# Optimization and Debug flags #PREF_CCFLAGS += $(CCOPTFLAG) ; # Turn optimisation on PREF_CCFLAGS += $(CCDEBUGFLAG) ; # Debugging flags #PREF_CCFLAGS += $(CCHEAPDEBUG) ; # Heap Debugging flags PREF_LINKFLAGS += $(LINKDEBUGFLAG) ; # Link with debug info #PREF_CCFLAGS += $(CCPROFFLAG) ; # Profile flags #PREF_LINKFLAGS += $(LINKPROFFLAG) ; # Profile flags #Products Libraries = libgamut libgammap ; Executables = viewgam ; Samples = RefMediumGamut.gam ; Headers = gammap.h gamut.h ; #Install InstallBin $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin : $(Executables) ; InstallFile $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(REFSUBDIR) : $(Samples) ; #InstallFile $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/h : $(Headers) ; #InstallLib $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)lib : $(Libraries) ; # Header search path HDRS = ../h ../icc ../rspl ../numlib ../plot ../xicc ../cgats ../spectro ../gamut ; # Gamut handling library Library libgamut : gamut.c ; # Gamut mapping library Library libgammap : gammap.c nearsmth.c ; LINKLIBS = libgammap libgamut ../rspl/librspl ../icc/libicc ../cgats/libcgats ../plot/libplot ../numlib/libnum ../numlib/libui ../plot/libvrml ; # Utilities Main viewgam : viewgam.c ; # Link all the tests and utils with these libraries # Smoothed nearpoint test routine Main smthtest : smthtest.c ; # Preliminary ICC V4 Reference Medium Gamut Main GenRMGam : GenRMGam.c ; # Generate referenec medium gamut the kernel files # (NoUpdate so that Cross Compile Win64 hack works) NNoUpdate RefMediumGamut.gam ; GenFile RefMediumGamut.gam : GenRMGam ; # Visual gamut Main GenVisGam : GenVisGam.c ; # Develop hue sensitive parameter interpolation */ #Main tttt : tttt.c ; LINKLIBS = libgammap libgamut ../icc/libicc ../cgats/libcgats ../xicc/libxicc ../rspl/librspl ../plot/libplot ../plot/libvrml ../numlib/libnum ../numlib/libui ; # Mapping test routine Main maptest : maptest.c ; # Fake test gamut generatio Main fakegam : fakegam.c ; # Surfacing test routine Main surftest : surftest.c ; # Filtering test cpde #Main filt : filt.c ; #Main tt : tt.c ; if $(BUILD_JUNK) { # Gamut creation test routine Main gamtest : gamtest.c ; # Group finding test. Main gtest : gtest.c ; # Test routine Main test : test.c ; Main tt : tt.c ; # Atan aproximation test Main xtan : xtan.c ; # Bit vector class test Main bvtest : bvtest.c ; }