path: root/spectro/dispsup.h
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1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spectro/dispsup.h b/spectro/dispsup.h
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index 0000000..837e16a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spectro/dispsup.h
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+#ifndef DISPSUP_H
+ * Argyll Color Correction System
+ * Common display patch reading support.
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 2/11/2005
+ *
+ * Copyright 1998 - 2013 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+/* A helper function to handle presenting a display test patch */
+struct _disp_win_info {
+ int webdisp; /* nz if web display is to be used */
+ disppath *disp; /* display to calibrate. */
+ int blackbg; /* NZ if whole screen should be filled with black */
+ int override; /* Override_redirect on X11 */
+ double hpatsize; /* Size of dispwin */
+ double vpatsize; /* Size of dispwin */
+ double ho, vo; /* Position of dispwin */
+ dispwin *dw; /* Display window if already open */
+ dispwin *_dw; /* Privare window if not already open */
+}; typedef struct _disp_win_info disp_win_info;
+/* A defauult callback that can be provided as an argument to */
+/* inst_handle_calibrate() to handle the display part of a */
+/* calibration callback. */
+/* Call this again with calc = inst_calc_none to cleanup afterwards. */
+inst_code setup_display_calibrate(
+ inst *p,
+ inst_cal_cond calc, /* Current condition. inst_calc_none for not setup */
+ disp_win_info *dwi /* Information to be able to open a display test patch */
+/* User requested calibration of the display instrument */
+int disprd_calibration(
+icompath *ipath, /* Instrument path to open, &icomFakeDevice == fake */
+flow_control fc, /* Serial flow control */
+int dtype, /* Display type, 0 = unknown, 1 = CRT, 2 = LCD */
+int docbid, /* NZ to only allow cbid dtypes */
+int tele, /* NZ for tele mode */
+int nadaptive, /* NZ for non-adaptive mode */
+int noinitcal, /* NZ to disable initial instrument calibration */
+disppath *screen, /* Screen to calibrate. */
+int webdisp, /* If nz, port number for web display */
+int blackbg, /* NZ if whole screen should be filled with black */
+int override, /* Override_redirect on X11 */
+double hpatsize, /* Size of dispwin */
+double vpatsize,
+double ho, double vo, /* Position of dispwin */
+a1log *log /* Verb, debug & error log */
+/* A color structure to return values with. */
+/* This can hold all representations simultaniously */
+typedef struct {
+ double r,g,b;
+ char *id; /* Id string */
+ inst_meas_type mtype; /* Measurement type */
+ int XYZ_v;
+ double XYZ[3]; /* Colorimeter readings */
+ xspect sp; /* Spectrum. sp.spec_n > 0 if valid */
+ double duration; /* Total duration in seconds (flash measurement) */
+ int serno; /* Reading serial number */
+ unsigned int msec; /* Timestamp */
+} col;
+/* Maximum number of entries to setup for calibration */
+#define MAX_CAL_ENT 4096
+/* Display reading context */
+struct _disprd {
+/* private: */
+ a1log *log; /* Verb, debug & error log */
+ int fake; /* Fake display/instrument flag */
+ int fake2; /* Flag to apply extra matrix to fake response */
+ char *fake_name; /* Fake profile name */
+ icmFile *fake_fp;
+ icc *fake_icc; /* NZ if ICC profile is being used for fake */
+ double cal[3][MAX_CAL_ENT]; /* Calibration being worked through (cal[0][0] < 0.0 or NULL if not used) */
+ int ncal; /* Number of entries used in cal[] */
+ int softcal; /* NZ if apply cal to readings rather than hardware */
+ icmLuBase *fake_lu;
+ char *mcallout; /* fake instrument shell callout */
+ icompath *ipath; /* Instrument path to open, &icomFakeDevice == fake */
+ baud_rate br;
+ flow_control fc;
+ inst *it; /* Instrument */
+ int dtype; /* Display type, 0 = unknown, 1 = CRT, 2 = LCD */
+ int docbid; /* NZ to only allow cbid dtypes */
+ int refrmode; /* Refresh display mode, -1 if unknow, 0 = if no, 1 if yes */
+ int cbid; /* The Calibration Base display mode ID, 0 if unknown */
+ int tele; /* NZ for tele mode */
+ int nadaptive; /* NZ for non-adaptive mode */
+ int highres; /* Use high res mode if available */
+ int update_delay_set; /* NZ if we've calibrated the disp. update delay, or tried and failed */
+ double (*ccmtx)[3]; /* Colorimeter Correction Matrix, NULL if none */
+ icxObserverType obType; /* CCSS Observer */
+ xspect *custObserver; /* CCSS Optional custom observer */
+ xspect *sets; /* CCSS Set of sample spectra, NULL if none */
+ int no_sets; /* CCSS Number on set, 0 if none */
+ int spectral; /* 1 = Generate spectral info flag, 2 = don't print error if not capable */
+ icxObserverType observ; /* Compute XYZ from spectral if spectral and != icxOT_none */
+ xsp2cie *sp2cie; /* Spectral to XYZ conversion */
+ int bdrift; /* Flag, nz for black drift compensation */
+ int wdrift; /* Flag, nz for white drift compensation */
+ int noinitcal; /* No initial instrument calibration */
+ dispwin *dw; /* Window */
+ ramdac *or; /* Original ramdac if we set one */
+ int serno; /* Reading serial number */
+ col ref_bw[2]; /* Reference black and white readings for drift comp. */
+ int ref_bw_v; /* Reference valid flag */
+ col last_bw[2]; /* Last black and white readings for drift comp. */
+ int last_bw_v; /* Last valid flag */
+ col targ_w; /* Target white to normalise to. last_bw[1] for batch, first white for */
+ /* non-batch, but latter can be reset. */
+ int targ_w_v; /* target_w valid flag */
+/* public: */
+ /* Destroy ourselves */
+ void (*del)(struct _disprd *p);
+ /* Take a series of readings from the display */
+ /* return nz on fail/abort */
+ /* 1 = user aborted */
+ /* 2 = instrument access failed */
+ /* 3 = window access failed */
+ /* 4 = user hit terminate key */
+ /* 5 = system error */
+ int (*read)(struct _disprd *p,
+ col *cols, /* Array of patch colors to be tested */
+ int npat, /* Number of patches to be tested */
+ int spat, /* Start patch index for "verb", 0 if not used */
+ int tpat, /* Total patch index for "verb", 0 if not used */
+ int acr, /* If nz, do automatic final carriage return */
+ int tc, /* If nz, termination key */
+ instClamping clamp /* NZ if clamp XYZ/Lab to be +ve */
+ );
+ /* Return the display type information */
+ void (*get_disptype)(struct _disprd *p, int *refrmode, int *cbid);
+ /* Reset the white drift target white value, for non-batch */
+ /* readings when white drift comp. is enabled */
+ void (*reset_targ_w)(struct _disprd *p);
+ /* Change the black/white drift compensation options */
+ /* Note that this simply invalidates any reference readings, */
+ /* and therefore will not make for good black compensation */
+ /* if it is done a long time since the instrument calibration. */
+ void (*change_drift_comp)(struct _disprd *p,
+ int bdrift, /* Flag, nz for black drift compensation */
+ int wdrift /* Flag, nz for white drift compensation */
+ );
+ /* Take an ambient reading if the instrument has the capability. */
+ /* return nz on fail/abort */
+ /* 1 = user aborted */
+ /* 2 = instrument access failed */
+ /* 3 = no ambient capability */
+ /* 4 = user hit terminate key */
+ /* 5 = system error */
+ /* 8 = no ambient capability */
+ int (*ambient)(struct _disprd *p,
+ double *ambient, /* return ambient in cd/m^2 */
+ int tc /* If nz, termination key */
+ );
+}; typedef struct _disprd disprd;
+/* Create a display reading object. */
+/* Return NULL if error */
+/* Set *errc to code: */
+/* 0 = no error */
+/* 1 = user aborted */
+/* 2 = instrument access failed */
+/* 3 = window access failed */
+/* 4 = user hit terminate key */
+/* 5 = system error */
+/* 6 = system error */
+/* 7 = CRT or LCD must be selected */
+/* 9 = spectral conversion failed */
+/* 10 = no ccmx support */
+/* 11 = no ccss support */
+/* 12 = cal to set but native != 0 */
+/* Use disprd_err() to interpret errc */
+disprd *new_disprd(
+int *errc, /* Error code. May be NULL */
+icompath *ipath, /* Instrument path to open, &icomFakeDevice == fake */
+flow_control fc, /* Serial flow control */
+int dtype, /* Display type, 0 = unknown, 1 = CRT, 2 = LCD */
+int docbid, /* NZ to only allow cbid dtypes */
+int tele, /* NZ for tele mode */
+int nadaptive, /* NZ for non-adaptive mode */
+int noinitcal, /* No initial instrument calibration */
+int highres, /* Use high res mode if available */
+int native, /* 0 = use current current or given calibration curve */
+ /* 1 = use native linear out & high precision */
+int *noramdac, /* Return nz if no ramdac access. native is set to 0 */
+double cal[3][MAX_CAL_ENT], /* Calibration set/return (cal[0][0] < 0.0 if can't/not to be used) */
+ /* native must be 0 if cal is set */
+int ncal, /* number of entries use in cal */
+int softcal, /* NZ if apply cal to readings rather than hardware */
+disppath *screen, /* Screen to calibrate. */
+int blackbg, /* NZ if whole screen should be filled with black */
+int override, /* Override_redirect on X11 */
+int webdisp, /* If nz, port number for web display */
+char *ccallout, /* Shell callout on set color */
+char *mcallout, /* Shell callout on measure color (forced fake) */
+double hpatsize, /* Size of dispwin */
+double vpatsize,
+double ho, /* Horizontal offset */
+double vo, /* Vertical offset */
+double ccmtx[3][3], /* Colorimeter Correction matrix, NULL if none */
+xspect *sets, /* CCSS Set of sample spectra, NULL if none */
+int no_sets, /* CCSS Number on set, 0 if none */
+int spectral, /* 1 = Generate spectral info flag, 2 = don't print error if not capable */
+icxObserverType obType, /* Use alternate observer if spectral or CCSS and != icxOT_none */
+xspect custObserver[3], /* Optional custom observer */
+int bdrift, /* Flag, nz for black drift compensation */
+int wdrift, /* Flag, nz for white drift compensation */
+char *fake_name, /* Name of profile to use as a fake device */
+a1log *log /* Verb, debug & error log */
+/* Return a string describing the error code */
+char * disprd_err(int en);
+#define DISPSUP_H
+#endif /* DISPSUP_H */