path: root/plot/plot.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'plot/plot.c')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/plot/plot.c b/plot/plot.c
index bfd40ce..bc993a8 100644
--- a/plot/plot.c
+++ b/plot/plot.c
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
#include <math.h>
#include "numlib.h"
#include "plot.h"
+#include "ui.h"
+//#endif /* STANDALONE_TEST */
#undef DODEBUG /* Print error messages & progress reports */
//#define STANDALONE_TEST /* Defined by build script */
@@ -889,7 +892,6 @@ static int do_plot_imp(
/* ------------------------------------------- */
/* Setup windows stuff */
/* It would be nice to reduce number of globals. */
/* We don't clean up properly either - ie. don't delete thread etc. */
@@ -1341,7 +1343,8 @@ static void DoPlot(NSRect *rect, plot_info *pdp);
chars = [[event characters] UTF8String];
// printf("Got Window KeyDown type %d char %s\n",(int)[event type], chars);
- if (chars[0] == ' ') {
+ if (chars[0] == ' '
+ || chars[0] == '\r') {
// printf("Set plot_signal = 1\n");
plot_cx->plot_signal = 1;
@@ -1395,12 +1398,10 @@ static void create_my_win(cntx_t *cx) {
Cocoa NSApp is pretty horrible - it will only get user events
- if created and run in the main thread. So the only way we could
- decouble the windows from the application would be to intercept
+ if created and run in the main thread. So the only way we can
+ decouble the windows from the application is to intercept
main() and create a secondary thread to run the appication while
leaving main() in reserve for creating an NSApp and windows.
- Instead we poll events for a while and then go back to the main application.
/* Superset implementation function: */
@@ -1488,36 +1489,21 @@ static int do_plot_imp(
pd.o = abs(o);
+ /* If we may be in a different thread to the main thread or */
+ /* the application thread, establish our own pool. */
+ NSAutoreleasePool *tpool = nil;
+ if (pthread_self() != ui_thid
+ && pthread_self() != ui_main_thid)
+ tpool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
/* If needed, create the indow */
if (plot_cx == NULL) {
- /* If there is no NSApp */
- /* (This should go in a common library) */
- /* Note that we don't actually clean this up on exit - */
- /* possibly we can't. */
+ /* If there is no NSApp, then we haven't run main() in libui before */
+ /* main() in the application. */
if (NSApp == nil) {
- static NSAutoreleasePool *pool = nil;
- ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, 0 };
- /* Transform the process so that the desktop interacts with it properly. */
- /* We don't need resources or a bundle if we do this. */
- if (GetCurrentProcess(&psn) == noErr) {
- OSStatus stat;
- if (psn.lowLongOfPSN != 0 && (stat = TransformProcessType(&psn,
- kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication)) != noErr) {
-// fprintf(stderr,"TransformProcess failed with code %d\n",stat);
- } else {
-// fprintf(stderr,"TransformProcess suceeded\n");
- }
- }
- pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
- [NSApplication sharedApplication]; /* Creates NSApp */
- [NSApp finishLaunching];
- /* We seem to need this, because otherwise we don't get focus automatically */
- [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];
+ fprintf(stderr,"NSApp is nil - need to rename main() to main() and link with libui !\n");
+ exit(1);
if ((plot_cx = (cntx_t *)calloc(sizeof(cntx_t), 1)) == NULL)
@@ -1529,35 +1515,24 @@ static int do_plot_imp(
[plot_cx->view setNeedsDisplay: YES ];
- /* Wait until the events are done */
- {
- NSEvent *event;
- double tot;
- NSDate *to;
- /* We're creating and draining a pool here to ensure that all the */
- /* auto release objects get drained when we're finished (?) */
- NSAutoreleasePool *tpool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
+ /* (Main thread will service events) */
- if (dowait > 0) { /* Wait for a space key */
- tot = 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;
- } else if (dowait < 0) {
- tot = (double)-dowait;
- } else {
- tot = 0.1;
- }
- to = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:tot]; /* autorelease ? */
- plot_cx->plot_signal = 0;
- for (;plot_cx->plot_signal == 0;) {
- /* Hmm. Assume event is autorelease */
- if ((event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask
- untilDate:to inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]) != nil) {
- [NSApp sendEvent:event];
- } else {
- break;
- }
+ /* Wait until for a key if we should */
+ if (dowait > 0) { /* Wait for a space key */
+ for (plot_cx->plot_signal = 0; plot_cx->plot_signal == 0;) {
+ struct timespec ts;
+ ts.tv_sec = 100 / 1000;
+ ts.tv_nsec = (100 % 1000) * 1000000;
+ nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
- [tpool release];
+ } else if (dowait < 0) {
+ Sleep(-dowait * 1000);
+ if (tpool != nil)
+ [tpool release];
return 0;
@@ -1744,10 +1719,12 @@ static void DoPlot(NSRect *rect, plot_info *pdp) {
blue: gcolors[j][2]/255.0
alpha: 1.0] setStroke];
- lx = (int)((pdp->x1[0] - pdp->mnx) * pdp->scx + 0.5);
- ly = (int)(( yp[0] - pdp->mny) * pdp->scy + 0.5);
+ if (pdp->n > 0) {
+ lx = (int)((pdp->x1[0] - pdp->mnx) * pdp->scx + 0.5);
+ ly = (int)(( yp[0] - pdp->mny) * pdp->scy + 0.5);
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < pdp->n; i++) {
+ for (i = 1; i < pdp->n; i++) {
int cx,cy;
cx = (int)((pdp->x1[i] - pdp->mnx) * pdp->scx + 0.5);
cy = (int)(( yp[i] - pdp->mny) * pdp->scy + 0.5);
@@ -2338,11 +2315,6 @@ double nicenum(double x, int round) {
/* test code */
-// ~~99
-#define TEST_NON_CONSOLE /* Version that works from command line and GUI */
-// May have to add link flag -Wl,-subsystem,windows
-// since MingW is stupid about noticing WinMain or pragma
//#include <windows.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
@@ -2445,39 +2417,6 @@ printf("~1 failed to find AttachConsole\n"); fflush(stdout);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#endif // NEVER
-#if defined(TEST_NON_CONSOLE) && defined(NT)
-# pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:windows" )
- HINSTANCE hInstance,
- HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpCmdLine,
- int nCmdShow
-) {
- { /* Only works on >= XP though */
- BOOL (WINAPI *AttachConsole)(DWORD dwProcessId);
- *(FARPROC *)&AttachConsole =
- GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"), "AttachConsole");
- if (AttachConsole != NULL && AttachConsole(((DWORD)-1)))
- {
- if (_fileno(stdout) < 0)
- freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stdout);
- if (_fileno(stderr) < 0)
- freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stderr);
- if (_fileno(stdin) < 0)
- freopen("CONIN$","rb",stdin);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- // make cout, wcout, cin, wcin, wcerr, cerr, wclog and clog point to console as well
- std::ios::sync_with_stdio();
- }
- }
- return main(__argc, __argv);
-#endif /* TEST_NON_CONSOLE && NT */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double x[10] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0};