Create film recorder TIFF files from an Argyll .ti1 device
test values.
filmtarg [-v] [-r] [-g
gamma] [-f format] basename
Verbose mode
Don't randomise patch location
gamma Gamma correction / linearization
format Select format from:
Acad_Full [3656 x 2664]
Acad_Half [1828 x 1332]
Cscope_Full [3656 x 3112]
Cscope_Half [1828 x 1556]
FullAp_Full [4096 x 3112]
FullAp_Half [2048 x 1556]
Vista_Full [4096 x 6144]
Vista_Half [2048 x 3072]
basename Base
name for input[.ti1]/output[.ti2] and output TIFF files.
The TIFF files will have a name "basename.XXXX.tiff", where XXXX is the
patch number.
The TIFF files generate are 16 bit, RGB files.