Argyll CMS documentation index (V1.5.1)
Date: 8th March 2013
Author: Graeme Gill
ArgyllCMS is an ICC compatible color management system, available as
Open Source. It supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners,
cameras and film recorders, and calibration and profiling of
displays and RGB & CMYK printers. Spectral sample data is
supported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types, and
paper fluorescent whitener additive compensation. Profiles can also
incorporate source specific gamut mappings for perceptual and
saturation intents. Gamut mapping and profile linking uses the
CIECAM02 appearance model, a unique gamut mapping algorithm, and a
wide selection of rendering intents. Device Link can be created with
a wide variety of advanced options. It also includes code for the
fastest portable 8 bit raster color conversion engine available
anywhere, as well as support for fast, fully accurate 16 bit
conversion. Device color gamuts can also be viewed and compared
using a VRML viewer. Comprehensive documentation is provided for
each major tool, and a general guide to using the tools for typical
color management tasks is also available. A mailing list provides
support for more advanced usage.
This is Version 1.5.1, a bug fix and feature update to V1.5.0
released on 1st March 2013. The first public release of icclib was
in November 1998, and of Argyll was in October 2000. Code
development commenced in 1995. See Changes
Summary for an overview of changes since the last release.
Changes between revisions is detailed in the log.txt file
that accompanies the source code.
The latest source code is available from here.
A concise discussion of what
color management is, and why we need it, together with a brief
overview of the ICC profile format.
Operating Environments
Argyll is known to compile and run in at least the following
1) MSWindows XP system using Microsoft VC++ 6.0 compiler
2) MSWindows XP system using Microsoft VC++ 8.0 Express compiler +
Platform SDK Feb. 2003
3) MSWindows XP system using Microsoft VC++ 9.0 Express compiler +
Platform SDK Feb. 2003
4) MSWindows XP system using the MingW port of the GCC compiler
5) Linux on Fedora Core 8, 32 bit using gcc
6) Linux on Fedora Core 8, 64 bit using gcc
7) Apple OS X 10.3 PPC using GCC
8) Apple OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 Intel using GCC
9) Apple OS X10.7 Intel using Clang
10) PCBSD 9.1 (FreeBSD) [You need to copy the libusb sub directory
from ArgyllCMS V1.4.0]
Additionally it is also known to run on:
MSWindows 2000, Vista & Windows 7 32 bit.
MSWindows Vista 64bit, Windows 7 64bit & Windows 8 64 bit.
Linux Ubuntu 7.10
Linux Kubuntu 7.10
Linux Mandriva 2008.0
Linux OpenSuSE 10.3
Linux Whitebox 4.2/2
but may well compile and run correctly in many more than this,
including OS X 10.8.
This is a command line terminal
only environment. Those unfamiliar with command line environments
should consult an appropriate tutorial for their environment if they
are interested in using this software. See the listing of tutorials below.
The following color measuring instruments are directly supported:
DTP20 "Pulse"
- "swipe" type reflective spectrometer, that can be used untethered.
DTP22 Digital
- spot type reflective spectrometer.
- spot and strip reading reflective spectrometer.
- spot and strip reading reflective/transmissive spectrometer.
- strip reading reflective colorimeter.
- CRT display colorimeter.
DTP94 "Optix XR" or "Optix XR2" or "Optix Pro"- display
ColorMunki Design
or Photo -
spot and "swipe" reflective/emissive spectrometer (UV cut only).
ColorMunki Create
or Smile
- display
colorimeter. (Similar to an Eye-One Display 2)
Lenovo W
built in laptop Huey display colorimeter.
Eye-One Display
- Xrite i1 DisplayPro and ColorMunki
[ The OEM
i1Display Pro, NEC SpectraSensor Pro and
Quato Silver Haze 3 OEM i1d3 are also
reported to work.]
Eye-One Pro2
- spot and
"swipe" reflective/emissive spectrometer.
Gretag-Macbeth (now X-Rite):
- spot
reflective/emissive spectrometer.
- spot
reflective/emissive, XY table reflective spectrometer .
- spot
reflective/emissive/transmissive, XY table reflective spectrometer.
Eye-One Pro "EFI
ES-1000" - spot and "swipe"
reflective/emissive spectrometer.
Eye-One Monitor
- spot and "swipe" emissive
Eye-One Display 1
or 2 or LT -
display colorimeter.
HP DreamColor or
- display colorimeter. (Treated as a Eye-One Display 2)
- display colorimeter. (Treated as a Eye-One Display 2)
- display colorimeter.
Sequel imaging (Now X-Rite):
- display
colorimeter (Treated as an Eye-One Display 1)
[The Sequel Chroma 4 may also work.]
Lacie Blue
- see Eye-One Display
DataColor ColorVision:
Spyder 2
- display colorimeter (Note
that the user must supply firmware)
[The Spyder 1 has also been reported as working, but this has not
been confirmed.]
Spyder 3
- display colorimeter.
Spyder 4
- display colorimeter (Note
that the user must supply calibration
Colorimètre HCFR
- display colorimeter
- display colorimeter. Experimental only, does not work on all
See Operation of particular
instruments for more instrument specific detail.
Other instruments can be supported indirectly, since patch result
files created by other packages can be imported into Argyll.
Please note the installation instructions for each
platform - they contain important information for getting your
instruments working.
If you've decided to buy a color instrument because Argyll
supports it, please let the dealer and manufacturer know that "You bought it because Argyll CMS
supports it" - thanks.
Please note that instruments are
being driven by ArgyllCMS drivers, and that any problems or
queries regarding instrument
operation should be
directed to the Argyll's author(s) or the Argyll mailing list,
and not to any other
There is a list
of contributed ccmx
(Colorimeter Correction Matrix) files for some display/colorimeter
Copyright and Licensing:
Most of the source code and provided executable files are
copyrighted works, licensed under the Affero GNU Version 3 license, and therefore they
(or works derived from them) can't be copied, sold or made
available to users interacting with them remotely through a
computer network, without providing the source code. Nothing other
than your agreement and compliance with the Affero GNU License
grants you permission to use, modify or distribute Argyll source
code, executables or its derivative works. You could be sued for
copyright infringement if you use or distribute Argyll without a
valid license. The Affero GNU
license prohibits
extending these tools
(i.e. by combining them with other programs or scripts that make
use of, depend on, or work with the Argyll code) and distributing
them, unless the all the elements of the extensions are also made
available under a GPL compatible license. It is permissible to
provide Argyll tools with other non GPL components if the elements
of the package are not related, such that the packaging is mere
aggregation. For all the gory details, please read the
accompanying license.
Note that unlike many commercial ICC profiling tools, the profiles
created using Argyll, are not subject to any claims or restrictions
of Argyll's author(s), but are assumed to be the copyright property
of the person who gathers the characterization data, and causes the
profiles to be created.
The Argyll CMS is Copyright 1995 - 2013 Graeme W. Gill, and is
made available under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public
License Version 3, as detailed in the License.txt
file. Documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free
Documentation License, Version 1.3. The author asserts his moral
rights over this material in relationship to the attribution and
integrity of these works. In particular, if these works are
modified in a way that materially changes their functionality,
then the modified works should be renamed in a way that clearly
distinguishes them from "Argyll" or "ArgyllCMS" so that the
effects of such changes do not reflect on the original works
integrity or the original authors reputation. A subset of files
(those that are related to the color instrument drivers, and are
collected together into the archive by the
spectro/instlib.ksh script + xicc/ccmx.h and xicc/ccmx.c) are
licensed under the General Public License Version 2 or later, as
detailed in the License2.txt file.
Portions of the ColorHug instrument library
(spectro/colorhug.[ch]) are Copyright 2011, Richard Hughes, and is
licensed under the General Public License Version 2 or later, as
detailed in the License2.txt file.
The tool spectro/spec2cie.c is Copyright 2005 Gerhard Fuernkranz,
and is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
License Version 2 or later, and is licensed here under the Version
3 license, as detailed in the License3.txt
The Win32 USB library libusb-win32 kernel drivers are included in
this distribution in the usb/driver and usb/bin directories, and
are copyright Stephan Meyer and Travis Robinson, and are licensed
under the GNU Version 2 or later (the drivers, services,
installer). See usb/driver/License.txt,
libusbw/COPYING_LGPL.txt and libusbw/COPYING_GPL.txt for details.
Additional terms noted on the website
are "This license combination explicitly allows the use of this
library in commercial, non-Open-Source applications."
The icc library in icc/,
the CGATS library in cgats/,
the jcnf library in jcnf/,
the files spectro/xdg_bds.*,
spectro/aglob.* and the
ucmm library in ucmm/ are
Copyright 1995 - 2011 Graeme W. Gill, and available according to
the "MIT" license granted in the icc/License.txt and
cgats/License.txt files, and the licenses at the top of
ucmm/ucmm.c and jcnf/jcnf.c.
The yajl library in jcnf/yajl
is Copyright 2007-2009, Lloyd Hilaiel and is licensed according to
the Berkeley-style License granted in the jcnf/yajl/COPYING files.
The yajl library has been repackaged and modified slightly for
The TIFF library included in this distribution for convenience,
has its own copyright and license detailed in tiff/COPYRIGHT (an
"MIT"/"BSD" like license).
The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG library included in this
distribution for convenience, has its own copyright and license
detailed in jpg/README (an "MIT"/"BSD" like license). Executables
that include JPEG format support are based in part on the work of
the Independent JPEG Group.
xicc/iccjpeg.h and xicc/iccjpeg.c are from lcms and they are Copyright
(c) 1998-2010 Marti Maria Saguer and is licensed under an
"MIT"/"BSD" like license. See the top of the iccjpeg.c file for
the detailed copyright and licensing conditions.
The mongoose web server software is Copyright (c) 2004-2011
Sergey Lyubka, and is licensed under an "MIT" license.
What sort of project is this ? (re:
This is essentially my private project, that I've made available
under GNU licensing conditions. Because I license my code under
other licenses as well, there is a limit to what I will accept in
the way of code contributions back into this project. For me to
accept contributions into the distribution, it either has to a
non-core (side) project, or has to be offered to me with copyright
conditions that are compatible with my other uses (i.e.. a "BSD"
like license, or assigning or licensing the copyright to me), or has
to be so trivial (say a one line bug fix), that it can't be the
subject of copyright.
Of course there is nothing to stop someone setting up a real free
software, community project based on the GNU licensed code made
available here, that would be able to take GNU licensed
contributions from everyone and would essentially be a "fork" of
this code base.
How to build the software from the
source if you want to.
Note that you don't need to
do this if you are using one of the binary installations.
Important notes on installing the binary
software on various platforms.
User Interfaces
ArgyllCMS does not directly support a graphic user interface, but
several people have written GUI
based front ends for it. A popular front
and profiling is dispcalGUI
by Florian Höch. Others can be found with a suitable search.
Tools and the command line
These are all command line ("DOS" shell) tools, and each tool
require appropriate options to be set, followed by filename
arguments. Sometimes the filenames will have to include the usual
extensions, sometimes they are implicit. To get a brief listing of
the possible arguments and usage
of any of the tools, run it with just an "-?" argument, i.e. targen
-? (or some other unrecognized flag, if the "?" character is
treated specially in your shell, i.e. try "--" on OS X zsh).
Note that in general the arguments consist of possible flags or
options followed by file name arguments. All arguments need to be
separated by whitespace. (If you need to specify a string with
embedded white space, double quote the string). A flag consists of a
dash attached to a single letter, the letter identifying the flag,
and is usually case sensitive. An option is a flag that has an
associated parameter or parameters. The parameter can be separated
from the flag by white space, or may come directly after the flag.
So if a tool has a usage that looks like this:
tool -?
usage: tool [options] infile outfile
Verbose mode
Choose a depth 0-4
Use a random depth
Use full range. nn optional range 0 - 100.
Input file
Output file
then there are 5 flags/options, and two filename arguments.
Notice that square braces [] denote optional items. The first
flag/option is a flag. The second is an option that has a numerical
argument in the range 0 to 4. The third is a flag. the fourth is an
option with an optional argument. The fourth is a flag. The
flags and options can generally be in any order, but must be before
the file name arguments. (For a few special tools you actually
specify a sequence of flags and files where the flags apply just to
the following file.) So example invocations may look like:
tool -v testin testout
tool -d3 -M testin1 testout2
tool -f infile outfile
tool -f 45 infile outfile
tool -d 3 -f67 infile outfile
In order to make use of the tools, it is necessary to keep track
of where various files are, and what they are called. There are
many possible ways of doing this. One way is to put each source
profile and all its associated files (test charts, spectrometer
values etc.) in one set of directories for each source profile
type. Similarly the device profiles could be stored in a hierarchy
of directories ordered by device type, media, resolution, device
mode etc. Naturally you will want to set your $PATH so that you
can run the tools from whichever directory you are in, as well as
specify any necessary directory paths for file arguments so that
the tools are able to open them.
Note that there are two ways the Argyll tools deal with filename
extensions. In one you supply the extension (ie. you supply the
whole file name), so the extension is up to you. In the other
(used where one name is used for input and output files, or where
there are multiple output files), the program adds the extension.
In the documentation this should be indicated by calling it a
"base name".
For more information on using a command
line environments, consult an appropriate tutorial:
MS Windows :
To find more: <>
To find more: <>
To find more: <>
Note that since OS X is
based on UNIX, there is much in common between the OS X and Linux
command line environments, and many of the UNIX tutorials may be
A guided tour of the major tools,
applied to typical CMS jobs, such as calibrating displays, creating
device profiles, calibrating printers, linking profiles, and
converting color spaces of raster files.
Although it is is a couple of years old now, this tutorial
may also be of interest.
Discussions about particular topics:
About Fluorescent Whitening Agent compensation
Operation of particular instruments
About ICC profiles and Gamut Mapping
About display monitor settings and
About display "Gamma"
What's the difference between Calibration
and Characterization ?
Why doesn't my Colorimeter work
well on my Wide Gamut display ?
My blacks get crushed on my
display - why ? How do I fix it ?
How can I have confidence in the i1pro
Driver ?
Evaluating input targets
diagram of Major Tools:
Main Tools by
Calibrating devices
calibrate and profile a display.
printcal Create a
printer calibration .cal file from a .ti3 data file.
Creating test targets for profiling or print calibration
Generate a profiling test target values .ti1 file.
filmtarg Create
film recorder TIFF files from Argyll .ti1 file.
printtarg Create
a PS, EPS or TIFF file containing test patch values, ready for
Obtaining test results for profiling or print calibration
chartread Read
a test chart using an instrument to create a .ti3 data file.
dispread Test
and read colorimetric values from a display
filmread Read
film colorimetric values using a SpectroScanT (Deprecated ?)
Convert a TIFF image of a test chart into .ti3
device values.
illumread Use an
instrument to measure an illuminant spectrum, and estimate its UV
fakeread Fake
the reading of a device using an ICC or MPP profile.
synthread Fake the
reading of a device using a synthetic device model.
Convert Colorblind format CMY/RGB test chart into
Argyll .ti3 CGATS format.
kodak2ti3 Convert
Kodak Colorflow format CMYK test chart into Argyll .ti3 CGATS
Convert Gretag/Logo/X-Rite or other format RGB or CMYK
test chart results into Argyll .ti3 CGATS format.
Create a fake Argyll .ti3 CMY data file from a CMYK
profile, as a basis of creating a CMY to CMYK separation
average Average
/ Merge two measurement data files
Creating Device Profiles
Create an ICC profile from the .ti3 test data.
Create a Model Printer Profile (MPP) from the .ti3
test data.
Regenerate a device profiles B2A table data by
inverting the A2B table.
Creating Device Link Profiles
Link two device ICC profiles to create a device
link profile.
Converting colors or applying print calibration
Color convert a TIFF or JPEG file using a sequence
of ICC device, device link, abstract profiles and calibration files.
applycal Apply
calibration curves to an ICC profile.
Lookup individual color values through any ICC
profile table.
Lookup individual color values forward or inverted
though an ICC profile table.
Lookup individual color values though an MPP
profile. Also create MPP gamut files/views.
greytiff Convert
a TIFF file to monochrome using an ICC device profile
Color Tweaking tools
Creates an
abstract profile from two chart readings, useful for refining
proofing profiles.
Creating gamut views
iccgamut Create
a gamut file or VRML file of the color gamut of an ICC profile.
tiffgamut Create
a gamut file or VRML file of the color gamut of a TIFF or JPEG
Convert one or more gamuts into a VRML 3D
visualization file. Compute an intersection.
Diagnostic and test tools
Dump the contents of an ICC profile as text.
profcheck Check
an ICC profile against .ti3 test chart data.
Check ICC forward against inverse lookup.
splitsti3 Split
a CGATS file (ie. a .ti3) into two parts randomly to verify
Create TIFF test
mppcheck Check
an MPP profile against .ti3 test chart data.
spotread Use
an instrument to read a single spot color value.
matching of CIE in two CGATS/.ti3 files (also view differences as
synthcal Create
a synthetic input, display or output calibration (.cal)file.
Other Tools
ccxxmake Use
a Spectrometer to create a Colorimeter Correction Matrix
(CCMX) or a Colorimeter Calibration Spectral Set (CCSS)
for a particular display.
extracticc Extract
an embedded ICC profile from a TIFF or JPEG file.
extractttag Extract a text tag (ie. CGATS
.ti3 data or CAL) from an ICC profile.
dispwin Install
or uninstall display profile, set display calibration from profile
or .cal file, test displace and dispwin access to a display.
Install Instrument manufacturers files for the
Spyder 2, EDR or CCSS calibration files for i1d3 or Spyder 4,
CCMX files for colorimeters.
Plot a spectrum (.sp, .cmf, .ccss) and calculate CCT and VCT.
spec2cie Convert
spectral .ti3 readings into CIE XYZ or L*a*b* readings. Apply FWA,
plot spectrums.
Main Tools
Alphabetic Listing:
applycal Apply
calibration curves to an ICC profile.
Average / Merge two measurement data files
Convert Colorblind format CMY/RGB test chart into
Argyll .ti3 CGATS format.
Color convert a TIFF or JPEG file using a sequence
of ICC device, device link, abstract profiles and calibration files.
ccxxmake Use
a Spectrometer to create a Colorimeter Correction Matrix
(CCMX) or a Colorimeter Calibration Spectral Set (CCSS)
for a particular display.
chartread Read
a test chart using an instrument to create a .ti3 data file.
Link two device ICC profiles to create a device
link profile.
Create an ICC profile from the .ti3 test data.
Adjust, calibrate and
profile a display.
dispread Test
and read colorimetric values from a display
dispwin Install
or uninstall display profile, set display calibration from profile
or .cal file, test displace and dispwin access to a display.
extracticc Extract
an embedded ICC profile from a TIFF or JPEG file.
extractttag Extract a text tag (ie. CGATS
.ti3 data or CAL) from an ICC profile.
Create a fake Argyll .ti3 CMY data file from a CMYK
profile, as a basis of creating a CMY to CMYK separation
fakeread Fake
the reading of a device using an ICC or MPP profile.
filmread Read
film colorimetric values using a SpectroScanT (Deprecated ?)
filmtarg Create
film recorder TIFF files from Argyll .ti1 file.
greytiff Convert
a TIFF file to monochrome using an ICC device profile
Dump the contents of an ICC profile as text.
iccgamut Create
a gamut file or VRML file of the color gamut of an ICC profile.
Lookup individual color values through any ICC
profile table.
illumread Use
an instrument to measure an illuminant spectrum, and estimate its UV
invprofcheck Check ICC
forward against inverse lookup.
kodak2ti3 Convert
Kodak Colorflow format CMYK test chart into Argyll .ti3 CGATS
mppcheck Check
an MPP profile against .ti3 test chart data.
Lookup individual color values though an MPP
profile. Also create MPP gamut files/views.
Create a Model Printer Profile (MPP) from the .ti3
test data.
Install Instrument manufacturers files for the
Spyder 2, EDR or CCSS calibration files for i1d3 or Spyder 4,
CCMX files for colorimeters.
printcal Create
a printer calibration .cal file from a .ti3 data file.
printtarg Create
a PS, EPS or TIFF file containing test patch values, ready for
profcheck Check
an ICC profile against .ti3 test chart data.
Creates an
abstract profile from two chart readings, useful for refining
proofing profiles.
Regenerate a device profiles B2A table data by
inverting the A2B table.
Convert a TIFF image of a test chart into
.ti3 device values.
spec2cie Convert
spectral .ti3 readings into CIE XYZ or L*a*b* readings. Apply FWA,
plot spectrums.
Plot a spectrum (.sp, .cmf, .ccss) and calculate CCT and VCT.
splitsti3 Split
a CGATS file (ie. a .ti3) into two parts randomly to verify
spotread Use
an instrument to read a single spot color value.
synthcal Create
a synthetic input, display or output calibration (.cal)file.
synthread Fake
the reading of a device using a synthetic device model.
Generate a profiling test target values .ti1 file.
tiffgamut Create
a gamut file or VRML file of the color gamut of a TIFF or JPEG
Create TIFF
test images.
Convert Gretag/Logo/X-Rite or other
format RGB or CMYK test chart results into Argyll .ti3 CGATS
verify Verify
matching of CIE in two CGATS/.ti3 files (also view differences as
viewgam Convert
one or more gamuts into a VRML 3D visualization file. Compute an
Lookup individual color values forward or inverted
though an ICC profile table.
Performance/memory tuning hints, plus
tweaks for scipting.
Performance hints.
Overview of the software and its aims and functionality.
Limitations of the current functionality.
How directories are organized, what they contain.
Any detailed documentation on how the software works, or what
algorithms it is based on. (Very incomplete.)
A very brief description of minor tools and test harnesses.
Argyll uses a number of file formats for its operation, some that
are external standards, and some that are unique to Argyll.
Device test values
Device test values & chart layout
Device test values & CIE tristimulus/spectral results Format details.
calibration information. Format details.
Test chart recognition template. Format
3D gamut surface description
Illuminant spectral description
Colorimeter Correction Matrix
Colorimeter Calibration
Spectral Set
Standard text based data exchange format
International Color Consortium profile format
Model device profile format
Tag Image File Format raster files.
Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG File Interchange Format
raster files.
Virtual Reality Modelling Language 3D file format.
ucmm Unix micro
Color Management Module convention and configuration file format and
Errors, Corrections and Omissions:
If you notice any errors, corrections needed or omissions in
the current documentation, please contact the author.