# Top level Argyll Jamfile. # Overall optization state and configuration. Overrides sub-Jamfiles # See Jamtop and Jambase for other details. PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCOPTFLAG) ; # Turn optimisation on #PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCDEBUGFLAG) ; # Debugging flags #PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCHEAPDEBUG) ; # Heap Debugging flags #PREF_LINKFLAGS = $(LINKOPTFLAG) ; # Link optimization flags PREF_LINKFLAGS = $(LINKDEBUGFLAG) ; # Link debugging flags #PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCPROFFLAG) ; # Profile flags #PREF_LINKFLAGS = $(LINKPROFFLAG) ; # Profile flags # Include all the sub-directory Jamfiles SubInclude numlib ; SubInclude plot ; SubInclude icc ; #SubInclude icc4 ; SubInclude cgats ; SubInclude rspl ; SubInclude gamut ; SubInclude xicc ; SubInclude imdi ; SubInclude spectro ; SubInclude target ; SubInclude scanin ; SubInclude profile ; SubInclude link ; SubInclude tweak ; SubInclude render ; if ! $(HAVE_TIFF) { SubInclude tiff ; } if ! $(HAVE_JPEG) { SubInclude jpg ; } if ! $(USE_NATIVE_USB) { if $(USE_LIBUSB1) = true { SubInclude libusb1 ; } else { if $(NT) { SubInclude libusbw ; } if $(UNIX) { SubInclude libusb ; } } } else { if $(NT) { SubInclude usb ; } } if $(UNIX) && $(OS) != MACOSX { SubInclude jcnf ; SubInclude ucmm ; } if $(OS) = FREEBSD || $(OS) = OPENBSD { SubInclude libusb ; }