/* * gamut * * Gamut support routines. * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 9/3/2000 * Version: 1.00 * * Copyright 2000 - 2006 Graeme W. Gill * All rights reserved. * * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. */ /* The gamut surface is computed using a variation of Jan Morovic's Segment Maximum approach. The variations are: The segments are filtered with an adaptive depth structure, so that approximately the same detail is kept on the gamut surface. Multiple direction vectors at each point are retained. The resultant points are used to create the overal convex hull, but in an adaptive, non-linearly scaled radial space, that allows for convexity in the PCS result. */ /* TTBD: */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "icc.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "vrml.h" #include "gamut.h" #include "cgats.h" #include "sort.h" /* ../h sort macro */ #include "counters.h" /* ../h counter macros */ #include "xlist.h" /* ../h expandable list macros */ #define COLORED_VRML #define DO_TWOPASS /* [def] Second pass with adjustment based on first pass */ #define FAKE_SEED_SIZE 0.1 /* [0.1] */ #define TRIANG_TOL 1e-10 /* [1e-10] Triangulation tollerance */ #define NORM_LOG_POW 0.25 /* [0.25] Normal, colorspace lopow value */ #define RAST_LOG_POW 0.10 /* [0.10] Raster lopow value (is 0.05 too extreme ??) */ #undef TEST_CONVEX_HULL /* Use pure convex hull, not log hull */ #undef DEBUG_TRIANG /* Enable detailed triangulation debugging & diag2 */ #undef DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML /* Create diag1 vis & diag2 vis for each step */ /* of triangulation (Only on second pass if #define DO_TWOPASS) */ #undef DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML_STEP /* Wait for return after each step */ #undef DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML /* Create diag3 vis for each step of triangle plane split */ #undef TEST_LOOKUP #undef TEST_NEAREST #undef TEST_NOSORT /* Turn off sorted insersion of verticies */ #undef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */ #undef SHOW_SPHERE /* Show surface on sphere */ #undef SHOW_HULL_PNTS /* Show log() length convex hull points */ #undef ASSERTS /* Do internal checking */ #undef INTERSECT_DEBUG /* Turn on compute_vector_isect debugging, */ /* and isect & isect2 vis plot if deb_insect set to 1 */ #undef INTERSECT_VERIFY /* Verify compute_vector_isect against brute force search */ /* These routines support: representing the 3D gamut boundary of a device or image as radial surface height, described by a triangular poligon hull. Interogate the surface to find the point lying on the hull in the same radial direction as the query point. Interogate the surface to find the point lying on the hull that is the closest to the query point. Save the gamut as a vrml format viewable file. Save the gamut as a CGATS format .gam file. */ /* TTBD: * * Would be nice to take the exact colorspace specification * (ie. Lab vs. Jab + viewing conditions), and store them * in the .gam file, so that a warning can be issued if * the gamut colorspace is a mismatch in icclink, or to be able * to translate the verticies into the correct colorespace. * * Add interface to transform all the nodes, while * keeping structure (For use within gamut map, or * transforming existing gamut from Lab to Jab etc.) * * Add inteface to fetch the triangle information ? * * Need to cleanup error handling. We just exit() at the moment. * * Replace BSP tree optmisation with ball tree, to speedup * radial, nearest, and vector search ? * * The log surface stuff is a compromise, that ends up with * some dings and nicks, and a not fully detailed/smooth surface. * The fundamental limitation is the use of the Delaunay triangulation * criteria, and the triangulation algorithm dependence on it for consistency. * Want to switch to triangulation algorithm that doesn't * depend on this, and can triangulate concave objects, * so that something like alpha-shapes criteria can be * used to filter out non surface points. Inserting verticies * from largest radius to smallest seems to do the right thing * with cusp ridges, and this property needs to be retained. * */ #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795) #endif static void triangulate(gamut *s); static void del_gamut(gamut *s); static gvert *expand_gamut(gamut *s, double in[3]); static void set_cs_bp_kp_ovrd(gamut *s, double *bk, double *kp); static double getsres(gamut *s); static int getisjab(gamut *s); static int getisrast(gamut *s); static void setnofilt(gamut *s); static void getcent(gamut *s, double *cent); static void getrange(gamut *s, double *min, double *max); static int compatible(gamut *s, gamut *t); static int nrawverts(gamut *s); static int getrawvert(gamut *s, double pos[3], int ix); static int nraw0verts(gamut *s); static int getraw0vert(gamut *s, double pos[3], int ix); static int nverts(gamut *s); static int getvert(gamut *s, double *rad, double pos[3], int ix); static int nssverts(gamut *s, double xvra); static int getssvert(gamut *s, double *rad, double pos[3], double norm[3], int ix); static void startnexttri(gamut *s); static int getnexttri(gamut *s, int v[3]); static double volume(gamut *s); static int write_to_vrml(gamut *s, vrml *wrl, double trans, int docusps); static int write_trans_vrml(gamut *s, char *filename, int doaxes, int docusps, void (*transform)(void *cntx, double out[3], double in[3]), void *cntx); static int write_vrml(gamut *s, char *filename, int doaxes, int docusps); static int write_gam(gamut *s, char *filename); static int read_gam(gamut *s, char *filename); static double radial(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3]); static double nradial(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3]); static void nearest(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3]); static void nearest_tri(gamut *s, double out[3], double in[3], gtri **ctri); static void setwb(gamut *s, double *wp, double *bp, double *kp); static int getwb(gamut *s, double *cswp, double *csbp, double *cskp, double *gawp, double *gabp, double *gakp); static void setcusps(gamut *s, int flag, double in[3]); static int getcusps(gamut *s, double cusps[6][3]); static int compute_vector_isect(gamut *s, double *p1, double *p2, double *min, double *max, double *mint, double *maxt, gtri **mntri, gtri **mxtri); static int compute_vector_isectns(gamut *s, double *p1, double *p2, gispnt *lp, int ll); static double log_scale(gamut *s, double ss); static int intersect(gamut *s, gamut *s1, gamut *s2); static int exp_cyl(gamut *s, gamut *s1, double ratio); static int nexpintersect(gamut *s, gamut *s1, gamut *s2); static int expdstbysrcmdst(gamut *s, gamut *s1, gamut *s2, gamut *s3, void (*cvect)(void *cntx, double *p2, double *p1), void *cntx); static int vect_intersect(gamut *s, double *rvp, double *ip, double *p1, double *p2, gtri *t); static void compgawb(gamut *s); /* in isecvol.c: */ extern double isect_volume(gamut *s1, gamut *s2); /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Generic hue directions in degrees for Lab and Jab */ /* Must be in increasing order */ double gam_hues[2][7] = { { /* Lab */ 36.0, /* Red */ 101.0, /* Yellow */ 149.0, /* Green */ 225.0, /* Cyan */ 300.0, /* Blue */ 337.0, /* Magenta */ 36.0 + 360.0 /* Red */ }, { /* Jab */ 28.0, /* Red */ 101.0, /* Yellow */ 148.0, /* Green */ 211.0, /* Cyan */ // 269.0, /* Blue */ 250.0, /* Blue */ 346.0, /* Magenta */ 28.0 + 360.0 /* Red */ } }; /* ------------------------------------ */ static gvert *new_gvert( gamut *s, gquad *p, /* Parent quad (may be NULL) */ int i, /* Intended node in quad */ int f, /* Flag value to be OR'ed */ double pp[3], /* Point in xyz rectangular coordinates, absolute */ double rr[3], /* Radial coordinates */ double lrr0, /* log scaled rr[0] */ double sp[3], /* Point mapped to surface of unit sphere, relative to center */ double ch[3] /* Point mapped for convex hull testing, relative to center */ ) { gvert *v; if (s->doingfake == 0 && s->ul != NULL) { /* There is an unused one available */ v = s->ul; s->ul = v->ul; } else { /* Allocate a new one */ if (s->nv >= s->na) { /* We need a new slot in the list */ if (s->na == 0) { s->na = 5; if ((s->verts = (gvert **)malloc(s->na * sizeof(gvert *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on %d gvert pointer\n",s->na); exit (-1); } } else { s->na *= 2; if ((s->verts = (gvert **)realloc(s->verts, s->na * sizeof(gvert *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: realloc failed on %d gvert pointer\n",s->na); exit (-1); } } } if ((v = (gvert *)calloc(1, sizeof(gvert))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on gvert object\n"); exit (-1); } s->verts[s->nv] = v; v->n = s->nv++; } v->tag = 1; if (p != NULL) { v->w = 0.5 * p->w; v->h = 0.5 * p->h; v->hc = p->hc; if (i & 1) v->hc += 0.5 * v->w; else v->hc -= 0.5 * v->w; v->vc = p->vc; if (i & 2) v->vc += 0.5 * v->h; else v->vc -= 0.5 * v->h; } else { v->w = 0.0; v->h = 0.0; v->hc = 0.0; v->vc = 0.0; } v->f = GVERT_NONE | f; v->ul = NULL; v->rc = 1; v->p[0] = pp[0]; v->p[1] = pp[1]; v->p[2] = pp[2]; v->r[0] = rr[0]; v->r[1] = rr[1]; v->r[2] = rr[2]; v->lr0 = lrr0; v->sp[0] = sp[0]; v->sp[1] = sp[1]; v->sp[2] = sp[2]; v->ch[0] = ch[0]; v->ch[1] = ch[1]; v->ch[2] = ch[2]; return v; } /* Set the size of gvert angular segment */ static void set_gvert( gvert *v, /* gvert to set */ gquad *p, /* Parent quad */ int i /* Intended node in quad */ ) { v->w = 0.5 * p->w; v->h = 0.5 * p->h; v->hc = p->hc; if (i & 1) v->hc += 0.5 * v->w; else v->hc -= 0.5 * v->w; v->vc = p->vc; if (i & 2) v->vc += 0.5 * v->h; else v->vc -= 0.5 * v->h; } /* Increment the reference count on a gvert */ static gvert *inc_gvert(gamut *s, gvert *v) { if (v == NULL) return v; v->rc++; //printf("~1 incremented count on 0x%x to %d\n",v,v->rc); return v; } /* Decrement the reference count on a gvert */ /* Copes with NULL gvert. */ /* If the reference count goes to 0, place the */ /* vert on the unused list. */ static void dec_gvert(gamut *s, gvert *v) { if (v == NULL) return; v->rc--; //printf("~1 decremended count on 0x%x to %d\n",v,v->rc); #ifdef ASSERTS if (v->tag != 1) error("Assert: doing decremented on gquad node"); if (v->rc < 0) error("Assert: decremented gvert ref count too far"); #endif if (v->rc <= 0) { /* Add it to the unused list */ memset((void *)v, 0, sizeof(gvert)); v->ul = s->ul; s->ul = v; } } /* Delete all the gverts */ static void del_gverts(gamut *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { free(s->verts[i]); } if (s->verts != NULL) { free(s->verts); s->na = 0; s->nv = 0; } } /* ------------------------------------ */ static gquad *new_gquad( gquad *p, /* Parent quad */ int i /* Intended node in quad */ ) { gquad *q; if ((q = (gquad *)calloc(1, sizeof(gquad))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed on gquad object\n"); exit (-1); } q->tag = 2; q->w = 0.5 * p->w; q->h = 0.5 * p->h; q->hc = p->hc; if (i & 1) q->hc += 0.5 * q->w; else q->hc -= 0.5 * q->w; q->vc = p->vc; if (i & 2) q->vc += 0.5 * q->h; else q->vc -= 0.5 * q->h; return q; } /* Same as above, but create with explicit size */ static gquad *new_gquad2( double l, /* Left border */ double r, /* Right border */ double b, /* Top border */ double t /* Bottom border */ ) { gquad *q; if ((q = (gquad *)calloc(1, sizeof(gquad))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed on gquad object\n"); exit (-1); } q->tag = 2; q->w = r - l; q->h = t - b; q->hc = (l + r) * 0.5; q->vc = (t + b) * 0.5; return q; } static void del_gquad(gquad *q) { int i; if (q == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gnode *n = (gnode *)q->qt[i][0]; if (n != NULL && n->tag == 2) del_gquad((gquad *)n); /* Recurse */ } free(q); } /* Helper functions */ /* Given a gquad and a location, decide which quandrant we're in */ static int gquad_quadrant(gquad *q, double p[3]) { int i; #ifdef ASSERTS if (p[1] < (q->hc - q->w * 0.5 - 1e-10) || p[1] > (q->hc + q->w * 0.5 + 1e-10) || p[2] < (q->vc - q->h * 0.5 - 1e-10) || p[2] > (q->vc + q->h * 0.5 + 1e-10)) { fprintf(stderr,"error! point doesn't fall into bucket chosen for it!!!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"point x: %f < %f\n", p[1], (q->hc - q->w * 0.5)); fprintf(stderr,"point x: %f > %f\n", p[1], (q->hc + q->w * 0.5)); fprintf(stderr,"point y: %f < %f\n", p[2], (q->vc - q->h * 0.5)); fprintf(stderr,"point y: %f > %f\n", p[2], (q->vc + q->h * 0.5)); exit(-1); } #endif i = 0; if (p[1] >= q->hc) i |= 1; if (p[2] >= q->vc) i |= 2; return i; } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Allocate a BSP decision node structure */ gbspn *new_gbspn(void) { gbspn *t; static int n = 0; /* Serial number */ if ((t = (gbspn *) calloc(1, sizeof(gbspn))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - bspn node\n"); exit(-1); } t->tag = 1; /* bspn decision node */ t->n = n++; return t; } /* Delete a BSP decision node struture */ void del_gbspn(gbspn *t) { free(t); } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Allocate a BSP tree triangle list node structure */ gbspl *new_gbspl( int nt, /* Number of triangles in the list */ gtri **t /* List of triangles to copy into structure */ ) { gbspl *l; int i; static int n = 0; /* Serial number */ if ((l = (gbspl *) calloc(1, sizeof(gbspl) + nt * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - bspl triangle tree node\n"); exit(-1); } l->tag = 3; /* bspl triangle list node */ l->n = n++; l->nt = nt; for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) l->t[i] = t[i]; return l; } /* Delete a BSP tree triangle list structure */ void del_gbspl(gbspl *l) { free(l); } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Allocate a triangle structure */ gtri *new_gtri(void) { gtri *t; static int n = 0; /* Serial number */ if ((t = (gtri *) calloc(1, sizeof(gtri))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - gamut surface triangle\n"); exit(-1); } t->tag = 2; /* Triangle */ t->n = n++; return t; } /* Delete a triangle struture */ void del_gtri(gtri *t) { free(t); } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Allocate an edge structure */ gedge *new_gedge(void) { gedge *t; static int n = 0; /* Serial number */ if ((t = (gedge *) calloc(1, sizeof(gedge))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - triangle edge\n"); exit(-1); } t->n = n++; return t; } /* Delete an edge struture */ void del_gedge(gedge *t) { free(t); } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Create a standard gamut map */ gamut *new_gamut( double sres, /* Resolution (in rect coord units) of surface triangles */ /* 0.0 = default */ int isJab, /* Flag indicating Jab space */ int isRast /* Flag indicating Raster rather than colorspace, */ /* so that we only do one pass rather than two of surface fitting. */ ) { gamut *s; #ifdef ASSERTS fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> ASSERTS ARE COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n"); #endif /* ASSERTS */ #ifdef TEST_LOOKUP fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> TEST_LOOKUP IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n"); #endif #ifdef TEST_NEAREST fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> TEST_NEAREST IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n"); #endif #ifdef TEST_NOSORT /* Turn off sorted insersion of verticies */ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> TEST_NOSORT IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n"); #endif #ifdef INTERSECT_VERIFY fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>> INTERSECT_VERIFY IS COMPILED INTO GAMUT.C <<<<<<<\n"); #endif if ((s = (gamut *)calloc(1, sizeof(gamut))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed on gamut object\n"); exit (-1); } if (sres <= 0.0) sres = 10.0; /* default */ if (sres > 15.0) /* Anything less is very poor */ sres = 15.0; s->sres = sres; if (isJab != 0) { s->isJab = 1; } if (isRast != 0) { s->isRast = 1; } if (s->isRast) { s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */ } else { s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */ } /* Center point for radial values, surface creation etc. */ /* To compare two gamuts using radial values, their cent must */ /* be the same. */ s->cent[0] = 50.0; s->cent[1] = 0.0; s->cent[2] = 0.0; s->mx[0] = -1e38; s->mx[1] = -1e38; s->mx[2] = -1e38; s->mn[0] = 1e38; s->mn[1] = 1e38; s->mn[2] = 1e38; /* Create top level quadtree nodes */ s->tl = new_gquad2(-M_PI, 0.0, -M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0); /* Left one */ s->tr = new_gquad2(0.0, M_PI, -M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0); /* Right one */ INIT_LIST(s->tris); /* Init triangle list */ INIT_LIST(s->edges); /* Init edge list (?) */ s->read_inited = 0; s->lu_inited = 0; s->ne_inited = 0; s->cswbset = 0; s->gawbset = 0; /* Setup methods */ s->del = del_gamut; s->expand = expand_gamut; s->set_cs_bp_kp_ovrd = set_cs_bp_kp_ovrd; s->getsres = getsres; s->getisjab = getisjab; s->getisrast = getisrast; s->setnofilt = setnofilt; s->getcent = getcent; s->getrange = getrange; s->compatible = compatible; s->nrawverts = nrawverts; s->getrawvert = getrawvert; s->nraw0verts = nraw0verts; s->getraw0vert = getraw0vert; s->nssverts = nssverts; s->getssvert = getssvert; s->nverts = nverts; s->getvert = getvert; s->startnexttri = startnexttri; s->getnexttri = getnexttri; s->getvert = getvert; s->volume = volume; s->intersect = intersect; s->exp_cyl = exp_cyl; s->nexpintersect = nexpintersect; s->expdstbysrcmdst = expdstbysrcmdst; s->radial = radial; s->nradial = nradial; s->nearest = nearest; s->nearest_tri = nearest_tri; s->vector_isect = compute_vector_isect; s->vector_isectns = compute_vector_isectns; s->setwb = setwb; s->getwb = getwb; s->setcusps = setcusps; s->getcusps = getcusps; s->write_to_vrml = write_to_vrml; s->write_vrml = write_vrml; s->write_trans_vrml = write_trans_vrml; s->write_gam = write_gam; s->read_gam = read_gam; return s; } static void del_gnn(gnn *p); static void del_gbsp(gbsp *n); /* Free and clear the triangulation structures, */ /* and clear the triangulation vertex flags. */ static void del_triang(gamut *s) { int i; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ gedge *ep; /* Recursively free radial lookup acceleration structures */ /* Do this before we delete triangles, because there may */ /* be triangles in the tree. */ if (s->lutree != NULL) { del_gbsp(s->lutree); s->lutree = NULL; } if (s->tris != NULL) { tp = s->tris; /* Delete all the triangles */ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { DEL_LINK(s->tris, tp); del_gtri(tp); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); INIT_LIST(s->tris); /* Init triangle list */ } if (s->edges != NULL) { ep = s->edges; /* Delete all the edges */ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) { DEL_LINK(s->edges, ep); del_gedge(ep); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(ep); INIT_LIST(s->edges); /* Init edge list */ } s->lu_inited = 0; if (s->nns != NULL) { del_gnn(s->nns); s->nns = NULL; } s->ne_inited = 0; /* Reset the vertex flags triangulation changes */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { s->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_TRI; s->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE; } } static void del_gamut(gamut *s) { del_gquad(s->tl); del_gquad(s->tr); del_triang(s); del_gverts(s); if (s->ss != NULL) s->ss->del(s->ss); free(s); } /* ===================================================== */ /* Segmented maxima filter code */ /* ===================================================== */ /* This implementation has two twists on the usual segmented maxima filtering: * Rather than using a uniform radial grid, it uses an adaptive, quadtree structure, so that rather than having a constant angular resolution for the segments, the sements are chosen so as to aproximately correspond to a constant surface detail level. [ A subtle problem with this approach is that some points will be discarded early on, that wouldn't be discarded later, when the quadtree is finer. A hack is to run the points throught twice.] * Rather than keep the single sample with the largest radius in each radial segment, four samples are kept, each being the largest in a different direction. This helps avoid "knicks" in edges, where a non edge sample displaces an edge sample within a segment. */ /* Helper function that returns nz if v1 should replace v2 */ static int smreplace( gamut *s, int d, /* Slot number */ gvert *v1, /* Candidate vertex */ gvert *v2 /* Existing vertex */ ) { double xx, w[3], c[3]; int j; if (v2 == NULL) return 1; /* Filter out any points that are almost identical */ /* This can cause numerical problems in the triangle BSP tree creation. */ for (xx = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double tt = v1->p[j] - v2->p[j]; xx += tt * tt; } if (xx < (1e-4 * 1e-4)) return 0; c[0] = s->cent[0]; c[1] = s->cent[1]; c[2] = s->cent[2]; /* Set L, a & b weighting depending on the slot */ switch(d) { case 1: w[0] = 0.5; w[1] = 1.0; w[2] = 1.0; break; case 2: w[0] = 2.0; w[1] = 1.0; w[2] = 1.0; break; case 3: w[0] = 4.0; w[1] = 1.0; w[2] = 1.0; break; case 4: w[0] = 0.0; w[1] = 1.0; w[2] = 0.1; break; case 5: w[0] = 0.0; w[1] = 0.1; w[2] = 1.0; break; default: w[0] = 1.0; w[1] = 1.0; w[2] = 1.0; break; } w[0] *= w[0]; /* Because we're weighting the squares */ w[1] *= w[1]; w[2] *= w[2]; return ( w[0] * (v1->p[0] - c[0]) * (v1->p[0] - c[0]) + w[1] * (v1->p[1] - c[1]) * (v1->p[1] - c[1]) + w[2] * (v1->p[2] - c[2]) * (v1->p[2] - c[2])) > ( w[0] * (v2->p[0] - c[0]) * (v2->p[0] - c[0]) + w[1] * (v2->p[1] - c[1]) * (v2->p[1] - c[1]) + w[2] * (v2->p[2] - c[2]) * (v2->p[2] - c[2])); } /* Expand the gamut by adding a point. */ /* If nofilter is set, return NULL if the point */ /* is discarded, or the address of the point representing */ /* the point added. If nofiler is not set, return NULL */ static gvert *expand_gamut( gamut *s, double pp[3] /* rectangular coordinate of point */ ) { gnode *n; /* Current node */ gvert *nv, *ov; /* new vertex, old vertex */ gquad *q; /* Parent quad */ int i; /* Sub element within quad */ int k; /* Index of direction slot */ double rr[3]; /* Radial coordinate version of pp[] */ double sp[3]; /* Unit shere mapped version of pp[] relative to center */ double ch[3]; /* Convex hull testing mapped version of pp[] relative to center */ double lrr0; /* log scaled rr[0] */ double hang, vang; /* Critical angles for this points depth */ double aa; int j; if (s->tris != NULL || s->read_inited || s->lu_inited || s->ne_inited) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't add points to gamut now!\n"); exit(-1); } if (s->doingfake == 0) s->cu_inited = 0; /* Invalidate cust info */ /* Tracl bounding range */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (pp[j] > s->mx[j]) s->mx[j] = pp[j]; if (pp[j] < s->mn[j]) s->mn[j] = pp[j]; } /* Convert to radial coords */ gamut_rect2radial(s, rr, pp); if (rr[0] < 1e-6) /* Ignore a point right at the center */ return NULL; /* Figure log scaled radius */ lrr0 = log_scale(s, rr[0]); /* Compute unit shere mapped location */ aa = 1.0/rr[0]; /* Adjustment to put in on unit sphere */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) sp[j] = (pp[j] - s->cent[j]) * aa; /* Compute hull testing mapped version */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) ch[j] = sp[j] * lrr0; /* compute twice angle resolution required (will compare to parent size) */ hang = pow(rr[0], 1.01) * fabs(cos(rr[2])); if (hang < 1e-9) hang = 1e-9; hang = 4.0 * s->sres/hang; vang = 4.0 * s->sres/pow(rr[0], 1.01); //printf("~1 Point at %f %f %f, radial %f %f %f\n", pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); //printf("~1 shere at %f %f %f, log %f %f %f, vhang %f %f\n", sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], ch[0], ch[1], ch[2], vang, hang); /* If nofilter flag is set, add all points as verticies */ if (s->nofilter) { /* Filter out any points that are almost identical. */ /* This can cause numerical problems in the triangle BSP tree creation. */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { double xx; for (xx = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double tt = pp[j] - s->verts[i]->p[j]; xx += tt * tt; } if (xx < (1e-4 * 1e-4)) { if (s->doingfake) s->verts[i]->f |= GVERT_ESTP; return s->verts[i]; /* Existing point becomes added point */ } } /* Create a vertex for the point we're possibly adding */ nv = new_gvert(s, NULL, 0, GVERT_SET | (s->doingfake ? (GVERT_FAKE | GVERT_ESTP) : 0), pp, rr, lrr0, sp, ch); return nv; } /* else filter using adaptive segmented maxima */ /* Start by looking at the top level quads */ if (rr[1] >= 0.0) { q = s->tr; } else { q = s->tl; } n = (gnode *)q; //printf("~1 Starting with quad 0x%x, width %f, height %f\n",q, q->w, q->h); /* Now recurse until we have a virtex at the right location and depth */ for (;;) { /* Recurse into quad node n */ q = (gquad *)n; /* Parent node */ i = gquad_quadrant(q, rr); /* Quadrand of parent */ n = q->qt[i][0]; /* Child node in quadrant */ //printf("~1 Current quad 0x%x, width %f, height %f\n",q, q->w, q->h); //printf("~1 Current child in quadrant %d, node 0x%x, type %d\n", i, n, n != NULL ? n->tag : 0); /* If we're at the right depth to create a vertex, break out of decent loop. */ if (n == NULL) { /* Create new node */ if (q->w <= hang && q->h <= vang) { //printf("~1 We're at the right depth to add vertex\n"); break; } /* Else create a new quad */ n = (gnode *)new_gquad(q, i); q->qt[i][0] = n; //printf("~1 Empty child node not deep enough, creating new quad node 0x%x\n",n); /* If we've found verticies at this node */ } else if (n->tag == 1) { int j; gquad *qq; /* New child quad */ gvert *vv[NSLOTS]; /* Existing verticies at this level */ if (q->w <= hang && q->h <= vang) { //printf("~1 We're at the right depth to replace vertex\n"); break; } //printf("~1 deepening verticies\n"); for (k = 0; k < NSLOTS; k++) vv[k] = (gvert *)q->qt[i][k]; /* Save pointers to current verticies */ //printf("~1 existing verticies are 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], vv[3]); /* make a quad to replace the current verticies */ qq = new_gquad(q, i); n = (gnode *)qq; q->qt[i][0] = n; for (k = 1; k < NSLOTS; k++) q->qt[i][k] = NULL; //printf("~1 added quad 0x%x to quadrant %d\n",i,q); /* Distribute verticies that were here, into new quad */ for (j = 0; j < NSLOTS; j++) { /* For all existing verticies */ if (vv[j] == NULL) continue; //printf("~1 re-distributing verticy 0x%x\n",vv[j]); i = gquad_quadrant(qq, vv[j]->r); /* Quadrant for existing vertex */ set_gvert(vv[j], qq, i); /* Update vertex node location */ nv = vv[j]; for (k = 0; nv != NULL && k < NSLOTS; k++) { /* For direction slot */ ov = (gvert *)qq->qt[i][k]; if (smreplace(s, k, nv, ov)) { if (k == 0) { /* Track points that are in k == 0 direction */ if (ov != NULL && ov->k0 > 0) ov->k0--; nv->k0++; } #ifndef NEVER qq->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv); dec_gvert(s, ov); #else /* Use slots for best, 2nd best, etc */ qq->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv); dec_gvert(s, nv); nv = ov; #endif //printf("Node 0x%x rc %d at %f %f %f is replacing\n",nv, nv->rc, nv->p[0], nv->p[1], nv->p[2]); //if (ov != NULL) printf(" replacing node 0x%x rc %d at %f %f %f\n",ov, ov->rc, ov->p[0], ov->p[1], ov->p[2]); //else printf(" NULL\n"); } } dec_gvert(s, nv); } } /* Else it's a quad, and we will decend into it */ } /* keep decending until we find right depth */ //printf("~1 Got parent quad 0x%x, quadrant %d, vertex 0x%x\n", q, i, n); /* Create a vertex for the point we're possibly adding */ nv = new_gvert(s, q, i, GVERT_SET, pp, rr, lrr0, sp, ch); /* Replace any existing gverts with this one */ for (k = 0; k < NSLOTS; k++) { /* For direction slot */ ov = (gvert *)q->qt[i][k]; if (smreplace(s, k, nv, ov)) { if (k == 0) { /* Track points that are in k == 0 direction */ if (ov != NULL && ov->k0 > 0) ov->k0--; nv->k0++; } #ifndef NEVER q->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv); dec_gvert(s, ov); #else /* Use slots for best, 2nd best, etc */ q->qt[i][k] = (gnode *)inc_gvert(s, nv); dec_gvert(s, nv); nv = ov; #endif } } dec_gvert(s, nv); /* Make sure it's reclaimed if wasn't used */ //printf("~1 Point is done\n\n"); return NULL; } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* intersect implementation */ /* Assumes s has been initialised. */ static void intersect_imp(gamut *s, gamut *sa, gamut *sb) { int i, j, k; gamut *s1, *s2; /* Add each source gamuts verticies that lie within */ /* the other gamut */ for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { gtri *tp1, *tp2; /* Triangle pointers */ if (k == 0) { s1 = sa; s2 = sb; } else { s1 = sb; s2 = sa; } for (i = 0; i < s1->nv; i++) { double pl; if (!(s1->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; pl = s2->nradial(s2, NULL, s1->verts[i]->p); if (pl <= (1.0 + 1e-9)) { expand_gamut(s, s1->verts[i]->p); s1->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_ISOS; /* s1 vert is not outside s2 */ } else { s1->verts[i]->f |= GVERT_ISOS; /* s1 vert is outside s2 */ } } /* Now find the edges that intersect the other gamut */ tp1 = s1->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp1) { /* For all s1 triangles */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For all edges in s1 triangle */ /* If edge passes through the other gamut */ if ((tp1->e[j]->v[0]->f ^ tp1->e[j]->v[1]->f) & GVERT_ISOS) { /* Exhaustive search of other triangles in s2, */ /* to find the one that the edge intersects with. */ tp2 = s2->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) { double pv; double tt[3]; /* Do a min/max intersection elimination test */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (tp2->mix[1][i] < tp1->mix[0][i] || tp2->mix[0][i] > tp1->mix[1][i]) break; /* min/max don't overlap */ } if (i < 3) continue; /* Skip this triangle, it can't intersect */ if (vect_intersect(s1, &pv, tt, tp1->e[j]->v[0]->p, tp1->e[j]->v[1]->p, tp2) && pv >= (0.0 - 1e-10) && pv <= (1.0 + 1e-10)) { expand_gamut(s, tt); } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp2); } } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp1); } } /* Initialise this gamut with the intersection of the */ /* the two given gamuts. Return NZ on error. */ /* Return 1 if gamuts are not compatible */ /* (We assume that the this gamut is currently empty) */ static int intersect(gamut *s, gamut *sa, gamut *sb) { gamut *ss; int j; if (sa->compatible(sa, sb) == 0) return 1; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sa->tris) triangulate(sa); if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sb->tris) triangulate(sb); s->sres = sa->sres > sb->sres ? sa->sres : sb->sres; s->isJab = sa->isJab; /* Clear some flags */ s->cswbset = 0; s->cswbset = 0; s->dcuspixs = 0; /* If either is a raster gamut, make it a raster gamut */ if (sa->isRast || sb->isRast) s->isRast = 1; if (s->isRast) { s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */ } else { s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */ } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->cent[j] = sa->cent[j]; /* Grab white & black from whichever source has it */ if (sb->cswbset) ss = sb; else if (sb->cswbset) ss = sa; if (ss->cswbset) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { s->cs_wp[j] = ss->cs_wp[j]; s->cs_bp[j] = ss->cs_bp[j]; s->cs_kp[j] = ss->cs_kp[j]; } s->cswbset = ss->cswbset; } /* Don't filter the points (gives a more accurate result ?) */ s->nofilter = 1; intersect_imp(s, sa, sb); if (sa->gawbset) { compgawb(s); } s->nofilter = 0; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Initialise this gamut with the source gamut */ /* expanded cylindrically around the nautral axis by */ /* the given ratio. */ /* (We assume that the this gamut is currently empty) */ static int exp_cyl(gamut *s, gamut *sa, double ratio) { int i, j, k; double bp[3], wp[3]; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sa->tris) triangulate(sa); s->sres = sa->sres; s->isJab = sa->isJab; s->isRast = sa->isRast; if (s->isRast) { s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */ } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->cent[j] = sa->cent[j]; /* Clear some flags */ s->cswbset = 0; s->cswbset = 0; s->dcuspixs = 0; /* Copy white & black points */ if (sa->cswbset) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { s->cs_wp[j] = sa->cs_wp[j]; s->cs_bp[j] = sa->cs_bp[j]; s->cs_kp[j] = sa->cs_kp[j]; } s->cswbset = sa->cswbset; icmCpy3(wp, s->cs_wp); icmCpy3(bp, s->cs_bp); } else { wp[0] = 100.0, wp[1] = 0.0, wp[2] = 0.0; bp[0] = 0.0, bp[1] = 0.0, bp[2] = 0.0; } /* Don't filter the points (gives a more accurate result) */ s->nofilter = 1; /* For each vertex */ for (i = 0; i < sa->nv; i++) { double pp[3], cp[3]; double vv; if (!(sa->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; icmCpy3(pp, sa->verts[i]->p); /* Point in question */ /* Parameter along neutral axis black to white */ vv = (pp[0] - bp[0])/(wp[0] - bp[0]); /* lv is point at same L on neutral axis */ cp[0] = pp[0]; cp[1] = vv * (wp[1] - bp[1]) + bp[1]; cp[2] = vv * (wp[2] - bp[2]) + bp[2]; /* Convert to vector from neutral axis point */ icmSub3(pp, pp, cp); /* Scale a,b */ pp[1] *= ratio; pp[2] *= ratio; /* Convert back to point */ icmAdd3(pp, pp, cp); expand_gamut(s, pp); } /* Copy and expand cusps */ if (sa->cu_inited != 0) { /* For each cusp */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { double pp[3], cp[3]; double vv; icmCpy3(pp, sa->cusps[i]); /* Parameter along neutral axis black to white */ vv = (pp[0] - bp[0])/(wp[0] - bp[0]); /* lv is point at same L on neutral axis */ cp[0] = pp[0]; cp[1] = vv * (wp[1] - bp[1]) + bp[1]; cp[2] = vv * (wp[2] - bp[2]) + bp[2]; /* Convert to vector from neutral axis point */ icmSub3(pp, pp, cp); /* Scale a,b */ pp[1] *= ratio; pp[2] *= ratio; /* Convert back to point */ icmAdd3(pp, pp, cp); icmCpy3(s->cusps[i], pp); } s->cu_inited = sa->cu_inited; } s->nofilter = 0; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Initialise this gamut with neutral axis points from sa, */ /* and then intersected with sb. */ /* Return NZ on error. */ /* Expand sb with neutral points, and then intersect */ /* with sa. */ /* Return 1 if gamuts are not compatible */ /* (We assume that the this gamut is currently empty) */ static int nexpintersect(gamut *s, gamut *sa, gamut *sb) { int i, j, k; gamut *s1, *s2; if (sa->compatible(sa, sb) == 0) return 1; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sa->tris) triangulate(sa); if IS_LIST_EMPTY(sb->tris) triangulate(sb); s->sres = sa->sres > sb->sres ? sa->sres : sb->sres; s->isJab = sa->isJab; /* If either is a raster gamut, make it a raster gamut */ if (sa->isRast || sb->isRast) s->isRast = 1; if (s->isRast) { s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */ } else { s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */ } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->cent[j] = sa->cent[j]; /* Clear some flags */ s->cswbset = 0; s->cswbset = 0; s->dcuspixs = 0; /* Don't filter the points (gives a more accurate result ?) */ s->nofilter = 1; /* Number of points to generate */ k = 10; if (sa->nv <= 10) k = 5; /* Generate points from black to white */ for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { double pp[3]; double bf = i/(k-1.0); icmBlend3(pp, sa->cs_bp, sa->cs_wp, bf); expand_gamut(s, pp); } /* let intersect_imp to the hard work */ intersect_imp(s, sa, sb); s->nofilter = 0; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Initialise this gamut with the image/destination gamut expanded by the amount that dest colorspace is outside the source colorspace gamut. The vector direction of "inwards" is that returned by the callback function as p1 -> p2 if it is supplied, or radially inwards if it is not. p2 is a "center" point to compute depth to. Return 1 if gamuts are not compatible. (We assume that the _this_ gamut is currently empty) */ #define MXNIS 40 /* Maximum raw intersections handled */ static int expdstbysrcmdst( gamut *s, /* Gamut to be expanded */ gamut *s1, /* (Image) destination gamut to be expanded */ gamut *s2, /* The source space gamut */ gamut *s3, /* The destination space gamut */ void (*cvect)(void *cntx, double *p2, double *p1), /* Compression direction callback */ void *cntx /* which returns p2 which is in desired direction from given p1 */ ) { int i, j, k; gamut *ss[3]; int ll1, ll2, ll3; /* Returned list length */ gispnt lp1[MXNIS], lp2[MXNIS], lp3[MXNIS]; /* Lists of intersections */ int ii, jj, kk; /* List indexes */ //printf("\n~1 expdstbysrcmdst() called\n"); if (s1->compatible(s1, s2) == 0 || s1->compatible(s2, s3) == 0) return 1; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s1->tris) triangulate(s1); if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s2->tris) triangulate(s2); if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s3->tris) triangulate(s3); s->isJab = s1->isJab; s->isRast = s1->isRast; if (s->isRast) { s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */ } else { s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */ } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->cent[j] = s1->cent[j]; /* Clear some flags */ s->cswbset = 0; s->cswbset = 0; s->dcuspixs = 0; /* Don't filter the points (gives a more accurate result ?) */ s->nofilter = 1; ss[0] = s1; ss[1] = s2; ss[2] = s3; /* Use all the triangle vertices from the two/three gamuts */ /* as candidate points, because any of them might */ /* determine a surface feature. */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { /* For each vertex */ for (i = 0; i < ss[k]->nv; i++) { double pp[3], ppv, p2[3]; double rr, r4; if (!(ss[k]->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; icmCpy3(pp, ss[k]->verts[i]->p); /* Point in question */ if (k == 0) { /* Seed with all points from gamut */ expand_gamut(s, pp); /* to ensure result can't be less. */ } //printf("\n~1 k %d, point %d: %f %f %f\n", k,i,pp[0],pp[1],pp[2]); /* Get the mapping vector */ if (cvect != NULL) cvect(cntx, p2, pp); /* Get mapping direction to center */ else icmCpy3(p2, ss[k]->cent); /* Radial vector to center */ icmNormalize33(pp, pp, p2, 1.0); /* Make p2->pp length 1.0 */ //printf("~1 k %d, center %d: %f %f %f\n", k,i,p2[0],p2[1],p2[2]); /* Locate the intersecting segments for each gamut. */ /* The returned parameter value will be >= 1.0 at and beyond the center point */ /* and < 1.0 on the pp side. */ /* We need intersections for all three for this to be a potential expansion point. */ if ((ll1 = s1->vector_isectns(s1, pp, p2, lp1, MXNIS)) == 0) { /* Dest gamut */ //printf("~1 no dst intersection\n"); continue; } if ((ll2 = s2->vector_isectns(s2, pp, p2, lp2, MXNIS)) == 0) { /* Src space */ //printf("~1 no sc intersection\n"); continue; } if ((ll3 = s3->vector_isectns(s3, pp, p2, lp3, MXNIS)) == 0) { /* Dst space */ //printf("~1 no dc intersection\n"); continue; } #ifdef NEVER printf("img segments:\n"); for (ii = 0; ii < ll1; ii++) printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp1[ii].pv,lp1[ii].dir,lp1[ii].edge,lp1[ii].tri->n); printf("src segments:\n"); for (ii = 0; ii < ll2; ii++) printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp2[ii].pv,lp2[ii].dir,lp2[ii].edge,lp2[ii].tri->n); printf("dst segments:\n"); for (ii = 0; ii < ll3; ii++) printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp3[ii].pv,lp3[ii].dir,lp3[ii].edge,lp3[ii].tri->n); #endif /* We're only interested in the most outside intersection of each surface */ /* on the side of the point in question. (we're ignoring and complex */ /* topology) */ if (lp1[0].pv > (1.0 - 1e-8)) { //printf("~1 dst point is on other side\n"); continue; } if (lp2[0].pv > (1.0 - 1e-8)) { //printf("~1 sc point is on other side\n"); continue; } if (lp3[0].pv > (1.0 - 1e-8)) { //printf("~1 sc point is on other side\n"); continue; } /* Make sure that sc is inside dc, */ /* and sc is on or above dst */ if (lp2[0].pv > (lp3[0].pv - 1e-8) && lp2[0].pv <= (lp1[0].pv + 1e-8)) { double ex[3], sf; /* Expand point by up to dst - src */ icmSub3(ex, lp3[0].ip, lp2[0].ip); /* Make expansion proportional to how far dst */ /* is to sc */ sf = (1.0 - lp1[0].pv)/(1.0 - lp2[0].pv); icmScale3(ex, ex, sf); icmAdd3(pp, lp1[0].ip, ex); //printf("~1 expanding point by sf %f = %f %f %f\nb",sf,ex[0],ex[1],ex[2]); //printf("~1 to %f %f %f\nb",pp[0],pp[1],pp[2]); expand_gamut(s, pp); } else { //printf("~1 lp2 %f <= lp3 %f || lp2 %f > lp2 %f\n",lp2[0].pv,lp3[0].pv - 1e-8, lp2[0].pv, lp1[0].pv + 1e-8); //printf("~1 dc is inside sc or sc is inside dst\n"); } } } /* Generate points along the intersection of sc and dc, map them */ /* to the image/dest gamut, and add them as well. This is to properly define */ /* the edges of the expansion zone. */ /* For sc on dc and then dc on sc */ for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { gamut *ss1, *ss2; gtri *tp1, *tp2; /* Triangle pointers */ if (k == 0) { ss1 = s2; ss2 = s3; } else { ss1 = s3; ss2 = s2; } /* Find the edges that intersect the other gamut */ tp1 = ss1->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp1) { /* For all ss1 triangles */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For all edges in ss1 triangle */ /* If edge passes through the other gamut */ if ((tp1->e[j]->v[0]->f ^ tp1->e[j]->v[1]->f) & GVERT_ISOS) { /* Exhaustive search of other triangles in ss2, */ /* to find the one that the edge intersects with. */ tp2 = ss2->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) { double pv; double pp[3]; /* Do a min/max intersection elimination test */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (tp2->mix[1][i] < tp1->mix[0][i] || tp2->mix[0][i] > tp1->mix[1][i]) break; /* min/max don't overlap */ } if (i < 3) continue; /* Skip this triangle, it can't intersect */ if (vect_intersect(ss1, &pv, pp, tp1->e[j]->v[0]->p, tp1->e[j]->v[1]->p, tp2) && pv >= (0.0 - 1e-10) && pv <= (1.0 + 1e-10)) { double p2[3]; /* Got intersection point pp. */ /* Get the mapping vector */ if (cvect != NULL) cvect(cntx, p2, pp); /* Get mapping direction to center */ else icmCpy3(p2, ss[k]->cent); /* Radial vector to center */ icmNormalize33(pp, pp, p2, 1.0); /* Make p2->pp length 1.0 */ /* Locate the intersecting segments for the img/dest gamut. */ /* The returned parameter value will be >= 1.0 at and beyond */ /* the center point and < 1.0 on the pp side. */ /* We're only going to bother with the most outside point */ if ((ll1 = s1->vector_isectns(s1, pp, p2, lp1, MXNIS)) == 0 || lp1[0].pv > (1.0 - 1e-8)) { continue; } expand_gamut(s, pp); } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp2); } } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp1); } s->nofilter = 0; return 0; } #undef MXNIS /* ------------------------------------ */ /* Locate the vertices most likely to correspond to the */ /* primary and secondary colors (cusps) */ /* * Notes: * * To better support gamuts of devices with more than 4 colorants, * it may be necessary to add another flag type that expands * the cusps to lie on the actual gamut surface, as for * some devices this lies outside the pure colorant combinations. * * Flinging a grid of values at this doesn't always * return sensible results. Sometimes two "cusps" might be * unreasonable close to each other (ie. one isn't a real cusp). * This can cause gammut mapping to fail ... * * How could this be made more robust ? * */ static void setcusps(gamut *s, int flag, double in[3]) { int i, j; /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ if (flag == 0) { /* Reset */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { s->cusps[j][0] = 0.0; /* Marker values */ s->cusps[j][1] = 0.0; s->cusps[j][2] = 0.0; } s->dcuspixs = 0; s->cu_inited = 0; return; /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ } else if (flag == 2) { /* Finalize */ if (s->dcuspixs > 0) { double JCh[3]; double hues[6]; int r, br = 0.0; double berr; /* Figure out where to put the ones we got */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { /* Compute the hues */ icmLab2LCh(JCh, s->dcusps[j]); hues[j] = JCh[2]; } /* Sort them into hue order */ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (i = j+1; i < 6; i++) { if (hues[j] > hues[i]) { double tt; tt = hues[j]; hues[j] = hues[i]; hues[i] = tt; tt = s->dcusps[j][0]; s->dcusps[j][0] = s->dcusps[i][0]; s->dcusps[i][0] = tt; tt = s->dcusps[j][1]; s->dcusps[j][1] = s->dcusps[i][1]; s->dcusps[i][1] = tt; tt = s->dcusps[j][2]; s->dcusps[j][2] = s->dcusps[i][2]; s->dcusps[i][2] = tt; } } } /* Figure out which is the best match by rotation */ berr = 1e6; for (r = 0; r < 6; r++) { double terr = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { double tt; tt = fabs(gam_hues[s->isJab][j] - hues[(j + r) % 6]); if (tt > 180.0) tt = 360.0 - tt; terr += tt; } if (terr < berr) { br = r; berr = terr; } } /* Place them at that rotation */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { /* Compute the hues */ //printf("~1 placing hue %f ix %d into hue %f ix %d\n", hues[(j + br) % 6],(j + br) % 6, gam_hues[s->isJab][j] ,j); s->cusps[j][0] = s->dcusps[(j + br) % 6][0]; s->cusps[j][1] = s->dcusps[(j + br) % 6][1]; s->cusps[j][2] = s->dcusps[(j + br) % 6][2]; } } /* Check we've got a cusp */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (s->cusps[j][0] == 0.0 && s->cusps[j][1] == 0.0 && s->cusps[j][2] == 0.0) { s->cu_inited = 0; return; /* Not all have been set */ } } { double JCh[3]; double hues[6]; /* Check how far appart the cusps are in hue angle */ // ~~999 for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { icmLab2LCh(JCh, s->cusps[j]); hues[j] = JCh[2]; //printf("~1 cusp %d = hue %f\n",j,hues[j]); } for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { int k = j < 5 ? j + 1 : 0; double rh, h; rh = gam_hues[s->isJab][k] - gam_hues[s->isJab][j]; if (rh < 0.0) rh = 360 + rh; h = hues[k] - hues[j]; if (h < 0.0) h = 360 + h; //printf("~1 cusp %d - %d = ref dh %f, dh %f\n",j,k,rh,h); /* if our delta is less than half reference, */ /* assume the cusps are bad. */ if ((2.0 * h) < rh) { s->cu_inited = 0; /* Not trustworthy */ //printf("~1 cusps are not trustworthy\n"); return; } } } s->cu_inited = 1; return; /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ } else if (flag == 3) { /* Definite 1/6 cusp */ if (s->dcuspixs >= 6) { //printf("~1 too many cusp values added\n"); return; /* Error - extra cusp ignored */ } s->dcusps[s->dcuspixs][0] = in[0]; s->dcusps[s->dcuspixs][1] = in[1]; s->dcusps[s->dcuspixs++][2] = in[2]; } else { /* Consider another point as a cusp point */ double JCh[3]; int bj = 0, sbj = 0; double bh = 1e6, sbh = 1e6; double ns, es; icmLab2LCh(JCh, in); //printf("~1 cusp at %f %f %f\n",JCh[0],JCh[1],JCh[2]); /* See which hue it is closest and 2nd closet to cusp hue. */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { double tt; tt = fabs(gam_hues[s->isJab][j] - JCh[2]); if (tt > 180.0) tt = 360.0 - tt; if (tt < bh) { if (bh < sbh) { sbh = bh; sbj = bj; } bh = tt; bj = j; } else if (tt < sbh) { sbh = tt; sbj = j; } } /* Compute distance of existing and new */ es = s->cusps[bj][1] * s->cusps[bj][1] + s->cusps[bj][2] * s->cusps[bj][2]; ns = in[1] * in[1] + in[2] * in[2]; //printf("~1 chroma dist of existing %f, new %f\n",es,ns); if (ns > es) { //printf("~1 New closest\n"); s->cusps[bj][0] = in[0]; s->cusps[bj][1] = in[1]; s->cusps[bj][2] = in[2]; } else { /* If 2nd best has no entry, use this to fill it */ if (s->cusps[sbj][0] == 0.0 && s->cusps[sbj][1] == 0.0 && s->cusps[sbj][2] == 0.0) { //printf("~1 Fill with 2nd closest\n"); s->cusps[sbj][0] = in[0]; s->cusps[sbj][1] = in[1]; s->cusps[sbj][2] = in[2]; } } } } /* Get the cusp values for red, yellow, green, cyan, blue & magenta */ /* Return nz if there are no cusps available */ static int getcusps( gamut *s, double cusps[6][3] ) { int i, j; if (s->cu_inited == 0) { return 1; } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) cusps[i][j] = s->cusps[i][j]; return 0; } /* ===================================================== */ /* Triangulation code */ /* ===================================================== */ static double ne_point_on_tri(gamut *s, gtri *t, double *out, double *in); /* Given three points, compute the normalised plane equation */ /* of a surface through them. */ /* Return non-zero on error */ static int plane_equation( double *eq, /* Return equation parameters */ double *p0, /* The three points */ double *p1, double *p2 ) { double ll, v1[3], v2[3]; /* Compute vectors along edges */ v1[0] = p1[0] - p0[0]; v1[1] = p1[1] - p0[1]; v1[2] = p1[2] - p0[2]; v2[0] = p2[0] - p0[0]; v2[1] = p2[1] - p0[1]; v2[2] = p2[2] - p0[2]; /* Compute cross products v1 x v2, which will be the normal */ eq[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]; eq[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2]; eq[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]; /* Normalise the equation */ ll = sqrt(eq[0] * eq[0] + eq[1] * eq[1] + eq[2] * eq[2]); if (ll < 1e-10) { return 1; } eq[0] /= ll; eq[1] /= ll; eq[2] /= ll; /* Compute the plane equation constant */ eq[3] = - (eq[0] * p0[0]) - (eq[1] * p0[1]) - (eq[2] * p0[2]); #ifdef NEVER /* Veritify the plane equation */ { double c; c = eq[0] * p0[0] + eq[1] * p0[1] + eq[2] * p0[2] + eq[3]; if (fabs(c) > 1e-10) { printf("Plane equation check 0 failed by %f\n",c); } c = eq[0] * p1[0] + eq[1] * p1[1] + eq[2] * p1[2] + eq[3]; if (fabs(c) > 1e-10) { printf("Plane equation check 1 failed by %f\n",c); } c = eq[0] * p2[0] + eq[1] * p2[1] + eq[2] * p2[2] + eq[3]; if (fabs(c) > 1e-10) { printf("Plane equation check 2 failed by %f\n",c); } } #endif /* NEVER */ return 0; } /* Compute the log surface plane equation for the triangle */ /* and other triangle attributes. (Doesn't depend on edge info.) */ void comptriattr( gamut *s, gtri *t ) { int j; static double v0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; double cp[3]; /* Closest point - not used */ /* Compute the plane equation for the absolute triangle. */ /* This is used for testing if a point is inside the gamut hull. */ plane_equation(t->pe, t->v[0]->p, t->v[1]->p, t->v[2]->p); /* Compute the plane equation for the triangle */ /* based on the log compressed convex hull verticies. */ /* This is used for convex hull construction. */ plane_equation(t->che, t->v[0]->ch, t->v[1]->ch, t->v[2]->ch); /* Compute the plane equation for the triangle */ /* mapped to the surface of the sphere */ /* This can be used for point in triangle testing ?? */ plane_equation(t->spe, t->v[0]->sp, t->v[1]->sp, t->v[2]->sp); /* Compute the plane equations of the spherical mapped vertex */ /* values with regard to the center of the sphere, so that */ /* a point in triangle test can be performed, and baricentric, */ /* coordinates can be computed. */ plane_equation(t->ee[0], v0, t->v[1]->sp, t->v[2]->sp); plane_equation(t->ee[1], v0, t->v[2]->sp, t->v[0]->sp); plane_equation(t->ee[2], v0, t->v[0]->sp, t->v[1]->sp); /* Compute the radius range of the triangle to the center */ /* Compute the maximum from the vertexes */ t->rs1 = -1.0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int k; double rs, tt; for (rs = 0.0, k = 0;k < 3; k++) { tt = t->v[j]->p[k] - s->cent[k]; rs += tt * tt; } if (rs > t->rs1) t->rs1 = rs; } /* The minimum may be on the plane, an edge or a vertex, */ /* so use closest point in triangle function. */ t->rs0 = ne_point_on_tri(s, t, cp, s->cent); /* Allow a tollerance around the radius squareds */ t->rs0 -= 1e-4; t->rs1 += 1e-4; #ifdef NEVER // ??? #ifdef ASSERTS { double tt[3]; /* Triangle test point */ double ds; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tt[j] = (t->v[0]->p[j] + t->v[1]->p[j] + t->v[2]->p[j])/3.0; tt[j] -= s->cent[j]; /* Make it center relative */ } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ds = t->ee[j][0] * tt[0] /* Point we know is inside */ + t->ee[j][1] * tt[1] + t->ee[j][2] * tt[2] + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-8) break; /* Not within triangle */ } if (j < 3) { fprintf(stderr,"Assert: point expected to be within triangle %d (vx %d %d %d) is not\n", t->n, t->v[0]->n, t->v[1]->n, t->v[2]->n); fprintf(stderr,"Known point is %f, expect -ve\n",ds); exit(-1); } } #endif /* ASSERTS */ #endif /* NEVER */ } /* By using the pow() or log() of the radial distance, */ /* blended with a sphere surface, we try and strike a compromise */ /* between a pure convex hull surface, and a pure Delaunay triangulation */ /* the latter which would show dings and nicks from points */ /* that fall withing the "real" gamut. */ static double log_scale(gamut *s, double rr) { double aa; #ifdef TEST_CONVEX_HULL return rr; #else #ifdef NEVER /* (Not using this version, doesn't work reliably) */ aa = (2.0 + rr)/3.0; /* Blend with sphere */ aa = log(aa); /* Allow for concave slope */ if (aa < 0.0) /* but constrain to be +ve */ aa = 0.0; #else /* (Using simpler version) */ aa = 20.0 * pow(rr, s->logpow); /* Default 0.25 */ #endif #endif /* TEST_CONVEX_HULL */ return aa; } /* Comput r[], lr0, sp[] and ch[] from p[] for all verticies */ /* (Note that lr0 will be the first cut, log_scale() value) */ static void compute_vertex_coords( gamut *s ) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { gamut_rect2radial(s, s->verts[i]->r, s->verts[i]->p); if (s->verts[i]->r[0] < 1e-6) { /* Ignore a point right at the center */ s->verts[i]->lr0 = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { s->verts[i]->sp[j] = 0.0; s->verts[i]->ch[j] = 0.0; } } else { double aa; /* Figure log scaled radius */ s->verts[i]->lr0 = log_scale(s, s->verts[i]->r[0]); /* Compute unit shere mapped location */ aa = 1.0/s->verts[i]->r[0]; /* Adjustment to put in on unit sphere */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->verts[i]->sp[j] = (s->verts[i]->p[j] - s->cent[j]) * aa; /* Compute hull testing mapped version */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->verts[i]->ch[j] = s->verts[i]->p[j] * s->verts[i]->lr0; } } } /* Sort the verticies from maximum radius */ static void sort_verticies( gamut *s ) { int i; #ifndef TEST_NOSORT /* Sort them */ //#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->r[0] > B->r[0]) #define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->lr0 > B->lr0) HEAPSORT(gvert *, s->verts, s->nv) #undef HEAP_COMPARE #endif /* !TEST_NOSORT */ /* Renumber them */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { s->verts[i]->n = i; } } /* Number just the verticies that have been set, */ /* and those that have been used in the convex hull */ static void renumber_verticies( gamut *s ) { int i, j; for (j = i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)) continue; s->verts[i]->sn = j; j++; } s->nsv = j; for (j = i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; s->verts[i]->tn = j; j++; } s->ntv = j; } #ifdef ASSERTS /* Diagnpostic aid */ /* Check that the triangulation adjacenty info is OK */ static void check_triangulation(gamut *s, int final) { int i, j; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ gedge *ep; /* Edge pointer */ int failed = 0; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { /* Check verticies for duplication */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++) { if (tp->v[i] == tp->v[j]) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - duplicate verticies:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, has verticies %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n); fflush(stdout); } } } /* Check edges for duplication */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++) { if (tp->e[i] == tp->e[j]) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - duplicate connectivity:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, has verticies %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n); printf("Triangle %d, has edges %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->e[0]->n, tp->e[1]->n, tp->e[2]->n); fflush(stdout); } } } /* Check connectivity */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { gtri *t1, *t2; gedge *e; int ei1, ei2; int tei; /* Edges index for this triangle [0..1] */ e = tp->e[i]; /* The edge in question */ tei = tp->ei[i]; ei1 = e->ti[tei]; /* Edges record of edge index withing this triangle */ /* Check that the edges reconing of what index edge it is */ /* for this triangle is correct */ if (ei1 != i) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - triangle edge index doesn't match record withing edge:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d edge %d has record %d\n", tp->n, i, e->n, ei1); fflush(stdout); } /* Check that the edges pointer to the triangle is this triangle */ if (tp != e->t[tei]) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - edge doesn't point back to triangle:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d is edge %d\n",tp->n, i, e->n); printf("Edge %d, triangle index %d is triangle %d\n", e->n, tei, e->t[tei]->n); printf("Edge %d, triangle index %d is triangle %d\n", e->n, tei^1, e->t[tei^1]->n); fflush(stdout); } /* Check the verticies for this edge match edge record */ if ((e->v[0] != tp->v[i] || e->v[1] != tp->v[(i+1) % 3]) && (e->v[1] != tp->v[i] || e->v[0] != tp->v[(i+1) % 3])) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - edge doesn't have same verticies as triangle expects:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, has verticies %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[i]->n, tp->v[(i+1) % 3]->n); printf("Edge %d, has verticies %d %d\n", e->n, e->v[0]->n, e->v[1]->n); fflush(stdout); } t2 = e->t[tei ^ 1]; /* The other triangle */ ei2 = e->ti[tei ^ 1]; /* Edges index number withing triangle t2 */ if (t2 == tp) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - connects to itself:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, has edges %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->e[0]->n, tp->e[1]->n, tp->e[2]->n); fflush(stdout); } /* Check that the connection is reflective */ if (e != t2->e[ei2]) { failed = 1; printf("Validation failed - connectivity not reflected:\n"); printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d points to edge %d\n",tp->n, i, e->n); printf("Triangle %d, edge index %d points to edge %d\n",t2->n, ei2, t2->e[ei2]->n); fflush(stdout); } } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); if (failed) { exit(-1); } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Check that every point is part of a triangle and edge */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { /* Reset the assert flag */ gvert *v = s->verts[i]; v->as = 0; /* Check out the flags */ if (!(v->f & GVERT_SET)) { if ((v->f & GVERT_TRI) || (v->f & GVERT_INSIDE)) { printf("Validation failed - vertex %d has strange flags 0x%x\n",i, v->f); fflush(stdout); failed = 1; } } else { if ((v->f & GVERT_TRI) && (v->f & GVERT_INSIDE)) { printf("Validation failed - vertex %d has strange flags 0x%x\n",i, v->f); fflush(stdout); failed = 1; } } } FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) tp->v[i]->as |= 1; /* Vertex is in a triangle */ } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); ep = s->edges; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) { ep->v[0]->as |= 2; /* Vertex is in an edge */ ep->v[1]->as |= 2; ep->as = 0; /* Reset the assert flag */ } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(ep); for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI) { if ((s->verts[i]->as & 1) == 0) { printf("Validation failed - vertex %d is not in any triangles\n",i); fflush(stdout); failed = 1; } if ((s->verts[i]->as & 2) == 0) { printf("Validation failed - vertex %d is not in any edge\n",i); fflush(stdout); failed = 1; } } } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Check that every edge is part of a triangle */ /* as flag in triangle was reset above */ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) tp->e[i]->as |= 1; /* Mark edge used in triangle */ } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); ep = s->edges; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) { if (ep->as != 1) { printf("Validation failed - edge %d is not in any triangle\n",ep->n); fflush(stdout); failed = 1; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(ep); if (failed) { exit(-1); } } #endif /* ASSERTS */ /* -------------------------------------- */ /* Add a face to the hit list, if it is not a duplicate. */ static void add_to_hit_list( gamut *s, gtri **hlp, /* Hit list */ gtri *cf /* Face to be added (triangle verts 0, 1) */ ) { gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ gvert *c0 = cf->v[0]; gvert *c1 = cf->v[1]; //printf("Adding face to hit list %d: %d %d\n", //cf->n, cf->v[0]->n, cf->v[1]->n); tp = *hlp; /* Search current faces in hit list */ FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { gvert *v0 = tp->v[0]; gvert *v1 = tp->v[1]; if ((c0 == v0 && c1 == v1) /* Same face from other side */ || (c0 == v1 && c1 == v0)) { /* Duplicate found */ //printf("Duplicate found %d: %d %d\n", //tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n); DEL_LINK(*hlp, tp); /* Delete from the hit list */ /* Check face is common */ if (cf->e[0] != tp->e[0]) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: internal error - face match inconsistency\n"); exit(-1); } /* Delete edge */ DEL_LINK(s->edges, cf->e[0]); del_gedge(cf->e[0]); /* Delete the two faces */ del_gtri(tp); del_gtri(cf); return; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); /* Safe to add it to face hit list */ /* This removes triangle from triangles list ? */ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(*hlp, cf); //printf("Face added\n"); } /* Add a triangles faces to the hit list. */ static void add_tri_to_hit_list( gamut *s, gtri **hlp, /* Hit list */ gtri *tp /* Triangle faces to be added */ ) { int j; gtri *t1, *t2; /* In case some verticies disapear below the log surface, */ /* and don't remain part of the triangulation, we mark them off. */ for (j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) { tp->v[j]->f &= ~GVERT_TRI; tp->v[j]->f |= GVERT_INSIDE; } /* Decompose the triangle into three faces, each face being stored */ /* into a triangle created on the hit list, using verticices 0, 1. */ /* The edges adjacency info remains valid for the three faces, */ /* as does the edge plane equation. */ DEL_LINK(s->tris, tp); /* Delete it from the triangulation list */ t1 = new_gtri(); t1->v[0] = tp->v[1]; /* Duplicate with rotated faces */ t1->v[1] = tp->v[2]; t1->e[0] = tp->e[1]; /* Edge adjacency for this edge */ t1->ei[0] = tp->ei[1]; /* Edge index of this triangle */ t1->e[0]->t[t1->ei[0]] = t1; /* Fixup reverse adjacency for valid edge */ t1->e[0]->ti[t1->ei[0]] = 0; /* Rotated index of new triangles edge */ t1->e[1] = t1->e[2] = NULL; /* be safe */ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) /* Copy edge plane equation */ t1->ee[2][j] = tp->ee[0][j]; t2 = new_gtri(); t2->v[0] = tp->v[2]; /* Duplicate with rotated faces */ t2->v[1] = tp->v[0]; t2->e[0] = tp->e[2]; /* Edge adjacency for this edge */ t2->ei[0] = tp->ei[2]; /* Edge index of this triangle */ t2->e[0]->t[t2->ei[0]] = t2; /* Fixup reverse adjacency for valid edge */ t2->e[0]->ti[t2->ei[0]] = 0; /* Rotated index of new triangles edge */ t2->e[1] = t2->e[2] = NULL; /* be safe */ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) /* Copy edge plane equation */ t2->ee[2][j] = tp->ee[1][j]; tp->e[1] = tp->e[2] = NULL; /* be safe */ add_to_hit_list(s, hlp, tp); /* Add edge 0 to hit list as is */ add_to_hit_list(s, hlp, t1); /* Add edge 1 to hit list */ add_to_hit_list(s, hlp, t2); /* Add edge 2 to hit list */ } #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) typedef struct { int tix[3]; /* Triangle indexes */ int type; /* 0 = hit, 1 = added */ } tidxs; #endif /* Insert a vertex into the triangulation */ static void insert_vertex( gamut *s, gvert *v /* Vertex to insert */ ) { gtri *tp, *tp2; /* Triangle pointers */ gtri *hl; /* Triangle face hit list (polygon faces) */ double tol = TRIANG_TOL; int hit = 0; /* Vertex expands hull flag */ #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) int intri = 0; /* Vertex landed in a triangle */ XLIST(tidxs, hittris) tidxs xxs; XLIST_INIT(tidxs, &hittris); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG printf("Adding vertex %d: %f %f %f to triangles\n", v->n, v->p[0], v->p[1], v->p[2]); #endif /* First we search the current triangles, and convert */ /* any trianges that are visible from the new point, */ /* into a list of faces stored on the face */ /* hit list. */ /* We are using a brute force search, which will make the */ /* algorithm speed proportional to n^2. For better performance */ /* with a large number of verticies, an acceleration structure */ /* should be used to speed circumradius hit detection. */ v->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE; /* Reset flags */ v->f &= ~GVERT_TRI; INIT_LIST(hl); hit = 0; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { double c; /* Check the depth out compared to this triangle log plane equation */ c = tp->che[0] * v->ch[0] + tp->che[1] * v->ch[1] + tp->che[2] * v->ch[2] + tp->che[3]; /* If vertex is above the log hull surface, add triangle to the hit list. */ if (c < -tol) { #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) int j; double bds = -1e10; #endif hit = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG printf("Got a hit on triangle %d: %d %d %d by %f\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n,c); #endif #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = tp->ee[j][0] * v->ch[0] + tp->ee[j][1] * v->ch[1] + tp->ee[j][2] * v->ch[2] + tp->ee[j][3]; if (ds > tol) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG printf("Vertex is not in triangle by %e\n",ds); #endif break; } if (ds > bds) bds = ds; } if (j >= 3) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG printf("Vertex is in triangle by %e\n",bds); #endif intri = 1; /* Landed in this triangle */ } xxs.tix[0] = tp->v[0]->n, xxs.tix[1] = tp->v[1]->n, xxs.tix[2] = tp->v[2]->n; xxs.type = 0; XLIST_ADD(&hittris, xxs) #endif add_tri_to_hit_list(s, &hl, tp); } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); if (hit == 0) { //printf("No hits - must be inside the log hull\n"); v->f |= GVERT_INSIDE; /* This point is inside the log hull */ v->f &= ~GVERT_TRI; } else { int changed = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG /* Point doesn't lie radially within any of the triangles it is */ /* above the plane of. This is a geometric conundrum. (?) */ if (!intri) printf("~1 ###### vertex didn't land in any triangle! ########\n"); #endif //printf("Checking out hit polygon edges:\n"); /* Now we must make a pass though the hit list, checking that each */ /* hit list face will make a correctly oriented, non-sliver triangle */ /* when joined to the vertex. */ /* Do this check until there are no changes */ for (;changed != 0 ;) { tp = hl; changed = 0; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { /* Check which side of the edge our vertex is */ double ds; ds = tp->ee[2][0] * v->ch[0] + tp->ee[2][1] * v->ch[1] + tp->ee[2][2] * v->ch[2] + tp->ee[2][3]; //printf("Vertex margin to edge = %e\n",ds); /* If vertex is not to the right of this edge by tol */ /* add associated triangle to the hit list. */ if (ds > -tol) { gtri *xtp; //printf("~1 ###### vertex on wrong side by %e - expand hit list ######\n",ds); if (tp->e[0]->t[0] != tp) xtp = tp->e[0]->t[0]; else xtp = tp->e[0]->t[1]; //printf("Got a hit on triangle %d: %d %d %d\n", xtp->n, xtp->v[0]->n, xtp->v[1]->n, xtp->v[2]->n); #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) xxs.tix[0] = xtp->v[0]->n, xxs.tix[1] = xtp->v[1]->n, xxs.tix[2] = xtp->v[2]->n; xxs.type = 1; XLIST_ADD(&hittris, xxs) #endif add_tri_to_hit_list(s, &hl, xtp); changed = 1; break; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); } #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML #ifdef DO_TWOPASS if (s->pass > 0) #endif /* DO_TWOPASS */ { write_diag_vrml(s, v->ch, hittris.no, hittris.list, hl); /* diag1 triang hit */ } #endif /* DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML */ //printf("About to turn polygon faces into triangles\n"); /* Turn all the faces that made it to the */ /* hit list, into triangles using the new vertex. */ tp = hl; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { tp->v[2] = v; /* Add third vertex to face to make triangle */ comptriattr(s, tp); /* Compute triangle attributes */ /* Find the new adjacent triangles from the triangles being formed, */ /* to maintain edge adjacency information. */ /* Do only one edge at a time, since each adjacency */ /* will be visited twice. */ tp2 = hl; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) { if (tp2->v[0] == tp->v[1]) { /* Found 1/2 tp/tp2 edge adjacency */ gedge *e; e = new_gedge(); ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->edges, e); /* Append to edge list */ tp->e[1] = e; /* Point to edge */ tp->ei[1] = 0; /* edges 0th triangle */ e->t[0] = tp; /* triangles 1st edge */ e->ti[0] = 1; /* triangles 1st edge */ tp2->e[2] = e; /* Point to edge */ tp2->ei[2] = 1; /* edges 1st triangle */ e->t[1] = tp2; /* Triangles 2nd edge */ e->ti[1] = 2; /* Triangles 2nd edge */ e->v[0] = v; /* Add the two verticies */ e->v[1] = tp->v[1]; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp2); //printf("~1 Creating new triangle %d: %d %d %d\n", tp->n, tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n, tp->v[2]->n); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) #ifdef DO_TWOPASS if (s->pass > 0) #endif /* DO_TWOPASS */ { tp = hl; hittris.no = 0; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { xxs.tix[0] = tp->v[0]->n, xxs.tix[1] = tp->v[1]->n, xxs.tix[2] = tp->v[2]->n; xxs.type = 2; XLIST_ADD(&hittris, xxs) } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); write_diag_vrml(s, v->ch, hittris.no, hittris.list, NULL); /* diag2 */ #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML_STEP printf("Waiting for return key after diag1%s and diag1%s\n",vrml_ext(),vrml_ext()); getchar(); #endif } #endif /* DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML || DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML */ /* Move them to the triangulation. */ tp = hl; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { int j; DEL_LINK(hl, tp); /* Gone from the hit list */ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tp); /* Append to triangulation list */ for (j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) { /* Verticies weren't dropped from triangulation */ tp->v[j]->f |= GVERT_TRI; tp->v[j]->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); v->f |= GVERT_TRI; /* This vertex has been added to triangulation */ v->f &= ~GVERT_INSIDE; /* and it's not inside */ } #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) #ifdef DO_TWOPASS if (s->pass > 0) #endif /* DO_TWOPASS */ { XLIST_FREE(&hittris); } #endif } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Create the convex hull surface triangulation */ static void triangulate_ch( gamut *s ) { /* Establish the base triangulation */ { int i, j; gvert *tvs[4]; /* Initial verticies */ gtri *tr[4]; /* Initial triangles */ gedge *ed[6]; /* Initial edges */ double fsz = FAKE_SEED_SIZE; /* Initial tetra size */ double ff[3]; int onf; static double foffs[4][3] = { /* tetrahedral offsets */ { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }, { 0.0, 0.80254, -0.5 }, { 0.75, -0.330127, -0.5 }, { -0.75, -0.330127, -0.5 } }; /* Delete any current fake verticies */ for (j = i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { s->verts[i]->f &= ~GVERT_ESTP; /* Unmark non-fake establishment points */ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_FAKE)) s->verts[j++] = s->verts[i]; else free(s->verts[i]); } s->nv = j; /* Re-create fake points on each pass */ onf = s->nofilter; s->nofilter = 1; /* Turn off filtering */ s->doingfake = 1; /* Adding fake points */ for (j = i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ff[0] = fsz * foffs[i][2] + s->cent[0]; ff[1] = fsz * foffs[i][0] + s->cent[1]; ff[2] = fsz * foffs[i][1] + s->cent[2]; if ((tvs[j++] = expand_gamut(s, ff)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: internal error - failed to register a fake initial verticies!\n"); exit (-1); } } s->nofilter = onf; s->doingfake = 0; #ifdef NEVER printf("Initial verticies:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf(" %d: %f %f %f\n",tvs[i]->n, tvs[i]->p[0], tvs[i]->p[1], tvs[i]->p[2]); } #endif /* Setup the initial triangulation */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tr[i] = new_gtri(); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ed[i] = new_gedge(); ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->edges, ed[i]); } /* Enter the edge verticies */ ed[0]->v[0] = tvs[0]; ed[0]->v[1] = tvs[1]; ed[1]->v[0] = tvs[1]; ed[1]->v[1] = tvs[2]; ed[2]->v[0] = tvs[0]; ed[2]->v[1] = tvs[2]; ed[3]->v[0] = tvs[0]; ed[3]->v[1] = tvs[3]; ed[4]->v[0] = tvs[1]; ed[4]->v[1] = tvs[3]; ed[5]->v[0] = tvs[2]; ed[5]->v[1] = tvs[3]; /* Triangle facing in the +x, +y +z direction */ tr[0]->v[0] = tvs[0]; tr[0]->v[1] = tvs[1]; tr[0]->v[2] = tvs[2]; tr[0]->e[0] = ed[0]; /* Should make edge joining a function ? */ tr[0]->ei[0] = 0; ed[0]->t[0] = tr[0]; ed[0]->ti[0] = 0; tr[0]->e[1] = ed[1]; tr[0]->ei[1] = 0; ed[1]->t[0] = tr[0]; ed[1]->ti[0] = 1; tr[0]->e[2] = ed[2]; tr[0]->ei[2] = 0; ed[2]->t[0] = tr[0]; ed[2]->ti[0] = 2; comptriattr(s, tr[0]); /* Compute triangle attributes */ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[0]); /* Append to list */ /* Triangle facing in the -x, +y +z direction */ tr[1]->v[0] = tvs[0]; tr[1]->v[1] = tvs[3]; tr[1]->v[2] = tvs[1]; tr[1]->e[0] = ed[3]; tr[1]->ei[0] = 0; ed[3]->t[0] = tr[1]; ed[3]->ti[0] = 0; tr[1]->e[1] = ed[4]; tr[1]->ei[1] = 0; ed[4]->t[0] = tr[1]; ed[4]->ti[0] = 1; tr[1]->e[2] = ed[0]; tr[1]->ei[2] = 1; ed[0]->t[1] = tr[1]; ed[0]->ti[1] = 2; comptriattr(s, tr[1]); /* Compute triangle attributes */ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[1]); /* Append to list */ /* Triangle facing in the -y +z direction */ tr[2]->v[0] = tvs[0]; tr[2]->v[1] = tvs[2]; tr[2]->v[2] = tvs[3]; tr[2]->e[0] = ed[2]; tr[2]->ei[0] = 1; ed[2]->t[1] = tr[2]; ed[2]->ti[1] = 0; tr[2]->e[1] = ed[5]; tr[2]->ei[1] = 0; ed[5]->t[0] = tr[2]; ed[5]->ti[0] = 1; tr[2]->e[2] = ed[3]; tr[2]->ei[2] = 1; ed[3]->t[1] = tr[2]; ed[3]->ti[1] = 2; comptriattr(s, tr[2]); /* Compute triangle attributes */ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[2]); /* Append to list */ /* Triangle facing in the -z direction */ tr[3]->v[0] = tvs[1]; tr[3]->v[1] = tvs[3]; tr[3]->v[2] = tvs[2]; tr[3]->e[0] = ed[4]; tr[3]->ei[0] = 1; ed[4]->t[1] = tr[3]; ed[4]->ti[1] = 0; tr[3]->e[1] = ed[5]; tr[3]->ei[1] = 1; ed[5]->t[1] = tr[3]; ed[5]->ti[1] = 1; tr[3]->e[2] = ed[1]; tr[3]->ei[2] = 1; ed[1]->t[1] = tr[3]; ed[1]->ti[1] = 2; comptriattr(s, tr[3]); /* Compute triangle attributes */ ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, tr[3]); /* Append to list */ /* The four used verticies are now part of the triangulation */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tvs[i]->f |= GVERT_TRI; //printf("Base triangle %d: %d %d %d (Verticies 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", tr[i]->n, tr[i]->v[0]->n, tr[i]->v[1]->n, tr[i]->v[2]->n, tr[i]->v[0], tr[i]->v[1], tr[i]->v[2]); } #ifdef ASSERTS check_triangulation(s, 0); #endif } /* Sort the verticies from maximum radius, */ /* to make our log convex hull logic work */ sort_verticies(s); { int i; /* Complete the triangulation by adding all the remaining verticies */ /* in order of decreasing radius, so that those below the log */ /* convex hull get discarded. */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET) || (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI) || (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_INSIDE)) { continue; } insert_vertex(s, s->verts[i]); #ifdef ASSERTS check_triangulation(s, 0); #endif } } /* Number the used verticies */ renumber_verticies(s); #ifdef ASSERTS check_triangulation(s, 1); #endif } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Compute a new convex hull mapping radius for the sample points, */ /* on the basis of the initial mapping. */ static void compute_smchrad( gamut *s ) { int i, j; double zz[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; double rot[3][3]; double ssr = 0.5 * s->sres; /* Sample size radius in delta E */ // double ssr = 10.0; int res = 4; /* resolution of sample grid */ //printf("~1 computing smoothed chrads\n"); /* Compute the new log surface value */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { double pr; /* Current surface radius at this vertex */ double rad, rw; /* Smoothed radius, weight */ double out[3]; /* Point on surface for this vertex */ int x, y; if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)) { continue; } //printf("~1 vertex %d, %f %f %f\n",i, s->verts[i]->p[0], s->verts[i]->p[1], s->verts[i]->p[2]); /* Find the average surface level near this point */ pr = s->radial(s, out, s->verts[i]->p); //printf("~1 surface radius %f, location %f %f %f\n",pr, out[0],out[1],out[2]); /* Compute a rotation that lines Z up with the radial direction */ out[0] -= s->cent[0]; /* Radial vector through point to surface */ out[1] -= s->cent[1]; out[2] -= s->cent[2]; zz[2] = pr; /* Z vector of same length */ icmRotMat(rot, zz, out); /* Compute vector from Z to radial */ out[0] += s->cent[0]; out[1] += s->cent[1]; out[2] += s->cent[2]; rad = rw = 0.0; /* Sample a rectangular array orthogonal to radial vector, */ /* and weight samples appropriately */ for (x = 0; x < res; x++) { for (y = 0; y < res; y++) { double tt, off[3], rv, in[3]; off[0] = 2.0 * (x/(res-1.0) - 0.5); /* -1.0 to 1.0 */ off[1] = 2.0 * (y/(res-1.0) - 0.5); /* -1.0 to 1.0 */ off[2] = 0.0; rv = off[0] * off[0] + off[1] * off[1]; if (rv > 1.0) continue; /* Outside circle */ #ifdef NEVER rv = 1.0 - sqrt(rv); /* Radius from center */ rv = rv * rv * (3.0 - 2.0 * rv); /* Spline weight it */ #else rv = 1.0; /* Moving average weighting */ #endif off[0] *= ssr; /* Scale offset to sampling radius */ off[1] *= ssr; /* Rotate offset to be orthogonal to radial vector */ icmMulBy3x3(off, rot, off); /* Add offset to surface point over current vertex */ in[0] = out[0] + off[0]; in[1] = out[1] + off[1]; in[2] = out[2] + off[2]; //printf("~1 grid %d %d, weight %f, offset %f %f %f\n",x,y,rv,off[0],off[1],off[2]); /* Sum weighted radius at sample point */ tt = s->radial(s, NULL, in); tt = log_scale(s, tt); rad += rv * tt; rw += rv; } } /* Compute sample filtered radius at the sample point */ rad /= rw; //printf("~1 sampled radius = %f\n\n",rad); /* Now compute new hull mapping radius for this point, */ /* based on dividing out the sampled radius */ // s->verts[i]->lr0 = 40.0 + s->verts[i]->lr0 - rad; s->verts[i]->lr0 = 40.0 + log_scale(s, s->verts[i]->r[0]) - rad; /* Prevent silliness */ if (s->verts[i]->lr0 < (2.0 * FAKE_SEED_SIZE)) s->verts[i]->lr0 = (2.0 * FAKE_SEED_SIZE); //printf("~1 new lr0 = %f\n\n",s->verts[i]->lr0); /* recompute ch[] for new lr0 */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) s->verts[i]->ch[j] = s->verts[i]->sp[j] * s->verts[i]->lr0; } } /* ===================================================== */ /* Overall triangulation */ static void triangulate( gamut *s ) { /* Create the convex hull */ triangulate_ch(s); #if defined(DO_TWOPASS) && !defined(TEST_CONVEX_HULL) if (s->no2pass == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRIANG printf("############ Starting second pass ###################\n"); #endif compute_smchrad(s); del_triang(s); s->pass++; triangulate_ch(s); /* Three passes is typically slightly better, but slower... */ // compute_smchrad(s); // del_triang(s); // s->pass++; // triangulate_ch(s); } #endif /* DO_TWOPASS && !TEST_CONVEX_HULL */ } /* ===================================================== */ /* Special override code (To support BT.1886 modification */ /* ===================================================== */ /* Override cs black points */ static void set_cs_bp_kp_ovrd(gamut *s, double *bp, double *kp) { if (bp != NULL) { icmCpy3(s->cs_bp, bp); } if (kp != NULL) { icmCpy3(s->cs_kp, kp); } /* recompute the gamut white/black available */ compgawb(s); } /* ===================================================== */ /* Code that makes use of the triangulation */ /* ===================================================== */ /* return the current surface resolution */ static double getsres( gamut *s ) { return s->sres; } /* return the isJab flag value */ static int getisjab( gamut *s ) { return s->isJab; } /* return the isRast flag value */ static int getisrast( gamut *s ) { return s->isRast; } /* Disable segmented maxima filtering */ static void setnofilt(gamut *s) { s->nofilter = 1; } /* return the gamut center value */ static void getcent(gamut *s, double *cent) { cent[0] = s->cent[0]; cent[1] = s->cent[1]; cent[2] = s->cent[2]; } /* Return the gamut min/max range */ static void getrange(gamut *s, double *min, double *max) { if (min != NULL) { min[0] = s->mn[0]; min[1] = s->mn[1]; min[2] = s->mn[2]; } if (max != NULL) { max[0] = s->mx[0]; max[1] = s->mx[1]; max[2] = s->mx[2]; } } /* return nz if the two gamut are compatible */ static int compatible( gamut *s, struct _gamut *t) { int j; /* The same colorspace ? */ if ((s->isJab && !t->isJab) || (!s->isJab && t->isJab)) { return 0; } /* The same gamut center ? */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fabs(s->cent[j] - t->cent[j]) > 1e-9) { return 0; } } return 1; } /* Return the number of raw verticies used to construct surface */ static int nrawverts( gamut *s ) { int i, nrv = 0; /* Sort them so that triangulate doesn't mess indexing up */ sort_verticies(s); /* Count them */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET) nrv++; } return nrv; } /* Return the raw (triangle and non-triangle surface) verticies */ /* location given its index. */ /* return the next (sparse) index, or -1 if beyond last */ static int getrawvert( gamut *s, double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */ int ix /* Input index */ ) { if (ix < 0) return -1; /* Find then next used in the triangulation */ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) { if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_SET)) continue; break; } if (ix >= s->nv) return -1; pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0]; pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1]; pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2]; return ix+1; } /* Return the number of raw direction 0 verticies used */ /* to construct surface. (Direction 0 is radial direction maxima) */ static int nraw0verts( gamut *s ) { int i, nrv = 0; /* Sort them so that triangulate doesn't mess indexing up */ sort_verticies(s); /* Count them */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if ((s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET) && (s->verts[i]->k0 > 0)) nrv++; } return nrv; } /* Return the raw (triangle and non-triangle surface) direction 0 */ /* verticies location given its index. (Direction 0 is radial direction maxima) */ /* return the next (sparse) index, or -1 if beyond last */ static int getraw0vert( gamut *s, double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */ int ix /* Input index */ ) { if (ix < 0) return -1; /* Find then next used in the triangulation and direction 0 */ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) { if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_SET) || !(s->verts[ix]->k0 > 0)) continue; break; } if (ix >= s->nv) return -1; pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0]; pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1]; pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2]; return ix+1; } /* Return the number of stratified sampling surface verticies, */ /* for the given verticies per unit area parameter. */ static int nssverts( gamut *s, double xvra /* Extra vertex ratio */ ) { if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); //printf("~1 nssverts called with xvra = %f\n",xvra); if (s->xvra != xvra) { int i, j; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ double tarea; /* Total area */ double tnverts; /* Target number of verticies */ int anverts; /* Actual number of verticies */ /* Calculate the total surface area of the triangulation */ tarea = 0.0; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { double sp, ss[3]; /* Triangle side lengths */ double dp; /* Dot product of point in triangle and normal */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* For each edge */ for (ss[i] = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double dd = tp->e[i]->v[1]->p[j] - tp->e[i]->v[0]->p[j]; ss[i] += dd * dd; } ss[i] = sqrt(ss[i]); } /* semi-perimeter */ sp = 0.5 * (ss[0] + ss[1] + ss[2]); /* Area of triangle */ tp->area = sqrt(sp * (sp - ss[0]) * (sp - ss[1]) * (sp - ss[2])); tarea += tp->area; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); /* target number of vectors */ tnverts = xvra * s->ntv; //printf("~1 total area = %f, tnverts = %f\n",tarea, tnverts); /* Number that need to be added using stratified sampling */ tnverts -= (double)s->ntv; anverts = 0; /* Compute number of extra verticies for each triangle */ if (tnverts > 0.0) { double exvpua; /* Extra verticies per unit area to create */ exvpua = tnverts/tarea; //printf("~1 extra verts = %f\n",exvpua); tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { tp->ssverts = (int)(exvpua * tp->area + 0.5); anverts += tp->ssverts; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); } anverts += s->ntv; s->xvra = xvra; s->ssnverts = anverts; } //printf("~1 returning total verts %d\n",s->ssnverts); return s->ssnverts; } /* Return the stratified sampling surface verticies */ /* location and radius. nssverts() sets vpua */ static int getssvert( gamut *s, double *rad, /* Return radial radius */ double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */ double norm[3], /* Return normal of triangle it orginates from */ int ix /* Input index */ ) { int sskip = 0; /* Number of points to skip after each reset of pseudo rand */ //printf("getssvert called\n"); if (ix < 0) return -1; if (ix < s->nv) { /* Find then next used vertex in the triangulation */ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) { if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; break; } } if (ix < s->nv) { /* returning verticies */ if (rad != NULL) *rad = s->verts[ix]->r[0]; if (pos != NULL) { pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0]; pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1]; pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2]; } if (norm != NULL) { gvert *vp = s->verts[ix]; gtri *tp; int i, j, nt = 0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) norm[j] = 0.0; /* Slow, but search all triangles for this vertex. */ /* Return the average normal of all the triangles it is part of */ tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (tp->v[i] == vp) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) norm[j] += tp->pe[j]; nt++; break; } } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); if (nt == 0) error("gamut::getssvert() vertex doesn't have a triangle"); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) norm[j] /= (double)nt; } //printf("~1 returning tri vertex %f %f %f\n", pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } else { /* We're generating ss points for each triangle */ int i, j; double tt; double uv[2]; double tr[3]; /* Baricentric weighting */ double vv[3]; if (s->ss == NULL) { if ((s->ss = new_sobol(2)) == NULL) error("gamut::getssvert() new_sobol() failed"); for (i = 0; i < sskip; i++) s->ss->next(s->ss, uv); } if (ix == s->nv) { /* Start of generating verticies in triangles */ //printf("~1 setting up for scan through triangles\n"); s->nexttri = s->tris; if (s->nexttri == NULL) return -1; s->ssvertn = 0; s->ss->reset(s->ss); } if (s->ssvertn >= s->nexttri->ssverts) { do { //printf("~1 skipping to next triangle\n"); s->nexttri = NEXT_FWD(s->nexttri); if (s->nexttri == s->tris) return -1; } while(s->nexttri->ssverts <= 0); s->ssvertn = 0; s->ss->reset(s->ss); for (i = 0; i < sskip; i++) s->ss->next(s->ss, uv); } //printf("~1 generating ss vert %d out of %d\n",s->ssvertn+1,s->nexttri->ssverts); s->ss->next(s->ss, uv); tt = sqrt(uv[0]); tr[0] = 1 - tt; tr[1] = uv[1] * tt; tr[2] = 1.0 - tr[0] - tr[1]; vv[0] = vv[1] = vv[2] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) vv[j] += s->nexttri->v[i]->p[j] * tr[i]; } if (rad != NULL) *rad = icmNorm33(vv, s->cent); if (pos != NULL) { pos[0] = vv[0]; pos[1] = vv[1]; pos[2] = vv[2]; } if (norm != NULL) { norm[0] = s->nexttri->pe[0]; norm[1] = s->nexttri->pe[1]; norm[2] = s->nexttri->pe[2]; } s->ssvertn++; //printf("~1 returning ss vertex %f %f %f\n", pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } return ix+1; } /* Return the number of verticies in the triangulated surface */ static int nverts( gamut *s ) { if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); return s->ntv; } /* Return the verticies location and radius given its index. */ /* return the next (sparse) index, or -1 if beyond last */ static int getvert( gamut *s, double *rad, /* Return radial radius */ double pos[3], /* Return absolute position */ int ix /* Input index */ ) { if (ix >= s->nv) return -1; /* Find then next used in the triangulation */ for (; ix < s->nv; ix++) { if (!(s->verts[ix]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; break; } if (ix >= s->nv) return -1; if (rad != NULL) *rad = s->verts[ix]->r[0]; if (pos != NULL) { pos[0] = s->verts[ix]->p[0]; pos[1] = s->verts[ix]->p[1]; pos[2] = s->verts[ix]->p[2]; } return ix+1; } /* Reset indexing through triangles for getnexttri() */ static void startnexttri(gamut *s) { if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); s->nexttri = NULL; } /* Return the next surface triange, nz on no more */ static int getnexttri( gamut *s, int v[3] /* Return indexes for same order as getvert() */ ) { if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); if (s->nexttri == NULL) { s->nexttri = s->tris; if (s->nexttri == NULL) return 1; } else { s->nexttri = NEXT_FWD(s->nexttri); if (s->nexttri == s->tris) return 1; } v[0] = s->nexttri->v[0]->tn; v[1] = s->nexttri->v[1]->tn; v[2] = s->nexttri->v[2]->tn; return 0; } /* ===================================================== */ /* Return the total volume of the gamut */ /* [ We use the formula from "Area of planar polygons and */ /* volume of polyhedra" by Ronald N. Goldman, */ /* Graphics Gems II, pp 170 ] */ static double volume( gamut *s ) { int i, j; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ double vol; /* Gamut volume */ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); /* Compute the area of each triangle in the list, */ /* and accumulate the gamut volume. */ tp = s->tris; vol = 0.0; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { double sp, ss[3]; /* Triangle side lengths */ double area; /* Area of this triangle */ double dp; /* Dot product of point in triangle and normal */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* For each edge */ for (ss[i] = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double dd = tp->e[i]->v[1]->p[j] - tp->e[i]->v[0]->p[j]; ss[i] += dd * dd; } ss[i] = sqrt(ss[i]); } /* semi-perimeter */ sp = 0.5 * (ss[0] + ss[1] + ss[2]); /* Area of triangle */ area = sqrt(sp * (sp - ss[0]) * (sp - ss[1]) * (sp - ss[2])); /* Dot product between first vertex in triangle and the unit normal vector */ dp = tp->v[0]->p[0] * tp->pe[0] + tp->v[0]->p[1] * tp->pe[1] + tp->v[0]->p[2] * tp->pe[2]; /* Accumulate gamut volume */ vol += dp * area; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); vol = fabs(vol)/3.0; return vol; } /* ===================================================== */ /* ===================================================== */ /* Given a point, */ /* return the distance to the gamut surface. */ static void init_lu(gamut *s); static gtri *radial_point_triang(gamut *s, gbsp *np, double in[3]); static double radial_point(gamut *s, gbsp *np, double in[3]); /* Given a point, return the point in that direction */ /* that lies on the gamut surface. Return the radial */ /* radius to the surface point */ /* Brute force search version. */ static double radial_bf( gamut *s, double *out, /* result point (absolute)*/ double *in /* input point (absolute)*/ ) { gtri *tp; int j; double ss, rv; double nin[3]; /* Normalised input vector */ //printf("~1 radial called with %f %f %f\n", in[0], in[1], in[2]); if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); /* Compute vector length to center point */ for (ss = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) ss += (in[j] - s->cent[j]) * (in[j] - s->cent[j]); ss = 1.0/sqrt(ss); /* Normalising factor */ for (ss = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) nin[j] = s->cent[j] + (in[j] - s->cent[j]) * ss; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { if (vect_intersect(s, &rv, out, s->cent, nin, tp)) { if (rv > 0.0) /* Expect only one intersection */ break; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); //printf("~1 result = %f %f %f\n",out[0], out[1], out[2]); return rv; } /* Implementation for following two functions: */ /* Given a point, return the point in that direction */ /* that lies on the gamut surface. Use the BSP accellerated search. */ /* Return the radial length of the input and radial length of result */ static void _radial( gamut *s, double *ir, /* return input radius (may be NULL) */ double *or, /* return output radius (may be NULL) */ double *out, /* result point (absolute) (may be NULL) */ double *in /* input point (absolute)*/ ) { int j; double ss, rv; double nin[3]; /* Normalised input vector */ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); /* We have to find out which triangle the point is in */ if (s->lu_inited == 0) { init_lu(s); /* Init BSP search tree */ } //if (trace) printf("~1 radial called with %f %f %f\n", in[0], in[1], in[2]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) nin[j] = in[j] - s->cent[j]; /* relative to gamut center */ for (ss = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) ss += nin[j] * nin[j]; ss = sqrt(ss); if (ss > 1e-9) { /* Normalise to 1.0 */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) nin[j] /= ss; } else { nin[0] = 1.0; nin[1] = nin[2] = 0.0; } //if (trace) printf("~1 Normalised in = %f %f %f\n", nin[0], nin[1], nin[2]); rv = radial_point(s, s->lutree, nin); if (rv < 0.0) { error("gamut: radial internal error - failed to find triangle (rv %f)\n",rv); } if (out != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) out[j] = nin[j] * rv + s->cent[j]; /* Scale out to surface length, absolute */ //if (trace) printf("~1 result = %f %f %f\n",out[0], out[1], out[2]); } if (ir != NULL) { //if (trace) printf("~1 input radius res = %f\n",ss); *ir = ss; } if (or != NULL) { //if (trace) printf("~1 output radius res = %f\n",rv); *or = rv; } } /* Given a point, return the point in that direction */ /* that lies on the gamut surface */ /* Return the normalised radial radius to the surface point */ static double nradial( gamut *s, double *out, /* result point (absolute) (May be NULL) */ double *in /* input point (absolute)*/ ) { double ss, rv; _radial(s, &ss, &rv, out, in); return ss/rv; } /* Given a point, return the point in that direction */ /* that lies on the gamut surface */ /* Return the radial radius to the surface point */ static double radial( gamut *s, double *out, /* result point (absolute) (May be NULL) */ double *in /* input point (absolute)*/ ) { double ss, rv; _radial(s, &ss, &rv, out, in); return rv; } void lu_split(gamut *s, gbsp **np, int rdepth, gtri **list, int llen); /* Setup the radial lookup function acceleration structure */ static void init_lu( gamut *s ) { static double v0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; static gedge *ep; /* Edge pointer */ gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ gtri **tlist; int ntris; //printf("~1 init_lu called\n"); /* Create mean angle dividing plane equations */ ep = s->edges; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gedge, ep) { plane_equation(ep->re, v0, ep->v[0]->sp, ep->v[1]->sp); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(ep); /* Create the initial triangle list */ /* First count them */ ntris = 0; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { ntris++; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); /* Allocate a list */ if ((tlist = (gtri **) malloc(ntris * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - top level triangle list (%d entries)\n",ntris); exit(-1); } /* Then add them to the list */ ntris = 0; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { tlist[ntris] = tp; ntris++; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); /* Recursively split them, and add objects to leaves */ lu_split(s, &s->lutree, 0, tlist, ntris); free(tlist); //printf("~1 init_lu done\n"); s->lu_inited = 1; } /* * BSP accellerator: * This is setup specifically to accellerate finding * the radial point on the gamut surface. To do this, all * the BSP plains pass through the gamut center, creating * wedge shaped sub-division regions. * * For accellerating the vector intersect code, this isn't * so fabulous, and a general unconstrained BSP tree would * be better. To address this, an orthogonal element to the * radial BSP's is provided in the radius squared range * of each set of elements below a BSP node. */ /* Recursive routine to choose a partition plane, */ /* and then split the triangle list between the */ /* +ve and -ve sides, or add triangles as leaves. */ void lu_split( gamut *s, gbsp **np, /* Address of node pointer to be set */ int rdepth, /* Current recursion depth */ gtri **list, /* Current triangle list */ int llen /* Number of triangles in the list */ ) { double rs0, rs1; /* Radius squared range of elements */ int ii, jj; /* Progress through edges */ int pcount; /* Current best scored try */ int ncount; int bcount; int mcount; double peqs[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; gtri **plist, **nlist; /* New sub-lists */ int pix, nix; /* pos/ned sublist indexes */ gbspn *bspn; /* BSP decision node */ //printf("~1\nlu_split called at depth %d with %d triangles\n",rdepth, llen); #ifdef DEBUG if (llen <= 3) { int i; for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { printf("Triang index %d = %d\n",i, list[i]->n); printf("Triang verts %d %d %d\n", list[i]->v[0]->tn, list[i]->v[1]->tn, list[i]->v[2]->tn); printf("Vert 0 at %.18f %.18f %.18f\n",list[i]->v[0]->sp[0], list[i]->v[0]->sp[1], list[i]->v[0]->sp[2]); printf("Vert 1 at %.18f %.18f %.18f\n",list[i]->v[1]->sp[0], list[i]->v[1]->sp[1], list[i]->v[1]->sp[2]); printf("Vert 2 at %.18f %.18f %.18f\n",list[i]->v[2]->sp[0], list[i]->v[2]->sp[1], list[i]->v[2]->sp[2]); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ if ((rdepth+1) >= BSPDEPTH) { /* Oops */ printf("gamut internal error: ran out of recursion depth in BSP\n"); exit (-1); } /* Scan our list or triangles and figure out radius squared range */ { int i, j, e; double rs; rs0 = 1e120; rs1 = -1.0; for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { if (list[i]->rs0 < rs0) rs0 = list[i]->rs0; if (list[i]->rs1 > rs1) rs1 = list[i]->rs1; } //printf("~1 no triangs %d, rs range %f - %f\n",llen,rs0,rs1); } pcount = ncount = bcount = -1; mcount = 0; /* test every edge in turn */ for (ii = jj = 0;ii < llen;) { double eqs[4]; int i; gedge *ep; /* Edge pointer */ int pc, nc, bc; /* Score a try, postive count, negative count, both count */ int mc; /* Minumum count */ ep = list[ii]->e[jj]; eqs[0] = ep->re[0]; /* Use this edge */ eqs[1] = ep->re[1]; eqs[2] = ep->re[2]; eqs[3] = ep->re[3]; if (++jj > 2) { jj = 0; ii++; } /* Do the trial split */ pc = nc = bc = 0; for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { int j; int po, ne; /* Compute distance from plane of all verticies in triangle */ po = ne = 0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For triangle verticies */ double ds; /* Compute distance to dividing plane of this vertex */ ds = eqs[0] * list[i]->v[j]->sp[0] + eqs[1] * list[i]->v[j]->sp[1] + eqs[2] * list[i]->v[j]->sp[2] + eqs[3]; /* Figure if the verticies are clearly to one side of the plane */ if (ds > 1e-10) { po++; } else if (ds < -1e-10) { ne++; } } /* Score this split */ if (po) { pc++; if (ne) { nc++; bc++; list[i]->sort = 3; /* Both */ } else { list[i]->sort = 1; /* +ve */ } } else if (ne) { nc++; list[i]->sort = 2; /* -ve */ } else { /* Hmm. Neither */ bc++; list[i]->sort = 3; /* Assume both */ } } mc = pc < nc ? pc : nc; /* Size of smallest group */ mc -= bc; //printf("~1 lu_split trial %d, mc %d, pc %d, nc %d, bc %d\n",ii * 3 + jj, mc, pc, nc, bc); if (mc > mcount) { /* New largest small group */ mcount = mc; pcount = pc; ncount = nc; bcount = bc; peqs[0] = eqs[0]; peqs[1] = eqs[1]; peqs[2] = eqs[2]; peqs[3] = eqs[3]; //printf("~1 new best - plane mc = %d, %f %f %f %f\n",mc, peqs[0], peqs[1], peqs[2], peqs[3]); for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { list[i]->bsort = list[i]->sort; } } } #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML write_split_diag_vrml(s, list, llen); /* diag3.wrl/xdom/x3dom */ printf("Waiting for return key after diag3%s:\n",vrml_ext()); getchar(); #endif /* DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML */ if (ii >= llen && bcount < 0) { /* We failed to find a split plane. */ /* This is usually a result of the list being 2 or more triangles */ /* that do not share any edges (disconected from each other), and */ /* lying so that any split plane formed from an edge of one, */ /* intersects one of the others. */ /* In theory we could solve this by picking some */ /* other radial split plane ? */ /* Instead leave our list of triangles as the leaf node, */ /* and let the search algorithms deal with this. */ *np = (gbsp *)new_gbspl(llen, list); (*np)->rs0 = rs0; /* Radius squared range */ (*np)->rs1 = rs1; //printf("~1 lu_split returning with a non split list of %d triangles\n",llen); return; } /* Divide the triangles into two lists */ bspn = new_gbspn(); /* Next node */ *np = (gbsp *)bspn; /* Put it in place */ bspn->rs0 = rs0; /* Radius squared range */ bspn->rs1 = rs1; bspn->pe[0] = peqs[0]; /* Plane equation */ bspn->pe[1] = peqs[1]; bspn->pe[2] = peqs[2]; bspn->pe[3] = peqs[3]; /* Allocate the sub lists */ if ((plist = (gtri **) malloc(pcount * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - pos sub-list\n"); exit(-1); } if ((nlist = (gtri **) malloc(ncount * sizeof(gtri *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed - neg sub-list\n"); exit(-1); } /* Fill them in */ for (pix = nix = ii = 0; ii < llen; ii++) { if (list[ii]->bsort & 1) { /* Positive */ plist[pix] = list[ii]; pix++; } if (list[ii]->bsort & 2) { /* Negative */ nlist[nix] = list[ii]; nix++; } } /* Recurse if there are more triangles to split */ if (pix == 1) { bspn->po = (gbsp *)plist[0]; /* leaf node */ //printf("~1 pos leaf with triangle %d\n",plist[0]->n); } else if (pix > 1) { //printf("~1 About to recurse on positive with list of %d\n",pix); lu_split(s, &bspn->po, rdepth+1, plist, pix); } if (nix == 1) { //printf("~1 neg leaf with triangle %d\n",nlist[0]->n); bspn->ne = (gbsp *)nlist[0]; /* leaf node */ } else if (nix > 1) { //printf("~1 About to recurse on negative with list of %d\n",nix); lu_split(s, &bspn->ne, rdepth+1, nlist, nix); } free(plist); free(nlist); //printf("~1 lu_split returning\n"); } /* Given a point and a node in the BSP tree, recurse down */ /* the tree, or return the triangle it lies in. */ /* Return NULL if it wasn't in any triangle (shouldn't happen with a closed gamut ?). */ static gtri *radial_point_triang( gamut *s, gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */ double *nin /* Normalised center relative point */ ) { gtri *rv; //if (trace) printf("~1 rad_pnt_tri: BSP 0x%x tag = %d, point %f %f %f\n", np,np->tag,nin[0],nin[1],nin[2]); if (np->tag == 1) { /* It's a BSP node */ gbspn *n = (gbspn *)np; double ds; ds = n->pe[0] * nin[0] + n->pe[1] * nin[1] + n->pe[2] * nin[2] + n->pe[3]; //if (trace) printf("~1 checking against BSP plane, ds = %e\n",ds); /* Recurse down both sides it might be in */ if (ds > -1e-12) { if ((rv = radial_point_triang(s, n->po, nin)) != NULL) return rv; } if (ds < 1e-12) { if ((rv = radial_point_triang(s, n->ne, nin)) != NULL) return rv; } return NULL; /* Hmm */ } else { /* It's a triangle or list of triangles */ int nt; /* Number of triangles in list */ gtri **tpp; /* Pointer to list of triangles */ int i, j; if (np->tag == 2) { /* It's a triangle */ tpp = (gtri **)&np; nt = 1; } else if (np->tag == 3) { /* It's a triangle list */ gbspl *n = (gbspl *)np; tpp = n->t; nt = n->nt; } /* Go through the list and stop at the first triangle */ /* that the node lies in. */ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++, tpp++) { gtri *t = *tpp; /* Check if the point is within this triangle */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = t->ee[j][0] * nin[0] + t->ee[j][1] * nin[1] + t->ee[j][2] * nin[2] + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-10) break; /* Not within triangle */ } if (j >= 3) { //if (trace) printf("~1 located triangle from list that we're in %d\n",n->t[i]->n); return t; } } /* Hmm. */ } //if (trace) printf("~1 failed to find a triangle\n"); return NULL; } /* Return the location on the surface of the triangle */ /* that is intersected by the radial direction */ /* of the given relative point. Return the distance to */ /* the gamut surface. Return < 0.0 on fail. */ static double radial_point( gamut *s, gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */ double *nin /* Normalised center relative point */ ) { gtri *t; double rv, num, denom; //if (trace) printf("~1 radial_point: BSP 0x%x tag = %d, point %f %f %f\n", np,np->tag,nin[0],nin[1],nin[2]); t = radial_point_triang(s, np, nin); /* If we failed to find a triangle, or the result was incorrect, do a */ /* brute force search to be sure of the result. */ if (t == NULL) { error("rspl.radial: failed to find radial triangle\n"); } /* Compute the intersection of the input vector with the triangle plane */ /* (Since nin[] is already relative, we don't need to subtract cent[] from it) */ num = -(t->pe[0] * s->cent[0] + t->pe[1] * s->cent[1] + t->pe[2] * s->cent[2] + t->pe[3]); denom = (t->pe[0] * nin[0] + t->pe[1] * nin[1] + t->pe[2] * nin[2]); if (fabs(denom) < 1e-9) { /* Hmm. The ray is paralell to the triangle ? */ error("radial_point: failed to intersect radial triangle, num %e, denom %e\n",num,denom); } rv = num/denom; #ifdef ASSERTS /* check the result */ { double tt[3]; double ds; int j; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) /* Compute result, absolute */ tt[j] = nin[j] * rv + s->cent[j]; ds = t->pe[0] * tt[0] + t->pe[1] * tt[1] + t->pe[2] * tt[2] + t->pe[3]; if (fabs(ds) > 1e-6) { fprintf(stderr,"radial: distance to plane not zero! %e\n",ds); exit(-1); } /* Check if the closest point is within this triangle */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = t->ee[j][0] * (tt[0] - s->cent[0]) + t->ee[j][1] * (tt[1] - s->cent[1]) + t->ee[j][2] * (tt[2] - s->cent[2]) + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-8) { fprintf(stderr,"radial: lookup point wasn't within its triangle (%f) !!\n",ds); exit(-1); } } } #endif /* ASSERTS */ //if (trace) printf("~1 radial_point: rv = %f\n",rv); return rv; } /* Recursively free a gbsp node and all its children */ static void del_gbsp(gbsp *n) { int tag = n->tag; if (tag == 1) { /* Another decision node */ gbspn *dn = (gbspn *)n; del_gbsp(dn->po); /* Delete children */ del_gbsp(dn->ne); del_gbspn(dn); /* And itself */ } else if (tag == 3) { /* If a triangle list */ gbspl *dl = (gbspl *)n; del_gbspl(dl); /* Delete itself */ } /* Don't delete triangles (tag == 2) since they */ /* have their own linked list, and may have already been deleted. */ /* Note we need to be called _before_ triangles are deleted though, */ /* since we access them to get the tag. */ } /* =================================== */ /* Given a point, */ /* return the nearest point on the gamut surface. */ #define GNN_INF 1e307 static void init_ne(gamut *s); /* Given an absolute point, return the point on the gamut */ /* surface that is closest to it. */ /* Use a brute force search */ static void nearest_bf( gamut *s, double *out, /* result point (absolute) */ double *q /* Target point (absolute) */ ) { gtri *tp; double bdist = 1e308; /* Best possible distance to an object outside the window */ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { double r[3]; /* Possible solution point */ double tdist; /* Compute distance from query point to this object */ tdist = ne_point_on_tri(s, tp, r, q); if (tdist < bdist) { /* New best point */ bdist = tdist; out[0] = r[0]; out[1] = r[1]; out[2] = r[2]; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); } /* Using nearest neighbourhood accelleration structure: */ /* Given an absolute point, return the point on the gamut */ /* surface that is closest to it. */ static void nearest_tri( gamut *s, double *rout, /* result point (absolute) */ double *q, /* Target point (absolute) */ gtri **ctri /* If not NULL, return pointer to nearest triangle */ ) { gnn *p; /* Pointer to nearest neighbor structure */ int e, i; double r[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; /* Possible solution point */ double out[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; /* Current best output value */ int wex[3 * 2]; /* Current window edge indexes */ double wed[3 * 2]; /* Current window edge distances */ /* Indexes are axis * 2 +0 for lower edge, */ /* +1 for upper edge of search box. */ /* We are comparing lower edge of search box */ /* with upper edge of bounding box etc. */ //printf("~1 nearest called\n"); if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); /* We have to find out which triangle the point will be nearest */ if (s->ne_inited == 0) { init_ne(s); /* Init nn structure */ } p = s->nns; if ((p->tbase + 3) < p->tbase) { /* Overflow of touch count */ for (i = 0; i < p->n; i++) p->sax[0][i]->touch = 0; /* reset it in all the objects */ p->tbase = 0; } p->ttarget = p->tbase + 3; /* Target touch value */ //printf("\n"); //printf("Query point is %f %f %f\n",q[0], q[1], q[2]); /* Find starting indexes within axis arrays */ for (e = 0; e < (2 * 3); e++) { /* For all axes min & max */ int f = e/2; /* Axis */ int mm = (e ^ 1) & 1; /* Min/Max index used for edges */ int i0, i1, i2; double v0, v1, v2; double qf, ww; /* Binary search this edge */ qf = q[f]; /* strength reduced q[f] */ //printf("\n"); //printf("isearching axis %d %s for %f\n",f, e & 1 ? "max" : "min", qf); i0 = 0; i2 = p->n - 1; v0 = p->sax[e][i0]->mix[mm][f]; v2 = p->sax[e][i2]->mix[mm][f]; //printf("start points %d - %d, bound %f - %f\n",i0, i2, v0, v2); if (qf <= v0) { i2 = i0; v2 = v0; } else if (qf >= v2) { i0 = i2; v0 = v2; } else { do { i1 = (i2 + i0)/2; /* Trial point */ v1 = p->sax[e][i1]->mix[mm][f]; /* Value at trial */ if (v1 < qf) { i0 = i1; /* Take top half */ v0 = v1; } else { i2 = i1; /* Take bottom half */ v2 = v1; } //printf("current point %d - %d, bound %f - %f\n",i0, i2, v0, v2); } while ((i2 - i0) > 1); } if (e & 1) { /* Max side of window */ int tc; /* total object count */ ww = v2 - qf; wed[e] = fabs(ww) * ww; wex[e] = i2; /* Check that min and max together will cover at least p->n objects */ tc = p->n - i2 + wex[e ^ 1] + 1; //printf("got %d, expected %d\n",tc, p->n); /* (I don't really understand why this works!) */ if (tc < p->n) { /* We haven't accounted for all the objects */ int el = e ^ 1; /* Low side sax */ int ti0, ti2; double tv0, tv2; ti0 = wex[el]; ti2 = i2; //printf("We have straddling objects, initial indexes are %d - %d\n",ti0, ti2); /* While straddling objects remain undiscovered: */ while (tc < p->n) { tv0 = GNN_INF; /* Guard values */ tv2 = -GNN_INF; /* Increment low side until we find a straddler */ while (ti0 < (p->n-1)) { ww = p->sax[el][++ti0]->mix[0][f]; /* Position of the other end */ if (ww < qf) { //printf("found low object %d at index %d that straddles\n",p->sax[el][ti0]->n,ti0); tv0 = qf - p->sax[el][ti0]->mix[1][f]; break; } } /* Decrement high side until we find a straddler */ while (ti2 > 0) { ww = p->sax[e][--ti2]->mix[1][f]; /* Position of the other end */ if (ww > qf) { //printf("found high object %d at index %d that straddles\n",p->sax[e][ti2]->n,ti2); tv2 = p->sax[e][ti2]->mix[0][f] - qf; break; } } /* Choose the closest */ if (tv0 > tv2) { wed[el] = fabs(tv0) * tv0; wex[el] = ti0; tc++; } else { wed[e] = fabs(tv2) * tv2; wex[e] = ti2; tc++; } } //printf("After correction we have %d - %d\n",wex[e^1], wex[e]); } } else { /* Min side of window */ ww = q[f] - v0; wed[e] = fabs(ww) * ww; wex[e] = i0; } } /* Expand a 3 dimenstional cube centered on the target point, */ /* jumping to the next nearest point on any axis, discovering */ /* any bounding boxes that are within the expanding window */ /* by checking their touch count. */ /* The first point found establishes the initial best distance. */ /* When the window expands beyond the point where it can improve */ /* the best distance, stop */ { double bw = 0.0; /* Current window distance */ double bdist = 1e308; /* Best possible distance to an object outside the window */ gtri *bobj = NULL; int ptested = 0; /* Stats */ int pcalced = 0; /* Stats */ /* Until we're done */ for (;;ptested++) { int ee; /* Axis & expanding box edge */ int ff; /* Axis */ int ii; /* Index of chosen point */ gtri *ob; /* Current object */ unsigned int ctv; /* Current touch value */ //printf("\n"); //printf("wwidth = %f, bdist = %f, window = %d-%d, %d-%d, %d-%d\n", //bw, bobj == NULL ? 0.0 : bdist, wex[0], wex[1], wex[2], wex[3], wex[4], wex[5]); //printf("window edge distances are = %f-%f, %f-%f, %f-%f\n", //wed[0], wed[1], wed[2], wed[3], wed[4], wed[5]); /* find next (smallest) window increment axis and direction */ ee = 0; ii = wex[ee]; bw = wed[ee]; for (e = 1; e < (2 * 3); e++) { if (wed[e] < bw) { ee = e; ii = wex[e]; bw = wed[e]; } } //printf("Next best is axisdir %d, object %d, axis index %d, best possible dist %f\n", //ee, p->sax[ee][ii]->n, ii, bw); if (bw == GNN_INF || bw > bdist) { break; /* Can't got any further, or further points will be worse */ } #ifdef ASSERTS if (ii < 0 || ii >= p->n) { printf("Assert: went out of bounds of sorted axis array\n"); exit(0); } #endif /* Chosen point on ee axis/direction, index ii */ ff = ee / 2; /* Axis only */ ob = p->sax[ee][ii]; /* Touch value of current object */ ctv = ob->touch; if (ctv < p->ttarget) { /* Not been dealt with before */ /* Touch this new window boundary point */ ob->touch = ctv = ((ctv < p->tbase) ? p->tbase : ctv) + 1; //printf("New touch count on %d is %d, target %d\n", ob->n, p->sax[ee][ii]->touch, p->ttarget); /* Check the point out */ if (ctv == (p->tbase + 3)) { /* Is within window on all axes */ double tdist; pcalced++; /* Stats */ /* Compute distance from query point to this object */ tdist = ne_point_on_tri(s, ob, r, q); //printf("Got new best point %d, dist %f\n",i,tdist); if (tdist < bdist) { /* New best point */ bobj = ob; bdist = tdist; out[0] = r[0]; out[1] = r[1]; out[2] = r[2]; } } } /* Increment next window edge candidate, and figure new edge distance */ if (ee & 1) { /* Top */ if (++wex[ee] >= p->n) { wed[ee] = GNN_INF; wex[ee]--; } else { double ww = p->sax[ee][wex[ee]]->mix[0][ff] - q[ff]; wed[ee] = fabs(ww) * ww; } } else { if (--wex[ee] < 0) { wed[ee] = GNN_INF; wex[ee]++; } else { double ww = q[ff] - p->sax[ee][wex[ee]]->mix[1][ff]; wed[ee] = fabs(ww) * ww; } } } //printf("Searched %d points out of %d = %f%%\n",ptested, p->n, 100.0 * ptested/p->n); p->tbase += 3; /* Next touch */ if (rout != NULL) { rout[0] = out[0]; /* Copy results to output */ rout[1] = out[1]; rout[2] = out[2]; } if (ctri != NULL) *ctri = bobj; return; } } /* Given an absolute point, return the point on the gamut */ /* surface that is closest to it. */ static void nearest( gamut *s, double *rout, /* result point (absolute) */ double *q /* Target point (absolute) */ ) { nearest_tri(s, rout, q, NULL); } /* Perturb the containment points to avoid */ /* numerical co-incidence */ double perturb[21] = { 8.9919295344233395e-283, 1.1639766020018968e+224, 1.2554893023590904e+232, 2.3898157055642966e+190, 1.5697612415774029e-076, 6.6912978722191457e+281, 1.2369092402930559e+277, 1.4430907501246712e-153, 3.0017439193018232e+238, 1.2978311824382444e+161, 5.5068703318775818e-311, 7.7791723264448801e-260, 4.4296571592384350e+281, 8.9481529920968425e+165, 1.2845894914769635e-153, 2.0835868791190880e-076, 5.4310198502711138e+241, 4.8689849775675438e+275, 9.2709981544886391e+122, 3.7958270103353899e-153, 7.1366083837501666e-154 }; /* Setup the nearest function acceleration structure */ static void init_ne( gamut *s ) { gnn *p; int i, k; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ int ntris; double psf; //printf("~1 init_ne called\n"); /* Allocate the nearest neighbor acceleration structure */ if ((s->nns = p = (gnn *) calloc(1, sizeof(gnn))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: calloc failed - gnn structure\n"); exit(-1); } /* Count triangles */ ntris = 0; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { ntris++; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); p->n = ntris; p->tbase = 0; /* Initialse touch flag */ /* Allocate the arrays spaces */ for (k = 0; k < (3 * 2); k++) { if ((p->sax[k] = (gtri **)malloc(sizeof(gtri *) * ntris)) == NULL) error("Failed to allocate sorted index array"); } /* Compute pertbation factor */ for (psf = 0.0, i = 1; i < 21; i++) psf += perturb[i]; psf *= perturb[0]; /* For each triangle, create the triangle bounding box values, */ /* and add them to the axis lists. */ tp = s->tris; i = 0; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { int j; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* Init */ tp->mix[0][j] = 1e38; tp->mix[1][j] = -1e38; } for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (tp->v[k]->p[j] < tp->mix[0][j]) /* New min */ tp->mix[0][j] = psf * tp->v[k]->p[j]; if (tp->v[k]->p[j] > tp->mix[1][j]) /* New max */ tp->mix[1][j] = psf * tp->v[k]->p[j]; } p->sax[k * 2 + 0][i] = tp; p->sax[k * 2 + 1][i] = tp; } //printf("~1 tri %d has bb %f - %f, %f - %f, %f - %f\n", i, tp->mix[0][0], tp->mix[1][0], tp->mix[0][1], tp->mix[1][1], tp->mix[0][2], tp->mix[1][2]); i++; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); /* Sort the axis arrays */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { /* Sort upper edges of bounding box */ #define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->mix[1][k] < B->mix[1][k]) HEAPSORT(gtri *, &p->sax[k * 2 + 0][0], ntris) #undef HEAP_COMPARE /* Sort lower edges of bounding box */ #define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A->mix[0][k] < B->mix[0][k]) HEAPSORT(gtri *, &p->sax[k * 2 + 1][0], ntris) #undef HEAP_COMPARE } s->ne_inited = 1; //printf("~1 init_ne done\n"); } /* Free everything */ static void del_gnn(gnn *p) { int k; for (k = 0; k < (3 * 2); k++) { free (p->sax[k]); } free(p); } /* ===================================================== */ /* Define the colorspaces white and black point. May be NULL if unknown. */ /* Note that as in all of the gamut library, we assume that we are in */ /* an L*a*b* or Jab type color space. */ static void setwb( gamut *s, double *wp, double *bp, double *kp ) { if (wp != NULL) { s->cs_wp[0] = wp[0]; s->cs_wp[1] = wp[1]; s->cs_wp[2] = wp[2]; } else { s->cs_wp[0] = 100.0; s->cs_wp[1] = 0.0; s->cs_wp[2] = 0.0; } if (bp != NULL) { s->cs_bp[0] = bp[0]; s->cs_bp[1] = bp[1]; s->cs_bp[2] = bp[2]; } else { s->cs_bp[0] = 0.0; s->cs_bp[1] = 0.0; s->cs_bp[2] = 0.0; } if (kp != NULL) { s->cs_kp[0] = kp[0]; s->cs_kp[1] = kp[1]; s->cs_kp[2] = kp[2]; } else { s->cs_kp[0] = s->cs_bp[0]; s->cs_kp[1] = s->cs_bp[1]; s->cs_kp[2] = s->cs_bp[2]; } s->cswbset = 1; } /* Compute the gamut white/black points, assuming */ /* that the colorspace white/black points have been set. */ /* The gamut white/black are the points on the colorspace */ /* white/black axis that have the same L values as the */ /* extremes within the gamut. */ static void compgawb(gamut *s) { int i; double ff, Lmax, Lmin, LKmin; if (s->cswbset == 0 || s->gawbset != 0) return; /* Nothing to do */ Lmax = -1000.0; Lmin = 1000.0; /* Discover min and max L values */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if ((s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET) == 0 ) continue; if (s->verts[i]->p[0] > Lmax) Lmax = s->verts[i]->p[0]; if (s->verts[i]->p[0] < Lmin) Lmin = s->verts[i]->p[0]; } LKmin = Lmin; if (Lmax > s->cs_wp[0]) /* Slightly Strange */ Lmax = s->cs_wp[0]; if (Lmin < s->cs_bp[0]) /* Also Slightly strange */ Lmin = s->cs_bp[0]; if (LKmin < s->cs_kp[0]) /* Expected */ LKmin = s->cs_kp[0]; /* Locate points along colorspace grey axis */ /* that correspond to the L extremes */ ff = (Lmax - s->cs_bp[0])/(s->cs_wp[0] - s->cs_bp[0]); s->ga_wp[0] = Lmax; s->ga_wp[1] = ff * (s->cs_wp[1] - s->cs_bp[1]) + s->cs_bp[1]; s->ga_wp[2] = ff * (s->cs_wp[2] - s->cs_bp[2]) + s->cs_bp[2]; ff = (Lmin - s->cs_bp[0])/(s->cs_wp[0] - s->cs_bp[0]); s->ga_bp[0] = Lmin; s->ga_bp[1] = ff * (s->cs_wp[1] - s->cs_bp[1]) + s->cs_bp[1]; s->ga_bp[2] = ff * (s->cs_wp[2] - s->cs_bp[2]) + s->cs_bp[2]; ff = (LKmin - s->cs_kp[0])/(s->cs_wp[0] - s->cs_kp[0]); s->ga_kp[0] = LKmin; s->ga_kp[1] = ff * (s->cs_wp[1] - s->cs_kp[1]) + s->cs_kp[1]; s->ga_kp[2] = ff * (s->cs_wp[2] - s->cs_kp[2]) + s->cs_kp[2]; s->gawbset = 1; } /* Get the colorspace and gamut white & black points. */ /* Return pointers may be NULL */ /* Return non-zero if not possible. */ static int getwb( gamut *s, double *cswp, /* Color space */ double *csbp, double *cskp, double *gawp, /* Gamut */ double *gabp, double *gakp ) { //printf("~1 getwb() called\n"); if (s->cswbset == 0) { return 1; } if (cswp != NULL) { cswp[0] = s->cs_wp[0]; cswp[1] = s->cs_wp[1]; cswp[2] = s->cs_wp[2]; } if (csbp != NULL) { csbp[0] = s->cs_bp[0]; csbp[1] = s->cs_bp[1]; csbp[2] = s->cs_bp[2]; } if (cskp != NULL) { cskp[0] = s->cs_kp[0]; cskp[1] = s->cs_kp[1]; cskp[2] = s->cs_kp[2]; } //printf("~1 colorspace white %f %f %f, black %f %f %f, kblack %f %f %f\n", s->cs_wp[0], s->cs_wp[1], s->cs_wp[2], s->cs_bp[0], s->cs_bp[1], s->cs_bp[2], s->cs_kp[0],s->cs_kp[1],s->cs_kp[2]); if (gawp != NULL || gabp != NULL || gakp != NULL) { //printf("~1 computing gamut white & black\n"); if (s->nv == 0) return 1; compgawb(s); /* make sure we have gamut white/black available */ } if (gawp != NULL) { gawp[0] = s->ga_wp[0]; gawp[1] = s->ga_wp[1]; gawp[2] = s->ga_wp[2]; } if (gabp != NULL) { gabp[0] = s->ga_bp[0]; gabp[1] = s->ga_bp[1]; gabp[2] = s->ga_bp[2]; } if (gakp != NULL) { gakp[0] = s->ga_kp[0]; gakp[1] = s->ga_kp[1]; gakp[2] = s->ga_kp[2]; } //printf("~1 gamut white %f %f %f, black %f %f %f, kblack %f %f %f\n", s->ga_wp[0], s->ga_wp[1], s->ga_wp[2], s->ga_bp[0], s->ga_bp[1], s->ga_bp[2], s->ga_kp[0],s->ga_kp[1],s->ga_kp[2]); return 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* Per-triangle primitives used to compute brute force */ /* radial & vector intersection and nearest point, */ /* as well as gamut surface intersections. */ /* See if the given triangle intersect the given vector. */ /* Return 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't */ static int vect_intersect( gamut *s, double *rvp, /* parameter, 0.0 = p1, 1.0 = p2 */ double *ip, /* return intersection point */ double *p1, /* First point of vector (ie black) */ double *p2, /* Second point of vector (ie white) */ gtri *t /* Triangle in question */ ) { double ti; /* Axis parameter value */ double vv[3]; /* vector vector */ double ival[3]; /* Intersection value */ double den; int j; vv[0] = p2[0] - p1[0]; vv[1] = p2[1] - p1[1]; vv[2] = p2[2] - p1[2]; den = t->pe[0] * vv[0] + t->pe[1] * vv[1] + t->pe[2] * vv[2]; if (fabs(den) < 1e-10) { return 0; } /* Compute the intersection of the grey axis vector with the triangle plane */ ti = -(t->pe[0] * p1[0] + t->pe[1] * p1[1] + t->pe[2] * p1[2] + t->pe[3])/den; /* Compute the actual intersection point */ ival[0] = p1[0] + ti * vv[0]; ival[1] = p1[1] + ti * vv[1]; ival[2] = p1[2] + ti * vv[2]; /* Check if the intersection point is within the triangle */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = t->ee[j][0] * (ival[0] - s->cent[0]) /* Convert to relative for edge check */ + t->ee[j][1] * (ival[1] - s->cent[1]) + t->ee[j][2] * (ival[2] - s->cent[2]) + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-8) { return 0; /* Not within triangle */ } } //printf("~1 vect_intersect got intersection with tri %d at %f\n",t->n,ti); /* Got an intersection point */ ip[0] = ival[0]; ip[1] = ival[1]; ip[2] = ival[2]; *rvp = ti; return 1; } /* Given a point and a triangle, return the closest point on */ /* the triangle closest to the given point. Also return the distance squared */ /* (Doesn't depend on triangle edge info) */ static double ne_point_on_tri( gamut *s, gtri *t, /* Triangle to use */ double *out, /* Absolute output point */ double *in /* Absolute input point */ ) { int j; double rv; double bdist; /* Compute the point on the triangles plane, that is orthogonal */ /* (closest) to the target point. */ rv = (t->pe[0] * in[0] + t->pe[1] * in[1] + t->pe[2] * in[2] + t->pe[3])/ (t->pe[0] * t->pe[0] + t->pe[1] * t->pe[1] + t->pe[2] * t->pe[2]); out[0] = in[0] - rv * t->pe[0]; out[1] = in[1] - rv * t->pe[1]; out[2] = in[2] - rv * t->pe[2]; /* Check if the closest point is within this triangle */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = t->ee[j][0] * (out[0] - s->cent[0]) /* Convert to relative for edge check */ + t->ee[j][1] * (out[1] - s->cent[1]) + t->ee[j][2] * (out[2] - s->cent[2]) + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-8) { break; /* Not within triangle */ } } if (j >= 3) { /* It's OK */ return rv * rv; /* rv is distance since pe length is 1.0 */ } /* Not in triangle, so find closest point along any edge, */ /* or at the verticies. (don't use edge info, it may not be set up) */ bdist = 1e38; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For each edge */ gvert *v0 = t->v[j], *v1 = t->v[j >= 2 ? 0 : j+1]; int k; double nu, de, ds; for (de = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) { double tt = v1->p[k] - v0->p[k]; de += tt * tt; } for (nu = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) nu += (v1->p[k] - v0->p[k]) * (in[k] - v0->p[k]); ds = nu/de; if (ds >= 0.0 && ds <= 1.0) { /* Valid edge */ double tout[3], ss; for (ss = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) { tout[k] = v0->p[k] + ds * (v1->p[k] - v0->p[k]); ss += (in[k] - tout[k]) * (in[k] - tout[k]); } if (ss < bdist) { bdist = ss; out[0] = tout[0]; out[1] = tout[1]; out[2] = tout[2]; } } } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* For each vertex */ int k; double ss; for (ss = 0.0, k = 0; k < 3; k++) { double tt; tt = in[k] - t->v[j]->p[k]; ss += tt * tt; } if (ss < bdist) { bdist = ss; out[0] = t->v[j]->p[0]; out[1] = t->v[j]->p[1]; out[2] = t->v[j]->p[2]; } } return bdist; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Arbitrary vector intersect */ /* Given a vector, find the two extreme intersection with */ /* the gamut surface using a brute force search. */ /* Return 0 if there is no intersection */ static int compute_vector_isect_bf( gamut *s, double *p1, /* First point (ie black) */ double *p2, /* Second point (ie white) */ double *omin, /* Return gamut surface points, min = closest to p1 */ double *omax, /* max = farthest from p1 */ double *omnt, /* Return parameter values for p1 and p2, 0 being at p1, */ double *omxt, /* and 1 being at p2 */ gtri **omntri, /* Return the intersection triangles */ gtri **omxtri ) { gtri *tp, *t0, *t1; double ip[3], min[3], max[3]; double mint, maxt; int j; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); maxt = -1e68; /* Setup to find min/max */ mint = 1e68; tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { double rv; if (vect_intersect(s, &rv, ip, p1, p2, tp)) { if (rv < mint) { min[0] = ip[0]; min[1] = ip[1]; min[2] = ip[2]; mint = rv; t0 = tp; } if (rv > maxt) { max[0] = ip[0]; max[1] = ip[1]; max[2] = ip[2]; maxt = rv; t1 = tp; } } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); if (((omin != NULL || omnt != NULL || omntri != NULL) && mint == 1e68) || ((omax != NULL || omxt != NULL || omxtri != NULL) && maxt == -1e68)) { return 0; } if (omin != NULL) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) omin[j] = min[j]; if (omax != NULL) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) omax[j] = max[j]; if (omnt != NULL) *omnt = mint; if (omxt != NULL) *omxt = maxt; if (omntri != NULL) *omntri = t0; if (omxtri != NULL) *omxtri = t1; return 1; } #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG #define ISDBG(xxx) if (deb_insect) printf xxx int deb_insect = 1; /* Do vrml plot */ /* Debug - given a BSP node, add all the triangles vertexes indexes */ /* below this node to the diagnosti wrl */ static void debug_bsp_triangl_wrl( gamut *s, gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */ vrml *wrl /* Diagnostic plot */ ) { if (np->tag == 1) { /* It's a BSP node */ gbspn *n = (gbspn *)np; debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(s, n->po, wrl); debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(s, n->ne, wrl); } else { int nt; /* Number of triangles in list */ gtri **tpp; /* Pointer to list of triangles */ int i, j; if (np->tag == 2) { /* It's a triangle */ tpp = &((gtri *)np); nt = 1; } else if (np->tag == 3) { /* It's a triangle list */ gbspl *n = (gbspl *)np; tpp = n->t; nt = n->nt; } /* Go through the list of triangles and intersect with vector */ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++, tpp++) { gtri *t = *tpp; int ix[3]; ix[0] = t->v[0]->tn; ix[1] = t->v[1]->tn; ix[2] = t->v[2]->tn; wrl->add_triangle(wrl, 0, ix); } } } #else /* !INTERSECT_DEBUG */ # define ISDBG(xxx) #endif /* !INTERSECT_DEBUG */ /* Recursive vector intersect using BSP accelleration. */ static void vector_isect_rec( gamut *s, gbsp *np, /* BSP node pointer we're at */ double *vb, /* Center relative base point of vector */ double *vv, /* Vector direction from base */ double t0, /* Start parameter value of line */ double rs0, /* line start point radius squared */ double t1, /* End parameter value of line */ double rs1, /* line end point radius squared */ double tc, /* Parameter value of closest point on line to center */ double rsc, /* Radius squared of closest point on line to center */ double rse0, /* Effective radius squared minimum */ double rse1, /* Effective radius squared maximum */ gispnt *lp, /* List to set intersections in. */ int ll, /* Size of list. 0 == 2, min and max only */ int *lu /* Number used in list */ ) { double den; /* Intersection denominator */ double ti; /* Intersection parameter value */ double rsi; /* Radius squared of intersection point */ double ip[3]; /* Intersection point */ #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG if (ll == 0) printf("\nvector_isect_rec got seg %f - %f (%e), best %f, %f\n",t0,t1,t1-t0,lp[0].pv,lp[1].pv); else printf("\nvector_isect_rec got seg %f - %f (%e), no isects %d\n",t0,t1,t1-t0,*lu); printf(" rs %f, %f, tc %f, rsc %f, rse0 %f, rse1 %f, BSP rs %f - %f\n",rs0, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1, np->rs0, np->rs1); #endif #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG if (deb_insect) { char isect[20] = "isect"; char isect2[20] = "isect2"; vrml *wrl = NULL; double cc[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; double red[3] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double green[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; double blue[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; double p1[3], p2[3]; int i; strcat(isect2, vrml_ext()); strcat(isect, vrml_ext()); unlink(isect2); rename(isect, isect2); if ((wrl = new_vrml("isect", 0, vrml_lab)) == NULL) error("New vrml failed"); /* The triangles below the BSP */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, s->verts[i]->p); } debug_bsp_triangl_wrl(s, np, wrl); wrl->make_triangles(wrl, 0, 0.0, cc); /* The segment. The vrml browser can go crazy if the line */ /* is too long, so limit it to +/- 100 */ { double vbl = icmNorm3(vb); double tt0 = t0, tt1 = t1; if (tt0 > 0.0) { if ((tt0 * vbl) > 100.0) tt0 = 100.0/vbl; } else { if ((tt0 * vbl) < -100.0) tt0 = -100.0/vbl; } if (tt1 > 0.0) { if ((tt1 * vbl) > 100.0) tt1 = 100.0/vbl; } else { if ((tt1 * vbl) < -100.0) tt1 = -100.0/vbl; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { p1[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + tt0 * vv[i]; p2[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + tt1 * vv[i]; } } wrl->add_col_vertex(wrl, 1, p1, red); wrl->add_col_vertex(wrl, 1, p2, red); wrl->make_lines(wrl, 1, 2); /* Add two initial points */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { p1[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + 0.0 * vv[i]; p2[i] = s->cent[i] + vb[i] + 1.0 * vv[i]; } wrl->add_marker(wrl, p1, green, 0.5); wrl->add_marker(wrl, p2, blue, 0.5); wrl->del(wrl); printf("Waiting for input after writing '%s':\n", isect); getchar(); } #endif if (np->tag == 1) { /* It's a BSP node */ int j; gbspn *n = (gbspn *)np; double ds; gbsp *n1, *n2; /* next bsp to recurse to */ double ti1, ti2; /* Intersection parameters for recursion */ double rse1_0, rse1_1, rse2_0, rse2_1; ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec at bsp node %d\n")); /* Try and compute intersection with BSP */ den = n->pe[0] * vv[0] + n->pe[1] * vv[1] + n->pe[2] * vv[2]; if (fabs(den) > 1e-12) { /* Compute the intersection point */ ti = -(n->pe[0] * vb[0] + n->pe[1] * vb[1] + n->pe[2] * vb[2] + n->pe[3])/den; ISDBG(("intersects BSP plane at ti %f\n",ti)); } if (fabs(den) < 1e-12 || ti < (t0 - 1e-6) || ti > (t1 + 1e-6)) { /* Doesn't intersect */ double ds; /* or intersects outside segment */ ISDBG(("doesn't intersect BSP plane within segment\n")); /* Figure which side of the BSP segment is on */ ds = n->pe[0] * (vb[0] + 0.5 * (t0 + t1) * vv[0]) + n->pe[1] * (vb[1] + 0.5 * (t0 + t1) * vv[1]) + n->pe[2] * (vb[2] + 0.5 * (t0 + t1) * vv[2]) + n->pe[3]; ISDBG(("recursing down side that segment is on\n")); /* And recurse approproately if it can be improved */ /* ???? Shouldn't we recurse down both if ds ~= 0.0 ? */ if (ds >= 0.0) { if (rse0 <= n->po->rs1 && rse1 >= n->po->rs0 && (ll > 0 || t0 < lp[0].pv || t1 > lp[1].pv)) vector_isect_rec(s, n->po, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1, lp, ll, lu); } else { if (rse0 <= n->ne->rs1 && rse1 >= n->ne->rs0 && (ll > 0 || t0 < lp[0].pv || t1 > lp[1].pv)) vector_isect_rec(s, n->ne, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1, lp, ll, lu); } ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec returning\n")); return; } /* Compute radius squared to center point at split point */ for (rsi = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { den = vb[j] + ti * vv[j]; rsi += den * den; } /* Compute the effective radius squared range for each segment */ rse1_0 = rs0; rse1_1 = rs0; if (rsi < rse1_0) rse1_0 = rsi; if (rsi > rse1_1) rse1_1 = rsi; if (tc >= t0 && tc <= ti) { /* Closest point is within segment */ if (rsc < rse1_0) rse1_0 = rsc; if (rsc > rse1_1) rse1_1 = rsc; } rse2_0 = rsi; rse2_1 = rsi; if (rs1 < rse2_0) rse2_0 = rs1; if (rs1 > rse2_1) rse2_1 = rs1; if (tc >= ti && tc <= t1) { /* Closest point is within segment */ if (rsc < rse2_0) rse2_0 = rsc; if (rsc > rse2_1) rse2_1 = rsc; } /* Test t0-1.0 to see what side of the BSP t0..ti is. */ ip[0] = vb[0] + (t0-1.0) * vv[0]; ip[1] = vb[1] + (t0-1.0) * vv[1]; ip[2] = vb[2] + (t0-1.0) * vv[2]; ds = n->pe[0] * ip[0] + n->pe[1] * ip[1] + n->pe[2] * ip[2] + n->pe[3]; /* Because we're intersecting a line segment, we don't */ /* have to recurse down both sides of the BSP tree ? */ if (ds >= 0.0) { n1 = n->po; n2 = n->ne; } else { n1 = n->ne; n2 = n->po; } /* Make sure that touching segments get properly tested */ ti1 = ti + 1e-7; ti2 = ti - 1e-7; /* Split the line into two segments and recurse for each. */ /* Don't recurse if the line can't improve either min or max. */ if (rse1_0 <= n1->rs1 && rse1_1 >= n1->rs0 && (ll > 0 || t0 < lp[0].pv || ti1 > lp[1].pv)) { ISDBG(("recursing segment 1/2 %f .. %f\n",t0,ti1)); vector_isect_rec(s, n1, vb, vv, t0, rs0, ti1, rsi, tc, rsc, rse1_0, rse1_1, lp, ll, lu); } #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG else if (deb_insect) { printf("Skipped seg 1/2 because rse1_0 %f > n1->rs1 %f ? || rse1_1 %f < n1->rs0 %f\n",rse1_0,n1->rs1,rse1_1, n1->rs0); if (ll == 0) printf("|| ti1 %f <= t0 %f ? || ti1 %f <= omxt %f && t0 %f <= omnt %f ?\n",ti1,t0,ti1,lp[1].pv,t0,lp[0].pv); else printf("|| ti1 %f <= t0 %f ?\n",ti1,t0); } #endif if (rse2_0 <= n2->rs1 && rse2_1 >= n2->rs0 && (ll > 0 || ti2 < lp[0].pv || t1 > lp[1].pv)) { ISDBG(("recursing segment 2/2 %f .. %f\n",ti2,t1)); vector_isect_rec(s, n2, vb, vv, ti2, rsi, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse2_0, rse2_1, lp, ll, lu); } #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG else if (deb_insect) { printf("Skipped seg 2/2 because rse2_0 %f > n2->rs1 %f ? || rse2_1 %f < n2->rs0 %f\n",rse2_0,n2->rs1,rse2_1, n2->rs0); if (ll == 0) printf("|| t1 %f <= ti2 %f ? || t1 %f <= omxt %f && ti2 %f <= omnt %f ?\n",t1,ti2,t1,lp[1].pv,ti2,lp[0].pv); else printf("|| t1 %f <= ti2 %f ?\n",t1,ti2); } #endif ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec returning\n")); return; /* It's a list of triangles */ } else { int nt; /* Number of triangles in list */ gtri **tpp; /* Pointer to list of triangles */ int i, j; if (np->tag == 2) { /* It's a triangle */ tpp = (gtri **)&np; nt = 1; } else if (np->tag == 3) { /* It's a triangle list */ gbspl *n = (gbspl *)np; tpp = n->t; nt = n->nt; } ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec at triangle(s) %d\n",nt)); /* Go through the list of triangles and intersect with vector */ for (i = 0; i < nt; i++, tpp++) { double bds; gtri *t = *tpp; ISDBG(("triangle no %d\n",t->n)); den = t->pe[0] * vv[0] + t->pe[1] * vv[1] + t->pe[2] * vv[2]; if (fabs(den) < 1e-12) { ISDBG(("segment is tangent to triangle\n")); continue; } /* Compute the intersection of vector with the BSP plane */ ti = -(t->pe[0] * (vb[0] + s->cent[0]) + t->pe[1] * (vb[1] + s->cent[1]) + t->pe[2] * (vb[2] + s->cent[2]) + t->pe[3])/den; ISDBG(("segment intersects at %f\n",ti)); /* Compute the actual (center relative) intersection point */ ip[0] = vb[0] + ti * vv[0]; ip[1] = vb[1] + ti * vv[1]; ip[2] = vb[2] + ti * vv[2]; ISDBG(("triangle intersection point %f %f %f\n",ip[0]+s->cent[0],ip[1]+s->cent[1],ip[2]+s->cent[2])); /* Check if the intersection point is within the triangle */ bds = -1e6; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = t->ee[j][0] * ip[0] + t->ee[j][1] * ip[1] + t->ee[j][2] * ip[2] + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-8) break; /* Not within triangle */ if (ds > bds) bds = ds; } if (j < 3) { ISDBG(("intersection not within triangle\n")); continue; /* Not within triangle, so ignore */ } /* Add intersection to list */ if (ll > 0) { /* List of all */ if (*lu < ll) { lp[*lu].pv = ti; icmAdd3(lp[*lu].ip,ip,s->cent); /* Abs. intersection point */ lp[*lu].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[*lu].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[*lu].tri = t; ISDBG(("new isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d\n",*lu,ti,lp[*lu].dir,lp[*lu].edge)); (*lu)++; } else { ISDBG(("new isect %d: List Too Short %d!!!\n",*lu,ll)); } } else { /* Bigest/smallest list of 2 */ if (ti < lp[0].pv) { ISDBG(("new min %f\n",ti)); lp[0].pv = ti; icmAdd3(lp[0].ip,ip,s->cent); /* Abs. intersection point */ lp[0].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[0].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[0].tri = t; } if (ti > lp[1].pv) { ISDBG(("new max %f\n",ti)); lp[1].pv = ti; icmAdd3(lp[1].ip,ip,s->cent); /* Abs. intersection point */ lp[1].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[1].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[1].tri = t; } } } ISDBG(("vector_isect_rec returning\n")); return; } } /* Re-evaluate the intersections with an offset */ static void reevaluate_isectns( gamut *s, gispnt *lp, /* List to set intersections in. */ int n, /* Number to re-evaluate */ double offset, /* Amount to offset vector */ double *ivb, /* Center relative base point of vector */ double *vv /* Vector direction from base */ ) { double vb[3]; /* Offset vb */ double sv; int sj, j, i; /* Decide which way to offset base */ sv = -1e20; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fabs(vv[j]) > sv) { /* Locate largest direction */ sv = fabs(vv[j]); sj = j; } } /* Apply the offset to other than largest */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vb[j] = ivb[j]; if (j == sj) continue; vb[j] += offset; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { double den, ti, ip[3], bds; gtri *t = lp[i].tri; lp[i].dir = 0; lp[i].edge = 2; /* Assume no intersect */ den = t->pe[0] * vv[0] + t->pe[1] * vv[1] + t->pe[2] * vv[2]; if (fabs(den) < 1e-12) { continue; } /* Compute the intersection of vector with the BSP plane */ ti = -(t->pe[0] * (vb[0] + s->cent[0]) + t->pe[1] * (vb[1] + s->cent[1]) + t->pe[2] * (vb[2] + s->cent[2]) + t->pe[3])/den; /* Compute the actual intersection point */ ip[0] = vb[0] + ti * vv[0]; ip[1] = vb[1] + ti * vv[1]; ip[2] = vb[2] + ti * vv[2]; /* Check if the intersection point is within the triangle */ bds = -1e6; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double ds; ds = t->ee[j][0] * ip[0] + t->ee[j][1] * ip[1] + t->ee[j][2] * ip[2] + t->ee[j][3]; if (ds > 1e-8) break; /* Not within triangle */ if (ds > bds) bds = ds; } if (j < 3) { continue; /* Not within triangle, so ignore */ } /* Update intersection info */ lp[i].dir = den > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; lp[i].edge = bds > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; } } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #ifdef INTERSECT_VERIFY #define compute_vector_isect _compute_vector_isect #endif /* Given a vector, find the two extreme intersection with */ /* the gamut surface. */ /* BSP accellerated version */ /* Return 0 if there is no intersection */ static int compute_vector_isect( gamut *s, double *p1, /* First point (ie param value 0.0) */ double *p2, /* Second point (ie param value 1.0) */ double *omin, /* Return gamut surface points, min = closest to p1 */ double *omax, /* max = farthest from p1 */ double *omnt, /* Return parameter values for p1 and p2, 0 being at p1, */ double *omxt, /* and 1 being at p2 */ gtri **omntri, /* Return the intersection triangles */ gtri **omxtri ) { gtri *tp; double vb[3], vv[3]; /* Center relative base of vector, vector of vector */ double tt, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc; double rse0, rse1; /* Effective radius squared min & max */ gispnt islist[2]; /* min and max result */ int lu = 0, j; int rv = 0; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); if (s->lu_inited == 0) init_lu(s); /* Init BSP search tree */ /* Convert twp points to center relative base + vector direction */ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vv[j] = p2[j] - p1[j]; tt += vv[j] * vv[j]; vb[j] = p1[j] - s->cent[j]; /* relative to gamut center */ } /* If vector is too small to have a valid direction */ if (tt < 1e-12) { return 0; } islist[0].pv = 1e68; islist[1].pv = -1e68; /* Setup to find min/max */ t0 = -1e6; t1 = 1e6; /* Compute radius range of segment */ for (rs0 = rs1 = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tt = vb[j] + t0 * vv[j]; rs0 += tt * tt; tt = vb[j] + t1 * vv[j]; rs1 += tt * tt; } /* Compute the point closest to the center */ tc = -(vv[0] * vb[0] + vv[1] * vb[1] + vv[2] * vb[2]) / (vv[0] * vv[0] + vv[1] * vv[1] + vv[2] * vv[2]); #ifdef INTERSECT_VERIFY /* Check that this is correct */ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double pp; pp = vb[j] + tc * vv[j]; tt += pp * vv[j]; } if (fabs(tt) > 1e-5) error("Failed to locate closest point on vector"); #endif /* INTERSECT_VERIFY */ for (rsc = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tt = vb[j] + tc * vv[j]; rsc += tt * tt; } /* Compute the effective min/max radius squared */ rse0 = rs0; rse1 = rs0; if (rs1 < rse0) rse0 = rs1; if (rs1 > rse1) rse1 = rs1; if (tc >= t0 && tc <= t1) { /* Closest point is within segment */ if (rsc < rse0) rse0 = rsc; if (rsc > rse1) rse1 = rsc; } vector_isect_rec(s, s->lutree, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1, islist, 0, &lu); /* If we failed to locate a requested intersection */ if (((omin != NULL || omnt != NULL || omntri != NULL) && islist[0].pv == 1e68) || ((omax != NULL || omxt != NULL || omxtri != NULL) && islist[1].pv == -1e68)) { rv = 0; } else { if (omin != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) icmCpy3(omin,islist[0].ip); ISDBG(("Fast min = %f %f %f\n", omin[0], omin[1], omin[2])); } if (omax != NULL) { icmCpy3(omax,islist[1].ip); ISDBG(("Fast max = %f %f %f\n", omax[0], omax[1], omax[2])); } if (omnt != NULL) *omnt = islist[0].pv; if (omxt != NULL) *omxt = islist[1].pv; if (omntri != NULL) *omntri = islist[0].tri; if (omxtri != NULL) *omxtri = islist[1].tri; rv = 1; } return rv; } #ifdef INTERSECT_VERIFY #undef compute_vector_isect /* Verifying version of above */ static int compute_vector_isect( gamut *s, double *p1, /* First point (ie param value 0.0) */ double *p2, /* Second point (ie param value 1.0) */ double *omin, /* Return gamut surface points, min = closest to p1 */ double *omax, /* max = farthest from p1 */ double *omnt, /* Return parameter values for p1 and p2, 0 being at p1, */ double *omxt, /* and 1 being at p2 */ gtri **omintri, /* Return the intersection triangles */ gtri **omaxtri ) { int rv, _rv; double _omin[3]; double _omax[3]; double _omnt; double _omxt; gtri *_omintri; gtri *_omaxtri; int fail = 0; ISDBG(("\n\n###########################################\n")); /* Call the routine we're checking */ rv = _compute_vector_isect(s, p1, p2, omin, omax, omnt, omxt, omintri, omaxtri); _rv = compute_vector_isect_bf(s, p1, p2, _omin, _omax, &_omnt, &_omxt, &_omintri, &_omaxtri); if (rv != _rv) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify: rv %d != _rv %d\n",rv,_rv); fail = 1; } if (rv == 1) { int j; if (omnt != NULL) if (fabs (*omnt - _omnt) > 1e-4) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omnt %f != _omnt %f\n",*omnt,_omnt); fail = 1; } if (omxt != NULL) if (fabs (*omxt - _omxt) > 1e-4) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omxt %f != _omxt %f\n",*omxt,_omxt); fail = 1; } if (omin != NULL) { ISDBG(("bf min = %f %f %f\n", _omin[0], _omin[1], _omin[2])); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fabs (omin[j] - _omin[j]) > 1e-4) break; } if (j < 3) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omin %f %f %f != _omin %f %f %f\n", omin[0], omin[1], omin[2], _omin[0], _omin[1], _omin[2]); fail = 1; } } if (omax != NULL) { ISDBG(("bf max = %f %f %f\n", _omax[0], _omax[1], _omax[2])); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fabs (omax[j] - _omax[j]) > 1e-4) break; } if (j < 3) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omax %f %f %f != _omax %f %f %f\n", omax[0], omax[1], omax[2], _omax[0], _omax[1], _omax[2]); fail = 1; } } #ifdef NEVER if (omintri != NULL) if (*omintri != _omintri) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omintri %d != _omintri %d\n",(*omintri)->n, _omintri->n); } if (omaxtri != NULL) if (*omaxtri != _omaxtri) { warning("compute_vector_isect verify:\n omaxtri %d != _omaxtri %d\n",(*omaxtri)->n, _omaxtri->n); } #endif /* NEVER */ } if (fail) { #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("Re-running intersect with debug trace on\n"); deb_insect = 1; _compute_vector_isect(s, p1, p2, _omin, _omax, &_omnt, &_omxt, &_omintri, &_omaxtri); #endif /* INTERSECT_DEBUG */ error("Verify failed"); } return rv; } #endif /* INTERSECT_VERIFY */ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Compute all the intersection pairs of the vector p1->p2 with */ /* the gamut surface. lp points to an array of ll gispnt to be */ /* filled in. If the list is too small, intersections will be */ /* arbitrarily ignored. */ /* Return the number of intersections set in list. This will always be even, */ /* and there will be pairs of in/out intersections in the direction p1->p2. */ static int compute_vector_isectns( gamut *s, double *p1, /* First point (ie param value 0.0) */ double *p2, /* Second point (ie param value 1.0) */ gispnt *lp, /* List to return in/out intersection pairs */ int ll /* Size of list. */ ) { gtri *tp; double vb[3], vv[3]; /* Center relative base of vector, vector of vector */ double tt, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, vscale; double rse0, rse1; /* Effective radius squared min & max */ int lu = 0, i, j, k, m, pdir; int rv = 0; #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("compute_vector_isectns p1 %f %f %f, p2 %f %f %f\n", p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]); #endif if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); if (s->lu_inited == 0) init_lu(s); /* Init BSP search tree */ /* Convert twp points to relative base + vector direction */ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vv[j] = p2[j] - p1[j]; tt += vv[j] * vv[j]; vb[j] = p1[j] - s->cent[j]; /* relative to gamut center */ } /* If vector is too small to have a valid direction, give up */ if (tt < 1e-12) { #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("p2 too close to p1\n"); #endif return 0; } /* Scale factor to make parameter delta = gamut space unit */ vscale = 1.0/sqrt(tt); t0 = -1e6 * vscale; /* Set the parameter search space */ t1 = 1e6 * vscale; /* Compute radius range of segment */ for (rs0 = rs1 = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tt = vb[j] + t0 * vv[j]; rs0 += tt * tt; tt = vb[j] + t1 * vv[j]; rs1 += tt * tt; } /* Compute the point closest to the center */ tc = -(vv[0] * vb[0] + vv[1] * vb[1] + vv[2] * vb[2]) / (vv[0] * vv[0] + vv[1] * vv[1] + vv[2] * vv[2]); #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG /* Check that this is correct */ for (tt = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { double pp; pp = vb[j] + tc * vv[j]; tt += pp * vv[j]; } if (fabs(tt) > 1e-5) error("Failed to locate closest point on vector"); #endif /* INTERSECT_DEBUG */ for (rsc = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tt = vb[j] + tc * vv[j]; rsc += tt * tt; } /* Compute the effective min/max radius squared */ rse0 = rs0; rse1 = rs0; if (rs1 < rse0) rse0 = rs1; if (rs1 > rse1) rse1 = rs1; if (tc >= t0 && tc <= t1) { /* Closest point is within segment */ if (rsc < rse0) rse0 = rsc; if (rsc > rse1) rse1 = rsc; } /* Recursively locate all the triangle intersections using BSP */ vector_isect_rec(s, s->lutree, vb, vv, t0, rs0, t1, rs1, tc, rsc, rse0, rse1, lp, ll, &lu); if (lu <= 1) { #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("%d intersections found\n",lu); #endif return 0; /* Too few to be useful */ } /* Now we need to turn the raw intersections into sanitized segment pairs. */ /* Sort the intersections by parameter value */ #define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A.pv < B.pv) HEAPSORT(gispnt, lp, lu) #undef HEAP_COMPARE #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("Before sanitizing %d\n",lu); for (i = 0; i < lu; i++) printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",i,lp[i].pv,lp[i].dir,lp[i].edge,lp[i].tri->n); #endif /* Remove any duplicate intersections (triangles) */ for (j = i = 0; i < lu; i++) { for (k = i+1; k < lu; k++) { if (lp[k].tri == lp[i].tri) { lp[k].edge &= lp[i].edge; /* Keep non-edge status */ break; } } if (k < lu) continue; /* Skip this one */ /* Accept this intersection */ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i], sizeof(gispnt)); j++; } lu = j; if (lu <= 1) { #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("%d intersections after removing duplicates\n",lu); #endif return 0; /* Too few to be useful */ } #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG printf("After removing duplicates %d\n",lu); for (i = 0; i < lu; i++) { printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",i,lp[i].pv,lp[i].dir,lp[i].edge,lp[i].tri->n); } #endif /* Sanitize the intersections. */ /* We must end up with in/out segment pairs. */ /* j = output index, i = current index */ pdir = 0; /* Previous isection direction = "out" */ for (j = i = 0; i < lu;) { int nin, nout; /* Number fully in/out */ int inx, outx; /* Indexes of representative in/out */ int npin, npout; /* Number partially in/out */ int pinx, poutx; /* Indexes of representative in/out */ //printf("~1 at %d out of %d, %d saved\n",i,lu,j); /* Two tries, re-evaluate before second try */ for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) { /* See how many we have at the next pv, and */ /* decide if they're in, or out or both. */ nin = nout = npin = npout = 0; for (k = i; k < lu; k++) { if (i != k && fabs((lp[i].pv - lp[k].pv) * vscale) >= 0.0001) break; if (lp[k].dir) { /* In */ if (lp[k].edge == 0) { nin++; inx = k; } else if (lp[k].edge == 1) { npin++; pinx = k; } } else { /* Out */ if (lp[k].edge == 0) { nout++; outx = k; } else if (lp[k].edge == 1) { npout++; poutx = k; } } } if (m == 1 /* We've already re-evaluated */ || (k - i) <= 2 /* Not worth re-evaluating */ || (npin == 0 && npout == 0)) /* All definite */ break; /* Re-evaluate the intersections with an offset. */ /* (We need this because often the point of interest */ /* is a vertex, and there are lots of intersections */ /* with the edges of the triangles that share that vertex) */ reevaluate_isectns(s, lp+i, k-i, 1e-5, vb, vv); #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG { int ii; printf("After re-evaluating intersections\n"); for (ii = i; ii < k; ii++) printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",ii,lp[ii].pv,lp[ii].dir,lp[ii].edge,lp[ii].tri->n); } #endif } //printf("~1 nin %d, nout %d, npin %d, npout %d\n",nin,nout,npin,npout); /* Create a zero length segment */ if ((k-i) > 1 && ((nin >= 1 && nout >= 1) /* both are definite */ || (nin == 0 && nout == 0 && npin >= 1 && npout >= 1) /* Both glancing */ || (nin == 0 && nout == 0 && npin == 0 && npout == 0)) /* No intersections now */ ) { if (pdir != 0) { /* Not correct for segment */ i = k; //printf("~1 neither or both or uncertain\n"); continue; /* Discard them all */ } //printf("~1 creating zero length segment\n"); /* Hmm. For reasonable triangles we should really */ /* grab in/out from original evaluation... */ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i], sizeof(gispnt)); lp[j].dir = 1; lp[j].edge = 1; j++; memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i+1], sizeof(gispnt)); lp[j].dir = 0; lp[j].edge = 1; j++; i = k; continue; } /* We expect one conclusion */ if (nin >= 1) i = inx; else if (nout >= 1) i = outx; else if (npin >= 1) i = pinx; else /* npout >= 1 */ i = poutx; //printf("~1 using %d\n",i); if ((lp[i].dir ^ pdir) == 0) { /* Not opposite to previous */ //printf("~1 not opposite, discard it\n"); /* This shouldn't happen. */ i = k; continue; /* Discard it */ } //printf("~1 save %d\n",i); /* Accept this intersection */ memmove(&lp[j], &lp[i], sizeof(gispnt)); pdir = lp[j].dir; j++; i = k; } if (j & 1) /* Hmm. We ended up odd. This shouldn't happen. */ j--; rv = j; #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG if (rv == 0) printf("No intersections left\n"); else { printf("After sanitizing %d\n",rv); for (i = 0; i < rv; i++) printf("Isect %d: pv %f, dir %d, edge %d, tri %d\n",i,lp[i].pv,lp[i].dir,lp[i].edge,lp[i].tri->n); } #endif return rv; } #ifdef INTERSECT_DEBUG #undef ISDBG #endif /* INTERSECT_DEBUG */ /* ===================================================== */ /* Append gamut to an open VRML/X3d file */ /* Return non-zero on error */ static int write_to_vrml( gamut *s, vrml *wrl, double trans, /* Transparency of gamut */ int docusps /* Add cusps to vrml */ ) { int i; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); if (docusps && s->cu_inited != 0) { double ccolors[6][3] = { { 1.0, 0.1, 0.1 }, /* Red */ { 1.0, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Yellow */ { 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Green */ { 0.1, 1.0, 1.0 }, /* Cyan */ { 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 }, /* Blue */ { 1.0, 0.1, 1.0 } /* Magenta */ }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) wrl->add_marker(wrl, s->cusps[i], ccolors[i], 2.0); } wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { double out[3]; if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; /* Show normal gamut surface */ out[0] = s->verts[i]->p[0]; out[1] = s->verts[i]->p[1]; out[2] = s->verts[i]->p[2]; wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, out); } /* Add the surface triangles */ tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { int ix[3]; ix[0] = tp->v[0]->tn; ix[1] = tp->v[1]->tn; ix[2] = tp->v[2]->tn; wrl->add_triangle(wrl, 0, ix); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); wrl->make_triangles_vc(wrl, 0, trans); return 0; } /* Write gamut to a VRML/X3d file */ /* Return non-zero on error */ static int write_vrml( gamut *s, char *filename, /* Extension will be set automatically */ int doaxes, /* Non-zero if axes are to be written */ int docusps /* Non-zero if cusp points are to be marked */ ) { return write_trans_vrml(s, filename, doaxes, docusps, NULL, NULL); } /* Write gamut to a VRML/X3d file */ /* Return non-zero on error */ static int write_trans_vrml( gamut *s, char *filename, /* Extension will be set automatically */ int doaxes, /* Non-zero if axes are to be written */ int docusps, /* Non-zero if cusp points are to be marked */ void (*transform)(void *cntx, double out[3], double in[3]), /* Optional transformation callback */ void *cntx ) { int i; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ vrml *wrl; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); if ((wrl = new_vrml(filename, doaxes, vrml_lab)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating %s output '%s%s'\n",vrml_format(),filename,vrml_ext()); return 2; } wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); /* Spit out the point values, in order. */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { double out[3]; #ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */ if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)) #else if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) #endif continue; #ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */ { double cc[3], rr[3]; # ifdef SHOW_SPHERE /* Show surface on sphere */ rr[0] = 50.0; /* Sphere radius */ # else rr[0] = s->verts[i]->r[0], # endif /* SHOW_SPHERE */ rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w; rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h; gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr); wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, cc); rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w; rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h; gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr); wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, cc); rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w; rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h; gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr); wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, cc); rr[1] = s->verts[i]->hc + 0.5 * s->verts[i]->w; rr[2] = s->verts[i]->vc - 0.5 * s->verts[i]->h; gamut_radial2rect(s, cc, rr); wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, cc); } #else /* Show point data */ # ifdef SHOW_SPHERE /* Show surface on sphere */ wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, s->verts[i]->sp); # else # ifdef SHOW_HULL_PNTS out[0] = s->verts[i]->ch[0] + s->cent[0]; out[1] = s->verts[i]->ch[1] + s->cent[1]; out[2] = s->verts[i]->ch[2] + s->cent[2]; wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, out); # else /* Show normal gamut surface */ out[0] = s->verts[i]->p[0]; out[1] = s->verts[i]->p[1]; out[2] = s->verts[i]->p[2]; if (transform) transform(cntx, out, out); /* Do transform */ wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, out); # endif /* SHOW_HULL_PNTS */ # endif /* SHOW_SPHERE */ #endif /* SHOW_BUCKETS */ } #ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { int j = s->verts[i]->sn; int ix[4]; if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_SET)) continue; ix[0] = j * 4; ix[1] = j * 4 + 1; ix[2] = j * 4 + 2; ix[3] = j * 4 + 3; wrl->add_quad(wrl, 0, ix); } #else /* Show gamut triangular surface */ tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { int ix[3]; ix[0] = tp->v[0]->tn; ix[1] = tp->v[1]->tn; ix[2] = tp->v[2]->tn; wrl->add_triangle(wrl, 0, ix); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); #endif /* !SHOW_BUCKETS */ { double rgb[3]; #ifdef COLORED_VRML rgb[0] = -1.0; #else rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = 1.0; #endif #ifdef SHOW_BUCKETS /* Show vertex buckets as surface */ wrl->make_quads(wrl, 0, 0.0, rgb); #else /* !SHOW_BUCKETS */ wrl->make_triangles(wrl, 0, 0.0, rgb); #endif /* SHOW_BUCKETS */ } if (s->gawbset && doaxes) { double rgb[3] = { 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 }; /* Show the gamut white and black points */ wrl->add_marker(wrl, s->ga_wp, rgb, 2.0); wrl->add_marker(wrl, s->ga_bp, rgb, 2.0); } if (docusps && s->cu_inited != 0) { double ccolors[6][3] = { { 1.0, 0.1, 0.1 }, /* Red */ { 1.0, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Yellow */ { 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Green */ { 0.1, 1.0, 1.0 }, /* Cyan */ { 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 }, /* Blue */ { 1.0, 0.1, 1.0 } /* Magenta */ }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) wrl->add_marker(wrl, s->cusps[i], ccolors[i], 2.0); } #ifdef TEST_LOOKUP { int i, j; double in[3], out[3]; double rgb[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { double ss; /* Create random vector relative to center, absolute */ in[0] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5 + s->cent[0]; in[1] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5 + s->cent[1]; in[2] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5 + s->cent[2]; s->radial(s, out, in); /* Lookup point on gamut surface */ out[0] = (out[0] - s->cent[0]) * 1.01 + s->cent[0]; out[1] = (out[1] - s->cent[1]) * 1.01 + s->cent[1]; out[2] = (out[2] - s->cent[2]) * 1.01 + s->cent[2]; wrl->add_col_vertex(wrl, 0, out, rgb); } /* Convert them to a point set */ wrl->make_points(wrl, 0); } #endif /* TEST_LOOKUP */ #ifdef TEST_NEAREST { #define NTPTS 500 int i, j; double in[3], out[3]; wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); for (i = 0; i < NTPTS; i++) { double ss; /* Create random vector relative to center */ in[0] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5; in[1] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5; in[2] = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5; #ifndef NEVER /* Make points just above surface */ in[0] += s->cent[0]; /* Make absolute */ in[1] += s->cent[1]; in[2] += s->cent[2]; s->radial(s, in, in); /* Lookup point on gamut surface */ in[0] = (in[0] - s->cent[0]) * 1.20 + s->cent[0]; /* Extend by 10% */ in[1] = (in[1] - s->cent[1]) * 1.20 + s->cent[1]; in[2] = (in[2] - s->cent[2]) * 1.20 + s->cent[2]; #else /* Make distance 150 */ ss = sqrt(in[0] * in[0] + in[1] * in[1] + in[2] * in[2]); in[0] = 60.0/ss * in[0] + s->cent[0]; in[1] = 60.0/ss * in[1] + s->cent[1]; in[2] = 60.0/ss * in[2] + s->cent[2]; #endif // s->radial(s, out, in); /* Lookup point on gamut surface */ s->nearest(s, out, in); /* Nearest point on gamut surface */ wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, in); wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, out); } wrl->make_lines(wrl, 0, 2); } #endif /* TEST_NEAREST */ if (wrl->flush(wrl)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error closing output file '%s%s'\n",filename,vrml_ext()); return 2; } wrl->del(wrl); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------- */ /* Write to a CGATS .gam file */ /* Return non-zero on error */ static int write_gam( gamut *s, char *filename ) { time_t clk = time(0); struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk); char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */ int i; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ cgats *gam; char buf[100]; if IS_LIST_EMPTY(s->tris) triangulate(s); gam = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */ gam->add_other(gam, "GAMUT"); gam->add_table(gam, tt_other, 0); /* Start the first table as type "GAMUT" */ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Gamut surface poligon data", NULL); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll CMS gamut library", NULL); atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000'; /* Remove \n from end */ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL); #ifdef NEVER /* would be nice to add extra info like description, source (ie icc filename) etc. */ gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","INPUT", NULL); /* What sort of device this is */ #endif if (s->isJab) gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "COLOR_REP","JAB", NULL); else gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "COLOR_REP","LAB", NULL); if (s->isRast) gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "SURF_TYPE","RASTER", NULL); sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->cent[0], s->cent[1], s->cent[2]); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_CENTER",buf, NULL); /* If the white and black points are known, put them in the file */ if (s->cswbset) { compgawb(s); /* make sure we have gamut white/black available */ sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->cs_wp[0], s->cs_wp[1], s->cs_wp[2]); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_WHITE",buf, NULL); sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->ga_wp[0], s->ga_wp[1], s->ga_wp[2]); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_WHITE",buf, NULL); sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->cs_bp[0], s->cs_bp[1], s->cs_bp[2]); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_BLACK",buf, NULL); sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", s->ga_bp[0], s->ga_bp[1], s->ga_bp[2]); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_BLACK",buf, NULL); } /* If cusp values are known, put them in the file */ if (s->cu_inited != 0) { char buf1[50], buf2[100]; char *cnames[6] = { "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN", "CYAN", "BLUE", "MAGENTA" }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sprintf(buf1,"CUSP_%s", cnames[i]); sprintf(buf2,"%f %f %f", s->cusps[i][0], s->cusps[i][1], s->cusps[i][2]); gam->add_kword(gam, 0, buf1, buf2, NULL); } } gam->add_kword(gam, 0, NULL, NULL, "First come the triangle verticy location"); gam->add_field(gam, 0, "VERTEX_NO", i_t); gam->add_field(gam, 0, "LAB_L", r_t); gam->add_field(gam, 0, "LAB_A", r_t); gam->add_field(gam, 0, "LAB_B", r_t); /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { if (!(s->verts[i]->f & GVERT_TRI)) continue; gam->add_set(gam, 0, s->verts[i]->tn, s->verts[i]->p[0], s->verts[i]->p[1], s->verts[i]->p[2]); } gam->add_table(gam, tt_other, 0); /* Start the second table */ gam->set_table_flags(gam, 1, 1, 1, 0); /* Suppress id & kwords */ gam->add_kword(gam, 1, NULL, NULL, "And then come the triangles"); gam->add_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_0", i_t); gam->add_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_1", i_t); gam->add_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_2", i_t); tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { gam->add_set(gam, 1, tp->v[0]->tn, tp->v[1]->tn, tp->v[2]->tn); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); if (gam->write_name(gam, filename)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to file '%s' : '%s'\n",filename, gam->err); return 2; } gam->del(gam); /* Clean up */ return 0; } /* ----------------------------------- */ /* Read from a CGATS .gam file */ /* Return non-zero on error */ static int read_gam( gamut *s, char *filename ) { int i; cgats *gam; gtri *tp; int nverts; int ntris; int Lf, af, bf; /* Fields holding L, a & b data */ int v0f, v1f, v2f; /* Fields holding verticies 0, 1 & 2 */ int cw, cb; /* Colorspace white, black keyword indexes */ int gw, gb; /* Gamut white, black keyword indexes */ if (s->tris != NULL || s->read_inited || s->lu_inited || s->ne_inited) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't add read into gamut after it is initialised!\n"); return 1; } gam = new_cgats(); /* Create a CGATS structure */ gam->add_other(gam, "GAMUT"); /* Setup to cope with a gamut file */ if (gam->read_name(gam, filename)) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file '%s' error : %s",filename, gam->err); return 1; } if (gam->t[0].tt != tt_other || gam->t[0].oi != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file isn't a GAMUT format file"); return 1; } if (gam->ntables != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain exactly two tables"); return 1; } /* Figure the basic colorspace information */ s->isJab = 0; if ((cw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "COLOR_REP")) >= 0) { if (strcmp(gam->t[0].kdata[cw], "JAB") == 0) s->isJab = 1; } /* Figure the surface type */ s->isRast = 0; if ((cw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "SURF_TYPE")) >= 0) { if (strcmp(gam->t[0].kdata[cw], "RASTER") == 0) s->isRast = 1; } if (s->isRast) { s->logpow = RAST_LOG_POW; /* Wrap the surface more closely */ s->no2pass = 1; /* Only do one pass */ } else { s->logpow = NORM_LOG_POW; /* Convex hull compression power */ s->no2pass = 0; /* Do two passes */ } /* If we can find the the colorspace white and black points, add them to the gamut */ cw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_WHITE"); cb = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "CSPACE_BLACK"); if (cw >= 0 && cb >= 0) { int ok = 1; if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[cw], "%lf %lf %lf", &s->cs_wp[0], &s->cs_wp[1], &s->cs_wp[2]) != 3) { ok = 0; } if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[cb], "%lf %lf %lf", &s->cs_bp[0], &s->cs_bp[1], &s->cs_bp[2]) != 3) { ok = 0; } if (ok) { s->cswbset = 1; } } /* If we can find the the gamut white and black points, add them to the gamut */ gw = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_WHITE"); gb = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, "GAMUT_BLACK"); if (gw >= 0 && gb >= 0) { int ok = 1; if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[gw], "%lf %lf %lf", &s->ga_wp[0], &s->ga_wp[1], &s->ga_wp[2]) != 3) { ok = 0; } if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[gb], "%lf %lf %lf", &s->ga_bp[0], &s->ga_bp[1], &s->ga_bp[2]) != 3) { ok = 0; } if (ok) { s->gawbset = 1; } } /* See if there are cusp values */ { int kk; char buf1[50]; char *cnames[6] = { "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN", "CYAN", "BLUE", "MAGENTA" }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sprintf(buf1,"CUSP_%s", cnames[i]); if ((kk = gam->find_kword(gam, 0, buf1)) < 0) break; if (sscanf(gam->t[0].kdata[kk], "%lf %lf %lf", &s->cusps[i][0], &s->cusps[i][1], &s->cusps[i][2]) != 3) { break; } } if (i >= 6) s->cu_inited = 1; } if ((nverts = gam->t[0].nsets) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"No verticies"); return 1; } if ((ntris = gam->t[1].nsets) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"No triangles"); return 1; } /* Get ready to read the verticy data */ if ((Lf = gam->find_field(gam, 0, "LAB_L")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field LAB_L"); return 1; } if (gam->t[0].ftype[Lf] != r_t) { fprintf(stderr,"Field LAB_L is wrong type"); return 1; } if ((af = gam->find_field(gam, 0, "LAB_A")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field LAB_A"); return 1; } if (gam->t[0].ftype[af] != r_t) { fprintf(stderr,"Field LAB_A is wrong type"); return 1; } if ((bf = gam->find_field(gam, 0, "LAB_B")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field LAB_B"); return 1; } if (gam->t[0].ftype[bf] != r_t) { fprintf(stderr,"Field LAB_B is wrong type"); return 1; } /* Allocate an array to point at the verts */ if ((s->verts = (gvert **)malloc(nverts * sizeof(gvert *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on gvert pointer\n"); return 2; } s->nv = s->na = nverts; for (i = 0; i < nverts; i++) { gvert *v; /* Allocate and fill in each verticies basic information */ if ((v = (gvert *)calloc(1, sizeof(gvert))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"gamut: malloc failed on gvert object\n"); return 2; } s->verts[i] = v; v->tag = 1; v->tn = v->n = i; v->f = GVERT_SET | GVERT_TRI; /* Will be part of the triangulation */ v->p[0] = *((double *)gam->t[0].fdata[i][Lf]); v->p[1] = *((double *)gam->t[0].fdata[i][af]); v->p[2] = *((double *)gam->t[0].fdata[i][bf]); gamut_rect2radial(s, v->r, v->p); } s->ntv = i; /* Compute the other vertex values */ compute_vertex_coords(s); /* Get ready to read the triangle data */ if ((v0f = gam->find_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_0")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field VERTEX_0"); return 1; } if (gam->t[1].ftype[v0f] != i_t) { fprintf(stderr,"Field VERTEX_0 is wrong type"); return 1; } if ((v1f = gam->find_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_1")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field VERTEX_1"); return 1; } if (gam->t[1].ftype[v1f] != i_t) { fprintf(stderr,"Field VERTEX_1 is wrong type"); return 1; } if ((v2f = gam->find_field(gam, 1, "VERTEX_2")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input file doesn't contain field VERTEX_2"); return 1; } if (gam->t[1].ftype[v2f] != i_t) { fprintf(stderr,"Field VERTEX_2 is wrong type"); return 1; } /* Create all the triangles */ for (i = 0; i < ntris; i++) { gtri *t; int v0, v1, v2; t = new_gtri(); ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->tris, t); /* Append to triangulation list */ v0 = *((int *)gam->t[1].fdata[i][v0f]); v1 = *((int *)gam->t[1].fdata[i][v1f]); v2 = *((int *)gam->t[1].fdata[i][v2f]); t->v[0] = s->verts[v0]; t->v[1] = s->verts[v1]; t->v[2] = s->verts[v2]; comptriattr(s, t); /* Compute triangle attributes */ } /* Connect edge information */ tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { int en; for (en = 0; en < 3; en++) { /* For each edge */ gedge *e; gvert *v0, *v1; /* The two verticies of the edge */ gtri *tp2; /* The other triangle */ int em; /* The other edge */ gvert *w0, *w1; /* The other verticies */ v0 = tp->v[en]; v1 = tp->v[en < 2 ? en+1 : 0]; if (v0->n > v1->n) continue; /* Skip every other edge */ /* Find the corresponding edge of the other triangle */ w0 = w1 = NULL; tp2 = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp2) { for (em = 0; em < 3; em++) { /* For each edge */ w0 = tp2->v[em]; w1 = tp2->v[em < 2 ? em+1 : 0]; if (v0 == w1 && v1 == w0) /* Found it */ break; } if (em < 3) break; } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp2); if (w0 == NULL) { /* Should clean up ? */ fprintf(stderr,".gam file triangle data is not consistent\n"); return 1; } if (tp->e[en] != NULL || tp2->e[em] != NULL) { fprintf(stderr,".gam file triangle data is not consistent\n"); fprintf(stderr,"tp1->e[%d] = 0x%p, tp2->e[%d]= 0x%p\n",en, (void *)tp->e[en],em,(void *)tp2->e[em]); return 1; } /* Creat the edge structure */ e = new_gedge(); ADD_ITEM_TO_BOT(s->edges, e); /* Append to edge list */ tp->e[en] = e; /* This edge */ tp->ei[en] = 0; /* 0th triangle in edge */ e->t[0] = tp; /* 0th triangle is tp */ e->ti[0] = en; /* 0th triangles en edge */ tp2->e[em] = e; /* This edge */ tp2->ei[em] = 1; /* 1st triangle in edge */ e->t[1] = tp2; /* 1st triangle is tp2 */ e->ti[1] = em; /* 1st triangles em edge */ e->v[0] = v0; /* The two verticies */ e->v[1] = v1; } } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); gam->del(gam); /* Clean up */ s->read_inited = 1; /* It's now valid */ #ifdef ASSERTS check_triangulation(s, 1); /* Check out our work */ #endif return 0; } /* ===================================================== */ /* ===================================================== */ /* Convert from rectangular to radial coordinates */ void gamut_rect2radial( gamut *s, double out[3], /* Radius, longitude, lattitude out */ double in[3] /* Lab in */ ) { double L, a, b; /* Lab values */ double R, g, t; /* Radial value */ double c; /* Chromatic length */ L = in[0] - s->cent[0]; /* Offset value */ a = in[1] - s->cent[1]; b = in[2] - s->cent[2]; c = a * a + b * b; R = c + L * L; c = sqrt(c); /* Saturation */ R = sqrt(R); /* Vector length */ if (R < 1e-6) { /* Hmm, a point at the center */ g = t = 0.0; } else { /* Figure out the longitude, -pi to +pi */ if (c < 1e-6) { g = 0.0; } else { g = asin(b/c); if (a < 0.0) { if (b >= 0.0) g = M_PI - g; else g = -g - M_PI; } } /* Figure out the lattitude, -pi/2 to +pi/2 */ t = asin(L/R); } out[0] = R; out[1] = g; out[2] = t; } /* Convert from radial to rectangular coordinates */ void gamut_radial2rect( gamut *s, double out[3], /* Lab out */ double in[3] /* Radius, longitude, lattitude in */ ) { double R, g, t; /* Radial value */ double L, a, b; /* Lab values */ double c; /* Chromatic length */ R = in[0]; g = in[1]; t = in[2]; L = R * sin(t); c = R * cos(t); a = c * cos(g); b = c * sin(g); out[0] = L + s->cent[0]; out[1] = a + s->cent[1]; out[2] = b + s->cent[2]; } /* -------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(DEBUG_TRIANG) || defined(DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML) /* Write a surface construction diagnostic .wrl/.x3d/.x3dom file */ static int write_diag_vrml( gamut *s, double vv[3], /* Vertex being added */ int nh, /* Number of hit triangles */ tidxs *hixs, /* verticy indexes of hit triangles */ gtri *hl /* Edge hit list (may be NULL) */ ) { char *filename; int doaxes = 0; int i, j; gtri *tp; /* Triangle pointer */ vrml *wrl; if (hl) filename = "diag1"); /* Triangles hit */ else filename = "diag2"); /* Triangles formed */ if ((wrl = new_vrml_vdist(filename, doaxes, vrml_lab, 200.0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating vrml object '%s%s'\n",filename,vrml_ext()); return 2; } wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */ for (i = 0; i < s->nv; i++) { double out[3]; /* Show normal gamut surface */ out[0] = s->verts[i]->ch[0]; out[1] = s->verts[i]->ch[1]; out[2] = s->verts[i]->ch[2]; wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, out); } /* Create triangles from verticies and set tri color */ tp = s->tris; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { int ix[3]; double rgb[3] = { 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 }; ix[0] = tp->v[0]->n; ix[1] = tp->v[1]->n; ix[2] = tp->v[2]->n; wrl->add_col_triangle(wrl, 0, ix, rgb); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) { double rgb[3] = { 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 }; if (hixs[i].type == 0) { rgb[0] = 0.4; rgb[1] = 1.0; rgb[2] = 0.4; /* Green for hit */ } else if (hixs[i].type == 1) { rgb[0] = 0.4; rgb[1] = 0.4; rgb[2] = 1.0; /* Blue for extra */ } else { rgb[0] = 0.8; rgb[1] = 0.8; rgb[2] = 0.2; /* Yellow for new */ } wrl->add_col_triangle(wrl, 0, hixs[i].tix, rgb); } wrl->make_triangles_vc(wrl, 0, 0.0); { double pos[3], rgb[3]; /* center of gamut */ pos[0] = 0.0; pos[1] = 0.0, pos[2] = 0.0; rgb[0] = 1.0; rgb[1] = 1.0, rgb[2] = 0.0; /* Yellow */ wrl->add_marker(wrl, pos, rgb, 1.5); /* vertex being added */ rgb[0] = 1.0; rgb[1] = 0.0, rgb[2] = 0.0; /* Red */ wrl->add_marker(wrl, vv, rgb, 1.5); } /* Verticies for Polygon edges, marked by directional cones */ if (hl != NULL) { tp = hl; FOR_ALL_ITEMS(gtri, tp) { double rgb[3] = { 0.7, 0.0, 1.0 }; wrl->add_cone(wrl, tp->v[0]->ch, tp->v[1]->ch, rgb, 0.5); } END_FOR_ALL_ITEMS(tp); } if (wrl->flush(wrl) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error closing output file '%s%s'\n",filename,vrml_ext()); return 2; } return 0; } #endif /* DEBUG_TRIANG_VRML */ #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML /* Write a triangle split diagnostic .wrl/.x3d/.x3dom file */ static int write_split_diag_vrml( gamut *s, gtri **list, /* Triangle list */ int llen /* Number of triangles in the list */ ) { int i, j; int doaxes = 0; vrml *wrl; if ((wrl = new_vrml("diag3", doaxes, vrml_lab)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating %s object '%s%s'\n",vrml_format(),filename,vrml_ext()); return 2; } wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); /* Spit out the vertex values, in order. */ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { double pos[3]; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pos[0] = 100.0 * list[i]->v[j]->sp[0]; pos[1] = 100.0 * list[i]->v[j]->sp[1]; pos[2] = 100.0 * list[i]->v[j]->sp[2]; wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, pos); } } /* Triangle faces and colors */ for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { int ix[3]; double rgb[3]; ix[0] = i * 3 + 0; ix[1] = i * 3 + 1; ix[2] = i * 3 + 2; if (list[i]->bsort == 1) { /* Positive */ rgb[0]= 1.0; rgb[1] = 0.3; rgb[2] = 0.3; /* Red */ } else if (list[i]->bsort == 2) { /* Negative */ rgb[0]= 0.3; rgb[1] = 1.0; rgb[2] = 0.3; /* Green */ } else if (list[i]->bsort == 3) { /* Both */ rgb[0]= 1.0; rgb[1] = 1.0; rgb[2] = 0.3; /* Yellow */ } else { /* Neither */ rgb[0]= 0.3; rgb[1] = 0.3; rgb[2] = 1.0; /* Blue */ } wrl->add_col_triangle(wrl, 0, ix, rgb); } wrl->make_triangles_vc(wrl, 0, 0.0); /* center of gamut */ { double pos[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double rgb[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; /* Yellow */ wrl->add_marker(wrl, pos, rgb, 5.0); } if (wrl->flush(wrl) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error closing output file '%s%s'\n",filename,vrml_ext()); return 2; } wrl->del(wrl); return 0; } #endif /* DEBUG_SPLIT_VRML */