mxsumix+1);
+ tlimit = (int)(mxsum + 0.5);
+ }
+ if (tlimit > 0) {
+ char buf[100];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", tlimit);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TOTAL_INK_LIMIT", buf, NULL);
+ }
+ if (ocg->write_name(ocg, outname))
+ error("Write error : %s",ocg->err);
+ /* Create a dummy .ti2 file (used with scanin -r) */
+ if (out2) {
+ /* Setup output cgats file */
+ ocg2 = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ ocg2->add_other(ocg2, "CTI2"); /* our special type is Calibration Target Information 2 */
+ ocg2->add_table(ocg2, tt_other, 0); /* Start the first table */
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Calibration Target chart information 2",NULL);
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll txt2ti3", NULL);
+ atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000'; /* Remove \n from end */
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL);
+ if (disp)
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","DISPLAY", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */
+ else
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","OUTPUT", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */
+ /* Note what instrument the chart was read with */
+ /* Assume this - could try reading from file INSTRUMENTATION "SpectroScan" ?? */
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "TARGET_INSTRUMENT", inst_name(instSpectrolino) , NULL);
+ /* Fields we want */
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "SAMPLE_ID", nqcs_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "SAMPLE_LOC", nqcs_t);
+ /* We're missing lots of .ti2 stuff like: */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "APPROX_WHITE_POINT",icg->t[0].kdata[fi], NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "PATCH_LENGTH", buf, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "GAP_LENGTH", buf, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TRAILER_LENGTH", buf, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "STEPS_IN_PASS", buf, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "PASSES_IN_STRIPS", pis, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "STRIP_INDEX_PATTERN", sixpat, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "PATCH_INDEX_PATTERN", pixpat, NULL); */
+ /* ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "INDEX_ORDER", ixord ? "PATCH_THEN_STRIP" : "STRIP_THEN_PATCH", NULL); */
+ if (tlimit > 0) {
+ char buf[100];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", tlimit);
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "TOTAL_INK_LIMIT", buf, NULL);
+ }
+ if (ndchan == 3) {
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "RGB_R", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "RGB_G", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "RGB_B", r_t);
+ if (inp || disp) {
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "COLOR_REP","RGB", NULL);
+ } else {
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "COLOR_REP","iRGB", NULL);
+ }
+ } else if (ndchan == 4) {
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "CMYK_C", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "CMYK_M", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "CMYK_Y", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "CMYK_K", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_kword(ocg2, 0, "COLOR_REP","CMYK", NULL);
+ }
+ if (ncie != NULL) {
+ if (islab) {
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "LAB_L", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "LAB_A", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "LAB_B", r_t);
+ } else {
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "XYZ_X", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "XYZ_Y", r_t);
+ ocg2->add_field(ocg2, 0, "XYZ_Z", r_t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Write out the patch info to the output CGATS file */
+ {
+ cgats_set_elem *setel; /* Array of set value elements */
+ if ((setel = (cgats_set_elem *)malloc(
+ sizeof(cgats_set_elem) * (2 + (ndchan) + (ncie != NULL ? 3 : 0)))) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc failed!");
+ /* Write out the patch info to the output CGATS file */
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ char id[100];
+ int k = 0;
+ if (ncie != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)ncie->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id2])) != 0) {
+ error("Patch label mismatch to CIE values, patch %d, '%s' != '%s'\n",
+ i, ((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)ncie->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id2]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (spec != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)spec->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id3])) != 0) {
+ error("Patch label mismatch to spectral values, patch %d, '%s' != '%s'\n",
+ i, ((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]),
+ ((char *)spec->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id3]));
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(id, "%d", i+1);
+ setel[k++].c = id; /* ID */
+ setel[k++].c = ((char *)cmy->t[0].rfdata[i][f_id1]); /* Location */
+ if (ndchan == 3) {
+ setel[k++].d = 100.0/255.0 * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_c]);
+ setel[k++].d = 100.0/255.0 * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_m]);
+ setel[k++].d = 100.0/255.0 * *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_y]);
+ } else if (ndchan == 4) {
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_c]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_m]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_y]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)cmy->t[0].fdata[i][f_k]);
+ }
+ if (ncie != NULL) {
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)ncie->t[0].fdata[i][f_cie[0]]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)ncie->t[0].fdata[i][f_cie[1]]);
+ setel[k++].d = *((double *)ncie->t[0].fdata[i][f_cie[2]]);
+ }
+ ocg2->add_setarr(ocg2, 0, setel);
+ }
+ free(setel);
+ }
+ if (ocg2->write_name(ocg2, outname2))
+ error("Write error : %s",ocg2->err);
+ }
+ /* Clean up */
+ cmy->del(cmy);
+ if (ncie != NULL)
+ ncie->del(ncie);
+ if (spec != NULL)
+ spec->del(spec);
+ ocg->del(ocg);
+ return 0;