# This holds the common definitions for Argyll that all the # subdirectory jam's will include (even if run in the sub directory) Echo "Argyll Jamrules has been read" ; # Default install base directory is same directory as Jamtop, # but can be overriden in the command line. DESTDIR ?= [ NormPaths . ] ; # Default prefix is empty, but can be overriden in the command line. PREFIX ?= "" ; # Default ref file sub-directory is "ref", but can be overriden in the command line. REFSUBDIR ?= "ref" ; Echo "DESTDIR = '$(DESTDIR)', PREFIX = '$(PREFIX)', REFSUBDIR = '$(REFSUBDIR)'" ; # Keep this DESTDIR anchored to Jamtop. PREFIX is used literally ANCHORED_PATH_VARS = DESTDIR ; # Should we also allow CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, CPPFLAGS & LDFLAGS env. variables # to have effect ? # Tell standalone libraries that they are part of Argyll: DEFINES += ARGYLLCMS ; # enable serial instruments & support USE_SERIAL = true ; # enable fast serial instruments & support USE_FAST_SERIAL = true ; # (Implicit in USE_SERIAL too) # enable USB instruments & support USE_USB = true ; # enable dummy Demo Instrument (only if code is available) USE_DEMOINST = true ; # enable Video Test Patch Generator and 3DLUT device support # (V2.0.0 and above) USE_VTPGLUT = false ; # enable Printer device support USE_PRINTER = false ; # enable CMF Measurement device support USE_CMFM = false ; # Use ArgyllCMS version of libusb (deprecated - don't use) USE_LIBUSB = false ; if $(USE_LIBUSB) = true { # Use libusb1 rather than libusb0 & libusb0-win32 (deprecated) USE_LIBUSB1 = true ; # Make the USB V1 library static LIBUSB_IS_DLL = false ; # Always use DLL for MSWin, because driver install expects it (.inf) if $(NT) { LIBUSB_IS_DLL = true ; } # Set the libubs1 library name. LIBUSB1NAME = libusb-1.0A ; } # For testing CCast #DEFINES += CCTEST_PATTERN ; # Information for compiling and linking GUI programs if $(UNIX) { if $(OS) = MACOSX { LINKFLAGS += -framework IOKit ; LINKFLAGS += -framework CoreFoundation ; LINKFLAGS += -framework AudioToolbox ; LINKFLAGS += -framework AppKit ; } else { if [ GLOB /usr/X11R6/include/X11 : X.h ] { LibWinH = /usr/X11R6/include ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/include/X11 : X.h ] { LibWinH = /usr/include ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/local/include/X11 : X.h ] { LibWinH = /usr/local/include ; } else { EXIT Unable to locate the X11 include files ; } if $(HOST64) { if [ GLOB /usr/X11R6/lib : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/X11R6/lib ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/lib64 : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/lib64 ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/lib : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/lib ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/local/lib : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/local/lib ; } else { ECHO Unable to locate the 64 bit X11 library files ; } } else { if [ GLOB /usr/X11R6/lib : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/X11R6/lib ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/lib : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/lib ; } else if [ GLOB /usr/local/lib : libX11.so libX11.a ] { LibWinD = /usr/local/lib ; } else { ECHO Unable to locate the 32 bit X11 library files ; } } if $(OS) = FREEBSD { LINKFLAGS += -g -lrt -lusb ; GUILINKFLAGS += -L$(LibWinD) -g -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86vm -lXinerama -lXrandr -lXau -lXdmcp -lXss ; } else if $(OS) = OPENBSD { LINKFLAGS += ; GUILINKFLAGS += -L$(LibWinD) -g -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86vm -lXinerama -lXrandr -lXau -lXdmcp -lXss -L/usr/local/lib ; } else { LINKFLAGS += -ldl -lrt ; GUILINKFLAGS += -L$(LibWinD) -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86vm -lXinerama -lXrandr -lXau -lXdmcp -lXss ; } # HDRS += $(LibWinH) ; } } # Standard system library support: # Check rule. $(<) is library name, $(>) is optional alternate library name # $(3) is optional #include sub-directory, i.e. "/openssl" rule CheckForLibrary { UCASE = $(<:U) ; lcase = $(<:L) ; libname = $(lcase) ; subd = "" ; if $(>) { libname = $(>) ; } if $(3) { subd = $(3) ; } if ! $(BUILTIN_$(UCASE)) && $(UNIX) { if [ GLOB /usr/include$(subd) : $(lcase).h $(lcase)lib.h ] || [ GLOB /usr/local/include$(subd) : $(lcase).h $(lcase)lib.h ] || [ GLOB /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu$(subd) : $(lcase).h $(lcase)lib.h ] || [ GLOB /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu$(subd) : $(lcase).h $(lcase)lib.h ] { if [ GLOB /usr/lib : lib$(lcase).so ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib : lib$(lcase).a ] || [ GLOB /usr/local/lib : lib$(lcase).so ] || [ GLOB /usr/local/lib : lib$(lcase).a ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib64 : lib$(lcase).so ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib64 : lib$(lcase).a ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu : lib$(lcase).so ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu : lib$(lcase).a ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu : lib$(lcase).so ] || [ GLOB /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu : lib$(lcase).a ] { echo "Using system $(UCASE) library" ; $(UCASE)LIB = ; $(UCASE)INC = ; LINKFLAGS += $(LINKFLAG)$(lcase) ; HAVE_$(UCASE) = true ; } } } # If nothing else, use Argyll supplied $(UCASE) library if ! $(HAVE_$(UCASE)) || $(BUILTIN_$(UCASE)) { echo "Using Argyll $(UCASE) library" ; $(UCASE)LIB = ../$(libname)/lib$(lcase).lib ; $(UCASE)INC = ../$(libname) ; } } # See if we have a system TIFF, JPEG, PNG or ZLIB library. # Note this generates: $(TIFFLIB) $(TIFFINC) $(JPEGLIB) $(JPEGINC) $(PNGLIB) # $(PNGINC) $(ZLIBLIB) $(ZINC) # !!!!! Add to makepackagebin.sh -sBUILTIN_XXX=true !!!!! CheckForLibrary "TIFF" ; CheckForLibrary "JPEG" ; CheckForLibrary "PNG" ; CheckForLibrary "Z" : "zlib" ; CheckForLibrary "SSL" : : "/openssl" ; # if OpenSSL not found: if $(SSLLIB) { SSLINC = ../ccast/axTLS ; SSLLIB = ../ccast/axTLS/libaxtls ; } # testing #DSTDIR = var ; #SRCDIR = .. ;