path: root/spectro/icoms.h
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
commit22f703cab05b7cd368f4de9e03991b7664dc5022 (patch)
tree6f4d50beaa42328e24b1c6b56b6ec059e4ef21a5 /spectro/icoms.h
Initial import of argyll version 1.5.1-8debian/1.5.1-8
Diffstat (limited to 'spectro/icoms.h')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spectro/icoms.h b/spectro/icoms.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac351a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spectro/icoms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+#ifndef ICOMS_H
+ /* An abstracted instrument serial and USB communication class. */
+ * Argyll Color Correction System
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 2006/4/20
+ *
+ * Copyright 1996 - 2013 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 or later :-
+ * see the License2.txt file for licencing details.
+ *
+ * Derived from serio.h
+ */
+ Notes: The user keyboard/interrupt handling is really broken.
+ It's not noticed most of the time because mostly keys are only
+ hit at the expected times. Serial instruments (X-Rite) are more
+ forgiving in interrupting coms to/from the instrument, as well
+ as being long winded and needing abort. For USB insruments it's
+ not necessarily robust to interrupt or terminate after a give
+ USB transaction. The handling of user commands and aborts
+ is not consistent either, possibly leaving some instruments
+ suseptable to bodgy results due to an unrecognised aborted
+ command. Really, the instrument driver should deterimine
+ at what points an operation can be aborted, and how to recover.
+ Because the instrument itself can be a source of commands,
+ some way of waiting for instrument or user input is needed.
+ Could a threaded approach with instrument abort work ?
+/* Some MSWin specific stuff is in icoms, and used by usbio & hidio */
+#if defined (NT)
+#if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0501
+# if defined(_WIN32_WINNT)
+# undef _WIN32_WINNT
+# endif
+# define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+#undef QUIET_MEMCHECKERS /* #define to memset coms read buffers before reading */
+typedef struct _icompath icompath;
+typedef struct _icompaths icompaths;
+typedef struct _icoms icoms;
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+struct usb_idevice; /* Forward declarations */
+struct hid_idevice;
+/* Information about each end point */
+typedef struct {
+ int valid; /* Flag, nz if this endpoint is valid */
+ int addr; /* Address of end point */
+ int packetsize; /* The max packet size */
+ int type; /* 2 = bulk, 3 = interrupt */
+ int interface; /* interface number */
+ int pipe; /* pipe number (1..N, OS X only) */
+} usb_ep;
+#define ICOM_EP_TYPE_BULK 2
+#include "usbio.h"
+#include "hidio.h"
+#endif /* ENABLE_USB */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Store information about a possible instrument communication path */
+/* (Note a path doesn't have a reference to icompaths or its' log) */
+struct _icompath{
+ char *name; /* instance description */
+ char *spath; /* Serial device path */
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+ int nep; /* Number of end points */
+ unsigned int vid, pid; /* USB vendor and product id's */
+ struct usb_idevice *usbd; /* USB port, NULL if not USB */
+ struct hid_idevice *hidd; /* HID port, NULL if not HID */
+#endif /* ENABLE_USB */
+ instType itype; /* Type of instrument if known */
+extern icompath icomFakeDevice; /* Declare fake device */
+/* The available instrument communication paths */
+struct _icompaths {
+ int npaths; /* Number of paths */
+ icompath **paths; /* Paths if any */
+ a1log *log; /* Verbose, debuge & error logging */
+ /* Re-populate the available instrument list */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*refresh)(struct _icompaths *p);
+ /* Add a serial path. path is copied. Return icom error */
+ int (*add_serial)(struct _icompaths *p, char *name, char *spath);
+#endif /* ENABLE_SERIAL */
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+ /* Add a usb path. usbd is taken, others are copied. Return icom error */
+ int (*add_usb)(struct _icompaths *p, char *name, unsigned int vid, unsigned int pid,
+ int nep, struct usb_idevice *usbd, instType itype);
+ /* Add an hid path. hidd is taken, others are copied. Return icom error */
+ int (*add_hid)(struct _icompaths *p, char *name, unsigned int vid, unsigned int pid,
+ int nep, struct hid_idevice *hidd, instType itype);
+#endif /* ENABLE_USB */
+ /* Return the path corresponding to the port number, or NULL if out of range */
+ icompath *(*get_path)(
+ struct _icompaths *p,
+ int port); /* Enumerated port number, 1..n */
+ /* Clear all the paths */
+ void (*clear)(struct _icompaths *p);
+ /* We're done */
+ void (*del)(struct _icompaths *p);
+/* Allocate an icom paths and set it to the list of available devices */
+/* Return NULL on error */
+icompaths *new_icompaths(a1log *log);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Serial related stuff */
+/* Flow control */
+typedef enum {
+ fc_nc = 0, /* not configured/default */
+ fc_none,
+ fc_XonXOff,
+ fc_Hardware
+} flow_control;
+/* baud rate available on all systems */
+typedef enum {
+ baud_nc = 0, /* Not Configured */
+ baud_110 = 1,
+ baud_300 = 2,
+ baud_600 = 3,
+ baud_1200 = 4,
+ baud_2400 = 5,
+ baud_4800 = 6,
+ baud_9600 = 7,
+ baud_14400 = 8,
+ baud_19200 = 9,
+ baud_38400 = 10,
+ baud_57600 = 11,
+ baud_115200 = 12
+} baud_rate;
+/* Possible parity */
+typedef enum {
+ parity_nc,
+ parity_none,
+ parity_odd,
+ parity_even
+} parity;
+/* Possible stop bits */
+typedef enum {
+ stop_nc,
+ stop_1,
+ stop_2
+} stop_bits;
+/* Possible word length */
+typedef enum {
+ length_nc,
+ length_5,
+ length_6,
+ length_7,
+ length_8
+} word_length;
+/* USB open/handling/buf workaround flags */
+typedef enum {
+ icomuf_none = 0x0000,
+ icomuf_detach = 0x0001, /* Attempt to detach from system driver */
+ icomuf_no_open_clear = 0x0001, /* Don't send a clear_halt after opening the port */
+ icomuf_reset_before_close = 0x0004, /* Reset port before closing it */
+ icomuf_resetep_before_read = 0x0008 /* Do a usb_resetep before each ep read */
+} icomuflags;
+/* Type of port */
+typedef enum {
+ icomt_serial, /* Serial port */
+ icomt_usb, /* USB port */
+ icomt_hid /* HID (USB) port */
+} icom_type;
+/* Status bits/return values */
+#define ICOM_OK 0x000000 /* No error */
+#define ICOM_NOTS 0x001000 /* Not supported */
+#define ICOM_SIZE 0x002000 /* Request/response size exceeded limits */
+#define ICOM_TO 0x004000 /* Timed out */
+#define ICOM_SHORT 0x008000 /* Number of bytes wasn't read/written */
+#define ICOM_CANC 0x010000 /* Was cancelled */
+#define ICOM_SYS 0x020000 /* System error (ie. malloc, system call fail) */
+#define ICOM_VER 0x040000 /* Version error - need up to date kernel driver */
+#define ICOM_USBR 0x000100 /* Unspecified USB read error */
+#define ICOM_USBW 0x000200 /* Unspecified USB write error */
+#define ICOM_SERR 0x000400 /* Unspecified Serial read error */
+#define ICOM_SERW 0x000800 /* Unspecified Serial write error */
+#define ICOM_XRE 0x000040 /* Xmit shift reg empty */
+#define ICOM_XHE 0x000020 /* Xmit hold reg empty */
+#define ICOM_BRK 0x000010 /* Break detected */
+#define ICOM_FER 0x000008 /* Framing error */
+#define ICOM_PER 0x000004 /* Parity error */
+#define ICOM_OER 0x000002 /* Overun error */
+#define ICOM_DRY 0x000001 /* Recv data ready */
+/* Cancelation token. */
+typedef struct _usb_cancelt usb_cancelt;
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+void usb_init_cancel(usb_cancelt *p);
+void usb_uninit_cancel(usb_cancelt *p);
+struct _icoms {
+ /* Private: */
+ /* Copy of some of icompath contents: */
+ char *name; /* Device description */
+ instType itype; /* Type of instrument if known */
+ int is_open; /* Flag, NZ if this port is open */
+ /* Serial port parameters */
+ char *spath; /* Serial port path */
+#if defined (MSDOS)
+ unsigned short porta; /* Hardware port address */
+#if defined (NT)
+ HANDLE phandle; /* NT handle */
+#if defined (UNIX) || defined(__APPLE__)
+ int fd; /* Unix file descriptor */
+ flow_control fc;
+ baud_rate br;
+ parity py;
+ stop_bits sb;
+ word_length wl;
+#endif /* ENABLE_SERIAL */
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+ /* USB port parameters */
+ struct usb_idevice *usbd; /* USB port - copy of ppath->usbd */
+#ifndef NATIVE_USB /* Hmm. could put all this within usb_idevice if not #defined ? */
+# ifdef USE_LIBUSB1
+ libusb_device_handle *usbh;
+# else
+ struct usb_dev_handle *usbh;
+# endif
+ icomuflags uflags; /* Bug workaround flags */
+ unsigned int vid, pid; /* USB vendor and product id's, used to distiguish instruments */
+ int nconfig; /* Number of configurations */
+ int config; /* Config this info applies to (always 1 ?) */
+ int cconfig; /* Current configuration (0 or 1 ?) */
+ int nifce; /* Number of interfaces */
+ int nep; /* Number of end points */
+ int wr_ep, rd_ep; /* Default end points to use for "serial" read/write */
+ int rd_qa; /* Read quanta size */
+ usb_ep ep[32]; /* Information about each end point for general usb i/o */
+/* Macro to access end point information */
+#define EPINFO(addr) ep[((addr >> 3) & 0x10) + (addr & 0x0f)]
+ /* HID port parameters */
+ struct hid_idevice *hidd; /* HID port - copy of ppath->hidd */
+#endif /* ENABLE_USB */
+ /* General parameters */
+ int lserr; /* Last serial communication error code */
+ int tc; /* Current serial parser termination character (-1 if not set) */
+ a1log *log; /* Debug & Error log */
+ int debug; /* legacy - Flag, nz to print instrument io info to stderr */
+ /* Linked list to automate SIGKILL cleanup */
+ struct _icoms *next;
+ /* Public: */
+ /* Return the port type */
+ icom_type (*port_type)(struct _icoms *p);
+ /* Select the serial communications port and characteristics */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*set_ser_port)(
+ struct _icoms *p,
+ flow_control fc, /* Flow control */
+ baud_rate baud,
+ parity parity,
+ stop_bits stop_bits,
+ word_length word_length);
+#endif /* ENABLE_SERIAL */
+#ifdef ENABLE_USB
+ /* Select the USB communications port and characteristics */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*set_usb_port)(
+ struct _icoms *p,
+ int config, /* Configuration */
+ int wr_ep, /* "serial" write end point */
+ int rd_ep, /* "serial" read end point */
+ icomuflags usbflags, /* Any special handling flags */
+ int retries, /* > 0 if we should retry set_configuration (100msec) */
+ char **pnames /* List of process names to try and kill before opening */
+ );
+ /* Select the HID communications port and characteristics */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*set_hid_port)(
+ struct _icoms *p,
+ icomuflags usbflags, /* Any special handling flags */
+ int retries, /* > 0 if we should retry set_configuration (100msec) */
+ char **pnames /* List of process names to try and kill before opening */
+ );
+#endif /* ENABLE_USB */
+ /* Close the port */
+ void (*close_port)(struct _icoms *p);
+ /* "Serial" write the characters in the buffer out */
+ /* Data will be written up to the terminating nul. */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*write)(
+ struct _icoms *p,
+ char *buf,
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* "Serial" read characters into the buffer */
+ /* The returned data will be terminated by a nul. */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*read)(
+ struct _icoms *p,
+ char *buf, /* Buffer to store characters read */
+ int bsize, /* Buffer size */
+ char tc, /* Terminating character */
+ int ntc, /* Number of terminating characters */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* "Serial" write and read */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*write_read)(
+ struct _icoms *p,
+ char *wbuf, /* Write puffer */
+ char *rbuf, /* Read buffer */
+ int bsize, /* Buffer size */
+ char tc, /* Terminating characer */
+ int ntc, /* Number of terminating characters */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* For a USB device, do a control message */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*usb_control)(struct _icoms *p,
+ int requesttype, /* 8 bit request type (USB bmRequestType) */
+ int request, /* 8 bit request code (USB bRequest) */
+ int value, /* 16 bit value (USB wValue, sent little endian) */
+ int index, /* 16 bit index (USB wIndex, sent little endian) */
+ unsigned char *rwbuf, /* Read or write buffer */
+ int rwsize, /* Bytes to read or write */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* For a USB device, do a bulk or interrupt read from an end point */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*usb_read)(struct _icoms *p,
+ usb_cancelt *cancelt, /* Optionaly tokem that can be used to cancel */
+ int ep, /* End point address */
+ unsigned char *buf, /* Read buffer */
+ int bsize, /* Bytes to read or write */
+ int *bread, /* Bytes read */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* For a USB device, do a bulk or interrupt write to an end point */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*usb_write)(struct _icoms *p,
+ usb_cancelt *cancelt, /* Optionaly tokem that can be used to cancel */
+ int ep, /* End point address */
+ unsigned char *wbuf, /* Write buffer */
+ int wsize, /* Bytes to or write */
+ int *bwritten, /* Bytes written */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* Cancel a read/write in another thread */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*usb_cancel_io)(struct _icoms *p,
+ usb_cancelt *cantelt); /* Cancel handle */
+ /* Reset and end point toggle state to 0 */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*usb_resetep)(struct _icoms *p,
+ int ep); /* End point address */
+ /* Clear an end point halt */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*usb_clearhalt)(struct _icoms *p,
+ int ep); /* End point address */
+ /* For an HID device, read a message from the device. */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*hid_read)(struct _icoms *p,
+ unsigned char *buf, /* Read buffer */
+ int bsize, /* Bytes to read or write */
+ int *bread, /* Bytes read */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* For an HID device, write a message to the device */
+ /* return icom error */
+ int (*hid_write)(struct _icoms *p,
+ unsigned char *wbuf, /* Write buffer */
+ int wsize, /* Bytes to or write */
+ int *bwritten, /* Bytes written */
+ double tout); /* Timeout in seconds */
+ /* Destroy ourselves */
+ void (*del)(struct _icoms *p);
+/* Constructor */
+extern icoms *new_icoms(icompath *ipath, a1log *log);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- */
+/* Utilities */
+/* Convert control chars to ^[A-Z] notation in a string */
+char *icoms_fix(char *s);
+/* Convert a limited binary buffer to a list of hex */
+char *icoms_tohex(unsigned char *s, int len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+#define ICOMS_H
+#endif /* ICOMS_H */