path: root/gamut/gamut.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gamut/gamut.c')
1 files changed, 7136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gamut/gamut.c b/gamut/gamut.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052b8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gamut/gamut.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7136 @@
+ * gamut
+ *
+ * Gamut support routines.
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 9/3/2000
+ * Version: 1.00
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 - 2006 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+ The gamut boundary is comuted using a variation of
+ Jan Morovic's Segment Maximum approach. The variations
+ are:
+ The segments are filtered with an adaptive depth structure,
+ so that approximately the same detail is kept on the gamut
+ surface. Multiple direction vectors at each point are retained.
+ The resultant points are used to create the overal convex
+ jull, but in an adaptive, non-linearly scaled radial space,
+ that allows for convexity in the PCS result.
+/* TTBD:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "icc.h"
+#include "numlib.h"
+#include "vrml.h"
+#include "gamut.h"
+#include "cgats.h"
+#include "sort.h" /* ../h sort macro */
+#include "counters.h" /* ../h counter macros */
+#include "xlist.h" /* ../h expandable list macros */
+#define DO_TWOPASS /* Second pass with adjustment based on first pass */
+#define FAKE_SEED_SIZE 0.1 /* Usually 0.1 */
+#define TRIANG_TOL 1e-10 /* Triangulation tollerance, usually 1e-10 */
+#define NORM_LOG_POW 0.25 /* Normal, colorspace lopow value */
+#define RAST_LOG_POW 0.05 /* Raster lopow value */
+#undef TEST_CONVEX_HULL /* Use pure convex hull, not log hull */
+#undef DEBUG_TRIANG /* Enable detailed triangulation debugging */
+#undef DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML /* Create debug.wrl for each step of triangulation */
+ /* (Only on second pass if #define DO_TWOPASS) */
+#undef DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML_STEP /* Wait for return after each step */
+#undef DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML /* Create debug.wrl for each step of triangle plane split */
+#undef TEST_NOSORT /* Turn off sorted insersion of verticies */
+#undef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */
+#undef SHOW_SPHERE /* Show surface on sphere */
+#undef SHOW_HULL_PNTS /* Show log() length convex hull points */
+#undef ASSERTS /* Do internal checking */
+#undef INTERSECT_DEBUG /* Turn on compute_vector_isect debugging, inc isect.wrl plot */
+#undef INTERSECT_VERIFY /* Verify compute_vector_isect against brute force search */
+/* These routines support:
+ representing the 3D gamut boundary of a device or image as
+ radial surface height, described by a triangular poligon hull.
+ Interogate the surface to find the point lying on the hull
+ in the same radial direction as the query point.
+ Interogate the surface to find the point lying on the hull
+ that is the closest to the query point.
+ Save the gamut as a vrml format viewable file.
+ Save the gamut as a CGATS format .gam file.
+ */
+/* TTBD:
+ *
+ * Would be nice to take the exact colorspace specification
+ * (ie. Lab vs. Jab + viewing conditions), and store them
+ * in the .gam file, so that a warning can be issued if
+ * the gamut colorspace is a mismatch in icclink, or to be able
+ * to translate the verticies into the correct colorespace.
+ *
+ * Add interface to transform all the nodes, while
+ * keeping structure (For use within gamut map, or
+ * transforming existing gamut from Lab to Jab etc.)
+ *
+ * Add inteface to fetch the triangle information ?
+ *
+ * Need to cleanup error handling. We just exit() at the moment.
+ *
+ * Replace BSP tree optmisation with ball tree, to speedup
+ * radial, nearest, and vector search ?
+ *
+ * The log surface stuff is a compromise, that ends up with
+ * some dings and nicks, and a not fully detailed/smooth surface.
+ * The fundamental limitation is the use of the Delaunay triangulation
+ * criteria, and the triangulation algorithm dependence on it for consistency.
+ * Want to switch to triangulation algorithm that doesn't
+ * depend on this, and can triangulate concave objects,
+ * so that something like alpha-shapes criteria can be
+ * used to filter out non surface points. Inserting verticies
+ * from largest radius to smallest seems to do the right thing
+ * with cusp ridges, and this property needs to be retained.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
+static void triangulate(gamut *s);
+static void del_gamut(gamut *s);
+static gvert *expand_gamut(gamut *s, double in[3]);
+static double getsres(gamut *s);
+static int getisjab(gamut *s);
+static int getisrast(gamut *s);
+static void setnofilt(gamut *s);
+static void getcent(gamut *s, double *cent);
+static void getrange(gamut *s, double *min, double *max);
+static int compatible(gamut *s, gamut *t);
+static int nrawverts(gamut *s);
+static int getrawvert(gamut *s, double pos[3], int ix);
+static int nraw0verts(gamut *s);
+static int getraw0vert(gamut *s, double pos[3], int ix);
+static int nverts(gamut *s);
+static int getvert(gamut *s, double *rad, double pos[3], int ix);
+static int nssverts(gamut *s, double xvra);
+static int getssvert(gamut *s, double *rad, double pos[3], double norm[3], int ix);
+static void startnexttri(gamut *s);
+static int getnexttri(gamut *s, int v[3]);
+static double volume(gamut *s);
+static int write_trans_vrml(gamut *s, char *filename, int doaxes, int docusps,
+ void (*transform)(void *cntx, double out[3], double in[3]), void *cntx);
+static int write_vrml(gamut *s, char *filename, int doaxes, int docusps);
+static int write_gam(gamut *s, char *filename);
+static int read_gam(gamut *s, char *filename);
+static double radial(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3]);
+static double nradial(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3]);
+static void nearest(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3]);
+static void nearest_tri(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3], gtri **ctri);
+static void setwb(gamut *s, double *wp, double *bp, double *kp);
+static int getwb(gamut *s, double *cswp, double *csbp, double *cskp, double *gawp, double *gabp, double *gakp);
+static void setcusps(gamut *s, int flag, double in[3]);
+static int getcusps(gamut *s, double cusps[6][3]);
+static int compute_vector_isect(gamut *s, double *p1, double *p2, double *min, double *max,
+ double *mint, double *maxt, gtri **mntri, gtri **mxtri);
+static int compute_vector_isectns(gamut *s, double *p1, double *p2, gispnt *lp, int ll);
+static double log_scale(gamut *s, double ss);
+static int intersect(gamut *s, gamut *s1, gamut *s2);
+static int compdstgamut(gamut *s, gamut *img, gamut *src, gamut *dst, int docomp, int doexp,
+ gamut *nedst, void (*cvect)(void *cntx, double *vec, double *pos), void *cntx);
+static int vect_intersect(gamut *s, double *rvp, double *ip, double *p1, double *p2, gtri *t);
+/* in isecvol.c: */
+extern double isect_volume(gamut *s1, gamut *s2);
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Generic hue directions in degrees for Lab and Jab */
+/* Must be in increasing order */
+double gam_hues[2][7] = {
+ {
+ /* Lab */
+ 36.0, /* Red */
+ 101.0, /* Yellow */
+ 149.0, /* Green */
+ 225.0, /* Cyan */
+ 300.0, /* Blue */
+ 337.0, /* Magenta */
+ 36.0 + 360.0 /* Red */
+ },
+ {
+ /* Jab */
+ 28.0, /* Red */
+ 101.0, /* Yellow */
+ 148.0, /* Green */
+ 211.0, /* Cyan */
+// 269.0, /* Blue */
+ 250.0, /* Blue */
+ 346.0, /* Magenta */
+ 28.0 + 360.0 /* Red */
+ }
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+gvert *new_gvert(
+gamut *s,
+gquad *p, /* Parent quad (may be NULL) */
+int i, /* Intended node in quad */
+int f, /* Flag value to be OR'ed */
+double pp[3], /* Point in xyz rectangular coordinates, absolute */
+double rr[3], /* Radial coordinates */
+double lrr0, /* log scaled rr[0] */
+double sp[3], /* Point mapped to surface of unit sphere, relative to center */
+double ch[3] /* Point mapped for convex hull testing, relative to center */
+) {
+ gvert *v;
+ if (s->doingfake == 0 && s->ul != NULL) { /* There is an unused one available */
+ v = s->ul;
+ s->ul = v->ul;
+ } else { /* Allocate a new one */
+ if (s->nv >= s->na) { /* We need a new slot in the list */
+ if (s->na == 0) {
+ s->na = 5;
+ if ((s->verts = (gvert **)malloc(s->na * sizeof(gvert *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on %d gvert pointer\n",s->na);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ s->na *= 2;
+ if ((s->verts = (gvert **)realloc(s->verts, s->na * sizeof(gvert *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: realloc failed on %d gvert pointer\n",s->na);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((v = (gvert *)calloc(1, sizeof(gvert))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on gvert object\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ s->verts[s->nv] = v;
+ v->n = s->nv++;
+ }
+ v->tag = 1;
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ v->w = 0.5 * p->w;
+ v->h = 0.5 * p->h;
+ v->hc = p->hc;
+ if (i & 1)
+ v->hc += 0.5 * v->w;
+ else
+ v->hc -= 0.5 * v->w;
+ v->vc = p->vc;
+ if (i & 2)
+ v->vc += 0.5 * v->h;
+ else
+ v->vc -= 0.5 * v->h;
+ } else {
+ v->w = 0.0;
+ v->h = 0.0;
+ v->hc = 0.0;
+ v->vc = 0.0;
+ }
+ v->f = GVERT_NONE | f;
+ v->ul = NULL;
+ v->rc = 1;
+ v->p[0] = pp[0];
+ v->p[1] = pp[1];
+ v->p[2] = pp[2];
+ v->r[0] = rr[0];
+ v->r[1] = rr[1];
+ v->r[2] = rr[2];
+ v->lr0 = lrr0;
+ v->sp[0] = sp[0];
+ v->sp[1] = sp[1];
+ v->sp[2] = sp[2];
+ v->ch[0] = ch[0];
+ v->ch[1] = ch[1];
+ v->ch[2] = ch[2];
+ return v;
+/* Set the size of gvert angular segment */
+void set_gvert(
+gvert *v, /* gvert to set */
+gquad *p, /* Parent quad */
+int i /* Intended node in quad */
+) {
+ v->w = 0.5 * p->w;
+ v->h = 0.5 * p->h;
+ v->hc = p->hc;
+ if (i & 1)
+ v->hc += 0.5 * v->w;
+ else
+ v->hc -= 0.5 * v->w;
+ v->vc = p->vc;
+ if (i & 2)
+ v->vc += 0.5 * v->h;
+ else
+ v->vc -= 0.5 * v->h;
+/* Increment the reference count on a gvert */
+static gvert *inc_gvert(gamut *s, gvert *v) {
+ if (v == NULL)
+ return v;
+ v->rc++;
+//printf("~1 incremented count on 0x%x to %d\n",v,v->rc);
+ return v;
+/* Decrement the reference count on a gvert */
+/* Copes with NULL gvert. */
+/* If the reference count goes to 0, place the */
+/* vert on the unused list. */
+static void dec_gvert(gamut *s, gvert *v) {
+ if (v == NULL)
+ return;
+ v->rc--;
+//printf("~1 decremended count on 0x%x to %d\n",v,v->rc);
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ if (v->tag != 1)
+ error("Assert: doing decremented on gquad node");
+ if (v->rc < 0)
+ error("Assert: decremented gvert ref count too far");
+ if (v->rc <= 0) { /* Add it to the unused list */
+ memset((void *)v, 0, sizeof(gvert));
+ v->ul = s->ul;
+ s->ul = v;
+ }
+/* Delete all the gverts */
+static void del_gverts(gamut *s) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ free(s->verts[i]);
+ }
+ if (s->verts != NULL) {
+ free(s->verts);
+ s->na = 0;
+ s->nv = 0;
+ }
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+gquad *new_gquad(
+gquad *p, /* Parent quad */
+int i /* Intended node in quad */
+) {
+ gquad *q;
+ if ((q = (gquad *)calloc(1, sizeof(gquad))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed on gquad object\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ q->tag = 2;
+ q->w = 0.5 * p->w;
+ q->h = 0.5 * p->h;
+ q->hc = p->hc;
+ if (i & 1)
+ q->hc += 0.5 * q->w;
+ else
+ q->hc -= 0.5 * q->w;
+ q->vc = p->vc;
+ if (i & 2)
+ q->vc += 0.5 * q->h;
+ else
+ q->vc -= 0.5 * q->h;
+ return q;
+/* Same as above, but create with explicit size */
+gquad *new_gquad2(
+double l, /* Left border */
+double r, /* Right border */
+double b, /* Top border */
+double t /* Bottom border */
+) {
+ gquad *q;
+ if ((q = (gquad *)calloc(1, sizeof(gquad))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed on gquad object\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ q->tag = 2;
+ q->w = r - l;
+ q->h = t - b;
+ q->hc = (l + r) * 0.5;
+ q->vc = (t + b) * 0.5;
+ return q;
+static void
+del_gquad(gquad *q) {
+ int i;
+ if (q == NULL)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ gnode *n = (gnode *)q->qt[i][0];
+ if (n != NULL && n->tag == 2)
+ del_gquad((gquad *)n); /* Recurse */
+ }
+ free(q);
+/* Helper functions */
+/* Given a gquad and a location, decide which quandrant we're in */
+static int gquad_quadrant(gquad *q, double p[3]) {
+ int i;
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ if (p[1] < (q->hc - q->w * 0.5 - 1e-10)
+ || p[1] > (q->hc + q->w * 0.5 + 1e-10)
+ || p[2] < (q->vc - q->h * 0.5 - 1e-10)
+ || p[2] > (q->vc + q->h * 0.5 + 1e-10)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"error! point doesn't fall into bucket chosen for it!!!\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"point x: %f < %f\n", p[1], (q->hc - q->w * 0.5));
+ fprintf(stderr,"point x: %f > %f\n", p[1], (q->hc + q->w * 0.5));
+ fprintf(stderr,"point y: %f < %f\n", p[2], (q->vc - q->h * 0.5));
+ fprintf(stderr,"point y: %f > %f\n", p[2], (q->vc + q->h * 0.5));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ if (p[1] >= q->hc)
+ i |= 1;
+ if (p[2] >= q->vc)
+ i |= 2;
+ return i;
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Allocate a BSP decision node structure */
+gbspn *new_gbspn(void) {
+ gbspn *t;
+ static int n = 0; /* Serial number */
+ if ((t = (gbspn *) calloc(1, sizeof(gbspn))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - bspn node\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ t->tag = 1; /* bspn decision node */
+ t->n = n++;
+ return t;
+/* Delete a BSP decision node struture */
+void del_gbspn(gbspn *t) {
+ free(t);
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Allocate a BSP tree triangle list node structure */
+gbspl *new_gbspl(
+int nt, /* Number of triangles in the list */
+gtri **t /* List of triangles to copy into structure */
+) {
+ gbspl *l;
+ int i;
+ static int n = 0; /* Serial number */
+ if ((l = (gbspl *) calloc(1, sizeof(gbspl) + nt * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - bspl triangle tree node\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ l->tag = 3; /* bspl triangle list node */
+ l->n = n++;
+ l->nt = nt;
+ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++)
+ l->t[i] = t[i];
+ return l;
+/* Delete a BSP tree triangle list structure */
+void del_gbspl(gbspl *l) {
+ free(l);
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Allocate a triangle structure */
+gtri *new_gtri(void) {
+ gtri *t;
+ static int n = 0; /* Serial number */
+ if ((t = (gtri *) calloc(1, sizeof(gtri))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - gamut surface triangle\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ t->tag = 2; /* Triangle */
+ t->n = n++;
+ return t;
+/* Delete a triangle struture */
+void del_gtri(gtri *t) {
+ free(t);
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Allocate an edge structure */
+gedge *new_gedge(void) {
+ gedge *t;
+ static int n = 0; /* Serial number */
+ if ((t = (gedge *) calloc(1, sizeof(gedge))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - triangle edge\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ t->n = n++;
+ return t;
+/* Delete an edge struture */
+void del_gedge(gedge *t) {
+ free(t);
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Create a standard gamut map */
+gamut *new_gamut(
+double sres, /* Resolution (in rect coord units) of surface triangles */
+ /* 0.0 = default */
+int isJab, /* Flag indicating Jab space */
+int isRast /* Flag indicating Raster rather than colorspace */
+) {
+ gamut *s;
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> ASSERTS ARE COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n");
+#endif /* ASSERTS */
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> TEST_LOOKUP IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> TEST_NEAREST IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n");
+#ifdef TEST_NOSORT /* Turn off sorted insersion of verticies */
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> TEST_NOSORT IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> INTERSECT_VERIFY IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n");
+ if ((s = (gamut *)calloc(1, sizeof(gamut))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed on gamut object\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ if (sres <= 0.0)
+ sres = 10.0; /* default */
+ if (sres > 15.0) /* Anything less is very poor */
+ sres = 15.0;
+ s->sres = sres;
+ if (isJab != 0) {
+ s->isJab = 1;
+ }
+ if (isRast != 0) {
+ s->isRast = 1;
+ }
+ if (s->isRast) {
+ s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */
+ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */
+ } else {
+ s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */
+ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */
+ }
+ /* Center point for radial values, surface creation etc. */
+ /* To compare two gamuts using radial values, their cent must */
+ /* be the same. */
+ s->cent[0] = 50.0;
+ s->cent[1] = 0.0;
+ s->cent[2] = 0.0;
+ s->mx[0] = -1e38;
+ s->mx[1] = -1e38;
+ s->mx[2] = -1e38;
+ s->mn[0] = 1e38;
+ s->mn[1] = 1e38;
+ s->mn[2] = 1e38;
+ /* Create top level quadtree nodes */
+ s->tl = new_gquad2(-M_PI, 0.0, -M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0); /* Left one */
+ s->tr = new_gquad2(0.0, M_PI, -M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0); /* Right one */
+ INIT_LIST(s->tris); /* Init triangle list */
+ INIT_LIST(s->edges); /* Init edge list (?) */
+ s->read_inited = 0;
+ s->lu_inited = 0;
+ s->ne_inited = 0;
+ s->cswbset = 0;
+ s->gawbset = 0;
+ /* Setup methods */
+ s->del = del_gamut;
+ s->expand = expand_gamut;
+ s->getsres = getsres;
+ s->getisjab = getisjab;
+ s->getisrast = getisrast;
+ s->setnofilt = setnofilt;
+ s->getcent = getcent;
+ s->getrange = getrange;
+ s->compatible = compatible;
+ s->nrawverts = nrawverts;
+ s->getrawvert = getrawvert;
+ s->nraw0verts = nraw0verts;
+ s->getraw0vert = getraw0vert;
+ s->nssverts = nssverts;
+ s->getssvert = getssvert;
+ s->nverts = nverts;
+ s->getvert = getvert;
+ s->startnexttri = startnexttri;
+ s->getnexttri = getnexttri;
+ s->getvert = getvert;
+ s->volume = volume;
+ s->intersect = intersect;
+ s->compdstgamut = compdstgamut;
+ s->radial = radial;
+ s->nradial = nradial;
+ s->nearest = nearest;
+ s->nearest_tri = nearest_tri;
+ s->vector_isect = compute_vector_isect;
+ s->vector_isectns = compute_vector_isectns;
+ s->setwb = setwb;
+ s->getwb = getwb;
+ s->setcusps = setcusps;
+ s->getcusps = getcusps;
+ s->write_vrml = write_vrml;
+ s->write_trans_vrml = write_trans_vrml;
+ s->write_gam = write_gam;
+ s->read_gam = read_gam;
+ return s;
+static void del_gnn(gnn *p);
+static void del_gbsp(gbsp *n);
+/* Free and clear the triangulation structures, */
+/* and clear the triangulation vertex flags. */
+static void del_triang(gamut *s) {
+ int i;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ gedge *ep;
+ /* Recursively free radial lookup acceleration structures */
+ /* Do this before we delete triangles, because there may */
+ /* be triangles in the tree. */
+ if (s->lutree != NULL) {
+ del_gbsp(s->lutree);
+ s->lutree = NULL;
+ }
+ if (s->tris != NULL) {
+ tp = s->tris; /* Delete all the triangles */
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ DEL_LINK(s->tris, tp);
+ del_gtri(tp);
+ INIT_LIST(s->tris); /* Init triangle list */
+ }
+ if (s->edges != NULL) {
+ ep = s->edges; /* Delete all the edges */
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) {
+ DEL_LINK(s->edges, ep);
+ del_gedge(ep);
+ INIT_LIST(s->edges); /* Init edge list */
+ }
+ s->lu_inited = 0;
+ if (s->nns != NULL) {
+ del_gnn(s->nns);
+ s->nns = NULL;
+ }
+ s->ne_inited = 0;
+ /* Reset the vertex flags triangulation changes */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ s->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_TRI;
+ s->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE;
+ }
+static void
+del_gamut(gamut *s) {
+ del_gquad(s->tl);
+ del_gquad(s->tr);
+ del_triang(s);
+ del_gverts(s);
+ if (s->ss != NULL)
+ s->ss->del(s->ss);
+ free(s);
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Segmented maxima filter code */
+/* ===================================================== */
+ This implementation has two twists on the usual
+ segmented maxima filtering:
+ * Rather than using a uniform radial grid, it
+ uses an adaptive, quadtree structure, so that
+ rather than having a constant angular resolution
+ for the segments, the sements are chosen so as to
+ aproximately correspond to a constant surface detail
+ level. [ A subtle problem with this approach is that
+ some points will be discarded early on, that wouldn't
+ be discarded later, when the quadtree is finer. A hack
+ is to run the points throught twice.]
+ * Rather than keep the single sample with the
+ largest radius in each radial segment,
+ four samples are kept, each being the largest
+ in a different direction. This helps avoid
+ "knicks" in edges, where a non edge sample
+ displaces an edge sample within a segment.
+ */
+/* Helper function that returns nz if v1 should replace v2 */
+static int smreplace(
+gamut *s,
+int d, /* Slot number */
+gvert *v1, /* Candidate vertex */
+gvert *v2 /* Existing vertex */
+) {
+ double xx, w[3], c[3];
+ int j;
+ if (v2 == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ /* Filter out any points that are almost identical */
+ /* This can cause numerical problems in the triangle BSP tree creation. */
+ for (xx = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double tt = v1->p[j] - v2->p[j];
+ xx += tt * tt;
+ }
+ if (xx < (1e-4 * 1e-4))
+ return 0;
+ c[0] = s->cent[0];
+ c[1] = s->cent[1];
+ c[2] = s->cent[2];
+ /* Set L, a & b weighting depending on the slot */
+ switch(d) {
+ case 1:
+ w[0] = 0.5;
+ w[1] = 1.0;
+ w[2] = 1.0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ w[0] = 2.0;
+ w[1] = 1.0;
+ w[2] = 1.0;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ w[0] = 4.0;
+ w[1] = 1.0;
+ w[2] = 1.0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ w[0] = 0.0;
+ w[1] = 1.0;
+ w[2] = 0.1;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ w[0] = 0.0;
+ w[1] = 0.1;
+ w[2] = 1.0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ w[0] = 1.0;
+ w[1] = 1.0;
+ w[2] = 1.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ w[0] *= w[0]; /* Because we're weighting the squares */
+ w[1] *= w[1];
+ w[2] *= w[2];
+ return ( w[0] * (v1->p[0] - c[0]) * (v1->p[0] - c[0])
+ + w[1] * (v1->p[1] - c[1]) * (v1->p[1] - c[1])
+ + w[2] * (v1->p[2] - c[2]) * (v1->p[2] - c[2]))
+ > ( w[0] * (v2->p[0] - c[0]) * (v2->p[0] - c[0])
+ + w[1] * (v2->p[1] - c[1]) * (v2->p[1] - c[1])
+ + w[2] * (v2->p[2] - c[2]) * (v2->p[2] - c[2]));
+/* Expand the gamut by adding a point. */
+/* If nofilter is set, return NULL if the point */
+/* is discarded, or the address of the point representing */
+/* the point added. If nofiler is not set, return NULL */
+static gvert *expand_gamut(
+gamut *s,
+double pp[3] /* rectangular coordinate of point */
+) {
+ gnode *n; /* Current node */
+ gvert *nv, *ov; /* new vertex, old vertex */
+ gquad *q; /* Parent quad */
+ int i; /* Sub element within quad */
+ int k; /* Index of direction slot */
+ double rr[3]; /* Radial coordinate version of pp[] */
+ double sp[3]; /* Unit shere mapped version of pp[] relative to center */
+ double ch[3]; /* Convex hull testing mapped version of pp[] relative to center */
+ double lrr0; /* log scaled rr[0] */
+ double hang, vang; /* Critical angles for this points depth */
+ double aa;
+ int j;
+ if (s->tris != NULL || s->read_inited || s->lu_inited || s->ne_inited) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't add points to gamut now!\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (s->doingfake == 0)
+ s->cu_inited = 0; /* Invalidate cust info */
+ /* Tracl bounding range */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (pp[j] > s->mx[j])
+ s->mx[j] = pp[j];
+ if (pp[j] < s->mn[j])
+ s->mn[j] = pp[j];
+ }
+ /* Convert to radial coords */
+ gamut_rect2radial(s, rr, pp);
+ if (rr[0] < 1e-6) /* Ignore a point right at the center */
+ return NULL;
+ /* Figure log scaled radius */
+ lrr0 = log_scale(s, rr[0]);
+ /* Compute unit shere mapped location */
+ aa = 1.0/rr[0]; /* Adjustment to put in on unit sphere */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ sp[j] = (pp[j] - s->cent[j]) * aa;
+ /* Compute hull testing mapped version */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ ch[j] = sp[j] * lrr0;
+ /* compute twice angle resolution required (will compare to parent size) */
+ hang = pow(rr[0], 1.01) * fabs(cos(rr[2]));
+ if (hang < 1e-9)
+ hang = 1e-9;
+ hang = 4.0 * s->sres/hang;
+ vang = 4.0 * s->sres/pow(rr[0], 1.01);
+//printf("~1 Point at %f %f %f, radial %f %f %f\n", pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]);
+//printf("~1 shere at %f %f %f, log %f %f %f, vhang %f %f\n", sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], ch[0], ch[1], ch[2], vang, hang);
+ /* If nofilter flag is set, add all points as verticies */
+ if (s->nofilter) {
+ /* Filter out any points that are almost identical. */
+ /* This can cause numerical problems in the triangle BSP tree creation. */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ double xx;
+ for (xx = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double tt = pp[j] - s->verts[i]->p[j];
+ xx += tt * tt;
+ }
+ if (xx < (1e-4 * 1e-4)) {
+ if (s->doingfake)
+ s->verts[i]->f |= GVERT_ESTP;
+ return s->verts[i]; /* Existing point becomes added point */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Create a vertex for the point we're possibly adding */
+ nv = new_gvert(s, NULL, 0, GVERT_SET | (s->doingfake ? (GVERT_FAKE | GVERT_ESTP) : 0),
+ pp, rr, lrr0, sp, ch);
+ return nv;
+ }
+ /* else filter using adaptive segmented maxima */
+ /* Start by looking at the top level quads */
+ if (rr[1] >= 0.0) {
+ q = s->tr;
+ } else {
+ q = s->tl;
+ }
+ n = (gnode *)q;
+//printf("~1 Starting with quad 0x%x, width %f, height %f\n",q, q->w, q->h);
+ /* Now recurse until we have a virtex at the right location and depth */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Recurse into quad node n */
+ q = (gquad *)n; /* Parent node */
+ i = gquad_quadrant(q, rr); /* Quadrand of parent */
+ n = q->qt[i][0]; /* Child node in quadrant */
+//printf("~1 Current quad 0x%x, width %f, height %f\n",q, q->w, q->h);
+//printf("~1 Current child in quadrant %d, node 0x%x, type %d\n", i, n, n != NULL ? n->tag : 0);
+ /* If we're at the right depth to create a vertex, break out of decent loop. */
+ if (n == NULL) { /* Create new node */
+ if (q->w <= hang && q->h <= vang) {
+//printf("~1 We're at the right depth to add vertex\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Else create a new quad */
+ n = (gnode *)new_gquad(q, i);
+ q->qt[i][0] = n;
+//printf("~1 Empty child node not deep enough, creating new quad node 0x%x\n",n);
+ /* If we've found verticies at this node */
+ } else if (n->tag == 1) {
+ int j;
+ gquad *qq; /* New child quad */
+ gvert *vv[NSLOTS]; /* Existing verticies at this level */
+ if (q->w <= hang && q->h <= vang) {
+//printf("~1 We're at the right depth to replace vertex\n");
+ break;
+ }
+//printf("~1 deepening verticies\n");
+ for (k = 0; k < NSLOTS; k++)
+ vv[k] = (gvert *)q->qt[i][k]; /* Save pointers to current verticies */
+//printf("~1 existing verticies are 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], vv[3]);
+ /* make a quad to replace the current verticies */
+ qq = new_gquad(q, i);
+ n = (gnode *)qq;
+ q->qt[i][0] = n;
+ for (k = 1; k < NSLOTS; k++)
+ q->qt[i][k] = NULL;
+//printf("~1 added quad 0x%x to quadrant %d\n",i,q);
+ /* Distribute verticies that were here, into new quad */
+ for (j = 0; j < NSLOTS; j++) { /* For all existing verticies */
+ if (vv[j] == NULL)
+ continue;
+//printf("~1 re-distributing verticy 0x%x\n",vv[j]);
+ i = gquad_quadrant(qq, vv[j]->r); /* Quadrant for existing vertex */
+ set_gvert(vv[j], qq, i); /* Update vertex node location */
+ nv = vv[j];
+ for (k = 0; nv != NULL && k < NSLOTS; k++) { /* For direction slot */
+ ov = (gvert *)qq->qt[i][k];
+ if (smreplace(s, k, nv, ov)) {
+ if (k == 0) { /* Track points that are in k == 0 direction */
+ if (ov != NULL && ov->k0 > 0)
+ ov->k0--;
+ nv->k0++;
+ }
+#ifndef NEVER
+ qq->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv);
+ dec_gvert(s, ov);
+ /* Use slots for best, 2nd best, etc */
+ qq->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv);
+ dec_gvert(s, nv);
+ nv = ov;
+//printf("Node 0x%x rc %d at %f %f %f is replacing\n",nv, nv->rc, nv->p[0], nv->p[1], nv->p[2]);
+//if (ov != NULL) printf(" replacing node 0x%x rc %d at %f %f %f\n",ov, ov->rc, ov->p[0], ov->p[1], ov->p[2]);
+//else printf(" NULL\n");
+ }
+ }
+ dec_gvert(s, nv);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Else it's a quad, and we will decend into it */
+ } /* keep decending until we find right depth */
+//printf("~1 Got parent quad 0x%x, quadrant %d, vertex 0x%x\n", q, i, n);
+ /* Create a vertex for the point we're possibly adding */
+ nv = new_gvert(s, q, i, GVERT_SET, pp, rr, lrr0, sp, ch);
+ /* Replace any existing gverts with this one */
+ for (k = 0; k < NSLOTS; k++) { /* For direction slot */
+ ov = (gvert *)q->qt[i][k];
+ if (smreplace(s, k, nv, ov)) {
+ if (k == 0) { /* Track points that are in k == 0 direction */
+ if (ov != NULL && ov->k0 > 0)
+ ov->k0--;
+ nv->k0++;
+ }
+#ifndef NEVER
+ q->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv);
+ dec_gvert(s, ov);
+ /* Use slots for best, 2nd best, etc */
+ q->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv);
+ dec_gvert(s, nv);
+ nv = ov;
+ }
+ }
+ dec_gvert(s, nv); /* Make sure it's reclaimed if wasn't used */
+//printf("~1 Point is done\n\n");
+ return NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Initialise this gamut with the intersection of the */
+/* the two given gamuts. Return NZ on error. */
+/* Return 1 if gamuts are not compatible */
+/* (We assume that the this gamut is currently empty) */
+static int intersect(gamut *s, gamut *sa, gamut *sb) {
+ int i, j, k;
+ gamut *s1, *s2;
+ if (sa->compatible(sa, sb) == 0)
+ return 1;
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sa->tris)
+ triangulate(sa);
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sb->tris)
+ triangulate(sb);
+ s->isJab = sa->isJab;
+ if (sa->isRast || sb->isRast)
+ s->isRast = 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ s->cent[j] = sa->cent[j];
+ /* Clear some flags */
+ s->cswbset = 0;
+ s->cswbset = 0;
+ s->dcuspixs = 0;
+ /* If either is a raster gamut, make it a raster gamut */
+ if (s->isRast)
+ s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */
+ else
+ s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW;
+ /* Don't filter the points (gives a more accurate result ?) */
+ s->nofilter = 1;
+ /* Add each source gamuts verticies that lie within */
+ /* the other gamut */
+ for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+ gtri *tp1, *tp2; /* Triangle pointers */
+ if (k == 0) {
+ s1 = sa;
+ s2 = sb;
+ } else {
+ s1 = sb;
+ s2 = sa;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < s1->nv; i++) {
+ double pl;
+ if (!(s1->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ pl = s2->nradial(s2, NULL, s1->verts[i]->p);
+ if (pl <= (1.0 + 1e-9)) {
+ expand_gamut(s, s1->verts[i]->p);
+ s1->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_ISOS; /* s1 vert is not outside s2 */
+ } else {
+ s1->verts[i]->f |= GVERT_ISOS; /* s1 vert is outside s2 */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now find the edges that intersect the other gamut */
+ tp1 = s1->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp1) { /* For all s1 triangles */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For all edges in s1 triangle */
+ /* If edge passes through the other gamut */
+ if ((tp1->e[j]->v[0]->f ^ tp1->e[j]->v[1]->f) & GVERT_ISOS) {
+ /* Exhaustive search of other triangles in s2, */
+ /* to find the one that the edge intersects with. */
+ tp2 = s2->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) {
+ double pv;
+ double tt[3];
+ /* Do a min/max intersection elimination test */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (tp2->mix[1][i] < tp1->mix[0][i]
+ || tp2->mix[0][i] > tp1->mix[1][i])
+ break; /* min/max don't overlap */
+ }
+ if (i < 3)
+ continue; /* Skip this triangle, it can't intersect */
+ if (vect_intersect(s1, &pv, tt, tp1->e[j]->v[0]->p, tp1->e[j]->v[1]->p, tp2)
+ && pv >= (0.0 - 1e-10) && pv <= (1.0 + 1e-10)) {
+ expand_gamut(s, tt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s->nofilter = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+ Initialise this gamut with a destination mapping gamut.
+ s1 is the image gamut (a possible sub-set of the src gamut)
+ s2 is the source gamut
+ s3 is the destination gamut
+ if docomp:
+ this gamut will be set to the smaller of the img & dst gamuts
+ else
+ this gamut will be the img gamut
+ if doexp
+ this gamut will be expanded by the amount dst is outside the src gamut.
+ The vector direction of "inwards" is that returned by the
+ callback function if it is supplied, or radially inwards
+ if it is not.
+ Return 1 if gamuts are not compatible.
+ (We assume that the this gamut is currently empty)
+ */
+#define MXNIS 40 /* Maximum raw intersections handled */
+static int compdstgamut(
+gamut *s, /* This */
+gamut *s1, /* Image gamut, assumed to be a subset of source gamut */
+gamut *s2, /* The source space gamut */
+gamut *s3, /* The destination space gamut */
+int docomp, /* Flag, nz if compression is enabled */
+int doexp, /* Flag, nz if expansion is enabled. */
+gamut *nedst, /* Optional - if doexp, then expand nedst with non-expanded dst gamut */
+void (*cvect)(void *cntx, double *p2, double *p1), /* Compression direction callback */
+void *cntx /* Returns p2 which is in desired direction from given p1 */
+) {
+#ifdef STATS
+ int tedges, edgestested, testhits;
+ int i, j, k;
+ gamut *ss[3];
+ gispnt lp1[MXNIS], lp2[MXNIS], lp3[MXNIS]; /* Intersection lists */
+ int ll1, ll2, ll3; /* Returned list length */
+ int ii, jj, kk; /* List indexes */
+ if (s1->compatible(s1, s2) == 0
+ || s1->compatible(s2, s3) == 0)
+ return 1;
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s1->tris)
+ triangulate(s1);
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s2->tris)
+ triangulate(s2);
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s3->tris)
+ triangulate(s3);
+ s->isJab = s1->isJab;
+ s->isRast = s1->isRast;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ s->cent[j] = s1->cent[j];
+ /* Clear some flags */
+ s->cswbset = 0;
+ s->cswbset = 0;
+ s->dcuspixs = 0;
+ /* If s1 is a raster gamut, make output a raster gamut */
+ if (s->isRast)
+ s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */
+ else
+ s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW;
+ /* Don't filter the points (gives a more accurate result ?) */
+ s->nofilter = 1;
+ ss[0] = s1;
+ ss[1] = s2;
+ ss[2] = s3;
+//printf("~1 compdstgamut docomp %d, doexp %d\n",docomp,doexp);
+ /* Reset the above/below flags */
+ /* 1 = img above dst */
+ /* 2 = img below dst */
+ /* 4 = src above dst */
+ /* 8 = src below dst */
+ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { /* For img, src & dst */
+ for (i = 0; i < ss[k]->nv; i++) {
+ if (!(ss[k]->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Use all the triangle vertices from the three gamuts */
+ /* as candidate points, because any of them might */
+ /* determine a surface feature. */
+ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { /* For img, src & dst */
+ for (i = 0; i < ss[k]->nv; i++) {
+ double pp[3], ppv, p2[3];
+ double rr, r4;
+ if (!(ss[k]->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ icmCpy3(pp, ss[k]->verts[i]->p); /* Point in question */
+//printf("\n~1 k %d, point %d: %f %f %f\n", k,i,pp[0],pp[1],pp[2]);
+ if (cvect != NULL)
+ cvect(cntx, p2, pp); /* Get mapping direction */
+ else
+ icmCpy3(p2, ss[k]->cent); /* Radial vector */
+ icmNormalize33(p2, p2, pp, 1.0);
+ /* Locate the intersecting segments for each gamut */
+ ll1 = ll2 = ll3 = 0;
+ ll1 = s1->vector_isectns(s1, pp, p2, lp1, MXNIS); /* Image gamut */
+ if (doexp) /* For dst - src expansion */
+ ll2 = s2->vector_isectns(s2, pp, p2, lp2, MXNIS); /* Src gamut */
+ if (docomp || doexp) /* For img ^ dst or dst - src */
+ ll3 = s3->vector_isectns(s3, pp, p2, lp3, MXNIS); /* Dst gamut */
+//printf("~1 ll1 %d, ll2 %d, ll3 %d\n",ll1,ll2,ll3);
+#ifdef NEVER
+ printf("img segments:\n");
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll1; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp1[ii].pv,lp1[ii].dir,lp1[ii].edge,lp1[ii].tri->n);
+ printf("src segments:\n");
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll2; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp2[ii].pv,lp2[ii].dir,lp2[ii].edge,lp2[ii].tri->n);
+ printf("dst segments:\n");
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll3; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp3[ii].pv,lp3[ii].dir,lp3[ii].edge,lp3[ii].tri->n);
+ /* Now go through each image segment */
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll1; ii += 2) {
+ icmCpy3(pp, lp1[ii].ip);
+ ppv = lp1[ii].pv;
+//printf("~1 img pnt at %f\n",lp1[ii].pv);
+ if (docomp) {
+ /* Locate a dst segment around or below img point */
+ for (kk = 0; kk < ll3; kk += 2) {
+ if ((lp1[kk+1].pv + 1e-8) >= ppv)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kk >= ll3) { /* No dst segments or none below */
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 1; /* img above dst */
+//printf("~1 img pnt is outside dst\n");
+ continue;
+ } else {
+//printf("~1 ing %f - %f, dst %f - %f\n", lp1[ii].pv,lp1[ii+1].pv,lp3[kk].pv,lp3[kk+1].pv);
+ /* Use the dst point if it is smaller */
+ if (ppv < lp3[kk].pv) {
+ icmCpy3(pp, lp3[kk].ip);
+ ppv = lp3[kk].pv;
+//printf("~1 dst is smaller %f\n",ppv);
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 1; /* img above dst */
+ } else {
+//printf("~1 ing is smaller %f\n",ppv);
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 2; /* img below dst */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nedst != NULL)
+ expand_gamut(nedst, pp);
+ while (doexp) {
+ /* Locate a src segment that ing point lies in. */
+ for (jj = 0; jj < ll2; jj += 2) {
+ if (lp1[ii].pv >= (lp2[jj].pv - 1e-8)
+ && lp1[ii].pv <= (lp2[jj+1].pv + 1e-8))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (jj >= ll2) {
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 4; /* src above dst ?? */
+ break; /* No overlapping segment */
+ }
+ /* Locate a dst segment that src point lies in */
+ for (kk = 0; kk < ll3; kk += 2) {
+ if (lp2[jj].pv >= (lp3[kk].pv - 1e-8)
+ && lp2[jj].pv <= (lp3[kk+1].pv + 1e-8))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kk >= ll2) {
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 4; /* src above dst ?? */
+ break; /* No overlapping segment */
+ }
+ /* if src is outside dst, do nothing */
+ if (lp3[kk].pv >= lp2[jj].pv) {
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 4; /* src above dst */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Expand point by dst - src */
+ icmAdd3(pp, pp, lp3[kk].ip);
+ icmSub3(pp, pp, lp2[jj].ip);
+ ss[k]->verts[i]->as |= 8; /* src below dst */
+//printf("~1 expanding point by %f - %f\nb",lp3[kk].pv,lp2[jj].pv);
+ break;
+ }
+ expand_gamut(s, pp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef STATS
+ tedges = edgestested = testhits = 0;
+ /* Add any intersection points between img/dst, and src/dst */
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ int mask;
+ gamut *sa, *sb;
+ gtri *tpa, *tpb; /* Triangle pointers */
+ if (k == 0) {
+ if (!docomp)
+ continue;
+ mask = 3;
+ sa = s1; /* img */
+ sb = s3; /* dst */
+ } else if (k == 1) {
+ if (!docomp)
+ continue;
+ mask = 3;
+ sa = s3; /* dst */
+ sb = s1; /* img */
+ } else if (k == 2) {
+ if (!doexp)
+ continue;
+ mask = 12;
+ sa = s2; /* src */
+ sb = s3; /* dst */
+ } else if (k == 3) {
+ if (!doexp)
+ continue;
+ mask = 12;
+ sa = s3; /* dst */
+ sb = s2; /* src */
+ }
+ /* Now find the edges that intersect the other gamut */
+ tpa = sa->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tpa) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For each edge */
+#ifdef STATS
+ tedges++;
+ /* If edge disposition flags aren't the same */
+ if ((tpa->e[j]->v[0]->as ^ tpa->e[j]->v[1]->as) & mask
+ || (tpa->e[j]->v[0]->as & mask) == 3 || (tpa->e[j]->v[0]->as & mask) == 12
+ || (tpa->e[j]->v[1]->as & mask) == 3 || (tpa->e[j]->v[1]->as & mask) == 12) {
+#ifdef STATS
+ edgestested++;
+ /* Exhaustive search of other triangles */
+ tpb = sb->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tpb) {
+ double pv;
+ double pp[3];
+ /* Do a min/max intersection elimination test */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (tpb->mix[1][i] < tpa->mix[0][i]
+ || tpb->mix[0][i] > tpa->mix[1][i])
+ break; /* min/max don't overlap */
+ }
+ if (i < 3)
+ continue; /* Skip this triangle, it can't intersect */
+ if (vect_intersect(sa, &pv, pp, tpa->e[j]->v[0]->p, tpa->e[j]->v[1]->p, tpb)
+ && pv >= (0.0 - 1e-10) && pv <= (1.0 + 1e-10)) {
+ /* Process intersection point pp the same as the first loop */
+ double ppv, p2[3];
+ double rr, r4;
+#ifdef STATS
+ testhits++;
+//printf("\n~1 tri isxn point %f %f %f\n", pp[0],pp[1],pp[2]);
+ if (cvect != NULL)
+ cvect(cntx, p2, pp); /* Get mapping direction */
+ else
+ icmCpy3(p2, sa->cent); /* Radial vector */
+ icmNormalize33(p2, p2, pp, 1.0);
+ /* Locate the intersecting segments for each gamut */
+ ll1 = ll2 = ll3 = 0;
+ ll1 = s1->vector_isectns(s1, pp, p2, lp1, MXNIS); /* Image gamut */
+ if (doexp) /* For dst - src expansion */
+ ll2 = s2->vector_isectns(s2, pp, p2, lp2, MXNIS); /* Src gamut */
+ if (docomp || doexp) /* For img ^ dst or dst - src */
+ ll3 = s3->vector_isectns(s3, pp, p2, lp3, MXNIS); /* Dst gamut */
+//printf("~1 ll1 %d, ll2 %d, ll3 %d\n",ll1,ll2,ll3);
+#ifdef NEVER
+ printf("img segments:\n");
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll1; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp1[ii].pv,lp1[ii].dir,lp1[ii].edge,lp1[ii].tri->n);
+ printf("src segments:\n");
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll2; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp2[ii].pv,lp2[ii].dir,lp2[ii].edge,lp2[ii].tri->n);
+ printf("dst segments:\n");
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll3; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp3[ii].pv,lp3[ii].dir,lp3[ii].edge,lp3[ii].tri->n);
+ /* Now go through each image segment */
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ll1; ii += 2) {
+ icmCpy3(pp, lp1[ii].ip);
+ ppv = lp1[ii].pv;
+//printf("~1 img pnt at %f\n",lp1[ii].pv);
+ if (docomp) {
+ /* Locate a dst segment around or below img point */
+ for (kk = 0; kk < ll3; kk += 2) {
+ if ((lp1[kk+1].pv + 1e-8) >= ppv)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kk >= ll3) { /* No dst segments or none below */
+//printf("~1 img pnt is outside dst\n");
+ continue;
+ } else {
+//printf("~1 ing %f - %f, dst %f - %f\n", lp1[ii].pv,lp1[ii+1].pv,lp3[kk].pv,lp3[kk+1].pv);
+ /* Use the dst point if it is smaller */
+ if (ppv < lp3[kk].pv) {
+ icmCpy3(pp, lp3[kk].ip);
+ ppv = lp3[kk].pv;
+//printf("~1 dst is smaller %f\n",ppv);
+ } else {
+//printf("~1 ing is smaller %f\n",ppv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nedst != NULL)
+ expand_gamut(nedst, pp);
+ while (doexp) {
+ /* Locate a src segment that ing point lies in */
+ for (jj = 0; jj < ll2; jj += 2) {
+ if (lp1[ii].pv >= (lp2[jj].pv - 1e-8)
+ && lp1[ii].pv <= (lp2[jj+1].pv + 1e-8))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (jj >= ll2) {
+ break; /* No overlapping segment */
+ }
+ /* Locate a dst segment that src point lies in */
+ for (kk = 0; kk < ll3; kk += 2) {
+ if (lp2[jj].pv >= (lp3[kk].pv - 1e-8)
+ && lp2[jj].pv <= (lp3[kk+1].pv + 1e-8))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kk >= ll2) {
+ break; /* No overlapping segment */
+ }
+ /* if src is outside dst, do nothing */
+ if (lp3[kk].pv >= lp2[jj].pv) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Expand point by dst - src */
+ icmAdd3(pp, pp, lp3[kk].ip);
+ icmSub3(pp, pp, lp2[jj].ip);
+//printf("~1 expanding point by %f - %f\nb",lp3[kk].pv,lp2[jj].pv);
+ break;
+ }
+ expand_gamut(s, pp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef STATS
+ printf("Total edges %d, edges tested %d, edge hits %d\n", tedges, edgestested, testhits);
+ s->nofilter = 0;
+ return 0;
+#undef MXNIS
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Locate the vertices most likely to correspond to the */
+/* primary and secondary colors (cusps) */
+ * Notes:
+ *
+ * To better support gamuts of devices with more than 4 colorants,
+ * it may be necessary to add another flag type that expands
+ * the cusps to lie on the actual gamut surface, as for
+ * some devices this lies outside the pure colorant combinations.
+ *
+ * Flinging a grid of values at this doesn't always
+ * return sensible results. Sometimes two "cusps" might be
+ * unreasonable close to each other (ie. one isn't a real cusp).
+ * This can cause gammut mapping to fail ...
+ *
+ * How could this be made more robust ?
+ *
+ */
+static void setcusps(gamut *s, int flag, double in[3]) {
+ int i, j;
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ if (flag == 0) { /* Reset */
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ s->cusps[j][0] = 0.0; /* Marker values */
+ s->cusps[j][1] = 0.0;
+ s->cusps[j][2] = 0.0;
+ }
+ s->dcuspixs = 0;
+ s->cu_inited = 0;
+ return;
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ } else if (flag == 2) { /* Finalize */
+ if (s->dcuspixs > 0) {
+ double JCh[3];
+ double hues[6];
+ int r, br = 0.0;
+ double berr;
+ /* Figure out where to put the ones we got */
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { /* Compute the hues */
+ icmLab2LCh(JCh, s->dcusps[j]);
+ hues[j] = JCh[2];
+ }
+ /* Sort them into hue order */
+ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+ for (i = j+1; i < 6; i++) {
+ if (hues[j] > hues[i]) {
+ double tt;
+ tt = hues[j]; hues[j] = hues[i]; hues[i] = tt;
+ tt = s->dcusps[j][0]; s->dcusps[j][0] = s->dcusps[i][0]; s->dcusps[i][0] = tt;
+ tt = s->dcusps[j][1]; s->dcusps[j][1] = s->dcusps[i][1]; s->dcusps[i][1] = tt;
+ tt = s->dcusps[j][2]; s->dcusps[j][2] = s->dcusps[i][2]; s->dcusps[i][2] = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Figure out which is the best match by rotation */
+ berr = 1e6;
+ for (r = 0; r < 6; r++) {
+ double terr = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ double tt;
+ tt = fabs(gam_hues[s->isJab][j] - hues[(j + r) % 6]);
+ if (tt > 180.0)
+ tt = 360.0 - tt;
+ terr += tt;
+ }
+ if (terr < berr) {
+ br = r;
+ berr = terr;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Place them at that rotation */
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { /* Compute the hues */
+//printf("~1 placing hue %f ix %d into hue %f ix %d\n", hues[(j + br) % 6],(j + br) % 6, gam_hues[s->isJab][j] ,j);
+ s->cusps[j][0] = s->dcusps[(j + br) % 6][0];
+ s->cusps[j][1] = s->dcusps[(j + br) % 6][1];
+ s->cusps[j][2] = s->dcusps[(j + br) % 6][2];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check we've got a cusp */
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ if (s->cusps[j][0] == 0.0
+ && s->cusps[j][1] == 0.0
+ && s->cusps[j][2] == 0.0) {
+ s->cu_inited = 0;
+ return; /* Not all have been set */
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ double JCh[3];
+ double hues[6];
+ /* Check how far appart the cusps are in hue angle */
+ // ~~999
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ icmLab2LCh(JCh, s->cusps[j]);
+ hues[j] = JCh[2];
+//printf("~1 cusp %d = hue %f\n",j,hues[j]);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ int k = j < 5 ? j + 1 : 0;
+ double rh, h;
+ rh = gam_hues[s->isJab][k] - gam_hues[s->isJab][j];
+ if (rh < 0.0)
+ rh = 360 + rh;
+ h = hues[k] - hues[j];
+ if (h < 0.0)
+ h = 360 + h;
+//printf("~1 cusp %d - %d = ref dh %f, dh %f\n",j,k,rh,h);
+ /* if our delta is less than half reference, */
+ /* assume the cusps are bad. */
+ if ((2.0 * h) < rh) {
+ s->cu_inited = 0; /* Not trustworthy */
+//printf("~1 cusps are not trustworthy\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s->cu_inited = 1;
+ return;
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ } else if (flag == 3) { /* Definite 1/6 cusp */
+ if (s->dcuspixs >= 6) {
+//printf("~1 too many cusp values added\n");
+ return; /* Error - extra cusp ignored */
+ }
+ s->dcusps[s->dcuspixs][0] = in[0];
+ s->dcusps[s->dcuspixs][1] = in[1];
+ s->dcusps[s->dcuspixs++][2] = in[2];
+ } else { /* Consider another point as a cusp point */
+ double JCh[3];
+ int bj = 0, sbj = 0;
+ double bh = 1e6, sbh = 1e6;
+ double ns, es;
+ icmLab2LCh(JCh, in);
+//printf("~1 cusp at %f %f %f\n",JCh[0],JCh[1],JCh[2]);
+ /* See which hue it is closest and 2nd closet to cusp hue. */
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ double tt;
+ tt = fabs(gam_hues[s->isJab][j] - JCh[2]);
+ if (tt > 180.0)
+ tt = 360.0 - tt;
+ if (tt < bh) {
+ if (bh < sbh) {
+ sbh = bh;
+ sbj = bj;
+ }
+ bh = tt;
+ bj = j;
+ } else if (tt < sbh) {
+ sbh = tt;
+ sbj = j;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Compute distance of existing and new */
+ es = s->cusps[bj][1] * s->cusps[bj][1] + s->cusps[bj][2] * s->cusps[bj][2];
+ ns = in[1] * in[1] + in[2] * in[2];
+//printf("~1 chroma dist of existing %f, new %f\n",es,ns);
+ if (ns > es) {
+//printf("~1 New closest\n");
+ s->cusps[bj][0] = in[0];
+ s->cusps[bj][1] = in[1];
+ s->cusps[bj][2] = in[2];
+ } else { /* If 2nd best has no entry, use this to fill it */
+ if (s->cusps[sbj][0] == 0.0
+ && s->cusps[sbj][1] == 0.0
+ && s->cusps[sbj][2] == 0.0) {
+//printf("~1 Fill with 2nd closest\n");
+ s->cusps[sbj][0] = in[0];
+ s->cusps[sbj][1] = in[1];
+ s->cusps[sbj][2] = in[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Get the cusp values for red, yellow, green, cyan, blue & magenta */
+/* Return nz if there are no cusps available */
+static int getcusps(
+gamut *s,
+double cusps[6][3]
+) {
+ int i, j;
+ if (s->cu_inited == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ cusps[i][j] = s->cusps[i][j];
+ return 0;
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Triangulation code */
+/* ===================================================== */
+static double ne_point_on_tri(gamut *s, gtri *t, double *out, double *in);
+/* Given three points, compute the normalised plane equation */
+/* of a surface through them. */
+/* Return non-zero on error */
+static int plane_equation(
+double *eq, /* Return equation parameters */
+double *p0, /* The three points */
+double *p1,
+double *p2
+) {
+ double ll, v1[3], v2[3];
+ /* Compute vectors along edges */
+ v1[0] = p1[0] - p0[0];
+ v1[1] = p1[1] - p0[1];
+ v1[2] = p1[2] - p0[2];
+ v2[0] = p2[0] - p0[0];
+ v2[1] = p2[1] - p0[1];
+ v2[2] = p2[2] - p0[2];
+ /* Compute cross products v1 x v2, which will be the normal */
+ eq[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
+ eq[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
+ eq[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
+ /* Normalise the equation */
+ ll = sqrt(eq[0] * eq[0] + eq[1] * eq[1] + eq[2] * eq[2]);
+ if (ll < 1e-10) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ eq[0] /= ll;
+ eq[1] /= ll;
+ eq[2] /= ll;
+ /* Compute the plane equation constant */
+ eq[3] = - (eq[0] * p0[0])
+ - (eq[1] * p0[1])
+ - (eq[2] * p0[2]);
+#ifdef NEVER
+ /* Veritify the plane equation */
+ {
+ double c;
+ c = eq[0] * p0[0]
+ + eq[1] * p0[1]
+ + eq[2] * p0[2]
+ + eq[3];
+ if (fabs(c) > 1e-10) {
+ printf("Plane equation check 0 failed by %f\n",c);
+ }
+ c = eq[0] * p1[0]
+ + eq[1] * p1[1]
+ + eq[2] * p1[2]
+ + eq[3];
+ if (fabs(c) > 1e-10) {
+ printf("Plane equation check 1 failed by %f\n",c);
+ }
+ c = eq[0] * p2[0]
+ + eq[1] * p2[1]
+ + eq[2] * p2[2]
+ + eq[3];
+ if (fabs(c) > 1e-10) {
+ printf("Plane equation check 2 failed by %f\n",c);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ return 0;
+/* Compute the log surface plane equation for the triangle */
+/* and other triangle attributes. (Doesn't depend on edge info.) */
+gamut *s,
+gtri *t
+) {
+ int j;
+ static double v0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ double cp[3]; /* Closest point - not used */
+ /* Compute the plane equation for the absolute triangle. */
+ /* This is used for testing if a point is inside the gamut hull. */
+ plane_equation(t->pe, t->v[0]->p, t->v[1]->p, t->v[2]->p);
+ /* Compute the plane equation for the triangle */
+ /* based on the log compressed convex hull verticies. */
+ /* This is used for convex hull construction. */
+ plane_equation(t->che, t->v[0]->ch, t->v[1]->ch, t->v[2]->ch);
+ /* Compute the plane equation for the triangle */
+ /* mapped to the surface of the sphere */
+ /* This can be used for point in triangle testing ?? */
+ plane_equation(t->spe, t->v[0]->sp, t->v[1]->sp, t->v[2]->sp);
+ /* Compute the plane equations of the spherical mapped vertex */
+ /* values with regard to the center of the sphere, so that */
+ /* a point in triangle test can be performed, and baricentric, */
+ /* coordinates can be computed. */
+ plane_equation(t->ee[0], v0, t->v[1]->sp, t->v[2]->sp);
+ plane_equation(t->ee[1], v0, t->v[2]->sp, t->v[0]->sp);
+ plane_equation(t->ee[2], v0, t->v[0]->sp, t->v[1]->sp);
+ /* Compute the radius range of the triangle to the center */
+ /* Compute the maximum from the vertexes */
+ t->rs1 = -1.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ int k;
+ double rs, tt;
+ for (rs = 0.0, k = 0;k < 3; k++) {
+ tt = t->v[j]->p[k] - s->cent[k];
+ rs += tt * tt;
+ }
+ if (rs > t->rs1)
+ t->rs1 = rs;
+ }
+ /* The minimum may be on the plane, an edge or a vertex, */
+ /* so use closest point in triangle function. */
+ t->rs0 = ne_point_on_tri(s, t, cp, s->cent);
+ /* Allow a tollerance around the radius squareds */
+ t->rs0 -= 1e-4;
+ t->rs1 += 1e-4;
+#ifdef NEVER // ???
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ {
+ double tt[3]; /* Triangle test point */
+ double ds;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ tt[j] = (t->v[0]->p[j] + t->v[1]->p[j] + t->v[2]->p[j])/3.0;
+ tt[j] -= s->cent[j]; /* Make it center relative */
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * tt[0] /* Point we know is inside */
+ + t->ee[j][1] * tt[1]
+ + t->ee[j][2] * tt[2]
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-8)
+ break; /* Not within triangle */
+ }
+ if (j < 3) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Assert: point expected to be within triangle %d (vx %d %d %d) is not\n",
+ t->n, t->v[0]->n, t->v[1]->n, t->v[2]->n);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Known point is %f, expect -ve\n",ds);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* ASSERTS */
+#endif /* NEVER */
+/* By using the pow() or log() of the radial distance, */
+/* blended with a sphere surface, we try and strike a compromise */
+/* between a pure convex hull surface, and a pure Delaunay triangulation */
+/* the latter which would show dings and nicks from points */
+/* that fall withing the "real" gamut. */
+static double log_scale(gamut *s, double rr) {
+ double aa;
+ return rr;
+#ifdef NEVER /* (Not using this version, doesn't work reliably) */
+ aa = (2.0 + rr)/3.0; /* Blend with sphere */
+ aa = log(aa); /* Allow for concave slope */
+ if (aa < 0.0) /* but constrain to be +ve */
+ aa = 0.0;
+#else /* (Using simpler version) */
+ aa = 20.0 * pow(rr, s->logpow); /* Default 0.25 */
+#endif /* TEST_CONVEX_HULL */
+ return aa;
+/* Comput r[], lr0, sp[] and ch[] from p[] for all verticies */
+/* (Note that lr0 will be the first cut, log_scale() value) */
+static void
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ gamut_rect2radial(s, s->verts[i]->r, s->verts[i]->p);
+ if (s->verts[i]->r[0] < 1e-6) { /* Ignore a point right at the center */
+ s->verts[i]->lr0 = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ s->verts[i]->sp[j] = 0.0;
+ s->verts[i]->ch[j] = 0.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ double aa;
+ /* Figure log scaled radius */
+ s->verts[i]->lr0 = log_scale(s, s->verts[i]->r[0]);
+ /* Compute unit shere mapped location */
+ aa = 1.0/s->verts[i]->r[0]; /* Adjustment to put in on unit sphere */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ s->verts[i]->sp[j] = (s->verts[i]->p[j] - s->cent[j]) * aa;
+ /* Compute hull testing mapped version */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ s->verts[i]->ch[j] = s->verts[i]->p[j] * s->verts[i]->lr0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Sort the verticies from maximum radius */
+static void sort_verticies(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i;
+#ifndef TEST_NOSORT
+ /* Sort them */
+//#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->r[0] > B->r[0])
+#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->lr0 > B->lr0)
+ HEAPSORT(gvert *, s->verts, s->nv)
+#endif /* !TEST_NOSORT */
+ /* Renumber them */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ s->verts[i]->n = i;
+ }
+/* Number just the verticies that have been set, */
+/* and those that have been used in the convex hull */
+static void renumber_verticies(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (j = i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET))
+ continue;
+ s->verts[i]->sn = j;
+ j++;
+ }
+ s->nsv = j;
+ for (j = i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ s->verts[i]->tn = j;
+ j++;
+ }
+ s->ntv = j;
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+/* Diagnpostic aid */
+/* Check that the triangulation adjacenty info is OK */
+static void check_triangulation(gamut *s, int final) {
+ int i, j;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ gedge *ep; /* Edge pointer */
+ int failed = 0;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ /* Check verticies for duplication */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (tp->v[i] == tp->v[j]) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - duplicate verticies:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, has verticies %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check edges for duplication */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (tp->e[i] == tp->e[j]) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - duplicate connectivity:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, has verticies %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n);
+ printf("Triangle %d, has edges %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->e[0]->n, tp->e[1]->n, tp->e[2]->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check connectivity */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ gtri *t1, *t2;
+ gedge *e;
+ int ei1, ei2;
+ int tei; /* Edges index for this triangle [0..1] */
+ e = tp->e[i]; /* The edge in question */
+ tei = tp->ei[i];
+ ei1 = e->ti[tei]; /* Edges record of edge index withing this triangle */
+ /* Check that the edges reconing of what index edge it is */
+ /* for this triangle is correct */
+ if (ei1 != i) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - triangle edge index doesn't match record withing edge:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d edge %d has record %d\n", tp->n, i, e->n, ei1);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ /* Check that the edges pointer to the triangle is this triangle */
+ if (tp != e->t[tei]) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - edge doesn't point back to triangle:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d is edge %d\n",tp->n, i, e->n);
+ printf("Edge %d, triangle index %d is triangle %d\n", e->n, tei, e->t[tei]->n);
+ printf("Edge %d, triangle index %d is triangle %d\n", e->n, tei^1, e->t[tei^1]->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ /* Check the verticies for this edge match edge record */
+ if ((e->v[0] != tp->v[i] || e->v[1] != tp->v[(i+1) % 3])
+ && (e->v[1] != tp->v[i] || e->v[0] != tp->v[(i+1) % 3])) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - edge doesn't have same verticies as triangle expects:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, has verticies %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[i]->n, tp->v[(i+1) % 3]->n);
+ printf("Edge %d, has verticies %d %d\n", e->n, e->v[0]->n, e->v[1]->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ t2 = e->t[tei ^ 1]; /* The other triangle */
+ ei2 = e->ti[tei ^ 1]; /* Edges index number withing triangle t2 */
+ if (t2 == tp) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - connects to itself:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, has edges %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->e[0]->n, tp->e[1]->n, tp->e[2]->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ /* Check that the connection is reflective */
+ if (e != t2->e[ei2]) {
+ failed = 1;
+ printf("Validation failed - connectivity not reflected:\n");
+ printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d points to edge %d\n",tp->n, i, e->n);
+ printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d points to edge %d\n",t2->n, ei2, t2->e[ei2]->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ if (failed) {
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ /* Check that every point is part of a triangle and edge */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { /* Reset the assert flag */
+ gvert *v = s->verts[i];
+ v->as = 0;
+ /* Check out the flags */
+ if (!(v->f & GVERT_SET)) {
+ if ((v->f & GVERT_TRI)
+ || (v->f & GVERT_INSIDE)) {
+ printf("Validation failed - vertex %d has strange flags 0x%x\n",i, v->f);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ failed = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((v->f & GVERT_TRI) && (v->f & GVERT_INSIDE)) {
+ printf("Validation failed - vertex %d has strange flags 0x%x\n",i, v->f);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ failed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ tp->v[i]->as |= 1; /* Vertex is in a triangle */
+ ep = s->edges;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) {
+ ep->v[0]->as |= 2; /* Vertex is in an edge */
+ ep->v[1]->as |= 2;
+ ep->as = 0; /* Reset the assert flag */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI) {
+ if ((s->verts[i]->as & 1) == 0) {
+ printf("Validation failed - vertex %d is not in any triangles\n",i);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ failed = 1;
+ }
+ if ((s->verts[i]->as & 2) == 0) {
+ printf("Validation failed - vertex %d is not in any edge\n",i);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ failed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ /* Check that every edge is part of a triangle */
+ /* as flag in triangle was reset above */
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ tp->e[i]->as |= 1; /* Mark edge used in triangle */
+ ep = s->edges;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) {
+ if (ep->as != 1) {
+ printf("Validation failed - edge %d is not in any triangle\n",ep->n);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ failed = 1;
+ }
+ if (failed) {
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+#endif /* ASSERTS */
+/* -------------------------------------- */
+/* Add a face to the hit list, if it is not a duplicate. */
+static void add_to_hit_list(
+gamut *s,
+gtri **hlp, /* Hit list */
+gtri *cf /* Face to be added (triangle verts 0, 1) */
+) {
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ gvert *c0 = cf->v[0];
+ gvert *c1 = cf->v[1];
+//printf("Adding face to hit list %d: %d %d\n",
+//cf->n, cf->v[0]->n, cf->v[1]->n);
+ tp = *hlp;
+ /* Search current faces in hit list */
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ gvert *v0 = tp->v[0];
+ gvert *v1 = tp->v[1];
+ if ((c0 == v0 && c1 == v1) /* Same face from other side */
+ || (c0 == v1 && c1 == v0)) {
+ /* Duplicate found */
+//printf("Duplicate found %d: %d %d\n",
+//tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n);
+ DEL_LINK(*hlp, tp); /* Delete from the hit list */
+ /* Check face is common */
+ if (cf->e[0] != tp->e[0]) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: internal error - face match inconsistency\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* Delete edge */
+ DEL_LINK(s->edges, cf->e[0]);
+ del_gedge(cf->e[0]);
+ /* Delete the two faces */
+ del_gtri(tp);
+ del_gtri(cf);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Safe to add it to face hit list */
+ /* This removes triangle from triangles list ? */
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(*hlp, cf);
+//printf("Face added\n");
+/* Add a triangles faces to the hit list. */
+static void add_tri_to_hit_list(
+gamut *s,
+gtri **hlp, /* Hit list */
+gtri *tp /* Triangle faces to be added */
+) {
+ int j;
+ gtri *t1, *t2;
+ /* In case some verticies disapear below the log surface, */
+ /* and don't remain part of the triangulation, we mark them off. */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) {
+ tp->v[j]->f &= ~GVERT_TRI;
+ tp->v[j]->f |= GVERT_INSIDE;
+ }
+ /* Decompose the triangle into three faces, each face being stored */
+ /* into a triangle created on the hit list, using verticices 0, 1. */
+ /* The edges adjacency info remains valid for the three faces, */
+ /* as does the edge plane equation. */
+ DEL_LINK(s->tris, tp); /* Delete it from the triangulation list */
+ t1 = new_gtri();
+ t1->v[0] = tp->v[1]; /* Duplicate with rotated faces */
+ t1->v[1] = tp->v[2];
+ t1->e[0] = tp->e[1]; /* Edge adjacency for this edge */
+ t1->ei[0] = tp->ei[1]; /* Edge index of this triangle */
+ t1->e[0]->t[t1->ei[0]] = t1; /* Fixup reverse adjacency for valid edge */
+ t1->e[0]->ti[t1->ei[0]] = 0; /* Rotated index of new triangles edge */
+ t1->e[1] = t1->e[2] = NULL; /* be safe */
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) /* Copy edge plane equation */
+ t1->ee[2][j] = tp->ee[0][j];
+ t2 = new_gtri();
+ t2->v[0] = tp->v[2]; /* Duplicate with rotated faces */
+ t2->v[1] = tp->v[0];
+ t2->e[0] = tp->e[2]; /* Edge adjacency for this edge */
+ t2->ei[0] = tp->ei[2]; /* Edge index of this triangle */
+ t2->e[0]->t[t2->ei[0]] = t2; /* Fixup reverse adjacency for valid edge */
+ t2->e[0]->ti[t2->ei[0]] = 0; /* Rotated index of new triangles edge */
+ t2->e[1] = t2->e[2] = NULL; /* be safe */
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) /* Copy edge plane equation */
+ t2->ee[2][j] = tp->ee[1][j];
+ tp->e[1] = tp->e[2] = NULL; /* be safe */
+ add_to_hit_list(s, hlp, tp); /* Add edge 0 to hit list as is */
+ add_to_hit_list(s, hlp, t1); /* Add edge 1 to hit list */
+ add_to_hit_list(s, hlp, t2); /* Add edge 2 to hit list */
+ typedef struct {
+ int tix[3]; /* Triangle indexes */
+ int type; /* 0 = hit, 1 = added */
+ } tidxs;
+/* Insert a vertex into the triangulation */
+static void insert_vertex(
+gamut *s,
+gvert *v /* Vertex to insert */
+) {
+ gtri *tp, *tp2; /* Triangle pointers */
+ gtri *hl; /* Triangle face hit list (polygon faces) */
+ double tol = TRIANG_TOL;
+ int hit = 0; /* Vertex expands hull flag */
+ int intri = 0; /* Vertex landed in a triangle */
+ XLIST(tidxs, hittris)
+ tidxs xxs;
+ XLIST_INIT(tidxs, &hittris);
+ printf("Adding vertex %d: %f %f %f to triangles\n", v->n, v->p[0], v->p[1], v->p[2]);
+ /* First we search the current triangles, and convert */
+ /* any trianges that are visible from the new point, */
+ /* into a list of faces stored on the face */
+ /* hit list. */
+ /* We are using a brute force search, which will make the */
+ /* algorithm speed proportional to n^2. For better performance */
+ /* with a large number of verticies, an acceleration structure */
+ /* should be used to speed circumradius hit detection. */
+ v->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE; /* Reset flags */
+ v->f &= ~GVERT_TRI;
+ INIT_LIST(hl);
+ hit = 0;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ double c;
+ /* Check the depth out compared to this triangle log plane equation */
+ c = tp->che[0] * v->ch[0]
+ + tp->che[1] * v->ch[1]
+ + tp->che[2] * v->ch[2]
+ + tp->che[3];
+ /* If vertex is above the log hull surface, add triangle to the hit list. */
+ if (c < -tol) {
+ int j;
+ double bds = -1e10;
+ hit = 1;
+ printf("Got a hit on triangle %d: %d %d %d by %f\n",
+ tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n,c);
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = tp->ee[j][0] * v->ch[0]
+ + tp->ee[j][1] * v->ch[1]
+ + tp->ee[j][2] * v->ch[2]
+ + tp->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > tol) {
+ printf("Vertex is not in triangle by %e\n",ds);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ds > bds)
+ bds = ds;
+ }
+ if (j >= 3) {
+ printf("Vertex is in triangle by %e\n",bds);
+ intri = 1; /* Landed in this triangle */
+ }
+ xxs.tix[0] = tp->v[0]->n, xxs.tix[1] = tp->v[1]->n, xxs.tix[2] = tp->v[2]->n;
+ xxs.type = 0;
+ XLIST_ADD(&hittris, xxs)
+ add_tri_to_hit_list(s, &hl, tp);
+ }
+ if (hit == 0) {
+//printf("No hits - must be inside the log hull\n");
+ v->f |= GVERT_INSIDE; /* This point is inside the log hull */
+ v->f &= ~GVERT_TRI;
+ } else {
+ int changed = 1;
+ /* Point doesn't lie radially within any of the triangles it is */
+ /* above the plane of. This is a geometric conundrum. (?) */
+if (!intri) printf("~1 ###### vertex didn't land in any triangle! ########\n");
+//printf("Checking out hit polygon edges:\n");
+ /* Now we must make a pass though the hit list, checking that each */
+ /* hit list face will make a correctly oriented, non-sliver triangle */
+ /* when joined to the vertex. */
+ /* Do this check until there are no changes */
+ for (;changed != 0 ;) {
+ tp = hl;
+ changed = 0;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ /* Check which side of the edge our vertex is */
+ double ds;
+ ds = tp->ee[2][0] * v->ch[0]
+ + tp->ee[2][1] * v->ch[1]
+ + tp->ee[2][2] * v->ch[2]
+ + tp->ee[2][3];
+//printf("Vertex margin to edge = %e\n",ds);
+ /* If vertex is not to the right of this edge by tol */
+ /* add associated triangle to the hit list. */
+ if (ds > -tol) {
+ gtri *xtp;
+//printf("~1 ###### vertex on wrong side by %e - expand hit list ######\n",ds);
+ if (tp->e[0]->t[0] != tp)
+ xtp = tp->e[0]->t[0];
+ else
+ xtp = tp->e[0]->t[1];
+//printf("Got a hit on triangle %d: %d %d %d\n", xtp->n, xtp->v[0]->n, xtp->v[1]->n, xtp->v[2]->n);
+ xxs.tix[0] = xtp->v[0]->n, xxs.tix[1] = xtp->v[1]->n, xxs.tix[2] = xtp->v[2]->n;
+ xxs.type = 1;
+ XLIST_ADD(&hittris, xxs)
+ add_tri_to_hit_list(s, &hl, xtp);
+ changed = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ write_diag_vrml(s, v->ch,, hittris.list, hl);
+//printf("About to turn polygon faces into triangles\n");
+ /* Turn all the faces that made it to the */
+ /* hit list, into triangles using the new vertex. */
+ tp = hl;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ tp->v[2] = v; /* Add third vertex to face to make triangle */
+ comptriattr(s, tp); /* Compute triangle attributes */
+ /* Find the new adjacent triangles from the triangles being formed, */
+ /* to maintain edge adjacency information. */
+ /* Do only one edge at a time, since each adjacency */
+ /* will be visited twice. */
+ tp2 = hl;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) {
+ if (tp2->v[0] == tp->v[1]) { /* Found 1/2 tp/tp2 edge adjacency */
+ gedge *e;
+ e = new_gedge();
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->edges, e); /* Append to edge list */
+ tp->e[1] = e; /* Point to edge */
+ tp->ei[1] = 0; /* edges 0th triangle */
+ e->t[0] = tp; /* triangles 1st edge */
+ e->ti[0] = 1; /* triangles 1st edge */
+ tp2->e[2] = e; /* Point to edge */
+ tp2->ei[2] = 1; /* edges 1st triangle */
+ e->t[1] = tp2; /* Triangles 2nd edge */
+ e->ti[1] = 2; /* Triangles 2nd edge */
+ e->v[0] = v; /* Add the two verticies */
+ e->v[1] = tp->v[1];
+ }
+//printf("~1 Creating new triangle %d: %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n);
+ tp = hl;
+ = 0;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ xxs.tix[0] = tp->v[0]->n, xxs.tix[1] = tp->v[1]->n, xxs.tix[2] = tp->v[2]->n;
+ xxs.type = 2;
+ XLIST_ADD(&hittris, xxs)
+ write_diag_vrml(s, v->ch,, hittris.list, NULL);
+#ifdef DO_TWOPASS
+ if (s->pass > 0)
+#endif /* DO_TWOPASS */
+ getchar();
+ /* Move them to the triangulation. */
+ tp = hl;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ int j;
+ DEL_LINK(hl, tp); /* Gone from the hit list */
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tp); /* Append to triangulation list */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) { /* Verticies weren't dropped from triangulation */
+ tp->v[j]->f |= GVERT_TRI;
+ tp->v[j]->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE;
+ }
+ v->f |= GVERT_TRI; /* This vertex has been added to triangulation */
+ v->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE; /* and it's not inside */
+ }
+ XLIST_FREE(&hittris);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Create the convex hull surface triangulation */
+static void triangulate_ch(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ /* Establish the base triangulation */
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ gvert *tvs[4]; /* Initial verticies */
+ gtri *tr[4]; /* Initial triangles */
+ gedge *ed[6]; /* Initial edges */
+ double fsz = FAKE_SEED_SIZE; /* Initial tetra size */
+ double ff[3];
+ int onf;
+ static double foffs[4][3] = { /* tetrahedral offsets */
+ { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
+ { 0.0, 0.80254, -0.5 },
+ { 0.75, -0.330127, -0.5 },
+ { -0.75, -0.330127, -0.5 }
+ };
+ /* Delete any current fake verticies */
+ for (j = i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ s->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_ESTP; /* Unmark non-fake establishment points */
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_FAKE))
+ s->verts[j++] = s->verts[i];
+ else
+ free(s->verts[i]);
+ }
+ s->nv = j;
+ /* Re-create fake points on each pass */
+ onf = s->nofilter;
+ s->nofilter = 1; /* Turn off filtering */
+ s->doingfake = 1; /* Adding fake points */
+ for (j = i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ ff[0] = fsz * foffs[i][2] + s->cent[0];
+ ff[1] = fsz * foffs[i][0] + s->cent[1];
+ ff[2] = fsz * foffs[i][1] + s->cent[2];
+ if ((tvs[j++] = expand_gamut(s, ff)) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: internal error - failed to register a fake initial verticies!\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ s->nofilter = onf;
+ s->doingfake = 0;
+#ifdef NEVER
+ printf("Initial verticies:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ printf(" %d: %f %f %f\n",tvs[i]->n, tvs[i]->p[0], tvs[i]->p[1], tvs[i]->p[2]);
+ }
+ /* Setup the initial triangulation */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ tr[i] = new_gtri();
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ ed[i] = new_gedge();
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->edges, ed[i]);
+ }
+ /* Enter the edge verticies */
+ ed[0]->v[0] = tvs[0];
+ ed[0]->v[1] = tvs[1];
+ ed[1]->v[0] = tvs[1];
+ ed[1]->v[1] = tvs[2];
+ ed[2]->v[0] = tvs[0];
+ ed[2]->v[1] = tvs[2];
+ ed[3]->v[0] = tvs[0];
+ ed[3]->v[1] = tvs[3];
+ ed[4]->v[0] = tvs[1];
+ ed[4]->v[1] = tvs[3];
+ ed[5]->v[0] = tvs[2];
+ ed[5]->v[1] = tvs[3];
+ /* Triangle facing in the +x, +y +z direction */
+ tr[0]->v[0] = tvs[0];
+ tr[0]->v[1] = tvs[1];
+ tr[0]->v[2] = tvs[2];
+ tr[0]->e[0] = ed[0]; /* Should make edge joining a function ? */
+ tr[0]->ei[0] = 0;
+ ed[0]->t[0] = tr[0];
+ ed[0]->ti[0] = 0;
+ tr[0]->e[1] = ed[1];
+ tr[0]->ei[1] = 0;
+ ed[1]->t[0] = tr[0];
+ ed[1]->ti[0] = 1;
+ tr[0]->e[2] = ed[2];
+ tr[0]->ei[2] = 0;
+ ed[2]->t[0] = tr[0];
+ ed[2]->ti[0] = 2;
+ comptriattr(s, tr[0]); /* Compute triangle attributes */
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[0]); /* Append to list */
+ /* Triangle facing in the -x, +y +z direction */
+ tr[1]->v[0] = tvs[0];
+ tr[1]->v[1] = tvs[3];
+ tr[1]->v[2] = tvs[1];
+ tr[1]->e[0] = ed[3];
+ tr[1]->ei[0] = 0;
+ ed[3]->t[0] = tr[1];
+ ed[3]->ti[0] = 0;
+ tr[1]->e[1] = ed[4];
+ tr[1]->ei[1] = 0;
+ ed[4]->t[0] = tr[1];
+ ed[4]->ti[0] = 1;
+ tr[1]->e[2] = ed[0];
+ tr[1]->ei[2] = 1;
+ ed[0]->t[1] = tr[1];
+ ed[0]->ti[1] = 2;
+ comptriattr(s, tr[1]); /* Compute triangle attributes */
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[1]); /* Append to list */
+ /* Triangle facing in the -y +z direction */
+ tr[2]->v[0] = tvs[0];
+ tr[2]->v[1] = tvs[2];
+ tr[2]->v[2] = tvs[3];
+ tr[2]->e[0] = ed[2];
+ tr[2]->ei[0] = 1;
+ ed[2]->t[1] = tr[2];
+ ed[2]->ti[1] = 0;
+ tr[2]->e[1] = ed[5];
+ tr[2]->ei[1] = 0;
+ ed[5]->t[0] = tr[2];
+ ed[5]->ti[0] = 1;
+ tr[2]->e[2] = ed[3];
+ tr[2]->ei[2] = 1;
+ ed[3]->t[1] = tr[2];
+ ed[3]->ti[1] = 2;
+ comptriattr(s, tr[2]); /* Compute triangle attributes */
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[2]); /* Append to list */
+ /* Triangle facing in the -z direction */
+ tr[3]->v[0] = tvs[1];
+ tr[3]->v[1] = tvs[3];
+ tr[3]->v[2] = tvs[2];
+ tr[3]->e[0] = ed[4];
+ tr[3]->ei[0] = 1;
+ ed[4]->t[1] = tr[3];
+ ed[4]->ti[1] = 0;
+ tr[3]->e[1] = ed[5];
+ tr[3]->ei[1] = 1;
+ ed[5]->t[1] = tr[3];
+ ed[5]->ti[1] = 1;
+ tr[3]->e[2] = ed[1];
+ tr[3]->ei[2] = 1;
+ ed[1]->t[1] = tr[3];
+ ed[1]->ti[1] = 2;
+ comptriattr(s, tr[3]); /* Compute triangle attributes */
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[3]); /* Append to list */
+ /* The four used verticies are now part of the triangulation */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ tvs[i]->f |= GVERT_TRI;
+//printf("Base triangle %d: %d %d %d (Verticies 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", tr[i]->n, tr[i]->v[0]->n, tr[i]->v[1]->n, tr[i]->v[2]->n, tr[i]->v[0], tr[i]->v[1], tr[i]->v[2]);
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ check_triangulation(s, 0);
+ }
+ /* Sort the verticies from maximum radius, */
+ /* to make our log convex hull logic work */
+ sort_verticies(s);
+ {
+ int i;
+ /* Complete the triangulation by adding all the remaining verticies */
+ /* in order of decreasing radius, so that those below the log */
+ /* convex hull get discarded. */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)
+ || (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)
+ || (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_INSIDE)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ insert_vertex(s, s->verts[i]);
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ check_triangulation(s, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Number the used verticies */
+ renumber_verticies(s);
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ check_triangulation(s, 1);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Compute a new convex hull mapping radius for the sample points, */
+/* on the basis of the initial mapping. */
+static void compute_smchrad(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i, j;
+ double zz[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
+ double rot[3][3];
+ double ssr = 0.5 * s->sres; /* Sample size radius in delta E */
+// double ssr = 10.0;
+ int res = 4; /* resolution of sample grid */
+//printf("~1 computing smoothed chrads\n");
+ /* Compute the new log surface value */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ double pr; /* Current surface radius at this vertex */
+ double rad, rw; /* Smoothed radius, weight */
+ double out[3]; /* Point on surface for this vertex */
+ int x, y;
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+//printf("~1 vertex %d, %f %f %f\n",i, s->verts[i]->p[0], s->verts[i]->p[1], s->verts[i]->p[2]);
+ /* Find the average surface level near this point */
+ pr = s->radial(s, out, s->verts[i]->p);
+//printf("~1 surface radius %f, location %f %f %f\n",pr, out[0],out[1],out[2]);
+ /* Compute a rotation that lines Z up with the radial direction */
+ out[0] -= s->cent[0]; /* Radial vector through point to surface */
+ out[1] -= s->cent[1];
+ out[2] -= s->cent[2];
+ zz[2] = pr; /* Z vector of same length */
+ icmRotMat(rot, zz, out); /* Compute vector from Z to radial */
+ out[0] += s->cent[0];
+ out[1] += s->cent[1];
+ out[2] += s->cent[2];
+ rad = rw = 0.0;
+ /* Sample a rectangular array orthogonal to radial vector, */
+ /* and weight samples appropriately */
+ for (x = 0; x < res; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; y < res; y++) {
+ double tt, off[3], rv, in[3];
+ off[0] = 2.0 * (x/(res-1.0) - 0.5); /* -1.0 to 1.0 */
+ off[1] = 2.0 * (y/(res-1.0) - 0.5); /* -1.0 to 1.0 */
+ off[2] = 0.0;
+ rv = off[0] * off[0] + off[1] * off[1];
+ if (rv > 1.0)
+ continue; /* Outside circle */
+#ifdef NEVER
+ rv = 1.0 - sqrt(rv); /* Radius from center */
+ rv = rv * rv * (3.0 - 2.0 * rv); /* Spline weight it */
+ rv = 1.0; /* Moving average weighting */
+ off[0] *= ssr; /* Scale offset to sampling radius */
+ off[1] *= ssr;
+ /* Rotate offset to be orthogonal to radial vector */
+ icmMulBy3x3(off, rot, off);
+ /* Add offset to surface point over current vertex */
+ in[0] = out[0] + off[0];
+ in[1] = out[1] + off[1];
+ in[2] = out[2] + off[2];
+//printf("~1 grid %d %d, weight %f, offset %f %f %f\n",x,y,rv,off[0],off[1],off[2]);
+ /* Sum weighted radius at sample point */
+ tt = s->radial(s, NULL, in);
+ tt = log_scale(s, tt);
+ rad += rv * tt;
+ rw += rv;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Compute sample filtered radius at the sample point */
+ rad /= rw;
+//printf("~1 sampled radius = %f\n\n",rad);
+ /* Now compute new hull mapping radius for this point, */
+ /* based on dividing out the sampled radius */
+// s->verts[i]->lr0 = 40.0 + s->verts[i]->lr0 - rad;
+ s->verts[i]->lr0 = 40.0 + log_scale(s, s->verts[i]->r[0]) - rad;
+ /* Prevent silliness */
+ if (s->verts[i]->lr0 < (2.0 * FAKE_SEED_SIZE))
+ s->verts[i]->lr0 = (2.0 * FAKE_SEED_SIZE);
+//printf("~1 new lr0 = %f\n\n",s->verts[i]->lr0);
+ /* recompute ch[] for new lr0 */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ s->verts[i]->ch[j] = s->verts[i]->sp[j] * s->verts[i]->lr0;
+ }
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Overall triangulation */
+static void triangulate(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ /* Create the convex hull */
+ triangulate_ch(s);
+#if defined(DO_TWOPASS) && !defined(TEST_CONVEX_HULL)
+ if (s->no2pass == 0) {
+ printf("############ Starting second pass ###################\n");
+ compute_smchrad(s);
+ del_triang(s);
+ s->pass++;
+ triangulate_ch(s);
+ /* Three passes is typically slightly better, but slower... */
+// compute_smchrad(s);
+// del_triang(s);
+// s->pass++;
+// triangulate_ch(s);
+ }
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Code that makes use of the triangulation */
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* return the current surface resolution */
+static double getsres(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ return s->sres;
+/* return the isJab flag value */
+static int getisjab(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ return s->isJab;
+/* return the isRast flag value */
+static int getisrast(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ return s->isRast;
+/* Disable segmented maxima filtering */
+static void setnofilt(gamut *s) {
+ s->nofilter = 1;
+/* return the gamut center value */
+static void getcent(gamut *s, double *cent) {
+ cent[0] = s->cent[0];
+ cent[1] = s->cent[1];
+ cent[2] = s->cent[2];
+/* Return the gamut min/max range */
+static void getrange(gamut *s, double *min, double *max) {
+ if (min != NULL) {
+ min[0] = s->mn[0];
+ min[1] = s->mn[1];
+ min[2] = s->mn[2];
+ }
+ if (max != NULL) {
+ max[0] = s->mx[0];
+ max[1] = s->mx[1];
+ max[2] = s->mx[2];
+ }
+/* return nz if the two gamut are compatible */
+static int compatible(
+gamut *s, struct _gamut *t) {
+ int j;
+ /* The same colorspace ? */
+ if ((s->isJab && !t->isJab)
+ || (!s->isJab && t->isJab)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* The same gamut center ? */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (fabs(s->cent[j] - t->cent[j]) > 1e-9) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Return the number of raw verticies used to construct surface */
+static int nrawverts(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i, nrv = 0;
+ /* Sort them so that triangulate doesn't mess indexing up */
+ sort_verticies(s);
+ /* Count them */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)
+ nrv++;
+ }
+ return nrv;
+/* Return the raw (triangle and non-triangle surface) verticies */
+/* location given its index. */
+/* return the next (sparse) index, or -1 if beyond last */
+static int getrawvert(
+gamut *s,
+double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */
+int ix /* Input index */
+) {
+ if (ix < 0)
+ return -1;
+ /* Find then next used in the triangulation */
+ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_SET))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ix >= s->nv)
+ return -1;
+ pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0];
+ pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1];
+ pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2];
+ return ix+1;
+/* Return the number of raw direction 0 verticies used */
+/* to construct surface. (Direction 0 is radial direction maxima) */
+static int nraw0verts(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i, nrv = 0;
+ /* Sort them so that triangulate doesn't mess indexing up */
+ sort_verticies(s);
+ /* Count them */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if ((s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)
+ && (s->verts[i]->k0 > 0))
+ nrv++;
+ }
+ return nrv;
+/* Return the raw (triangle and non-triangle surface) direction 0 */
+/* verticies location given its index. (Direction 0 is radial direction maxima) */
+/* return the next (sparse) index, or -1 if beyond last */
+static int getraw0vert(
+gamut *s,
+double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */
+int ix /* Input index */
+) {
+ if (ix < 0)
+ return -1;
+ /* Find then next used in the triangulation and direction 0 */
+ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_SET)
+ || !(s->verts[ix]->k0 > 0))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ix >= s->nv)
+ return -1;
+ pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0];
+ pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1];
+ pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2];
+ return ix+1;
+/* Return the number of stratified sampling surface verticies, */
+/* for the given verticies per unit area parameter. */
+static int nssverts(
+gamut *s,
+double xvra /* Extra vertex ratio */
+) {
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+//printf("~1 nssverts called with xvra = %f\n",xvra);
+ if (s->xvra != xvra) {
+ int i, j;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ double tarea; /* Total area */
+ double tnverts; /* Target number of verticies */
+ int anverts; /* Actual number of verticies */
+ /* Calculate the total surface area of the triangulation */
+ tarea = 0.0;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ double sp, ss[3]; /* Triangle side lengths */
+ double dp; /* Dot product of point in triangle and normal */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* For each edge */
+ for (ss[i] = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double dd = tp->e[i]->v[1]->p[j] - tp->e[i]->v[0]->p[j];
+ ss[i] += dd * dd;
+ }
+ ss[i] = sqrt(ss[i]);
+ }
+ /* semi-perimeter */
+ sp = 0.5 * (ss[0] + ss[1] + ss[2]);
+ /* Area of triangle */
+ tp->area = sqrt(sp * (sp - ss[0]) * (sp - ss[1]) * (sp - ss[2]));
+ tarea += tp->area;
+ /* target number of vectors */
+ tnverts = xvra * s->ntv;
+//printf("~1 total area = %f, tnverts = %f\n",tarea, tnverts);
+ /* Number that need to be added using stratified sampling */
+ tnverts -= (double)s->ntv;
+ anverts = 0;
+ /* Compute number of extra verticies for each triangle */
+ if (tnverts > 0.0) {
+ double exvpua; /* Extra verticies per unit area to create */
+ exvpua = tnverts/tarea;
+//printf("~1 extra verts = %f\n",exvpua);
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ tp->ssverts = (int)(exvpua * tp->area + 0.5);
+ anverts += tp->ssverts;
+ }
+ anverts += s->ntv;
+ s->xvra = xvra;
+ s->ssnverts = anverts;
+ }
+//printf("~1 returning total verts %d\n",s->ssnverts);
+ return s->ssnverts;
+/* Return the stratified sampling surface verticies */
+/* location and radius. nssverts() sets vpua */
+static int getssvert(
+gamut *s,
+double *rad, /* Return radial radius */
+double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */
+double norm[3], /* Return normal of triangle it orginates from */
+int ix /* Input index */
+) {
+ int sskip = 0; /* Number of points to skip after each reset of pseudo rand */
+//printf("getssvert called\n");
+ if (ix < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (ix < s->nv) {
+ /* Find then next used vertex in the triangulation */
+ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ix < s->nv) { /* returning verticies */
+ if (rad != NULL)
+ *rad = s->verts[ix]->r[0];
+ if (pos != NULL) {
+ pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0];
+ pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1];
+ pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2];
+ }
+ if (norm != NULL) {
+ gvert *vp = s->verts[ix];
+ gtri *tp;
+ int i, j, nt = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ norm[j] = 0.0;
+ /* Slow, but search all triangles for this vertex. */
+ /* Return the average normal of all the triangles it is part of */
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (tp->v[i] == vp) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ norm[j] += tp->pe[j];
+ nt++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nt == 0)
+ error("gamut::getssvert() vertex doesn't have a triangle");
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ norm[j] /= (double)nt;
+ }
+//printf("~1 returning tri vertex %f %f %f\n", pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ } else { /* We're generating ss points for each triangle */
+ int i, j;
+ double tt;
+ double uv[2];
+ double tr[3]; /* Baricentric weighting */
+ double vv[3];
+ if (s->ss == NULL) {
+ if ((s->ss = new_sobol(2)) == NULL)
+ error("gamut::getssvert() new_sobol() failed");
+ for (i = 0; i < sskip; i++)
+ s->ss->next(s->ss, uv);
+ }
+ if (ix == s->nv) { /* Start of generating verticies in triangles */
+//printf("~1 setting up for scan through triangles\n");
+ s->nexttri = s->tris;
+ if (s->nexttri == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ s->ssvertn = 0;
+ s->ss->reset(s->ss);
+ }
+ if (s->ssvertn >= s->nexttri->ssverts) {
+ do {
+//printf("~1 skipping to next triangle\n");
+ s->nexttri = NEXT_FWD(s->nexttri);
+ if (s->nexttri == s->tris)
+ return -1;
+ } while(s->nexttri->ssverts <= 0);
+ s->ssvertn = 0;
+ s->ss->reset(s->ss);
+ for (i = 0; i < sskip; i++)
+ s->ss->next(s->ss, uv);
+ }
+//printf("~1 generating ss vert %d out of %d\n",s->ssvertn+1,s->nexttri->ssverts);
+ s->ss->next(s->ss, uv);
+ tt = sqrt(uv[0]);
+ tr[0] = 1 - tt;
+ tr[1] = uv[1] * tt;
+ tr[2] = 1.0 - tr[0] - tr[1];
+ vv[0] = vv[1] = vv[2] = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ vv[j] += s->nexttri->v[i]->p[j] * tr[i];
+ }
+ if (rad != NULL)
+ *rad = icmNorm33(vv, s->cent);
+ if (pos != NULL) {
+ pos[0] = vv[0];
+ pos[1] = vv[1];
+ pos[2] = vv[2];
+ }
+ if (norm != NULL) {
+ norm[0] = s->nexttri->pe[0];
+ norm[1] = s->nexttri->pe[1];
+ norm[2] = s->nexttri->pe[2];
+ }
+ s->ssvertn++;
+//printf("~1 returning ss vertex %f %f %f\n", pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ }
+ return ix+1;
+/* Return the number of verticies in the triangulated surface */
+static int nverts(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ return s->ntv;
+/* Return the verticies location and radius given its index. */
+/* return the next (sparse) index, or -1 if beyond last */
+static int getvert(
+gamut *s,
+double *rad, /* Return radial radius */
+double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */
+int ix /* Input index */
+) {
+ if (ix >= s->nv)
+ return -1;
+ /* Find then next used in the triangulation */
+ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ix >= s->nv)
+ return -1;
+ if (rad != NULL)
+ *rad = s->verts[ix]->r[0];
+ if (pos != NULL) {
+ pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0];
+ pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1];
+ pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2];
+ }
+ return ix+1;
+/* Reset indexing through triangles for getnexttri() */
+static void startnexttri(gamut *s) {
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ s->nexttri = NULL;
+/* Return the next surface triange, nz on no more */
+static int getnexttri(
+gamut *s,
+int v[3] /* Return indexes for same order as getvert() */
+) {
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ if (s->nexttri == NULL) {
+ s->nexttri = s->tris;
+ if (s->nexttri == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ s->nexttri = NEXT_FWD(s->nexttri);
+ if (s->nexttri == s->tris)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ v[0] = s->nexttri->v[0]->tn;
+ v[1] = s->nexttri->v[1]->tn;
+ v[2] = s->nexttri->v[2]->tn;
+ return 0;
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Return the total volume of the gamut */
+/* [ We use the formula from "Area of planar polygons and */
+/* volume of polyhedra" by Ronald N. Goldman, */
+/* Graphics Gems II, pp 170 ] */
+static double volume(
+gamut *s
+) {
+ int i, j;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ double vol; /* Gamut volume */
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ /* Compute the area of each triangle in the list, */
+ /* and accumulate the gamut volume. */
+ tp = s->tris;
+ vol = 0.0;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ double sp, ss[3]; /* Triangle side lengths */
+ double area; /* Area of this triangle */
+ double dp; /* Dot product of point in triangle and normal */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* For each edge */
+ for (ss[i] = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double dd = tp->e[i]->v[1]->p[j] - tp->e[i]->v[0]->p[j];
+ ss[i] += dd * dd;
+ }
+ ss[i] = sqrt(ss[i]);
+ }
+ /* semi-perimeter */
+ sp = 0.5 * (ss[0] + ss[1] + ss[2]);
+ /* Area of triangle */
+ area = sqrt(sp * (sp - ss[0]) * (sp - ss[1]) * (sp - ss[2]));
+ /* Dot product between first vertex in triangle and the unit normal vector */
+ dp = tp->v[0]->p[0] * tp->pe[0]
+ + tp->v[0]->p[1] * tp->pe[1]
+ + tp->v[0]->p[2] * tp->pe[2];
+ /* Accumulate gamut volume */
+ vol += dp * area;
+ vol = fabs(vol)/3.0;
+ return vol;
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Given a point, */
+/* return the distance to the gamut surface. */
+static void init_lu(gamut *s);
+static gtri *radial_point_triang(gamut *s, gbsp *np, double in[3]);
+static double radial_point(gamut *s, gbsp *np, double in[3]);
+/* Given a point, return the point in that direction */
+/* that lies on the gamut surface. Return the radial */
+/* radius to the surface point */
+/* Brute force search version. */
+static double
+gamut *s,
+double *out, /* result point (absolute)*/
+double *in /* input point (absolute)*/
+) {
+ gtri *tp;
+ int j;
+ double ss, rv;
+ double nin[3]; /* Normalised input vector */
+//printf("~1 radial called with %f %f %f\n", in[0], in[1], in[2]);
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ /* Compute vector length to center point */
+ for (ss = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ ss += (in[j] - s->cent[j]) * (in[j] - s->cent[j]);
+ ss = 1.0/sqrt(ss); /* Normalising factor */
+ for (ss = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ nin[j] = s->cent[j] + (in[j] - s->cent[j]) * ss;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ if (vect_intersect(s, &rv, out, s->cent, nin, tp)) {
+ if (rv > 0.0) /* Expect only one intersection */
+ break;
+ }
+//printf("~1 result = %f %f %f\n",out[0], out[1], out[2]);
+ return rv;
+/* Implementation for following two functions: */
+/* Given a point, return the point in that direction */
+/* that lies on the gamut surface. Use the BSP accellerated search. */
+/* Return the radial length of the input and radial length of result */
+static void
+gamut *s,
+double *ir, /* return input radius (may be NULL) */
+double *or, /* return output radius (may be NULL) */
+double *out, /* result point (absolute) (may be NULL) */
+double *in /* input point (absolute)*/
+) {
+ int j;
+ double ss, rv;
+ double nin[3]; /* Normalised input vector */
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ /* We have to find out which triangle the point is in */
+ if (s->lu_inited == 0) {
+ init_lu(s); /* Init BSP search tree */
+ }
+//if (trace) printf("~1 radial called with %f %f %f\n", in[0], in[1], in[2]);
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ nin[j] = in[j] - s->cent[j]; /* relative to gamut center */
+ for (ss = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ ss += nin[j] * nin[j];
+ ss = sqrt(ss);
+ if (ss > 1e-9) { /* Normalise to 1.0 */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ nin[j] /= ss;
+ } else {
+ nin[0] = 1.0;
+ nin[1] = nin[2] = 0.0;
+ }
+//if (trace) printf("~1 Normalised in = %f %f %f\n", nin[0], nin[1], nin[2]);
+ rv = radial_point(s, s->lutree, nin);
+ if (rv < 0.0) {
+ error("gamut: radial internal error - failed to find triangle\n");
+ }
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ out[j] = nin[j] * rv + s->cent[j]; /* Scale out to surface length, absolute */
+//if (trace) printf("~1 result = %f %f %f\n",out[0], out[1], out[2]);
+ }
+ if (ir != NULL) {
+//if (trace) printf("~1 input radius res = %f\n",ss);
+ *ir = ss;
+ }
+ if (or != NULL) {
+//if (trace) printf("~1 output radius res = %f\n",rv);
+ *or = rv;
+ }
+/* Given a point, return the point in that direction */
+/* that lies on the gamut surface */
+/* Return the normalised radial radius to the surface point */
+static double
+gamut *s,
+double *out, /* result point (absolute) (May be NULL) */
+double *in /* input point (absolute)*/
+) {
+ double ss, rv;
+ _radial(s, &ss, &rv, out, in);
+ return ss/rv;
+/* Given a point, return the point in that direction */
+/* that lies on the gamut surface */
+/* Return the radial radius to the surface point */
+static double
+gamut *s,
+double *out, /* result point (absolute) (May be NULL) */
+double *in /* input point (absolute)*/
+) {
+ double ss, rv;
+ _radial(s, &ss, &rv, out, in);
+ return rv;
+void lu_split(gamut *s, gbsp **np, int rdepth, gtri **list, int llen);
+/* Setup the radial lookup function acceleration structure */
+static void
+gamut *s
+) {
+ static double v0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ static
+ gedge *ep; /* Edge pointer */
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ gtri **tlist;
+ int ntris;
+//printf("~1 init_lu called\n");
+ /* Create mean angle dividing plane equations */
+ ep = s->edges;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) {
+ plane_equation(ep->re, v0, ep->v[0]->sp, ep->v[1]->sp);
+ /* Create the initial triangle list */
+ /* First count them */
+ ntris = 0;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ ntris++;
+ /* Allocate a list */
+ if ((tlist = (gtri **) malloc(ntris * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - top level triangle list (%d entries)\n",ntris);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* Then add them to the list */
+ ntris = 0;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ tlist[ntris] = tp;
+ ntris++;
+ /* Recursively split them, and add objects to leaves */
+ lu_split(s, &s->lutree, 0, tlist, ntris);
+ free(tlist);
+//printf("~1 init_lu done\n");
+ s->lu_inited = 1;
+ * BSP accellerator:
+ * This is setup specifically to accellerate finding
+ * the radial point on the gamut surface. To do this, all
+ * the BSP plains pass through the gamut center, creating
+ * wedge shaped sub-division regions.
+ *
+ * For accellerating the vector intersect code, this isn't
+ * so fabulous, and a general unconstrained BSP tree would
+ * be better. To address this, an orhogonal element to the
+ * radial BSP's is provided in the radius squared range
+ * of each set of elements below a BSP node.
+ */
+/* Recursive routine to choose a partition plane, */
+/* and then split the triangle list between the */
+/* +ve and -ve sides, or add triangles as leaves. */
+gamut *s,
+gbsp **np, /* Address of node pointer to be set */
+int rdepth, /* Current recursion depth */
+gtri **list, /* Current triangle list */
+int llen /* Number of triangles in the list */
+) {
+ double rs0, rs1; /* Radius squared range of elements */
+ int ii, jj; /* Progress through edges */
+ int pcount; /* Current best scored try */
+ int ncount;
+ int bcount;
+ int mcount;
+ double peqs[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+ gtri **plist, **nlist; /* New sub-lists */
+ int pix, nix; /* pos/ned sublist indexes */
+ gbspn *bspn; /* BSP decision node */
+//printf("~1\nlu_split called at depth %d with %d triangles\n",rdepth, llen);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (llen <= 3) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ printf("Triang index %d = %d\n",i, list[i]->n);
+ printf("Triang verts %d %d %d\n",
+ list[i]->v[0]->tn, list[i]->v[1]->tn, list[i]->v[2]->tn);
+ printf("Vert 0 at %.18f %.18f %.18f\n",list[i]->v[0]->sp[0], list[i]->v[0]->sp[1], list[i]->v[0]->sp[2]);
+ printf("Vert 1 at %.18f %.18f %.18f\n",list[i]->v[1]->sp[0], list[i]->v[1]->sp[1], list[i]->v[1]->sp[2]);
+ printf("Vert 2 at %.18f %.18f %.18f\n",list[i]->v[2]->sp[0], list[i]->v[2]->sp[1], list[i]->v[2]->sp[2]);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ if ((rdepth+1) >= BSPDEPTH) { /* Oops */
+ printf("gamut internal error: ran out of recursion depth in BSP\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ /* Scan our list or triangles and figure out radius squared range */
+ {
+ int i, j, e;
+ double rs;
+ rs0 = 1e120;
+ rs1 = -1.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ if (list[i]->rs0 < rs0)
+ rs0 = list[i]->rs0;
+ if (list[i]->rs1 > rs1)
+ rs1 = list[i]->rs1;
+ }
+//printf("~1 no triangs %d, rs range %f - %f\n",llen,rs0,rs1);
+ }
+ pcount = ncount = bcount = -1;
+ mcount = 0;
+ /* test every edge in turn */
+ for (ii = jj = 0;ii < llen;) {
+ double eqs[4];
+ int i;
+ gedge *ep; /* Edge pointer */
+ int pc, nc, bc; /* Score a try, postive count, negative count, both count */
+ int mc; /* Minumum count */
+ ep = list[ii]->e[jj];
+ eqs[0] = ep->re[0]; /* Use this edge */
+ eqs[1] = ep->re[1];
+ eqs[2] = ep->re[2];
+ eqs[3] = ep->re[3];
+ if (++jj > 2) {
+ jj = 0;
+ ii++;
+ }
+ /* Do the trial split */
+ pc = nc = bc = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ int j;
+ int po, ne;
+ /* Compute distance from plane of all verticies in triangle */
+ po = ne = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For triangle verticies */
+ double ds;
+ /* Compute distance to dividing plane of this vertex */
+ ds = eqs[0] * list[i]->v[j]->sp[0]
+ + eqs[1] * list[i]->v[j]->sp[1]
+ + eqs[2] * list[i]->v[j]->sp[2]
+ + eqs[3];
+ /* Figure if the verticies are clearly to one side of the plane */
+ if (ds > 1e-10) {
+ po++;
+ } else if (ds < -1e-10) {
+ ne++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Score this split */
+ if (po) {
+ pc++;
+ if (ne) {
+ nc++;
+ bc++;
+ list[i]->sort = 3; /* Both */
+ } else {
+ list[i]->sort = 1; /* +ve */
+ }
+ } else if (ne) {
+ nc++;
+ list[i]->sort = 2; /* -ve */
+ } else { /* Hmm. Neither */
+ bc++;
+ list[i]->sort = 3; /* Assume both */
+ }
+ }
+ mc = pc < nc ? pc : nc; /* Size of smallest group */
+ mc -= bc;
+//printf("~1 lu_split trial %d, mc %d, pc %d, nc %d, bc %d\n",ii * 3 + jj, mc, pc, nc, bc);
+ if (mc > mcount) { /* New largest small group */
+ mcount = mc;
+ pcount = pc;
+ ncount = nc;
+ bcount = bc;
+ peqs[0] = eqs[0];
+ peqs[1] = eqs[1];
+ peqs[2] = eqs[2];
+ peqs[3] = eqs[3];
+//printf("~1 new best - plane mc = %d, %f %f %f %f\n",mc, peqs[0], peqs[1], peqs[2], peqs[3]);
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ list[i]->bsort = list[i]->sort;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ write_split_diag_vrml(s, list, llen);
+ getchar();
+#endif /* DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML */
+ if (ii >= llen && bcount < 0) { /* We failed to find a split plane. */
+ /* This is usually a result of the list being 2 or more triangles */
+ /* that do not share any edges (disconected from each other), and */
+ /* lying so that any split plane formed from an edge of one, */
+ /* intersects one of the others. */
+ /* In theory we could solve this by picking some */
+ /* other radial split plane ? */
+ /* Instead leave our list of triangles as the leaf node, */
+ /* and let the search algorithms deal with this. */
+ *np = (gbsp *)new_gbspl(llen, list);
+ (*np)->rs0 = rs0; /* Radius squared range */
+ (*np)->rs1 = rs1;
+//printf("~1 lu_split returning with a non split list of %d triangles\n",llen);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Divide the triangles into two lists */
+ bspn = new_gbspn(); /* Next node */
+ *np = (gbsp *)bspn; /* Put it in place */
+ bspn->rs0 = rs0; /* Radius squared range */
+ bspn->rs1 = rs1;
+ bspn->pe[0] = peqs[0]; /* Plane equation */
+ bspn->pe[1] = peqs[1];
+ bspn->pe[2] = peqs[2];
+ bspn->pe[3] = peqs[3];
+ /* Allocate the sub lists */
+ if ((plist = (gtri **) malloc(pcount * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - pos sub-list\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if ((nlist = (gtri **) malloc(ncount * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - neg sub-list\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* Fill them in */
+ for (pix = nix = ii = 0; ii < llen; ii++) {
+ if (list[ii]->bsort & 1) { /* Positive */
+ plist[pix] = list[ii];
+ pix++;
+ }
+ if (list[ii]->bsort & 2) { /* Negative */
+ nlist[nix] = list[ii];
+ nix++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Recurse if there are more triangles to split */
+ if (pix == 1) {
+ bspn->po = (gbsp *)plist[0]; /* leaf node */
+//printf("~1 pos leaf with triangle %d\n",plist[0]->n);
+ } else if (pix > 1) {
+//printf("~1 About to recurse on positive with list of %d\n",pix);
+ lu_split(s, &bspn->po, rdepth+1, plist, pix);
+ }
+ if (nix == 1) {
+//printf("~1 neg leaf with triangle %d\n",nlist[0]->n);
+ bspn->ne = (gbsp *)nlist[0]; /* leaf node */
+ } else if (nix > 1) {
+//printf("~1 About to recurse on negative with list of %d\n",nix);
+ lu_split(s, &bspn->ne, rdepth+1, nlist, nix);
+ }
+ free(plist);
+ free(nlist);
+//printf("~1 lu_split returning\n");
+/* Given a point and a node in the BSP tree, recurse down */
+/* the tree, or return the triangle it lies in. */
+/* Return NULL if it wasn't in any triangle (shouldn't happen with a closed gamut ?). */
+static gtri *radial_point_triang(
+gamut *s,
+gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */
+double *nin /* Normalised center relative point */
+) {
+ gtri *rv;
+//if (trace) printf("~1 rad_pnt_tri: BSP 0x%x tag = %d, point %f %f %f\n", np,np->tag,nin[0],nin[1],nin[2]);
+ if (np->tag == 1) { /* It's a BSP node */
+ gbspn *n = (gbspn *)np;
+ double ds;
+ ds = n->pe[0] * nin[0]
+ + n->pe[1] * nin[1]
+ + n->pe[2] * nin[2]
+ + n->pe[3];
+//if (trace) printf("~1 checking against BSP plane, ds = %e\n",ds);
+ /* Recurse down both sides it might be in */
+ if (ds > -1e-12) {
+ if ((rv = radial_point_triang(s, n->po, nin)) != NULL)
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (ds < 1e-12) {
+ if ((rv = radial_point_triang(s, n->ne, nin)) != NULL)
+ return rv;
+ }
+ return NULL; /* Hmm */
+ } else { /* It's a triangle or list of triangles */
+ int nt; /* Number of triangles in list */
+ gtri **tpp; /* Pointer to list of triangles */
+ int i, j;
+ if (np->tag == 2) { /* It's a triangle */
+ tpp = (gtri **)&np;
+ nt = 1;
+ } else if (np->tag == 3) { /* It's a triangle list */
+ gbspl *n = (gbspl *)np;
+ tpp = n->t;
+ nt = n->nt;
+ }
+ /* Go through the list and stop at the first triangle */
+ /* that the node lies in. */
+ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++, tpp++) {
+ gtri *t = *tpp;
+ /* Check if the point is within this triangle */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * nin[0]
+ + t->ee[j][1] * nin[1]
+ + t->ee[j][2] * nin[2]
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-10)
+ break; /* Not within triangle */
+ }
+ if (j >= 3) {
+//if (trace) printf("~1 located triangle from list that we're in %d\n",n->t[i]->n);
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Hmm. */
+ }
+//if (trace) printf("~1 failed to find a triangle\n");
+ return NULL;
+/* Return the location on the surface of the triangle */
+/* that is intersected by the radial direction */
+/* of the given relative point. Return the distance to */
+/* the gamut surface. */
+static double radial_point(
+gamut *s,
+gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */
+double *nin /* Normalised center relative point */
+) {
+ gtri *t;
+ double rv;
+//if (trace) printf("~1 radial_point: BSP 0x%x tag = %d, point %f %f %f\n", np,np->tag,nin[0],nin[1],nin[2]);
+ t = radial_point_triang(s, np, nin);
+ /* If we failed to find a triangle, or the result was incorrect, do a */
+ /* brute force search to be sure of the result. */
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ error("rspl.radial: failed to find radial triangle\n");
+ }
+ /* Compute the intersection of the input vector with the triangle plane */
+ /* (Since nin[] is already relative, we don't need to subtract cent[] from it) */
+ rv = -(t->pe[0] * s->cent[0] + t->pe[1] * s->cent[1] + t->pe[2] * s->cent[2] + t->pe[3])/
+ (t->pe[0] * nin[0] + t->pe[1] * nin[1] + t->pe[2] * nin[2]);
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ /* check the result */
+ {
+ double tt[3];
+ double ds;
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) /* Compute result, absolute */
+ tt[j] = nin[j] * rv + s->cent[j];
+ ds = t->pe[0] * tt[0]
+ + t->pe[1] * tt[1]
+ + t->pe[2] * tt[2]
+ + t->pe[3];
+ if (fabs(ds) > 1e-6) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"radial: distance to plane not zero! %e\n",ds);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* Check if the closest point is within this triangle */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * (tt[0] - s->cent[0])
+ + t->ee[j][1] * (tt[1] - s->cent[1])
+ + t->ee[j][2] * (tt[2] - s->cent[2])
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-8) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"radial: lookup point wasn't within its triangle (%f) !!\n",ds);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* ASSERTS */
+//if (trace) printf("~1 radial_point: rv = %f\n",rv);
+ return rv;
+/* Recursively free a gbsp node and all its children */
+static void del_gbsp(gbsp *n) {
+ int tag = n->tag;
+ if (tag == 1) { /* Another decision node */
+ gbspn *dn = (gbspn *)n;
+ del_gbsp(dn->po); /* Delete children */
+ del_gbsp(dn->ne);
+ del_gbspn(dn); /* And itself */
+ } else if (tag == 3) { /* If a triangle list */
+ gbspl *dl = (gbspl *)n;
+ del_gbspl(dl); /* Delete itself */
+ }
+ /* Don't delete triangles (tag == 2) since they */
+ /* have their own linked list, and may have already been deleted. */
+ /* Note we need to be called _before_ triangles are deleted though, */
+ /* since we access them to get the tag. */
+/* =================================== */
+/* Given a point, */
+/* return the nearest point on the gamut surface. */
+#define GNN_INF 1e307
+static void init_ne(gamut *s);
+/* Given an absolute point, return the point on the gamut */
+/* surface that is closest to it. */
+/* Use a brute force search */
+static void
+gamut *s,
+double *out, /* result point (absolute) */
+double *q /* Target point (absolute) */
+) {
+ gtri *tp;
+ double bdist = 1e308; /* Best possible distance to an object outside the window */
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ double r[3]; /* Possible solution point */
+ double tdist;
+ /* Compute distance from query point to this object */
+ tdist = ne_point_on_tri(s, tp, r, q);
+ if (tdist < bdist) { /* New best point */
+ bdist = tdist;
+ out[0] = r[0];
+ out[1] = r[1];
+ out[2] = r[2];
+ }
+/* Using nearest neighbourhood accelleration structure: */
+/* Given an absolute point, return the point on the gamut */
+/* surface that is closest to it. */
+static void
+gamut *s,
+double *rout, /* result point (absolute) */
+double *q, /* Target point (absolute) */
+gtri **ctri /* If not NULL, return pointer to nearest triangle */
+) {
+ gnn *p; /* Pointer to nearest neighbor structure */
+ int e, i;
+ double r[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; /* Possible solution point */
+ double out[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; /* Current best output value */
+ int wex[3 * 2]; /* Current window edge indexes */
+ double wed[3 * 2]; /* Current window edge distances */
+ /* Indexes are axis * 2 +0 for lower edge, */
+ /* +1 for upper edge of search box. */
+ /* We are comparing lower edge of search box */
+ /* with upper edge of bounding box etc. */
+//printf("~1 nearest called\n");
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ /* We have to find out which triangle the point will be nearest */
+ if (s->ne_inited == 0) {
+ init_ne(s); /* Init nn structure */
+ }
+ p = s->nns;
+ if ((p->tbase + 3) < p->tbase) { /* Overflow of touch count */
+ for (i = 0; i < p->n; i++)
+ p->sax[0][i]->touch = 0; /* reset it in all the objects */
+ p->tbase = 0;
+ }
+ p->ttarget = p->tbase + 3; /* Target touch value */
+//printf("Query point is %f %f %f\n",q[0], q[1], q[2]);
+ /* Find starting indexes within axis arrays */
+ for (e = 0; e < (2 * 3); e++) { /* For all axes min & max */
+ int f = e/2; /* Axis */
+ int mm = (e ^ 1) & 1; /* Min/Max index used for edges */
+ int i0, i1, i2;
+ double v0, v1, v2;
+ double qf, ww;
+ /* Binary search this edge */
+ qf = q[f]; /* strength reduced q[f] */
+//printf("isearching axis %d %s for %f\n",f, e & 1 ? "max" : "min", qf);
+ i0 = 0;
+ i2 = p->n - 1;
+ v0 = p->sax[e][i0]->mix[mm][f];
+ v2 = p->sax[e][i2]->mix[mm][f];
+//printf("start points %d - %d, bound %f - %f\n",i0, i2, v0, v2);
+ if (qf <= v0) {
+ i2 = i0;
+ v2 = v0;
+ } else if (qf >= v2) {
+ i0 = i2;
+ v0 = v2;
+ } else {
+ do {
+ i1 = (i2 + i0)/2; /* Trial point */
+ v1 = p->sax[e][i1]->mix[mm][f]; /* Value at trial */
+ if (v1 < qf) {
+ i0 = i1; /* Take top half */
+ v0 = v1;
+ } else {
+ i2 = i1; /* Take bottom half */
+ v2 = v1;
+ }
+//printf("current point %d - %d, bound %f - %f\n",i0, i2, v0, v2);
+ } while ((i2 - i0) > 1);
+ }
+ if (e & 1) { /* Max side of window */
+ int tc; /* total object count */
+ ww = v2 - qf;
+ wed[e] = fabs(ww) * ww;
+ wex[e] = i2;
+ /* Check that min and max together will cover at least p->n objects */
+ tc = p->n - i2 + wex[e ^ 1] + 1;
+//printf("got %d, expected %d\n",tc, p->n);
+ /* (I don't really understand why this works!) */
+ if (tc < p->n) { /* We haven't accounted for all the objects */
+ int el = e ^ 1; /* Low side sax */
+ int ti0, ti2;
+ double tv0, tv2;
+ ti0 = wex[el];
+ ti2 = i2;
+//printf("We have straddling objects, initial indexes are %d - %d\n",ti0, ti2);
+ /* While straddling objects remain undiscovered: */
+ while (tc < p->n) {
+ tv0 = GNN_INF; /* Guard values */
+ tv2 = -GNN_INF;
+ /* Increment low side until we find a straddler */
+ while (ti0 < (p->n-1)) {
+ ww = p->sax[el][++ti0]->mix[0][f]; /* Position of the other end */
+ if (ww < qf) {
+//printf("found low object %d at index %d that straddles\n",p->sax[el][ti0]->n,ti0);
+ tv0 = qf - p->sax[el][ti0]->mix[1][f];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Decrement high side until we find a straddler */
+ while (ti2 > 0) {
+ ww = p->sax[e][--ti2]->mix[1][f]; /* Position of the other end */
+ if (ww > qf) {
+//printf("found high object %d at index %d that straddles\n",p->sax[e][ti2]->n,ti2);
+ tv2 = p->sax[e][ti2]->mix[0][f] - qf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Choose the closest */
+ if (tv0 > tv2) {
+ wed[el] = fabs(tv0) * tv0;
+ wex[el] = ti0;
+ tc++;
+ } else {
+ wed[e] = fabs(tv2) * tv2;
+ wex[e] = ti2;
+ tc++;
+ }
+ }
+//printf("After correction we have %d - %d\n",wex[e^1], wex[e]);
+ }
+ } else { /* Min side of window */
+ ww = q[f] - v0;
+ wed[e] = fabs(ww) * ww;
+ wex[e] = i0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Expand a 3 dimenstional cube centered on the target point, */
+ /* jumping to the next nearest point on any axis, discovering */
+ /* any bounding boxes that are within the expanding window */
+ /* by checking their touch count. */
+ /* The first point found establishes the initial best distance. */
+ /* When the window expands beyond the point where it can improve */
+ /* the best distance, stop */
+ {
+ double bw = 0.0; /* Current window distance */
+ double bdist = 1e308; /* Best possible distance to an object outside the window */
+ gtri *bobj = NULL;
+ int ptested = 0; /* Stats */
+ int pcalced = 0; /* Stats */
+ /* Until we're done */
+ for (;;ptested++) {
+ int ee; /* Axis & expanding box edge */
+ int ff; /* Axis */
+ int ii; /* Index of chosen point */
+ gtri *ob; /* Current object */
+ unsigned int ctv; /* Current touch value */
+//printf("wwidth = %f, bdist = %f, window = %d-%d, %d-%d, %d-%d\n",
+//bw, bobj == NULL ? 0.0 : bdist, wex[0], wex[1], wex[2], wex[3], wex[4], wex[5]);
+//printf("window edge distances are = %f-%f, %f-%f, %f-%f\n",
+//wed[0], wed[1], wed[2], wed[3], wed[4], wed[5]);
+ /* find next (smallest) window increment axis and direction */
+ ee = 0;
+ ii = wex[ee];
+ bw = wed[ee];
+ for (e = 1; e < (2 * 3); e++) {
+ if (wed[e] < bw) {
+ ee = e;
+ ii = wex[e];
+ bw = wed[e];
+ }
+ }
+//printf("Next best is axisdir %d, object %d, axis index %d, best possible dist %f\n",
+//ee, p->sax[ee][ii]->n, ii, bw);
+ if (bw == GNN_INF || bw > bdist) {
+ break; /* Can't got any further, or further points will be worse */
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ if (ii < 0 || ii >= p->n) {
+ printf("Assert: went out of bounds of sorted axis array\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /* Chosen point on ee axis/direction, index ii */
+ ff = ee / 2; /* Axis only */
+ ob = p->sax[ee][ii];
+ /* Touch value of current object */
+ ctv = ob->touch;
+ if (ctv < p->ttarget) { /* Not been dealt with before */
+ /* Touch this new window boundary point */
+ ob->touch = ctv = ((ctv < p->tbase) ? p->tbase : ctv) + 1;
+//printf("New touch count on %d is %d, target %d\n", ob->n, p->sax[ee][ii]->touch, p->ttarget);
+ /* Check the point out */
+ if (ctv == (p->tbase + 3)) { /* Is within window on all axes */
+ double tdist;
+ pcalced++; /* Stats */
+ /* Compute distance from query point to this object */
+ tdist = ne_point_on_tri(s, ob, r, q);
+//printf("Got new best point %d, dist %f\n",i,tdist);
+ if (tdist < bdist) { /* New best point */
+ bobj = ob;
+ bdist = tdist;
+ out[0] = r[0];
+ out[1] = r[1];
+ out[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Increment next window edge candidate, and figure new edge distance */
+ if (ee & 1) { /* Top */
+ if (++wex[ee] >= p->n) {
+ wed[ee] = GNN_INF;
+ wex[ee]--;
+ } else {
+ double ww = p->sax[ee][wex[ee]]->mix[0][ff] - q[ff];
+ wed[ee] = fabs(ww) * ww;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (--wex[ee] < 0) {
+ wed[ee] = GNN_INF;
+ wex[ee]++;
+ } else {
+ double ww = q[ff] - p->sax[ee][wex[ee]]->mix[1][ff];
+ wed[ee] = fabs(ww) * ww;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//printf("Searched %d points out of %d = %f%%\n",ptested, p->n, 100.0 * ptested/p->n);
+ p->tbase += 3; /* Next touch */
+ if (rout != NULL) {
+ rout[0] = out[0]; /* Copy results to output */
+ rout[1] = out[1];
+ rout[2] = out[2];
+ }
+ if (ctri != NULL)
+ *ctri = bobj;
+ return;
+ }
+/* Given an absolute point, return the point on the gamut */
+/* surface that is closest to it. */
+static void
+gamut *s,
+double *rout, /* result point (absolute) */
+double *q /* Target point (absolute) */
+) {
+ nearest_tri(s, rout, q, NULL);
+/* Perturb the containment points to avoid */
+/* numerical co-incidence */
+double perturb[21] = {
+ 8.9919295344233395e-283, 1.1639766020018968e+224, 1.2554893023590904e+232,
+ 2.3898157055642966e+190, 1.5697612415774029e-076, 6.6912978722191457e+281,
+ 1.2369092402930559e+277, 1.4430907501246712e-153, 3.0017439193018232e+238,
+ 1.2978311824382444e+161, 5.5068703318775818e-311, 7.7791723264448801e-260,
+ 4.4296571592384350e+281, 8.9481529920968425e+165, 1.2845894914769635e-153,
+ 2.0835868791190880e-076, 5.4310198502711138e+241, 4.8689849775675438e+275,
+ 9.2709981544886391e+122, 3.7958270103353899e-153, 7.1366083837501666e-154
+/* Setup the nearest function acceleration structure */
+static void
+gamut *s
+) {
+ gnn *p;
+ int i, k;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ int ntris;
+ double psf;
+//printf("~1 init_ne called\n");
+ /* Allocate the nearest neighbor acceleration structure */
+ if ((s->nns = p = (gnn *) calloc(1, sizeof(gnn))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed - gnn structure\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* Count triangles */
+ ntris = 0;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ ntris++;
+ p->n = ntris;
+ p->tbase = 0; /* Initialse touch flag */
+ /* Allocate the arrays spaces */
+ for (k = 0; k < (3 * 2); k++) {
+ if ((p->sax[k] = (gtri **)malloc(sizeof(gtri *) * ntris)) == NULL)
+ error("Failed to allocate sorted index array");
+ }
+ /* Compute pertbation factor */
+ for (psf = 0.0, i = 1; i < 21; i++)
+ psf += perturb[i];
+ psf *= perturb[0];
+ /* For each triangle, create the triangle bounding box values, */
+ /* and add them to the axis lists. */
+ tp = s->tris;
+ i = 0;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* Init */
+ tp->mix[0][j] = 1e38;
+ tp->mix[1][j] = -1e38;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (tp->v[k]->p[j] < tp->mix[0][j]) /* New min */
+ tp->mix[0][j] = psf * tp->v[k]->p[j];
+ if (tp->v[k]->p[j] > tp->mix[1][j]) /* New max */
+ tp->mix[1][j] = psf * tp->v[k]->p[j];
+ }
+ p->sax[k * 2 + 0][i] = tp;
+ p->sax[k * 2 + 1][i] = tp;
+ }
+//printf("~1 tri %d has bb %f - %f, %f - %f, %f - %f\n", i, tp->mix[0][0], tp->mix[1][0], tp->mix[0][1], tp->mix[1][1], tp->mix[0][2], tp->mix[1][2]);
+ i++;
+ /* Sort the axis arrays */
+ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ /* Sort upper edges of bounding box */
+#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->mix[1][k] < B->mix[1][k])
+ HEAPSORT(gtri *, &p->sax[k * 2 + 0][0], ntris)
+ /* Sort lower edges of bounding box */
+#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->mix[0][k] < B->mix[0][k])
+ HEAPSORT(gtri *, &p->sax[k * 2 + 1][0], ntris)
+ }
+ s->ne_inited = 1;
+//printf("~1 init_ne done\n");
+/* Free everything */
+static void del_gnn(gnn *p) {
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < (3 * 2); k++) {
+ free (p->sax[k]);
+ }
+ free(p);
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Define the colorspaces white and black point. May be NULL if unknown. */
+/* Note that as in all of the gamut library, we assume that we are in */
+/* an L*a*b* or Jab type color space. */
+static void setwb(
+gamut *s,
+double *wp,
+double *bp,
+double *kp
+) {
+ if (wp != NULL) {
+ s->cs_wp[0] = wp[0];
+ s->cs_wp[1] = wp[1];
+ s->cs_wp[2] = wp[2];
+ } else {
+ s->cs_wp[0] = 100.0;
+ s->cs_wp[1] = 0.0;
+ s->cs_wp[2] = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (bp != NULL) {
+ s->cs_bp[0] = bp[0];
+ s->cs_bp[1] = bp[1];
+ s->cs_bp[2] = bp[2];
+ } else {
+ s->cs_bp[0] = 0.0;
+ s->cs_bp[1] = 0.0;
+ s->cs_bp[2] = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (kp != NULL) {
+ s->cs_kp[0] = kp[0];
+ s->cs_kp[1] = kp[1];
+ s->cs_kp[2] = kp[2];
+ } else {
+ s->cs_kp[0] = s->cs_bp[0];
+ s->cs_kp[1] = s->cs_bp[1];
+ s->cs_kp[2] = s->cs_bp[2];
+ }
+ s->cswbset = 1;
+/* Compute the gamut white/black points, assuming */
+/* that the colorspace white/black points have been set. */
+/* The gamut white/black are the points on the colorspace */
+/* white/black axis that have the same L values as the */
+/* extremes within the gamut. */
+static void compgawb(gamut *s) {
+ int i;
+ double ff, Lmax, Lmin, LKmin;
+ if (s->cswbset == 0 || s->gawbset != 0)
+ return; /* Nothing to do */
+ Lmax = -1000.0;
+ Lmin = 1000.0;
+ /* Discover min and max L values */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if ((s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET) == 0 )
+ continue;
+ if (s->verts[i]->p[0] > Lmax)
+ Lmax = s->verts[i]->p[0];
+ if (s->verts[i]->p[0] < Lmin)
+ Lmin = s->verts[i]->p[0];
+ }
+ LKmin = Lmin;
+ if (Lmax > s->cs_wp[0]) /* Slightly Strange */
+ Lmax = s->cs_wp[0];
+ if (Lmin < s->cs_bp[0]) /* Also Slightly strange */
+ Lmin = s->cs_bp[0];
+ if (LKmin < s->cs_kp[0]) /* Expected */
+ LKmin = s->cs_kp[0];
+ /* Locate points along colorspace grey axis */
+ /* that correspond to the L extremes */
+ ff = (Lmax - s->cs_bp[0])/(s->cs_wp[0] - s->cs_bp[0]);
+ s->ga_wp[0] = Lmax;
+ s->ga_wp[1] = ff * (s->cs_wp[1] - s->cs_bp[1]) + s->cs_bp[1];
+ s->ga_wp[2] = ff * (s->cs_wp[2] - s->cs_bp[2]) + s->cs_bp[2];
+ ff = (Lmin - s->cs_bp[0])/(s->cs_wp[0] - s->cs_bp[0]);
+ s->ga_bp[0] = Lmin;
+ s->ga_bp[1] = ff * (s->cs_wp[1] - s->cs_bp[1]) + s->cs_bp[1];
+ s->ga_bp[2] = ff * (s->cs_wp[2] - s->cs_bp[2]) + s->cs_bp[2];
+ ff = (LKmin - s->cs_kp[0])/(s->cs_wp[0] - s->cs_kp[0]);
+ s->ga_kp[0] = LKmin;
+ s->ga_kp[1] = ff * (s->cs_wp[1] - s->cs_kp[1]) + s->cs_kp[1];
+ s->ga_kp[2] = ff * (s->cs_wp[2] - s->cs_kp[2]) + s->cs_kp[2];
+ s->gawbset = 1;
+/* Get the colorspace and gamut white & black points. */
+/* Return pointers may be NULL */
+/* Return non-zero if not possible. */
+static int getwb(
+gamut *s,
+double *cswp, /* Color space */
+double *csbp,
+double *cskp,
+double *gawp, /* Gamut */
+double *gabp,
+double *gakp
+) {
+//printf("~1 getwb() called\n");
+ if (s->cswbset == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (cswp != NULL) {
+ cswp[0] = s->cs_wp[0];
+ cswp[1] = s->cs_wp[1];
+ cswp[2] = s->cs_wp[2];
+ }
+ if (csbp != NULL) {
+ csbp[0] = s->cs_bp[0];
+ csbp[1] = s->cs_bp[1];
+ csbp[2] = s->cs_bp[2];
+ }
+ if (cskp != NULL) {
+ cskp[0] = s->cs_kp[0];
+ cskp[1] = s->cs_kp[1];
+ cskp[2] = s->cs_kp[2];
+ }
+//printf("~1 colorspace white %f %f %f, black %f %f %f, kblack %f %f %f\n", s->cs_wp[0], s->cs_wp[1], s->cs_wp[2], s->cs_bp[0], s->cs_bp[1], s->cs_bp[2], s->cs_kp[0],s->cs_kp[1],s->cs_kp[2]);
+ if (gawp != NULL || gabp != NULL) {
+//printf("~1 computing gamut white & black\n");
+ compgawb(s); /* make sure we have gamut white/black available */
+ }
+ if (gawp != NULL) {
+ gawp[0] = s->ga_wp[0];
+ gawp[1] = s->ga_wp[1];
+ gawp[2] = s->ga_wp[2];
+ }
+ if (gabp != NULL) {
+ gabp[0] = s->ga_bp[0];
+ gabp[1] = s->ga_bp[1];
+ gabp[2] = s->ga_bp[2];
+ }
+ if (gakp != NULL) {
+ gakp[0] = s->ga_kp[0];
+ gakp[1] = s->ga_kp[1];
+ gakp[2] = s->ga_kp[2];
+ }
+//printf("~1 gamut white %f %f %f, black %f %f %f, kblack %f %f %f\n", s->ga_wp[0], s->ga_wp[1], s->ga_wp[2], s->ga_bp[0], s->ga_bp[1], s->ga_bp[2], s->ga_kp[0],s->ga_kp[1],s->ga_kp[2]);
+ return 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Per-triangle primitives used to compute brute force */
+/* radial & vector intersection and nearest point, */
+/* as well as gamut surface intersections. */
+/* See if the given triangle intersect the given vector. */
+/* Return 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't */
+static int vect_intersect(
+gamut *s,
+double *rvp, /* parameter, 0.0 = p1, 1.0 = p2 */
+double *ip, /* return intersection point */
+double *p1, /* First point of vector (ie black) */
+double *p2, /* Second point of vector (ie white) */
+gtri *t /* Triangle in question */
+) {
+ double ti; /* Axis parameter value */
+ double vv[3]; /* vector vector */
+ double ival[3]; /* Intersection value */
+ double den;
+ int j;
+ vv[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
+ vv[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
+ vv[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];
+ den = t->pe[0] * vv[0] + t->pe[1] * vv[1] + t->pe[2] * vv[2];
+ if (fabs(den) < 1e-10) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Compute the intersection of the grey axis vector with the triangle plane */
+ ti = -(t->pe[0] * p1[0] + t->pe[1] * p1[1] + t->pe[2] * p1[2] + t->pe[3])/den;
+ /* Compute the actual intersection point */
+ ival[0] = p1[0] + ti * vv[0];
+ ival[1] = p1[1] + ti * vv[1];
+ ival[2] = p1[2] + ti * vv[2];
+ /* Check if the intersection point is within the triangle */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * (ival[0] - s->cent[0]) /* Convert to relative for edge check */
+ + t->ee[j][1] * (ival[1] - s->cent[1])
+ + t->ee[j][2] * (ival[2] - s->cent[2])
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-8) {
+ return 0; /* Not within triangle */
+ }
+ }
+//printf("~1 vect_intersect got intersection with tri %d at %f\n",t->n,ti);
+ /* Got an intersection point */
+ ip[0] = ival[0];
+ ip[1] = ival[1];
+ ip[2] = ival[2];
+ *rvp = ti;
+ return 1;
+/* Given a point and a triangle, return the closest point on */
+/* the triangle closest to the given point. Also return the distance squared */
+/* (Doesn't depend on triangle edge info) */
+static double ne_point_on_tri(
+gamut *s,
+gtri *t, /* Triangle to use */
+double *out, /* Absolute output point */
+double *in /* Absolute input point */
+) {
+ int j;
+ double rv;
+ double bdist;
+ /* Compute the point on the triangles plane, that is orthogonal */
+ /* (closest) to the target point. */
+ rv = (t->pe[0] * in[0] + t->pe[1] * in[1] + t->pe[2] * in[2] + t->pe[3])/
+ (t->pe[0] * t->pe[0] + t->pe[1] * t->pe[1] + t->pe[2] * t->pe[2]);
+ out[0] = in[0] - rv * t->pe[0];
+ out[1] = in[1] - rv * t->pe[1];
+ out[2] = in[2] - rv * t->pe[2];
+ /* Check if the closest point is within this triangle */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * (out[0] - s->cent[0]) /* Convert to relative for edge check */
+ + t->ee[j][1] * (out[1] - s->cent[1])
+ + t->ee[j][2] * (out[2] - s->cent[2])
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-8) {
+ break; /* Not within triangle */
+ }
+ }
+ if (j >= 3) { /* It's OK */
+ return rv * rv; /* rv is distance since pe length is 1.0 */
+ }
+ /* Not in triangle, so find closest point along any edge, */
+ /* or at the verticies. (don't use edge info, it may not be set up) */
+ bdist = 1e38;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For each edge */
+ gvert *v0 = t->v[j], *v1 = t->v[j >= 2 ? 0 : j+1];
+ int k;
+ double nu, de, ds;
+ for (de = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ double tt = v1->p[k] - v0->p[k];
+ de += tt * tt;
+ }
+ for (nu = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++)
+ nu += (v1->p[k] - v0->p[k]) * (in[k] - v0->p[k]);
+ ds = nu/de;
+ if (ds >= 0.0 && ds <= 1.0) { /* Valid edge */
+ double tout[3], ss;
+ for (ss = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ tout[k] = v0->p[k] + ds * (v1->p[k] - v0->p[k]);
+ ss += (in[k] - tout[k]) * (in[k] - tout[k]);
+ }
+ if (ss < bdist) {
+ bdist = ss;
+ out[0] = tout[0];
+ out[1] = tout[1];
+ out[2] = tout[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For each vertex */
+ int k;
+ double ss;
+ for (ss = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ double tt;
+ tt = in[k] - t->v[j]->p[k];
+ ss += tt * tt;
+ }
+ if (ss < bdist) {
+ bdist = ss;
+ out[0] = t->v[j]->p[0];
+ out[1] = t->v[j]->p[1];
+ out[2] = t->v[j]->p[2];
+ }
+ }
+ return bdist;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Arbitrary vector intersect */
+/* Given a vector, find the two extreme intersection with */
+/* the gamut surface using a brute force search. */
+/* Return 0 if there is no intersection */
+static int compute_vector_isect_bf(
+gamut *s,
+double *p1, /* First point (ie black) */
+double *p2, /* Second point (ie white) */
+double *omin, /* Return gamut surface points, min = closest to p1 */
+double *omax, /* max = farthest from p1 */
+double *omnt, /* Return parameter values for p1 and p2, 0 being at p1, */
+double *omxt, /* and 1 being at p2 */
+gtri **omntri, /* Return the intersection triangles */
+gtri **omxtri
+) {
+ gtri *tp, *t0, *t1;
+ double ip[3], min[3], max[3];
+ double mint, maxt;
+ int j;
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ maxt = -1e68; /* Setup to find min/max */
+ mint = 1e68;
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ double rv;
+ if (vect_intersect(s, &rv, ip, p1, p2, tp)) {
+ if (rv < mint) {
+ min[0] = ip[0];
+ min[1] = ip[1];
+ min[2] = ip[2];
+ mint = rv;
+ t0 = tp;
+ }
+ if (rv > maxt) {
+ max[0] = ip[0];
+ max[1] = ip[1];
+ max[2] = ip[2];
+ maxt = rv;
+ t1 = tp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (((omin != NULL || omnt != NULL || omntri != NULL) && mint == 1e68)
+ || ((omax != NULL || omxt != NULL || omxtri != NULL) && maxt == -1e68)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (omin != NULL)
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ omin[j] = min[j];
+ if (omax != NULL)
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ omax[j] = max[j];
+ if (omnt != NULL)
+ *omnt = mint;
+ if (omxt != NULL)
+ *omxt = maxt;
+ if (omntri != NULL)
+ *omntri = t0;
+ if (omxtri != NULL)
+ *omxtri = t1;
+ return 1;
+#define ISDBG(xxx) if (deb_insect) printf xxx
+int deb_insect = 0; /* Do vrml plot */
+/* Debug - given a BSP node, add all the triangles vertexes indexes */
+/* below this node to the diagnosti wrl */
+static void debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(
+gamut *s,
+gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */
+vrml *wrl /* Diagnostic plot */
+) {
+ if (np->tag == 1) { /* It's a BSP node */
+ gbspn *n = (gbspn *)np;
+ debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(s, n->po, wrl);
+ debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(s, n->ne, wrl);
+ } else {
+ int nt; /* Number of triangles in list */
+ gtri **tpp; /* Pointer to list of triangles */
+ int i, j;
+ if (np->tag == 2) { /* It's a triangle */
+ tpp = &((gtri *)np);
+ nt = 1;
+ } else if (np->tag == 3) { /* It's a triangle list */
+ gbspl *n = (gbspl *)np;
+ tpp = n->t;
+ nt = n->nt;
+ }
+ /* Go through the list of triangles and intersect with vector */
+ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++, tpp++) {
+ gtri *t = *tpp;
+ int ix[3];
+ ix[0] = t->v[0]->tn;
+ ix[1] = t->v[1]->tn;
+ ix[2] = t->v[2]->tn;
+ wrl->add_triangle(wrl, 0, ix);
+ }
+ }
+#else /* !INTERSECT_DEBUG */
+# define ISDBG(xxx)
+#endif /* !INTERSECT_DEBUG */
+/* Recursive vector intersect using BSP accelleration. */
+static void vector_isect_rec(
+gamut *s,
+gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */
+double *vb, /* Center relative base point of vector */
+double *vv, /* Vector direction from base */
+double t0, /* Start parameter value of line */
+double rs0, /* line start point radius squared */
+double t1, /* End parameter value of line */
+double rs1, /* line end point radius squared */
+double tc, /* Parameter value of closest point on line to center */
+double rsc, /* Radius squared of closest point on line to center */
+double rse0, /* Effective radius squared minimum */
+double rse1, /* Effective radius squared maximum */
+gispnt *lp, /* List to set intersections in. */
+int ll, /* Size of list. 0 == 2, min and max only */
+int *lu /* Number used in list */
+) {
+ double den; /* Intersection denominator */
+ double ti; /* Intersection parameter value */
+ double rsi; /* Radius squared of intersection point */
+ double ip[3]; /* Intersection point */
+ if (ll == 0)
+ printf("\nvector_isect_rec got seg %f - %f (%e), best %f, %f\n",t0,t1,t1-t0,lp[0].pv,lp[1].pv);
+ else
+ printf("\nvector_isect_rec got seg %f - %f (%e), no isects %d\n",t0,t1,t1-t0,*lu);
+ printf(" rs %f, %f, tc %f, rsc %f, rse0 %f, rse1 %f, BSP rs %f - %f\n",rs0, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1, np->rs0, np->rs1);
+ if (deb_insect) {
+ vrml *wrl = NULL;
+ double cc[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+ double red[3] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+ double green[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+ double blue[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
+ double p1[3], p2[3];
+ int i;
+ unlink("isect2.wrl");
+ rename("isect.wrl", "isect2.wrl");
+ if ((wrl = new_vrml("isect.wrl", 0)) == NULL)
+ error("New vrml failed");
+ /* The triangles below the BSP */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, s->verts[i]->p);
+ }
+ debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(s, np, wrl);
+ wrl->make_triangles(wrl, 0, 0.0, cc);
+ /* The segment. The vrml browser can go crazy if the line */
+ /* is too long, so limit it to +/- 100 */
+ {
+ double vbl = icmNorm3(vb);
+ double tt0 = t0, tt1 = t1;
+ if (tt0 > 0.0) {
+ if ((tt0 * vbl) > 100.0)
+ tt0 = 100.0/vbl;
+ } else {
+ if ((tt0 * vbl) < -100.0)
+ tt0 = -100.0/vbl;
+ }
+ if (tt1 > 0.0) {
+ if ((tt1 * vbl) > 100.0)
+ tt1 = 100.0/vbl;
+ } else {
+ if ((tt1 * vbl) < -100.0)
+ tt1 = -100.0/vbl;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ p1[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + tt0 * vv[i];
+ p2[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + tt1 * vv[i];
+ }
+ }
+ wrl->add_col_vertex(wrl, 1, p1, red);
+ wrl->add_col_vertex(wrl, 1, p2, red);
+ wrl->make_lines(wrl, 1, 2);
+ /* Add two initial points */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ p1[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + 0.0 * vv[i];
+ p2[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + 1.0 * vv[i];
+ }
+ wrl->add_marker(wrl, p1, green, 0.5);
+ wrl->add_marker(wrl, p2, blue, 0.5);
+ wrl->del(wrl);
+ printf("Waiting for input after writing 'isect.wrl':\n");
+ getchar();
+ }
+ if (np->tag == 1) { /* It's a BSP node */
+ int j;
+ gbspn *n = (gbspn *)np;
+ double ds;
+ gbsp *n1, *n2; /* next bsp to recurse to */
+ double ti1, ti2; /* Intersection parameters for recursion */
+ double rse1_0, rse1_1, rse2_0, rse2_1;
+ ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec at bsp node %d\n"));
+ /* Try and compute intersection with BSP */
+ den = n->pe[0] * vv[0] + n->pe[1] * vv[1] + n->pe[2] * vv[2];
+ if (fabs(den) > 1e-12) {
+ /* Compute the intersection point */
+ ti = -(n->pe[0] * vb[0] + n->pe[1] * vb[1] + n->pe[2] * vb[2] + n->pe[3])/den;
+ ISDBG(("intersects BSP plane at ti %f\n",ti));
+ }
+ if (fabs(den) < 1e-12 || ti < (t0 - 1e-6) || ti > (t1 + 1e-6)) { /* Doesn't intersect */
+ double ds; /* or intersects outside segment */
+ ISDBG(("doesn't intersect BSP plane within segment\n"));
+ /* Figure which side of the BSP segment is on */
+ ds = n->pe[0] * (vb[0] + 0.5 * (t0 + t1) * vv[0])
+ + n->pe[1] * (vb[1] + 0.5 * (t0 + t1) * vv[1])
+ + n->pe[2] * (vb[2] + 0.5 * (t0 + t1) * vv[2])
+ + n->pe[3];
+ ISDBG(("recursing down side that segment is on\n"));
+ /* And recurse approproately if it can be improved */
+ /* ???? Shouldn't we recurse down both if ds ~= 0.0 ? */
+ if (ds >= 0.0) {
+ if (rse0 <= n->po->rs1
+ && rse1 >= n->po->rs0
+ && (ll > 0 || t0 < lp[0].pv || t1 > lp[1].pv))
+ vector_isect_rec(s, n->po, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1,
+ lp, ll, lu);
+ } else {
+ if (rse0 <= n->ne->rs1
+ && rse1 >= n->ne->rs0
+ && (ll > 0 || t0 < lp[0].pv || t1 > lp[1].pv))
+ vector_isect_rec(s, n->ne, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1,
+ lp, ll, lu);
+ }
+ ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec returning\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Compute radius squared to center point at split point */
+ for (rsi = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ den = vb[j] + ti * vv[j];
+ rsi += den * den;
+ }
+ /* Compute the effective radius squared range for each segment */
+ rse1_0 = rs0;
+ rse1_1 = rs0;
+ if (rsi < rse1_0)
+ rse1_0 = rsi;
+ if (rsi > rse1_1)
+ rse1_1 = rsi;
+ if (tc >= t0 && tc <= ti) { /* Closest point is within segment */
+ if (rsc < rse1_0)
+ rse1_0 = rsc;
+ if (rsc > rse1_1)
+ rse1_1 = rsc;
+ }
+ rse2_0 = rsi;
+ rse2_1 = rsi;
+ if (rs1 < rse2_0)
+ rse2_0 = rs1;
+ if (rs1 > rse2_1)
+ rse2_1 = rs1;
+ if (tc >= ti && tc <= t1) { /* Closest point is within segment */
+ if (rsc < rse2_0)
+ rse2_0 = rsc;
+ if (rsc > rse2_1)
+ rse2_1 = rsc;
+ }
+ /* Test t0-1.0 to see what side of the BSP t0..ti is. */
+ ip[0] = vb[0] + (t0-1.0) * vv[0];
+ ip[1] = vb[1] + (t0-1.0) * vv[1];
+ ip[2] = vb[2] + (t0-1.0) * vv[2];
+ ds = n->pe[0] * ip[0]
+ + n->pe[1] * ip[1]
+ + n->pe[2] * ip[2]
+ + n->pe[3];
+ /* Because we're intersecting a line segment, we don't */
+ /* have to recurse down both sides of the BSP tree ? */
+ if (ds >= 0.0) {
+ n1 = n->po;
+ n2 = n->ne;
+ } else {
+ n1 = n->ne;
+ n2 = n->po;
+ }
+ /* Make sure that touching segments get properly tested */
+ ti1 = ti + 1e-7;
+ ti2 = ti - 1e-7;
+ /* Split the line into two segments and recurse for each. */
+ /* Don't recurse if the line can't improve either min or max. */
+ if (rse1_0 <= n1->rs1
+ && rse1_1 >= n1->rs0
+ && (ll > 0 || t0 < lp[0].pv || ti1 > lp[1].pv)) {
+ ISDBG(("recursing segment 1/2 %f .. %f\n",t0,ti1));
+ vector_isect_rec(s, n1, vb, vv, t0, rs0, ti1, rsi, tc, rsc, rse1_0, rse1_1,
+ lp, ll, lu);
+ }
+ else if (deb_insect) {
+ printf("Skipped seg 1/2 because rse1_0 %f > n1->rs1 %f ? || rse1_1 %f < n1->rs0 %f\n",rse1_0,n1->rs1,rse1_1, n1->rs0);
+ if (ll == 0)
+ printf("|| ti1 %f <= t0 %f ? || ti1 %f <= omxt %f && t0 %f <= omnt %f ?\n",ti1,t0,ti1,lp[1].pv,t0,lp[0].pv);
+ else
+ printf("|| ti1 %f <= t0 %f ?\n",ti1,t0);
+ }
+ if (rse2_0 <= n2->rs1
+ && rse2_1 >= n2->rs0
+ && (ll > 0 || ti2 < lp[0].pv || t1 > lp[1].pv)) {
+ ISDBG(("recursing segment 2/2 %f .. %f\n",ti2,t1));
+ vector_isect_rec(s, n2, vb, vv, ti2, rsi, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse2_0, rse2_1,
+ lp, ll, lu);
+ }
+ else if (deb_insect) {
+ printf("Skipped seg 2/2 because rse2_0 %f > n2->rs1 %f ? || rse2_1 %f < n2->rs0 %f\n",rse2_0,n2->rs1,rse2_1, n2->rs0);
+ if (ll == 0)
+ printf("|| t1 %f <= ti2 %f ? || t1 %f <= omxt %f && ti2 %f <= omnt %f ?\n",t1,ti2,t1,lp[1].pv,ti2,lp[0].pv);
+ else
+ printf("|| t1 %f <= ti2 %f ?\n",t1,ti2);
+ }
+ ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec returning\n"));
+ return;
+ /* It's a list of triangles */
+ } else {
+ int nt; /* Number of triangles in list */
+ gtri **tpp; /* Pointer to list of triangles */
+ int i, j;
+ if (np->tag == 2) { /* It's a triangle */
+ tpp = (gtri **)&np;
+ nt = 1;
+ } else if (np->tag == 3) { /* It's a triangle list */
+ gbspl *n = (gbspl *)np;
+ tpp = n->t;
+ nt = n->nt;
+ }
+ ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec at triangle(s) %d\n",nt));
+ /* Go through the list of triangles and intersect with vector */
+ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++, tpp++) {
+ double bds;
+ gtri *t = *tpp;
+ ISDBG(("triangle no %d\n",t->n));
+ den = t->pe[0] * vv[0] + t->pe[1] * vv[1] + t->pe[2] * vv[2];
+ if (fabs(den) < 1e-12) {
+ ISDBG(("segment is tangent to triangle\n"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Compute the intersection of vector with the BSP plane */
+ ti = -(t->pe[0] * (vb[0] + s->cent[0])
+ + t->pe[1] * (vb[1] + s->cent[1])
+ + t->pe[2] * (vb[2] + s->cent[2])
+ + t->pe[3])/den;
+ ISDBG(("segment intersects at %f\n",ti));
+ /* Compute the actual (center relative) intersection point */
+ ip[0] = vb[0] + ti * vv[0];
+ ip[1] = vb[1] + ti * vv[1];
+ ip[2] = vb[2] + ti * vv[2];
+ ISDBG(("triangle intersection point %f %f %f\n",ip[0]+s->cent[0],ip[1]+s->cent[1],ip[2]+s->cent[2]));
+ /* Check if the intersection point is within the triangle */
+ bds = -1e6;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * ip[0]
+ + t->ee[j][1] * ip[1]
+ + t->ee[j][2] * ip[2]
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-8)
+ break; /* Not within triangle */
+ if (ds > bds)
+ bds = ds;
+ }
+ if (j < 3) {
+ ISDBG(("intersection not within triangle\n"));
+ continue; /* Not within triangle, so ignore */
+ }
+ /* Add intersection to list */
+ if (ll > 0) { /* List of all */
+ if (*lu < ll) {
+ lp[*lu].pv = ti;
+ icmAdd3(lp[*lu].ip,ip,s->cent); /* Abs. intersection point */
+ lp[*lu].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[*lu].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[*lu].tri = t;
+ ISDBG(("new isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d\n",*lu,ti,lp[*lu].dir,lp[*lu].edge));
+ (*lu)++;
+ } else {
+ ISDBG(("new isect %d: List Too Short %d!!!\n",*lu,ll));
+ }
+ } else { /* Bigest/smallest list of 2 */
+ if (ti < lp[0].pv) {
+ ISDBG(("new min %f\n",ti));
+ lp[0].pv = ti;
+ icmAdd3(lp[0].ip,ip,s->cent); /* Abs. intersection point */
+ lp[0].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[0].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[0].tri = t;
+ }
+ if (ti > lp[1].pv) {
+ ISDBG(("new max %f\n",ti));
+ lp[1].pv = ti;
+ icmAdd3(lp[1].ip,ip,s->cent); /* Abs. intersection point */
+ lp[1].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[1].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[1].tri = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec returning\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+/* Re-evaluate the intersections with an offset */
+static void reevaluate_isectns(
+gamut *s,
+gispnt *lp, /* List to set intersections in. */
+int n, /* Number to re-evaluate */
+double offset, /* Amount to offset vector */
+double *ivb, /* Center relative base point of vector */
+double *vv /* Vector direction from base */
+) {
+ double vb[3]; /* Offset vb */
+ double sv;
+ int sj, j, i;
+ /* Decide which way to offset base */
+ sv = -1e20;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (fabs(vv[j]) > sv) { /* Locate largest direction */
+ sv = fabs(vv[j]);
+ sj = j;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Apply the offset to other than largest */
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ vb[j] = ivb[j];
+ if (j == sj)
+ continue;
+ vb[j] += offset;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ double den, ti, ip[3], bds;
+ gtri *t = lp[i].tri;
+ lp[i].dir = 0;
+ lp[i].edge = 2; /* Assume no intersect */
+ den = t->pe[0] * vv[0] + t->pe[1] * vv[1] + t->pe[2] * vv[2];
+ if (fabs(den) < 1e-12) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Compute the intersection of vector with the BSP plane */
+ ti = -(t->pe[0] * (vb[0] + s->cent[0])
+ + t->pe[1] * (vb[1] + s->cent[1])
+ + t->pe[2] * (vb[2] + s->cent[2])
+ + t->pe[3])/den;
+ /* Compute the actual intersection point */
+ ip[0] = vb[0] + ti * vv[0];
+ ip[1] = vb[1] + ti * vv[1];
+ ip[2] = vb[2] + ti * vv[2];
+ /* Check if the intersection point is within the triangle */
+ bds = -1e6;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double ds;
+ ds = t->ee[j][0] * ip[0]
+ + t->ee[j][1] * ip[1]
+ + t->ee[j][2] * ip[2]
+ + t->ee[j][3];
+ if (ds > 1e-8)
+ break; /* Not within triangle */
+ if (ds > bds)
+ bds = ds;
+ }
+ if (j < 3) {
+ continue; /* Not within triangle, so ignore */
+ }
+ /* Update intersection info */
+ lp[i].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ lp[i].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+#define compute_vector_isect _compute_vector_isect
+/* Given a vector, find the two extreme intersection with */
+/* the gamut surface. */
+/* BSP accellerated version */
+/* Return 0 if there is no intersection */
+static int compute_vector_isect(
+gamut *s,
+double *p1, /* First point (ie param value 0.0) */
+double *p2, /* Second point (ie param value 1.0) */
+double *omin, /* Return gamut surface points, min = closest to p1 */
+double *omax, /* max = farthest from p1 */
+double *omnt, /* Return parameter values for p1 and p2, 0 being at p1, */
+double *omxt, /* and 1 being at p2 */
+gtri **omntri, /* Return the intersection triangles */
+gtri **omxtri
+) {
+ gtri *tp;
+ double vb[3], vv[3]; /* Center relative base of vector, vector of vector */
+ double tt, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc;
+ double rse0, rse1; /* Effective radius squared min & max */
+ gispnt islist[2]; /* min and max result */
+ int lu = 0, j;
+ int rv = 0;
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ if (s->lu_inited == 0)
+ init_lu(s); /* Init BSP search tree */
+ /* Convert twp points to center relative base + vector direction */
+ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ vv[j] = p2[j] - p1[j];
+ tt += vv[j] * vv[j];
+ vb[j] = p1[j] - s->cent[j]; /* relative to gamut center */
+ }
+ /* If vector is too small to have a valid direction */
+ if (tt < 1e-12) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ islist[0].pv = 1e68;
+ islist[1].pv = -1e68; /* Setup to find min/max */
+ t0 = -1e6;
+ t1 = 1e6;
+ /* Compute radius range of segment */
+ for (rs0 = rs1 = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ tt = vb[j] + t0 * vv[j];
+ rs0 += tt * tt;
+ tt = vb[j] + t1 * vv[j];
+ rs1 += tt * tt;
+ }
+ /* Compute the point closest to the center */
+ tc = -(vv[0] * vb[0] + vv[1] * vb[1] + vv[2] * vb[2])
+ / (vv[0] * vv[0] + vv[1] * vv[1] + vv[2] * vv[2]);
+ /* Check that this is correct */
+ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double pp;
+ pp = vb[j] + tc * vv[j];
+ tt += pp * vv[j];
+ }
+ if (fabs(tt) > 1e-5)
+ error("Failed to locate closest point on vector");
+#endif /* INTERSECT_VERIFY */
+ for (rsc = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ tt = vb[j] + tc * vv[j];
+ rsc += tt * tt;
+ }
+ /* Compute the effective min/max radius squared */
+ rse0 = rs0;
+ rse1 = rs0;
+ if (rs1 < rse0)
+ rse0 = rs1;
+ if (rs1 > rse1)
+ rse1 = rs1;
+ if (tc >= t0 && tc <= t1) { /* Closest point is within segment */
+ if (rsc < rse0)
+ rse0 = rsc;
+ if (rsc > rse1)
+ rse1 = rsc;
+ }
+ vector_isect_rec(s, s->lutree, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1,
+ islist, 0, &lu);
+ /* If we failed to locate a requested intersection */
+ if (((omin != NULL || omnt != NULL || omntri != NULL) && islist[0].pv == 1e68)
+ || ((omax != NULL || omxt != NULL || omxtri != NULL) && islist[1].pv == -1e68)) {
+ rv = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (omin != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ icmCpy3(omin,islist[0].ip);
+ ISDBG(("Fast min = %f %f %f\n", omin[0], omin[1], omin[2]));
+ }
+ if (omax != NULL) {
+ icmCpy3(omax,islist[1].ip);
+ ISDBG(("Fast max = %f %f %f\n", omax[0], omax[1], omax[2]));
+ }
+ if (omnt != NULL)
+ *omnt = islist[0].pv;
+ if (omxt != NULL)
+ *omxt = islist[1].pv;
+ if (omntri != NULL)
+ *omntri = islist[0].tri;
+ if (omxtri != NULL)
+ *omxtri = islist[1].tri;
+ rv = 1;
+ }
+ return rv;
+#undef compute_vector_isect
+/* Verifying version of above */
+static int compute_vector_isect(
+gamut *s,
+double *p1, /* First point (ie param value 0.0) */
+double *p2, /* Second point (ie param value 1.0) */
+double *omin, /* Return gamut surface points, min = closest to p1 */
+double *omax, /* max = farthest from p1 */
+double *omnt, /* Return parameter values for p1 and p2, 0 being at p1, */
+double *omxt, /* and 1 being at p2 */
+gtri **omintri, /* Return the intersection triangles */
+gtri **omaxtri
+) {
+ int rv, _rv;
+ double _omin[3];
+ double _omax[3];
+ double _omnt;
+ double _omxt;
+ gtri *_omintri;
+ gtri *_omaxtri;
+ int fail = 0;
+ ISDBG(("\n\n###########################################\n"));
+ /* Call the routine we're checking */
+ rv = _compute_vector_isect(s, p1, p2, omin, omax, omnt, omxt, omintri, omaxtri);
+ _rv = compute_vector_isect_bf(s, p1, p2, _omin, _omax, &_omnt, &_omxt, &_omintri, &_omaxtri);
+ if (rv != _rv) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify: rv %d != _rv %d\n",rv,_rv);
+ fail = 1;
+ }
+ if (rv == 1) {
+ int j;
+ if (omnt != NULL)
+ if (fabs (*omnt - _omnt) > 1e-4) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omnt %f != _omnt %f\n",*omnt,_omnt);
+ fail = 1;
+ }
+ if (omxt != NULL)
+ if (fabs (*omxt - _omxt) > 1e-4) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omxt %f != _omxt %f\n",*omxt,_omxt);
+ fail = 1;
+ }
+ if (omin != NULL) {
+ ISDBG(("bf min = %f %f %f\n", _omin[0], _omin[1], _omin[2]));
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (fabs (omin[j] - _omin[j]) > 1e-4)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j < 3) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omin %f %f %f != _omin %f %f %f\n", omin[0], omin[1], omin[2], _omin[0], _omin[1], _omin[2]);
+ fail = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (omax != NULL) {
+ ISDBG(("bf max = %f %f %f\n", _omax[0], _omax[1], _omax[2]));
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (fabs (omax[j] - _omax[j]) > 1e-4)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j < 3) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omax %f %f %f != _omax %f %f %f\n", omax[0], omax[1], omax[2], _omax[0], _omax[1], _omax[2]);
+ fail = 1;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef NEVER
+ if (omintri != NULL)
+ if (*omintri != _omintri) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omintri %d != _omintri %d\n",(*omintri)->n, _omintri->n);
+ }
+ if (omaxtri != NULL)
+ if (*omaxtri != _omaxtri) {
+ warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omaxtri %d != _omaxtri %d\n",(*omaxtri)->n, _omaxtri->n);
+ }
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ }
+ if (fail) {
+ printf("Re-running intersect with debug trace on\n");
+ deb_insect = 1;
+ _compute_vector_isect(s, p1, p2, _omin, _omax, &_omnt, &_omxt, &_omintri, &_omaxtri);
+#endif /* INTERSECT_DEBUG */
+ error("Verify failed");
+ }
+ return rv;
+#endif /* INTERSECT_VERIFY */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Compute all the intersection pairs of the vector p1->p2 with */
+/* the gamut surface. lp points to an array of ll gispnt to be */
+/* filled in. If the list is too small, intersections will be */
+/* arbitrarily ignored. */
+/* Return the number of intersections set in list. This will always be even, */
+/* and there will be pairs of in/out intersections in the direction p1->p2. */
+static int compute_vector_isectns(
+gamut *s,
+double *p1, /* First point (ie param value 0.0) */
+double *p2, /* Second point (ie param value 1.0) */
+gispnt *lp, /* List to return in/out intersection pairs */
+int ll /* Size of list. */
+) {
+ gtri *tp;
+ double vb[3], vv[3]; /* Center relative base of vector, vector of vector */
+ double tt, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, vscale;
+ double rse0, rse1; /* Effective radius squared min & max */
+ int lu = 0, i, j, k, m, pdir;
+ int rv = 0;
+ printf("compute_vector_isectns p1 %f %f %f, p2 %f %f %f\n", p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]);
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ if (s->lu_inited == 0)
+ init_lu(s); /* Init BSP search tree */
+ /* Convert twp points to relative base + vector direction */
+ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ vv[j] = p2[j] - p1[j];
+ tt += vv[j] * vv[j];
+ vb[j] = p1[j] - s->cent[j]; /* relative to gamut center */
+ }
+ /* If vector is too small to have a valid direction, give up */
+ if (tt < 1e-12) {
+ printf("p2 too close to p1\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Scale factor to make parameter delta = gamut space unit */
+ vscale = 1.0/sqrt(tt);
+ t0 = -1e6 * vscale; /* Set the parameter search space */
+ t1 = 1e6 * vscale;
+ /* Compute radius range of segment */
+ for (rs0 = rs1 = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ tt = vb[j] + t0 * vv[j];
+ rs0 += tt * tt;
+ tt = vb[j] + t1 * vv[j];
+ rs1 += tt * tt;
+ }
+ /* Compute the point closest to the center */
+ tc = -(vv[0] * vb[0] + vv[1] * vb[1] + vv[2] * vb[2])
+ / (vv[0] * vv[0] + vv[1] * vv[1] + vv[2] * vv[2]);
+ /* Check that this is correct */
+ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ double pp;
+ pp = vb[j] + tc * vv[j];
+ tt += pp * vv[j];
+ }
+ if (fabs(tt) > 1e-5)
+ error("Failed to locate closest point on vector");
+#endif /* INTERSECT_DEBUG */
+ for (rsc = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ tt = vb[j] + tc * vv[j];
+ rsc += tt * tt;
+ }
+ /* Compute the effective min/max radius squared */
+ rse0 = rs0;
+ rse1 = rs0;
+ if (rs1 < rse0)
+ rse0 = rs1;
+ if (rs1 > rse1)
+ rse1 = rs1;
+ if (tc >= t0 && tc <= t1) { /* Closest point is within segment */
+ if (rsc < rse0)
+ rse0 = rsc;
+ if (rsc > rse1)
+ rse1 = rsc;
+ }
+ /* Recursively locate all the triangle intersections using BSP */
+ vector_isect_rec(s, s->lutree, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1,
+ lp, ll, &lu);
+ if (lu <= 1) {
+ printf("%d intersections found\n",lu);
+ return 0; /* Too few to be useful */
+ }
+ /* Now we need to turn th raw intersections into sanitized segment pairs. */
+ /* Sort the intersections by parameter value */
+#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A.pv < B.pv)
+ HEAPSORT(gispnt, lp, lu)
+ printf("Before sanitizing %d\n",lu);
+ for (i = 0; i < lu; i++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",i,lp[i].pv,lp[i].dir,lp[i].edge,lp[i].tri->n);
+ /* Remove any duplicate intersections (triangles) */
+ for (j = i = 0; i < lu; i++) {
+ for (k = i+1; k < lu; k++) {
+ if (lp[k].tri == lp[i].tri) {
+ lp[k].edge &= lp[i].edge; /* Keep non-edge status */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k < lu)
+ continue; /* Skip this one */
+ /* Accept this intersection */
+ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i], sizeof(gispnt));
+ j++;
+ }
+ lu = j;
+ if (lu <= 1) {
+ printf("%d intersections after removing duplicates\n",lu);
+ return 0; /* Too few to be useful */
+ }
+ printf("After removing duplicates %d\n",lu);
+ for (i = 0; i < lu; i++) {
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",i,lp[i].pv,lp[i].dir,lp[i].edge,lp[i].tri->n);
+ }
+ /* Sanitize the intersections. */
+ /* We must end up with in/out segment pairs. */
+ /* j = output index, i = current index */
+ pdir = 0; /* Previous isection direction = "out" */
+ for (j = i = 0; i < lu;) {
+ int nin, nout; /* Number fully in/out */
+ int inx, outx; /* Indexes of representative in/out */
+ int npin, npout; /* Number partially in/out */
+ int pinx, poutx; /* Indexes of representative in/out */
+//printf("~1 at %d out of %d, %d saved\n",i,lu,j);
+ /* Two tries, re-evaluate before second try */
+ for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
+ /* See how many we have at the next pv, and */
+ /* decide if they're in, or out or both. */
+ nin = nout = npin = npout = 0;
+ for (k = i; k < lu; k++) {
+ if (i != k && fabs((lp[i].pv - lp[k].pv) * vscale) >= 0.0001)
+ break;
+ if (lp[k].dir) { /* In */
+ if (lp[k].edge == 0) {
+ nin++;
+ inx = k;
+ } else if (lp[k].edge == 1) {
+ npin++;
+ pinx = k;
+ }
+ } else { /* Out */
+ if (lp[k].edge == 0) {
+ nout++;
+ outx = k;
+ } else if (lp[k].edge == 1) {
+ npout++;
+ poutx = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m == 1 /* We've already re-evaluated */
+ || (k - i) <= 2 /* Not worth re-evaluating */
+ || (npin == 0 && npout == 0)) /* All definite */
+ break;
+ /* Re-evaluate the intersections with an offset. */
+ /* (We need this because often the point of interest */
+ /* is a vertex, and there are lots of intersections */
+ /* with the edges of the triangles that share that vertex) */
+ reevaluate_isectns(s, lp+i, k-i, 1e-5, vb, vv);
+ {
+ int ii;
+ printf("After re-evaluating intersections\n");
+ for (ii = i; ii < k; ii++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp[ii].pv,lp[ii].dir,lp[ii].edge,lp[ii].tri->n);
+ }
+ }
+//printf("~1 nin %d, nout %d, npin %d, npout %d\n",nin,nout,npin,npout);
+ /* Create a zero length segment */
+ if ((k-i) > 1
+ && ((nin >= 1 && nout >= 1) /* both are definite */
+ || (nin == 0 && nout == 0 && npin >= 1 && npout >= 1) /* Both glancing */
+ || (nin == 0 && nout == 0 && npin == 0 && npout == 0)) /* No intersections now */
+ ) {
+ if (pdir != 0) { /* Not correct for segment */
+ i = k;
+//printf("~1 neither or both or uncertain\n");
+ continue; /* Discard them all */
+ }
+//printf("~1 creating zero length segment\n");
+ /* Hmm. For reasonable triangles we should really */
+ /* grab in/out from original evaluation... */
+ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i], sizeof(gispnt));
+ lp[j].dir = 1;
+ lp[j].edge = 1;
+ j++;
+ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i+1], sizeof(gispnt));
+ lp[j].dir = 0;
+ lp[j].edge = 1;
+ j++;
+ i = k;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* We expect one conclusion */
+ if (nin >= 1)
+ i = inx;
+ else if (nout >= 1)
+ i = outx;
+ else if (npin >= 1)
+ i = pinx;
+ else /* npout >= 1 */
+ i = poutx;
+//printf("~1 using %d\n",i);
+ if ((lp[i].dir ^ pdir) == 0) { /* Not opposite to previous */
+//printf("~1 not opposite, discard it\n");
+ /* This shouldn't happen. */
+ i = k;
+ continue; /* Discard it */
+ }
+//printf("~1 save %d\n",i);
+ /* Accept this intersection */
+ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i], sizeof(gispnt));
+ pdir = lp[j].dir;
+ j++;
+ i = k;
+ }
+ if (j & 1) /* Hmm. We ended up odd. This shouldn't happen. */
+ j--;
+ rv = j;
+ if (rv == 0)
+ printf("No intersections left\n");
+ else {
+ printf("After sanitizing %d\n",rv);
+ for (i = 0; i < rv; i++)
+ printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",i,lp[i].pv,lp[i].dir,lp[i].edge,lp[i].tri->n);
+ }
+ return rv;
+#undef ISDBG
+#endif /* INTERSECT_DEBUG */
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Write to a VRML .wrl file */
+/* Return non-zero on error */
+static int write_vrml(
+gamut *s,
+char *filename,
+int doaxes, /* Non-zero if axes are to be written */
+int docusps /* Non-zero if cusp points are to be marked */
+) {
+ return write_trans_vrml(s, filename, doaxes, docusps, NULL, NULL);
+/* Write to a VRML .wrl file */
+/* Return non-zero on error */
+static int write_trans_vrml(
+gamut *s,
+char *filename,
+int doaxes, /* Non-zero if axes are to be written */
+int docusps, /* Non-zero if cusp points are to be marked */
+void (*transform)(void *cntx, double out[3], double in[3]), /* Optional transformation callback */
+void *cntx
+) {
+ int i;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ FILE *wrl;
+ struct {
+ double x, y, z;
+ double wx, wy, wz;
+ double r, g, b;
+ } axes[5] = {
+ { 0 - s->cent[1], 0 - s->cent[2], 50 - s->cent[0], 2, 2, 100, .7, .7, .7 },
+ /* L axis */
+ { 50 - s->cent[1], 0 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 100, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0 },
+ /* +a (red) axis */
+ { 0 - s->cent[1], -50 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 2, 100, 2, 0, 0, 1 },
+ /* -b (blue) axis */
+ { -50 - s->cent[1], 0 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 100, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0 },
+ /* -a (green) axis */
+ { 0 - s->cent[1], 50 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 2, 100, 2, 1, 1, 0 },
+ /* +b (yellow) axis */
+ };
+ /* Define the labels */
+ struct {
+ double x, y, z;
+ double size;
+ char *string;
+ double r, g, b;
+ } labels[6] = {
+ { -2 - s->cent[1], 2 - s->cent[2], - s->cent[0] + 100 + 10, 10, "+L*", .7, .7, .7 },
+ /* Top of L axis */
+ { -2 - s->cent[1], 2 - s->cent[2], - s->cent[0] - 10, 10, "0", .7, .7, .7 },
+ /* Bottom of L axis */
+ { 100 + 5 - s->cent[1], -3 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 10, "+a*", 1, 0, 0 },
+ /* +a (red) axis */
+ { -5 - s->cent[1], -100 - 10 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 10, "-b*", 0, 0, 1 },
+ /* -b (blue) axis */
+ { -100 - 15 - s->cent[1], -3 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 10, "-a*", 0, 0, 1 },
+ /* -a (green) axis */
+ { -5 - s->cent[1], 100 + 5 - s->cent[2], 0 - s->cent[0], 10, "+b*", 1, 1, 0 },
+ /* +b (yellow) axis */
+ };
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ if ((wrl = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening output file '%s'\n",filename);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* Spit out a VRML 2 Object surface of gamut */
+ fprintf(wrl,"#VRML V2.0 utf8\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"# Created by the Argyll CMS\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," NavigationInfo {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," type \"EXAMINE\" # It's an object we examine\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # We'll add our own light\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," DirectionalLight {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," intensity 0.2\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ambientIntensity 0.1\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," direction -1 -1 -1\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," DirectionalLight {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," intensity 0.6\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ambientIntensity 0.2\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," direction 1 1 1\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Viewpoint {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," position 0 0 250 # Position we view from\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ if (doaxes != 0) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"# Lab axes as boxes:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"Transform { translation %f %f %f\n", axes[i].x, axes[i].y, axes[i].z);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\tchildren [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\tShape {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\tgeometry Box { size %f %f %f }\n",
+ axes[i].wx, axes[i].wy, axes[i].wz);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\tappearance Appearance { material Material ");
+ fprintf(wrl,"{ diffuseColor %f %f %f} }\n", axes[i].r, axes[i].g, axes[i].b);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"}\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl,"# Axes identification:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"Transform { translation %f %f %f\n", labels[i].x, labels[i].y, labels[i].z);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\tchildren [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\tShape {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\tgeometry Text { string [\"%s\"]\n",labels[i].string);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\t\tfontStyle FontStyle { family \"SANS\" style \"BOLD\" size %f }\n",
+ labels[i].size);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\tappearance Appearance { material Material ");
+ fprintf(wrl,"{ diffuseColor %f %f %f} }\n", labels[i].r, labels[i].g, labels[i].b);
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\t]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"}\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation 0 0 0\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ccw FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," convex TRUE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coord Coordinate { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," point [ # Verticy coordinates\n");
+ /* Spit out the point values, in order. */
+ /* Note that a->x, b->y, L->z */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ double out[3];
+#ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET))
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+#ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */
+ {
+ double cc[3], rr[3];
+# ifdef SHOW_SPHERE /* Show surface on sphere */
+ rr[0] = 50.0; /* Sphere radius */
+# else
+ rr[0] = s->verts[i]->r[0],
+# endif /* SHOW_SPHERE */
+ rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w;
+ rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h;
+ gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",cc[1], cc[2], cc[0]);
+ rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w;
+ rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h;
+ gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",cc[1], cc[2], cc[0]);
+ rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w;
+ rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h;
+ gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",cc[1], cc[2], cc[0]);
+ rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w;
+ rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h;
+ gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",cc[1], cc[2], cc[0]);
+ }
+#else /* Show point data */
+# ifdef SHOW_SPHERE /* Show surface on sphere */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",s->verts[i]->sp[1], s->verts[i]->sp[2],
+ s->verts[i]->sp[0]);
+# else
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",s->verts[i]->ch[1], s->verts[i]->ch[2],
+ s->verts[i]->ch[0]);
+# else
+ /* Show normal gamut surface */
+ out[0] = s->verts[i]->p[0];
+ out[1] = s->verts[i]->p[1];
+ out[2] = s->verts[i]->p[2];
+ if (transform)
+ transform(cntx, out, out); /* Do transform */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",out[1]-s->cent[1], out[2]-s->cent[2], out[0]-s->cent[0]);
+# endif /* SHOW_HULL_PNTS */
+# endif /* SHOW_SPHERE */
+#endif /* SHOW_BUCKETS */
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coordIndex [ # Indexes of poligon Verticies \n");
+#ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ int j = s->verts[i]->sn;
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET))
+ continue;
+ fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, %d, %d, -1\n", j * 4, j * 4 + 1, j * 4 + 2, j * 4 + 3);
+ }
+#else /* Show gamut triangular surface */
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, %d, -1\n", tp->v[0]->tn, tp->v[1]->tn, tp->v[2]->tn);
+#endif /* SHOW_BUCKETS */
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," colorPerVertex TRUE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," color Color {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," color [ # RGB colors of each vertex\n");
+ /* Spit out the colors for each vertex */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ double rgb[3];
+#ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET))
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ gamut_Lab2RGB(rgb, s->verts[i]->p);
+ rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = 1.0;
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
+#ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
+#endif /* SHOW_BUCKETS */
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ] \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," transparency 0.0\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ambientIntensity 0.3\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," shininess 0.5\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end Shape\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ if (s->gawbset && doaxes) {
+ /* Show the gamut white and black points */
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",s->ga_wp[1]-s->cent[1], s->ga_wp[2]-s->cent[2], s->ga_wp[0]-s->cent[0]);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Sphere { radius 2.0 }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.9 0.9 0.9 } }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",s->ga_bp[1]-s->cent[1], s->ga_bp[2]-s->cent[2], s->ga_bp[0]-s->cent[0]);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Sphere { radius 2.0 }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.9 0.9 0.9 } }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ }
+ if (docusps && s->cu_inited != 0) {
+ double ccolors[6][3] = {
+ { 1.0, 0.1, 0.1 }, /* Red */
+ { 1.0, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Yellow */
+ { 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Green */
+ { 0.1, 1.0, 1.0 }, /* Cyan */
+ { 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 }, /* Blue */
+ { 1.0, 0.1, 1.0 } /* Magenta */
+ };
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",s->cusps[i][1]-s->cent[1], s->cusps[i][2]-s->cent[2], s->cusps[i][0]-s->cent[0]);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Sphere { radius 2.0 }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", ccolors[i][0],ccolors[i][1],ccolors[i][2]);
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ double in[3], out[3];
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry PointSet { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coord Coordinate { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," point [\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ double ss;
+ /* Create random vector relative to center, absolute */
+ in[0] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5 + s->cent[0];
+ in[1] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5 + s->cent[1];
+ in[2] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5 + s->cent[2];
+ s->radial(s, out, in); /* Lookup point on gamut surface */
+ out[0] = (out[0] - s->cent[0]) * 1.01 + s->cent[0];
+ out[1] = (out[1] - s->cent[1]) * 1.01 + s->cent[1];
+ out[2] = (out[2] - s->cent[2]) * 1.01 + s->cent[2];
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",out[1]-s->cent[1], out[2]-s->cent[2], out[0]-s->cent[0]);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"} # end shape\n");
+ }
+#endif /* TEST_LOOKUP */
+ {
+#define NTPTS 500
+ int i, j;
+ double in[3], out[3];
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry IndexedLineSet { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coord Coordinate { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," point [\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < NTPTS; i++) {
+ double ss;
+ /* Create random vector relative to center */
+ in[0] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
+ in[1] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
+ in[2] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
+#ifndef NEVER /* Make points just above surface */
+ in[0] += s->cent[0]; /* Make absolute */
+ in[1] += s->cent[1];
+ in[2] += s->cent[2];
+ s->radial(s, in, in); /* Lookup point on gamut surface */
+ in[0] = (in[0] - s->cent[0]) * 1.20 + s->cent[0]; /* Extend by 10% */
+ in[1] = (in[1] - s->cent[1]) * 1.20 + s->cent[1];
+ in[2] = (in[2] - s->cent[2]) * 1.20 + s->cent[2];
+ /* Make distance 150 */
+ ss = sqrt(in[0] * in[0] + in[1] * in[1] + in[2] * in[2]);
+ in[0] = 60.0/ss * in[0] + s->cent[0];
+ in[1] = 60.0/ss * in[1] + s->cent[1];
+ in[2] = 60.0/ss * in[2] + s->cent[2];
+// s->radial(s, out, in); /* Lookup point on gamut surface */
+ s->nearest(s, out, in); /* Nearest point on gamut surface */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",in[1]-s->cent[1], in[2]-s->cent[2], in[0]-s->cent[0]);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",out[1]-s->cent[1], out[2]-s->cent[2], out[0]-s->cent[0]);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coordIndex [\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < NTPTS; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, -1,\n", i * 2, i * 2 + 1);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"} # end shape\n");
+ }
+#endif /* TEST_NEAREST */
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ] # end of children for world\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"}\n");
+ if (fclose(wrl) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error closing output file '%s'\n",filename);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* ----------------------------------- */
+/* Write to a CGATS .gam file */
+/* Return non-zero on error */
+static int write_gam(
+gamut *s,
+char *filename
+) {
+ time_t clk = time(0);
+ struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
+ char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */
+ int i;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ cgats *gam;
+ char buf[100];
+ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris)
+ triangulate(s);
+ gam = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ gam->add_other(gam, "GAMUT");
+ gam->add_table(gam, tt_other, 0); /* Start the first table as type "GAMUT" */
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Gamut surface poligon data", NULL);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll CMS gamut library", NULL);
+ atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000'; /* Remove \n from end */
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL);
+#ifdef NEVER
+ /* would be nice to add extra info like description, source (ie icc filename) etc. */
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","INPUT", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */
+ if (s->isJab)
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "COLOR_REP","JAB", NULL);
+ else
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "COLOR_REP","LAB", NULL);
+ if (s->isRast)
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "SURF_TYPE","RASTER", NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->cent[0], s->cent[1], s->cent[2]);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_CENTER",buf, NULL);
+ /* If the white and black points are known, put them in the file */
+ if (s->cswbset) {
+ compgawb(s); /* make sure we have gamut white/black available */
+ sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->cs_wp[0], s->cs_wp[1], s->cs_wp[2]);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_WHITE",buf, NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->ga_wp[0], s->ga_wp[1], s->ga_wp[2]);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_WHITE",buf, NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->cs_bp[0], s->cs_bp[1], s->cs_bp[2]);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_BLACK",buf, NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->ga_bp[0], s->ga_bp[1], s->ga_bp[2]);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_BLACK",buf, NULL);
+ }
+ /* If cusp values are known, put them in the file */
+ if (s->cu_inited != 0) {
+ char buf1[50], buf2[100];
+ char *cnames[6] = { "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN", "CYAN", "BLUE", "MAGENTA" };
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ sprintf(buf1,"CUSP_%s", cnames[i]);
+ sprintf(buf2,"%f %f %f", s->cusps[i][0], s->cusps[i][1], s->cusps[i][2]);
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, buf1, buf2, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, NULL, NULL, "First come the triangle verticy location");
+ gam->add_field(gam, 0, "VERTEX_NO", i_t);
+ gam->add_field(gam, 0, "LAB_L", r_t);
+ gam->add_field(gam, 0, "LAB_A", r_t);
+ gam->add_field(gam, 0, "LAB_B", r_t);
+ /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI))
+ continue;
+ gam->add_set(gam, 0, s->verts[i]->tn,
+ s->verts[i]->p[0], s->verts[i]->p[1], s->verts[i]->p[2]);
+ }
+ gam->add_table(gam, tt_other, 0); /* Start the second table */
+ gam->set_table_flags(gam, 1, 1, 1, 0); /* Suppress id & kwords */
+ gam->add_kword(gam, 1, NULL, NULL, "And then come the triangles");
+ gam->add_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_0", i_t);
+ gam->add_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_1", i_t);
+ gam->add_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_2", i_t);
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ gam->add_set(gam, 1, tp->v[0]->tn, tp->v[1]->tn, tp->v[2]->tn);
+ if (gam->write_name(gam, filename)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to file '%s' : '%s'\n",filename, gam->err);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ gam->del(gam); /* Clean up */
+ return 0;
+/* ----------------------------------- */
+/* Read from a CGATS .gam file */
+/* Return non-zero on error */
+static int read_gam(
+gamut *s,
+char *filename
+) {
+ int i;
+ cgats *gam;
+ gtri *tp;
+ int nverts;
+ int ntris;
+ int Lf, af, bf; /* Fields holding L, a & b data */
+ int v0f, v1f, v2f; /* Fields holding verticies 0, 1 & 2 */
+ int cw, cb; /* Colorspace white, black keyword indexes */
+ int gw, gb; /* Gamut white, black keyword indexes */
+ if (s->tris != NULL || s->read_inited || s->lu_inited || s->ne_inited) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't add read into gamut after it is initialised!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ gam = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ gam->add_other(gam, "GAMUT"); /* Setup to cope with a gamut file */
+ if (gam->read_name(gam, filename)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file '%s' error : %s",filename, gam->err);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[0].tt != tt_other || gam->t[0].oi != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file isn't a GAMUT format file");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->ntables != 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain exactly two tables");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Figure the basic colorspace information */
+ s->isJab = 0;
+ if ((cw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "COLOR_REP")) >= 0) {
+ if (strcmp(gam->t[0].kdata[cw], "JAB") == 0)
+ s->isJab = 1;
+ }
+ /* Figure the surface type */
+ s->isRast = 0;
+ if ((cw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "SURF_TYPE")) >= 0) {
+ if (strcmp(gam->t[0].kdata[cw], "RASTER") == 0)
+ s->isRast = 1;
+ }
+ if (s->isRast) {
+ s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */
+ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */
+ } else {
+ s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */
+ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */
+ }
+ /* If we can find the the colorspace white and black points, add them to the gamut */
+ cw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_WHITE");
+ cb = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_BLACK");
+ if (cw >= 0 && cb >= 0) {
+ int ok = 1;
+ if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[cw], "%lf %lf %lf",
+ &s->cs_wp[0], &s->cs_wp[1], &s->cs_wp[2]) != 3) {
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[cb], "%lf %lf %lf",
+ &s->cs_bp[0], &s->cs_bp[1], &s->cs_bp[2]) != 3) {
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+ s->cswbset = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we can find the the gamut white and black points, add them to the gamut */
+ gw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_WHITE");
+ gb = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_BLACK");
+ if (gw >= 0 && gb >= 0) {
+ int ok = 1;
+ if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[gw], "%lf %lf %lf",
+ &s->ga_wp[0], &s->ga_wp[1], &s->ga_wp[2]) != 3) {
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[gb], "%lf %lf %lf",
+ &s->ga_bp[0], &s->ga_bp[1], &s->ga_bp[2]) != 3) {
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+ s->gawbset = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* See if there are cusp values */
+ {
+ int kk;
+ char buf1[50];
+ char *cnames[6] = { "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN", "CYAN", "BLUE", "MAGENTA" };
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ sprintf(buf1,"CUSP_%s", cnames[i]);
+ if ((kk = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, buf1)) < 0)
+ break;
+ if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[kk], "%lf %lf %lf",
+ &s->cusps[i][0], &s->cusps[i][1], &s->cusps[i][2]) != 3) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i >= 6)
+ s->cu_inited = 1;
+ }
+ if ((nverts = gam->t[0].nsets) <= 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No verticies");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((ntris = gam->t[1].nsets) <= 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No triangles");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Get ready to read the verticy data */
+ if ((Lf = gam->find_field(gam, 0, "LAB_L")) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field LAB_L");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[0].ftype[Lf] != r_t) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Field LAB_L is wrong type");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((af = gam->find_field(gam, 0, "LAB_A")) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field LAB_A");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[0].ftype[af] != r_t) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Field LAB_A is wrong type");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((bf = gam->find_field(gam, 0, "LAB_B")) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field LAB_B");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[0].ftype[bf] != r_t) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Field LAB_B is wrong type");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Allocate an array to point at the verts */
+ if ((s->verts = (gvert **)malloc(nverts * sizeof(gvert *))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on gvert pointer\n");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ s->nv = s->na = nverts;
+ for (i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
+ gvert *v;
+ /* Allocate and fill in each verticies basic information */
+ if ((v = (gvert *)calloc(1, sizeof(gvert))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on gvert object\n");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ s->verts[i] = v;
+ v->tag = 1;
+ v->tn = v->n = i;
+ v->f = GVERT_SET | GVERT_TRI; /* Will be part of the triangulation */
+ v->p[0] = *((double *)gam->t[0].fdata[i][Lf]);
+ v->p[1] = *((double *)gam->t[0].fdata[i][af]);
+ v->p[2] = *((double *)gam->t[0].fdata[i][bf]);
+ gamut_rect2radial(s, v->r, v->p);
+ }
+ s->ntv = i;
+ /* Compute the other vertex values */
+ compute_vertex_coords(s);
+ /* Get ready to read the triangle data */
+ if ((v0f = gam->find_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_0")) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field VERTEX_0");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[1].ftype[v0f] != i_t) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Field VERTEX_0 is wrong type");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((v1f = gam->find_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_1")) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field VERTEX_1");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[1].ftype[v1f] != i_t) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Field VERTEX_1 is wrong type");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((v2f = gam->find_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_2")) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field VERTEX_2");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gam->t[1].ftype[v2f] != i_t) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Field VERTEX_2 is wrong type");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Create all the triangles */
+ for (i = 0; i < ntris; i++) {
+ gtri *t;
+ int v0, v1, v2;
+ t = new_gtri();
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, t); /* Append to triangulation list */
+ v0 = *((int *)gam->t[1].fdata[i][v0f]);
+ v1 = *((int *)gam->t[1].fdata[i][v1f]);
+ v2 = *((int *)gam->t[1].fdata[i][v2f]);
+ t->v[0] = s->verts[v0];
+ t->v[1] = s->verts[v1];
+ t->v[2] = s->verts[v2];
+ comptriattr(s, t); /* Compute triangle attributes */
+ }
+ /* Connect edge information */
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ int en;
+ for (en = 0; en < 3; en++) { /* For each edge */
+ gedge *e;
+ gvert *v0, *v1; /* The two verticies of the edge */
+ gtri *tp2; /* The other triangle */
+ int em; /* The other edge */
+ gvert *w0, *w1; /* The other verticies */
+ v0 = tp->v[en];
+ v1 = tp->v[en < 2 ? en+1 : 0];
+ if (v0->n > v1->n)
+ continue; /* Skip every other edge */
+ /* Find the corresponding edge of the other triangle */
+ w0 = w1 = NULL;
+ tp2 = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) {
+ for (em = 0; em < 3; em++) { /* For each edge */
+ w0 = tp2->v[em];
+ w1 = tp2->v[em < 2 ? em+1 : 0];
+ if (v0 == w1 && v1 == w0) /* Found it */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (em < 3)
+ break;
+ if (w0 == NULL) {
+ /* Should clean up ? */
+ fprintf(stderr,".gam file triangle data is not consistent\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tp->e[en] != NULL
+ || tp2->e[em] != NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,".gam file triangle data is not consistent\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"tp1->e[%d] = 0x%p, tp2->e[%d]= 0x%p\n",en,
+ (void *)tp->e[en],em,(void *)tp2->e[em]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Creat the edge structure */
+ e = new_gedge();
+ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->edges, e); /* Append to edge list */
+ tp->e[en] = e; /* This edge */
+ tp->ei[en] = 0; /* 0th triangle in edge */
+ e->t[0] = tp; /* 0th triangle is tp */
+ e->ti[0] = en; /* 0th triangles en edge */
+ tp2->e[em] = e; /* This edge */
+ tp2->ei[em] = 1; /* 1st triangle in edge */
+ e->t[1] = tp2; /* 1st triangle is tp2 */
+ e->ti[1] = em; /* 1st triangles em edge */
+ e->v[0] = v0; /* The two verticies */
+ e->v[1] = v1;
+ }
+ gam->del(gam); /* Clean up */
+ s->read_inited = 1; /* It's now valid */
+#ifdef ASSERTS
+ check_triangulation(s, 1); /* Check out our work */
+ return 0;
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* ===================================================== */
+/* Convert from rectangular to radial coordinates */
+gamut *s,
+double out[3], /* Radius, longitude, lattitude out */
+double in[3] /* Lab in */
+) {
+ double L, a, b; /* Lab values */
+ double R, g, t; /* Radial value */
+ double c; /* Chromatic length */
+ L = in[0] - s->cent[0]; /* Offset value */
+ a = in[1] - s->cent[1];
+ b = in[2] - s->cent[2];
+ c = a * a + b * b;
+ R = c + L * L;
+ c = sqrt(c); /* Saturation */
+ R = sqrt(R); /* Vector length */
+ if (R < 1e-6) { /* Hmm, a point at the center */
+ g = t = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ /* Figure out the longitude, -pi to +pi */
+ if (c < 1e-6) {
+ g = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ g = asin(b/c);
+ if (a < 0.0) {
+ if (b >= 0.0)
+ g = M_PI - g;
+ else
+ g = -g - M_PI;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Figure out the lattitude, -pi/2 to +pi/2 */
+ t = asin(L/R);
+ }
+ out[0] = R;
+ out[1] = g;
+ out[2] = t;
+/* Convert from radial to rectangular coordinates */
+gamut *s,
+double out[3], /* Lab out */
+double in[3] /* Radius, longitude, lattitude in */
+) {
+ double R, g, t; /* Radial value */
+ double L, a, b; /* Lab values */
+ double c; /* Chromatic length */
+ R = in[0];
+ g = in[1];
+ t = in[2];
+ L = R * sin(t);
+ c = R * cos(t);
+ a = c * cos(g);
+ b = c * sin(g);
+ out[0] = L + s->cent[0];
+ out[1] = a + s->cent[1];
+ out[2] = b + s->cent[2];
+/* -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Convert a gamut Lab value to an RGB value for display purposes */
+gamut_Lab2RGB(double *out, double *in) {
+ double L = in[0], a = in[1], b = in[2];
+ double x,y,z,fx,fy,fz;
+ double R, G, B;
+ /* Scale so that black is visible */
+ L = L * (100 - 40.0)/100.0 + 40.0;
+ /* First convert to XYZ using D50 white point */
+ if (L > 8.0) {
+ fy = (L + 16.0)/116.0;
+ y = pow(fy,3.0);
+ } else {
+ y = L/903.2963058;
+ fy = 7.787036979 * y + 16.0/116.0;
+ }
+ fx = a/500.0 + fy;
+ if (fx > 24.0/116.0)
+ x = pow(fx,3.0);
+ else
+ x = (fx - 16.0/116.0)/7.787036979;
+ fz = fy - b/200.0;
+ if (fz > 24.0/116.0)
+ z = pow(fz,3.0);
+ else
+ z = (fz - 16.0/116.0)/7.787036979;
+ x *= 0.9642; /* Multiply by white point, D50 */
+ y *= 1.0;
+ z *= 0.8249;
+ /* Now convert to sRGB values */
+ R = x * 3.2410 + y * -1.5374 + z * -0.4986;
+ G = x * -0.9692 + y * 1.8760 + z * 0.0416;
+ B = x * 0.0556 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570;
+ if (R < 0.0)
+ R = 0.0;
+ else if (R > 1.0)
+ R = 1.0;
+ if (G < 0.0)
+ G = 0.0;
+ else if (G > 1.0)
+ G = 1.0;
+ if (B < 0.0)
+ B = 0.0;
+ else if (B > 1.0)
+ B = 1.0;
+ R = pow(R, 1.0/2.2);
+ G = pow(G, 1.0/2.2);
+ B = pow(B, 1.0/2.2);
+ out[0] = R;
+ out[1] = G;
+ out[2] = B;
+/* -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Write a surface contrsuction diagnostic VRML .wrl file */
+static int write_diag_vrml(
+gamut *s,
+double vv[3], /* Vertex being added */
+int nh, /* Number of hit triangles */
+tidxs *hixs, /* verticy indexes of hit triangles */
+gtri *hl /* Edge hit list (may be NULL) */
+) {
+ char *filename;
+ int i, j;
+ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */
+ FILE *wrl;
+ if (hl)
+ filename = "diag1.wrl"; /* Triangles hit */
+ else
+ filename = "diag2.wrl"; /* Triangles formed */
+ if ((wrl = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening output file '%s'\n",filename);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* Spit out a VRML 2 Object surface of gamut */
+ fprintf(wrl,"#VRML V2.0 utf8\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"# Created by the Argyll CMS\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," NavigationInfo {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," type \"EXAMINE\" # It's an object we examine\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # We'll add our own light\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," DirectionalLight {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," direction 0 0 -1 # Light illuminating the scene\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," direction 0 -1 0 # Light illuminating the scene\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Viewpoint {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," position 0 0 200 # Position we view from\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation 0 0 0\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ccw FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," convex TRUE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coord Coordinate { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," point [ # Verticy coordinates\n");
+ /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */
+ /* Note that a->x, b->y, L->z */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) {
+ double out[3];
+ /* Show normal gamut surface */
+ out[0] = s->verts[i]->ch[0];
+ out[1] = s->verts[i]->ch[1];
+ out[2] = s->verts[i]->ch[2];
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",out[1], out[2], out[0]);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coordIndex [ # Indexes of poligon Verticies \n");
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, %d, -1\n", tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n);
+ for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, %d, -1\n", hixs[i].tix[0], hixs[i].tix[1], hixs[i].tix[2]);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," colorPerVertex FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," color Color {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," color [ # RGB colors of each vertex\n");
+ /* Spit out the colors for each face */
+ tp = s->tris;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
+ for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
+ if (hixs[i].type == 0)
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 0.4, 1.0, 0.4); /* Green for hit */
+ else if (hixs[i].type == 1)
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 0.4, 0.4, 1.0); /* Blue for extra */
+ else
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 0.8, 0.8, 0.2); /* Yellow for new */
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ] \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end IndexedFaceSet\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," transparency 0.0\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ambientIntensity 0.3\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," shininess 0.5\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end Shape\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end of transform\n");
+ /* center of gamut */
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Sphere { radius 1.5 }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ /* vertex being added */
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",vv[1], vv[2], vv[0]);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Sphere { radius 1.5 }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ /* Verticies for Polygon edges, marked by directional cones */
+ if (hl != NULL) {
+ double base[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; /* Default orientation of cone is b axis */
+ tp = hl;
+ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) {
+ double len;
+ double loc[3];
+ double vec[3];
+ double axis[3]; /* Axis to rotate around */
+ double rot; /* In radians */
+//printf("~1 edge vert %d to %d\n",tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n);
+//printf("~1 edge %f %f %f to %f %f %f\n",
+//tp->v[0]->ch[0], tp->v[0]->ch[1], tp->v[0]->ch[2],
+//tp->v[1]->ch[0], tp->v[1]->ch[1], tp->v[1]->ch[2]);
+ icmAdd3(loc, tp->v[1]->ch, tp->v[0]->ch);
+ icmScale3(loc, loc, 0.5);
+ icmSub3(vec, tp->v[1]->ch, tp->v[0]->ch);
+ len = icmNorm3(vec);
+ if (len < 1.0)
+ len = 1.0;
+ icmNormalize3(base, base, 1.0);
+ icmNormalize3(vec, vec, 1.0);
+ icmCross3(axis, base, vec);
+ rot = icmDot3(base, vec);
+//printf("~1 Axis = %f %f %f\n",axis[0],axis[1],axis[2]);
+ if (icmNorm3sq(axis) < 1e-10) { /* 0 or 180 degrees */
+ double base2[3];
+ int mxi = 0;
+ base2[0] = vec[1]; /* Comute vector in a different direction */
+ base2[1] = vec[2];
+ base2[2] = vec[0];
+ for (j = 1; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (fabs(base2[j]) > fabs(base2[mxi]))
+ mxi = j;
+ }
+ base2[mxi] = -base2[mxi];
+ icmCross3(axis, base2, vec);
+ if (icmNorm3sq(axis) < 1e-10) { /* 0 or 180 degrees */
+ error("VRML rotate axis still too small");
+ }
+ if (rot < 0.0)
+ rot = 3.1415926;
+ else
+ rot = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ rot = acos(rot);
+//printf("~1 rotation %f\n",rot);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," rotation %f %f %f %f\n",axis[1], axis[2], axis[0], rot);
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",loc[1], loc[2], loc[0]);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Cone { bottomRadius 0.5 height %f }\n",len);
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.7 0.0 1.0 } }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ] # end of children for world\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"}\n");
+ if (fclose(wrl) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error closing output file '%s'\n",filename);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* DEBUG_TRIANG */
+/* Write a triangle split diagnostic VRML .wrl file */
+static int write_split_diag_vrml(
+gamut *s,
+gtri **list, /* Triangle list */
+int llen /* Number of triangles in the list */
+) {
+ char *filename;
+ int i, j;
+ FILE *wrl;
+ filename = "diag3.wrl"; /* Triangles split */
+ if ((wrl = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening output file '%s'\n",filename);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* Spit out a VRML 2 Object surface of gamut */
+ fprintf(wrl,"#VRML V2.0 utf8\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"# Created by the Argyll CMS\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," NavigationInfo {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," type \"EXAMINE\" # It's an object we examine\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # We'll add our own light\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," DirectionalLight {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ambientIntensity 0.3 # Ambient light illuminating the scene\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," direction 0 0 -1 # Light illuminating the scene\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," direction 0 -1 0 # Light illuminating the scene\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Viewpoint {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," position 0 0 5 # Position we view from\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation 0 0 0\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ccw FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," convex TRUE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," solid FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coord Coordinate { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," point [ # Verticy coordinates\n");
+ /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",list[i]->v[0]->sp[0], list[i]->v[0]->sp[1], list[i]->v[0]->sp[2]);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",list[i]->v[1]->sp[0], list[i]->v[1]->sp[1], list[i]->v[1]->sp[2]);
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",list[i]->v[2]->sp[0], list[i]->v[2]->sp[1], list[i]->v[2]->sp[2]);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," coordIndex [ # Indexes of poligon Verticies \n");
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, %d, -1\n", i * 3 + 0, i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 2);
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," colorPerVertex FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," color Color {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," color [ # RGB colors of each vertex\n");
+ /* Spit out the colors for each face */
+ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
+ if (list[i]->bsort == 1) { /* Positive */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 1.0, 0.3, 0.3); /* Red */
+ } else if (list[i]->bsort == 2) { /* Negative */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 0.3, 1.0, 0.3); /* Green */
+ } else if (list[i]->bsort == 3) { /* Both */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 1.0, 1.0, 0.3); /* Yellow */
+ } else { /* Neither */
+ fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n", 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); /* Blue */
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(wrl," ] \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end IndexedFaceSet\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," transparency 0.0\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ambientIntensity 0.3\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," shininess 0.5\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end Shape\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," } # end of transform\n");
+ /* center of gamut */
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," translation %f %f %f\n",0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ fprintf(wrl," children [\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," Shape { \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," geometry Sphere { radius 0.05 }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ fprintf(wrl," } \n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ]\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," }\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"\n");
+ fprintf(wrl," ] # end of children for world\n");
+ fprintf(wrl,"}\n");
+ if (fclose(wrl) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error closing output file '%s'\n",filename);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML */