path: root/imdi/cctiff.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'imdi/cctiff.c')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/imdi/cctiff.c b/imdi/cctiff.c
index 1f3eb9e..bb6ee0d 100644
--- a/imdi/cctiff.c
+++ b/imdi/cctiff.c
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
/* TTBD:
+ Should special case jpeg noop used to embed profile
+ in output, using jpeg_read_coefficients()/jpeg_write_coefficients()
+ rather than jpeg_start_decompress(), jpeg_read_scanlines() etc.
Should make -d option default to the last device
@@ -469,7 +473,7 @@ char **inknames /* Return ASCII inknames if non NULL */
return 0; /* Not CMYK */
case icSigCmykData:
if (inknames != NULL) {
- *inknames = NULL; /* No inknames */
+ *inknames = NULL; /* No inknames - it's coded */
*len = 0;
@@ -629,7 +633,7 @@ static void l2y_curve(double *out, double *in, int isXYZ) {
/* Callbacks used to initialise imdi */
-/* Information needed from a single profile */
+/* Information needed from a single profile or calibration */
struct _profinfo {
char name[MAXNAMEL+1];
icc *c; /* If non-NULL, ICC profile. */
@@ -984,6 +988,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int alpha = 0; /* Use alpha for extra planes */
int ignoremm = 0; /* Ignore any colorspace mismatches */
int nodesc = 0; /* Don't append or set the description */
+ int copydct = 0; /* For jpeg->jpeg with no changes, copy DCT cooeficients */
int i, j, rv = 0;
/* TIFF file info */
@@ -1238,10 +1243,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- /* The last two "profiles" are actually the input and output TIFF filenames */
+ /* The last two "profiles" are actually the input and output TIFF/JPEG filenames */
/* Unwind them */
if (su.nprofs < 2)
- usage("Not enough arguments to specify input and output TIFF files");
+ usage("Not enough arguments to specify input and output TIFF/JPEG files");
strncpy(out_name,su.profs[--su.nprofs].name, MAXNAMEL); out_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';
strncpy(in_name,su.profs[--su.nprofs].name, MAXNAMEL); in_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';
@@ -1250,13 +1255,13 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
su.lclut = su.last = su.nprofs-1;
if (check && (!doimdi || !dofloat))
- error("Can't do check unless both integera and float processing are enabled");
+ error("Can't do check unless both integeral and float processing are enabled");
Logic required:
- Discover input TIFF colorspace and set as (ICC) "next_space"
+ Discover input TIFF/JPEG colorspace and set as (ICC) "next_space"
Set any special input space encoding transform (ie. device, Lab flavour)
For each profile:
@@ -1396,6 +1401,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
jpeg_stdio_src(&rj, rf);
jpeg_save_markers(&rj, JPEG_COM, 0xFFFF);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ jpeg_save_markers(&rj, JPEG_APP0 + i, 0xFFFF);
/* we'll longjmp on error */
jpeg_read_header(&rj, TRUE);
@@ -1488,9 +1495,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (dojpg < 0)
dojpg = 1;
- /* ~~ Should determine deafult jpgq from tables of this file */
- jpeg_start_decompress(&rj);
@@ -1585,7 +1589,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
error("Last colorspace %s from file '%s' doesn't match input space %s of profile %s",
- icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,su.profs[i].h->colorSpace),
+ icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,su.profs[i].ins),
last_dim = icmCSSig2nchan(su.profs[i].outs);
@@ -1680,10 +1684,13 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (no_pmtc > 1) { /* Need to choose a photometric */
if (ochoice < 1 || ochoice > no_pmtc ) {
- printf("Possible Output Encodings for output colorspace %s are:\n",
- icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,last_colorspace));
- for (i = 0; i < no_pmtc; i++)
- printf("%d: %s%s\n",i+1, Photometric2str(pmtc[i]), i == 0 ? " (Default)" : "");
+ if (su.verb) {
+ printf("Possible Output Encodings for output colorspace %s are:\n",
+ icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,last_colorspace));
+ for (i = 0; i < no_pmtc; i++)
+ printf("%d: %s%s\n",i+1, Photometric2str(pmtc[i]), i == 0 ? " (Default)" : "");
+ printf("Using default\n\n");
+ }
ochoice = 1;
wphotometric = pmtc[ochoice-1];
@@ -1710,13 +1717,14 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int inlen;
char *inames = NULL;
- if (c == NULL
- || ((ct = (icmColorantTable *)c->read_tag(c, icSigColorantTableOutTag)) == NULL
- && (ct = (icmColorantTable *)c->read_tag(c, icSigColorantTableTag)) == NULL)
- || ct->count != wsamplesperpixel
+ iset = ColorSpaceSignature2TiffInkset(su.outs, &inlen, &inames);
+ /* Use ICC profile ink names if they are available */
+ if (c != NULL
+ && ((ct = (icmColorantTable *)c->read_tag(c, icSigColorantTableOutTag)) != NULL
+ || (ct = (icmColorantTable *)c->read_tag(c, icSigColorantTableTag)) != NULL)
+ && ct->count != wsamplesperpixel
) {
- iset = ColorSpaceSignature2TiffInkset(su.outs, &inlen, &inames);
- } else {
int i;
char *cp;
inlen = 0;
@@ -1732,11 +1740,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cp += slen;
*cp = '\000';
- if (iset != 0xffff && inlen > 0 && inames != NULL) {
+ if (iset != 0xffff) {
TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_INKSET, iset);
- if (inames != NULL) {
+ /* An inknames tage confuses Photoshop with standard spaces */
+ if ((iset == INKSET_MULTIINK || iset == 0) /* N color or CMY */
+ && inlen > 0 && inames != NULL) {
TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_INKNAMES, inlen, inames);
@@ -1834,87 +1843,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (wj.write_Adobe_marker)
su.oinv = 1;
- jpeg_start_compress(&wj, TRUE);
- /* Perhaps the description could be more informative ? */
- if (rdesc != NULL) {
- if ((wdesc = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(rdesc) + strlen(ddesc) + 2))) == NULL)
- error("malloc failed on new desciption string");
- strcpy(wdesc, rdesc);
- if (nodesc == 0 && su.nprofs > 0) {
- strcat(wdesc, " ");
- strcat(wdesc, ddesc);
- }
- jpeg_write_marker(&wj, JPEG_COM, (const JOCTET *)wdesc, strlen(wdesc)+1);
- } else if (nodesc == 0 && su.nprofs > 0) {
- if ((wdesc = strdup(ddesc)) == NULL)
- error("malloc failed on new desciption string");
- jpeg_write_marker(&wj, JPEG_COM, (const JOCTET *)wdesc, strlen(wdesc)+1);
- }
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- /* Setup any destination embedded profile */
- if (dst_pname[0] != '\000') {
- icmFile *fp; /* Read fp for the profile */
- unsigned char *buf;
- int size;
- if ((deicc = read_embedded_icc(dst_pname)) == NULL)
- error("Unable to open profile for destination embedding '%s'",dst_pname);
- /* Check that it is compatible with the destination raster file */
- if (deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigColorSpaceClass
- && deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigInputClass
- && deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigDisplayClass
- && deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigOutputClass) {
- error("Destination embedded profile is wrong device class for embedding");
- }
- if (deicc->header->colorSpace != su.outs
- || (deicc->header->pcs != icSigXYZData
- && deicc->header->pcs != icSigLabData)) {
- error("Destination embedded profile colorspaces don't match TIFF");
- }
- if ((fp = deicc->get_rfp(deicc)) == NULL)
- error("Failed to be able to read destination embedded profile");
- if ((size = fp->get_size(fp)) == 0)
- error("Failed to be able to get size of destination embedded profile");
- if ((buf = malloc(size)) == NULL)
- error("malloc failed on destination embedded profile size %d",size);
- if (fp->seek(fp,0))
- error("rewind on destination embedded profile failed");
- if (fp->read(fp, buf, 1, size) != size)
- error("reading destination embedded profile failed");
- /* (For iccv4 we would now fp->del(fp) because we got a reference) */
- if (wh != NULL) {
- if (TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE, size, buf) == 0)
- error("setting TIFF embedded ICC profile field failed");
- } else {
- if (setjmp(jpeg_werr.env)) {
- jpeg_destroy_compress(&wj);
- error("setting JPEG embedded ICC profile marker failed");
- }
- write_icc_profile(&wj, buf, size);
- }
- free(buf);
- deicc->del(deicc);
- }
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- if ((su.fclut <= su.lclut
- && (su.profs[su.fclut].natpcs == icSigXYZData) && (su.profs[su.fclut].alg == icmMatrixFwdType))
- || su.profs[su.fclut].ins == icSigXYZData) {
+ if (su.fclut <= su.lclut
+ && ((su.profs[su.fclut].natpcs == icSigXYZData && su.profs[su.fclut].alg == icmMatrixFwdType)
+ || su.profs[su.fclut].ins == icSigXYZData)) {
su.ilcurve = 1; /* Index CLUT with L* curve rather than Y */
@@ -1923,9 +1857,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
su.icombine = 1; /* CIE can't be conveyed through 0..1 domain lookup */
- if ((su.fclut <= su.lclut
- && (su.profs[su.lclut].natpcs == icSigXYZData && su.profs[su.lclut].alg == icmMatrixBwdType))
- || (su.profs[su.lclut].outs == icSigXYZData)) {
+ if (su.fclut <= su.lclut
+ && ((su.profs[su.lclut].natpcs == icSigXYZData && su.profs[su.lclut].alg == icmMatrixBwdType)
+ || su.profs[su.lclut].outs == icSigXYZData)) {
su.olcurve = 1; /* Interpolate in L* space rather than Y */
@@ -1933,6 +1867,11 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
su.ocombine = 1; /* CIE can't be conveyed through 0..1 domain lookup */
+ /* Decide if jpeg should decompress & compress */
+ if (rf != NULL && wf != NULL && su.nprofs == 0) {
+ copydct = 1;
+ }
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* Report the connection sequence details */
@@ -1944,6 +1883,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
} else {
printf("Input raster file '%s' is JPEG\n",in_name);
printf("Input JPEG file original colorspace is %s\n",JPEG_cspace2str(rj.jpeg_color_space));
+ if (copydct)
+ printf("JPEG copy will be lossless\n");
printf("Input raster file ICC colorspace is %s\n",icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,su.ins));
printf("Input raster file is %d x %d pixels\n",su.width, su.height);
@@ -1953,6 +1894,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("There are %d profiles/calibrations in the sequence:\n\n",su.nprofs);
for (i = su.first; i <= su.last; i++) {
if (su.profs[i].c != NULL) {
icmFile *op;
@@ -2119,164 +2061,251 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ /* NOTE :- the legal of jpeg calls is rather tricky.... */
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- /* Process colors to translate */
- /* (Should fix this to process a group of lines at a time ?) */
+ if (!copydct) { /* Do this before writing description */
+ if (rf)
+ jpeg_start_decompress(&rj);
+ if (wf)
+ jpeg_start_compress(&wj, TRUE);
+ }
- for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- tdata_t *obuf;
+ if (wf != NULL) {
+ /* Perhaps the description could be more informative ? */
+ if (rdesc != NULL) {
+ if ((wdesc = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(rdesc) + strlen(ddesc) + 2))) == NULL)
+ error("malloc failed on new desciption string");
+ strcpy(wdesc, rdesc);
+ if (nodesc == 0 && su.nprofs > 0) {
+ strcat(wdesc, " ");
+ strcat(wdesc, ddesc);
+ }
+ jpeg_write_marker(&wj, JPEG_COM, (const JOCTET *)wdesc, strlen(wdesc)+1);
+ } else if (nodesc == 0 && su.nprofs > 0) {
+ if ((wdesc = strdup(ddesc)) == NULL)
+ error("malloc failed on new desciption string");
+ jpeg_write_marker(&wj, JPEG_COM, (const JOCTET *)wdesc, strlen(wdesc)+1);
+ }
+ }
- /* Read in the next line */
- if (rh) {
- if (TIFFReadScanline(rh, inbuf, y, 0) < 0)
- error ("Failed to read TIFF line %d",y);
+ if (copydct) { /* Lossless JPEG copy - copy image data */
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *coefas;
+ jpeg_saved_marker_ptr marker;
+ coefas = jpeg_read_coefficients(&rj);
+ jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(&rj, &wj);
+ jpeg_write_coefficients(&wj, coefas);
+// We don't copy these normally.
+// for (marker = rj.marker_list; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) {
+// jpeg_write_marker(&wj, marker->marker, marker->data, marker->data_length);
+ }
+ /* Setup any destination embedded profile */
+ if (dst_pname[0] != '\000') {
+ icmFile *fp; /* Read fp for the profile */
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ int size;
+ if ((deicc = read_embedded_icc(dst_pname)) == NULL)
+ error("Unable to open profile for destination embedding '%s'",dst_pname);
+ /* Check that it is compatible with the destination raster file */
+ if (deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigColorSpaceClass
+ && deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigInputClass
+ && deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigDisplayClass
+ && deicc->header->deviceClass != icSigOutputClass) {
+ error("Destination embedded profile is wrong device class for embedding");
+ }
+ if (deicc->header->colorSpace != su.outs
+ || (deicc->header->pcs != icSigXYZData
+ && deicc->header->pcs != icSigLabData)) {
+ error("Destination embedded profile colorspaces don't match TIFF");
+ }
+ if ((fp = deicc->get_rfp(deicc)) == NULL)
+ error("Failed to be able to read destination embedded profile");
+ if ((size = fp->get_size(fp)) == 0)
+ error("Failed to be able to get size of destination embedded profile");
+ if ((buf = malloc(size)) == NULL)
+ error("malloc failed on destination embedded profile size %d",size);
+ if (fp->seek(fp,0))
+ error("rewind on destination embedded profile failed");
+ if (fp->read(fp, buf, 1, size) != size)
+ error("reading destination embedded profile failed");
+ /* (For iccv4 we would now fp->del(fp) because we got a reference) */
+ if (wh != NULL) {
+ if (TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE, size, buf) == 0)
+ error("setting TIFF embedded ICC profile field failed");
} else {
- jpeg_read_scanlines(&rj, (JSAMPARRAY)&inbuf, 1);
- if (su.iinv) {
- unsigned char *cp, *ep = (unsigned char *)inbuf + inbpix;
- for (cp = (unsigned char *)inbuf; cp < ep; cp++)
- *cp = ~*cp;
+ if (setjmp(jpeg_werr.env)) {
+ jpeg_destroy_compress(&wj);
+ error("setting JPEG embedded ICC profile marker failed");
+ write_icc_profile(&wj, buf, size);
- if (doimdi && su.nprofs > 0) {
- /* Do fast conversion */
- s->interp(s, (void **)outp, 0, (void **)inp,, width);
- }
- if (dofloat || su.nprofs == 0) {
- /* Do floating point conversion into the hprecbuf[] */
- for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- int i;
- double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
+ free(buf);
+ deicc->del(deicc);
+ }
+ if (!copydct) {
+ /* We're not doing a lossless copy */
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ /* Process colors to translate */
+ /* (Should fix this to process a group of lines at a time ?) */
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ tdata_t *obuf;
+ /* Read in the next line */
+ if (rh) {
+ if (TIFFReadScanline(rh, inbuf, y, 0) < 0)
+ error ("Failed to read TIFF line %d",y);
+ } else {
+ jpeg_read_scanlines(&rj, (JSAMPARRAY)&inbuf, 1);
+ if (su.iinv) {
+ unsigned char *cp, *ep = (unsigned char *)inbuf + inbpix;
+ for (cp = (unsigned char *)inbuf; cp < ep; cp++)
+ *cp = ~*cp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (doimdi && su.nprofs > 0) {
+ /* Do fast conversion */
+ s->interp(s, (void **)outp, 0, (void **)inp,, width);
+ }
+ if (dofloat || su.nprofs == 0) {
+ /* Do floating point conversion into the hprecbuf[] */
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ int i;
+ double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
- if (bitspersample == 8) {
- for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
- int v = ((unsigned char *)inbuf)[x * + i];
+ if (bitspersample == 8) {
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ int v = ((unsigned char *)inbuf)[x * + i];
//printf("~1 8 bit pixel value chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- if (su.isign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as signed */
- v = (v & 0x80) ? v - 0x80 : v + 0x80;
+ if (su.isign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as signed */
+ v = (v & 0x80) ? v - 0x80 : v + 0x80;
//printf("~1 8 bit after treat as signed chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- in[i] = v/255.0;
+ in[i] = v/255.0;
//printf("~1 8 bit fp chan %d value = %f\n",i,in[i]);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
- int v = ((unsigned short *)inbuf)[x * + i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ int v = ((unsigned short *)inbuf)[x * + i];
//printf("~1 16 bit pixel value chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- if (su.isign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as signed */
- v = (v & 0x8000) ? v - 0x8000 : v + 0x8000;
+ if (su.isign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as signed */
+ v = (v & 0x8000) ? v - 0x8000 : v + 0x8000;
//printf("~1 16 bit after treat as signed chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- in[i] = v/65535.0;
+ in[i] = v/65535.0;
//printf("~1 16 bit fp chan %d value = %f\n",i,in[i]);
+ }
- }
- if (su.nprofs > 0) {
- /* Apply the reference conversion */
- input_curves((void *)&su, out, in);
+ if (su.nprofs > 0) {
+ /* Apply the reference conversion */
+ input_curves((void *)&su, out, in);
//for (i = 0; i <; i++) printf("~1 after input curve chan %d = %f\n",i,out[i]);
- md_table((void *)&su, out, out);
+ md_table((void *)&su, out, out);
//for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) printf("~1 after md table chan %d = %f\n",i,out[i]);
- output_curves((void *)&su, out, out);
+ output_curves((void *)&su, out, out);
//for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) printf("~1 after output curve chan %d = %f\n",i,out[i]);
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++)
- out[i] = in[i];
- }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++)
+ out[i] = in[i];
+ }
- if (bitspersample == 8) {
- for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) {
- int v = (int)(out[i] * 255.0 + 0.5);
+ if (bitspersample == 8) {
+ for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) {
+ int v = (int)(out[i] * 255.0 + 0.5);
//printf("~1 8 bit chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- if (v < 0)
- v = 0;
- else if (v > 255)
- v = 255;
+ if (v < 0)
+ v = 0;
+ else if (v > 255)
+ v = 255;
//printf("~1 8 bit after clip curve chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- if (su.osign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as offset */
- v = (v & 0x80) ? v - 0x80 : v + 0x80;
+ if (su.osign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as offset */
+ v = (v & 0x80) ? v - 0x80 : v + 0x80;
//printf("~1 8 bit after treat as offset chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- ((unsigned char *)hprecbuf)[x * su.od + i] = v;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) {
- int v = (int)(out[i] * 65535.0 + 0.5);
+ ((unsigned char *)hprecbuf)[x * su.od + i] = v;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) {
+ int v = (int)(out[i] * 65535.0 + 0.5);
//printf("~1 16 bit chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- if (v < 0)
- v = 0;
- else if (v > 65535)
- v = 65535;
+ if (v < 0)
+ v = 0;
+ else if (v > 65535)
+ v = 65535;
//printf("~1 16 bit after clip curve chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- if (su.osign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as offset */
- v = (v & 0x8000) ? v - 0x8000 : v + 0x8000;
+ if (su.osign_mask & (1 << i)) /* Treat input as offset */
+ v = (v & 0x8000) ? v - 0x8000 : v + 0x8000;
//printf("~1 16 bit after treat as offset chan %d = %d\n",i,v);
- ((unsigned short *)hprecbuf)[x * su.od + i] = v;
+ ((unsigned short *)hprecbuf)[x * su.od + i] = v;
+ }
- }
- if (check) {
- /* Compute the errors */
- for (x = 0; x < (width * su.od); x++) {
- int err;
- if (bitspersample == 8)
- err = ((unsigned char *)outbuf)[x] - ((unsigned char *)hprecbuf)[x];
- else
- err = ((unsigned short *)outbuf)[x] - ((unsigned short *)hprecbuf)[x];
- if (err < 0)
- err = -err;
- if (err > mxerr)
- mxerr = err;
- avgerr += (double)err;
- avgcount++;
+ if (check) {
+ /* Compute the errors */
+ for (x = 0; x < (width * su.od); x++) {
+ int err;
+ if (bitspersample == 8)
+ err = ((unsigned char *)outbuf)[x] - ((unsigned char *)hprecbuf)[x];
+ else
+ err = ((unsigned short *)outbuf)[x] - ((unsigned short *)hprecbuf)[x];
+ if (err < 0)
+ err = -err;
+ if (err > mxerr)
+ mxerr = err;
+ avgerr += (double)err;
+ avgcount++;
+ }
- }
- if (dofloat || su.nprofs == 0) /* Use the results of the f.p. conversion */
- obuf = hprecbuf;
- else
- obuf = outbuf;
- if (wh != NULL) {
- if (TIFFWriteScanline(wh, obuf, y, 0) < 0)
- error ("Failed to write TIFF line %d",y);
- } else {
- if (su.oinv) {
- unsigned char *cp, *ep = (unsigned char *)obuf + outbpix;
- for (cp = (unsigned char *)obuf; cp < ep; cp++)
- *cp = ~(*cp);
+ if (dofloat || su.nprofs == 0) /* Use the results of the f.p. conversion */
+ obuf = hprecbuf;
+ else
+ obuf = outbuf;
+ if (wh != NULL) {
+ if (TIFFWriteScanline(wh, obuf, y, 0) < 0)
+ error ("Failed to write TIFF line %d",y);
+ } else {
+ if (su.oinv) {
+ unsigned char *cp, *ep = (unsigned char *)obuf + outbpix;
+ for (cp = (unsigned char *)obuf; cp < ep; cp++)
+ *cp = ~(*cp);
+ }
+ jpeg_write_scanlines(&wj, (JSAMPARRAY)&obuf, 1);
- jpeg_write_scanlines(&wj, (JSAMPARRAY)&obuf, 1);
- }
- if (check) {
- printf("Worst error = %d bits, average error = %f bits\n", mxerr, avgerr/avgcount);
- if (bitspersample == 8)
- printf("Worst error = %f%%, average error = %f%%\n",
- mxerr/2.55, avgerr/(2.55 * avgcount));
- else
- printf("Worst error = %f%%, average error = %f%%\n",
- mxerr/655.35, avgerr/(655.35 * avgcount));
- }
+ if (check) {
+ printf("Worst error = %d bits, average error = %f bits\n", mxerr, avgerr/avgcount);
+ if (bitspersample == 8)
+ printf("Worst error = %f%%, average error = %f%%\n",
+ mxerr/2.55, avgerr/(2.55 * avgcount));
+ else
+ printf("Worst error = %f%%, average error = %f%%\n",
+ mxerr/655.35, avgerr/(655.35 * avgcount));
+ }
- /* Release buffers and close files */
- if (rh != NULL) {
- if (inbuf != NULL)
- _TIFFfree(inbuf);
- TIFFClose(rh); /* Close Input file */
- } else {
- jpeg_finish_decompress(&rj);
- jpeg_destroy_decompress(&rj);
- if (inbuf != NULL)
- free(inbuf);
- if (fclose(rf))
- error("Error closing JPEG input file '%s'\n",in_name);
if (wh != NULL) {
@@ -2296,6 +2325,20 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
error("Error closing output file '%s'\n",out_name);
+ /* Release buffers and close files */
+ if (rh != NULL) {
+ if (inbuf != NULL)
+ _TIFFfree(inbuf);
+ TIFFClose(rh); /* Close Input file */
+ } else {
+ jpeg_finish_decompress(&rj);
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress(&rj);
+ if (inbuf != NULL)
+ free(inbuf);
+ if (fclose(rf))
+ error("Error closing JPEG input file '%s'\n",in_name);
+ }
/* Done with lookup object */
if (s != NULL)