path: root/spectro/dtp92.c
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
commit22f703cab05b7cd368f4de9e03991b7664dc5022 (patch)
tree6f4d50beaa42328e24b1c6b56b6ec059e4ef21a5 /spectro/dtp92.c
Initial import of argyll version 1.5.1-8debian/1.5.1-8
Diffstat (limited to 'spectro/dtp92.c')
1 files changed, 1325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spectro/dtp92.c b/spectro/dtp92.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441c0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spectro/dtp92.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1325 @@
+ * Argyll Color Correction System
+ *
+ * Xrite DTP92/94 related functions
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 5/10/1996
+ *
+ * Copyright 1996 - 2013, Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 or later :-
+ * see the License2.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+ If you make use of the instrument driver code here, please note
+ that it is the author(s) of the code who take responsibility
+ for its operation. Any problems or queries regarding driving
+ instruments with the Argyll drivers, should be directed to
+ the Argyll's author(s), and not to any other party.
+ If there is some instrument feature or function that you
+ would like supported here, it is recommended that you
+ contact Argyll's author(s) first, rather than attempt to
+ modify the software yourself, if you don't have firm knowledge
+ of the instrument communicate protocols. There is a chance
+ that an instrument could be damaged by an incautious command
+ sequence, and the instrument companies generally cannot and
+ will not support developers that they have not qualified
+ and agreed to support.
+ */
+ Should make DTP92 switch trigger a reading.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "copyright.h"
+#include "aconfig.h"
+#include "numlib.h"
+#else /* !SALONEINSTLIB */
+#include "sa_config.h"
+#include "numsup.h"
+#endif /* !SALONEINSTLIB */
+#include "xspect.h"
+#include "insttypes.h"
+#include "conv.h"
+#include "icoms.h"
+#include "dtp92.h"
+/* Default flow control */
+#define DEFFC fc_none
+static inst_code dtp92_interp_code(inst *pp, int ec);
+#define MAX_MES_SIZE 500 /* Maximum normal message reply size */
+#define MAX_RD_SIZE 5000 /* Maximum reading messagle reply size */
+/* Extract an error code from a reply string */
+/* Return -1 if no error code can be found */
+static int
+extract_ec(char *s) {
+ char *p;
+ char tt[3];
+ int rv;
+ p = s + strlen(s);
+ /* Find the trailing '>' */
+ for (p--; p >= s;p--) {
+ if (*p == '>')
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( (p-3) < s
+ || p[0] != '>'
+ || p[-3] != '<')
+ return -1;
+ tt[0] = p[-2];
+ tt[1] = p[-1];
+ tt[2] = '\000';
+ if (sscanf(tt,"%x",&rv) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ return rv;
+/* Interpret an icoms error into a DTP92 error */
+static int icoms2dtp92_err(int se) {
+ if (se != ICOM_OK) {
+ if (se & ICOM_TO)
+ return DTP92_TIMEOUT;
+ return DTP92_COMS_FAIL;
+ }
+ return DTP92_OK;
+/* Do a full featured command/response echange with the dtp92 */
+/* Return the dtp error code. End on the specified number */
+/* of specified characters, or expiry if the specified timeout */
+/* Assume standard error code if tc = '>' and ntc = 1 */
+/* Return a DTP92 error code */
+static int
+ struct _dtp92 *p,
+ char *in, /* In string */
+ char *out, /* Out string buffer */
+ int bsize, /* Out buffer size */
+ char tc, /* Terminating character */
+ int ntc, /* Number of terminating characters */
+ double to) { /* Timout in seconds */
+ int rv, se;
+ if ((se = p->icom->write_read(p->icom, in, out, bsize, tc, ntc, to)) != 0) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_fcommand: serial i/o failure on write_read '%s'\n",icoms_fix(in));
+ return icoms2dtp92_err(se);
+ }
+ rv = DTP92_OK;
+ if (tc == '>' && ntc == 1) {
+ rv = extract_ec(out);
+#ifdef NEVER
+ if (strcmp(in, "0PR\r") == 0)
+ rv = DTP92_NEEDS_OFFSET_DRIFT_CAL; /* Emulate 1B error */
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ if (rv > 0) {
+ rv &= inst_imask;
+ if (rv != DTP92_OK) { /* Clear the error */
+ char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
+ p->icom->write_read(p->icom, "CE\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, '>', 1, 0.5);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a1logd(p->log, 4, "dtp92_fcommand: command '%s' returned '%s', value 0x%x\n",
+ icoms_fix(in), icoms_fix(out),rv);
+ if (strcmp(in, "0PR\r") == 0 && rv == DTP92_NEEDS_OFFSET_DRIFT_CAL) {
+ static int warned = 0;
+ if (!warned) {
+ a1logw(p->log,"dtp92: Got error NEEDS_OFFSET_DRIFT_CAL on instrument reset - being ignored.");
+ warned = 1;
+ }
+ rv = 0;
+ }
+ return rv;
+/* Do a standard command/response echange with the dtp92 */
+/* Return the dtp error code */
+static inst_code
+dtp92_command(dtp92 *p, char *in, char *out, int bsize, double to) {
+ int rv = dtp92_fcommand(p, in, out, bsize, '>', 1, to);
+ return dtp92_interp_code((inst *)p, rv);
+/* Establish communications with a DTP92 */
+/* If it's a serial port, use the baud rate given, and timeout in to secs */
+/* Return DTP_COMS_FAIL on failure to establish communications */
+static inst_code
+dtp92_init_coms(inst *pp, baud_rate br, flow_control fc, double tout) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *) pp;
+ static char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
+ baud_rate brt[5] = { baud_9600, baud_19200, baud_4800, baud_2400, baud_1200 };
+ char *brc[5] = { "30BR\r", "60BR\r", "18BR\r", "0CBR\r", "06BR\r" };
+ char *fcc;
+ unsigned int etime;
+ instType itype = pp->itype;
+ int ci, bi, i, se;
+ inst_code ev = inst_ok;
+ if (p->icom->port_type(p->icom) == icomt_usb) {
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+ a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp92_init_coms: About to init USB\n");
+ /* Note that the 92Q and 94 have a different */
+ /* arrangement of end points: */
+ /* */
+ /* 92Q 94 */
+ /* --- -- */
+ /* */
+ /* 0x81 i Bulk 0x81 i Intr. */
+ /* 0x01 o Bulk */
+ /* 0x82 i Intr. */
+ /* 0x02 o Bulk 0x02 o Intr. */
+ /* */
+ /* Set config, interface, write end point, read end point, read quanta */
+ if (itype == instDTP94)
+ se = p->icom->set_usb_port(p->icom, 1, 0x02, 0x81, icomuf_none, 0, NULL);
+ else
+ se = p->icom->set_usb_port(p->icom, 1, 0x01, 0x81, icomuf_none, 0, NULL);
+ if (se != ICOM_OK) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_init_coms: set_usb_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se);
+ return dtp92_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2dtp92_err(se));
+ }
+ /* Blind reset it twice - it seems to sometimes hang up */
+ /* otherwise under OSX */
+ dtp92_command(p, "0PR\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5);
+ dtp92_command(p, "0PR\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5);
+#else /* !ENABLE_USB */
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp20: Failed to find USB connection to instrument\n");
+ return inst_coms_fail;
+#endif /* !ENABLE_USB */
+ } else {
+ a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp92_init_coms: About to init Serial I/O\n");
+ /* Deal with flow control setting */
+ if (fc == fc_nc)
+ fc = DEFFC;
+ if (fc == fc_XonXOff) {
+ fcc = "0304CF\r";
+ } else if (fc == fc_Hardware) {
+ fcc = "0104CF\r";
+ } else {
+ fc = fc_none;
+ fcc = "0004CF\r";
+ }
+ /* Figure DTP92 baud rate being asked for */
+ for (bi = 0; bi < 5; bi++) {
+ if (brt[bi] == br)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bi >= 5)
+ bi = 0;
+ /* Figure current icoms baud rate */
+ for (ci = 0; ci < 5; ci++) {
+ if (brt[ci] == p->icom->br)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ci >= 5)
+ ci = bi;
+ /* The tick to give up on */
+ etime = msec_time() + (long)(1000.0 * tout + 0.5);
+ while (msec_time() < etime) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 4, "dtp92_init_coms: Trying different baud rates (%u msec to go)\n",
+ etime - msec_time());
+ /* Until we time out, find the correct baud rate */
+ for (i = ci; msec_time() < etime;) {
+ if ((se = p->icom->set_ser_port(p->icom, fc_none, brt[i], parity_none,
+ stop_1, length_8)) != ICOM_OK) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_init_coms: set_ser_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se);
+ return dtp92_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2dtp92_err(se));
+ }
+ if (((ev = dtp92_command(p, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5)) & inst_mask)
+ != inst_coms_fail)
+ break; /* We've got coms or user abort */
+ /* Check for user abort */
+ if (p->uicallback != NULL) {
+ inst_code ev;
+ if ((ev = p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_negcoms)) == inst_user_abort) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_init_coms: user aborted\n");
+ return inst_user_abort;
+ }
+ }
+ if (++i >= 5)
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ break; /* Got coms */
+ }
+ if (msec_time() >= etime) { /* We haven't established comms */
+ return inst_coms_fail;
+ }
+ /* Set the handshaking */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, fcc, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Change the baud rate to the rate we've been told */
+ if ((se = p->icom->write_read(p->icom, brc[bi], buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, '>', 1, .2)) != 0) {
+ if (extract_ec(buf) != DTP92_OK)
+ return inst_coms_fail;
+ }
+ /* Configure our baud rate and handshaking as well */
+ if ((se = p->icom->set_ser_port(p->icom, fc, brt[bi], parity_none,
+ stop_1, length_8)) != ICOM_OK) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_init_coms: set_ser_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se);
+ return dtp92_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2dtp92_err(se));
+ }
+ /* Loose a character (not sure why) */
+ p->icom->write_read(p->icom, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, '>', 1, 0.1);
+#else /* !ENABLE_SERIAL */
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp20: Failed to find serial connection to instrument\n");
+ return inst_coms_fail;
+#endif /* !ENABLE_SERIAL */
+ }
+ /* Check instrument is responding, and reset it again. */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok
+ || (ev = dtp92_command(p, "0PR\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 2.0)) != inst_ok) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_init_coms: failed with ICOM 0x%x\n",ev);
+#ifdef NEVER /* Experimental code for fixing 0x1B "Offset Drift invalid" error */
+ if ((ev & inst_mask) == inst_hardware_fail) {
+ /* Could be a checksum type error. Try resetting to factory settings */
+ warning("Got error %s (%s) on attempting to communicate with instrument.",
+ p->inst_interp_error((inst *)p, ev), p->interp_error((inst *)p, ev));
+ if ((ev & inst_imask) == DTP92_NEEDS_OFFSET_DRIFT_CAL) {
+ char tbuf[100];
+ double odv = 0.0;
+ printf("Got Offset Drift Cal error. Will try re-writing it\n");
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "SD\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 2.0)) != inst_ok)
+ error("Reading current offset drift value failed");
+ if (sscanf(buf, "%lf<", &odv) != 1)
+ error("Unable to parse offset drift value");
+ printf("Read current offset drift value of %f\n", odv);
+ if (odv > 0.5 || odv < 0.05)
+ error("offset drift value seems like nonsense - aborting");
+ sprintf(tbuf,"%05dSD\r",(int)(odv * 100000));
+ printf("Command about to be sent is '%s', OK ? (Y/N)\n",icoms_fix(tbuf));
+ if (getchar() == 'Y') {
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, tbuf, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 6.0)) != inst_ok)
+ error("Writing offset drift value failed");
+ else
+ printf("Writing offset drift value suceeded!\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("No command written\n");
+ }
+ printf("Now try re-running program\n");
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ p->icom->del(p->icom); /* Since caller may not clean up */
+ p->icom = NULL;
+ return inst_coms_fail;
+ }
+ a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp92_init_coms: init coms has suceeded\n");
+ p->gotcoms = 1;
+ return inst_ok;
+static inst_code set_default_disp_type(dtp92 *p);
+/* Initialise the DTP92 */
+/* return non-zero on an error, with dtp error code */
+static inst_code
+dtp92_init_inst(inst *pp) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ static char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
+ inst_code ev = inst_ok;
+ a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp92_init_inst: called\n");
+ if (p->gotcoms == 0)
+ return inst_internal_error; /* Must establish coms before calling init */
+ /* Reset it ( without disconnecting USB or resetting baud rate etc.) */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0PR\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 2.0)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Get the model and version number */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "SV\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Check that it is a DTP92, DTP92Q or DTP94 */
+ if ( strlen(buf) < 12
+ || (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP92",12) != 0
+ && strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP94",12) != 0))
+ return inst_unknown_model;
+ if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP94",12) == 0)
+ p->itype = instDTP94;
+ else
+ p->itype = instDTP92;
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ /* Turn echoing of characters off */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "DEC\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ /* Set decimal point on */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0106CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ /* Set color data separator to TAB */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0207CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Set delimeter to CR */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0008CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Set extra digit resolution (X10) */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "010ACF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ /* Set absolute (luminance) calibration */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0118CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ /* Set no black point subtraction */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0019CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Set to factory calibration */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "EFC\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ if (p->itype == instDTP94) {
+ /* Compensate for offset drift */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0117CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ /* Enable ABS mode (in case firmware doesn't default to this after EFC) */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0118CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Disable -BLK mode (in case firmware doesn't default to this after EFC) */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0019CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Set to transmit just the colorimetric data */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0120CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Transmit colorimetric data as XYZ */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0221CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Disable Luminance group */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0022CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Disable Frequency group */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0023CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Disable color temperature group */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0024CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Disable RGB group */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0025CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Disable pushbutton */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "DPB\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Set sample size to 16 (default is 16) */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "10SS\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ p->trig = inst_opt_trig_user;
+ /* Set the default display type */
+ if ((ev = set_default_disp_type(p)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* ??? Need to set CTYP appropriately ??? */
+#ifdef NEVER /* Debug code */
+ if (p->itype == instDTP94) {
+ int i, val;
+ char tb[50];
+ for (i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) {
+ sprintf(tb,"%04xRN\r",i);
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, tb, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ if (sscanf(buf,"%x",&val) != 1)
+ return inst_coms_fail;
+ tb[0] = val;
+ tb[1] = '\000';
+ a1logd(p->log, 0, "Mem location 0x%04x = 0x%02x '%s'\n",i,val,icoms_fix(tb));
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ if (p->log->verb) {
+ int i, j;
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "GI\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp20: GI command failed with ICOM err 0x%x\n",ev);
+ return ev;
+ }
+ for (j = i = 0; ;i++) {
+ if (buf[i] == '<' || buf[i] == '\000')
+ break;
+ if (buf[i] == '\r') {
+ buf[i] = '\000';
+ a1logv(p->log, 1, " %s\n",&buf[j]);
+ if (buf[i+1] == '\n')
+ i++;
+ j = i+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p->inited = 1;
+ a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp92_init_inst: instrument inited OK\n");
+ return inst_ok;
+/* The DTP92 seems to have a bug whereby it adds a spurious */
+/* digit after the 'Z' of the Z value. Try and discard this. */
+/* Read a single sample */
+/* Return the dtp error code */
+static inst_code
+inst *pp,
+char *name, /* Strip name (7 chars) */
+ipatch *val, /* Pointer to instrument patch value */
+instClamping clamp) { /* NZ if clamp XYZ/Lab to be +ve */
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ char buf[MAX_RD_SIZE];
+ int tries;
+ int user_trig = 0;
+ inst_code rv = inst_protocol_error;
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ /* Could change SS to suite level expected. */
+#ifdef NEVER
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ /* Set sample size to 31 (default is 16) for low level readings */
+ if ((rv = dtp92_command(p, "1fSS\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (p->trig == inst_opt_trig_user) {
+ if (p->uicallback == NULL) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92: inst_opt_trig_user but no uicallback function set!\n");
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((rv = p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_armed)) != inst_ok) {
+ if (rv == inst_user_abort)
+ return rv; /* Abort */
+ if (rv == inst_user_trig) {
+ user_trig = 1;
+ break; /* Trigger */
+ }
+ }
+ msec_sleep(200);
+ }
+ /* Notify of trigger */
+ if (p->uicallback)
+ p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_triggered);
+ /* Progromatic Trigger */
+ } else {
+ /* Check for abort */
+ if (p->uicallback != NULL
+ && (rv = p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_armed)) == inst_user_abort)
+ return rv; /* Abort */
+ }
+ /* Until we get a valid return */
+ for (tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
+ /* Take a reading */
+ /* (DTP94 has optional parameters, but the default is what we want, XYZ in cd/m^2) */
+ if ((rv = dtp92_command(p, "RM\r", buf, MAX_RD_SIZE, 10.0)) != inst_ok) {
+ if ((rv & inst_imask) == DTP92_NEEDS_OFFSET_CAL)
+ p->need_offset_cal = 1;
+ else if ((rv & inst_imask) == DTP92_NEEDS_RATIO_CAL) /* DTP92 only */
+ p->need_ratio_cal = 1;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(buf, " X%*c %lf\t Y%*c %lf\t Z%*c %lf ",
+ &val->XYZ[0], &val->XYZ[1], &val->XYZ[2]) == 3) {
+ /* Apply the colorimeter correction matrix */
+ icmMulBy3x3(val->XYZ, p->ccmat, val->XYZ);
+ /* This may not change anything since instrument may clamp */
+ if (clamp)
+ icmClamp3(val->XYZ, val->XYZ);
+ val->loc[0] = '\000';
+ val->mtype = inst_mrt_emission;
+ val->XYZ_v = 1; /* These are absolute XYZ readings */
+ val->sp.spec_n = 0;
+ val->duration = 0.0;
+ rv = inst_ok;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_read_sample: failed to parse string '%s'\n",buf);
+ rv = inst_coms_fail;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef NEVER
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ /* Set sample size back to 16 */
+ if ((rv = dtp92_command(p, "10SS\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (user_trig)
+ return inst_user_trig;
+ return rv;
+/* Read an emissive refresh rate */
+static inst_code
+inst *pp,
+double *ref_rate
+) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ char buf[MAX_RD_SIZE];
+ char buf2[MAX_RD_SIZE];
+ double refrate = 0.0;
+ inst_code rv;
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ /* Measure the refresh rate */
+ rv = dtp92_command(p, "00103RM\r", buf, MAX_RD_SIZE, 5.0);
+ if (rv != inst_ok) {
+ if ((rv & inst_imask) == DTP92_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE)
+ rv = inst_misread;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(buf, "Hz %lf ", &refrate) != 1) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_read_refrate rate: failed to parse string '%s'\n",buf);
+ *ref_rate = 0.0;
+ return inst_misread;
+ }
+ if (refrate == 0.0) {
+ return inst_misread;
+ }
+ *ref_rate = refrate;
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Insert a colorimetric correction matrix in the instrument XYZ readings */
+/* This is only valid for colorimetric instruments. */
+/* To remove the matrix, pass NULL for the filter filename */
+static inst_code dtp92_col_cor_mat(
+inst *pp,
+double mtx[3][3]
+) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ if (mtx == NULL)
+ icmSetUnity3x3(p->ccmat);
+ else
+ icmCpy3x3(p->ccmat, mtx);
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Return needed and available inst_cal_type's */
+static inst_code dtp92_get_n_a_cals(inst *pp, inst_cal_type *pn_cals, inst_cal_type *pa_cals) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ inst_cal_type n_cals = inst_calt_none;
+ inst_cal_type a_cals = inst_calt_none;
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ if (p->need_ratio_cal)
+ n_cals |= inst_calt_emis_ratio;
+ a_cals |= inst_calt_emis_ratio;
+ }
+ if (p->need_offset_cal)
+ n_cals |= inst_calt_emis_offset;
+ a_cals |= inst_calt_emis_offset;
+ if (pn_cals != NULL)
+ *pn_cals = n_cals;
+ if (pa_cals != NULL)
+ *pa_cals = a_cals;
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Request an instrument calibration. */
+/* This is use if the user decides they want to do a calibration */
+/* in anticipation of a calibration (needs_calibration()) to avoid */
+/* requiring one during measurement, or in response to measuring */
+/* returning inst_needs_cal. Initially use an inst_cal_cond of inst_calc_none, */
+/* and then be prepared to setup the right conditions, or ask the */
+/* user to do so, each time the error inst_cal_setup is returned. */
+static inst_code dtp92_calibrate(
+inst *pp,
+inst_cal_type *calt, /* Calibration type to do/remaining */
+inst_cal_cond *calc, /* Current condition/desired condition */
+char id[CALIDLEN] /* Condition identifier (ie. white reference ID) */
+) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ char buf[MAX_RD_SIZE];
+ inst_code ev = inst_ok;
+ inst_cal_type needed, available;
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ id[0] = '\000';
+ if ((ev = dtp92_get_n_a_cals((inst *)p, &needed, &available)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ /* Translate inst_calt_all/needed into something specific */
+ if (*calt == inst_calt_all
+ || *calt == inst_calt_needed
+ || *calt == inst_calt_available) {
+ if (*calt == inst_calt_all)
+ *calt = (needed & inst_calt_n_dfrble_mask) | inst_calt_ap_flag;
+ else if (*calt == inst_calt_needed)
+ *calt = needed & inst_calt_n_dfrble_mask;
+ else if (*calt == inst_calt_available)
+ *calt = available & inst_calt_n_dfrble_mask;
+ a1logd(p->log,4,"dtp92_calibrate: doing calt 0x%x\n",calt);
+ if ((*calt & inst_calt_n_dfrble_mask) == 0) /* Nothing todo */
+ return inst_ok;
+ }
+ /* See if it's a calibration we understand */
+ if (*calt & ~available & inst_calt_all_mask) {
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ }
+ if (*calt & inst_calt_emis_offset) { /* Dark offset calibration */
+ if (*calc != inst_calc_man_em_dark) {
+ *calc = inst_calc_man_em_dark;
+ return inst_cal_setup;
+ }
+ /* Do offset calibration */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "CO\r", buf, MAX_RD_SIZE, 12)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ *calt &= inst_calt_emis_offset;
+ }
+ if (*calt & inst_calt_emis_ratio) { /* Cell ratio calibration */
+ if (*calc != inst_calc_emis_grey
+ && *calc != inst_calc_emis_grey_darker
+ && *calc != inst_calc_emis_grey_ligher) {
+ *calc = inst_calc_emis_grey;
+ return inst_cal_setup;
+ }
+ /* Do ratio calibration */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "CR\r", buf, MAX_RD_SIZE, 25.0)) != inst_ok) {
+ if ((ev & inst_imask) == DTP92_TOO_MUCH_LIGHT) {
+ *calc = inst_calc_emis_grey_darker;
+ return inst_cal_setup;
+ } else if ((ev & inst_imask) == DTP92_NOT_ENOUGH_LIGHT) {
+ *calc = inst_calc_emis_grey_ligher;
+ return inst_cal_setup;
+ }
+ return ev; /* Error */
+ }
+ *calt &= inst_calt_emis_ratio;
+ }
+ return ev;
+/* Return the last reading refresh rate in Hz. */
+static inst_code dtp92_get_refr_rate(inst *pp,
+double *ref_rate
+) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ char buf[MAX_RD_SIZE];
+ char buf2[MAX_RD_SIZE];
+ double refrate = 0.0;
+ inst_code rv;
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ /* Get the last readings refresh rate */
+ rv = dtp92_command(p, "10103RM\r", buf, MAX_RD_SIZE, 5.0);
+ if (rv != inst_ok) {
+ if ((rv & inst_imask) == DTP92_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE)
+ rv = inst_misread;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(buf, "Hz %lf ", &refrate) != 1) {
+ a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp92_read_refresh rate: failed to parse string '%s'\n",buf);
+ *ref_rate = 0.0;
+ return inst_misread;
+ }
+ if (refrate == 0.0) {
+ return inst_misread;
+ }
+ *ref_rate = refrate;
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Set the calibrated refresh rate in Hz. */
+/* Set refresh rate to 0.0 to mark it as invalid */
+/* Rates outside the range 5.0 to 150.0 Hz will return an error */
+static inst_code dtp92_set_refr_rate(inst *pp,
+double ref_rate
+) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ /* The DTP92 can't have a refresh rate set */
+ return inst_unsupported;
+/* Error codes interpretation */
+static char *
+dtp92_interp_error(inst *pp, int ec) {
+// dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ ec &= inst_imask;
+ switch (ec) {
+ return "Internal software error";
+ case DTP92_COMS_FAIL:
+ return "Communications failure";
+ return "Not a DTP92 or DTP94";
+ return "Data from DTP didn't parse as expected";
+ case DTP92_OK:
+ return "No device error";
+ return "Unrecognized command";
+ case DTP92_PRM_RANGE:
+ return "Command parameter out of range";
+ return "Memory bounds error";
+ return "Invalid baud rate";
+ case DTP92_TIMEOUT:
+ return "Receive timeout";
+ return "Badly formed parameter";
+ return "No data available";
+ return "Paramter is missing";
+ return "Invalid calibration enable code";
+ return "Offset calibration checksum failed";
+ return "Ratio calibration checksum failed";
+ return "Luminance calibration checksum failed";
+ return "White point calibration checksum failed";
+ return "Black point calibration checksum failed";
+ return "Offset drift calibration checksum failed";
+ return "Unable to take a reading";
+ return "Bad compensation table";
+ return "Too much light entering instrument";
+ return "Not enough light to complete operation";
+ return "New serial number is invalid";
+ return "No refresh modulation detected";
+ return "EEprom write failure";
+ return "Flash memory write failure";
+ return "Configuration data checksum failed";
+ return "Internal instrument error";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown error code";
+ }
+/* Convert a machine specific error code into an abstract dtp code */
+static inst_code
+dtp92_interp_code(inst *pp, int ec) {
+ ec &= inst_imask;
+ switch (ec) {
+ case DTP92_OK:
+ return inst_ok;
+ return inst_internal_error | ec;
+ case DTP92_COMS_FAIL:
+ return inst_coms_fail | ec;
+ return inst_unknown_model | ec;
+ return inst_protocol_error | ec;
+ case DTP92_NO_MODULATION: /* ?? */
+ return inst_misread | ec;
+ return inst_needs_cal | ec;
+ return inst_needs_cal | ec;
+ return inst_hardware_fail | ec;
+ }
+ return inst_other_error | ec;
+/* Destroy ourselves */
+static void
+dtp92_del(inst *pp) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ if (p->icom != NULL)
+ p->icom->del(p->icom);
+ inst_del_disptype_list(p->dtlist, p->ndtlist);
+ free(p);
+/* Return the instrument mode capabilities */
+void dtp92_capabilities(inst *pp,
+inst_mode *pcap1,
+inst2_capability *pcap2,
+inst3_capability *pcap3) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ inst_mode cap1 = 0;
+ inst2_capability cap2 = 0;
+ cap1 |= inst_mode_emis_spot
+ | inst_mode_colorimeter
+ ;
+ cap2 |= inst2_prog_trig
+ | inst2_user_trig
+ | inst2_ccmx
+ ; /* The '92 does have a switch, but we're not currently supporting it */
+ if (p->itype == instDTP94) {
+ cap2 |= inst2_disptype;
+ } else {
+ cap2 |= inst2_refresh_rate;
+ cap2 |= inst2_emis_refr_meas;
+ }
+ if (pcap1 != NULL)
+ *pcap1 = cap1;
+ if (pcap2 != NULL)
+ *pcap2 = cap2;
+ if (pcap3 != NULL)
+ *pcap3 = inst3_none;
+/* Check device measurement mode */
+inst_code dtp92_check_mode(inst *pp, inst_mode m) {
+ inst_mode cap;
+ if (!pp->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!pp->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ pp->capabilities(pp, &cap, NULL, NULL);
+ /* Simple test */
+ if (m & ~cap)
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ /* Only display emission mode supported */
+ if (!IMODETST(m, inst_mode_emis_spot)) {
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ }
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Set device measurement mode */
+inst_code dtp92_set_mode(inst *pp, inst_mode m) {
+ inst_code ev;
+ if ((ev = dtp92_check_mode(pp, m)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ return inst_ok;
+inst_disptypesel dtp92_disptypesel[2] = {
+ {
+ inst_dtflags_default, /* flags */
+ 2, /* cbid */
+ "c", /* sel */
+ "CRT display", /* desc */
+ 1, /* refr */
+ 0 /* ix */
+ },
+ {
+ inst_dtflags_end,
+ 0,
+ "",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 0
+ }
+inst_disptypesel dtp94_disptypesel[4] = {
+ {
+ inst_dtflags_default,
+ 1,
+ "l",
+ "LCD display",
+ 0,
+ 2
+ },
+ {
+ inst_dtflags_none, /* flags */
+ 2, /* cbid */
+ "c", /* sel */
+ "CRT display", /* desc */
+ 1, /* refr */
+ 1 /* ix */
+ },
+ {
+ inst_dtflags_none,
+ 3,
+ "g",
+ "Generic display",
+ 0, /* Might be auto refresh detect ? */
+ 0
+ },
+ {
+ inst_dtflags_end,
+ 0,
+ "",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 0
+ }
+static void set_base_disptype_list(dtp92 *p) {
+ if (p->itype == instDTP94) {
+ p->_dtlist = dtp94_disptypesel;
+ } else {
+ p->_dtlist = dtp92_disptypesel;
+ }
+/* Get mode and option details */
+static inst_code dtp92_get_disptypesel(
+inst *pp,
+int *pnsels, /* Return number of display types */
+inst_disptypesel **psels, /* Return the array of display types */
+int allconfig, /* nz to return list for all configs, not just current. */
+int recreate /* nz to re-check for new ccmx & ccss files */
+) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ inst_code rv = inst_ok;
+ /* Create/Re-create a current list of abailable display types */
+ if (p->dtlist == NULL || recreate) {
+ if ((rv = inst_creat_disptype_list(pp, &p->ndtlist, &p->dtlist,
+ p->_dtlist, 0 /* doccss*/, 1 /* doccmx */)) != inst_ok)
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (pnsels != NULL)
+ *pnsels = p->ndtlist;
+ if (psels != NULL)
+ *psels = p->dtlist;
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Given a display type entry, setup for that type */
+static inst_code set_disp_type(dtp92 *p, inst_disptypesel *dentry) {
+ p->icx = dentry->ix;
+ p->cbid = dentry->cbid;
+ p->refrmode = dentry->refr;
+ if (p->itype == instDTP92) {
+ if (p->icx != 0)
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ } else { /* DTP94 */
+ static char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
+ inst_code ev;
+ if (p->icx == 0) { /* Generic/Non-specific */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0016CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ } else if (p->icx == 1) { /* CRT */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0116CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ } else if (p->icx == 2) { /* LCD */
+ if ((ev = dtp92_command(p, "0216CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ } else {
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dentry->flags & inst_dtflags_ccmx) {
+ icmCpy3x3(p->ccmat, dentry->mat);
+ } else {
+ icmSetUnity3x3(p->ccmat);
+ }
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Setup the default display type */
+static inst_code set_default_disp_type(dtp92 *p) {
+ inst_code ev;
+ int i;
+ if (p->dtlist == NULL) {
+ if ((ev = inst_creat_disptype_list((inst *)p, &p->ndtlist, &p->dtlist,
+ p->_dtlist, 0 /* doccss*/, 1 /* doccmx */)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; !(p->dtlist[i].flags & inst_dtflags_end); i++) {
+ if (p->dtlist[i].flags & inst_dtflags_default)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p->dtlist[i].flags & inst_dtflags_end) {
+ a1loge(p->log, 1, "set_default_disp_type: failed to find type!\n");
+ return inst_internal_error;
+ }
+ if ((ev = set_disp_type(p, &p->dtlist[i])) != inst_ok) {
+ return ev;
+ }
+ return inst_ok;
+/* Set the display type */
+static inst_code dtp92_set_disptype(inst *pp, int ix) {
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ inst_code ev;
+ inst_disptypesel *dentry;
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ if (p->dtlist == NULL) {
+ if ((ev = inst_creat_disptype_list(pp, &p->ndtlist, &p->dtlist,
+ p->_dtlist, 0 /* doccss*/, 1 /* doccmx */)) != inst_ok)
+ return ev;
+ }
+ if (ix < 0 || ix >= p->ndtlist)
+ return inst_unsupported;
+ dentry = &p->dtlist[ix];
+ if ((ev = set_disp_type(p, dentry)) != inst_ok) {
+ return ev;
+ }
+ return inst_ok;
+ * set or reset an optional mode
+ *
+ * Some options talk to the instrument, and these will
+ * error if it hasn't been initialised.
+ */
+static inst_code
+dtp92_get_set_opt(inst *pp, inst_opt_type m, ...)
+ dtp92 *p = (dtp92 *)pp;
+ char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
+ inst_code ev = inst_ok;
+ /* Record the trigger mode */
+ if (m == inst_opt_trig_prog
+ || m == inst_opt_trig_user) {
+ p->trig = m;
+ return inst_ok;
+ }
+ if (!p->gotcoms)
+ return inst_no_coms;
+ if (!p->inited)
+ return inst_no_init;
+ /* Get the display type information */
+ if (m == inst_opt_get_dtinfo) {
+ va_list args;
+ int *refrmode, *cbid;
+ va_start(args, m);
+ refrmode = va_arg(args, int *);
+ cbid = va_arg(args, int *);
+ va_end(args);
+ if (refrmode != NULL)
+ *refrmode = p->refrmode;
+ if (cbid != NULL)
+ *cbid = p->cbid;
+ return inst_ok;
+ }
+ return inst_unsupported;
+/* Constructor */
+extern dtp92 *new_dtp92(icoms *icom, instType itype) {
+ dtp92 *p;
+ if ((p = (dtp92 *)calloc(sizeof(dtp92),1)) == NULL) {
+ a1loge(icom->log, 1, "new_dtp92: malloc failed!\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p->log = new_a1log_d(icom->log);
+ p->init_coms = dtp92_init_coms;
+ p->init_inst = dtp92_init_inst;
+ p->capabilities = dtp92_capabilities;
+ p->check_mode = dtp92_check_mode;
+ p->set_mode = dtp92_set_mode;
+ p->get_disptypesel = dtp92_get_disptypesel;
+ p->set_disptype = dtp92_set_disptype;
+ p->get_set_opt = dtp92_get_set_opt;
+ p->read_sample = dtp92_read_sample;
+ p->read_refrate = dtp92_read_refrate;
+ p->get_n_a_cals = dtp92_get_n_a_cals;
+ p->calibrate = dtp92_calibrate;
+ p->col_cor_mat = dtp92_col_cor_mat;
+ p->get_refr_rate = dtp92_get_refr_rate;
+ p->set_refr_rate = dtp92_set_refr_rate;
+ p->interp_error = dtp92_interp_error;
+ p->del = dtp92_del;
+ p->icom = icom;
+ p->itype = icom->itype;
+ icmSetUnity3x3(p->ccmat); /* Set the colorimeter correction matrix to do nothing */
+ set_base_disptype_list(p);
+ return p;