/* * Argyll Color Correction System * ChromCast support * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 28/8/2014 * * Copyright 2014 Graeme W. Gill * All rights reserved. * * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License2.txt file for licencing details. * */ /* * This class provides simple access to the Google ChromeCast * for the purposes of generating Video Test patches. */ /* TTBD: Ideally we should use the system mDNS resource if it is available, and fall back to our mDNS code if not. ie. Linux may have nothing, be using avahi-daemon, possibly Zeroconf (== Bonjour ?) Avahi has Bonjour compatibility library ?? ie. OS X is using mDNSRespo (Bonjour ?) MSWin may have Bonjour installed on it ? Has dns-sd command - what's that using (SSDP/UPnP ?) From Bonjour for Windows allows any software using the standard name resolution APIs to resolve mDNS names; it does so by registering a DLL (mdnsnsp.dll) as a namespace provider using WSCInstallNameSpace. The corresponding code is included in the mDNSResponder source (in particular, look at the mdnsNSP and NSPTool components). To test on Linux: To check what's listening: sudo netstat -anp | grep 5353 /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start To test on OS X: To check what's listening: sudo netstat -an | grep 5353 launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "copyright.h" #include "aconfig.h" #include #ifndef SALONEINSTLIB #include "numlib.h" #else #include "numsup.h" #endif #include "ccmdns.h" #undef DEBUG #if defined(NT) // Windows specific # if _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0400 # undef _WIN32_WINNT # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 // To make it link in VS2005 # endif # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include # include # include # include # include # include # define ERRNO GetLastError() # define UDP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT WSAETIMEDOUT #else /* !NT = Unix, OS X */ # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include typedef int SOCKET; # define ERRNO errno # define INVALID_SOCKET -1 # define SOCKET_ERROR -1 # define UDP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT EAGAIN #define closesocket(xxx) close(xxx); #endif #ifdef DEBUG # define DBG(xxx) a1logd xxx ; #else # define DBG(xxx) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ /* ================================================================ */ /* mDNS details */ #define DESTINATION_MCAST "" #define DESTINATION_MCASTV6 "FF02::FB" #define SOURCE_PORT 5353 #define DESTINATION_PORT 5353 #define BUFSIZE 1024 /* Various DNS defines */ #define DNS_CLASS_IN 0x0001 // Used by ChromeCast #define DNS_TYPE_PTR 12 /* Domain name pointer */ #define DNS_TYPE_TXT 16 /* Text String */ #define DNS_TYPE_SRV 33 /* Server selection (SRV) record */ #define DNS_TYPE_A 1 /* Host address (A) record */ #define DNS_TYPE_AAAA 28 /* IPv6 address ??? */ #define DNS_TYPE_NSEC 47 /* DNS Next Secure Name */ #ifdef NEVER /* Print out a V6 address in zero compresed form */ /* (It would be nice to add zero compression) */ static char *print_IPV6_Address(ORD8 *buf) { static char sbuf[40], *p = sbuf; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { p += sprintf(p, "%x", buf[i * 2 + 1] * 256 + buf[i * 2 + 0]); if (i < 7) *p++ = ':'; } *p++ = '\000'; return sbuf; } #endif /* Write a DNS string to a buffer. */ /* return the offset of the next byte after the string */ static int write_string(ORD8 *buf, int off, char *s) { int len = strlen(s); if (len >= 0xc0) len = 0xc0; // Hmm. buf[off] = len; off++; memcpy(buf + off, s, len); off += len; return off; } /* Return NZ on error */ static int init_mDNS() { #ifdef NT WSADATA data; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &data)) { DBG((g_log,0,"WSAStartup failed\n")) return 1; } #endif return 0; } /* Setup the send socket */ /* Return nz on error */ static int init_send_mDNS(SOCKET *psock) { int nRet, nOptVal; int off; SOCKET sock; struct sockaddr_in stSourceAddr; DBG((g_log,0,"init_send_mDNS() called\n")) /* get a datagram (UDP) socket */ sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBG((g_log,0,"opening send UDP socked failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) return 1; } /*----------------------- to send --------------------------- */ /* Theoretically, you do not need any special preparation to * send to a multicast address. However, you may want a few * things to overcome the limits of the default behavior */ // If we're doing a one-shot, we shouldn't transmit from port 5353, */ // but ChromCast won't see the packet if we don't. */ /* We cant send from port 5353 if someone else is using it, */ /* so set the SO_REUSEADDR option (which is enough for MSWin), */ /* and SO_REUSEPORT for OS X and Linux */ { int on = 1; if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&on, sizeof(on))) { DBG((g_log,0,"setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } /* Need this to be able to open port on Unix like systems */ #ifndef NT # ifndef SO_REUSEPORT # ifdef __APPLE__ # define SO_REUSEPORT 0x0200 # else /* Linux */ # define SO_REUSEPORT 15 # endif # endif if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const char *)&on, sizeof(on))) { DBG((g_log,0,"setsockopt(SO_REUSEPORT) failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) } #endif } /* init source address structure */ stSourceAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; stSourceAddr.sin_port = htons(SOURCE_PORT); stSourceAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* * Calling bind() is not required, but some implementations need it * before you can reference any multicast socket options * and in this case we must be on port 5353 for ChromeCast to see the packet */ nRet = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&stSourceAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBG((g_log,0,"bind failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } /* disable loopback of multicast datagrams we send, since the * default--according to Steve Deering--is to loopback all * datagrams sent on any interface which is a member of the * destination group address of that datagram. */ nOptVal = 0; nRet = setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, (char *)&nOptVal, sizeof(int)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { /* rather than notifying the user, we make note that this option * failed. Some WinSocks don't support this option, and default * with loopback disabled), so this failure is of no consequence. * However, if we *do* get loop-backed data, we'll know why */ DBG((g_log,0,"[disabling loopback failed with %d]\n",ERRNO)) } #ifdef NEVER // We only want this to be local /* increase the IP TTL from the default of one to 64, so our * multicast datagrams can get off of the local network */ nOptVal = 64; nRet = setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (char *)&nOptVal, sizeof(int)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBG((g_log,0,"increasing TTL failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } #endif if (psock != NULL) *psock = sock; DBG((g_log,0,"init sending mDNS succeed\n",ERRNO)) return 0; } /* Send an mDNS quesry */ /* on some platforms if we try to transmit & recieve at the same time */ /* Return nz on error */ static int send_mDNS(SOCKET sock) { int nRet; int off; ORD8 achOutBuf[BUFSIZE]; struct sockaddr_in stDestAddr; DBG((g_log,0,"send_mDNS() called\n")) /* Initialize the Destination Address structure and send */ stDestAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; stDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(DESTINATION_MCAST); stDestAddr.sin_port = htons(DESTINATION_PORT); /* Setup the FQDN data packet to send */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + 0, 0); /* ID */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + 2, 0); /* Flags */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + 4, 1); /* QDCOUNT - one question */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + 6, 0); /* ANCOUNT */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + 8, 0); /* NSCOUNT */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + 10, 0); /* ARCOUNT */ off = 12; off = write_string(achOutBuf, off, "_googlecast"); off = write_string(achOutBuf, off, "_tcp"); off = write_string(achOutBuf, off, "local"); write_ORD8(achOutBuf + off, 0); /* null string */ off += 1; write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + off, 0x000c); /* QCOUNT */ off += 2; /* Set top bit to get a unicast response (not for ChromeCast though) */ write_ORD16_be(achOutBuf + off, 0x0001); /* QCLASS */ off += 2; nRet = sendto(sock, (char *)achOutBuf, off, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &stDestAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBG((g_log,0,"sending mDNS query failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) return 1; } DBG((g_log,0,"sending mDNS query succeed\n",ERRNO)) return 0; } static int parse_dns(char **name, char **ip, ORD8 *buf, int size); /* Free up what get_ccids returned */ void free_ccids(ccast_id **ids) { if (ids != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; ids[i] != NULL; i++) { free(ids[i]->name); free(ids[i]->ip); free(ids[i]); } free(ids); } } /* Spend the given time waiting for replies. */ /* (Note than on MSWin this will be a minimum of 500msec) */ /* Add any ChromeCast replies to the list. */ /* return nz on error */ static int init_receive_mDNS(SOCKET *psock) { int nRet; int off, size; struct sockaddr_in stSourceAddr; struct ip_mreq stIpMreq; SOCKET sock; DBG((g_log,0,"init_receive_mDNS() called\n")) /* get a datagram (UDP) socket */ sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBG((g_log,0,"opening receive UDP socked failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) return 1; } /* We can't receive from port 5353 if someone else is using it, */ /* so set the SO_REUSEADDR option (which is enough for MSWin), */ /* and SO_REUSEPORT for OS X and Linux */ { int on = 1, off = 0; if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *) &on, sizeof(on))) { DBG((g_log,0,"setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } /* Need this to be able to open port on Unix like systems */ #ifndef NT # ifndef SO_REUSEPORT # ifdef __APPLE__ # define SO_REUSEPORT 0x0200 # else /* Linux */ # define SO_REUSEPORT 15 # endif # endif if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const char *)&on, sizeof(on))) { DBG((g_log,0,"setsockopt(SO_REUSEPORT) failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) } #endif } /* init source address structure */ stSourceAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; stSourceAddr.sin_port = htons(SOURCE_PORT); stSourceAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* * Calling bind() is not required, but some implementations need it * before you can reference any multicast socket options * and in this case we must be on port 5353. */ nRet = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&stSourceAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBG((g_log,0,"bind failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } /* join the multicast group we want to receive datagrams from */ stIpMreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(DESTINATION_MCAST); /* group addr */ stIpMreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* use default */ nRet = setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char *)&stIpMreq, sizeof (struct ip_mreq)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBG((g_log,0,"registering for read events failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } /* Make this timeout after 100 msec second */ #ifdef NT { DWORD tv; tv = 100; if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(tv)) < 0) { DBG((g_log,0,"setsockopt timout failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } } #else { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100 * 1000; if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(tv)) < 0) { DBG((g_log,0,"setsockopt timout failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) closesocket(sock); return 1; } } #endif if (psock != NULL) *psock = sock; return 0; } /* Spend the given time waiting for replies. */ /* (Note than on MSWin this will be a minimum of 500msec) */ /* Add any ChromeCast replies to the list. */ /* return nz on error & free *ids */ static int receive_mDNS(SOCKET sock, ccast_id ***ids, int emsec) { int nids = 0; unsigned int smsec; unsigned int nSize; int off, size; ORD8 achInBuf[BUFSIZE]; struct sockaddr_in stSourceAddr; /* Count the number of current id's */ if (*ids != NULL) { for (nids = 0; (*ids)[nids] != NULL; nids++) ; } DBG((g_log,0,"receive_mDNS() called with %d ids\n",nids)) for (smsec = msec_time(), emsec += smsec;msec_time() <= emsec;) { int i; char *name, *ip; struct sockaddr stSockAddr; /* Recv the available data */ nSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr); size = recvfrom(sock, (char *)achInBuf, BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &stSockAddr, &nSize); if (size == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (ERRNO == UDP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) continue; /* Timeout */ DBG((g_log,0,"recvfrom failed with %d\n",ERRNO)) free_ccids(*ids); *ids = NULL; return 1; } DBG((g_log,0,"Got mDNS message length %d bytes\n",size)) #ifdef DEBUG adump_bytes(g_log, " ", achInBuf, 0, size); #endif if (parse_dns(&name, &ip, achInBuf, size) != 0) { DBG((g_log,0,"Failed to parse the reply\n")) } else { DBG((g_log,0,"Parsed reply OK\n")) //if (*pnids > 0) { // name = strdup("Argyll1234"); // ip = strdup(""); //} /* If we found an entry */ if (name != NULL && ip != NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"Got a name '%s' & IP '%s'\n",name,ip)) /* Check if it is a duplcate */ for (i = 0; i < nids; i++) { if (strcmp((*ids)[i]->name, name) == 0 && strcmp((*ids)[i]->ip, ip) == 0) break; /* yes */ } if (i < nids) { DBG((g_log,0,"Duplicate\n")) free(name); free(ip); } else { ccast_id **tids; if ((tids = realloc(*ids, (nids + 2) * sizeof(ccast_id *))) == NULL || (*ids = tids, (*ids)[nids] = malloc(sizeof(ccast_id)), (*ids)[nids]) == NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"realloc/malloc fail\n")) free(name); free(ip); free_ccids(*ids); *ids = NULL; return 1; } else { DBG((g_log,0,"Adding entry\n")) (*ids)[nids]->name = name; (*ids)[nids]->ip = ip; (*ids)[++nids] = NULL; /* End marker */ } } } } } DBG((g_log,0,"receive_mDNS() returning %d in list\n",nids)) return 0; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Get a list of Chromecasts. Return NULL on error */ /* Last pointer in array is NULL */ /* Takes 0.5 second to return */ ccast_id **get_ccids() { ccast_id **ids = NULL; int i, j; unsigned int smsec; SOCKET ssock, rsock; if (init_mDNS()) { DBG((g_log,0,"init_mDNS() failed\n")) return NULL; } if (init_send_mDNS(&ssock)) { DBG((g_log,0,"init_send_mDNS() failed\n")) return NULL; } if (init_receive_mDNS(&rsock)) { DBG((g_log,0,"init_receive_mDNS() failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); return NULL; } smsec = msec_time(); DBG((g_log,0,"Sending mDNS query:\n")) if (send_mDNS(ssock)) { DBG((g_log,0,"send_mDNS() #1 failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); return NULL; } if (receive_mDNS(rsock, &ids, 100)) { DBG((g_log,0,"receive_mDNS() #1 failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); return NULL; } if (ids == NULL && (msec_time() - smsec) < 200) { DBG((g_log,0,"Sending another mDNS query:\n")) if (send_mDNS(ssock)) { DBG((g_log,0,"send_mDNS() #2 failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); return NULL; } if (receive_mDNS(rsock, &ids, 500)) { DBG((g_log,0,"receive_mDNS() #2 failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); return NULL; } } if (ids == NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"Sending a final mDNS query:\n")) if (send_mDNS(ssock)) { DBG((g_log,0,"send_mDNS() #3 failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); return NULL; } if (receive_mDNS(rsock, &ids, 500)) { DBG((g_log,0,"receive_mDNS() #3 failed\n")) closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); return NULL; } } closesocket(ssock); closesocket(rsock); /* If no ChromCasts found, return an empty list */ if (ids == NULL) { if ((ids = calloc(sizeof(ccast_id *), 1)) == NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"calloc fail\n")) return NULL; } } /* Sort the results so that it is stable */ for (i = 0; ids[i] != NULL && ids[i+1] != NULL; i++) { for (j = i+1; ids[j] != NULL; j++) { if (strcmp(ids[i]->name, ids[j]->name) > 0) { ccast_id *tmp; tmp = ids[i]; ids[i] = ids[j]; ids[j] = tmp; } } } return ids; } void ccast_id_copy(ccast_id *dst, ccast_id *src) { dst->name = strdup(src->name); dst->ip = strdup(src->ip); } ccast_id *ccast_id_clone(ccast_id *src) { ccast_id *dst; if ((dst = calloc(sizeof(ccast_id), 1)) == NULL) return dst; if (src->name != NULL && (dst->name = strdup(src->name)) == NULL) { free(dst); return NULL; } if (src->ip != NULL && (dst->ip = strdup(src->ip)) == NULL) { free(dst->name); free(dst); return NULL; } return dst; } void ccast_id_del(ccast_id *id) { free(id->name); free(id->ip); free(id); } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Read a string with a trailing '.' added. */ /* Return the next offset or -1 and *rv = NULL on error */ static int read_string_imp(char **rv, int *slen, ORD8 *buf, int off, int size, int rec) { int len; int d1 = 0; //printf("~1 read_string_imp called for off 0x%x rec %d\n",off,rec); if (rec > 10) /* Too many recursions */ return -1; /* Error */ if (off >= size) return -1; /* Error */ for (;;) { //printf("~1 top of loop at off 0x%x\n",off); len = buf[off]; if (len == 0xc0) { /* Is it an offset marker */ int poff; //printf("~1 got pointer\n"); if ((size - off) < 2) return -1; poff = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; poff -= 0xc000; if (poff < 0 || poff >= size) return -1; read_string_imp(rv, slen, buf, poff, size, rec+1); //if (slen != NULL) printf("~1 after recurse, slen = %d, off = 0x%x\n",*slen,off); break; /* we're done */ } else { //printf("~1 got string length %d\n",len); off++; if ((off + len) >= size) return -1; if (len == 0) break; /* we're done */ if (rv != NULL) { memcpy(*rv, buf + off, len); //(*rv)[len] = '\000'; printf("Copied string %p = '%s'\n",*rv,*rv); *rv += len; } off += len; if (slen != NULL) { (*slen) += len; //printf("~1 slen now = %d\n",*slen); } } d1 = 1; if (slen != NULL) (*slen)++; if (rv != NULL) { (*rv)[0] = '.'; (*rv)++; } } //if (slen != NULL) printf("~1 returning slen = %d\n",*slen); return off; } /* Read a string */ /* Return the next offset or -1 and *rv = NULL on error */ static int read_string(char **rv, ORD8 *buf, int off, int size) { int len = 0, toff = off; char *trv; //printf("~1 read_string called for off 0x%x\n",off); /* See how long it will be */ if ((toff = read_string_imp(NULL, &len, buf, off, size, 0)) < 0) { //printf("~1 read_string_imp length returned error\n"); return toff; } //printf("~1 read_string_imp got length %d\n",len); if (len == 0) { //printf("~1 Got zero length string\n"); len++; /* Room for null string */ } if ((*rv = trv = malloc(len)) == NULL) { return -1; } //printf("Malloced %p\n",*rv); off = read_string_imp(&trv, NULL, buf, off, size, 0); if (off >= 0) { (*rv)[len-1] = '\000'; //printf("~1 read string ok: %p = '%s'\n",*rv, *rv); } //else printf("~1 reading string failed\n"); return off; } /* Parse an mDNS query */ /* Return updated off value or -1 on error */ int parse_query(ORD8 *buf, int off, int size) { char *sv; int qtype, qclass; DBG((g_log,0,"Parsing query at 0x%x:\n",off)) if ((off = read_string(&sv, buf, off, size)) < 0) return -1; DBG((g_log,0," Got string '%s'\n",sv)) free(sv); if ((size - off) < 2) return -1; qtype = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," QTYPE = 0x%04x\n",qtype)) if ((size - off) < 2) return -1; qclass = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," QCLASS = 0x%04x\n",qtype)) return off; } /* Parse an mDNS reply */ /* Return updated off value or -1 on error */ int parse_reply(char **pname, char **pip, ORD8 *buf, int off, int size) { char *sv; int rtype, rclass, rdlength; unsigned int ttl; DBG((g_log,0,"Parsing reply at 0x%x:\n",off)) if ((off = read_string(&sv, buf, off, size)) < 0) return -1; DBG((g_log,0," Got string '%s'\n",sv)) if ((size - off) < 2) { free(sv); return -1; } rtype = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," RTYPE = %d\n",rtype)) if ((size - off) < 2) { free(sv); return -1; } rclass = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," RCLASS = 0x%04x\n",rclass)) /* rclass top bit is cache flush bit */ if ((rclass & 0x7fff) != DNS_CLASS_IN) { DBG((g_log,0," response has RCLASS != 0x%04x\n",DNS_CLASS_IN)) free(sv); return -1; } if ((size - off) < 4) return -1; ttl = read_ORD32_be(buf + off); off += 4; DBG((g_log,0," TTL = %u\n",ttl)) if ((size - off) < 2) return -1; rdlength = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," RDLENGTH = %d\n",rdlength)) if ((off + rdlength) > size) { DBG((g_log,0," response RDLENGTH is longer than remaining buffer (%d)\n",size - off)) free(sv); return -1; } /* Just decode the replies we need */ if (rtype == DNS_TYPE_TXT) { /* Check it's a ChromeCast & get its name */ char *cp; if ((cp = strchr(sv, '.')) == NULL) { free(sv); return -1; } *cp = '\000'; if (strcmp(cp+1, "_googlecast._tcp.local") != 0) { DBG((g_log,0,"Not a chromecast (got '%s')\n",cp+1)) free(sv); return -1; } DBG((g_log,0," Chromacast '%s'\n", sv)) if ((*pname = strdup(sv)) == NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"strdup failed\n")) free(sv); return -1; } } else if (rtype == DNS_TYPE_A) { /* Should we check name matches ? */ if ((*pip = malloc(3 * 4 + 3 + 1)) == NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"malloc failed\n")) free(*pname); free(sv); } sprintf(*pip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", buf[off], buf[off+1], buf[off+2], buf[off+3]); DBG((g_log,0," V4 address = %s\n",*pip)) } else if (rtype == DNS_TYPE_AAAA) { /* The IPV6 address */ /* Should we check name matches ? */ if ((*pip = malloc(8 * 4 + 7 + 1)) == NULL) { DBG((g_log,0,"malloc failed\n")) free(*pname); free(sv); } sprintf(*pip, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", buf[off+0] * 245 + buf[off+1], buf[off+2] * 245 + buf[off+3], buf[off+4] * 245 + buf[off+5], buf[off+6] * 245 + buf[off+7], buf[off+8] * 245 + buf[off+9], buf[off+10] * 245 + buf[off+11], buf[off+12] * 245 + buf[off+13], buf[off+14] * 245 + buf[off+15]); DBG((g_log,0," V6 address = %s\n",*pip)) } else { DBG((g_log,0," Skipping reply at 0x%x\n",off)) } off += rdlength; free(sv); return off; } /* Parse an mDNS reply into a ChromCast name & IP address */ /* Allocate and return name and IP on finding ChromeCast reply, NULL otherwise */ /* Return nz on failure */ static int parse_dns(char **pname, char **pip, ORD8 *buf, int size) { int i, off = 0; int id, flags, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount; DBG((g_log,0,"Parsing mDNS reply:\n")) *pname = NULL; *pip = NULL; // Parse reply header if ((size - off) < 2) return 1; id = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," ID = %d\n",id)) if ((size - off) < 2) return 1; flags = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," FLAGS = 0x%04x\n",flags)) if ((size - off) < 2) return 1; qdcount = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," QDCOUNT = %d\n",qdcount)) if ((size - off) < 2) return 1; ancount = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," ANCOUNT = %d\n",ancount)) if ((size - off) < 2) return 1; nscount = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," NSCOUNT = %d\n",nscount)) if ((size - off) < 2) return 1; arcount = read_ORD16_be(buf + off); off += 2; DBG((g_log,0," ARCOUNT = %d\n",arcount)) //printf("~1 after strings, off = 0x%x\n",off); // Parse all the queries (QDCOUNT) for (i = 0; i < qdcount; i++) { if ((off = parse_query(buf, off, size)) < 0) { DBG((g_log,0," ### Parsing query failed ###\n")) return 1; } } // Parse all the answers (ANCOUNT) for (i = 0; i < ancount; i++) { if ((off = parse_reply(pname, pip, buf, off, size)) < 0) { DBG((g_log,0," ### Parsing answer failed ###\n")) return 1; } } // Parse all the NS records (NSCOUNT) for (i = 0; i < nscount; i++) { if ((off = parse_reply(pname, pip, buf, off, size)) < 0) { DBG((g_log,0," ### Parsing NS record failed ###\n")) return 1; } } // Parse all the addition RR answers (ARCOUNT) for (i = 0; i < arcount; i++) { if ((off = parse_reply(pname, pip, buf, off, size)) < 0) { DBG((g_log,0," ### Parsing additional records failed ###\n")) return 1; } } return 0; } /* Analysis of ChromeCast reply 0000: 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 0b 5f 67 6f ............._go ID 0x0000 // ID 0 Flags 0x8400 // Standard query response, No error QDCOUNT 0x0000 // No queries ANCOUNT 0x0001 // 1 Answer NSCOUNT 0x0000 ARCOUNT 0x0005 // 5 Additional records // Answer 0b 5f 67 6f _go 0010: 6f 67 6c 65 63 61 73 74 oglecast 0010: 04 5f 74 63 70 _tcp 0010: 05 6c 6f lo 0020: 63 61 6c 00 cal. "_googlecast" "_tcp" "cal" "" //TLD 0020: 00 0c 00 01 00 00 11 94 00 11 0e 43 ...........C RTYPE 0x000c RCLASS 0x0001 TTL 0x00001194 RDLENGTH 0x0011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0000: 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 0b 5f 67 6f ............._go 0010: 6f 67 6c 65 63 61 73 74 04 5f 74 63 70 05 6c 6f oglecast._tcp.lo 0020: 63 61 6c 00 00 0c 00 01 00 00 11 94 00 11 0e 43 cal............C 0030: 68 72 6f 6d 65 63 61 73 74 36 38 39 32 c0 0c c0 hromecast6892... 0040: 2e 00 10 80 01 00 00 11 94 00 67 23 69 64 3d 63 ..........g#id=c 0050: 31 37 61 65 38 38 32 65 37 65 31 38 37 35 64 30 17ae882e7e1875d0 0060: 31 33 65 64 32 31 32 63 31 36 62 62 64 34 30 05 13ed212c16bbd40. 0070: 76 65 3d 30 32 0d 6d 64 3d 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 63 ve=02.md=Chromec 0080: 61 73 74 12 69 63 3d 2f 73 65 74 75 70 2f 69 63 ast.ic=/setup/ic 0090: 6f 6e 2e 70 6e 67 11 66 6e 3d 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 on.png.fn=Chrome 00a0: 63 61 73 74 36 38 39 32 04 63 61 3d 35 04 73 74 cast6892.ca=5.st 00b0: 3d 30 c0 2e 00 21 80 01 00 00 00 78 00 17 00 00 =0...!.....x.... 00c0: 00 00 1f 49 0e 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 63 61 73 74 36 ...I.Chromecast6 00d0: 38 39 32 c0 1d c0 c4 00 01 80 01 00 00 00 78 00 892...........x. 00e0: 04 0a 00 00 80 c0 2e 00 2f 80 01 00 00 11 94 00 ......../....... 00f0: 09 c0 2e 00 05 00 00 80 00 40 c0 c4 00 2f 80 01 .........@.../.. 0100: 00 00 00 78 00 05 c0 c4 00 01 40 ...x......@ */