/* * Argyll Color Correction System * Named Color Access Library * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 3/12/2013 * * Copyright 2013 Graeme W. Gill * All rights reserved. * * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. */ /* * Currently supports CxF2, CxF3 & ICC names color profiles. */ /* * TTBD: * * Probably want to add some other formst: * (see * and ) * * Adobe .aco * .acb * .acbl * .ase * .bcf * corel .cpl * corel .xml * autocad .acb RGB only * * and lower quality RGB formats: * * Adobe .acf ?? May support Lab * corel .acb * * Paint Shop Pro .pal ??? * * RAL ? */ #undef DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "copyright.h" #include "aconfig.h" #ifndef SALONEINSTLIB #include "numlib.h" #include "icc.h" #else #include "numsup.h" #endif #include "conv.h" #include "cgats.h" #include "xspect.h" #include "mxml.h" #include "namedc.h" #ifdef STANDALONE_TEST #include "ui.h" #endif /* STANDALONE_TEST */ #ifndef STANDALONE_TEST # define DEB6 6 # define DEB4 4 #ifdef NT /* You'd think there might be some standards.... */ # ifndef __BORLANDC__ # define stricmp _stricmp # endif #else # define stricmp strcasecmp #endif /* Forward declarations */ static void clear_namedc(namedc *p); static void clear_nce(nce *p); static ORD32 do_hash(ORD32 hash, const char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; s[i] != '\000'; i++) { hash += s[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } return hash; } static int do_hash2(const char *s1, const char *s2) { ORD32 hash; hash = do_hash(0, s1); hash = do_hash(hash, s2); return (int)hash; } /* Compare while ignoring possible prefix on s1 */ static int pfxcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { const char *cp; if ((cp = strchr(s1, ':')) == NULL) cp = s1; else cp++; return strcmp(cp, s2); } /* XML data type callback for mxmlLoadFile() */ mxml_type_t type_cb(mxml_node_t *node) { mxml_node_t *parent = mxmlGetParent(node); const char *pname; const char *name = node->value.element.name; if (parent == NULL) return MXML_TEXT; pname = parent->value.element.name; // printf("~1 type_cb got node named '%s'\n",name); if ((pfxcmp(pname, "ColorCIELab") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "ColorSpaceCIELab") == 0) && (pfxcmp(name, "L") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "A") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "B") == 0)) return MXML_REAL; if ((pfxcmp(pname, "ColorCIEXYZ") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "ColorSpaceCIEXYZ") == 0) && (pfxcmp(name, "X") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Y") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Z") == 0)) return MXML_REAL; // ReflectanceSpectrum // Example doesn't have NumPoints, Increment // // 0.0580 0.0594 0.0594 0.0584 0.0581 0.0591 0.0599 0.0601 0.0603 0.0610 0.0634 0.0695 0.0760 0.0786 0.0798 0.0826 0.0897 0.1024 0.1197 0.1350 0.1434 0.1455 0.1499 0.1594 0.1721 0.1842 0.1913 0.1928 0.1878 0.1734 0.1704 if ((pfxcmp(pname, "ColorSRGB") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "ColorSpaceSRGB") == 0) && (pfxcmp(name, "R") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "G") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "B") == 0)) return MXML_REAL; if ((pfxcmp(pname, "ColorCMYK") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "ColorSpaceCMYK") == 0) && (pfxcmp(name, "Cyan") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Magenta") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Yellow") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Black") == 0)) return MXML_REAL; if ((pfxcmp(pname, "FileInformation") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "Header") == 0) && (pfxcmp(name, "Creator") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "CreationDate") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Description") == 0)) return MXML_OPAQUE; /* Don't split strings up */ if ((pfxcmp(pname, "IlluminationOptions") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "TristimulusSpec") == 0 || pfxcmp(pname, "ColorSpaceSpecificationSpectrumTristimulus") == 0) && (pfxcmp(name, "Illuminant") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "Observer") == 0 || pfxcmp(name, "FieldOfView") == 0)) return MXML_OPAQUE; /* Don't split strings up */ return MXML_TEXT; } void sax_cb(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_sax_event_t event, void *data) { namedc *p = (namedc *)data; if (event == MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_OPEN) { const char *pname = mxmlGetElement(node); if (pfxcmp(pname, "Resources") == 0) { //printf("~1 open of Resources\n"); p->indata = 1; } if ((p->options & NAMEDC_OP_NODATA) == 0 || !p->indata) { //printf("~1 options 0x%x, indata %d, retaining '%s'\n",p->options,p->indata,pname); //a1logd(p->log, 4, "sax_cb: retaining %s\n",pname); mxmlRetain(node); } } else if (event == MXML_SAX_DIRECTIVE) { mxmlRetain(node); } else if (event == MXML_SAX_DATA) { /* If the parent was retained, then retain this data node as well. */ if (mxmlGetRefCount(mxmlGetParent(node)) > 1) { mxmlRetain(node); } } else if (event == MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_CLOSE) { const char *pname = mxmlGetElement(node); if(pfxcmp(pname, "Resources") == 0) { //printf("~1 close of Resources\n"); p->indata = 0; } } } /* Return a temporary key with prefix */ char *pfx(namedc *p, char *key) { if (p->pfx[0] == '\000') return key; snprintf(p->prefix, 200, "%s:%s", p->pfx, key); return p->prefix; } /* Return a temporary key with prefix at front and after each '/' */ char *pfxp(namedc *p, char *path) { char *cp = p->prefix; char *sp, *ep; int plen, slen; if (p->pfx[0] == '\000') return path; plen = strlen(p->pfx); /* Figure out the first source key */ sp = path; if ((ep = strchr(sp, '/')) != NULL) { slen = ep - sp; ep++; /* Point beyond '/' */ } else { slen = strlen(sp); ep = sp + slen; /* point at '\000' */ } for (;;) { if ((NAMEDC_PLEN -1 -(cp - p->prefix)) < (plen + 1 + slen)) break; /* No room for prefix + path element */ strcpy(cp, p->pfx); cp += plen; *cp++ = ':'; strncpy(cp, sp, slen); cp += slen; /* Figure out the next source key */ sp = ep; if ((ep = strchr(sp, '/')) != NULL) { slen = ep - sp; ep++; /* Point beyond '/' */ } else { slen = strlen(sp); ep = sp + slen; /* point at '\000' */ } if (slen <= 0) /* No more path elements */ break; if ((NAMEDC_PLEN -1 -(cp - p->prefix)) < 1) break; /* No room for '/' */ *cp++ = '/'; } *cp++ = '\000'; return p->prefix; } /* Return a temporary key with suffix */ char *sfx(namedc *p, char *key) { if (p->pfx[0] == '\000') return key; snprintf(p->prefix, 200, "%s:%s", key, p->pfx); return p->prefix; } /* Read in a namedc from a cxf2 or cxf3 file */ /* Return nz on error */ static int read_cxf(namedc *p, const char *filename, int options) { FILE *fp; char *pfilename; mxml_node_t *tree, *cxf, *pnode, *node; const char *attr, *name; int cxf2 = 0; int i, j; a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: file '%s' options 0x%x\n",filename,options); if (p->filename == NULL) { if ((pfilename = strdup(filename)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of filename failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); return p->errc = 2; } clear_namedc(p); p->filename = pfilename; } p->options = options; if ((fp = fopen(p->filename, "r")) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Opening XML file '%s' failed",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); return p->errc = 1; } #ifdef NEVER tree = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, fp, type_cb); #else p->indata = 0; tree = mxmlSAXLoadFd(NULL, fileno(fp), type_cb, sax_cb, (void *)p); #endif fclose(fp); if (tree == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Parsing XML file '%s' failed",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); return p->errc = 1; } if ((cxf = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) == NULL || mxmlGetType(cxf) != MXML_ELEMENT) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Failed to find top element in '%s'",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 1; } name = cxf->value.element.name; if ((attr = strchr(cxf->value.element.name, ':')) != NULL) { int len = attr - name; if (len > 99) len = 99; strncpy(p->pfx, name, len); p->pfx[len] = '\000'; } else { p->pfx[0] = '\000'; } a1logd(p->log, 4, "read_cxf: prefix '%s'\n",p->pfx); if (strcmp(name, pfx(p, "CxF")) != 0) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Top element not called CxF in '%s'",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 1; } /* Check that its CxF3 */ if ((attr = mxmlElementGetAttr(cxf, sfx(p, "xmlns"))) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Failed to find CxF attribute %s in '%s'",sfx(p, "xmlns"), p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 1; } if (strcmp(attr, "http://colorexchangeformat.com/CxF3-core") != 0) { if (strcmp(attr, "http://colorexchangeformat.com/v2") != 0) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "File '%s' is not CxF format",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 1; } else { cxf2 = 1; a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: This is a CxF2 file\n"); } } else { a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: This is a CxF3 file\n"); } /* Grab the description */ if (cxf2) { if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Palette"))) == NULL || (name = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "PaletteName")) == NULL) name = NULL; if (name == NULL) name = p->filename; if ((p->description = strdup(name)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of description string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 2; } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: description '%s'\n",p->description); p->hash = do_hash2(p->filename, p->description); } else { /* else cxf3 */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"FileInformation/Description"))) == NULL) name = NULL; else name = mxmlGetOpaque(node); if (name == NULL) name = p->filename; if ((p->description = strdup(name)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of description string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 2; } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: description '%s'\n",p->description); p->hash = do_hash2(p->filename, p->description); } if ((p->options & NAMEDC_OP_NODATA) == 0) { char *SampleKey = NULL; char *SampleNameKey = NULL; char *SampleLabKey = NULL; char *SampleXYZKey = NULL; char *SampleCMYKKey = NULL; const char *colorSpecification = NULL; /* cxf3 ColorSpecification of Lab or XYZ */ if (cxf2) { /* Locate the Palette/ColorSet node */ if ((pnode = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Palette/ColorSet"))) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Failed to find Resources/ObjectCollection in '%s'",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 1; } SampleKey = "Color"; SampleNameKey = "ColorName"; SampleLabKey = "ColorSpaceCIELab"; SampleXYZKey = "ColorSpaceCIEXYZ"; SampleCMYKKey = "ColorSpaceCMYK"; } else { /* Locate the Resources/ObjectCollection node */ if ((pnode = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Resources/ObjectCollection"))) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Failed to find Resources/ObjectCollection in '%s'",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 1; } SampleKey = "Object"; SampleNameKey = "Name"; SampleLabKey = "ColorCIELab"; SampleXYZKey = "ColorCIEXYZ"; SampleCMYKKey = "ColorCMYK"; } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Read all the colors. */ /* Start with first node */ node = mxmlFindElement(pnode, pnode, pfx(p,SampleKey), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST); for (i = 0; node != NULL; i++) { int j; mxml_node_t *ppvals, *pvals, *val; const char *name; double Lab[3]; int Lab_v = 0; double dev[MAX_CHAN]; int dev_n = 0; icColorSpaceSignature devSig = icMaxEnumData; if (mxmlGetType(node) != MXML_ELEMENT) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: skipping non element node type %d\n",mxmlGetType(node)); goto next; } a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: read node '%s'\n",node->value.element.name); if (strcmp(node->value.element.name, pfx(p,SampleKey)) != 0) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: skipping non %s node\n",SampleKey); goto next; } if (!cxf2) { /* Get the ObjectType attribute of Object */ if ((attr = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "ObjectType")) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: skipping node without ObjectType\n"); goto next; /* Skip this one */ } #ifdef NEVER /* Check the attribute value (Should we ?) */ /* Known values are: Standard, Color */ /* May be Trial, Target, Substrate, Colorant, ... ? */ if (strcmp(attr, "Standard") != 0 && strcmp(attr, "Color") != 0) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: skipping node with ObjectType = '%s'\n",attr); goto next; /* Skip this one */ } #endif } if ((attr = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, SampleNameKey)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: skipping without %s\n",SampleNameKey); goto next; /* Skip this one */ } name = attr; a1logd(p->log, DEB4, "read_cxf: got color %d name '%s'\n",i,name); if (!cxf2) { if ((ppvals = mxmlFindElement(node, node, pfx(p,"ColorValues"), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB4, "read_cxf: no reference ColorValuesname - skipping\n"); goto next; } } else { ppvals = node; } if ((p->options & NAMEDC_OP_NOSPEC) == 0) { /* ~~~~9999 should look for spectral */ } /* See if there is ColorCIELab */ if ((pvals = mxmlFindElement(ppvals, ppvals, pfx(p,SampleLabKey), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) != NULL) { char *key[3] = { "L", "A", "B" }; /* Check which color specification is being used with Lab */ if (!cxf2 && colorSpecification == NULL) { colorSpecification = mxmlElementGetAttr(pvals, "ColorSpecification"); } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if ((val = mxmlFindElement(pvals, pvals, pfx(p, key[j]), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: failed to find ColorCIELab component %s\n",key[j]); break; /* oops */ } Lab[j] = mxmlGetReal(val); a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: got ColorCIELab component %s value %f\n",key[j],Lab[j]); } if (j >= 3) Lab_v = 1; } if (!Lab_v) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: no valid ColorCIELab value, look for XYZ\n"); /* See if there is ColorCIEXYZ instead */ if ((pvals = mxmlFindElement(ppvals, ppvals, pfx(p,SampleXYZKey), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) != NULL) { char *key[3] = { "X", "Y", "Z" }; /* Check which color specification is being used with Lab */ if (!cxf2 && colorSpecification == NULL) { colorSpecification = mxmlElementGetAttr(pvals, "ColorSpecification"); } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if ((val = mxmlFindElement(pvals, pvals, pfx(p, key[j]), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: failed to find ColorCIEXYZ component %s\n",key[j]); break; /* oops */ } Lab[j] = mxmlGetReal(val); a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: got ColorCIEXYZ component %s value %f\n",key[j],Lab[j]); } if (j >= 3) { icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, Lab, Lab); Lab_v = 1; } } } if (!Lab_v) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: no CIE value found - skipping color\n"); goto next; } /* Read any device color values */ if (!cxf2) { if ((ppvals = mxmlFindElement(node, node, pfx(p,"DeviceColorValues"), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) != NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB4, "read_cxf: got DeviceColorValues\n"); } } if (ppvals != NULL) { // ~~99 could add read of other device values here /* See if there is ColorCMYK */ if ((pvals = mxmlFindElement(ppvals, ppvals, pfx(p,SampleCMYKKey), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) != NULL) { char *key[4] = { "Cyan", "Magenta", "Yellow", "Black" }; a1logd(p->log, DEB4, "read_cxf: got ColorCMYK\n"); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if ((val = mxmlFindElement(pvals, pvals, pfx(p, key[j]), NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: failed to find ColorCMYK component %s\n",key[j]); break; /* oops */ } dev[j] = mxmlGetReal(val); a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_cxf: got ColorCMYK component %s value %f\n",key[j],dev[j]); } if (j >= 4) { dev_n = j; devSig = icSigCmykData; } } } /* Add an entry */ if (p->count >= p->count_a) { unsigned int count_n; count_n = p->count_a + 4096/sizeof(nce); a1logd(p->log, 8, "read_cxf: increasing data array size to %d\n",count_n); if ((p->data = recalloc(p->data, p->count_a, sizeof(nce), count_n, sizeof(nce))) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of data size %d failed",p->count_a); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 2; } p->count_a = count_n; } clear_nce(&p->data[p->count]); if ((p->data[p->count].name = strdup(name)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of color name string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 2; } if (Lab_v) { p->data[p->count].Lab[0] = Lab[0]; p->data[p->count].Lab[1] = Lab[1]; p->data[p->count].Lab[2] = Lab[2]; p->data[p->count].Lab_v = 1; } if (dev_n > 0 && devSig != icMaxEnumData) { for (j = 0; j < dev_n; j++) p->data[p->count].dev[j] = dev[j]; p->data[p->count].dev_n = dev_n; p->data[p->count].devSig = devSig; } else { p->data[p->count].dev_n = 0; p->data[p->count].devSig = icMaxEnumData; } a1logd(p->log, 8, "read_cxf: added color %d\n",p->count); p->count++; next:; /* Next color */ node = mxmlGetNextSibling(node); } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Read extra information */ if (cxf2) { /* Grab the creator */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Preamble/Header/Creator"))) == NULL) name = NULL; else name = mxmlGetOpaque(node); if (name == NULL) name = "[Unknown]"; if ((p->creator = strdup(name)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of creator string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 2; } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: creator '%s'\n",p->creator); /* Grab the illuminant type */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Palette/ColorSet/CollectionColorSpaceSpecification/ColorSpaceSpecificationSpectrumTristimulus/IlluminationOptions/Illuminant"))) == NULL || (name = mxmlGetOpaque(node)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: failed to locate Illuminant - assuming D50\n"); p->ill = icxIT_D50; } else { if (strcmp(name, "Illuminant_A") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_A; else if (strcmp(name, "Illuminant_D50") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_D50; else if (strcmp(name, "Illuminant_D55") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_D55; else if (strcmp(name, "Illuminant_D65") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_D65; else if (strcmp(name, "Illuminant_E") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_E; else { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: Illuminant '%s' unrecognised\n",name); p->ill = icxIT_D50; } } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: illuminant '%s'\n",icm2str(icmIlluminant, p->ill)); /* Grab the observer type */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Palette/ColorSet/CollectionColorSpaceSpecification/ColorSpaceSpecificationSpectrumTristimulus/FieldOfView"))) == NULL || (name = mxmlGetOpaque(node)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: failed to locate FieldOfView - assuming 2 degree\n"); p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; } else { if (strcmp(name, "FieldOfView_2_Degree") == 0) p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; else if (strcmp(name, "FieldOfView_10_Degree") == 0) p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1964_10; else { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: Illuminant '%s' unrecognised\n",name); p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; } } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: observer '%s'\n",icm2str(icmStandardObserver, p->obs)); } else { int found_io = 0; /* Grab the creator */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"FileInformation/Creator"))) == NULL) name = NULL; else name = mxmlGetOpaque(node); if (name == NULL) name = "[Unknown]"; if ((p->creator = strdup(name)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of creator string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: %s\n",p->err); mxmlDelete(tree); return p->errc = 2; } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: creator '%s'\n",p->creator); if (colorSpecification != NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: colorSpecification '%s'\n",colorSpecification); } /* Look through the color specifications and find the one that matches */ /* the Lab or XYZ color specification */ pnode = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Resources/ColorSpecificationCollection/ColorSpecification")); while (pnode != NULL) { name = mxmlElementGetAttr(pnode, "Id"); if (colorSpecification == NULL || (name != NULL && strcmp(name, colorSpecification) == 0)) { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: found node matching colorSpecification '%s'\n",colorSpecification); /* Grab the illuminant type */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(pnode, pfxp(p,"TristimulusSpec/Illuminant"))) == NULL || (name = mxmlGetOpaque(node)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: failed to locate Illuminant - assuming D50\n"); p->ill = icxIT_D50; } else { if (strcmp(name, "A") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_A; else if (strcmp(name, "D50") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_D50; else if (strcmp(name, "D55") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_D55; else if (strcmp(name, "D65") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_D65; else if (strcmp(name, "E") == 0) p->ill = icxIT_E; else { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: Illuminant '%s' unrecognised\n",name); p->ill = icxIT_D50; } } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: illuminant '%s'\n",icm2str(icmIlluminant, p->ill)); /* Grab the first observer type */ if ((node = mxmlFindPathNode(cxf, pfxp(p,"Resources/ColorSpecificationCollection/ColorSpecification/TristimulusSpec/Observer"))) == NULL || (name = mxmlGetOpaque(node)) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: failed to locate Observer - assuming 2 degree\n"); p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; } else { if (strcmp(name, "2_Degree") == 0) p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; else if (strcmp(name, "10_Degree") == 0) p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1964_10; else { a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: Illuminant '%s' unrecognised\n",name); p->obs = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; } } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: observer '%s'\n",icm2str(icmStandardObserver, p->obs)); found_io = 1; break; } pnode = mxmlGetNextSibling(pnode); } if (!found_io) { p->ill = icIlluminantD50; p->obs = icStdObs1931TwoDegrees; a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: failed to locate ColorSpecification - assuming D50 2 degree observer\n"); } /* Other values of interest: Resources/ColorSpecificationCollection/ColorSpecification/ColorSpecification/MeasurementSpec/MeasurementType ie. "Spectrum_Reflectance" Resources/ColorSpecificationCollection/ColorSpecification/ColorSpecification/MeasurementSpec/CalibrationStandard ie. "GMDI" for Gretag Macbeth Calibration, "XRGA" for X-Rite Graphic Arts Standard. Resources/ColorSpecificationCollection/ColorSpecification/ColorSpecification/MeasurementSpec/Device/DeviceFilter ie. "Filter_None" "Filter_UVExcluded", */ } } mxmlDelete(tree); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_cxf: done - %d colors\n",p->count); return 0; } /* Read in a namedc from a ICC file */ /* Return nz on error */ static int read_icc(namedc *p, const char *filename, int options) { char *pfilename; icmFile *fp; icc *icco; a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: file '%s' options 0x%x\n",filename,options); if (p->filename == NULL) { if ((pfilename = strdup(filename)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of filename failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); return p->errc = 2; } clear_namedc(p); p->filename = pfilename; } p->options = options; /* Open up the file for reading */ if ((fp = new_icmFileStd_name(p->filename,"r")) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Opening ICC file '%s' failed",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); return p->errc = 1; } if ((icco = new_icc()) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Creation ICC object failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } if (icco->read(icco, fp, 0) != 0) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Failed to read '%s'\n",p->filename); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } if (icco->header->deviceClass != icSigNamedColorClass) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Not a named color profile"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } if (icco->header->pcs != icSigXYZData && icco->header->pcs != icSigLabData) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Unrecognised PCS"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } if (icco->find_tag(icco, icSigNamedColor2Tag) != 0) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Can't find ncl2 tag"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } { icmTextDescription *txd; /* Try and read the tag from the file */ if ((txd = (icmTextDescription *)icco->read_tag(icco, icSigProfileDescriptionTag)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "No description tag"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } if ((p->description = strdup(txd->desc)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of description string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 2; } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_icc: description '%s'\n",p->description); } p->hash = do_hash2(p->filename, p->description); if ((p->options & NAMEDC_OP_NODATA) == 0) { icmNamedColor *tag; char name[3 * 32]; double Lab[3]; int Lab_v = 0; double dev[MAX_CHAN]; int dev_n = 0; icColorSpaceSignature devSig = icMaxEnumData; int i, j; #ifdef NEVER /* See if there is a measurementType tag */ icmMeasurement *meastag; if ((meastag = (icmMeasurement *)icco->read_tag(icco, icSigMeasurementTag)) != NULL) { p->ill = meastag->illuminant; p->obs = meastag->observer; a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: assuming D50 illuminant and 2 degree observer\n"); } else { p->ill = icIlluminantD50; p->obs = icStdObs1931TwoDegrees; } a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: illuminant '%s'\n",icm2str(icmIlluminant, p->ill)); a1logd(p->log, 2, "read_cxf: observer '%s'\n",icm2str(icmStandardObserver, p->obs)); #endif if ((tag = (icmNamedColor *)icco->read_tag(icco, icSigNamedColor2Tag)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Can't read ncl2 tag"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 1; } for (i = 0; i < tag->count; i++) { /* Get the name */ strcpy(name, tag->prefix); strcat(name, tag->data[i].root); strcat(name, tag->suffix); a1logd(p->log, DEB4, "read_icc: got color %d name '%s'\n",i,name); if (icco->header->pcs == icSigXYZData) { Lab[0] = tag->data[i].pcsCoords[0]; Lab[1] = tag->data[i].pcsCoords[1]; Lab[2] = tag->data[i].pcsCoords[2]; icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, Lab, Lab); } else { /* Lab */ Lab[0] = tag->data[i].pcsCoords[0]; Lab[1] = tag->data[i].pcsCoords[1]; Lab[2] = tag->data[i].pcsCoords[2]; } Lab_v = 1; a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_icc: got ColorCIELab value %s\n",icmPdv(3, Lab)); /* Add any device space */ devSig = icco->header->colorSpace; dev_n = icmCSSig2nchan(devSig); for (j = 0; j < dev_n; j++) dev[j] = tag->data[i].deviceCoords[j]; a1logd(p->log, DEB6, "read_icc: got %s value %s\n", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, devSig), icmPdv(dev_n, dev)); /* Add an entry */ if (p->count >= p->count_a) { unsigned int count_n; count_n = p->count_a + 4096/sizeof(nce); a1logd(p->log, 8, "read_icc: increasing data array size to %d\n",count_n); if ((p->data = recalloc(p->data, p->count_a, sizeof(nce), count_n, sizeof(nce))) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of data size %d failed",p->count_a); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 2; } p->count_a = count_n; } clear_nce(&p->data[p->count]); if ((p->data[p->count].name = strdup(name)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Malloc of color name string failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "read_icc: %s\n",p->err); icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return p->errc = 2; } if (Lab_v) { p->data[p->count].Lab[0] = Lab[0]; p->data[p->count].Lab[1] = Lab[1]; p->data[p->count].Lab[2] = Lab[2]; p->data[p->count].Lab_v = 1; } if (dev_n > 0 && devSig != icMaxEnumData) { for (j = 0; j < dev_n; j++) p->data[p->count].dev[j] = dev[j]; p->data[p->count].dev_n = dev_n; p->data[p->count].devSig = devSig; } else { p->data[p->count].dev_n = 0; p->data[p->count].devSig = icMaxEnumData; } a1logd(p->log, 8, "read_icc: added color %d\n",p->count); p->count++; next:; /* Next color */ } } icco->del(icco); fp->del(fp); return 0; } /* Read any format named color files */ /* Return nz on error */ static int read_nc(namedc *p, const char *filename, int options) { int rv; if ((p->format == 0 || p->format == 1) && (rv = read_cxf(p, filename, options)) == 0) { p->format = 1; return rv; } if ((p->format == 0 || p->format == 2) && (rv = read_icc(p, filename, options)) == 0) { p->format = 2; return rv; } /* Try other file types here */ return rv; } /* Return the index of the best mataching color, -1 on error. */ /* Lab[] is assumed to be D50, 2 degree standard observer based CIE value, */ /* and the spec value should only be provided if this is a reflective or */ /* transmissive measurement, NULL if emissive. */ /* If named color library is expects other than D50, 2 degree, then */ /* it will use the spectral value if not NULL, or chromatically */ /* adapt the Lab value. */ /* deType == 0 DE76 */ /* deType == 1 DE94 */ /* deType == 2 DE2000 */ /* if de != NULL, return the delta E */ int match(struct _namedc *p, double *de, double *pLab, xspect *rspect, int deType) { int i, bix = -1; double bde = 1e99; double Lab[3]; if (p->filename == NULL) { /* We haven't been opened */ snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "We haven't been opened"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: %s\n",p->err); return -1; } /* If the colors haven't been read yet, read them now */ if (p->data == NULL || (p->options & NAMEDC_OP_NODATA)) { if (read_nc(p, NULL, (p->options & ~NAMEDC_OP_NODATA))) { a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: on demand data load failed with '%s'\n",p->err); return -1; } a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: after loading there are %d colors\n",p->count); } icmCpy3(Lab, pLab); if (p->ill != icIlluminantD50 || p->obs != icStdObs1931TwoDegrees) { if (rspect != NULL) { if (p->sp2cie == NULL) { if ((p->sp2cie = new_xsp2cie(p->ill, NULL, p->obs, NULL, icSigLabData, 0)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "creating spetral conversion failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: %s\n",p->err); return -1; } } /* Convert spectrum to the XYZ we want */ p->sp2cie->convert(p->sp2cie, Lab, rspect); } else { if (p->chrom[0][0] <= -1e38) { double wXYZ[3]; // Special case this for a consistent value with ICC profiles if (p->obs == icxOT_CIE_1931_2 && p->ill == icxIT_D65) { icmCpy3(wXYZ, icmD65_ary3); } else { xsp2cie *tt; xspect ts; // Get the XYZ of the given white point for the illuminant and observer if ((tt = new_xsp2cie(p->ill, NULL, p->obs, NULL, icSigXYZData, 0)) == NULL) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "creating spetral conversion failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: %s\n",p->err); return -1; } if (standardIlluminant(&ts, icxIT_E, 0.0)) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "match: creating E type spectrum failed"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: %s\n",p->err); return -1; } tt->convert(tt, wXYZ, &ts); tt->del(tt); } icmAry2XYZ(p->dXYZ, wXYZ); /* Chreate chromatic adapation matrix from D50 to named color */ icmChromAdaptMatrix(ICM_CAM_BRADFORD, p->dXYZ, icmD50, p->chrom); } icmLab2XYZ(&icmD50, Lab, pLab); icmMulBy3x3(Lab, p->chrom, Lab); icmXYZ2Lab(&p->dXYZ, Lab, Lab); } } if (deType == 0) { for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++) { double de = icmLabDEsq(Lab, p->data[i].Lab); if (de < bde) { bde = de; bix = i; } } } else if (deType == 1) { for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++) { double de = icmCIE94sq(Lab, p->data[i].Lab); if (de < bde) { bde = de; bix = i; } } } else if (deType == 2) { for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++) { double de = icmCIE2Ksq(Lab, p->data[i].Lab); if (de < bde) { bde = de; bix = i; } } } else { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "Unnown deType %d",deType); a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: %s\n",p->err); return -1; } if (bix < 0) { snprintf(p->err, NAMEDC_ERRL, "No colors to match against"); a1logd(p->log, 1, "match: %s\n",p->err); return -1; } if (de != NULL) { *de = sqrt(bde); } return bix; } /* Free an entry */ static void clear_nce(nce *p) { if (p != NULL) { if (p->name != NULL) free(p->name); p->name = NULL; if (p->sp != NULL) free(p->sp); p->sp = NULL; } } /* Free the contents */ static void clear_namedc(namedc *p) { if (p != NULL) { int i; if (p->filename != NULL) free(p->filename); p->filename = NULL; if (p->creator != NULL) free(p->creator); p->creator = NULL; if (p->description != NULL) free(p->description); p->description = NULL; if (p->data != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++) clear_nce(&p->data[i]); free(p->data); p->data = NULL; } p->count = 0; } } /* Delete it */ static void del_namedc(namedc *p) { if (p != NULL) { clear_namedc(p); p->log = del_a1log(p->log); if (p->sp2cie != NULL) p->sp2cie->del(p->sp2cie); free(p); } } /* Allocate a new, uninitialised namedc */ /* Note thate black and white points aren't allocated */ namedc *new_namedc(a1log *log) { namedc *p; a1logd(log, 1, "new_cxf\n"); if ((p = (namedc *)calloc(1, sizeof(namedc))) == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 1, "new_cxf: calloc failed\n"); return NULL; } p->log = new_a1log_d(log); /* Init method pointers */ p->del = del_namedc; p->read_cxf = read_cxf; p->read_icc = read_icc; p->read = read_nc; p->match = match; p->chrom[0][0] = -1e38; return p; } /* =========================================================================== */ #else /* STANDALONE_TEST */ void usage(char *diag, ...) { fprintf(stderr,"Test namedc library\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Author: Graeme W. Gill\n"); if (diag != NULL) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr," Diagnostic: "); va_start(args, diag); vfprintf(stderr, diag, args); va_end(args); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"usage: namedc [-v level] infile\n"); fprintf(stderr," -D level Debug level 1-9\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fa,nfa; /* argument we're looking at */ char inname[MAXNAMEL+1]; int debug = 0, i; namedc *p; /* Process the arguments */ for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) { nfa = fa; /* skip to nfa if next argument is used */ if (argv[fa][0] == '-') { /* Look for any flags */ char *na = NULL; /* next argument after flag, null if none */ if (argv[fa][2] != '\000') na = &argv[fa][2]; /* next is directly after flag */ else { if ((fa+1) < argc) { if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') { nfa = fa + 1; na = argv[nfa]; /* next is seperate non-flag argument */ } } } if (argv[fa][1] == '?') usage(NULL); /* Debug level */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'D') { fa = nfa; if (na != NULL) debug = atoi(na); } else usage("Unknown option '%c'",argv[fa][1]); } else break; } if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Missing input filename"); strncpy(inname,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); inname[MAXNAMEL] = '\000'; g_log->debug = debug; if ((p = new_namedc(g_log)) == NULL) error("new_namedc failed\n"); /* Open non-data */ if (p->read(p, inname, NAMEDC_OP_NODATA)) { error("read failed with '%s'\n",p->err); } printf("Palette is '%s'\n",p->description); { double Lab[3], de; int ix; Lab[0] = 50.0; Lab[1] = 20.0; Lab[2] = -10.0; if ((ix = p->match(p, &de, Lab, NULL, 0)) < 0) error(" match failed with '%s'\n",p->err); printf("Matched color '%s' with DE76 %f\n",p->data[ix].name,de); if ((ix = p->match(p, &de, Lab, NULL, 1)) < 0) error(" match failed with '%s'\n",p->err); printf("Matched color '%s' with DE94 %f\n",p->data[ix].name,de); if ((ix = p->match(p, &de, Lab, NULL, 2)) < 0) error(" match failed with '%s'\n",p->err); printf("Matched color '%s' with DE00 %f\n",p->data[ix].name,de); } #ifdef NEVER printf("Loaded %d colors\n",p->count); for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++) { printf("Color %d name '%s' = %f %f %f\n", i, p->data[i].name, p->data[i].Lab[0], p->data[i].Lab[1], p->data[i].Lab[2]); if (p->data[i].devSig != icMaxEnumData) { printf("%s = %s\n", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, p->data[i].devSig), icmPdv(p->data[i].dev_n, p->data[i].dev)); } } #endif p->del(p); return 0; } #endif /* STANDALONE_TEST */