path: root/imdi/imdi_gen.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'imdi/imdi_gen.h')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/imdi/imdi_gen.h b/imdi/imdi_gen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a7ced9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imdi/imdi_gen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+#ifndef IMDI_GEN_H
+#define IMDI_GEN_H
+/* Integer Multi-Dimensional Interpolation */
+ * Copyright 2000 - 2007 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+ * Pixel code generation definitions.
+ *
+ * This defines a particular combination of pixel layout,
+ * number of channels, and other runtime requestable features.
+ * This is used by the code generation to setup anticipated
+ * support for these requests, used by the runtime to request
+ * the features, and by the runtime to identify the correct
+ * generated module to use.
+ *
+ */
+/* -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* High level kernel generation description */
+/* This is a high level macro desciption of the pixel layout. */
+/* It can be expanded by adding a new enumeration, and then */
+/* implementing the code in imdi_gen to translate the enumeration */
+/* into the exact pixlayout structure details. */
+typedef enum {
+ invalid_rep = 0x00,
+ pixint8 = 0x01, /* 8 Bits per value, pixel interleaved, no padding */
+ planeint8 = 0x02, /* 8 bits per value, plane interleaved */
+ pixint16 = 0x03, /* 16 Bits per value, pixel interleaved, no padding */
+ planeint16 = 0x04 /* 16 bits per value, plane interleaved */
+} imdi_pixrep;
+/* The internal processing precision */
+typedef enum {
+ prec_min = 0, /* Minimum of input and output precision */
+ prec_max = 1, /* Maximum of input and output precision */
+ prec_in = 2, /* Same as input */
+ prec_out = 3, /* Same as output */
+ prec_p8 = 4, /* 8 Bits precision */
+ prec_p16 = 5 /* 16 Bits precision */
+} imdi_iprec;
+/* Output per channel processing options. For the compiled */
+/* kernels, this is indexed by physical output channel, */
+/* (not to be confused with the runtime oopt which is indexed */
+/* by callback channel). */
+/* - shift left by channel no * 2 to access option. */
+/* Note that oopts_skip valid only for plane interleaved, */
+/* and doesn't change the number output channels looked up, */
+/* it changes the number of output channels written, hence */
+/* must be matched by the arguments to interp() (number of */
+/* output pointers, stride etc.) */
+typedef enum {
+ oopts_none = 0x0, /* No extra options */
+ oopts_check = 0x1, /* Test channel value against trigger */
+ oopts_skip = 0x2, /* Don't write channel value */
+ oopts_chskp = 0x3 /* oopts_check + oopts_skip */
+} imdi_ooptions;
+/* Macro to create an instance of imdi_ooptions for a particular channel */
+#define OOPT(flag,chan) ((flag) << (chan * 2))
+/* Macro to extract the flags particular channel */
+#define OOPTX(val,chan) (0x3 & ((val) >> (chan * 2)))
+/* Value of no oopt flags set */
+#define OOPTS_NONE 0x00000000
+/* Mask to detect any oopts_check flags that are set */
+#define OOPTS_CHECK 0x55555555
+/* Mask to ignore any oopts_check flags that are set */
+/* Mask to detect any oopts_skip flags that are set */
+/* Mask to ignore any oopts_skip flags that are set */
+#define OOPTS_NOT_SKIP 0x55555555
+/* Processing options */
+/* Note that there will be a choice between simplex lookup or sort algoritm for */
+/* only a subset of kernels (8 bits processing precision, <= 4 input channels) */
+typedef enum {
+ opts_none = 0x00, /* Forward direction, no stride */
+ opts_fwd = 0x01, /* Forwards direction (default is gen fwd/run don't care) */
+ opts_bwd = 0x02, /* Backwards direction (default is gen fwd/run don't care) */
+ opts_istride = 0x04, /* Stride on input */
+ opts_ostride = 0x08, /* Stride on output */
+ opts_splx_sort = 0x10, /* Prefer simplex over sort algorithm (generate both) */
+ opts_sort_splx = 0x20, /* Force sort algorithm, rather than simplex table (generate both) */
+ opts_splx = 0x40, /* Generate simplex only (when possible), default is sort only. */
+ opts_end = 0x80 /* End marker */
+} imdi_options;
+/* This sructure allows a series of related kernels to be generated */
+#define MX_GDCS 20
+ /* * means multiplies combination */
+ /* + means lockstep with previous line */
+typedef struct {
+ int idcombs[MX_GDCS]; /* * Input dimension combinations (0 at end) */
+ int itres[MX_GDCS]; /* + Interpolation table resolutions for */
+ int stres[MX_GDCS]; /* + Simplex table resolutions */
+ int odcombs[MX_GDCS]; /* * Output dimensions combinations (0 at end) */
+ imdi_ooptions ooptcombs[MX_GDCS]; /* + output per channel options */
+ imdi_pixrep incombs[MX_GDCS]; /* * Input pixel representation */
+ imdi_iprec iprecs[MX_GDCS]; /* + Internal precision */
+ imdi_pixrep outcombs[MX_GDCS]; /* + Output pixel representation */
+ imdi_options optcombs[MX_GDCS]; /* * Direction and stride options */
+} gendesc;
+/* -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Detailed level of generation specification */
+/* Pixel layout: */
+/* Each channel value is assumed to be read with a */
+/* native machine single read of size bpch, */
+/* and bov and bpv being bit indexes into that value. */
+/* */
+/* If pint == 0, then each read will be of size bpch[], and will */
+/* have its own pointer, will be incremented by chi[]. */
+/* If pint != 0, then the reads will be size bpch[0], from successive */
+/* locations, chi[] apart. */
+/* */
+/* If packed == 0, then separate reads are needed for each input */
+/* channel. */
+/* If packed != 0, then the channel values will be extracted */
+/* from a single read of size bpch[0] */
+/* */
+/* Note that at all times the bit offset and size values */
+/* will be obeyed for each input value. */
+/* NOTE :- if you change this, you need to change the code in cgen.c */
+/* labeled !genspec and tabspec delta code! */
+typedef struct {
+ int bpch[IXDIDO]; /* Bits per channel read (must be divisible by 8) */
+ int chi[IXDIDO]; /* channel increment in multiples of bpch[] (0 == dimensionality) */
+ int bov[IXDIDO]; /* Bit offset to value within channel */
+ int bpv[IXDIDO]; /* Bits per value within channel */
+ int pint; /* Flag - nonz if pixel interleaved (ie. reads from successice locations) */
+ int packed; /* Flag - nonz if all channels are packed into a single read */
+} pixlayout;
+/* Structure that specifies the configuration of a generated interpolation kernel. */
+/* NOTE :- if you change this, you need to change the code in cgen.c */
+/* labeled !genspec and tabspec delta code! */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Input to code generator */
+ int prec; /* Internal precision:- either 8 or 16 bits */
+ int id; /* Number of input dimensions used for interpolation */
+ int od; /* Number of output dimensions created by interpolation */
+ imdi_pixrep irep; /* High level input pixel representation */
+ imdi_pixrep orep; /* High level output pixel representation */
+ int in_signed; /* Bit flag per channel, NZ if treat as signed (runtime setup) */
+ int out_signed; /* Bit flag per channel, NZ if treat as signed (runtime setup) */
+ pixlayout in; /* Input pixel layout */
+ pixlayout out; /* Output pixel layout */
+ imdi_ooptions oopt; /* output per channel options */
+ imdi_options opt; /* Direction and stride options */
+ int itres; /* Interpolation table resolution */
+ int stres; /* Simplex table resolution */
+ /* Returned value */
+ char kkeys[100]; /* Kernel keys */
+ char kdesc[100]; /* At genspec time */
+ char kname[100]; /* At generation time */
+} genspec;
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Translate between high level and low level generation specification */
+int set_genspec(genspec *gs, gendesc *gd, int comb, mach_arch *a);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Convert the input and output pixel representation and the internal */
+/* precision choice into a precision in bits */
+/* (Used at code gen and code execution, hence defined as a macro) */
+{ \
+ int _iprec, _oprec; \
+ \
+ switch (INREP) { \
+ default: \
+ case pixint8: \
+ case planeint8: \
+ _iprec = 8; \
+ break; \
+ case pixint16: \
+ case planeint16: \
+ _iprec = 16; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ switch (OUTREP) { \
+ default: \
+ case pixint8: \
+ case planeint8: \
+ _oprec = 8; \
+ break; \
+ case pixint16: \
+ case planeint16: \
+ _oprec = 16; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ switch (IPREC) { \
+ default: \
+ case prec_min: \
+ PRECOUT = _iprec < _oprec ? _iprec : _oprec; \
+ break; \
+ case prec_max: \
+ PRECOUT = _iprec > _oprec ? _iprec : _oprec; \
+ break; \
+ case prec_in: \
+ PRECOUT = _iprec; \
+ break; \
+ case prec_out: \
+ PRECOUT = _oprec; \
+ break; \
+ case prec_p8: \
+ PRECOUT = 8; \
+ break; \
+ case prec_p16: \
+ PRECOUT = 16; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+} \
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+struct _tabspec;
+/* Supported code generators: */
+/* The 'C' code generator */
+/* Generate a source file to implement the specified */
+/* interpolation kernel. Fill in return values and return 0 if OK. */
+/* Return 1 if this kernel should be skipped (ie. force sort and sort not forced) */
+/* and some other anon-zero on error. */
+int gen_c_kernel(genspec *g, struct _tabspec *t, mach_arch *a,
+ FILE *fp, int index, genspec *og, struct _tabspec *ot);
+/* asm, MMX, etc. generators declarations go here ! */
+#endif /* IMDI_GEN_H */