path: root/target/simplat.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'target/simplat.c')
1 files changed, 1095 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/simplat.c b/target/simplat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..736b0e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/simplat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+ * Argyll Color Correction System
+ *
+ * Simplex perceptual space latice test point class
+ * set to generate an equilateral simplex regular lattice,
+ * in perceptual space.
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 27/3/2002
+ *
+ * Copyright 2002 - 2004 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+/* TTBD:
+ This seems too inexact/slow to read a specified number of test
+ points for use in higher dimensions.
+ */
+#undef SPHERICAL /* spherical (equalateral simplex) packing, rather */
+ /* than body centered cubic lattice. Better than face centered, */
+ /* worse than body centered. */
+#undef FCCPACK /* Face centered cubic lattice (worse than body centered and spherical) */
+#undef DEBUG
+#undef DUMP_PLOT /* Show on screen plot */
+#define PERC_PLOT 1 /* Emit perceptive space plots */
+#define DO_WAIT 1 /* Wait for user key after each plot */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#if defined(__IBMC__)
+#include <float.h>
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#include "plot.h"
+#include "numlib.h"
+#include "sort.h"
+#include "plot.h"
+#include "icc.h"
+#include "xcolorants.h"
+#include "targen.h"
+#include "simplat.h"
+#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DUMP_PLOT)
+static void dump_image(simplat *s, int pcp);
+static void dump_image_final(simplat *s, int pcp);
+#define SNAP_TOL 0.01 /* Snap to gamut boundary tollerance */
+#define MAX_TRIES 30 /* Maximum itterations */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Default convert the nodes device coordinates into approximate perceptual coordinates */
+/* (usually overriden by caller supplied function) */
+static void
+default_simplat_to_percept(void *od, double *p, double *d) {
+ simplat *s = (simplat *)od;
+ int e;
+ /* Default Do nothing - copy device to perceptual. */
+ for (e = 0; e < s->di; e++) {
+ p[e] = d[e] * 100.0;
+ }
+/* Return the largest distance of the point outside the device gamut. */
+/* This will be 0 if inside the gamut, and > 0 if outside. */
+static double
+simplat_in_dev_gamut(simplat *s, double *d) {
+ int e;
+ int di = s->di;
+ double tt, dd = 0.0;
+ double ss = 0.0;
+ for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ ss += d[e];
+ tt = 0.0 - d[e];
+ if (tt > 0.0) {
+ if (tt > dd)
+ dd = tt;
+ }
+ tt = d[e] - 1.0;
+ if (tt > 0.0) {
+ if (tt > dd)
+ dd = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ tt = ss - s->ilimit;
+ if (tt > 0.0) {
+ if (tt > dd)
+ dd = tt;
+ }
+ return dd;
+/* Snap a point to the device gamut boundary. */
+/* Return nz if it has been snapped. */
+static int snap_to_gamut(simplat *s, double *d) {
+ int e;
+ int di = s->di;
+ double dd; /* Smallest distance */
+ double ss; /* Sum */
+ int rv = 0;
+ /* Snap to ink limit first */
+ for (ss = 0.0, e = 0; e < di; e++)
+ ss += d[e];
+ dd = fabs(ss - s->ilimit);
+ if (dd <= s->tol) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ d[j] *= s->ilimit/ss; /* Snap to ink limit */
+ rv = 1;
+ }
+ /* Now snap to any other dimension */
+ for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ dd = fabs(d[e] - 0.0);
+ if (dd < s->tol) {
+ d[e] = 0.0; /* Snap to orthogonal boundary */
+ rv = 1;
+ }
+ dd = fabs(1.0 - d[e]);
+ if (dd < s->tol) {
+ d[e] = 1.0; /* Snap to orthogonal boundary */
+ rv = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Reverse lookup function :- perceptual to device coordinates */
+/* Structure to hold data for optimization function */
+struct _edatas {
+ simplat *s; /* simplat structure */
+ double *ptp; /* Perceptual target point */
+ }; typedef struct _edatas edatas;
+/* Definition of the optimization functions handed to powell() */
+/* This one returns error from perceptual target point, and */
+/* an error >= 50000 on being out of device gamut */
+static double efunc(void *edata, double p[]) {
+ edatas *ed = (edatas *)edata;
+ simplat *s = ed->s;
+ int e, di = s->di;
+ double rv, pp[MXTD];
+ if ((rv = (simplat_in_dev_gamut(s, p))) > 0.0) {
+ rv = rv * 5000.0 + 100000.0; /* Discourage being out of gamut */
+ } else {
+ s->percept(s->od, pp, p);
+ for (rv = 0.0, e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ double tt = pp[e] - ed->ptp[e];
+ rv += tt * tt;
+ }
+ }
+//printf("rv = %f from %f %f\n",rv,p[0],p[1]);
+ return rv;
+/* Given a point in perceptual space, an approximate point */
+/* in device space, return the device value corresponding to */
+/* the perceptual value, plus the clipped perceptual value. */
+/* Return 1 if the point has been clipped. */
+/* Return 2 if the point has been clipped by a dia. */
+static int
+simplat *s,
+double *d, /* return device position */
+double *p /* Given perceptual value */
+) {
+ int e, di = s->di;
+ edatas ed;
+ double pp[MXTD];
+ double sr[MXTD]; /* Search radius */
+ double tt;
+ double drad = 50.0; /* Search radius */
+ double ptol = 0.00001; /* Tolerance */
+ ed.s = s;
+ ed.ptp = p; /* Set target perceptual point */
+ for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ sr[e] = drad; /* Device space search radius */
+ }
+ if (powell(&tt, di, d, sr, ptol, 500, efunc, (void *)&ed, NULL, NULL) != 0 || tt >= 50000.0) {
+ error("simplat: powell failed, tt = %f\n",tt);
+ }
+ snap_to_gamut(s, d);
+ s->percept(s->od, pp, d); /* Lookup clipped perceptual */
+ tt = 0.0;
+ for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ double t = p[e] - pp[e];
+ p[e] = pp[e];
+ tt += t * t;
+ }
+ tt = sqrt(tt);
+//printf("~1 perc %f %f -> %f %f dev %f %f, err = %f\n",ed.ptp[0],ed.ptp[1],p[0],p[1],d[0],d[1],tt);
+ if (tt > (0.5 * s->dia))
+ return 2; /* invalid & !explore */
+ if (tt > 0.5)
+ return 1; /* Valid & explore */
+ return 0;
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Compute the simplex basis vectors */
+static void comp_basis(
+simplat *s,
+double dia, /* Diameter of simplex circumspehere */
+double off, /* Starting offset in device space */
+double angle /* Rotation angle 0.0 - 1.0 */
+) {
+ int i, j, di = s->di;
+ double sx[MXTD+1][MXTD]; /* Simplex verticies */
+ /* Create the node positions for the */
+ /* equalateral simplex basis vectors */
+ for (i = 0; i < (di+1); i++) {
+ double rr = 1.0; /* Current radius squared */
+ double ss = dia / sqrt(3.0); /* Scale */
+ /* The bounding points form a equalateral simplex */
+ /* whose vertexes are on a sphere about the data */
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ double ddi;
+ double hh = 1.0/(di-j); /* Weight for remaining points */
+ if (j > i)
+ sx[i][j] = 0.0; /* If beyond last */
+ else if (j == i) /* If last non-zero */
+ sx[i][j] = ss * sqrt(rr);
+ else /* If before last */
+ sx[i][j] = -hh * ss * sqrt(rr);
+ ddi = (double)(di - j);
+ rr *= (ddi * ddi - 1.0)/(ddi * ddi);
+ }
+ }
+#else /* !SPHERICAL */
+#ifdef FCCPACK
+ /* Create the node positions for the */
+ /* face centered arrangement */
+ /* Face centered places points at locations where the */
+ /* sum of the lattice integer coordinates is even. */
+ for (i = 0; i < (di+1); i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ sx[i][j] = 0.0 * -0.5;
+ if (i > 0 && i < di) {
+ sx[i][i-1] += 0.5 * dia;
+ sx[i][di-1] += 0.5 * dia;
+ } else if (i == di) {
+ sx[i][di-1] += dia;
+ }
+ }
+#else /* Body cenetered */
+ /* Create the node positions for body centered */
+ /* cubic latice simplex basis vectors */
+ /* Body centered places points at locations where the */
+ /* lattice integer coordinates are all even or all odd. */
+ for (i = 0; i < (di+1); i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ sx[i][j] = -0.5;
+ if (i < di) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ sx[i][i-1] += dia;
+ } else {
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ sx[i][j] += 0.5 * dia;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* !FCCPACK */
+#endif /* !SPHERICAL */
+ /* Apply a rotation to avoid possible alignment with */
+ /* the device axes */
+ {
+ int m, k;
+ int ldi = di-1; /* Last dimension */
+ double a, b;
+ b = angle;
+ a = sqrt(1.0 - b * b);
+ /* Apply rotation to all except last dimension */
+ for (m = 0; m < ldi; m++) { /* Dimension being rotated */
+ for (i = 0; i < (di+1); i++) { /* Node being rotated */
+ double out[MXTD];
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) { /* Coord being produced */
+ out[j] = 0.0;
+ for (k = 0; k < di; k++) { /* Coord being used */
+ if ((j == m && k == m)
+ || (j == ldi && k == ldi))
+ out[j] += a * sx[i][k]; /* Diagonal multiplier */
+ else if (j == m && k == ldi)
+ out[j] += b * sx[i][k];
+ else if (j == ldi && k == m)
+ out[j] -= b * sx[i][k];
+ else if (j == k)
+ out[j] += sx[i][k];
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ sx[i][j] = out[j]; /* Transfer result */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG /* Dump stats on verticies */
+for(i = 0; i < (di+1); i++) {
+ double val = 0.0;
+ printf("vert %d = ",i);
+ for(j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ val += sx[i][j] * sx[i][j];
+ printf("%f ",sx[i][j]);
+ }
+ printf(" (%f)\n",sqrt(val));
+for(i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ for (j = i+1; j < (di+1); j++) {
+ int e;
+ double val;
+ /* Distance between nodes */
+ for (val = 0.0, e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ double tt = sx[i][e] - sx[j][e];
+ val += tt * tt;
+ }
+ val = sqrt(val);
+ printf("dist %d %d = %f\n",i,j,val);
+ }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ /* Convert from di+1 verticies to di base vectors */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ s->bv[i][j] = sx[i+1][j] - sx[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Establish the basis origin */
+ {
+ double dv[MXTD];
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ dv[j] = off * s->ilimit/di;
+ s->percept(s->od, s->bo, dv);
+ }
+/* Compute the hash */
+static int comp_hash(
+simplat *s,
+int *x /* Index */
+) {
+ int j, di = s->di;
+ unsigned long hash;
+ for (hash = 0, j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ hash = hash * 7 + x[j];
+ hash %= SPT_HASHSIZE;
+ return hash;
+/* Check if a node already exists. Return -1 if not, */
+/* or node index if it does. */
+static int check_exists(
+simplat *s,
+int *x, /* Index */
+int hash /* Hash */
+) {
+ int di = s->di;
+ int hp; /* node index */
+ int j;
+ for (hp = s->hash[hash]; hp >= 0; hp = s->nodes[hp].hp) {
+ /* Check if we have a match */
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ if (s->nodes[hp].x[j] != x[j])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j >= di)
+ break; /* Found a match */
+ }
+ return hp;
+/* Create a new node. We assume it doesn't already exist */
+/* Return its index */
+static int new_node(
+simplat *s,
+int *x, /* Index */
+int hash /* Hash */
+) {
+ int di = s->di;
+ int b = 0; /* NZ if a boundary point */
+ int nn; /* New node index */
+ int hp; /* Hash chain index */
+ int i, j;
+ /* Make room for it */
+ if ((s->np+1) >= s->np_a) {
+ s->np_a *= 2;
+ if ((s->nodes = (sptnode *)realloc(s->nodes, s->np_a * sizeof(sptnode))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: node realloc failed");
+ }
+ nn = s->np++; /* Add the new point */
+ /* Compute the target perceptual value */
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ s->nodes[nn].v[j] = s->bo[j];
+ s->nodes[nn].p[j] = 0.5; /* Search start point */
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ s->nodes[nn].v[j] += x[i] * s->bv[i][j]; /* Sum basis vector product */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Lookup the device position */
+ b = simplat_from_percept(s, s->nodes[nn].p, s->nodes[nn].v);
+ /* Store node information */
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ s->nodes[nn].x[j] = x[j];
+ s->nodes[nn].b = b;
+ if (b < 2) {
+ s->nodes[nn].vald = 1; /* Valid if within or on gamut */
+ s->nvp++; /* Got another valid one */
+ } else
+ s->nodes[nn].vald = 0; /* Not valid if it's a boundary point */
+ s->nodes[nn].expm[0] =
+ s->nodes[nn].expm[1] = (1 << di)-1; /* Assum all dimensions need exploring */
+ s->nodes[nn].hp = s->nodes[nn].up = -1; /* Linked list indexes */
+ /* Add an entry in the hash table */
+ if (s->hash[hash] < 0)
+ s->hash[hash] = nn; /* We are the only entry */
+ else {
+ hp = s->hash[hash];
+ while (s->nodes[hp].hp >= 0)
+ hp = s->nodes[hp].hp; /* Follow chain */
+ s->nodes[hp].hp = nn; /* Add at the end of the chain */
+ }
+ return nn;
+/* ============================================= */
+/* Main object functions */
+/* Initialise, ready to read out all the points */
+static void simplat_reset(simplat *s) {
+ s->rix = 0;
+/* Read the next set of non-fixed points values */
+/* return non-zero when no more points */
+static int simplat_read(
+simplat *s,
+double *d, /* Device position */
+double *p /* Perceptual value */
+) {
+ int j;
+ for (; s->rix < s->bnp; s->rix++) {
+ if (s->bnodes[s->rix].vald != 0) {
+ for (j = 0; j < s->di; j++) {
+ if (d != NULL)
+ d[j] = s->bnodes[s->rix].p[j];
+ if (p != NULL)
+ p[j] = s->bnodes[s->rix].v[j];
+ }
+ s->rix++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Do a pass of seed filling the whole gamut, given a simplex dia. */
+/* Return the number of nodes produced */
+static int do_pass(
+simplat *s,
+double dia /* Simplex diameter to try */
+) {
+ int di = s->di;
+ int hash;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int x[MXTD];
+ int nn; /* New nodes index */
+ int np;
+ /* Rest the current list */
+ s->np = 0;
+ s->nvp = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < SPT_HASHSIZE; i++)
+ s->hash[i] = -1;
+ /* Initial alloc of nodes */
+ if (s->nodes == NULL) {
+ s->np_a = 10;
+ if ((s->nodes = (sptnode *)malloc(s->np_a * sizeof(sptnode))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: nodes malloc failed");
+ }
+ /* Compute the simplex basis vectors */
+ /* arguments: simplex diameter, device space offset, angle to skew grid */
+ comp_basis(s, dia, 0.5, s->angle);
+// comp_basis(s, dia, 0.5, ANGLE);
+// comp_basis(s, dia, 0.5, dia/200.0);
+// comp_basis(s, dia, 0.4 + dia/150.0, ANGLE);
+// comp_basis(s, dia, 0.4 + dia/150.0, dia/147.0);
+// comp_basis(s, dia, 0.5, fmod(dia, 1.0));
+ s->dia = dia;
+ /* Add an initial seed point */
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ x[j] = 0;
+ hash = comp_hash(s, x);
+ nn = new_node(s, x, hash);
+ if (s->nodes[nn].b > 1) {
+ error("simplat: initial seed point is not within gamut");
+ }
+ s->unex = nn; /* Initial entry in unexplored list */
+//printf("~1 seed node is [%d %d]\n",s->nodes[nn].x[0], s->nodes[nn].x[1]);
+ /* While there is more unexplored area */
+ /* and we arn't finding a ridiculous number of points */
+ while(s->unex >= 0 && (s->nvp < 3 * s->inp)) {
+ int pos; /* Positive or -ve direction */
+ nn = s->unex; /* Node we're looking at */
+ s->unex = s->nodes[nn].up; /* remove from unexplored list */
+//printf("\n~1 exploring beyond node [%d %d]\n",s->nodes[nn].x[0], s->nodes[nn].x[1]);
+ if (s->nodes[nn].b > 1)
+ continue; /* Don't look at boundary points */
+ /* For all unexplored directions */
+ for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
+ for (pos = 0; pos < 2; pos++) {
+ int on; /* Other node index */
+//printf("~1 checking direction dim %d, sign %d, [%d %d]\n",i,pos,x[0],x[1]);
+ if (((1 << i) & s->nodes[nn].expm[pos]) == 0) {
+//printf("~1 that direction has been explored\n");
+ continue; /* Try next direction */
+ }
+ /* Check out that direction */
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
+ x[j] = s->nodes[nn].x[j];
+ x[i] += pos ? 1 : -1;
+ /* If that node already exists */
+ hash = comp_hash(s, x);
+ if ((on = check_exists(s, x, hash)) >= 0) {
+ /* back direction doesn't need checking */
+ s->nodes[on].expm[pos ^ 1] &= ~(1 << i);
+//printf("~1 that node already exists\n");
+ continue; /* Try next direction */
+ }
+ /* Create a new node in that direction */
+ on = new_node(s, x, hash);
+ if (s->nodes[on].b > 1) { /* If new node is boundary, don't explore beyond it */
+//printf("~1 added new boundary node [%d %d]\n",x[0],x[1]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* back direction on new node doesn't need checking */
+ s->nodes[on].expm[pos ^ 1] &= ~(1 << i);
+//printf("~1 added new internal node [%d %d] **\n",x[0],x[1]);
+ s->nodes[on].up = s->unex; /* Add this node to unexplored list */
+ s->unex = on;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Rationalise cooincident points, and count final valid */
+ s->nvp = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < s->np; i++) {
+//printf("~1 rationalising %d, = %f %f\n",i, s->nodes[i].v[0], s->nodes[i].v[1]);
+ if (s->nodes[i].vald == 0) {
+//printf("~1 point %d is not valid\n",i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* First against fixed points in device space */
+ for (k = 0; k < s->fxno; k++) {
+ double dd;
+ /* Compute distance */
+ dd = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ double tt = s->nodes[i].v[j] - s->fxlist[k].v[j];
+ dd += tt * tt;
+ }
+ dd = 0.01 * sqrt(dd);
+ if (dd < s->tol) {
+ s->nodes[i].vald = 0; /* Ignore this point */
+//printf("~1 point %d matches input point %d\n",i, k);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (s->nodes[i].vald == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Then against all the other points */
+ for (k = i+1; k < s->np; k++) {
+ double dd;
+ if (s->nodes[k].vald == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Compute distance */
+ dd = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
+ double tt = s->nodes[i].v[j] - s->nodes[k].v[j];
+ dd += tt * tt;
+ }
+ dd = 0.01 * sqrt(dd);
+ if (dd < s->tol) {
+ s->nodes[i].vald = 0; /* Ignore this point */
+//printf("~1 point %d matches other point %d\n",i, k);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (s->nodes[i].vald != 0)
+ s->nvp++; /* Found a valid one */
+ }
+#ifdef DUMP_PLOT
+ /* Dump plot */
+ dump_image(s, PERC_PLOT);
+#endif /* DUMP_PLOT */
+printf("~1 got %d valid out of %d total\n",s->nvp, s->np);
+ np = s->nvp;
+ /* If we have a new best */
+ if (s->nvp <= s->inp && (s->inp - s->nvp) < (s->inp - s->bnvp)) {
+ sptnode *tnodes;
+ int tnp_a;
+ tnodes = s->bnodes; /* Swap them */
+ tnp_a = s->bnp_a;
+ s->bnp = s->np;
+ s->bnvp = s->nvp;
+ s->bnodes = s->nodes;
+ s->bnp_a = s->np_a;
+ s->bdia = s->dia;
+ s->nodes = tnodes;
+ s->np_a = tnp_a;
+ s->np = s->nvp = 0; /* Zero current */
+ }
+ return np;
+/* Destroy ourselves */
+static void
+simplat_del(simplat *s) {
+ if (s->nodes != NULL)
+ free(s->nodes);
+ if (s->bnodes != NULL)
+ free(s->bnodes);
+ free (s);
+/* Constructor */
+simplat *new_simplat(
+int di, /* Dimensionality of device space */
+double ilimit, /* Ink limit (sum of device coords max) */
+int inp, /* Number of points to generate */
+fxpos *fxlist, /* List of existing fixed points (may be NULL) */
+int fxno, /* Number of existing fixes points */
+double angle, /* Angle to orient grid at (0.0 - 0.5 typical) */
+void (*percept)(void *od, double *out, double *in), /* Perceptual lookup func. */
+void *od /* context for Perceptual function */
+) {
+ int i;
+ double ctol;
+ double hdia, ldia, dia;
+ int hnp, lnp, np;
+ simplat *s;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("new_simplat called with di %d, inp %d\n",di,inp);
+ if ((s = (simplat *)calloc(sizeof(simplat), 1)) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: simplat malloc failed");
+#if defined(__IBMC__)
+ s->reset = simplat_reset;
+ s->read = simplat_read;
+ s->del = simplat_del;
+ /* If no perceptual function given, use default */
+ if (percept == NULL) {
+ s->percept = default_simplat_to_percept;
+ s->od = s;
+ } else {
+ s->percept = percept;
+ s->od = od;
+ }
+ s->ilimit = ilimit;
+ s->inp = inp - fxno; /* Intended number of points */
+ s->angle = angle; /* desired grid angle */
+ s->tol = SNAP_TOL;
+ ctol = 0.6/pow((double)s->inp, 1.0/di);
+ if (ctol < s->tol) {
+ s->tol = ctol;
+ }
+printf("~1 tol = %f\n",s->tol);
+ s->fxlist = fxlist; /* remember fixed points */
+ s->fxno = fxno;
+ /* Compute perceptual values in fixed list */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->fxno; i++)
+ s->percept(s->od, s->fxlist[i].v, s->fxlist[i].p);
+ if (di > MXTD)
+ error ("simplat: Can't handle di %d",di);
+ s->di = di;
+ /* We need to do a binary search to establish the desired */
+ /* latice spacing. */
+ /* Do an initial stab */
+ dia = 50.0;
+ np = do_pass(s, dia);
+ if (np == 0)
+ error("simplat: First pass gave 0 points!");
+printf("~1 first cut dia %f gave %d points, target = %d\n",dia, np, s->inp);
+ if (np < s->inp) { /* Low count */
+ ldia = dia;
+ lnp = np;
+ for(;;) {
+ dia = pow(np/(1.5 * s->inp), 1.0/di) * dia;
+//printf("~1 next try dia %f in hope of %f\n",dia, 1.5 * s->inp);
+ np = do_pass(s, dia);
+printf("~1 second cut dia %f gave %d points, target = %d\n",dia, np,s->inp);
+ if (np >= s->inp)
+ break;
+ ldia = dia; /* New low count */
+ lnp = np;
+ }
+ hdia = dia;
+ hnp = np;
+ } else {
+ hdia = dia; /* High count */
+ hnp = np;
+ for(;;) {
+ dia = pow(np/(0.6 * s->inp), 1.0/di) * dia;
+//printf("~1 next try dia %f in hope of %f\n",dia, 0.6 * s->inp);
+ np = do_pass(s, dia);
+printf("~1 second cut dia %f gave %d points, target = %d\n",dia, np,s->inp);
+ if (np <= s->inp)
+ break;
+ hdia = dia; /* new high count */
+ hnp = np;
+ }
+ ldia = dia;
+ lnp = np;
+ }
+ /* Now zoom into correct number, with linear interp. binary search. */
+ for (i = 0; s->bnvp != s->inp && i < MAX_TRIES; i++) {
+ double ratio;
+ /* Bail out early if we're close enough */
+ if ((3 * i) > MAX_TRIES) {
+ if (((double)s->bnvp/(double)s->inp) > 0.99)
+ break;
+ }
+ ratio = ((double)s->inp - lnp)/(hnp - lnp); /* Distance between low and high */
+ dia = ratio * (hdia - ldia) + ldia;
+ np = do_pass(s, dia);
+printf("~1 try %d, cut dia %f gave %d points, target = %d\n",i, dia, np,s->inp);
+ if (np > s->inp) {
+ hdia = dia;
+ hnp = np;
+ } else {
+ ldia = dia;
+ lnp = np;
+ }
+ }
+ simplat_reset(s);
+printf("~1 total of %d patches\n",s->bnvp);
+ return s;
+/* =================================================== */
+#define ANGLE 0.0
+icxColorantLu *clu;
+#ifdef NEVER
+static void sa_percept(void *od, double *out, double *in) {
+ double lab[3];
+ clu->dev_to_rLab(clu, lab, in);
+ out[0] = lab[0];
+// out[1] = (lab[1]+100.0)/2.0;
+ out[1] = (lab[2]+100.0)/2.0;
+static void sa_percept(void *od, double *p, double *d) {
+ int e, di = 2;
+#ifndef NEVER
+ /* Default Do nothing - copy device to perceptual. */
+ for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ double tt = d[e];
+ if (e == 0)
+ tt = pow(tt, 2.0);
+ else
+ tt = pow(tt, 0.5);
+ p[e] = tt * 100.0;
+ }
+ for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
+ double tt = d[e];
+ /* Two slopes with a sharp turnover in X */
+ if (e == 0) {
+ if (tt < 0.5)
+ tt = tt * 0.3/0.5;
+ else
+ tt = 0.3 + ((tt-0.5) * 0.7/0.5);
+ }
+ p[e] = tt * 100.0;
+ }
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ int npoints = 50;
+ simplat *s;
+ int mask = ICX_BLACK | ICX_GREEN;
+ error_program = argv[0];
+ if (argc > 1)
+ npoints = atoi(argv[1]);
+ if ((clu = new_icxColorantLu(mask)) == NULL)
+ error ("Creation of xcolorant lu object failed");
+ /* Create the required points */
+ s = new_simplat(2, 1.5, npoints, NULL, 0, ANGLE, sa_percept, (void *)NULL);
+#ifdef DUMP_PLOT
+ printf("Perceptual plot:\n");
+ dump_image_final(s, 1);
+ printf("Device plot:\n");
+ dump_image_final(s, 0);
+#endif /* DUMP_PLOT */
+ s->del(s);
+ return 0;
+#endif /* STANDALONE_TEST */
+#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DUMP_PLOT)
+/* Dump the current point positions to a plot window file */
+static void
+dump_image(simplat *s, int pcp) {
+ double minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
+ double *x1a = NULL;
+ double *y1a = NULL;
+ double *x2a = NULL;
+ double *y2a = NULL;
+ double *x3a = NULL;
+ double *y3a = NULL;
+ int i, nu;
+ sptnode *p;
+ if (s->nvp == 0)
+ return;
+ if (pcp) { /* Perceptual range */
+ minx = 0.0; /* Assume */
+ miny = 0.0;
+ maxx = 100.0;
+ maxy = 100.0;
+ } else {
+ minx = 0.0; /* Assume */
+ miny = 0.0;
+ maxx = 1.0;
+ maxy = 1.0;
+ }
+ if ((x1a = (double *)malloc(s->nvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed %d",s->nvp);
+ if ((y1a = (double *)malloc(s->nvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed %d",s->nvp);
+ if ((x2a = (double *)malloc(s->nvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed %d",s->nvp);
+ if ((y2a = (double *)malloc(s->nvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed %d",s->nvp);
+ for (nu = i = 0; i < s->np; i++) {
+ p = &s->nodes[i];
+ if (p->vald == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (pcp) {
+ x1a[nu] = p->v[0];
+ y1a[nu] = p->v[1];
+ x2a[nu] = p->v[0];
+ y2a[nu] = p->v[1];
+ } else {
+ x1a[nu] = p->p[0];
+ y1a[nu] = p->p[1];
+ x2a[nu] = p->p[0];
+ y2a[nu] = p->p[1];
+ }
+ nu++;
+ }
+ /* Plot the vectors */
+ do_plot_vec(minx, maxx, miny, maxy,
+ x1a, y1a, x2a, y2a, nu, DO_WAIT, x3a, y3a, 0);
+ free(x1a);
+ free(y1a);
+ free(x2a);
+ free(y2a);
+/* Dump the final point positions to a plot window file */
+static void
+dump_image_final(simplat *s, int pcp) {
+ double minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
+ double *x1a = NULL;
+ double *y1a = NULL;
+ double *x2a = NULL;
+ double *y2a = NULL;
+ double *x3a = NULL;
+ double *y3a = NULL;
+ int i, nu;
+ sptnode *p;
+ if (pcp) { /* Perceptual range */
+ minx = 0.0; /* Assume */
+ miny = 0.0;
+ maxx = 100.0;
+ maxy = 100.0;
+ } else {
+ minx = 0.0; /* Assume */
+ miny = 0.0;
+ maxx = 1.0;
+ maxy = 1.0;
+ }
+ if ((x1a = (double *)malloc(s->bnvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed");
+ if ((y1a = (double *)malloc(s->bnvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed");
+ if ((x2a = (double *)malloc(s->bnvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed");
+ if ((y2a = (double *)malloc(s->bnvp * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
+ error ("simplat: plot malloc failed");
+ for (nu = i = 0; i < s->bnp; i++) {
+ p = &s->bnodes[i];
+ if (p->vald == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (pcp) {
+ x1a[nu] = p->v[0];
+ y1a[nu] = p->v[1];
+ x2a[nu] = p->v[0];
+ y2a[nu] = p->v[1];
+ } else {
+ x1a[nu] = p->p[0];
+ y1a[nu] = p->p[1];
+ x2a[nu] = p->p[0];
+ y2a[nu] = p->p[1];
+ }
+ nu++;
+ }
+ /* Plot the vectors */
+ do_plot_vec(minx, maxx, miny, maxy,
+ x1a, y1a, x2a, y2a, nu, DO_WAIT, x3a, y3a, 0);
+ free(x1a);
+ free(y1a);
+ free(x2a);
+ free(y2a);
+#endif /* DEBUG */