

Create synthetic calibration file. The default is a linear calibration file.


synthcal [-options] basename
 -t N            i = input, o = output, d = display (default)
 -d col_comb     choose colorant combination from the following:
                 0: Print grey
                 1: Video grey
                 2: Print RGB
                 3: Video RGB
                 4: CMYK
                 5: CMY
                 6: CMYK + Light CM
                 7: CMYK + Light CMK
                 8: CMYK + Red + Blue
                 9: CMYK + Orange + Green
                 10: CMYK + Light CMK + Light Light K
                 11: CMYK + Orange + Green + Light CM
                 12: CMYK + Light CM + Medium CM
 -D colorant     Add or delete colorant from combination:
                 (Use -?? to list known colorants)
 -o o1,o2,o3,    Set non-linear curve offset (default 0.0)
 -s s1,s2,s3,    Set non-linear curve scale (default 1.0)
 -p p1,p2,p3,    Set non-linear curve powers (default 1.0)
 outfile         Base name for output .cal file


This is the tool creates a calibration (.cal) file that has a linear table for each channel. This is useful in setting up a display for evaluation, disabling printer calibration, testing, or to recover a display that has a strange set of Video LUTs loaded.

The -t option selects the type of device the calibration file is intended for. Default is display.

The -d option selects the device colorspace. The default for input and display is Video RGB, while the default for output is CMYK.

The -D parameter modifies the colorspace set by -d by allowing individual colorants to be added or subtracted from the colorspace.

Optionally it can be used to create a non-linear calibration file, useful for diagnostics. Each of the device channel curves can be given a gamma (power curve) shape, scaled to a maximum other than 1.0, and offset from a value other than 0.0.