Create a Model Printer Profile (MPP)
from the .ti3 test data.
Usage summary
mppprof [options] outfile
Verbose mode
-q [lmhs]
Quality - Low, Medium (def), High, Simple
-l limit
override default ink limit, 1 -
Generate spectral model too
Generate ink mixing model
Verify profile
-L Output
Lab values
inoutfile Base name for input.ti3/output.MPP file
Usage Details and Discussion
This is an analogous tool to colprof,
but applying to
MPP profiles, rather than ICC profiles. This tool creates an
MPP profile given the .ti3 test
chart information. The model based device profile is an Argyll specific
format, used to hold the parameters to a general model based device
This is a less precise and general format than and ICC profile, but is
a compact way of representing a devices response when it has a large
of color channels, or when very few measured data points are available
for its construction.
The -v flag causes extra information to be printed as the
profile is being created, including the delta E statistics for the test
data fit against the profile.
The -q parameter sets the level of effort and hence quality in
the resulting profile. Different quality profile use different numbers
model parameters.
s simple - use a close
of the Neugenbauer model, with a single parameter, per device
linearisation curve.
l low quality
have more detail terms to account for device linearisation.
m medium quality profiles, add
color channel cross mixing terms, as well as using more detail
h high quality profiles,
use more detail terms and more profile refinement iterations.
The -l flag overrides any default ink limit (Total Area
Coverage) recorded in the .ti3 file.
The -s flag enables the creation of spectral model values, as
well as the tri-stimulus model.
The -m flag is currently not implemented.
The -y flag causes each test value and its error to be printed.
The -L flag causes the CGATS output file to contain D50 L*a*b*
parameters rather than XYZ.
The inoutfile parameters should be the base name of the .ti3
file, and mppprof will output an mpp that has the same basename and the
.mpp extension.