path: root/target/printtarg.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'target/printtarg.c')
1 files changed, 4300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/printtarg.c b/target/printtarg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d889a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/printtarg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4300 @@
+ * Argyll Color Correction System
+ * PostScript print chart generator module.
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 28/9/96
+ *
+ * Copyright 1996 - 2009 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+ Add "single pixel patch" mode, for pure digital processing for
+ abstract profile creation.
+ Add -h2 flag for Munki for super high-res chart ?
+ Note: i1Pro: Illum spot: 3.5mm Aperture: 4.5mm, Physical aperture: 4.55mm
+ Munki: Illum spot: 8.0mm Aperture: 6.0mm, Physical aperture: 7.63mm
+ Add an option that allows including a scale gauge, to detect
+ accidental re-scaling.
+ Make it aportion extra space evenly around the chart
+ rather than at the trailing edges.
+ Add direct PDF support, including NChannel output.
+/* This program generates a PostScript or TIFF print target file, */
+/* containing color test patches, given the .ti1 file specifying */
+/* what the colors are. */
+/* The output is designed to suite a general XY spectrometer (such as */
+/* the Gretag SpectrScan), a handheld, manual instrument, or */
+/* an Xrite DTP51, DTP41 or Eye-One strip spectrometer. */
+/* Description:
+ This program simply generates a PostScripto or TIFF file containing
+ the patches layed out for an Xrite DTP20/DTP22/DTP51/DTP41/SpectroScan/i1pro/Munki.
+ It allows them to be layed out on a choice of paper sizes,
+ with the appropriate contrasting color spacers between
+ each patch for the strip reading instruments. Unlike other
+ charts, Argyll charts are generated as required, rather
+ that being fixed. Also unlike most other strip reading charts,
+ the spacers may colored, so that the density contrast ratio is
+ guaranteed, even when two patches are about 50% density.
+ Another feature is the pseudo random patch layout. This has
+ three purposes. One is to try and average out any variation
+ in the device response in relationship to the location of
+ the patch on the paper. Color copiers and printing presses
+ (for instance), are notorious in having side to side density
+ variations.
+ Another purpose of the random patch layout, is that it gives
+ the reading program a good mechanism for detecting user error.
+ It can guess the expected values, compare them to the readings,
+ and complain if it seems that the strip is probably the wrong
+ one. It can also be used to identify and rectify a strip
+ that has been read in backwards.
+ The final purpose of the random patch layout is to optimse the
+ contrast between patches in a strip, to improve the robustness
+ of the strip reading, and to be able to distinguish the directin
+ a strip has been read in. Using this, small charts may be even be
+ generated without any gaps between the test patches.
+ */
+ * Nomencalture:
+ *
+ * Largely due to how the strip readers name things, the following terms
+ * are used for how patches are grouped:
+ *
+ * Pass, Row: One row of patches in a strip. A pass is usually labeled
+ * with a unique alphabetic label.
+ * Strip: A group of passes that can be read by a strip reader.
+ * For an XY instrument, the strip is a complete sheet, and
+ * each pass is one column. The rows of an XY chart are
+ * the step numbers within a pass.
+ * Step: One test patch in a pass.
+ * Sheet: One sheet of paper, containing full and partial strips.
+ * For an XY instrument, there will be only one strip per sheet.
+ *
+ */
+/* TTBD:
+ *
+ * Improve EPS support to add a preview to each eps file.
+ */
+#undef DEBUG
+#undef FORCEN /* For testing, force DeviceN */
+#define DEN_COMPRESS /* Compress density estimates > 1.0 */
+ /* - this biases it towards white spacers */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#if defined(__IBMC__)
+#include <float.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "copyright.h"
+#include "aconfig.h"
+#include "numlib.h"
+#include "cgats.h"
+#include "icc.h"
+#include "xicc.h"
+#include "insttypes.h"
+#include "render.h"
+#include "randix.h"
+#include "alphix.h"
+#include "rspl.h"
+#include "sort.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* Convert inches into mm */
+#define inch2mm(xx) ((xx) * 25.4)
+/* Convert mm into points */
+#define mm2pnt(xx) ((xx) * 72.0/25.4)
+/* A color structure */
+struct _col {
+ int nmask; /* colorant mask */
+ int altrep; /* alternate grey or CMY representation type 0..8 */
+ int i; /* cols list index */
+ int ix; /* random list index */
+ char *id; /* Id string */
+ char loc[10]; /* Location ID string */
+ int t; /* Tag */
+#define T_XYZ 0x0001
+#define T_LAB 0x0002
+#define T_DEN 0x0004
+#define T_RGB 0x0008
+#define T_N 0x0010
+#define T_NFB 0x2000 /* DeviceN fallback enabled */
+#define T_PRESET 0x4000 /* A preset color rather than a test patch */
+#define T_PAD 0x8000 /* A padding color patch */
+ double XYZ[3]; /* Aproximate XYZ */
+ double Lab[3]; /* Aproximate Lab */
+ double den[4]; /* Approx statusT density + visual density */
+ int dtp20_octval; /* DTP20 octal value */
+ double dtp20_psize; /* DTP20 patch width */
+ double rgb[3]; /* Aproximate sRGB */
+ int n; /* Number of colorants */
+ double dev[ICX_MXINKS]; /* Value of colorants */
+ struct _col *nc[2]; /* Neigborhood colors */
+ struct _col *oc; /* Opposite direction color */
+ double wnd; /* Worst neigborhood contrast density */
+}; typedef struct _col col;
+#define min2(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define min3(a,b,c) (min2((a), min2((b),(c))))
+#define max2(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define max3(a,b,c) (max2((a), max2((b),(c))))
+/* Declare edge tracking functions */
+void et_init(void);
+void et_height(double height);
+void et_media(double *rgb);
+void et_color(double *rgb);
+void et_edge(int isx, int negh, double mj, double mi0, double mi1);
+void et_patch(char *id, double xo, double yo, double w, double h);
+void et_fiducial(double x, double y);
+void et_write(char *fname, col *cols, int *rix, int si, int ei);
+void et_clear(void);
+/* ====================================================== */
+/* Calibration Target rendering class */
+/* Outputs either PostScript or TIFF raster */
+/* test charts. */
+/* We just do an error() if something goes wrong */
+/* Common class structure */
+#define TREND_STRUCT \
+ /* Start a page */ \
+ void (*startpage)(struct _trend *s, int pn); \
+ /* End a page */ \
+ void (*endpage)(struct _trend *s); \
+ /* set the color */ \
+ void (*setcolor)(struct _trend *s, xcal *cal, col *c); \
+ /* A rectangle, with optional edge tracking */ \
+ void (*rectangle)(struct _trend *s, /* Render a rectangle */ \
+ double x, double y, /* Top left corner of rectangle in mm from origin */ \
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */ \
+ char *id, /* Patch id, NULL if not a diagnostic mark */ \
+ int et /* nz if use edge tracking on this */ \
+ ); \
+ /* A testpad hexagon. */ \
+ void (*hexagon)(struct _trend *s, \
+ double x, double y, /* Top left vertex of hex mm from origin */ \
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */ \
+ int step, /* Step number from 0 to figure odd/even */ \
+ char *id /* Patch id, NULL if not a diagnostic mark */ \
+ ); \
+ /* A centered string */ \
+ void (*string)(struct _trend *s, \
+ double x, double y, /* Bot Left Corner of rectangle in mm from origin */ \
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */ \
+ char *str /* String */ \
+ ); \
+ /* A vertically centered string, rendered from bottom to top */ \
+ void (*vstring)(struct _trend *s, \
+ double x, double y, /* Bot Right Corner of rectangle in mm from origin */ \
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */ \
+ char *str /* String */ \
+ ); \
+ /* A dotted line */ \
+ void (*dline)(struct _trend *s, \
+ double x0, double y0, /* Start of line */ \
+ double x1, double y1, /* End of line */ \
+ double w /* Width */ \
+ ); \
+ /* Delete the object */ \
+ void (*del)(struct _trend *s); \
+struct _trend {
+}; typedef struct _trend trend;
+/* ==================================== */
+/* PostScript output class */
+struct _ps_trend {
+ FILE *of; /* Postscript output file */
+ int eps; /* EPS flag */
+ char *fname;
+}; typedef struct _ps_trend ps_trend;
+/* Start a page */
+static void ps_startpage(trend *ss, int pagen) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Page: (Page %d) %d\n",pagen,pagen);
+/* End a page */
+static void ps_endpage(trend *ss) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ fprintf(s->of,"showpage\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+/* Set a device N color with fallback */
+static void
+gen_ncolor(ps_trend *s, col *c) {
+ int i;
+ /* define the colorspace */
+ fprintf(s->of,"[ /DeviceN [ ");
+ for (i = 0; i < c->n; i++) {
+ int imask = icx_index2ink(c->nmask, i);
+ fprintf(s->of,"/%s ", icx_ink2psstring(imask));
+ }
+ if (c->t & T_NFB) { /* Use color fallback */
+ fprintf(s->of,"] /DeviceRGB "); /* Fallback to RGB */
+ fprintf(s->of,"{ ");
+ for (i = 0; i < c->n; i++) /* Remove N values */
+ fprintf(s->of,"pop ");
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) /* Set RGB values */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f ",c->rgb[i]);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(s->of,"] /DeviceGray "); /* Fallback to Gray */
+ fprintf(s->of,"{ ");
+ for (i = 0; i < c->n; i++) /* Remove N values */
+ fprintf(s->of,"pop ");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f ",(c->rgb[0] + c->rgb[1] + c->rgb[2])/3.0); /* Set Gray value */
+ }
+ fprintf(s->of," } ] setcolorspace\n");
+ /* Set the color */
+ for (i = 0; i < c->n; i++)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f ",c->dev[i]);
+ fprintf(s->of,"setcolor\n");
+/* Set a device color */
+/* Set it by the rep with most components */
+static void ps_setcolor(trend *ss, xcal *cal, col *c) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ double cdev[ICX_MXINKS]; /* Calibrated device color */
+ if (cal != NULL)
+ cal->interp(cal, cdev, c->dev);
+ else {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < c->n; j++)
+ cdev[j] = c->dev[j];
+ }
+ if ((c->t & T_N) == 0)
+ error("ps_setcolor with no device values set");
+#ifndef FORCEN
+ if (c->nmask == ICX_W) {
+ if ((c->t & T_PRESET) == 0)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Ref %s %s %f\n",c->id, c->loc, 100.0 * cdev[0]);
+ if (c->altrep == 0) { /* DeviceGray */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f setgray\n",cdev[0]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 4) { /* DeviceRGB */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f setrgbcolor\n",cdev[0],cdev[0],cdev[0]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 5) { /* Separation */
+ fprintf(s->of,"[ /Separation (White) /DeviceGray { pop %f } ] setcolorspace\n",
+ cdev[0]);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f setcolor\n",cdev[0]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 6) { /* DeviceN */
+ gen_ncolor(s, c);
+ } else {
+ error("Device white encoding not approproate!");
+ }
+ } else if (c->nmask == ICX_K) {
+ if ((c->t & T_PRESET) == 0)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Ref %s %s %f\n",c->id, c->loc, 100.0 * cdev[0]);
+ if (c->altrep == 0) { /* DeviceGray */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f setgray\n",1.0 - cdev[0]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 1) { /* DeviceCMYK */
+ fprintf(s->of,"0.0 0.0 0.0 %f setcmykcolor\n",cdev[0]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 2) { /* Separation */
+ fprintf(s->of,"[ /Separation (Black) /DeviceGray { pop %f } ] setcolorspace\n",
+ 1.0 - cdev[0]);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f setcolor\n",cdev[0]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 3) { /* DeviceN */
+ gen_ncolor(s, c);
+ } else {
+ error("Device black encoding not approproate!");
+ }
+ } else if (c->nmask == ICX_CMY) {
+ if ((c->t & T_PRESET) == 0)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Ref %s %s %f %f %f\n", c->id, c->loc,
+ 100.0 * cdev[0], 100.0 * cdev[1], 100.0 * cdev[2]);
+ if (c->altrep == 0) { /* DeviceCMYK */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f 0.0 setcmykcolor\n",cdev[0],cdev[1],cdev[2]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 7) { /* Inverted DeviceRGB */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f setrgbcolor\n",1.0-cdev[0],1.0-cdev[1],1.0-cdev[2]);
+ } else if (c->altrep == 8) { /* DeviceN */
+ gen_ncolor(s, c);
+ } else {
+ error("Device CMY encoding not approproate!");
+ }
+ } else if (c->nmask == ICX_RGB || c->nmask == ICX_IRGB) {
+ if ((c->t & T_PRESET) == 0)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Ref %s %s %f %f %f\n",c->id, c->loc,
+ 100.0 * cdev[0], 100.0 *cdev[1], 100.0 *cdev[2]);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f setrgbcolor\n",cdev[0],cdev[1],cdev[2]);
+ } else if (c->nmask == ICX_CMYK) {
+ if ((c->t & T_PRESET) == 0)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Ref %s %s %f %f %f %f\n", c->id, c->loc,
+ 100.0 * cdev[0], 100.0 * cdev[1], 100.0 * cdev[2], 100.0 * cdev[3]);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f %f setcmykcolor\n",cdev[0],cdev[1],cdev[2],cdev[3]);
+ } else
+#endif /* !FORCEN */
+ { /* Device N */
+ int i;
+ if ((c->t & T_PRESET) == 0) {
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Ref %s %s",c->id, c->loc);
+ for (i = 0; i < c->n; i++)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f ", 100.0 * cdev[i]);
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ }
+ gen_ncolor(s, c);
+ }
+ /* Remember edge tracking color */
+ et_color(c->rgb);
+/* Generate a rectangle, with optional edge tracking */
+/* Note the page coordinate origin is bottom left. */
+static void ps_rectangle(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Top left corner of rectangle in mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ char *id, /* Patch id, NULL if not a diagnostic mark */
+ int et /* nz if use edge tracking on this */
+) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ if (w < 1e-6 || h < 1e-6)
+ return; /* Skip zero sized rectangle */
+ y -= h; /* Convert to bottom left corner */
+ x = mm2pnt(x);
+ y = mm2pnt(y);
+ w = mm2pnt(w);
+ h = mm2pnt(h);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f %f rect\n",w,h,x,y);
+ if (et) {
+ et_patch(id, x, y, w, h);
+ et_edge(1, 0, x, y, y + h);
+ et_edge(1, 1, x + w, y, y + h);
+ et_edge(0, 0, y, x, x + w);
+ et_edge(0, 1, y + h, x, x + w);
+ }
+/* Generate one testpad hexagon. */
+/* Note the page coordinate origin is bottom left. */
+/* The hex always has left/right sides */
+/* and peaks at the top and the bottom. */
+static void ps_hexagon(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Top left vertex of hex mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ int step, /* Step number from 0 to figure odd/even */
+ char *id /* Patch id, NULL if not a diagnostic mark */
+) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ if (w < 1e-6 || h < 1e-6)
+ return; /* Skip zero sized rectangle */
+ if ((step & 1) == 0) /* Even so left side of stagger */
+ x -= 0.25 * w;
+ else /* Odd so right side of stagger */
+ x += 0.25 * w;
+ y = y - 5.0/6.0 * h;
+ h *= 2.0/3.0; /* Convert to hex side length */
+ x = mm2pnt(x);
+ y = mm2pnt(y);
+ w = mm2pnt(w);
+ h = mm2pnt(h);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f %f %f %f hex\n",w,h,x,y);
+/* A centered string */
+static void ps_string(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Bot Left Corner of rectangle in mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ char *str /* String */
+) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ if (fabs(w) < 1e-6 || fabs(h) < 1e-6)
+ return; /* Skip zero sized string */
+ x = mm2pnt(x);
+ y = mm2pnt(y);
+ w = mm2pnt(w);
+ h = mm2pnt(h);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f scaleTimes\n",h * 0.75);
+ fprintf(s->of,"(%s) %f %f centerShow\n",str,x+w/2.0,y+h/2.0);
+/* A vertically centered string */
+static void ps_vstring(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Bot Right Corner of rectangle in mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ char *str /* String */
+) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ if (fabs(w) < 1e-6 || fabs(h) < 1e-6)
+ return; /* Skip zero sized string */
+ x = mm2pnt(x);
+ y = mm2pnt(y);
+ w = mm2pnt(w);
+ h = mm2pnt(h);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f scaleTimes\n",w * 0.75);
+ fprintf(s->of,"(%s) %f %f vcenterShow\n",str,x-w/2.0,y+h/2.0);
+/* A dotted line */
+static void ps_dline(trend *ss,
+ double x1, double y1, /* Start of line */
+ double x2, double y2, /* End of line */
+ double w /* Width */
+) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ if (fabs(w) < 1e-6 || fabs(y2 - y1) < 1e-6)
+ return; /* Skip zero sized line */
+ x1 = mm2pnt(x1);
+ x2 = mm2pnt(x2);
+ y1 = mm2pnt(y1);
+ y2 = mm2pnt(y2);
+ w = mm2pnt(w);
+ fprintf(s->of,"[%f %f] %f setdash\n",mm2pnt(1.0),mm2pnt(2.0),mm2pnt(0.0));
+ fprintf(s->of,"%f setlinewidth\n",w);
+ fprintf(s->of,"newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto stroke\n",x1,y1,x2,y2);
+/* Complete operations, then delete the object */
+static void ps_del(trend *ss) {
+ ps_trend *s = (ps_trend *)ss;
+ if (s->of) {
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%EOF\n");
+ if (fclose(s->of))
+ error ("Unable to close output file '%s'",s->fname);
+ }
+ if (s->fname)
+ free(s->fname);
+ free(s);
+trend *new_ps_trend(
+ char *fname, /* File name */
+ int npages, /* Number of pages needed */
+ int nmask, /* Non zero if we are doing a DeviceN chart */
+ double pw, double ph, /* Page width and height in mm */
+ int eps, /* EPS flag */
+ int rand, /* randomize */
+ int rstart /* Random start number/chart ID */
+) {
+ ps_trend *s;
+ if ((s = (ps_trend *)calloc(1, sizeof(ps_trend))) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ s->startpage = ps_startpage;
+ s->endpage = ps_endpage;
+ s->setcolor = ps_setcolor;
+ s->rectangle = ps_rectangle;
+ s->hexagon = ps_hexagon;
+ s->string = ps_string;
+ s->vstring = ps_vstring;
+ s->dline = ps_dline;
+ s->del = ps_del;
+ s->eps = eps;
+ if ((s->of = fopen(fname,"w")) == NULL) {
+ error ("Unable to open output file '%s'",fname);
+ }
+ if ((s->fname = strdup(fname)) == NULL)
+ error("stdup of fname failed");
+ /* Generate PS file prolog */
+ {
+ time_t clk = time(0);
+ struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
+ int ipw, iph;
+ ipw = (int)ceil(mm2pnt(pw));
+ iph = (int)ceil(mm2pnt(ph));
+ if (eps)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Title: Argyll Color Calibration Target\n");
+#ifdef FORCEN
+ if (1) {
+ if (nmask != ICX_W /* If not a Gray, RGB or CMYK device space */
+ && nmask != ICX_K
+ && nmask != ICX_RGB
+ && nmask != ICX_IRGB
+ && nmask != ICX_CMYK) {
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%LanguageLevel: 3\n");
+ } else {
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%LanguageLevel: 1\n");
+ if (nmask == ICX_CMYK)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Extensions: CMYK\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Creator: Argyll target chart generator\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%For: The user who wants accurate color\n");
+// fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Version: %s\n",VERSION);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%CreationDate: %s",asctime(tsp));
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n");
+ if (eps)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Pages: %d\n",1);
+ else
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Pages: %d\n",npages);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%PageOrder: Ascend\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",0,0,ipw-1,iph-1);
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%Orientation: Portrait\n"); /* Rows are always virtical */
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%EndComments\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ if (!eps) {
+ fprintf(s->of,"<< /PageSize [%d %d] >> setpagedevice\n",ipw, iph);
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%BeginProlog\n\n");
+#ifdef NEVER
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Duplicate nth element of stack\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% arguments: n, the offset from the element bellow the n\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/dupn { 2 add dup -1 roll dup 3 -1 roll 1 roll } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% arbitrary rectangle\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% arguments: w h x y\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/rect { gsave \n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"newpath\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"moveto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"dup 0.0 exch rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"exch 0.0 rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"0.0 exch neg rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"closepath\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"fill\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"grestore } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% hexagon with bottom left origin\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% arguments: w h x y\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/hex { gsave \n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"newpath\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"moveto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"0 1 index rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"1 index 2 div 1 index 2 div rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"1 index 2 div 1 index 2 div neg rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"0 1 index neg rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"pop pop\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"closepath\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"fill\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"grestore } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% set times-roman font\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% argument: scale\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/scaleTimes {\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/Times-Roman findfont\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"exch scalefont\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"setfont } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Print a centered string\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% argument: string, x, y\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/centerShow {\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"gsave translate\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto dup true charpath pathbbox\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"3 -1 roll sub exch 3 -1 roll sub\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"-0.5 mul exch -0.5 mul\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"moveto show grestore} bind def\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% Print a vertically centered string\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% argument: string, x, y\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"/vcenterShow {\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"gsave translate 90.0 rotate\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto dup true charpath pathbbox\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"3 -1 roll sub exch 3 -1 roll sub\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"-0.5 mul exch -0.5 mul\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"moveto show grestore} bind def\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"%%%%EndProlog\n");
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ if (rand != 0)
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% RandomStart %d\n",rstart);
+ else
+ fprintf(s->of,"%% ChartID %d\n",rstart);
+ fprintf(s->of,"\n");
+ }
+ return (trend *)s;
+/* ==================================== */
+/* TIFF raster output class */
+/* We use the render library to do all the hard work. */
+struct _tiff_trend {
+ render2d *r; /* Raster renderer object */
+ char *fname;
+ color2d c; /* Last set color */
+ int comp; /* Flag, use compression */
+}; typedef struct _tiff_trend tiff_trend;
+/* Start a page */
+static void tiff_startpage(trend *ss, int pn) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ /* Nothing to do */
+/* End a page */
+static void tiff_endpage(trend *ss) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ /* Nothing to do */
+/* set the color */
+static void tiff_setcolor(trend *ss, xcal *cal, col *c) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ double cdev[ICX_MXINKS]; /* Calibrated device color */
+ if (cal != NULL)
+ cal->interp(cal, cdev, c->dev);
+ else {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < c->n; j++)
+ cdev[j] = c->dev[j];
+ }
+ if ((c->t & T_N) == 0)
+ error("tiff_setcolor with no device values set");
+ if (c->nmask == ICX_W) {
+ if (c->altrep == 0) { /* DeviceGray */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 4) { /* DeviceRGB */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ s->c[1] = cdev[0];
+ s->c[2] = cdev[0];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 5) { /* Separation */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 6) { /* DeviceN single channel */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ } else {
+ error("Device white encoding not approproate!");
+ }
+ } else if (c->nmask == ICX_K) {
+ if (c->altrep == 0) { /* DeviceGray */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 1) { /* DeviceCMYK */
+ s->c[0] = 0.0;
+ s->c[1] = 0.0;
+ s->c[2] = 0.0;
+ s->c[3] = cdev[0];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 2) { /* Separation */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 3) { /* DeviceN single channel */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ } else {
+ error("Device black encoding not approproate!");
+ }
+ } else if (c->nmask == ICX_CMY) {
+ if (c->altrep == 0) { /* DeviceCMYK */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ s->c[1] = cdev[1];
+ s->c[2] = cdev[2];
+ s->c[3] = 0.0;
+ } else if (c->altrep == 7) { /* Inverted DeviceRGB */
+ s->c[0] = 1.0-cdev[0];
+ s->c[1] = 1.0-cdev[1];
+ s->c[2] = 1.0-cdev[2];
+ } else if (c->altrep == 8) { /* DeviceN three channel */
+ s->c[0] = cdev[0];
+ s->c[1] = cdev[1];
+ s->c[2] = cdev[2];
+ } else {
+ error("Device CMY encoding not approproate!");
+ }
+ } else {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < s->r->ncc; j++)
+ s->c[j] = cdev[j];
+ }
+ /* Remember edge tracking color */
+ et_color(c->rgb);
+/* A rectangle, with optional edge tracking */
+static void tiff_rectangle(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Top left corner of rectangle in mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ char *id, /* Patch id, NULL if not a diagnostic mark */
+ int et /* nz if use edge tracking on this */
+) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ y -= h; /* Convert to bottom left corner */
+ s->r->add(s->r, new_rect2d(s->r, x, y, w, h, s->c));
+ if (et) {
+ et_patch(id, x, y, w, h);
+ et_edge(1, 0, x, y, y + h);
+ et_edge(1, 1, x + w, y, y + h);
+ et_edge(0, 0, y, x, x + w);
+ et_edge(0, 1, y + h, x, x + w);
+ }
+/* A testpad hexagon. */
+static void tiff_hexagon(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Top left vertex of hex mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ int step, /* Step number from 0 to figure odd/even */
+ char *id /* Patch id, NULL if not a diagnostic mark */
+) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ double vv[3][2];
+ color2d cc[3];
+ int i, j;
+ if ((step & 1) == 0) /* Even so left side of stagger */
+ x -= 0.25 * w;
+ else /* Odd so right side of stagger */
+ x += 0.25 * w;
+ y = y - 5.0/6.0 * h;
+ h *= 2.0/3.0; /* Convert to hex side length */
+ /* Triangle color */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < s->r->ncc; j++)
+ cc[i][j] = s->c[j];
+ /* Top triangle */
+ vv[0][0] = x;
+ vv[0][1] = y + h;
+ vv[1][0] = x + w;
+ vv[1][1] = y + h;
+ vv[2][0] = x + 0.5 * w;
+ vv[2][1] = y + 1.5 * h;
+ s->r->add(s->r, new_trivs2d(s->r, vv, cc));
+ /* Center rectangle */
+ s->r->add(s->r, new_rect2d(s->r, x, y, w, h, s->c));
+ /* Bottom triangle */
+ vv[0][0] = x;
+ vv[0][1] = y;
+ vv[1][0] = x + w;
+ vv[1][1] = y;
+ vv[2][0] = x + 0.5 * w;
+ vv[2][1] = y - 0.5 * h;
+ s->r->add(s->r, new_trivs2d(s->r, vv, cc));
+/* A centered string */
+static void tiff_string(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Bot Left Corner of rectangle in mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ char *str /* String */
+) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ double sw = 0.0, sh = 0.0;
+ sh = h * 0.57;
+ meas_string2d(s->r,&sw,NULL,timesr_b,str,sh,0);
+ /* Center the string within the recangle */
+ x += 0.5 * (w - sw);
+ y += 0.5 * (h - sh);
+ add_string2d(s->r,NULL,NULL,timesr_b,str,x,y,sh,0,s->c);
+/* A vertically centered string */
+static void tiff_vstring(trend *ss,
+ double x, double y, /* Bot Right Corner of rectangle in mm from origin */
+ double w, double h, /* Width and height */
+ char *str /* String */
+) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ double sw = 0.0, sh = 0.0;
+ x -= w; /* Make it bot left corner */
+ sw = w * 0.57;
+ meas_string2d(s->r,NULL, &sh,timesr_b,str,sw,3);
+ /* Center the string within the recangle */
+ x += 0.5 * (w + sw);
+ y += 0.5 * (h - sh);
+ add_string2d(s->r,NULL,NULL,timesr_b,str,x,y,sw,3,s->c);
+/* A dotted line */
+static void tiff_dline(trend *ss,
+ double x0, double y0, /* Start of line */
+ double x1, double y1, /* End of line */
+ double w /* Width */
+) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ add_dashed_line2d(s->r,x0,y0,x1,y1,w,1.0,2.0,0,s->c);
+/* Complete operations, then delete the object */
+static void tiff_del(trend *ss) {
+ tiff_trend *s = (tiff_trend *)ss;
+ if (s->r != NULL) {
+ s->r->write(s->r, s->fname, s->comp);
+ s->r->del(s->r);
+ }
+ if (s->fname != NULL)
+ free(s->fname);
+ free(s);
+static trend *new_tiff_trend(
+ char *fname, /* File name */
+ int nmask, /* Non zero if we are doing a DeviceN chart */
+ depth2d dpth, /* 8 or 16 bit */
+ double pw, double ph, /* Page width and height in mm */
+ double marg, /* Page margine in mm */
+ double hres, double vres, /* Resolution */
+ int altrep, /* printer grey/CMY representation type 0..8 */
+ int ncha, /* flag, use nchannel alpha */
+ int comp, /* flag, use compression */
+ int dith /* flag, use 8 bit dithering */
+) {
+ tiff_trend *s;
+ color2d c; /* Background color */
+ colort2d csp;
+ double ma[4]; /* Page margins */
+ int nc = 0;
+ int j;
+ if ((s = (tiff_trend *)calloc(1, sizeof(tiff_trend))) == NULL) {
+ error("Failed to create a tiff target rendering object");
+ }
+ s->startpage = tiff_startpage;
+ s->endpage = tiff_endpage;
+ s->setcolor = tiff_setcolor;
+ s->rectangle = tiff_rectangle;
+ s->hexagon = tiff_hexagon;
+ s->string = tiff_string;
+ s->vstring = tiff_vstring;
+ s->dline = tiff_dline;
+ s->del = tiff_del;
+ if (nmask == ICX_W) {
+ if (altrep == 0 /* DeviceGray */
+ || altrep == 5) { /* Separation single channel */
+ csp = w_2d;
+ nc = 1;
+ } else if (altrep == 4) { /* DeviceRGB */
+ csp = rgb_2d;
+ nc = 3;
+ } else if (altrep == 6) { /* DeviceN single channel */
+ csp = ncol_2d;
+ nc = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ nc = 1;
+ } else {
+ error("Device white encoding not approproate");
+ }
+ } else if (nmask == ICX_K) {
+ if (altrep == 0 /* DeviceGray */
+ || altrep == 2) { /* Separation single channel */
+ csp = k_2d;
+ nc = 1;
+ } else if (altrep == 1) { /* DeviceCMYK */
+ csp = cmyk_2d;
+ nc = 4;
+ } else if (altrep == 3) { /* DeviceN single channel */
+ csp = ncol_2d;
+ nc = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ nc = 1;
+ } else {
+ error("Device black encoding not approproate");
+ }
+ } else if (nmask == ICX_RGB || nmask == ICX_IRGB) {
+ csp = rgb_2d;
+ nc = 3;
+ } else if (nmask == ICX_CMY) {
+ if (altrep == 0) { /* DeviceCMYK */
+ csp = cmyk_2d;
+ nc = 4;
+ } else if (altrep == 7) { /* Inverted DeviceRGB */
+ csp = rgb_2d;
+ nc = 3;
+ } else if (altrep == 8) { /* DeviceN three channel */
+ csp = ncol_2d;
+ nc = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ } else {
+ error("Device CMY encoding not approproate");
+ }
+ } else if (nmask == ICX_CMYK) {
+ csp = cmyk_2d;
+ nc = 4;
+ } else { /* Device N */
+ if (ncha)
+ csp = ncol_a_2d;
+ else
+ csp = ncol_2d;
+ nc = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ }
+ if (marg > 0)
+ ma[0] = ma[1] = ma[2] = ma[3] = marg;
+ else
+ ma[0] = ma[1] = ma[2] = ma[3] = 0;
+ if ((s->r = new_render2d(pw, ph, ma, hres, vres, csp, nc, dpth, dith)) == NULL) {
+ error("Failed to create a render2d object for tiff output");
+ }
+ /* We're goin to assume this is all printed output, so */
+ /* the background should be white. */
+ if ((nmask & ICX_ADDITIVE)
+ || (nmask == ICX_CMY && altrep == 7)) { /* CMY as inverted RGB */
+ for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
+ c[j] = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
+ c[j] = 0.0;
+ }
+ s->r->set_defc(s->r, c);
+ s->comp = comp;
+ if ((s->fname = strdup(fname)) == NULL)
+ error("stdup of fname failed");
+ return (trend *)s;
+/* ====================================================== */
+/* Convert XYZ represention into Lab, XYZ density and RGB */
+col_convert(col *cp, double *wp) {
+ if ((cp->t & T_XYZ) == 0 || (cp->t & T_N) == 0)
+ error("gen_color needs XYZ and device colors set !");
+ if ((cp->t & T_LAB) == 0) {
+ icmXYZNumber w;
+ w.X = wp[0];
+ w.Y = wp[1];
+ w.Z = wp[2];
+ icmXYZ2Lab(&w, cp->Lab, cp->XYZ);
+ cp->t |= T_LAB;
+ }
+ if ((cp->t & T_DEN) == 0) {
+ icx_XYZ2Tdens(cp->den, cp->XYZ);
+ /* Compress densities > 1.0, 2:1 */
+ {
+ int e;
+ for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
+ if (cp->den[e] > 1.0)
+ cp->den[e] = 1.0 + (cp->den[e] - 1.0) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* DEN_COMPRESS */
+ cp->t |= T_DEN;
+ }
+ if ((cp->t & T_RGB) == 0) {
+ icx_XYZ2sRGB(cp->rgb, wp, cp->XYZ);
+ cp->t |= T_RGB;
+ }
+/* return the middle of 3 values */
+double mid3(double a, double b, double c) {
+ if ((a < b && a > c) || (a < c && a > b))
+ return a;
+ if ((b < a && b > c) || (b < c && b > a))
+ return b;
+ return c;
+/* return the vector difference of 3 values */
+double vec3(double a, double b, double c) {
+ return sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);
+/* Type of density rule to use with color patches/spacers. */
+/* This really depends on the algorithm used by the strip */
+/* reading instrument. For an Xrite DTP41, it appears that */
+/* using max3 is the best. This agrees with their documentation, */
+/* that it is looking for the largest change in one of the three */
+/* channels. Another make of instrument might use a different */
+/* algorithm. */
+/* Choices are: */
+/* max3 - aim for largest change to be greatest */
+/* mid3 - aim for middle change to be greatest */
+/* min3 - aim for minimum change to be greatest */
+/* vec3 - aim for the vector change to be greatest */
+#define RULE3 max3
+/* Setup a suitable spacer color, and */
+/* Return the worst case density difference. */
+double setup_spacer(
+col **psc, /* Return pointer to spacer color */
+col *pp, /* Previous patch color */
+col *cp, /* Current patch color */
+col *pcol, /* 8 pre-defined spacer colors */
+int sptype, /* Spacer type code, -1 = none, */
+ /* 0 = No spacer, 1 = b&W spacer, */
+ /* 2 = colored */
+int usede /* Aim for maximum delta E rather than density */
+) {
+ col *sc = NULL; /* Spacer chosen */
+ double dd, pdd;
+//printf("~1 setting spacer between %s (%s) and %s (%s)\n",pp->loc, pp->id, cp->loc, cp->id);
+ /* Compute contrast between the patches */
+ if (usede) {
+ pdd = icmLabDE(pp->Lab, cp->Lab);
+ } else {
+ /* return the density contrast between the patches */
+ if (pp->nmask == ICX_W
+ || pp->nmask == ICX_K) { /* If only capable of single density */
+ pdd = fabs(pp->den[3] - cp->den[3]);
+//printf("~1 computed B&W diff of %f\n",dd);
+ } else {
+ pdd = RULE3(fabs(pp->den[0] - cp->den[0]),
+ fabs(pp->den[1] - cp->den[1]),
+ fabs(pp->den[2] - cp->den[2]));
+//printf("~1 computed color diff of %f\n",dd);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sptype <= 0) /* No spacers */
+ return pdd;
+ if (pp->nmask == ICX_W
+ || pp->nmask == ICX_K) { /* If only capable of single density */
+ sptype = 1; /* Force to B&W spacer */
+ }
+ if (sptype == 1) { /* B&W spacer */
+ double d1, d2;
+ if (usede) {
+ /* Choose whether space should be white or black */
+ /* Shoose color that has greatest worst contrast */
+ d1 = min2(icmLabDE(pcol[0].Lab, pp->Lab), icmLabDE(pcol[0].Lab, cp->Lab));
+ d2 = min2(icmLabDE(pcol[7].Lab, pp->Lab), icmLabDE(pcol[7].Lab, cp->Lab));
+//printf("~1 worst difference to white = %f\n", d1);
+//printf("~1 worst difference to black = %f\n", d2);
+ if (d1 > d2) {
+//printf("~1 chosen white\n");
+ sc = &pcol[0];
+ dd = d1;
+ } else {
+//printf("~1 chosen black\n");
+ sc = &pcol[7];
+ dd = d2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Choose whether space should be white or black */
+ /* Shoose color that has greatest worst contrast */
+ d1 = min2(fabs(pcol[0].den[3] - pp->den[3]), fabs(pcol[0].den[3] - cp->den[3]));
+ d2 = min2(fabs(pcol[7].den[3] - pp->den[3]), fabs(pcol[7].den[3] - cp->den[3]));
+//printf("~1 worst difference to white = %f\n", d1);
+//printf("~1 worst difference to black = %f\n", d2);
+ if (d1 > d2) {
+//printf("~1 chosen white\n");
+ sc = &pcol[0];
+ dd = d1;
+ } else {
+//printf("~1 chosen black\n");
+ sc = &pcol[7];
+ dd = d2;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* else colored spacer */
+ int ii, i;
+ /* Check out all the possible space values for the one that gives the best */
+ /* and second best contrast to each edge */
+ if (usede) {
+ /* for all possible spacer colors */
+ dd = -1.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ double bb;
+ bb = min2(icmLabDE(pcol[i].Lab, pp->Lab), icmLabDE(pcol[i].Lab, cp->Lab));
+ /* Worst of two edges best is better than any previous */
+ if (bb > dd) {
+ dd = bb; /* Worst color of worst edge */
+ ii = i;
+ sc = &pcol[i];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* for all possible spacer colors */
+ dd = -1.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ double b1, b2, bb;
+ b1 = RULE3(fabs(pcol[i].den[0] - pp->den[0]),
+ fabs(pcol[i].den[1] - pp->den[1]),
+ fabs(pcol[i].den[2] - pp->den[2]));
+ b2 = RULE3(fabs(pcol[i].den[0] - cp->den[0]),
+ fabs(pcol[i].den[1] - cp->den[1]),
+ fabs(pcol[i].den[2] - cp->den[2]));
+ bb = min2(b1, b2); /* Worst of two edges */
+ /* Worst of two edges best is better than any previous */
+ if (bb > dd) {
+ dd = bb; /* Worst color of worst edge */
+ ii = i;
+ sc = &pcol[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//printf("~1 returning spacer contrast %f + patch contrast %f\n",dd,pdd);
+ if (psc != NULL)
+ *psc = sc; /* Return pointer to chosen spacer */
+ return 0.6 * dd + 0.4 * pdd; /* Return propotion of spacer and patch contrast */
+/* Given two patches, compute the density difference between them */
+double density_difference(
+col *p1, /* Previous patch color */
+col *p2, /* Current patch color */
+int usede /* Aim for maximum delta E rather than density */
+) {
+ double dd, pdd;
+ /* Compute contrast between the patches */
+ if (usede) {
+ pdd = icmLabDE(p1->Lab, p2->Lab);
+ } else {
+ /* return the density contrast between the patches */
+ if (p1->nmask == ICX_W
+ || p1->nmask == ICX_K) { /* If only capable of single density */
+ pdd = fabs(p1->den[3] - p2->den[3]);
+ } else {
+ pdd = RULE3(fabs(p1->den[0] - p2->den[0]),
+ fabs(p1->den[1] - p2->den[1]),
+ fabs(p1->den[2] - p2->den[2]));
+ }
+ }
+ return pdd;
+/* Given a number, return the DTP20 SID patch encoding. */
+/* return nz on error */
+static int dtp20_enc(
+ col *pcol, /* pcol[8] of spacer patch colors */
+ int ndig, /* Number of octal digits/patches */
+ int lend, /* NZ if little endian order for SID row index */
+ col **ppcol, /* return the pointers to pcol for the encoding */
+ unsigned int rix /* Number to encode */
+) {
+ int si, ei, ii;
+ int i, wv = rix;
+ if (lend) /* Little endian order */
+ si = 0, ei = ndig, ii = 1;
+ else
+ si = ndig-1, ei = -1, ii = -1;
+ /* LSB to MSB octal */
+ for (i = si; i != ei; i += ii) {
+ int j, k;
+ j = wv % 8; /* Digit value */
+ wv /= 8;
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
+ if (pcol[k].dtp20_octval == j)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (k >= 8)
+ return 1; /* Something weird happened */
+ ppcol[i] = &pcol[k];
+ }
+ if (wv != 0)
+ return 1; /* Number is too big to be encoded */
+//printf("~1dtp20_enc %d ->",rix);
+//for (i = 0; i < ndig; i++)
+// printf(" %d",ppcol[i]->dtp20_octval);
+ return 0;
+/* Sort function for stree */
+static int cmp_eperr(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
+ return ((col *)p1)->wnd == ((col *)p2)->wnd ? 0 :
+ (((col *)p1)->wnd < ((col *)p2)->wnd ? -1 : 1);
+#define SYMWT 1.3 /* Amount to discount direction delta E compared to spacers */
+/* Setup the randomised index. */
+/* The index only covers test sample patches, not TID or max/min/SID patches */
+void setup_randix(
+int *rix, /* Index lookup array to fill in */
+int npat, /* Number of test targets needed */
+int rand, /* Randomise flag */
+int rstart, /* Starting index for random */
+int verb, /* Verbose flag */
+col *cols, /* Array of colors to be put on target chart */
+col *pcol, /* 8 spacer colors */
+int tpprow, /* Test sample patches per row */
+int spacer, /* Spacer code, 0 = None, 1 = b&w, 2 = colored */
+int needpc, /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+int domaxmin, /* Top and tail strip with max/min or SID. 0 = DTP51, 2 = DTP20 SID */
+col *media, /* Alias for media color */
+int usede /* NZ to use delta E rather than density */
+) {
+ int i;
+ randix *r = NULL; /* Random index order object */
+ if (rand)
+ r = new_randix(npat, rstart);
+ /* Setup initial linear or randomised index */
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ if (rand) {
+ rix[i] = r->next(r);
+ } else {
+ rix[i] = i;
+ }
+ cols[rix[i]].ix = i; /* This colors random index */
+ }
+ rix[i] = 0; /* npat+1 may be read, so fill extra entry at end. */
+ if (rand)
+ r->del(r);
+ /* Setup initial contrast check */
+ {
+ col *pp, *cp, *np, *op; /* Previous, current, next and opposite patch */
+ col *maxd; /* Alias for maximum density */
+ col *mind; /* Alias for minimum density */
+ aat_atree_t *stree; /* Tree holding colors sorted by worst case contrast */
+ aat_atrav_t *aat_tr; /* Tree accessor */
+ double temp, trate; /* Annealing temperature & rate */
+ double tstart, tend;/* Annealing chedule range */
+ mind = &pcol[0]; /* White */
+ maxd = &pcol[7]; /* Black */
+ /* Create sorted tree so as to be able to locate the largest wnd */
+ if ((stree = aat_anew(cmp_eperr)) == NULL)
+ error("Allocating aat tree for colors failed");
+ if ((aat_tr = aat_atnew()) == NULL)
+ error("aat_atnew returned NULL");
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ int j, k; /* Patch index, Row index */
+ int tpitr; /* Test patches in this row */
+ double tt;
+ j = (i % tpprow);
+ k = i / tpprow;
+ /* Figure previous patch */
+ if (j == 0) { /* First in row */
+ if (domaxmin == 1)
+ pp = maxd; /* Maxd will be before first patch */
+ else if (domaxmin == 2) {
+ col *ppcol[3];
+ /* Compute the SID colors the DTP20 will use before row */
+ if (dtp20_enc(pcol, 3, 1, ppcol, k+1) != 0)
+ error("Internal, dtp20 SID row id failed, val %d, digits %d",k+1,3);
+ pp = ppcol[2]; /* Barcode patch next to first test patch */
+ } else
+ pp = media; /* Media will be before first patch */
+ } else {
+ pp = &cols[rix[i-1]];
+ }
+ /* Current patch */
+ cp = &cols[rix[i]];
+ /* Next patch */
+ if (j == (tpprow-1) || i == (npat-1)) { /* Last in row or last patch */
+ if ((j == (tpprow-1) || i == (npat-1)) && domaxmin == 1)
+ np = mind;
+ else if ((j == (tpprow-1) || i == (npat-1)) && domaxmin == 2)
+ np = mind; /* DTP20 has white trailing patch */
+ else
+ np = media;
+ } else {
+ np = &cols[rix[i+1]];
+ }
+ /* Opposite patch */
+ if (k == npat/tpprow) /* Last row */
+ tpitr = npat - tpprow * (npat/tpprow);
+ else
+ tpitr = tpprow;
+ op = &cols[rix[ k * tpprow + (tpitr -1 - j)]];
+ /* Setup pointers and worst case contrast */
+ cp->nc[0] = pp;
+ cp->nc[1] = np;
+ cp->oc = op;
+ cp->wnd = setup_spacer(NULL, pp, cp, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ tt = setup_spacer(NULL, cp, np, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ if (tt < cp->wnd)
+ cp->wnd = tt;
+ if (cp != op) {
+ tt = SYMWT * density_difference(cp, op, usede);
+ if (tt < cp->wnd)
+ cp->wnd = tt;
+ }
+ /* Insert it into the sorted list */
+ if ((aat_ainsert(stree, (void *)cp)) == 0)
+ error("aat_ainsert color %d failed",i);
+ }
+ if (verb) {
+ double wrdc = 1e300;
+ if ((cp = aat_atfirst(aat_tr, stree)) == NULL)
+ error("There seem to be no colors in the tree");
+ if (usede)
+ printf("Worst case delta E = %f\n", cp->wnd);
+ else
+ printf("Worst case density contrast = %f\n", cp->wnd);
+ /* Evaluate each strips direction confusion */
+ for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+ int j, tpitr; /* Test patches in this row */
+ double tot = 0.0;
+ if ((i * tpprow) >= npat)
+ break;
+ if (i == npat/tpprow) /* Last row */
+ tpitr = npat - tpprow * (npat/tpprow);
+ else
+ tpitr = tpprow;
+ for (tot = 0.0, j = 0; j < tpitr; j++) {
+ tot += density_difference(&cols[rix[ i * tpprow + j]],
+ &cols[rix[ i * tpprow + (tpitr -1 - j)]], usede);
+ }
+ tot /= tpitr;
+ if (tot < wrdc)
+ wrdc = tot;
+ }
+ if (usede)
+ printf("Worst case direction distinction delta E = %f\n", wrdc);
+ else
+ printf("Worst case direction distinction density contrast = %f\n", wrdc);
+ }
+ if (needpc == 0 || !rand || npat < 3)
+ return; /* Current order is sufficient */
+ if (verb) {
+ printf("Optimising layout for strip reader:\n");
+ printf(" 0%%"); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ if (spacer == 2) { /* Colored spacer, don't optimise too hard */
+ tstart = 0.4;
+ tend = 0.00001;
+ trate = 0.87;
+ } else { /* No spacer or B&W spacer, do more optimisation */
+ tstart = 0.4;
+ tend = 0.000005;
+ trate = 0.95;
+ }
+ /* Simulated anealing */
+ for (temp = tstart; temp > tend; temp *= trate) {
+ int ii, itlim; /* Maximum passes at a temperature */
+ int nsuc = 0; /* Number that succeed */
+ int suclim; /* Number of successful changes before continuing */
+ if (spacer == 2) { /* Colored spacer, don't optimise too hard */
+ itlim = npat * 10;
+ suclim = npat;
+ } else {
+ itlim = npat * 14;
+ suclim = npat;
+ }
+ if (verb) { /* Output percent intervals */
+ double pc;
+ pc = (log(temp) - log(tstart))/(log(tend) - log(tstart));
+ printf("%c%2d%%",cr_char,(int)(100.0 * pc+0.5)); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ /* Improve the ordering */
+ for (ii = 0; ii < itlim ; ii++) {
+ col *p1, *p2;
+ double tt, de;
+ /* Chose another patch to try swapping worst with */
+ p1 = aat_atfirst(aat_tr, stree); /* worst */
+ for (;;) {
+ tt = d_rand(0.0, 1.0);
+ p2 = &cols[(int)(tt * (npat-1.0))]; /* Swap candidate */
+ if (p1 != p2 && p2 != p1->oc)
+ break; /* Swap is not the worst or opposite */
+ }
+ /* Check p1 in p2's place */
+ de = setup_spacer(NULL, p2->nc[0], p1, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ tt = setup_spacer(NULL, p1, p2->nc[1], pcol, spacer, usede);
+ if (tt < de)
+ de = tt;
+ tt = SYMWT * density_difference(p2->oc, p1, usede);
+ if (tt < de)
+ de = tt;
+ /* Check p2 in p1's place */
+ tt = setup_spacer(NULL, p1->nc[0], p2, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ if (tt < de)
+ de = tt;
+ tt = setup_spacer(NULL, p2, p1->nc[1], pcol, spacer, usede);
+ if (tt < de)
+ de = tt;
+ tt = SYMWT * density_difference(p1->oc, p2, usede);
+ if (tt < de)
+ de = tt;
+ de = de - p1->wnd; /* Increase in worst difference */
+ /* If this swap will improve things, or temp is high enough, */
+ /* then actually do the swap. */
+ if (de > 0.0
+ || d_rand(0.0, 1.0) < exp(de/temp)) {
+ int t;
+ col *tp0, *tp1;
+ nsuc++;
+//printf("~1 temp = %f, ii = %d, swapping %d and %d\n",temp,ii,p1->i, p2->i);
+ /* Remove them from the tree */
+ if ((aat_aerase(stree, (void *)p1)) == 0)
+ error("aat_aerase failed to find color no %d", p1->i);
+ if ((aat_aerase(stree, (void *)p2)) == 0)
+ error("aat_aerase failed to find color no %d", p2->i);
+ /* Swap them in random index list */
+ rix[p1->ix] = p2->i;
+ rix[p2->ix] = p1->i;
+ t = p1->ix;
+ p1->ix = p2->ix;
+ p2->ix = t;
+ /* Swap their neighbors, taking care */
+ /* of the situation if they are neigbors */
+ tp0 = p1->nc[0];
+ tp1 = p2->nc[0];
+ if (tp0 == p1)
+ tp0 = p2;
+ else if (tp0 == p2)
+ tp0 = p1;
+ if (tp1 == p1)
+ tp1 = p2;
+ else if (tp1 == p2)
+ tp1 = p1;
+ p2->nc[0] = tp0;
+ p1->nc[0] = tp1;
+ tp0 = p1->nc[1];
+ tp1 = p2->nc[1];
+ if (tp0 == p1)
+ tp0 = p2;
+ else if (tp0 == p2)
+ tp0 = p1;
+ if (tp1 == p1)
+ tp1 = p2;
+ else if (tp1 == p2)
+ tp1 = p1;
+ p2->nc[1] = tp0;
+ p1->nc[1] = tp1;
+ /* Swap their opposites (they cannot be opposites of each other) */
+ p1->oc->oc = p2;
+ p2->oc->oc = p1;
+ tp0 = p1->oc;
+ p1->oc = p2->oc;
+ p2->oc = tp0;
+ /* Reset backwards references */
+ p1->nc[0]->nc[1] = p1;
+ p1->nc[1]->nc[0] = p1;
+ p2->nc[0]->nc[1] = p2;
+ p2->nc[1]->nc[0] = p2;
+ /* re-compute contrast to neighbors */
+ p1->wnd = setup_spacer(NULL, p1->nc[0], p1, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ tt = setup_spacer(NULL, p1, p1->nc[1], pcol, spacer, usede);
+ if (tt < p1->wnd)
+ p1->wnd = tt;
+ if (p1 != p1->oc) {
+ tt = SYMWT * density_difference(p1, p1->oc, usede);
+ if (tt < p1->wnd)
+ p1->wnd = tt;
+ }
+ p2->wnd = setup_spacer(NULL, p2->nc[0], p2, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ tt = setup_spacer(NULL, p2, p2->nc[1], pcol, spacer, usede);
+ if (tt < p2->wnd)
+ p2->wnd = tt;
+ if (p2 != p2->oc) {
+ tt = SYMWT * density_difference(p2, p2->oc, usede);
+ if (tt < p2->wnd)
+ p2->wnd = tt;
+ }
+ /* (!!! We haven't recomputed the possible change in the ->oc's */
+ /* ->wnd due to it's opposite haveing changed. !!!) */
+ /* Add them back to the tree */
+ if ((aat_ainsert(stree, (void *)p1)) == 0)
+ error("aat_ainsert color no %d failed",p1->i);
+ if ((aat_ainsert(stree, (void *)p2)) == 0)
+ error("aat_ainsert color no %d failed",p2->i);
+#ifdef NEVER
+printf("~1 current list = \n");
+for (cp = aat_atfirst(aat_tr, stree); cp != NULL; cp = aat_atnext(aat_tr))
+ printf("%d: %f\n",cp->i,cp->wnd);
+cp = aat_atfirst(aat_tr, stree);
+printf("~1 worst case contrast = %f, list index %d, id '%s', loc '%s'\n",
+cp->wnd, cp->i,cp->id,cp->loc);
+printf("~1 neighbor list index %d, id '%s', loc '%s'\n",
+printf("~1 neighbor list index %d, id '%s', loc '%s'\n",
+ if (nsuc > suclim)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (verb) {
+ double wrdc = 1e300;
+ if ((cp = aat_atfirst(aat_tr, stree)) == NULL)
+ error("There seem to be no colors in the tree");
+ if (usede)
+ printf("%c100%%\nAfter optimisation, worst delta E = %f\n",cr_char,cp->wnd);
+ else
+ printf("%c100%%\nAfter optimisation, density contrast = %f\n",cr_char,cp->wnd);
+ /* Evaluate each strips direction confusion */
+ for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+ int j, tpitr; /* Test patches in this row */
+ double tot = 0.0;
+ if ((i * tpprow) >= npat)
+ break;
+ if (i == npat/tpprow) /* Last row */
+ tpitr = npat - tpprow * (npat/tpprow);
+ else
+ tpitr = tpprow;
+ for (tot = 0.0, j = 0; j < tpitr; j++) {
+ tot += density_difference(&cols[rix[ i * tpprow + j]],
+ &cols[rix[ i * tpprow + (tpitr -1 - j)]], usede);
+ }
+ tot /= tpitr;
+ if (tot < wrdc)
+ wrdc = tot;
+ }
+ if (usede)
+ printf("Worst case direction distinction delta E = %f\n", wrdc);
+ else
+ printf("Worst case direction distinction density contrast = %f\n", wrdc);
+ }
+ aat_atdelete(aat_tr);
+ aat_adelete(stree);
+ }
+#define MAXPPROW 500 /* Absolute maximum patches per pass/row permitted */
+#define MAXROWLEN 2000.0 /* Absolute maximum row length */
+instType itype, /* Target instrument type */
+char *bname, /* Output file basename */
+col *cols, /* Array of colors to be put on target chart */
+int npat, /* Number of test targets needed */
+xcal *cal, /* Optional printer calibration, NULL if none */
+char *label, /* Per strip label */
+double pw, /* Page width */
+double ph, /* Page height */
+double bord, /* Border margin in mm */
+int nosubmarg, /* NZ if bord is not to be subtracted from raster */
+int nollimit, /* NZ to not limit the strip length */
+int nolpcbord, /* NZ to suppress left paper clip border */
+int rand, /* Randomise flag */
+int rstart, /* Starting index for random */
+alphix *saix, /* Strip alpha index object */
+alphix *paix, /* Patch alpha index object */
+int ixord, /* Index order, 0 = strip then patch */
+double pscale, /* Test patch & spacers scale factor */
+double sscale, /* Spacers scale factor */
+int hflag, /* Spectroscan/Munki high density modified */
+int verb, /* Verbose flag */
+int scanc, /* Scan compatible bits, 1 = .cht gen, 2 = wide first row */
+int oft, /* PS/EPS/TIFF select (0,1,2) */
+depth2d tiffdpth, /* TIFF pixel depth */
+double tiffres, /* TIFF resolution in DPI */
+int ncha, /* flag, use nchannel alpha */
+int tiffdith, /* flag, nz to use TIFF 8 bit dithering */
+int tiffcomp, /* flag, nz to use TIFF compression */
+int spacer, /* Spacer code, -1 = default, 0 = None, 1 = b&w, 2 = colored */
+int nmask, /* DeviceN mask */
+int altrep, /* printer grey/CMY representation type 0..8 */
+col *pcol, /* 8 spacer colors or 8 barcode colors for DTP20 */
+double *wp, /* Approximate white XYZ point */
+int *ptpprow, /* Return Test sample patches per row */
+unsigned char **pprps, /* Return malloced array holding Passes per strip */
+double *p_patchlen, /* Return patch length in mm */
+double *p_gaplen, /* Return gap length in mm */
+double *p_taplen, /* Return trailer length in mm */
+int *p_npat /* Return number of patches including padding */
+) {
+ char psname[MAXNAMEL+20]; /* Name of output file */
+ trend *tro = NULL; /* Target rendering object */
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2; /* Bounding box in mm */
+ double iw, ih; /* Imagable areas width and height in mm */
+ double arowl; /* Available row length */
+ int hex = 0; /* Hexagon patches flag (Spectrolino) */
+ double stagger = 0.0; /* Stagger alternate rows by half patch length */
+ /* Chart definition variables. Set to default and override */
+ /* for particular instruments. */
+ double lbord = 0.0; /* Additional left border */
+ int domaxmin = 0; /* if == 1, Top and tail strip with max and min values (DTP51) */
+ /* if == 2, Top and tail with DTP20 strip identification (SID) */
+ int nmaxp = 0; /* Number of max (header) patches for max/min/sid */
+ int nminp = 0; /* Number of min (trailer) patches for max/min/sid */
+ int nextrap = 0; /* Number of extra patches for max and min = nmaxp + nminp */
+ int needpc = 0; /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ int dorspace = 0; /* Do a rrsp from center of last patch to cut line & print label. */
+ int dopglabel = 0; /* Write a per page label */
+ double pglth = 0.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ int padlrow = 0; /* flag - Pad the last row with white */
+ double lspa = 0.0; /* Leader space before first patch containint border, label, SID etc. */
+ double lcar = 0.0; /* Leading clear area before first patch. Will be white */
+ double plen = 0.0; /* Patch min length */
+ double tidplen = 0.0; /* TID Patch min length */
+ double pspa = 0.0; /* Patch to patch spacer */
+ double tspa = 0.0; /* Clear space after last patch */
+ double txhi = 0.0; /* Step/cut, row label text height */
+ double txhisl = 0.0;/* Strip/column label text height */
+ int docutmarks = 0; /* Generate strip cut marks */
+ double clwi = 0.0; /* Cut line width */
+ int dorowlabel = 0; /* Generate a set of row labels */
+ double rlwi = 0.0; /* Row label test width */
+ double hxew = 0.0; /* Hexagon chart extra width padding to the right of patches */
+ double hxeh = 0.0; /* Hexagon chart extra height padding around patches */
+ double pwid = 0.0; /* Patch min width */
+ double rrsp = 0.0; /* Row to row spacing */
+ double pwex = 0.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ int mxpprow = 0; /* Maximum patches per row permitted (including min/max patches) */
+ double mxrowl = 0; /* Maximum row length for patchs (including min/max patches) */
+ /* Number of patches is strip by whichever is shorter */
+ int tidrows = 0; /* Rows on first page for target ID (ie. DTP20) */
+ int tidtype = 0; /* Target ID type. 0 = DTP20 */
+ int tidminp = 0; /* Target ID minumum number of patches */
+ int tidpad = 0; /* Initial padding to place TID near middle */
+ int tidnpat = npat; /* Number of test targets needed, including TID row */
+ int rpstrip = 0; /* Rows per strip */
+ int usede = 0; /* Use delta E to maximize patch/spacer conrast rather than density */
+ double mints, minbs; /* Minimum top & bottom space from paper edges */
+ double amints, aminbs; /* Actual mints & minbs, allowing for unused space */
+ double swid; /* Whole strip width */
+ int pprow; /* patches per row (inc. max/min/sid patches) */
+ int tidpprow; /* TID patches per row (inc. max/min/sid patches) */
+ int tpprow; /* test patches per row (excludes max/min/sid patches) */
+ int sppage; /* whole & partial strips per page */
+ int rppstrip; /* rows per partial strip on whole page */
+ int npages; /* Number whole & partial pages */
+ int lsppage; /* Last page whole & partial strips per page */
+ int lrpstrip; /* Last strips whole & partial rows per strip */
+ int lpprow; /* last row patches per row (inc. max/min/sid patches) */
+ int ppstrip; /* Real patches per whole strip */
+ int pppage; /* Real patches per whole page */
+ int rem; /* temporary */
+ double sxwi = 0.0; /* Scan compatible first row extra width */
+ int *rix; /* Random index lookup (Logical -> patch index) */
+ int i; /* Logical patch in target list */
+ int l_si; /* Last start of page value of i */
+ int ix; /* Patch index in target list */
+ int pir; /* Patch in row */
+ int ris; /* Row in strip */
+ int sip; /* Set in page (including partial strip) */
+ int pif; /* Page in file */
+ double x = 0.0, y = 0.0; /* Current position */
+ col *pp = NULL, *cp = NULL; /* Previous and current printed patch colors */
+ int cpf = 0; /* Current patch special flag. 1 = start bit, 2 = stop bit */
+ int slix; /* Strip label index, -1 for TID */
+ char *slab = NULL; /* Strip label string */
+ unsigned char *rpsp; /* Rows per strip, pointer */
+ col *mark; /* Alias for mark color */
+ col *media; /* Alias for media color */
+ col *maxd; /* Alias for minimum density */
+ col *mind; /* Alias for maximum density */
+ col *sc; /* Alias for current spacer color */
+ /* Note pcol[] is setup by targen to be:
+ 0 = white
+ 1 = Cyan
+ 2 = Magenta
+ 3 = Blue
+ 4 = Yellow
+ 5 = Green
+ 6 = Red
+ 7 = Black
+ 8 = 50/50/50 CMY Grey
+ (Should switch to symbols for these ??)
+ */
+ /* We assume that since this is intended for a printer, */
+ /* the media is always white. This may not be the case */
+ /* on other output media. */
+ if (itype == instDTP20)
+ mark = &pcol[8]; /* Grey */
+ else
+ mark = &pcol[7]; /* Black */
+ media = &pcol[0]; /* White */
+ mind = &pcol[0]; /* White */
+ maxd = &pcol[7]; /* Black */
+ /* Setup DTP20 bar code encoding for spacers. */
+ pcol[0].dtp20_octval = 0; /* White */
+ pcol[0].dtp20_psize = 6.5;
+ pcol[1].dtp20_octval = 4; /* Cyan */
+ pcol[1].dtp20_psize = 10.0;
+ pcol[2].dtp20_octval = 2; /* Magenta */
+ pcol[2].dtp20_psize = 0.0;
+ pcol[3].dtp20_octval = 6; /* Blue */
+ pcol[3].dtp20_psize = 12.5;
+ pcol[4].dtp20_octval = 1; /* Yellow */
+ pcol[4].dtp20_psize = 7.0;
+ pcol[5].dtp20_octval = 5; /* Green */
+ pcol[5].dtp20_psize = 0.0;
+ pcol[6].dtp20_octval = 3; /* Red */
+ pcol[6].dtp20_psize = 0.0;
+ pcol[7].dtp20_octval = 7; /* Black */
+ pcol[7].dtp20_psize = 13.0;
+ /* Setup .cht edge tracking information */
+ et_init();
+ et_height(oft != 2 ? mm2pnt(ph) : ph);
+ et_media(media->rgb);
+ /* Set Instrument specific parameters */
+ if (itype == instDTP20) { /* Xrite DTP20 */
+ hex = 0; /* No hex for strip instruments */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ domaxmin = 2; /* Print SID patches */
+ nmaxp = 4; /* Extra header patches */
+ nminp = 1; /* Extra trailer patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 0; /* Maximise number of rows */
+ dopglabel = 1; /* Write a per page label */
+ padlrow = 1; /* Pad the last row with white */
+ spacer = 0; /* No Spacer between patches */
+ pspa = 0.0; /* No spacer width */
+ usede = 1; /* Use delta E to maximize patch/spacer conrast */
+ needpc = 1; /* Helps to have patch to patch contrast in a row ? */
+ lspa = bord + 5.0 + 5.0; /* Leader space before first patch = bord + pcar + yxhi */
+ lcar = 5.0; /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ plen = pscale * (6.5); /* Patch min length */
+ if(plen <= 6.75) /* Patch length must be one of 5 lengths */
+ plen = 6.5;
+ else if(plen <= 8.0)
+ plen = 7.0;
+ else if(plen <= 11.25)
+ plen = 10.0;
+ else if(plen <= 12.75)
+ plen = 12.5;
+ else
+ plen = 13.0;
+ tidplen = 6.0; /* TID Patch length. Can't vary. */
+ tspa = 5.0; /* Clear space after last patch */
+ pwid = 10.0; /* Patch min width. (The guide slot is 12mm ?) */
+ if (plen > pwid)
+ pwid = plen; /* Make patch at least as wide as long */
+ rrsp = pwid; /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ pwex = 0.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ if (nollimit == 0) {
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted (set by length) */
+ mxrowl = (240.0 - lcar - tspa); /* Maximum row length */
+ } else {
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted (set by length) */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* No row length */
+ }
+ tidrows = 1; /* Rows on first page for target ID */
+ tidtype = 0; /* Target ID type. 0 = DTP20 */
+ tidminp = 21; /* Target ID minumum number of patches (+ white) */
+ rpstrip = 999; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = 5.0; /* Label Text Height */
+ txhisl = 2.0; /* Strip Label Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 0; /* Don't generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.0; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 0; /* Don't generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 0.0; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ if (npat > 4095)
+ error ("Number of patchs %d exceeds maximum of 4095 for DTP20");
+ } else if (itype == instDTP22 ) { /* X-Rite DTP22 Digital Swatchbook */
+ hex = hflag ? 1 : 0; /* Hex if requestested */
+ domaxmin = 0; /* Don't print max and min patches */
+ nextrap = 0; /* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ nmaxp = nminp = 0; /* Extra max/min patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 0; /* Do a rrsp from center of last patch to cut line */
+ dopglabel = 1; /* Write a per page label */
+ padlrow = 0; /* Pad the last row with white */
+ spacer = 0; /* No spacer */
+ usede = 1; /* Use delta E to maximize patch/spacer conrast */
+ needpc = 1; /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ lspa = bord + 8.0; /* Leader space before first patch = border + text */
+ lcar = 0.0; /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ if (hex) {
+ plen = pscale * sqrt(0.75) * 8.0; /* Patch min length */
+ hxeh = 1.0/6.0 * plen; /* Extra border for hex tops & bottoms */
+ hxew = pscale * 0.25 * 8.0; /* Extra border for hex sides */
+ } else {
+ plen = pscale * 8.0; /* Patch min length */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ }
+ pspa = 0.0; /* Inbetween Patch spacer */
+ tspa = 0.0; /* Clear space after last patch */
+ pwid = pscale * 8.0; /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = pscale * 8.0; /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ pwex = 0.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* Maximum row length */
+ tidrows = 0; /* No rows on first page for target ID */
+ rpstrip = 999; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = txhisl = 5.0; /* Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 0; /* Don't generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.0; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 1; /* Generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 8.0; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ } else if (itype == instDTP41) { /* Xrite DTP41 */
+ hex = 0; /* No hex for strip instruments */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ domaxmin = 0; /* Don't print max and min patches */
+ nmaxp = nminp = 0; /* Extra max/min patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 0; /* Maximise number of rows */
+ dopglabel = 1; /* Write a per page label */
+ padlrow = 1; /* Pad the last row with white */
+ if (spacer < 0)
+ spacer = 2; /* Colored Spacer */
+ needpc = 1; /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ lspa = inch2mm(1.5); /* Leader space before first patch */
+ lcar = inch2mm(0.5); /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ plen = pscale * inch2mm(0.29); /* Patch min length (should be 7.0 mm min.) */
+ if (spacer > 0)
+ pspa = pscale * sscale * inch2mm(0.08); /* Inbetween Patch spacer (should be 2.0 mm min.)*/
+ else
+ pspa = 0.0; /* No spacer */
+ tspa = 2 * (plen + pspa); /* Clear space after last patch */
+ pwid = inch2mm(0.5); /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = inch2mm(0.5); /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ pwex = (rrsp - pwid)/2.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ if (nollimit == 0) {
+ mxpprow = 100; /* Maximum patches per row permitted */
+ mxrowl = inch2mm(55.0); /* Maximum row length */
+ } else {
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* Maximum row length */
+ }
+ tidrows = 0; /* No rows on first page for target ID */
+ rpstrip = 8; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = txhisl = 5.0; /* Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 1; /* Generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.3; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 0; /* Don't generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 0.0; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ } else if (itype == instDTP51) { /* Xrite DTP51 */
+ hex = 0; /* No hex for strip instruments */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ domaxmin = 1; /* Print max and min patches */
+ nmaxp = nminp = 1; /* Extra max/min patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 1; /* Do a rrsp from center of last patch to cut line */
+ dopglabel = 0; /* No need for a per page label */
+ padlrow = 1; /* Pad the last row with white */
+ if (spacer < 0)
+ spacer = 2; /* Colored Spacer */
+ needpc = 1; /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ lspa = inch2mm(1.2); /* Leader space before first patch */
+ lcar = inch2mm(0.25); /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ plen = pscale * inch2mm(0.4); /* Patch min length */
+ if (spacer > 0)
+ pspa = pscale * sscale * inch2mm(0.07); /* Inbetween Patch spacer */
+ else
+ pspa = 0.0; /* No spacer */
+ tspa = inch2mm(0.0); /* Clear space after last patch */
+ pwid = inch2mm(0.4); /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = inch2mm(0.5); /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ pwex = (rrsp - pwid)/2.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ if (nollimit == 0) {
+ mxpprow = 72; /* Maximum patches per row permitted */
+ mxrowl = inch2mm(40.0); /* Maximum row length */
+ } else {
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* Maximum row length */
+ }
+ tidrows = 0; /* No rows on first page for target ID */
+ rpstrip = 6; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = txhisl = 5.0; /* Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 1; /* Generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.3; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 0; /* Don't generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 0.0; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ } else if (itype == instSpectroScan ) { /* GretagMacbeth SpectroScan */
+ hex = hflag ? 1 : 0; /* Hex if requestested */
+ domaxmin = 0; /* Don't print max and min patches */
+ nextrap = 0; /* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ nmaxp = nminp = 0; /* Extra max/min patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 0; /* Maximise number of rows */
+ dopglabel = 1; /* Write a per page label */
+ padlrow = 0; /* Pad the last row with white */
+ spacer = 0; /* No spacer */
+ needpc = 0; /* Don't need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ lspa = bord + 7.0; /* Leader space before first patch = border + text */
+ lcar = 0.0; /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ if (hex) {
+ plen = pscale * sqrt(0.75) * 7.0; /* Patch min length */
+ hxeh = 1.0/6.0 * plen; /* Extra border for hex tops & bottoms */
+ hxew = pscale * 0.25 * 7.0; /* Extra border for hex sides */
+ } else {
+ plen = pscale * 7.0; /* Patch min length */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ }
+ pspa = 0.0; /* Inbetween Patch spacer */
+ tspa = 0.0; /* Clear space after last patch */
+ pwid = pscale * 7.0; /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = pscale * 7.0; /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ pwex = 0.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* Maximum row length */
+ tidrows = 0; /* No rows on first page for target ID */
+ rpstrip = 999; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = txhisl = 5.0; /* Row/Column Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 0; /* Don't generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.0; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 1; /* Generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 7.5; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ } else if (itype == instI1Pro ) { /* GretagMacbeth Eye-One Pro */
+ if (nolpcbord == 0 && bord < 26.0)
+ lbord = 26.0 - bord; /* need this for holder to grip paper and plastic spacer */
+ hex = 0; /* No hex for strip instruments */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ domaxmin = 0; /* Don't print max and min patches */
+ nextrap = 0; /* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ nmaxp = nminp = 0; /* Extra max/min patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 0; /* Maximise number of rows by having no space between them */
+ dopglabel = 1; /* Write a per page label */
+ padlrow = 1; /* Don't need to pad the last row for the i1, */
+ /* but the strip read logic can't handle it. */
+ if (spacer < 0)
+ spacer = 2; /* Colored Spacer */
+ needpc = 1; /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ usede = 1; /* Use delta E to maximize patch/spacer conrast */
+ lspa = bord + 7.0 + 10.0; /* Leader space before first patch = bord + txhisl + lcar */
+ lcar = 10.0; /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ plen = pscale * 10.00; /* Patch min length - total 11 mm */
+ if (spacer > 0)
+ pspa = pscale * sscale * 1.00; /* Inbetween Patch spacer 1mm */
+ else
+ pspa = 0.0; /* No spacer */
+ tspa = 10.0; /* Clear space after last patch - run off */
+ pwid = pscale * 8.0; /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = pscale * 8.0; /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ pwex = 0.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ if (nollimit == 0) {
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted (set by length) */
+ mxrowl = (260.0 - lcar - tspa); /* Maximum holder row length */
+ } else {
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* Maximum */
+ }
+ tidrows = 0; /* No rows on first page for target ID */
+ rpstrip = 999; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = txhisl = 7.0; /* Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 0; /* Don't generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.0; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 0; /* Don't generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 0.0; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ } else if (itype == instColorMunki ) { /* X-Rite ColorMunki */
+ hex = 0; /* No hex for strip instruments */
+ hxew = hxeh = 0.0; /* No extra padding because no hex */
+ domaxmin = 0; /* Don't print max and min patches */
+ nextrap = 0; /* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ nmaxp = nminp = 0; /* Extra max/min patches */
+ nextrap = nmaxp + nminp;/* Number of extra patches for max and min */
+ dorspace = 0; /* Put spaces between rows for guidance */
+ dopglabel = 1; /* Write a per page label */
+ padlrow = 1; /* Don't need to pad the last row for the Munki, */
+ /* but the strip read logic can't handle it. */
+ if (spacer < 0)
+ spacer = 2; /* Colored Spacer */
+ needpc = 1; /* Need patch to patch contrast in a row */
+ usede = 1; /* Use delta E to maximize patch/spacer conrast */
+ lspa = bord + 7.0 + 20.0; /* Leader space before first patch = bord + txhisl + lcar */
+ lcar = 20.0; /* Leading clear area before first patch */
+ plen = pscale * 14.00; /* Patch min length - total 15 mm */
+ if (spacer > 0)
+ pspa = pscale * sscale * 1.0; /* Inbetween Patch spacer 1mm */
+ else
+ pspa = 0.0; /* No spacer */
+ tspa = 25.0; /* Clear space after last patch - run off */
+ if (hflag) { /* High density */
+ pwid = pscale * 13.7; /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = pscale * 13.7; /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ hxeh = 0.25 * plen; /* Extra space for row stagger */
+ stagger = 0.5 * (plen + 0.5 * pspa); /* Do stagger */
+ } else {
+ pwid = pscale * 28.0; /* Patch min width */
+ rrsp = pscale * 28.0; /* Row center to row center spacing */
+ }
+ pwex = 0.0; /* Patch width expansion between rows of a strip */
+ mxpprow = MAXPPROW; /* Maximum patches per row permitted (set by length) */
+ mxrowl = MAXROWLEN; /* Maximum row length */
+ tidrows = 0; /* No rows on first page for target ID */
+ rpstrip = 999; /* Rows per strip */
+ txhi = txhisl = 7.0; /* Text Height */
+ docutmarks = 0; /* Don't generate strip cut marks */
+ clwi = 0.0; /* Cut line width */
+ dorowlabel = 0; /* Don't generate row labels */
+ rlwi = 0.0; /* Row label width */
+ pglth = 5.0; /* Page Label text height */
+ } else {
+ error("Unsupported intrument type");
+ }
+ /* Compute page limits */
+ x1 = bord + lbord; /* Bounding box in mm */
+ y1 = bord;
+ x2 = pw - bord;
+ y2 = ph - bord;
+ iw = x2 - x1; /* Imagable areas width and height in mm */
+ ih = y2 - y1;
+ *p_patchlen = plen; /* Return patch lenth in mm */
+ *p_gaplen = pspa; /* Return gap lenth in mm */
+ *p_taplen = tspa; /* Return trailer lenth in mm */
+ if (scanc & 2) /* Scan compatiblity */
+ sxwi = pwid/2.0; /* First row patches extra width */
+ /* Compute limits for this page size */
+ /* Figure the available space for patches */
+ mints = bord + txhisl + lcar; /* Minimum top space due to border, text and clear area */
+ if (mints < lspa)
+ mints = lspa; /* Minimum top space due to leader */
+ minbs = bord; /* Minimum botom space due to border */
+ if (minbs < tspa)
+ minbs = tspa; /* Minimum botom space due to trailer */
+ arowl = ph - mints - minbs - 2.0 * hxeh; /* Available space for printing test patches */
+ if (arowl > mxrowl)
+ arowl = mxrowl; /* Limit maximum row length */
+ /* We are assuming that every patch may be surounded by a spacer */
+ /* (ie. there are always pprow+1 gaps spacers are used) */
+ pprow = (int)((arowl - pspa)/(plen + pspa)); /* Raw Patches per row */
+ if (pprow > mxpprow) /* Limit to maximum */
+ pprow = mxpprow;
+ tidpprow = 0;
+ if (tidminp > 0 && tidplen > 0.0) {
+ tidpprow = (int)((arowl - pspa)/(tidplen + pspa)); /* Raw TID Patches per row */
+ if (tidpprow < tidminp) /* TID doesn't use nextrap */
+ error("Paper size not long enough for target identification row (need %.1f mm, got %.1f mm)!",tidminp * (tidplen + pspa) - pspa, arowl);
+ }
+ tidpad = (pprow - tidminp)/2; /* Center TID */
+ if (pprow < (1+nextrap))
+ error("Paper size not long enought for a single patch per row!");
+ *ptpprow = tpprow = pprow - nextrap; /* Test sample patches per row */
+ tidnpat = npat + (tidrows * tpprow); /* Total patches including TID row, but not max/min/sid */
+ /* (Sample patches per row including TID) */
+ if ((*pprps = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * (2 + (tidnpat/tpprow)))) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc failed!");
+ rpsp = *pprps;
+ /* Compute actual lowest coordinate used */
+ aminbs = ph - mints - pspa - pprow * (plen + pspa);
+ amints = mints + 0.5 * (aminbs - minbs); /* Distribute extra space */
+ aminbs = minbs + 0.5 * (aminbs - minbs);
+ /* Compute whole strip width */
+ if (dorspace)
+ swid = rpstrip * rrsp + pwid/2.0; /* set gutter is rrsp - pwid/2 wide */
+ else
+ swid = (rpstrip-1) * rrsp + pwid + clwi; /* set gutter is 0, but allow for cut line */
+ /* Compute strips per page. Number of whole strips + partial strips */
+ sppage = (int)((iw - rlwi - sxwi - 2.0 * hxew - (dopglabel ? pglth : 0.0))/swid) + 1;
+ /* Compute rows per partial strip on whole page */
+ if (dorspace)
+ rppstrip = (int)((iw - rlwi - sxwi - 2.0 * hxew - (dopglabel ? pglth : 0.0) - swid * (sppage-1) - pwid/2.0)/rrsp);
+ else
+ rppstrip = (int)((iw - rlwi - sxwi - 2.0 * hxew - (dopglabel ? pglth : 0.0) - swid * (sppage-1) - pwid + rrsp)/rrsp);
+ if (rppstrip < 0)
+ rppstrip = 0;
+ if (rppstrip == 0) { /* Make last partial strip a full strip */
+ sppage--;
+ rppstrip = rpstrip;
+ }
+ if (sppage <= 0)
+ error("Not enough width for even one row!");
+ /* The number of pages needed */
+ pppage = tpprow * ((sppage-1) * rpstrip + rppstrip);/* Real patches per page */
+ npages = (tidnpat + pppage -1)/pppage; /* whole & partial pages */
+ ppstrip = tpprow * rpstrip; /* Real patches per full strip */
+ rem = tidnpat; /* Total test patches to print */
+ rem -= (npages-1) * pppage; /* Remaining patches to be printed on last page */
+ lsppage = (rem + ppstrip -1)/ppstrip; /* Last pages whole & partial strips per page */
+ rem -= (lsppage - 1) * ppstrip; /* remaining patches to be printed in last strip */
+ lrpstrip = (rem + tpprow - 1)/tpprow;
+ /* Last strips whole & partial rows per strip */
+ rem -= (lrpstrip - 1) * tpprow; /* remaining patches to be printed in last row */
+ lpprow = rem + nextrap; /* Patches in last row of last strip of last page */
+ if (verb) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Patches = %d\n",npat);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Test patches per row = %d\n",tpprow);
+ if (sppage == 1)
+ fprintf(stderr,"Rows per page = %d, patches per page = %d\n",rppstrip, pppage);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr,"Strips per page = %d, rows per partial strip = %d, patches per page = %d\n",sppage, rppstrip, pppage);
+ if (tidrows > 0)
+ fprintf(stderr,"Target ID rows in first page = %d\n", tidrows);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Rows in last strip = %d, patches in last row = %d\n", lrpstrip, lpprow-nextrap);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Total pages needed = %d\n",npages);
+ }
+ if (padlrow) { /* Add in extra padding patches */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; lpprow < pprow; lpprow++, npat++, tidnpat++, i = (i + 1) & 7) {
+#ifdef NEVER
+ if (needpc && rand)
+ cols[npat] = pcol[i]; /* structure copy */
+ else
+ cols[npat] = *media; /* structure copy */
+ cols[npat] = *media; /* structure copy */
+ cols[npat].i = npat; /* Now has an index */
+ cols[npat].t &= ~T_PRESET;
+ cols[npat].t |= T_PAD;
+ cols[npat].id = "0"; /* Padding identification */
+ }
+ }
+ *p_npat = npat; /* Return number of patches including padding */
+//printf("~1 padded no of patches = %d\n", npat);
+ /* Setup logical to random patch mapping */
+ if ((rix = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (npat + 1))) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc failed!");
+ setup_randix(rix, npat, rand, rstart, verb, cols, pcol,
+ tpprow, spacer, needpc, domaxmin, media, usede);
+ rix[npat] = -1; /* Shouldn't use this */
+ /* Init everything */
+ l_si = i = 0; /* Physical test patch index. */
+ ix = rix[i]; /* First index */
+ pir = 1; /* Starting patch in row (includes max/min patches) */
+ ris = 1; /* Starting row in strip. */
+ sip = 1; /* Starting strip in page */
+ pif = 1; /* Starting page in file */
+ /* slix is 0..n but is pre-incremented, so start at -1 */
+ slix = -1 -tidrows; /* Start at -2 if there is a TID */
+ /* Until there are no more patches to do */
+ for (;;) {
+ char *sp = NULL; /* String pointer - label */
+ double w; /* Width of next patch */
+ int flags; /* flags for current patch */
+#define IS_FPIR 0x00001 /* Is first patch in row (possibly max density patch) */
+#define IS_XPAT 0x00002 /* Is max density/SID patch */
+#define IS_NPAT 0x00004 /* Is min density/SID patch */
+#define IS_LPIR 0x00008 /* Is last patch in row (possibly min density patch) */
+#define IS_FRIS 0x00010 /* Is first row in strip */
+#define IS_LRIS 0x00020 /* Is last row in strip */
+#define IS_FSIP 0x00040 /* Is first strip in page */
+#define IS_LSIP 0x00080 /* Is last strip in page */
+#define IS_FPIF 0x00100 /* Is first page in file */
+#define IS_LPIF 0x00200 /* Is last page in file */
+#define IS_PAD 0x04000 /* Is fake padding patch, to round out very last row */
+ /* Init flags for this patch */
+ flags = 0;
+ if (pir == 1)
+ flags |= IS_FPIR;
+ if (pir <= nmaxp)
+ flags |= IS_XPAT;
+ if (slix < -1) { /* If TID row */
+ if (pir == tidpprow)
+ flags |= IS_LPIR;
+ } else {
+ if (pir > (pprow - nminp))
+ flags |= IS_NPAT;
+ if (pir == pprow)
+ flags |= IS_LPIR;
+ }
+ if (ris == 1)
+ flags |= IS_FRIS;
+ if (ris == rpstrip)
+ flags |= IS_LRIS;
+ if (sip == 1)
+ flags |= IS_FSIP;
+ if (sip == sppage) {
+ flags |= IS_LSIP;
+ if (ris == rppstrip)
+ flags |= IS_LRIS;
+ }
+ if (pif == 1)
+ flags |= IS_FPIF;
+ if (pif == npages) {
+ flags |= IS_LPIF;
+ if (sip == lsppage) {
+ flags |= IS_LSIP;
+ if (ris == lrpstrip) {
+ flags |= IS_LRIS;
+ if (padlrow) { /* Last row in chart may be a runt */
+ if (pir > lpprow)
+ flags |= IS_PAD;
+ } else {
+ if (pir > (lpprow - nminp))
+ flags |= IS_NPAT;
+ if (pir == lpprow)
+ flags |= IS_LPIR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//printf("~1 pir %d, ris %d, sip %d, pif %d\n", pir, ris, sip, pif);
+ /* Set initial patch width */
+ w = pwid;
+ if (!(flags & IS_FRIS))
+ w += pwex; /* Extend patch into previous row to row gap */
+ if (!(flags & IS_LRIS))
+ w += pwex; /* Extend patch into next row to row gap */
+ if ((flags & IS_FRIS) && (flags & IS_FSIP)) /* First row on page */
+ w += sxwi; /* Make first row fatter for scan compatiblity */
+ if (flags & IS_FPIR) { /* Start of row */
+ y = ph - amints; /* Start ready for spacer or patch */
+ if (flags & IS_FRIS) { /* Start of strip */
+ if (flags & IS_FSIP) { /* Start of page */
+ x = x1; /* Start at leftmost position */
+ if (oft == 0) { /* PS */
+ if (flags & IS_FPIF) { /* First page */
+ sprintf(psname,"",bname);
+ if ((tro = new_ps_trend(psname,npages,nmask,pw,ph,oft,rand,rstart)) == NULL)
+ error ("Unable to create output rendering object file '%s'",psname);
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Creating file '%s'\n",psname);
+ }
+ } else if (oft == 1) { /* EPS */
+ if (npages > 1)
+ sprintf(psname,"%s_%02d.eps",bname,pif);
+ else
+ sprintf(psname,"%s.eps",bname);
+ if ((tro = new_ps_trend(psname,npages,nmask,pw,ph,oft,rand,rstart)) == NULL)
+ error ("Unable to create output rendering object file '%s'",psname);
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Creating file '%s'\n",psname);
+ } else { /* TIFF */
+ double res; /* pix/mm */
+ if (npages > 1)
+ sprintf(psname,"%s_%02d.tif",bname,pif);
+ else
+ sprintf(psname,"%s.tif",bname);
+ res = tiffres/25.4;
+ if ((tro = new_tiff_trend(psname,nmask,tiffdpth,pw,ph,
+ nosubmarg ? 0 : bord, res,res,altrep,ncha,tiffcomp, tiffdith)) == NULL)
+ error ("Unable to create output rendering object file '%s'",psname);
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Creating file '%s'\n",psname);
+ }
+ tro->startpage(tro,pif);
+ /* Print all the row labels */
+ if (dorowlabel) {
+ double ty = y; /* Temp y coord */
+ int tpir; /* Temp patch in row */
+ for (tpir = 0; tpir < pprow; tpir++) {
+ /* If we're within test sample patch range */
+ if (tpir >= nmaxp && tpir < (pprow - nminp)) {
+ char *rlabl;
+ if ((rlabl = paix->aix(paix, tpir - nmaxp)) == NULL)
+ error ("Patch in row label %d out of range",tpir);
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, mark);
+ tro->string(tro, x, ty-plen, rlwi, plen, rlabl);
+ free(rlabl);
+ }
+ ty -= plen + pspa;
+ }
+ x += rlwi;
+ }
+ x += hxew; /* Extra space on left for bits of hex */
+ /* Clear edge list tracking */
+ et_clear();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Increment strip label 0..n */
+ slix++;
+ /* Print strip label */
+ if ((lspa - lcar - bord) >= txhisl) { /* There is room for label */
+ if (slix < 0) { /* TID */
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, mark);
+ tro->string(tro,x,y2-txhisl,w,txhisl,"TID");
+ } else { /* Not TID */
+ if (slab != NULL)
+ free(slab);
+ if ((slab = saix->aix(saix, slix)) == NULL)
+ error("strip index %d out of range",slix);
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, mark);
+ tro->string(tro,x,y2-txhisl,w,txhisl,slab);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Start with background = media */
+ pp = media;
+ /* Stagger rows */
+ if (stagger > 0.0) {
+ if (slix & 1)
+ y -= stagger;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Figure the current patch color */
+ cpf = 0;
+ if (slix < 0) { /* TID */
+ cp = mind; /* Default padding color is white */
+ if (pir > tidpad && pir <= (tidpad + tidminp) ) {
+ int opir = pir - tidpad -1; /* TID index 0 .. tidminp-1 */
+ if (opir == 0) {
+ cp = &pcol[1]; /* Cyan */
+ } else if (opir >= 1 && opir <= 2) { /* Patches in each strip */
+ col *ppcol[2];
+ if (dtp20_enc(pcol, 2, 0, ppcol, tpprow) != 0)
+ error("Internal, dtp20 TID ppstrip failed, val %d, digits %d",tpprow,2);
+ cp = ppcol[opir-1];
+ } else if (opir >= 3 && opir <= 6) { /* Total patches, including padding */
+ col *ppcol[4];
+ if (dtp20_enc(pcol, 4, 0, ppcol, npat) != 0)
+ error("Internal, dtp20 tot patches failed, val %d, digits %d",npat,4);
+ cp = ppcol[opir-3];
+ } else if (opir == 7) { /* Patch size */
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ if (fabs(pcol[j].dtp20_psize - plen) < 0.001)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j >= 8)
+ error("Can't encode patch length for DTP20");
+ cp = &pcol[j];
+ } else if (opir == 8) { /* Patch spacer width */
+ int j, k;
+ k = (int)(pspa / 0.5 + 0.5);
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ if (pcol[j].dtp20_octval == k)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j >= 8)
+ error("Can't encode spacer length for DTP20");
+ cp = &pcol[j];
+ } else if (opir >= 9 && opir <= 18) { /* User defined */
+ if (opir == 9) { /* Indicate what user defined is used for */
+ cp = &pcol[0]; /* 0 = random seed format */
+ } else if (opir >= 10 && opir <= 13) { /* Random seend value */
+ col *ppcol[4];
+ if (dtp20_enc(pcol, 4, 0, ppcol, rstart) != 0)
+ error("Internal, dtp20 chart id failed, val %d, digits %d",rstart,4);
+ cp = ppcol[opir-10];
+ } else { /* 14 .. 18 */
+ cp = &pcol[0]; /* Currently unused */
+ }
+ } else if (opir == 19) {
+ cp = &pcol[4]; /* Yellow */
+ } else if (opir == 20) {
+ cp = &pcol[2]; /* Magenta */
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (flags & IS_XPAT) { /* Max or SID at start of row */
+ sp = NULL; /* Not a test patch (no label) */
+ if (domaxmin == 1) {
+ cp = maxd; /* Maximum density patch at start */
+ } else if (domaxmin == 2) {
+ if (pir == 1) { /* At very start */
+ cpf = 1; /* Create start bit */
+ cp = &pcol[8]; /* Starts with 50/50/50 DTP20 Grey */
+ } else {
+ col *ppcol[3];
+ /* Compute the patch colors the DTP20 will use before row */
+ if (dtp20_enc(pcol, 3, 1, ppcol, slix+1) != 0)
+ error("Internal, dtp20 SID row id failed, val %d, digits %d",slix+1,3);
+ cp = ppcol[pir-2];
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (flags & IS_NPAT) { /* Min at end of rows or stop bit */
+ sp = NULL; /* Not a test patch (no label) */
+ if (domaxmin == 1) {
+ cp = mind;
+ } else if (domaxmin == 2) { /* DTP20 end patch */
+ cpf = 2; /* Create stop bit */
+ cp = mind; /* Starts with mind */
+ }
+ } else if (flags & IS_PAD) { /* Fake blank patch */
+ sp = NULL; /* Not a test patch (no label) */
+ cp = media;
+ } else { /* set test sample patch location and color */
+ int apir = pir - nmaxp; /* Adjusted pir for max/min patches */
+ if (sp != NULL)
+ free(sp);
+ if ((sp = patch_location(saix, paix, ixord, slix, apir-1)) == NULL)
+ error ("Patch location out of range, strip %d patch %d",slix,apir-1);
+ if (ix < 0) {
+ error("Internal, got -ve patch index for generating patch %d",i);
+ }
+ strcpy(cols[ix].loc, sp); /* Record location */
+ cp = &cols[ix]; /* Get color for this patch */
+ i++; /* Consumed a test patch */
+ if (i > npat)
+ error("Internal - ran out of test patches !");
+ ix = rix[i]; /* Next patch index */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Print a spacer in front of patch if requested */
+ if (spacer > 0) {
+ setup_spacer(&sc, pp, cp, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, sc);
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y, w, pspa, NULL,1);
+ y -= pspa;
+ }
+ /* Print patch */
+ {
+ double wplen = plen;
+ if (slix < 0) {
+ wplen = tidplen; /* TID can have a different length patch */
+ }
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, cp); /* Patch color set above */
+ if (hex) {
+ int apir = pir - nmaxp; /* Adjusted pir for max/min patches */
+ tro->hexagon(tro, x, y, w, wplen, apir-1, sp);
+ } else {
+ /* We hack in the twin patches for the DTP20 start and stop */
+ /* Initial color is set above (as for regular patches) */
+ if (cpf == 1) { /* DTP20 start bit */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y, w, 1.0, sp,1); /* 50/50/50 set above */
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, mind); /* White */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y - 1.0, w, wplen - 1.0, sp,1);
+ } else if (cpf == 2) { /* DTP20 stop bit */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y, w, wplen - 3.0, sp,1); /* mind set above */
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, &pcol[8]); /* 50/50/50 Grey for DTP20 */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y - wplen + 3.0, w, 3.0, sp,1);
+ } else { /* Normal patch */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y, w, wplen, sp,1);
+ }
+ }
+ y -= wplen;
+ }
+ if (sp != NULL) { /* Done with sp for the moment */
+ free(sp);
+ sp = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Advance the patch count */
+ pir++;
+ pp = cp; /* Current color becomes last color */
+ /* If this is the last patch in the row, */
+ /* print a possible last spacer. */
+ if (flags & IS_LPIR) { /* End of row */
+ cp = media;
+ if (spacer > 0) {
+ setup_spacer(&sc, pp, cp, pcol, spacer, usede);
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, sc);
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x, y, w, pspa, NULL,1);
+ y -= pspa;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & IS_LPIR) { /* Last patch in row */
+ pir = 1;
+ ris++;
+ /* First step to the middle of the patch */
+ if (flags & IS_FRIS)
+ x += pwid/2.0;
+ else
+ x += pwid/2.0 + pwex;
+ /* Then step to the start of the next patch */
+ if (flags & IS_LRIS) {
+ if (dorspace)
+ x += rrsp; /* row to row space, making gutter */
+ else
+ x += pwid/2.0 + clwi; /* no gutter, but room for cut line */
+ } else
+ x += pwid/2.0 + pwex;
+ if ((flags & IS_FRIS) && (flags & IS_FSIP)) /* First row on page */
+ x += sxwi; /* Allow for scan compatible fatter first row */
+ if (flags & IS_LRIS) { /* End of strip */
+ /* Ignore TID rows */
+ if ((flags & IS_FPIF) && (flags & IS_FSIP))
+ *rpsp++ = ris-tidrows-1; /* Record how many rows in this strip */
+ else
+ *rpsp++ = ris-1; /* Record how many rows in this strip */
+ ris = 1;
+ sip++;
+ /* Print end of strip crop line */
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, mark);
+ if (docutmarks) /* Generate strip cut marks */
+ tro->dline(tro,x-0.3/2.0,y1,x-0.3/2.0,y2,0.3); /* 0.3 wide dotted line */
+ /* Print end of strip identification if we've allowed space */
+ if (dorspace)
+ tro->vstring(tro,x,y1,rrsp-pwid/2.0-pwex,y2-y1,label);
+ if (flags & IS_LSIP) { /* End of page */
+ sip = 1;
+ x += hxew; /* Allow space for extra bits of hexagons */
+ /* Print per page label if we've allowed for it */
+ if (dopglabel) {
+ //tro->vstring(tro,x2,y1,pglth,y2-y1,label); /* At end of page */
+ tro->vstring(tro,x+pglth,y1,pglth,y2-y1,label); /* After last strip */
+ }
+ /* If we expect to scan this chart in, add some fiducial marks at the corners */
+ if (scanc & 1) {
+ double lw = 0.5; /* Line width */
+ double ll = 5.0; /* Line length */
+// fprintf(of,"%% Fiducial marks\n");
+ tro->setcolor(tro, cal, mark);
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x1, y2, ll, lw, NULL, 0); /* Top left */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x1, y2, lw, ll, NULL, 0);
+ if (oft != 2)
+ et_fiducial(mm2pnt(x1 + 0.5 * lw), mm2pnt(y2 - 0.5 * lw));
+ else
+ et_fiducial(x1 + 0.5 * lw, y2 - 0.5 * lw);
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x2 - ll, y2, ll, lw, NULL, 0); /* Top right */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x2 - lw, y2, lw, ll, NULL, 0);
+ if (oft != 2)
+ et_fiducial(mm2pnt(x2 - 0.5 * lw), mm2pnt(y2 - 0.5 * lw));
+ else
+ et_fiducial(x2 - 0.5 * lw, y2 - 0.5 * lw);
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x2 - ll, y1 + lw, ll, lw, NULL, 0); /* Bottom right */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x2 - lw, y1 + ll, lw, ll, NULL, 0);
+ if (oft != 2)
+ et_fiducial(mm2pnt(x2 - 0.5 * lw), mm2pnt(y1 + 0.5 * lw));
+ else
+ et_fiducial(x2 - 0.5 * lw, y1 + 0.5 * lw);
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x1, y1 + lw, ll, lw, NULL, 0); /* Bottom left */
+ tro->rectangle(tro, x1, y1 + ll, lw, ll, NULL, 0);
+ if (oft != 2)
+ et_fiducial(mm2pnt(x1 + 0.5 * lw), mm2pnt(y1 + 0.5 * lw));
+ else
+ et_fiducial(x1 + 0.5 * lw, y1 + 0.5 * lw);
+ }
+ tro->endpage(tro);
+ if (oft != 0) { /* EPS or TIFF */
+ tro->del(tro);
+ }
+ if (flags & IS_LPIF) { /* Last page in file */
+ if (oft == 0) { /* PS */
+ tro->del(tro);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we are anticipating that scanin may be used with the */
+ /* chart, create the scanin recognition file for this page. */
+ if (scanc & 1) {
+ char chtname[MAXNAMEL+20]; /* Name of .cht file */
+ if (npages > 1)
+ sprintf(chtname,"%s_%02d.cht",bname,pif);
+ else
+ sprintf(chtname,"%s.cht",bname);
+ et_write(chtname, cols, rix, l_si, i);
+ }
+ l_si = i; /* New last start i */
+ if (flags & IS_LPIF) { /* Last page in file */
+ break; /* Done */
+ }
+ pif++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (slab != NULL)
+ free(slab);
+ free(rix);
+ *rpsp++ = 0; /* End of rows per strip stuff */
+ et_clear(); /* Cleanup edge list structures */
+/* A paper size structure */
+typedef struct {
+ char *name; /* User name (lower case) */
+ double w,h; /* Width and height in mm */
+ int def; /* Non-zero if default */
+} paper;
+static paper psizes[] = {
+ { "A4", 210.0, 297.0, 0 },
+ { "A4R", 297.0, 210.0, 0 },
+ { "A3", 297.0, 420.0, 1 },
+ { "A2", 420.0, 594.0, 0 },
+ { "Letter", 215.9, 279.4, 0 },
+ { "LetterR", 279.4, 215.9, 0 },
+ { "Legal", 215.9, 355.6, 0 },
+ { "4x6", 101.6, 152.4, 0 },
+ { "11x17", 279.4, 431.8, 0 },
+ { NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0 }
+#define DEF_MARGINE 6.0
+/* Case independent string compare */
+cistrcmp(char *s1, char *s2) {
+ for (;;s1++, s2++) {
+ if (tolower(*s1) != tolower(*s2))
+ return 1;
+ if (*s1 == '\000')
+ return 0;
+ }
+#define DEF_SIXPAT "A-Z, A-Z" /* Default strip index pattern */
+#define DEF_PIXPAT "0-9,@-9,@-9;1-999" /* Default patch index pattern */
+void usage(char *diag, ...) {
+ paper *pp;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Generate Target PostScrip file, Version %s\n",ARGYLL_VERSION_STR);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3\n");
+ if (diag != NULL) {
+ va_list args;
+ fprintf(stderr," Diagnostic: ");
+ va_start(args, diag);
+ vfprintf(stderr, diag, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"usage: printtarg [-v] [-i instr] [-r] [-s] [-p size] basename\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -v Verbose mode\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -i 20 | 22 | 41 | 51 | SS | i1 | CM Select target instrument (default DTP41)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," 20 = DTP20, 22 = DTP22, 41 = DTP41, 51 = DTP51,\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," SS = SpectroScan, i1 = i1Pro, CM = ColorMunki\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -h Use hexagon patches for SS, double density for CM\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -a scale Scale patch size and spacers by factor (e.g. 0.857 or 1.5 etc.)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -A scale Scale spacers by additional factor (e.g. 0.857 or 1.5 etc.)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -r Don't randomize patch location\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -s Create a scan image recognition (.cht) file\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -S Same as -s, but don't generate wide orientation strip.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -c Force colored spacers\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -b Force B&W spacers\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -n Force no spacers\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -f Create PostScript DeviceN Color fallback\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -w g|r|s|n White colorspace encoding DeviceGray (def), DeviceRGB, Separation or DeviceN\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -k g|c|s|n Black colorspace encoding DeviceGray (def), DeviceCMYK, Separation or DeviceN\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -o k|r|n CMY colorspace encoding DefiveCMYK (def), inverted DeviceRGB or DeviceN\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -e Output EPS compatible file\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -t [res] Output 8 bit TIFF raster file, optional res DPI (default 100)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -T [res] Output 16 bit TIFF raster file, optional res DPI (default 100)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -C Don't use TIFF compression\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -N Use TIFF alpha N channels more than 4\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -D Dither 8 bit TIFF values down from 16 bit\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -Q nbits Quantize test values to fit in nbits\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -R rsnum Use given random start number\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -K Apply printer calibration to patch values and include in .ti2\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -I Include calibration in .ti2 (but don't apply it)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -x pattern Use given strip indexing pattern (Default = \"%s\")\n",DEF_SIXPAT);
+ fprintf(stderr," -y pattern Use given patch indexing pattern (Default = \"%s\")\n",DEF_PIXPAT);
+ fprintf(stderr," -m margin Set a page margin in mm (default %3.1f mm)\n",DEF_MARGINE);
+ fprintf(stderr," -M margin Set a page margin in mm and include it in TIFF\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -P Don't limit strip length\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -L Suppress any left paper clip border\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -p size Select page size from:\n");
+ for (pp = psizes; pp->name != NULL; pp++)
+ fprintf(stderr," %-8s [%.1f x %.1f mm]%s\n", pp->name, pp->w, pp->h,
+ pp->def ? " (default)" : "");
+ fprintf(stderr," -p WWWxHHH Custom size, WWW mm wide by HHH mm high\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," basname Base name for input(.ti1), output(.ti2) and output(.ps/.eps/.tif)\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ int fa, nfa, mfa; /* argument we're looking at */
+ int verb = 0;
+ int hflag = 0; /* Hexagon patches for SS, high density for CM */
+ double pscale = 1.0; /* Patch size scale */
+ double sscale = 1.0; /* Spacer size scale */
+ int rand = 1;
+ int qbits = 0; /* Quantization bits */
+ int oft = 0; /* Ouput File type, 0 = PS, 1 = EPS , 2 = TIFF */
+ depth2d tiffdpth = bpc8_2d; /* TIFF pixel depth */
+ double tiffres = 100.0; /* TIFF resolution in DPI */
+ int ncha = 0; /* flag, use nchannel alpha */
+ int tiffdith = 0; /* flag, use TIFF 8 bit dithering */
+ int tiffcomp = 1; /* flag, use TIFF compression */
+ int spacer = -1; /* -1 = default for instrument */
+ /* 0 = forse no spacer, 1 = Force B&W spacers */
+ /* 2 = Force colored spacer */
+ int rstart = -1; /* Random sequence start value */
+ char *sixpat = DEF_SIXPAT; /* Strip index pattern */
+ char *pixpat = DEF_PIXPAT; /* Patch index pattern */
+ alphix *saix, *paix; /* Strip and Patch index generators */
+ int ixord = 0; /* Index order, 0 = strip then patch */
+ int scanc = 0; /* Scan compatible bits, 1 = .cht, 2 = wide first row */
+ int devnfb = 0; /* Add device N fallback colors */
+ int altrep = 0; /* Device K/W/CMY color type 0..8 */
+ int applycal = 0; /* NZ to apply calibration */
+ static char inname[MAXNAMEL+20] = { 0 }; /* Input cgats file name */
+ static char calname[MAXNAMEL+1] = { 0 }; /* Input printer calibration */
+ static char psname[MAXNAMEL+1] = { 0 }; /* Output postscrip file base name */
+ static char outname[MAXNAMEL+20] = { 0 }; /* Output cgats file name */
+ cgats *icg; /* input cgats structure */
+ cgats *ocg; /* output cgats structure */
+ xcal *cal = NULL; /* printer calibration */
+ instType itype = instDTP41; /* Default target instrument */
+ int nmask = 0; /* Device colorant mask */
+ int nchan = 0; /* Number of device chanels */
+ int i;
+ int si, fi, wi; /* sample id index, field index, keyWord index */
+ char label[400]; /* Space for chart label */
+ double marg = DEF_MARGINE; /* Margin from paper edge in mm */
+ int nosubmarg = 0; /* Don't subtract it from raster */
+ int nolpcbord = 0; /* NZ to suppress left paper clip border */
+ int nollimit = 0; /* NZ to release any strip length limits */
+ paper *pap = NULL; /* Paper size pointer, NULL if custom */
+ double cwidth, cheight; /* Custom paper width and height in mm */
+ col *cols; /* test patch colors */
+ int npat; /* Number of patches */
+ int nppat; /* Number of patches including padding */
+ col pcold[8]; /* pre-defined density extreme colors */
+ int pcolvv = 0; /* pcolv valid if nz */
+ col pcolv[9]; /* pre-defined device combination ecolors */
+ col *pcol; /* Chosen color patches for device */
+ double wp[3]; /* Approximate XYZ white point */
+ time_t clk = time(0);
+ struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
+ char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */
+ int sip; /* Steps in Pass */
+ unsigned char *pis; /* Passes in strip array */
+ double plen, glen, tlen;/* Patch, gap and trailer length in mm */
+ char *bp, buf[500]; /* general sprintf buffer */
+ error_program = "printtarg";
+ check_if_not_interactive();
+#if defined(__IBMC__)
+ if (argc <= 1)
+ usage("Not enough arguments");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("target: DEBUG is #defined\n");
+ /* Find the default paper size */
+ for (pap = psizes; pap->name != NULL; pap++) {
+ if (pap->def != 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pap->name == NULL)
+ error ("Internal - can't find default paper size");
+ /* Process the arguments */
+ mfa = 1; /* Minimum final arguments */
+ for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
+ nfa = fa; /* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
+ if (argv[fa][0] == '-') { /* Look for any flags */
+ char *na = NULL; /* next argument after flag, null if none */
+ if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
+ na = &argv[fa][2]; /* next is directly after flag */
+ else {
+ if ((fa+1+mfa) < argc) {
+ if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
+ nfa = fa + 1;
+ na = argv[nfa]; /* next is seperate non-flag argument */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argv[fa][1] == '?')
+ usage("Requested usage");
+ /* Verbosity */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V')
+ verb = 1;
+ /* hflag patches */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'h' || argv[fa][1] == 'H')
+ hflag = 1;
+ /* Patch scaling */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'a') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected scale factor to -a");
+ pscale = atof(na);
+ if (pscale < 0.1 || pscale > 4.0)
+ usage("Scale factor %f is outside expected range 0.1 - 4.0",pscale);
+ }
+ /* Spacer scaling */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'A') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected scale factor to -a");
+ sscale = atof(na);
+ if (sscale < 0.1 || sscale > 8.0)
+ usage("Scale factor %f is outside expected range 0.1 - 8.0",sscale);
+ }
+ /* Scan compatible */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 's')
+ scanc = 3;
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'S')
+ scanc = 1;
+ /* Force colored spacer */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c')
+ spacer = 2;
+ /* Force B&W spacer */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'b' || argv[fa][1] == 'B')
+ spacer = 1;
+ /* No spacer */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n')
+ spacer = 0;
+ /* Randomisation off */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'r')
+ rand = 0;
+ /* Specify random seed */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'R') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -R");
+ rstart = atoi(na);
+ if (rstart < 0)
+ usage("Argument to -R must be positive");
+ }
+ /* Enable DeviceN color fallback */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'f' || argv[fa][1] == 'F')
+ devnfb = 1;
+ /* Select the printer W color representation */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'w' || argv[fa][1] == 'W') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -w");
+ switch(na[0]) {
+ case 'g':
+ case 'G':
+ altrep = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ altrep = 4;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ altrep = 5;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ altrep = 6;
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage("Unexpected argument to -w");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Select the printer K color representation */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'k') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -k");
+ switch(na[0]) {
+ case 'g':
+ case 'G':
+ altrep = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ case 'C':
+ altrep = 1;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ altrep = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ altrep = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage("Unexpected argument to -k");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Select the printer CMY color representation */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -o");
+ switch(na[0]) {
+ case 'k':
+ case 'K':
+ altrep = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ altrep = 7;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ altrep = 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage("Unexpected argument to -o");
+ }
+ }
+ /* EPS */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'e' || argv[fa][1] == 'E')
+ oft = 1;
+ /* TIFF */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 't' || argv[fa][1] == 'T') {
+ oft = 2;
+ if (argv[fa][1] == 'T')
+ tiffdpth = bpc16_2d;
+ else
+ tiffdpth = bpc8_2d;
+ if (na != NULL) { /* Found an optional resolution */
+ fa = nfa;
+ tiffres = atof(na);
+ if (tiffres <= 1.0 || tiffres > 1e6)
+ usage("TIFF resolution is out of range");
+ }
+ }
+ /* use Nchannel alpha for TIFF */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'N') {
+ ncha = 1;
+ }
+ /* use 16->8 bit dithering for 8 bit TIFF */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'D') {
+ tiffdith = 1;
+ }
+ /* Don't use TIFF compression */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'C') {
+ tiffcomp = 0;
+ }
+ /* Specify quantization bits */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'Q') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -Q");
+ qbits = atoi(na);
+ if (qbits < 1 || qbits > 32)
+ usage("Argument to -Q must be between 1 and 32");
+ }
+ /* Specify strip index pattern */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'x' || argv[fa][1] == 'X') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -x");
+ sixpat = na;
+ }
+ /* Specify patch index pattern */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'y' || argv[fa][1] == 'Y') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -y");
+ pixpat = na;
+ }
+ /* Border margin */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'm' || argv[fa][1] == 'M') {
+ if (argv[fa][1] == 'M')
+ nosubmarg = 1;
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected border margine argument to -m");
+ marg = atof(na);
+ if (marg < 0.0 || marg > 50.0)
+ usage("Border margin %f is outside expected range",marg);
+ }
+ /* Don't limit the strip length */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'P') {
+ nollimit = 1;
+ }
+ /* Suppress left paper clip border */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'L') {
+ nolpcbord = 1;
+ }
+ /* Page size */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'p') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected an argument to -p");
+ for (pap = psizes; pap->name != NULL; pap++) {
+ if (cistrcmp(na, pap->name) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pap->name == NULL) { /* See if it matches a custom size */
+ if (sscanf(na,"%lfx%lf",&cwidth, &cheight) == 2) {
+ pap = NULL; /* Indicate custom */
+ if (cwidth < 1.0 || cwidth > 4000.0
+ || cheight < 1.0 || cheight > 4000.0)
+ usage("Argument to -p was of unexpected size"); /* Sanity check */
+ } else {
+ usage("Failed to recognise argument to -p");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Target Instrument type */
+ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i') {
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected an argument to -i");
+ if (strcmp("20", na) == 0)
+ itype = instDTP20;
+ else if (strcmp("22", na) == 0)
+ itype = instDTP22;
+ else if (strcmp("41", na) == 0)
+ itype = instDTP41;
+ else if (strcmp("51", na) == 0)
+ itype = instDTP51;
+ else if (strcmp("SS", na) == 0 || strcmp("ss", na) == 0)
+ itype = instSpectroScan;
+ else if (strcmp("i1", na) == 0 || strcmp("I1", na) == 0)
+ itype = instI1Pro;
+ else if (strcmp("cm", na) == 0 || strcmp("CM", na) == 0)
+ itype = instColorMunki;
+ else
+ usage("Argument to -i wasn't recognised");
+ /* Printer calibration */
+ } else if (argv[fa][1] == 'K' || argv[fa][1] == 'I') {
+ if (argv[fa][1] == 'K')
+ applycal = 1;
+ else
+ applycal = 0;
+ fa = nfa;
+ if (na == NULL) usage("Expected an argument to -%c",argv[fa][1]);
+ strncpy(calname,na,MAXNAMEL); calname[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';
+ } else
+ usage("Unknown flag");
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Get the file name argument */
+ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Expecting basename argument");
+ strncpy(inname,argv[fa],MAXNAMEL); inname[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';
+ strcpy(outname,inname);
+ strcpy(psname,inname);
+ strcat(inname,".ti1");
+ strcat(outname,".ti2");
+ if (calname[0] != '\000') {
+ if ((cal = new_xcal()) == NULL)
+ error("new_xcal failed");
+ if ((cal->read(cal, calname)) != 0)
+ error("%s",cal->err);
+ }
+ /* Set default qantization for known output */
+ if (qbits == 0 && oft == 2) {
+ if (tiffdpth == bpc16_2d || tiffdith != 0)
+ qbits = 16;
+ else if (tiffdpth == bpc8_2d)
+ qbits = 8;
+ }
+ if (itype == instSpectroScan) {
+ if (scanc) {
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Can only select hexagonal patches if no scan recognition is needed - ignored!\n");
+ hflag = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (itype == instColorMunki) {
+ /* OK */
+ } else if (hflag) {
+ if (verb)
+ printf("Can only select h flag for SpectrScan or ColorMunki - ignored!\n");
+ hflag = 0;
+ }
+ if ((saix = new_alphix(sixpat)) == NULL)
+ error("Strip indexing pattern '%s' doesn't parse",sixpat);
+ if ((paix = new_alphix(pixpat)) == NULL)
+ error("Patch in strip indexing pattern '%s' doesn't parse",pixpat);
+ icg = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ icg->add_other(icg, "CTI1"); /* our special input type is Calibration Target Information 1 */
+ if (icg->read_name(icg, inname))
+ error("CGATS file read error : %s",icg->err);
+ if (icg->t[0].tt != tt_other || icg->t[0].oi != 0)
+ error ("Input file isn't a CTI1 format file");
+ if (icg->ntables < 2 || icg->ntables > 3)
+ error ("Input file doesn't contain two or three tables");
+ if ((npat = icg->t[0].nsets) <= 0)
+ error ("No sets of data");
+ /* Allocate room for test patches and maximum padding patches */
+ if ((cols = (col *)malloc(sizeof(col) * (npat + MAXPPROW))) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc failed!");
+ /* Setup output cgats file */
+ ocg = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */
+ ocg->add_other(ocg, "CTI2"); /* our special type is Calibration Target Information 2 */
+ ocg->add_table(ocg, tt_other, 0); /* Start the first table */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Calibration Target chart information 2",NULL);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll printtarg", NULL);
+ atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000'; /* Remove \n from end */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL);
+ /* Note what instrument the chart is setup for */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TARGET_INSTRUMENT", inst_name(itype) , NULL);
+ /* Copy various parameters through */
+ if ((wi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "SINGLE_DIM_STEPS")) >= 0)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "SINGLE_DIM_STEPS",icg->t[0].kdata[wi], NULL);
+ if ((wi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "COMP_GREY_STEPS")) >= 0)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COMP_GREY_STEPS",icg->t[0].kdata[wi], NULL);
+ if ((wi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "MULTI_DIM_STEPS")) >= 0)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "MULTI_DIM_STEPS",icg->t[0].kdata[wi], NULL);
+ if ((wi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "FULL_SPREAD_PATCHES")) >= 0)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "FULL_SPREAD_PATCHES",icg->t[0].kdata[wi], NULL);
+ if ((wi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "ACCURATE_EXPECTED_VALUES")) >= 0)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "ACCURATE_EXPECTED_VALUES",icg->t[0].kdata[wi], NULL);
+ /* Fields we want */
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "SAMPLE_ID", nqcs_t);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "SAMPLE_LOC", cs_t);
+ if ((si = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "SAMPLE_ID")) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field SAMPLE_ID in first table",inname);
+ if (icg->t[0].ftype[si] != nqcs_t)
+ error ("Field SAMPLE_ID is wrong type");
+ /* Read the approximate white point */
+ if ((fi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "APPROX_WHITE_POINT")) < 0)
+ error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword APPROX_WHITE_POINT");
+ if (sscanf(icg->t[0].kdata[fi], "%lf %lf %lf", &wp[0], &wp[1], &wp[2]) != 3)
+ error ("Couldn't parse the white point data correctly");
+ wp[0] /= 100.0; wp[1] /= 100.0; wp[2] /= 100.0;
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "APPROX_WHITE_POINT",icg->t[0].kdata[fi], NULL);
+//printf("~1 got approx white point of %f %f %f\n",wp[0],wp[1],wp[2]);
+ /* Figure out the color space */
+ if ((fi = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "COLOR_REP")) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain keyword COLOR_REPS",inname);
+ if ((nmask = icx_char2inkmask(icg->t[0].kdata[fi])) != 0) {
+ int i, j, ii;
+ int chix[ICX_MXINKS]; /* Device chanel indexes */
+ int xyzix[3]; /* XYZ chanel indexes */
+ char *ident; /* Full ident */
+ char *bident; /* Base ident */
+ char *xyzfname[3] = { "XYZ_X", "XYZ_Y", "XYZ_Z" };
+ double qscale = (1 << qbits) - 1.0;
+ if (cal != NULL && nmask != cal->devmask)
+ error ("Calibration colorspace %s doesn't match .ti1 %s",icx_inkmask2char(cal->devmask, 1),icx_inkmask2char(nmask, 1));
+ if ((ii = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "TOTAL_INK_LIMIT")) >= 0)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TOTAL_INK_LIMIT",icg->t[0].kdata[ii], NULL);
+ nchan = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ ident = icx_inkmask2char(nmask, 1);
+ bident = icx_inkmask2char(nmask, 0);
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++) {
+ int imask;
+ char fname[100];
+ imask = icx_index2ink(nmask, j);
+ sprintf(fname,"%s_%s",nmask == ICX_W || nmask == ICX_K ? "GRAY" : bident,
+ icx_ink2char(imask));
+ if ((ii = icg->find_field(icg, 0, fname)) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field %s in first table",inname,fname);
+ if (icg->t[0].ftype[ii] != r_t)
+ error ("Field %s is wrong type",fname);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, fname, r_t);
+ chix[j] = ii;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if ((ii = icg->find_field(icg, 0, xyzfname[j])) < 0)
+ error ("Input '%s' file doesn't contain field %s in first table",inname,xyzfname[j]);
+ if (icg->t[0].ftype[ii] != r_t)
+ error ("Field %s is wrong type",xyzfname[j]);
+ ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, xyzfname[j], r_t);
+ xyzix[j] = ii;
+ }
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP", ident, NULL);
+ /* Read all the test patches in, and quantize them */
+ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
+ cols[i].i = i;
+ cols[i].t = T_N | T_XYZ;
+ if (devnfb)
+ cols[i].t |= T_NFB;
+ cols[i].nmask = nmask;
+ cols[i].altrep = altrep;
+ cols[i].n = nchan;
+ cols[i].id = ((char *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][si]);
+ sprintf(cols[i].loc, "???");
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++) {
+ double vr, vv = *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][chix[j]]) / 100.0;
+ if (qbits > 0) {
+ vv *= qscale;
+ vr = floor(vv + 0.5);
+ if ((vr - vv) == 0.5 && (((int)vr) & 1) != 0) /* Round to even */
+ vr -= 1.0;
+ vv = vr/qscale;
+ }
+ cols[i].dev[j] = vv;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ cols[i].XYZ[j] = *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][xyzix[j]]) / 100.0;
+ col_convert(&cols[i], wp); /* Ensure other representations */
+ }
+ free(ident);
+ free(bident);
+ } else
+ error ("Input file keyword COLOR_REPS has unknown value");
+ /* Load up the pre-defined density extreme spacer colors */
+ {
+ int i, j, ii;
+ int nsp;
+ int chix[ICX_MXINKS]; /* Device chanel indexes */
+ int xyzix[3]; /* XYZ chanel indexes */
+ char *bident;
+ char *xyzfname[3] = { "XYZ_X", "XYZ_Y", "XYZ_Z" };
+ nchan = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ bident = icx_inkmask2char(nmask, 0);
+ if ((nsp = icg->t[1].nsets) <= 0)
+ error ("No sets of data in second table");
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++) {
+ int imask;
+ char fname[100];
+ imask = icx_index2ink(nmask, j);
+ sprintf(fname,"%s_%s",nmask == ICX_W || nmask == ICX_K ? "GRAY" : bident,
+ icx_ink2char(imask));
+ if ((ii = icg->find_field(icg, 1, fname)) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field %s in second table",inname,fname);
+ if (icg->t[1].ftype[ii] != r_t)
+ error ("Field %s is wrong type",fname);
+ chix[j] = ii;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if ((ii = icg->find_field(icg, 1, xyzfname[j])) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field %s in second table",inname,xyzfname[j]);
+ if (icg->t[1].ftype[ii] != r_t)
+ error ("Field %s is wrong type",xyzfname[j]);
+ xyzix[j] = ii;
+ }
+ if (nsp != 8)
+ error ("Expect second set of data to have 8 sets, found %d",nsp);
+ /* Read all the density spacer patches in */
+ for (i = 0; i < nsp; i++) {
+ pcold[i].i = -1;
+ pcold[i].t = T_N | T_XYZ | T_PRESET;
+ if (devnfb)
+ pcold[i].t |= T_NFB;
+ pcold[i].nmask = nmask;
+ pcold[i].altrep = altrep;
+ pcold[i].n = nchan;
+ pcold[i].id = "";
+ sprintf(cols[i].loc, "???");
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++)
+ pcold[i].dev[j] = *((double *)icg->t[1].fdata[i][chix[j]]) / 100.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ pcold[i].XYZ[j] = *((double *)icg->t[1].fdata[i][xyzix[j]]) / 100.0;
+ col_convert(&pcold[i], wp); /* Ensure other representations */
+ }
+ free(bident);
+ }
+ /* Load up the pre-defined device combination barcode colors */
+ if (icg->ntables >= 3) {
+ int i, j, ii;
+ int nsp;
+ int chix[ICX_MXINKS]; /* Device chanel indexes */
+ int xyzix[3]; /* XYZ chanel indexes */
+ char *bident; /* Base ident */
+ char *xyzfname[3] = { "XYZ_X", "XYZ_Y", "XYZ_Z" };
+ nchan = icx_noofinks(nmask);
+ bident = icx_inkmask2char(nmask, 0);
+ if ((nsp = icg->t[2].nsets) > 0) {
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++) {
+ int imask;
+ char fname[100];
+ imask = icx_index2ink(nmask, j);
+ sprintf(fname,"%s_%s",nmask == ICX_W || nmask == ICX_K ? "GRAY" : bident,
+ icx_ink2char(imask));
+ if ((ii = icg->find_field(icg, 2, fname)) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field %s in third table",inname,fname);
+ if (icg->t[2].ftype[ii] != r_t)
+ error ("Field %s is wrong type",fname);
+ chix[j] = ii;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if ((ii = icg->find_field(icg, 2, xyzfname[j])) < 0)
+ error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field %s in third table",inname,xyzfname[j]);
+ if (icg->t[2].ftype[ii] != r_t)
+ error ("Field %s is wrong type",xyzfname[j]);
+ xyzix[j] = ii;
+ }
+ if (nsp != 9)
+ error ("Expect third set of data to have 9 sets, found %d",nsp);
+ /* Read all the barcode CMY color patches in */
+ for (i = 0; i < nsp; i++) {
+ pcolv[i].i = -1;
+ pcolv[i].t = T_N | T_XYZ | T_PRESET;
+ if (devnfb)
+ pcolv[i].t |= T_NFB;
+ pcolv[i].nmask = nmask;
+ pcolv[i].altrep = altrep;
+ pcolv[i].n = nchan;
+ pcolv[i].id = "";
+ sprintf(cols[i].loc, "???");
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++)
+ pcolv[i].dev[j] = *((double *)icg->t[2].fdata[i][chix[j]]) / 100.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ pcolv[i].XYZ[j] = *((double *)icg->t[2].fdata[i][xyzix[j]]) / 100.0;
+ col_convert(&pcolv[i], wp); /* Ensure other representations */
+ }
+ free(bident);
+ pcolvv = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (verb) {
+ if (pap != NULL)
+ printf("Paper chosen is %s [%.1f x %.1f mm]\n", pap->name, pap->w, pap->h);
+ else
+ printf("Paper chosen is custom %.1f x %.1f mm\n", cwidth, cheight);
+ }
+ if (rstart == -1) {
+ rstart = clk % npat;
+ } else {
+ rstart = rstart % npat;
+ }
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",rstart);
+ if (rand)
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "RANDOM_START", buf, NULL);
+ else
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "CHART_ID", buf, NULL);
+ if (itype == instSpectroScan && hflag) {
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "HEXAGON_PATCHES", "True", NULL);
+ }
+ if (itype == instDTP20) {
+ if (pcolvv == 0)
+ error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain device combination table needed for DTP20",inname);
+ pcol = pcolv; /* Barcode color values */
+ } else
+ pcol = pcold; /* Density spacer alues */
+ sprintf(label, "Argyll Color Management System - Test chart \"%s\" (%s %d) %s",
+ psname, rand ? "Random Start" : "Chart ID", rstart, atm);
+ generate_file(itype, psname, cols, npat, applycal ? cal : NULL, label,
+ pap != NULL ? pap->w : cwidth, pap != NULL ? pap->h : cheight,
+ marg, nosubmarg, nollimit, nolpcbord, rand, rstart, saix, paix, ixord,
+ pscale, sscale, hflag, verb, scanc, oft, tiffdpth, tiffres, ncha, tiffdith,
+ tiffcomp, spacer, nmask, altrep, pcol, wp,
+ &sip, &pis, &plen, &glen, &tlen, &nppat);
+ if (itype == instDTP20
+ || itype == instDTP41) { /* DTP20/41 needs this */
+ sprintf(buf,"%f",plen);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "PATCH_LENGTH", buf, NULL);
+ sprintf(buf,"%f",glen);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "GAP_LENGTH", buf, NULL);
+ if (itype == instDTP41) { /* DTP41 needs this */
+ sprintf(buf,"%f",tlen);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TRAILER_LENGTH", buf, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",sip);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "STEPS_IN_PASS", buf, NULL);
+ /* Convert pass in strips count to base 62 */
+ buf[0] = '\000';
+ bp = buf;
+ for (i = 0; ;i++) {
+ if (pis[i] == 0)
+ break;
+ sprintf(bp, "%s%d", i > 0 ? "," : "", pis[i]);
+ bp += strlen(bp);
+ }
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "PASSES_IN_STRIPS2", buf, NULL);
+ /* Output the default Argyll style strip and patch numbering */
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "STRIP_INDEX_PATTERN", sixpat, NULL);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "PATCH_INDEX_PATTERN", pixpat, NULL);
+ ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "INDEX_ORDER", ixord ? "PATCH_THEN_STRIP" : "STRIP_THEN_PATCH", NULL);
+ /* Write out the patch info to the output CGATS file */
+ for (i = 0; i < nppat; i++) {
+ cgats_set_elem ary[2 + ICX_MXINKS + 3];
+ int j;
+ if (strcmp(cols[i].loc, "???") == 0)
+ warning ("Internal, patch %s (%d) wasn't given a valid location string",cols[i].id,i+1);
+ ary[0].c = cols[i].id;
+ ary[1].c = cols[i].loc;
+ for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++)
+ ary[2 + j].d = 100.0 * cols[i].dev[j];
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ ary[2 + nchan + j].d = 100.0 * cols[i].XYZ[j];
+ ocg->add_setarr(ocg, 0, ary);
+ }
+ /* If there is a calibration, append it to the .ti2 file */
+ if (cal != NULL) {
+ if (cal->write_cgats(cal, ocg) != 0)
+ error("Writing cal error : %s",cal->err);
+ }
+ if (ocg->write_name(ocg, outname))
+ error("Write error : %s",ocg->err);
+ if (cal != NULL)
+ cal->del(cal);
+ paix->del(paix);
+ saix->del(saix);
+ free(pis);
+ free(cols);
+ ocg->del(ocg); /* Clean up */
+ icg->del(icg); /* Clean up */
+ return 0;
+/* Edge tracking support, for generating the scanner image */
+/* recognition reference chart file. */
+/* Establish width and height to convert between topleft and */
+/* bottom left origin ??? ~~9 */
+ Basic algorithm strategy:
+ First we simply accumulate the raw recognition and patch
+ identification information. Once the chart is generated, we:
+ sort into horizontal and vertical half edges
+ sort into +ve and -ve edges
+ match +ve and -ve edges
+ for each match, generate a delta edge segment
+ Assume any non-matched edges are against the media.
+ Coalesce delta edges into X & Y edge lists
+ Compute normalised strength.
+ Compute crossing count.
+ Figure average box size, and compute shrink.
+/* A half edge structure */
+/* coordinate origin is top left */
+struct _hedge {
+ double rgb[3]; /* Color this half edge transitions to */
+ int negh; /* 1 if this is a -ve major coordinate side half edge, 0 otherwise */
+ double mj; /* Major coordinate offset (ie. X coord for vertical edge) */
+ double mi0; /* Minor coordinate smaller value (ie. Y for vertical edge) */
+ double mi1; /* Minor coordinate larger value (ie. Y for vertical edge) */
+ struct _hedge *next; /* Next in linked list */
+}; typedef struct _hedge hedge;
+/* A patch identifier */
+/* coordinate origin is top left */
+struct _patch {
+ char id[20]; /* ID string, Zeri length if a diagnostic rectangle */
+ double xo; /* Location of the rectangle origin (bottom left ???) */
+ double yo;
+ double w; /* Size of the patch */
+ double h;
+ struct _patch *next; /* Next in linked list */
+}; typedef struct _patch patch;
+/* Structure to one edge */
+struct _edge {
+ double p1,p2; /* Start and end of line in orthogonal direction */
+ struct _edge *next; /* next in the linked list */
+}; typedef struct _edge edge;
+/* Structure of an edge list */
+struct _elist {
+ double pos; /* Position of edges along major axis */
+ double len; /* Total length of edges atthis position */
+ double cc; /* Crossing count */
+ int ne; /* Count of edges */
+ edge *e; /* Head of linked list of edges at this position */
+ struct _elist *next; /* Next in linked list */
+}; typedef struct _elist elist;
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Structure to track recognition edges */
+struct {
+ double height; /* Height of the page */
+ double mrgb[3]; /* Media RGB */
+ double rgb[3]; /* Currently set RGB */
+ int nfid; /* Number of fiducial marks. Must be 4 to cause output */
+ double fx[4]; /* Fiducial mark X coordinates */
+ double fy[4]; /* Fiducial mark Y coordinates */
+ /* Raw half edge lists, [vertical, horizontal] */
+ int nhe[2];
+ hedge *he[2];
+ /* Patch identity information */
+ int npatches;
+ patch *patches;
+ /* Processed information */
+ hedge **she[2]; /* Sorted half edges */
+ int nel[2]; /* Number of edge positions */
+ elist *el[2]; /* Head of edge linked list */
+ elist **nelp; /* Next edge to append to */
+} et;
+/* Initialise the structure */
+void et_init(void) {
+ memset(&et, 0, sizeof(et));
+/* Tell et of the height, so the Y coordinate can be flipped */
+void et_height(double height) {
+ et.height = height;
+//printf("~1 media height set to %f\n",height);
+/* Tell et of the media color */
+void et_media(double *rgb) {
+ int e;
+ for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)
+ et.mrgb[e] = rgb[e];
+/* Track the current GC color */
+void et_color(
+double *rgb /* New RGB values */
+) {
+ int e;
+ for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)
+ et.rgb[e] = rgb[e];
+/* Track a drawn object half edge */
+/* We assume that no object is written over any other object, */
+/* and that each half edge has a perfect opposite edge (ie. same */
+/* mi0 and mi1), or no matching half edge (it is over the media) - */
+/* ie. no partialy overlapping half edges. */
+/* The arguments origin is assumed to be bottom left */
+void et_edge(
+int isx, /* NZ if this is a vertical edge */
+int negh, /* NZ if this is a -ve major coordinate side half edge */
+double mj, /* Major coordinate offset (ie. X coord for vertical edge) */
+double mi0, /* Minor coordinate smaller value (ie. Y for vertical edge) */
+double mi1 /* Minor coordinate larger value (ie. Y for vertical edge) */
+) {
+ int e, h;
+ hedge *he;
+ if (mi1 < mi0)
+ error ("et_edge, minor coords wern't ordered");
+ if ((he = (hedge *)calloc(sizeof(hedge), 1)) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc of half edge structure failed");
+ for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)
+ he->rgb[e] = et.rgb[e];
+ /* Flip the Y coordinate */
+ if (isx) {
+ double tmi0, tmi1;
+ tmi0 = et.height - mi1; /* swap to keep smallest small */
+ tmi1 = et.height - mi0;
+ mi0 = tmi0;
+ mi1 = tmi1;
+ } else {
+ mj = et.height - mj;
+ }
+ he->negh = negh ? 1 : 0;
+ he->mj = mj;
+ he->mi0 = mi0;
+ he->mi1 = mi1;
+ /* Add half edges to the list */
+ h = isx ? 0 : 1;
+ et.nhe[h]++;
+ he->next = et.he[h];
+ et.he[h] = he;
+/* Track a patch identity */
+/* The arguments origin is assumed to be bottom left */
+void et_patch(
+char *id, /* ID string, NULL if a diagnostic mark */
+double xo, /* Bottom left of the rectangle */
+double yo,
+double w, /* Size of the patch */
+double h
+) {
+ patch *p;
+//printf("~1 got patch at %f %f, w %f, h %f\n", xo, yo, w, h);
+ if ((p = (patch *)calloc(sizeof(patch), 1)) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc of patch structure failed");
+ /* Flip Y */
+ yo = et.height - (yo + h);
+ if (id != NULL) {
+ strncpy(p->id, id, 19);
+ p->id[19] = '\000';
+ } else {
+ p->id[0] = '\000';
+ }
+ p->xo = xo;
+ p->yo = yo;
+ p->h = h;
+ p->w = w;
+ /* Add patch to list */
+ et.npatches++;
+ p->next = et.patches;
+ et.patches = p;
+/* Add a fiducial mark location */
+/* It is an error to add more than 4, */
+/* and exactly 4 have to be added to cause fiducials to be output. */
+void et_fiducial(
+double x, /* Bottom left of the rectangle */
+double y
+) {
+ if (et.nfid >= 4)
+ error("et_fiducial: too many fiducial marks");
+ et.fx[et.nfid] = x;
+ et.fy[et.nfid] = et.height - y; /* Flip Y */
+ et.nfid++;
+/* Compute the image recognition information, and write the */
+/* .cht file. */
+void et_write(char *fname, col *cols, int *rix, int si, int ei) {
+ FILE *of;
+ hedge *ep;
+ int i, h;
+//printf("~1 et has %d vertical and %d horizontal half edges\n", et.nhe[0], et.nhe[1]);
+//printf("~1 et has %d patches\n", et.npatches);
+ for (h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+ /* Create sorted list of vertical half edges */
+ if ((et.she[h] = (hedge **)malloc(sizeof(patch*) * et.nhe[h])) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc of array of vertical halfedge pointers failed");
+ for (ep = et.he[h], i = 0; i < et.nhe[h]; i++, ep = ep->next)
+ et.she[h][i] = ep;
+ /* Sort helf edges by their X location, then their Y0 location */
+#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (fabs(A->mj - B->mj) < 1e-6 ? A->mi0 < B->mi0 : A->mj < B->mj)
+ HEAPSORT(hedge *, et.she[h], et.nhe[h]);
+#ifdef NEVER
+for (i = 0; i < et.nhe[h]; i++) {
+printf("%s %d at %c = %f from %c = %f to %f\n",
+h == 0 ? "Vert" : "Horiz", i,
+h == 0 ? 'X' : 'Y', et.she[h][i]->mj,
+h == 0 ? 'Y' : 'X', et.she[h][i]->mi0, et.she[h][i]->mi1);
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ et.nel[h] = 0;
+ et.nelp = &et.el[h]; /* Append next edge list here */
+ *et.nelp = NULL; /* No edge list at this position yet */
+ /* Create the edge list information */
+ for (i = 0; i < et.nhe[h];) {
+ int j, ii, nj;
+ double *rgb = NULL; /* Contrast RGB */
+ elist *el; /* Current elist */
+ el = *et.nelp;
+ /* Locate the end of the half edges at the same position */
+ for (ii = i; ii < et.nhe[h]; ii++) {
+ if (fabs(et.she[h][i]->mj - et.she[h][ii]->mj) > 1e-6)
+ break;
+ }
+//printf("~1 doing group from %d to %d\n",i, ii);
+ /* Find half edge pairs */
+ /* Note that we assume that the half edges match perfectly, */
+ /* or not at all. This will be normaly be the case with targets */
+ /* generated by printtarg. */
+ for (j = i; j < ii; j = nj, j++) {
+ int e, k = j+1;
+ double vv;
+ if (k < ii
+ && et.she[h][j]->negh != et.she[h][k]->negh
+ && fabs(et.she[h][j]->mi0 - et.she[h][k]->mi0) < 1e-5
+ && fabs(et.she[h][j]->mi1 - et.she[h][k]->mi1) < 1e-5) {
+ /* Found a matching half edge */
+ nj = k;
+ rgb = et.she[h][k]->rgb;
+ } else if (k < ii /* Assert */
+ && ( (et.she[h][j]->mi0+1e-6) < et.she[h][k]->mi1
+ && et.she[h][j]->mi1 > (et.she[h][k]->mi0+1e-6))) {
+ /* Found an overlapping non-matching edge */
+ nj = k;
+#ifdef NEVER
+fprintf(stderr,"i = %d, j = %d\n",i,j);
+fprintf(stderr,"%s %d at %c = %f from %c = %f to %f, half %s\n",
+h == 0 ? "Vert" : "Horiz", i,
+h == 0 ? 'X' : 'Y', et.she[h][j]->mj,
+h == 0 ? 'Y' : 'X', et.she[h][j]->mi0, et.she[h][j]->mi1,
+et.she[h][j]->negh ? "Neg" : "Pos");
+fprintf(stderr,"%s %d at %c = %f from %c = %f to %f, half %s\n",
+h == 0 ? "Vert" : "Horiz", i,
+h == 0 ? 'X' : 'Y', et.she[h][k]->mj,
+h == 0 ? 'Y' : 'X', et.she[h][k]->mi0, et.she[h][k]->mi1,
+et.she[h][k]->negh ? "Neg" : "Pos");
+#endif /* NEVER */
+ error("Internal - half edges don't match");
+ } else {
+ /* Must be a non-matching edge */
+ nj = j;
+ rgb = et.mrgb; /* Edge must be against media */
+ }
+ /* Compute vector delta in rgb */
+ /* Add entry to edge list */
+ for (e = 0, vv = 0.0; e < 3; e++) {
+ double tt = rgb[e] - et.she[h][j]->rgb[e];
+ vv += tt * tt;
+ }
+//printf("~1 h %d, mj %f, mi %f, vv = %f\n",h, et.she[h][j]->mj, et.she[h][j]->mi0, vv);
+ /* If edge is of sufficient magnitude */
+ // ~~99
+ if (vv > 0.2) {
+ edge *ep;
+ /* See if we need to add a first elist for this position */
+ if (el == NULL) { /* We do */
+ if ((el = (elist *)calloc(sizeof(elist), 1)) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc of elist structure failed");
+ *et.nelp = el;
+ el->pos = et.she[h][j]->mj;
+ et.nel[h]++;
+ }
+ /* Add another edge entry */
+ if ((ep = (edge *)calloc(sizeof(edge), 1)) == NULL)
+ error("Malloc of edge structure failed");
+ ep->next = el->e;
+ ep->p1 = et.she[h][j]->mi0;
+ ep->p2 = et.she[h][j]->mi1;
+ el->e = ep; /* Add to edge list */
+ el->ne++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (el != NULL) {
+ /* We've done that position, so get ready for next */
+ et.nelp = &el->next; /* Append any more positions here */
+ *et.nelp = NULL;
+ }
+ i = ii; /* Start search for next group here */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Figure the crossing count */
+ for (h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+ int oh = 1 - h; /* The other list */
+ elist *el, *pl; /* Current, previous elist */
+ for (pl = NULL, el = et.el[h]; el != NULL; pl = el, el = el->next) {
+ edge *ep;
+ double pp, np; /* Window in pos direction for crossing */
+ if (pl != NULL)
+ pp = (pl->pos + el->pos)/2.0; /* Half distance to next line */
+ else
+ pp = -1e6;
+ if (el->next != NULL)
+ np = (el->next->pos + el->pos)/2.0; /* Half distance to next line */
+ else
+ np = 1e6;
+ /* For each edge on this edge position */
+ for (ep = el->e; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next) {
+ elist *oel; /* Other edge list pointer */
+ /* For each edge in other list */
+ for (oel = et.el[oh]; oel != NULL; oel = oel->next) {
+ edge *oep;
+ if (oel->pos < ep->p1 || oel->pos > ep->p2)
+ continue; /* Other edge doesn't intersect this segment */
+ for (oep = oel->e; oep != NULL; oep = oep->next) {
+ /* If crosses on this line within +-0.5 of line each side */
+ if (oep->p1 <= np && oep->p2 >= pp) {
+ el->cc++; /* Count crossing */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Compute and normalise the length (strength) & crossing count of each edge */
+ for (h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+ elist *el; /* Current elist */
+ double maxlen = 0.0;
+ double maxcc = 0.0;
+ for (el = et.el[h]; el != NULL; el = el->next) {
+ edge *ep;
+ double tlen;
+ for (tlen = 0.0, ep = el->e; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next) {
+ tlen += ep->p2 - ep->p1;
+ }
+ el->len = tlen;
+ if (maxlen < tlen)
+ maxlen = tlen;
+ if (maxcc < el->cc)
+ maxcc = el->cc;
+ }
+ /* Normalise */
+ for (el = et.el[h]; el != NULL; el = el->next) {
+ el->len /= maxlen;
+ el->cc /= maxcc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Output the .cht file */
+ if ((of = fopen(fname,"w")) == NULL)
+ error ("Unable to open output file '%s' for writing",fname);
+ fprintf(of,"\n\n");
+ fprintf(of, "BOXES %d\n",et.npatches);
+ /* Locate fiducials if they've been added to chart */
+ if (et.nfid == 4) {
+ fprintf(of, " F _ _ %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
+ et.fx[0], et.fy[0], et.fx[1], et.fy[1], et.fx[2], et.fy[2], et.fx[3], et.fy[3]);
+ }
+ {
+ int fidc = 0;
+ patch *pp;
+ double mins; /* Minimum sample box size */
+ for (pp = et.patches; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) {
+ if (pp->id[0] == '\000') {
+ fprintf(of, " D MARK%d MARK%d _ _ %f %f %f %f 0 0\n",
+ fidc, fidc, pp->w, pp->h, pp->xo, pp->yo);
+ fidc++;
+ }
+ }
+ mins = 1e6;
+ for (pp = et.patches; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) {
+ if (pp->id[0] != '\000') {
+ fprintf(of, " X %s %s _ _ %f %f %f %f 0 0\n",
+ pp->id, pp->id, pp->w, pp->h, pp->xo, pp->yo);
+ if (mins > pp->w)
+ mins = pp->w;
+ if (mins > pp->h)
+ mins = pp->h;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ /* Use a 15% box shrink */
+ fprintf(of, "BOX_SHRINK %f\n", mins * 0.15);
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(of,"REF_ROTATION %f\n", 0.0);
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ {
+ elist *el; /* Current elist */
+ fprintf(of,"XLIST %d\n",et.nel[0]);
+ for (el = et.el[0]; el != NULL; el = el->next)
+ fprintf(of," %f %f %f\n",el->pos, el->len, el->cc);
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ fprintf(of,"YLIST %d\n",et.nel[1]);
+ for (el = et.el[1]; el != NULL; el = el->next)
+ fprintf(of," %f %f %f\n",el->pos, el->len, el->cc);
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(of, "EXPECTED XYZ %d\n",ei - si);
+ for (i = si; i < ei; i++) {
+ int ix = rix[i];
+ fprintf(of, " %s %f %f %f\n", cols[ix].loc, 100.0 * cols[ix].XYZ[0], 100.0 * cols[ix].XYZ[1], 100.0 * cols[ix].XYZ[2]);
+ }
+ fprintf(of,"\n");
+ if (fclose(of))
+ error ("Unable to close output file '%s'",fname);
+/* Cleanup any allocation */
+void et_clear(void) {
+ int h;
+ patch *p;
+ et.nfid = 0;
+ for (h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+ hedge *he;
+ elist *el;
+ /* Free up half edges */
+ he = et.he[h];
+ while (he != NULL) {
+ hedge *ne = he->next;
+ free(he);
+ he = ne;
+ }
+ et.nhe[h] = 0;
+ et.he[h] = NULL;
+ /* Free up sorted half edge lists */
+ if (et.she[h] != NULL)
+ free(et.she[h]);
+ et.she[h] = NULL;
+ /* Free up edge lists and edges */
+ el = et.el[h];
+ while (el != NULL) {
+ elist *nel;
+ edge *ep;
+ ep = el->e;
+ while (ep != NULL) {
+ edge *nep;
+ nep = ep->next;
+ free(ep);
+ ep = nep;
+ }
+ el->ne = 0;
+ el->e = NULL;
+ nel = el->next;
+ free(el);
+ el = nel;
+ }
+ et.nel[h] = 0;
+ et.el[h] = NULL;
+ }
+ et.nelp = NULL;
+ p = et.patches;
+ while (p != NULL) {
+ patch *np = p->next;
+ free(p);
+ p = np;
+ }
+ et.patches = NULL;
+ et.npatches = 0;