path: root/imdi/ssort.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'imdi/ssort.c')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/imdi/ssort.c b/imdi/ssort.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9a25fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imdi/ssort.c
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/* Test code that generates optimised C sorting */
+/* code, suitable for classifying an input vector */
+/* into a particular simplex. */
+ * Copyright 2000 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+/* Intended for inclusion in IMDI for 16 bit support */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* Sorting data */
+#define MAXSV 50 /* Maximum sort variables */
+typedef struct {
+ int bot; /* 0 if we are doing ==, 1 if >, 2 if else */
+ int dval; /* Difference value to apply */
+ int vals[MAXSV]; /* Variable values */
+ int sort[MAXSV]; /* Sorted index */
+} sortd;
+/* Context */
+typedef struct {
+ FILE *of; /* Output file */
+ int indt; /* Indent */
+ /* Sort data */
+ int nv; /* Number of variables to sort */
+ int sl; /* Non-zero to generate code for smallest to largest */
+ int eq; /* Non-zero to generate code for equal case */
+ int la; /* Non-zero to generate labels */
+ int rl; /* Recursion level */
+ sortd sd[MAXSV]; /* Data at each recursion level */
+ int ln; /* Label number */
+} fileo;
+void line(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output one line */
+void niline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output one line, no indent */
+void sline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output start of line line */
+void mline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output middle of line */
+void eline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output end of line */
+void cr(fileo *f) { line(f,""); } /* Output a blank line */
+void inc(fileo *f) { f->indt++; } /* Increment the indent level */
+void dec(fileo *f) { f->indt--; } /* Decrement the indent level */
+main(void) {
+ fileo f[1];
+ f->of = fopen("ttt.c","w");
+ f->indt = 0;
+ line(f,"/* This is the top */");
+ cr(f);
+ line(f,"#include <stdio.h>");
+ cr(f);
+ line(f,"void main(void) {");
+ inc(f);
+ line(f,"int v0, v1, v2, v3, v4;");
+ line(f,"printf(\"Hi there!\\n\");");
+ line(f,"v0 = 1;");
+ line(f,"v1 = 9;");
+ line(f,"v2 = 3;");
+ line(f,"v3 = 2;");
+ line(f,"v4 = 0;");
+ /* ================ */
+ /* Sort development */
+ {
+int xx;
+ int i, j;
+ f->nv = 6; /* No variables */
+ f->sl = 1; /* Smallest to largest */
+ f->eq = 0; /* No equals case */
+ f->la = 0; /* No labels */
+ f->rl = 0; /* Top recursion level */
+ f->ln = 0; /* Start label number */
+ f->sd[f->rl].bot = f->eq ? 0 : 1;
+ f->sd[f->rl].dval = 256;
+ for (i = 0; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[i] = -99999; /* Initial sort value = unknown */
+ f->sd[f->rl].sort[i] = i; /* Initial sort order */
+ }
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[0] = 0; /* Make sure one is known */
+ /* First label is for no known sort */
+ if (f->la)
+ niline(f," label%d:;",f->ln++);
+ /* Until we have done every sort condition */
+ for (;f->rl >= 0;) {
+ int ix, nix; /* Variable index that needs comparison */
+ int six, snix; /* Sorted references to ix, nix */
+//printf("\n~~recursion level %d\n",f->rl);
+//for (i = 0; i < f->nv; i++) {
+//xx = f->sd[f->rl].sort[i];
+//printf("Current = %d (index %d)\n",f->sd[f->rl].vals[xx],xx);
+ /* see if we have resolved a sort */
+ for (i = 1; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ six = i-1;
+ ix = f->sd[f->rl].sort[i-1];
+ snix = i;
+ nix = f->sd[f->rl].sort[i];
+ if (f->sd[f->rl].vals[ix] == f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix]
+ || f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] == -99999) {
+ break; /* Not distinguishable or not known */
+ }
+ }
+//if (i < f->nv)
+//printf("~~Unresolved sort indexes %d %d\n",ix,nix);
+//printf("~~Resolved sort\n");
+ if (i < f->nv) {
+ /* We haven't fully sorted the variables yet. */
+ /* Compare ix to nix */
+ if (f->sd[f->rl].bot == 0) {
+//printf("~~ Unresolved at level %d, doing comparison for equals\n",f->rl);
+ line(f,"if (v%d == v%d) {",ix,nix); /* } */
+ inc(f);
+ f->sd[f->rl+1] = f->sd[f->rl]; /* Structure copy */
+ f->sd[f->rl+1].bot = 0;
+ f->sd[f->rl].bot = 1;
+ f->rl++;
+// ~~~~~9
+ /* Find next lowest value from nix */
+ for (i = snix+1; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ int si = f->sd[f->rl].sort[i];
+ if (f->sd[f->rl].vals[si] == -99999)
+ continue;
+ if (f->sd[f->rl].vals[si] < f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix]) {
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] =
+ (f->sd[f->rl].vals[si] + f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix])/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i >= f->nv) { /* Not between next lowest */
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] = f->sd[f->rl].vals[ix] -256;
+ }
+ } else if (f->sd[f->rl].bot == 1) { /* { */
+//printf("~~ Unresolved at level %d, doing comparison for greater\n",f->rl);
+ if (f->eq) {
+ dec(f);
+ line(f,"} else if (v%d %c v%d) {",ix, f->sl ? '<':'>',nix); /* } */
+ } else
+ line(f,"if (v%d %c v%d) {",ix,f->sl ? '<':'>', nix); /* } */
+ inc(f);
+ if (f->la)
+ niline(f," label%d:;",f->ln++);
+ f->sd[f->rl+1] = f->sd[f->rl]; /* Structure copy */
+ f->sd[f->rl+1].bot = f->eq ? 0 : 1;
+ f->sd[f->rl].bot = 2;
+ f->rl++;
+ /* Find next lowest value from nix */
+ for (i = snix+1; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ int si = f->sd[f->rl].sort[i];
+ if (f->sd[f->rl].vals[si] == -99999)
+ continue;
+ if (f->sd[f->rl].vals[si] < f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix]) {
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] =
+ (f->sd[f->rl].vals[si] + f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix])/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i >= f->nv) { /* Not between next lowest */
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] = f->sd[f->rl].vals[ix] -256;
+ }
+ } else if (f->sd[f->rl].bot == 2) { /* { */
+//printf("~~ Unresolved at level %d, doing else\n",f->rl);
+ dec(f);
+ line(f,"} else { /* v%d %c v%d */",ix,f->sl ? '>':'<', nix); /* } */
+ inc(f);
+ if (f->la)
+ niline(f," label%d:;",f->ln++);
+ f->sd[f->rl+1] = f->sd[f->rl]; /* Structure copy */
+ f->sd[f->rl+1].bot = f->eq ? 0 : 1;
+ f->sd[f->rl].bot = 3;
+ f->rl++;
+ if (six-1 >= 0) { /* If there is a higher value */
+ int si = f->sd[f->rl].sort[six-1];
+ /* Make equal to next highest, since never been compared */
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] = f->sd[f->rl].vals[si];
+ } else { /* Nothing above */
+ f->sd[f->rl].vals[nix] = f->sd[f->rl].vals[ix] + 256;
+ }
+ /* sort nix above ix */
+ j = f->sd[f->rl].sort[six];
+ f->sd[f->rl].sort[six] = f->sd[f->rl].sort[snix];
+ f->sd[f->rl].sort[snix] = j;
+ } else { /* We've done both cases - return from recursion */
+//printf("~~ Unresolved at level %d, going up a level\n",f->rl);
+ dec(f); /* { */
+ line(f,"}");
+ f->rl--; /* Back a recursion level */
+ }
+ } else {
+//printf("~~ Resolved at level %d, outputing sort code, up a level\n",f->rl);
+ /* We have a resolved sort */
+ /* So output the code for this sort combination */
+ sline(f,"/* Sorted ");
+ for (i = 0; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ mline(f," %d",f->sd[f->rl].sort[i]);
+ }
+ eline(f," */");
+#ifdef NEVER
+ sline(f,"printf(\"Sorted = %%d %%d %%d %%d %%d\\n\"");
+ for (i = 0; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ mline(f,",v%d",f->sd[f->rl].sort[i]);
+ }
+ eline(f,");");
+ for (i = 0; i < f->nv; i++) {
+ sline(f,"");
+ mline(f,"op[%d] = v%d",i,f->sd[f->rl].sort[i]);
+ eline(f,";");
+ }
+ line(f,"ip += %d;",f->nv);
+ line(f,"op += %d;",f->nv);
+ line(f,"continue;");
+ f->rl--; /* Back a recursion level */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ================ */
+ dec(f);
+ line(f,"}");
+ fclose(f->of);
+ return 0;
+/* Output a line to the file (including trailing \n) */
+line(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
+ int i;
+ va_list args;
+ /* Indent to the correct level */
+ for (i = 0; i < f->indt; i++)
+ fprintf(f->of," ");
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ fprintf(f->of, "\n");
+/* Output a line to the file (including trailing \n) */
+/* No indent */
+niline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
+ int i;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ fprintf(f->of, "\n");
+/* Output the start of a line to the file) */
+sline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
+ int i;
+ va_list args;
+ /* Indent to the correct level */
+ for (i = 0; i < f->indt; i++)
+ fprintf(f->of," ");
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+/* Output the middle of a line to the file) */
+mline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
+ int i;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+/* Output the end of a line to the file (including trailing \n) */
+eline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
+ int i;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ fprintf(f->of, "\n");