path: root/numlib/powell.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'numlib/powell.c')
1 files changed, 691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/numlib/powell.c b/numlib/powell.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2adac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numlib/powell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+/* Multi-dimentional minizer using Powell or Conjugate Gradient methods */
+/* This is good for smoother, well behaved functions. */
+/* Code is an original expression of the algorithms decsribed in */
+/* "Numerical Recipes in C", by W.H.Press, B.P.Flannery, */
+/* S.A.Teukolsky & W.T.Vetterling. */
+ * Copyright 2000, 2006 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+/* TTBD:
+ Fix error handling to return status (malloc, excessive itters)
+ Create to "safe" library ?
+ Make standalone - ie remove numsup ?
+ */
+ Idea for improving progress accounting:
+ count number of itterations already done (pitter)
+ estimate number yet needed (fitter)
+ progress = pitter/(pitter + fitter)
+ Number yet needed estimated by progress of retval delta
+ againsth threshold target.
+ ie fitters = (lastdel - curdel)/(curdel - stopth)
+/* Note that all arrays are indexed from 0 */
+#include "numsup.h"
+#include "powell.h"
+#undef SLOPE_SANITY_CHECK /* exermental */
+#undef ABSTOL /* Make tollerance absolute */
+#undef DEBUG /* Some debugging printfs (not comprehensive) */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#undef DBG
+#define DBG(xxx) printf xxx ;
+#undef DBG
+#define DBG(xxx)
+static double linmin(double p[], double xi[], int n, double ftol,
+ double (*func)(void *fdata, double tp[]), void *fdata);
+/* Standard interface for powell function */
+/* return 0 on sucess, 1 on failure due to excessive itterions */
+/* Result will be in cp */
+int powell(
+double *rv, /* If not NULL, return the residual error */
+int di, /* Dimentionality */
+double cp[], /* Initial starting point */
+double s[], /* Size of initial search area */
+#ifdef ABSTOL
+double ftol, /* Absolute tollerance of error change to stop on */
+double ftol, /* Relative tollerance of error change to stop on */
+int maxit, /* Maximum iterations allowed */
+double (*func)(void *fdata, double tp[]), /* Error function to evaluate */
+void *fdata, /* Opaque data needed by function */
+void (*prog)(void *pdata, int perc), /* Optional progress percentage callback */
+void *pdata /* Opaque data needed by prog() */
+) {
+ int i;
+ double **dmtx; /* Direction vector */
+ double *spt; /* Sarting point before exploring all the directions */
+ double *xpt; /* Extrapolated point */
+ double *svec; /* Search vector */
+ int iter;
+ double retv; /* Returned function value at p */
+ double stopth; /* Current stop threshold */
+ double startdel = -1.0; /* Initial change in function value */
+ double curdel; /* Current change in function value */
+ int pc = 0; /* Percentage complete */
+ dmtx = dmatrixz(0, di-1, 0, di-1); /* Zero filled */
+ spt = dvector(0,di-1);
+ xpt = dvector(0,di-1);
+ svec = dvector(0,di-1);
+ /* Create initial direction matrix by */
+ /* placing search start on diagonal */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ dmtx[i][i] = s[i];
+ /* Save the starting point */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ spt[i] = cp[i];
+ if (prog != NULL) /* Report initial progress */
+ prog(pdata, pc);
+ /* Initial function evaluation */
+ retv = (*func)(fdata, cp);
+//printf("~1 ### initial retv = %f\n",retv);
+ /* Itterate untill we converge on a solution, or give up. */
+ for (iter = 1; iter < maxit; iter++) {
+ int j;
+ double lretv; /* Last function return value */
+ int ibig = 0; /* Index of biggest delta */
+ double del = 0.0; /* Biggest function value decrease */
+ double pretv; /* Previous function return value */
+ pretv = retv; /* Save return value at top of itteration */
+ /* Loop over all directions in the set */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ DBG(("Looping over direction %d\n",i))
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) /* Extract this direction to make search vector */
+ svec[j] = dmtx[j][i];
+//printf("~1 ### chosen dir = %f %f\n", svec[0],svec[1]);
+ /* Minimize in that direction */
+ lretv = retv;
+ retv = linmin(cp, svec, di, ftol, func, fdata);
+ /* Record bigest function decrease, and dimension it occured on */
+ if (fabs(lretv - retv) > del) {
+ del = fabs(lretv - retv);
+ ibig = i;
+ }
+ }
+//printf("~1 ### biggest change was dir %d by %f\n", ibig, del);
+#ifdef ABSTOL
+ stopth = ftol; /* Absolute tollerance */
+ stopth = ftol * 0.5 * (fabs(pretv) + fabs(retv) + DBL_EPSILON);
+ curdel = fabs(pretv - retv);
+ if (startdel < 0.0) {
+ startdel = curdel;
+ } else {
+ int tt;
+ tt = (int)(100.0 * pow((log(curdel) - log(startdel))/(log(stopth) - log(startdel)), 4.0) + 0.5);
+ if (tt > pc && tt < 100) {
+ pc = tt;
+ if (prog != NULL) /* Report initial progress */
+ prog(pdata, pc);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we have had at least one change of direction and */
+ /* reached a suitable tollerance, then finish */
+ if (iter > 1 && curdel <= stopth) {
+//printf("~1 ### stopping on itter %d because curdel %f <= stopth %f\n",iter, curdel,stopth);
+ DBG(("Reached stop tollerance because curdel %f <= stopth %f\n",curdel,stopth))
+ break;
+ }
+ DBG(("Not stopping because curdel %f > stopth %f\n",curdel,stopth))
+//printf("~1 ### recomputing direction\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ svec[i] = cp[i] - spt[i]; /* Average direction moved after minimization round */
+ xpt[i] = cp[i] + svec[i]; /* Extrapolated point after round of minimization */
+ spt[i] = cp[i]; /* New start point for next round */
+ }
+//printf("~1 ### new dir = %f %f\n", svec[0],svec[1]);
+ /* Function value at extrapolated point */
+ lretv = (*func)(fdata, xpt);
+ if (lretv < pretv) { /* If extrapolation is an improvement */
+ double t, t1, t2;
+//printf("~1 ### extrap is improvement\n");
+ t1 = pretv - retv - del;
+ t2 = pretv - lretv;
+ t = 2.0 * (pretv -2.0 * retv + lretv) * t1 * t1 - del * t2 * t2;
+ if (t < 0.0) {
+//printf("~1 ### move to min in new direction\n");
+ /* Move to the minimum of the new direction */
+ retv = linmin(cp, svec, di, ftol, func, fdata);
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) { /* Save the new direction */
+ dmtx[i][ibig] = svec[i]; /* by replacing best previous */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//printf("~1 iters = %d\n",iter);
+ /* Free up all the temporary vectors and matrix */
+ free_dvector(svec,0,di-1);
+ free_dvector(xpt,0,di-1);
+ free_dvector(spt,0,di-1);
+ free_dmatrix(dmtx, 0, di-1, 0, di-1);
+ if (prog != NULL) /* Report final progress */
+ prog(pdata, 100);
+ if (rv != NULL)
+ *rv = retv;
+ if (iter < maxit)
+ return 0;
+ DBG(("powell: returning 1 due to excessive itterations\n"))
+ return 1; /* Failed due to execessive itterations */
+/* -------------------------------------- */
+/* Conjugate Gradient optimiser */
+/* return 0 on sucess, 1 on failure due to excessive itterions */
+/* Result will be in cp */
+/* Note that we could use gradient in line minimiser, */
+/* but haven't bothered yet. */
+int conjgrad(
+double *rv, /* If not NULL, return the residual error */
+int di, /* Dimentionality */
+double cp[], /* Initial starting point */
+double s[], /* Size of initial search area */
+#ifdef ABSTOL
+double ftol, /* Absolute tollerance of error change to stop on */
+double ftol, /* Relative tollerance of error change to stop on */
+int maxit, /* Maximum iterations allowed */
+double (*func)(void *fdata, double tp[]), /* Error function to evaluate */
+double (*dfunc)(void *fdata, double dp[], double tp[]), /* Gradient function to evaluate */
+void *fdata, /* Opaque data needed by function */
+void (*prog)(void *pdata, int perc), /* Optional progress percentage callback */
+void *pdata /* Opaque data needed by prog() */
+) {
+ int i, iter;
+ double *svec; /* Search vector */
+ double *gvec; /* G direction vector */
+ double *hvec; /* H direction vector */
+ double retv; /* Returned function value at p */
+ double stopth; /* Current stop threshold */
+ double startdel = -1.0; /* Initial change in function value */
+ double curdel; /* Current change in function value */
+ double svec_sca; /* initial svec scale factor */
+ int pc = 0; /* Percentage complete */
+ svec = dvector(0,di-1);
+ gvec = dvector(0,di-1);
+ hvec = dvector(0,di-1);
+ if (prog != NULL) /* Report initial progress */
+ prog(pdata, pc);
+ /* Initial function evaluation */
+ retv = (*dfunc)(fdata, svec, cp);
+ /* svec[] seems to be large after this. */
+ /* Rescale it to conform to maximum of s[] */
+ for (svec_sca = 0.0, i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ if (fabs(svec[i]) > svec_sca)
+ svec_sca = fabs(svec[i]);
+ }
+ /* set scale so largest <= 1 */
+ if (svec_sca < 1e-12)
+ svec_sca = 1.0;
+ else
+ svec_sca = 1.0/svec_sca;
+//printf("~1 ### initial dir = %f %f\n", svec[0],svec[1]);
+//printf("~1 ### initial retv = %f\n",retv);
+ /* Initial vector setup */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ gvec[i] = hvec[i] = -svec[i]; /* Inverse gradient */
+ svec[i] = s[i] * -svec[i] * svec_sca; /* Scale the search vector */
+ }
+//printf("~1 ### svec = %f %f\n", svec[0],svec[1]);
+ /* Itterate untill we converge on a solution, or give up. */
+ for (iter = 1; iter < maxit; iter++) {
+ double gamden, gamnum, gam;
+ double pretv; /* Previous function return value */
+ DBG(("conjrad: about to do linmin\n"))
+ pretv = retv;
+ retv = linmin(cp, svec, di, ftol, func, fdata);
+#ifdef ABSTOL
+ stopth = ftol; /* Absolute tollerance */
+ stopth = ftol * 0.5 * (fabs(pretv) + fabs(retv) + DBL_EPSILON); // Old code
+ curdel = fabs(pretv - retv);
+//printf("~1 ### this retv = %f, pretv = %f, curdel = %f\n",retv,pretv,curdel);
+ if (startdel < 0.0) {
+ startdel = curdel;
+ } else {
+ int tt;
+ tt = (int)(100.0 * pow((log(curdel) - log(startdel))/(log(stopth) - log(startdel)), 4.0) + 0.5);
+ if (tt > pc && tt < 100) {
+ pc = tt;
+ if (prog != NULL) /* Report initial progress */
+ prog(pdata, pc);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we have had at least one change of direction and */
+ /* reached a suitable tollerance, then finish */
+ if (iter > 1 && curdel <= stopth) {
+//printf("~1 ### stopping on itter %d because curdel %f <= stopth %f\n",iter, curdel,stopth);
+ break;
+ }
+//printf("~1 ### Not stopping on itter %d because curdel %f > stopth %f\n",iter, curdel,stopth);
+ DBG(("conjrad: recomputing direction\n"))
+//printf("~1 ### recomputing direction\n");
+ (*dfunc)(fdata, svec, cp); /* (Don't use retv as it wrecks stop test) */
+//printf("~1 ### pderiv = %f %f\n", svec[0],svec[1]);
+ /* Compute gamma */
+ for (gamnum = gamden = 0.0, i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ gamnum += svec[i] * (gvec[i] + svec[i]);
+ gamden += gvec[i] * gvec[i];
+ }
+//printf("~1 ### gamnum = %f, gamden = %f\n", gamnum,gamden);
+ if (gamden == 0.0) { /* Gradient is exactly zero */
+ DBG(("conjrad: gradient is exactly zero\n"))
+ break;
+ }
+ gam = gamnum/gamden;
+ DBG(("conjrad: gamma = %f = %f/%f\n",gam,gamnum,gamden))
+//printf("~1 ### gvec[] = %f %f, gamma = %f, hvec = %f %f\n", gvec[0],gvec[1],gam,hvec[0],hvec[1]);
+ /* Adjust seach direction */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ gvec[i] = -svec[i];
+ svec[i] = hvec[i] = gvec[i] + gam * hvec[i];
+ }
+ /* svec[] seems to be large after this. */
+ /* Rescale it to conform to maximum of s[] */
+ for (svec_sca = 0.0, i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ if (fabs(svec[i]) > svec_sca)
+ svec_sca = fabs(svec[i]);
+ }
+ /* set scale so largest <= 1 */
+ if (svec_sca < 1e-12)
+ svec_sca = 1.0;
+ else
+ svec_sca = 1.0/svec_sca;
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ svec[i] = svec[i] * s[i] * svec_sca;
+//printf("~1 ### svec = %f %f\n", svec[0],svec[1]);
+ }
+ /* Free up all the temporary vectors and matrix */
+ free_dvector(hvec,0,di-1);
+ free_dvector(gvec,0,di-1);
+ free_dvector(svec,0,di-1);
+ if (prog != NULL) /* Report final progress */
+ prog(pdata, 100);
+ if (rv != NULL)
+ *rv = retv;
+//printf("~1 ### done\n");
+ if (iter < maxit)
+ return 0;
+ return 1; /* Failed due to execessive itterations */
+#define POWELL_GOLD 1.618034
+#define POWELL_CGOLD 0.3819660
+#define POWELL_MAXIT 100
+/* Line bracketing and minimisation routine. */
+/* Return value at minimum. */
+static double linmin(
+double cp[], /* Start point, and returned value */
+double xi[], /* Search vector */
+int di, /* Dimensionality */
+#ifdef ABSTOL
+double ftol, /* Absolute tolerance to stop on */
+double ftol, /* Relative tolerance to stop on */
+double (*func)(void *fdata, double tp[]), /* Error function to evaluate */
+void *fdata) /* Opaque data for func() */
+ int i;
+ double ax, xx, bx; /* Search vector multipliers */
+ double af, xf, bf; /* Function values at those points */
+ double *xt, XT[10]; /* Trial point */
+ if (di <= 10)
+ xt = XT;
+ else
+ xt = dvector(0, di-1); /* Vector for trial point */
+ /* -------------------------- */
+ /* First bracket the solution */
+ DBG(("linmin: Bracketing solution\n"))
+ /* The line is measured as startpoint + offset * search vector. */
+ /* (Search isn't symetric, but it seems to depend on cp being */
+ /* best current solution ?) */
+ ax = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + ax * xi[i];
+ af = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+ /* xx being vector offset 0.618 */
+ xx = 1.0/POWELL_GOLD;
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + xx * xi[i];
+ xf = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+ DBG(("linmin: Initial points a:%f:%f -> b:%f:%f\n",ax,af,xx,xf))
+ /* Fix it so that we are decreasing from point a -> x */
+ if (xf > af) {
+ double tt;
+ tt = ax; ax = xx; xx = tt;
+ tt = af; af = xf; xf = tt;
+ }
+ DBG(("linmin: Ordered Initial points a:%f:%f -> b:%f:%f\n",ax,af,xx,xf))
+ bx = xx + POWELL_GOLD * (xx-ax); /* Guess b beyond a -> x */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + bx * xi[i];
+ bf = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+ DBG(("linmin: Initial bracket a:%f:%f x:%f:%f b:%f:%f\n",ax,af,xx,xf,bx,bf))
+ /* If we're not seeing a slope indicitive of progress */
+ /* of order ftol, give up straight away */
+ if (2000.0 * fabs(xf - bf) <= ftol * (fabs(xf) + fabs(bf))
+ && 2000.0 * fabs(af - xf) <= ftol * (fabs(af) + fabs(xf))) {
+ DBG(("linmin: giving up because slope is too shallow\n"))
+ if (xt != XT)
+ free_dvector(xt,0,di-1);
+ if (bf < xf) {
+ xf = bf;
+ xx = bx;
+ }
+ /* Compute solution vector */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ cp[i] += xx * xi[i];
+ return xf;
+ }
+#endif /* SLOPE_SANITY_CHECK */
+ /* While not bracketed */
+ while (xf > bf) {
+ double ulim, ux, uf;
+ double tt, r, q;
+// DBG(("linmin: Not bracketed a:%f:%f x:%f%f b:%f:%f\n",ax,af,xx,xf,bx,bf))
+ DBG(("linmin: Not bracketed because xf %f > bf %f\n",xf, bf))
+ DBG((" ax = %f, xx = %f, bx = %f\n",ax,xx,bx))
+ /* Compute ux by parabolic interpolation from a, x & b */
+ q = (xx - bx) * (xf - af);
+ r = (xx - ax) * (xf - bf);
+ tt = q - r;
+ if (tt >= 0.0 && tt < 1e-20) /* If +ve too small */
+ tt = 1e-20;
+ else if (tt <= 0.0 && tt > -1e-20) /* If -ve too small */
+ tt = -1e-20;
+ ux = xx - ((xx - bx) * q - (xx - ax) * r) / (2.0 * tt);
+ ulim = xx + 100.0 * (bx - xx); /* Extrapolation limit */
+//printf("~1 ux = %f, ulim = %f\n",ux,ulim);
+ if ((xx - ux) * (ux - bx) > 0.0) { /* u is between x and b */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) /* Evaluate u */
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + ux * xi[i];
+ uf = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+//printf("~1 u is between x and b, uf = %f\n",uf);
+ if (uf < bf) { /* Minimum is between x and b */
+//printf("~1 min is between x and b\n");
+ ax = xx; af = xf;
+ xx = ux; xf = uf;
+ break;
+ } else if (uf > xf) { /* Minimum is between a and u */
+//printf("~1 min is between a and u\n");
+ bx = ux; bf = uf;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Parabolic fit didn't work, look further out in direction of b */
+ ux = bx + POWELL_GOLD * (bx-xx);
+//printf("~1 parabolic fit didn't work,look further in direction of b (%f)\n",ux);
+ } else if ((bx - ux) * (ux - ulim) > 0.0) { /* u is between b and limit */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) /* Evaluate u */
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + ux * xi[i];
+ uf = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+//printf("~1 u is between b and limit uf = %f\n",uf);
+ if (uf > bf) { /* Minimum is between x and u */
+//printf("~1 min is between x and uf\n");
+ ax = xx; af = xf;
+ xx = bx; xf = bf;
+ bx = ux; bf = uf;
+ break;
+ }
+ xx = bx; xf = bf; /* Continue looking */
+ bx = ux; bf = uf;
+ ux = bx + POWELL_GOLD * (bx - xx); /* Test beyond b */
+//printf("~1 continue looking beyond b (%f)\n",ux);
+ } else if ((ux - ulim) * (ulim - bx) >= 0.0) { /* u is beyond limit */
+ ux = ulim;
+//printf("~1 use limit\n");
+ } else { /* u is to left side of x ? */
+ ux = bx + POWELL_GOLD * (bx-xx);
+//printf("~1 look gold beyond b (%f)\n",ux);
+ }
+ /* Evaluate u, and move into place at b */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + ux * xi[i];
+ uf = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+//printf("~1 lookup ux %f value uf = %f\n",ux,uf);
+ ax = xx; af = xf;
+ xx = bx; xf = bf;
+ bx = ux; bf = uf;
+//printf("~1 move along to the right (a<-x, x<-b, b-<u)\n");
+ }
+ DBG(("linmin: Got bracket a:%f:%f x:%f:%f b:%f:%f\n",ax,af,xx,xf,bx,bf))
+ /* Got bracketed minimum between a -> x -> b */
+//printf("~1 got bracketed minimum at %f (%f), %f (%f), %f (%f)\n",ax,af,xx,xf,bx,bf);
+ /* --------------------------------------- */
+ /* Now use brent minimiser bewteen a and b */
+ {
+ /* a and b bracket solution */
+ /* x is best function value so far */
+ /* w is second best function value so far */
+ /* v is previous second best, or third best */
+ /* u is most recently tested point */
+ double wx, vx, ux; /* Search vector multipliers */
+ double wf, vf = 0.0, uf; /* Function values at those points */
+ int iter;
+ double de = 0.0; /* Distance moved on previous step */
+ double e = 0.0; /* Distance moved on 2nd previous step */
+ /* Make sure a and b are in ascending order */
+ if (ax > bx) {
+ double tt;
+ tt = ax; ax = bx; bx = tt;
+ tt = af; af = bf; bf = tt;
+ }
+ wx = vx = xx; /* Initial values of other center points */
+ wf = xf = xf;
+ for (iter = 1; iter <= POWELL_MAXIT; iter++) {
+ double mx = 0.5 * (ax + bx); /* m is center of bracket values */
+#ifdef ABSTOL
+ double tol1 = ftol; /* Absolute tollerance */
+ double tol1 = ftol * fabs(xx) + 1e-10;
+ double tol2 = 2.0 * tol1;
+ DBG(("linmin: Got bracket a:%f:%f x:%f:%f b:%f:%f\n",ax,af,xx,xf,bx,bf))
+ /* See if we're done */
+//printf("~1 linmin check %f <= %f\n",fabs(xx - mx), tol2 - 0.5 * (bx - ax));
+ if (fabs(xx - mx) <= (tol2 - 0.5 * (bx - ax))) {
+ DBG(("linmin: We're done because %f <= %f\n",fabs(xx - mx), tol2 - 0.5 * (bx - ax)))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fabs(e) > tol1) { /* Do a trial parabolic fit */
+ double te, p, q, r;
+ r = (xx-wx) * (xf-vf);
+ q = (xx-vx) * (xf-wf);
+ p = (xx-vx) * q - (xx-wx) * r;
+ q = 2.0 * (q - r);
+ if (q > 0.0)
+ p = -p;
+ else
+ q = -q;
+ te = e; /* Save previous e value */
+ e = de; /* Previous steps distance moved */
+ DBG(("linmin: Trial parabolic fit\n" ))
+ if (fabs(p) >= fabs(0.5 * q * te) || p <= q * (ax-xx) || p >= q * (bx-xx)) {
+ /* Give up on the parabolic fit, and use the golden section search */
+ e = ((xx >= mx) ? ax-xx : bx-xx); /* Override previous distance moved */
+ de = POWELL_CGOLD * e;
+ DBG(("linmin: Moving to golden section search\n" ))
+ } else { /* Use parabolic fit */
+ de = p/q; /* Change in xb */
+ ux = xx + de; /* Trial point according to parabolic fit */
+ if ((ux - ax) < tol2 || (bx - ux) < tol2) {
+ if ((mx - xx) > 0.0) /* Don't use parabolic, use tol1 */
+ de = tol1; /* tol1 is +ve */
+ else
+ de = -tol1;
+ }
+ DBG(("linmin: Using parabolic fit\n" ))
+ }
+ } else { /* Keep using the golden section search */
+ e = ((xx >= mx) ? ax-xx : bx-xx); /* Override previous distance moved */
+ de = POWELL_CGOLD * e;
+ DBG(("linmin: Continuing golden section search\n" ))
+ }
+ if (fabs(de) >= tol1) { /* If de moves as much as tol1 would */
+ ux = xx + de; /* use it */
+ DBG(("linmin: ux = %f = xx %f + de %f\n",ux,xx,de))
+ } else { /* else move by tol1 in direction de */
+ if (de > 0.0) {
+ ux = xx + tol1;
+ DBG(("linmin: ux = %f = xx %f + tol1 %f\n",ux,xx,tol1))
+ } else {
+ ux = xx - tol1;
+ DBG(("linmin: ux = %f = xx %f - tol1 %f\n",ux,xx,tol1))
+ }
+ }
+ /* Evaluate function */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ xt[i] = cp[i] + ux * xi[i];
+ uf = (*func)(fdata, xt);
+ if (uf <= xf) { /* Found new best solution */
+ if (ux >= xx) {
+ ax = xx; af = xf; /* New lower bracket */
+ } else {
+ bx = xx; bf = xf; /* New upper bracket */
+ }
+ vx = wx; vf = wf; /* New previous 2nd best solution */
+ wx = xx; wf = xf; /* New 2nd best solution from previous best */
+ xx = ux; xf = uf; /* New best solution from latest */
+ DBG(("linmin: found new best solution\n"))
+ } else { /* Found a worse solution */
+ if (ux < xx) {
+ ax = ux; af = uf; /* New lower bracket */
+ } else {
+ bx = ux; bf = uf; /* New upper bracket */
+ }
+ if (uf <= wf || wx == xx) { /* New 2nd best solution, or equal best */
+ vx = wx; vf = wf; /* New previous 2nd best solution */
+ wx = ux; wf = uf; /* New 2nd best from latest */
+ } else if (uf <= vf || vx == xx || vx == wx) { /* New 3rd best, or equal 1st & 2nd */
+ vx = ux; vf = uf; /* New previous 2nd best from latest */
+ }
+ DBG(("linmin: found new worse solution\n"))
+ }
+ }
+ /* !!! should do something if iter > POWELL_MAXIT !!!! */
+ /* Solution is at xx, xf */
+ /* Compute solution vector */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++)
+ cp[i] += xx * xi[i];
+ }
+ if (xt != XT)
+ free_dvector(xt,0,di-1);
+//printf("~~~ line minimizer returning %e\n",xf);
+ return xf;