# Jamfile for plot library and test program #PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCOPTFLAG) ; # Turn optimisation on PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCDEBUGFLAG) ; # Debugging flags PREF_LINKFLAGS = $(LINKDEBUGFLAG) ; # Compile .c as .m if $(OS) = MACOSX { ObjectCcFlags plot : -ObjC ; ObjectCcFlags plot_plot : -ObjC ; } # Stop MS compiler running out of heap space if $(MSVCNT) { CCFLAGS += "/Zm400" ; } # PLOT library Library libplot : plot.c : : : ../h ../numlib ../spectro ; if $(UNIX) && $(OS) != MACOSX { ObjectHdrs plot : $(LibWinH) ; } # Individual stand alone test of plot library MainVariant plot : plot.c : : STANDALONE_TEST : ../h ../numlib ../spectro : : ../spectro/libconv.lib ../numlib/libnum.lib ../numlib/libui.lib ; # VRML plot library Library libvrml : vrml.c : : : ../h ../icc ../cgats ../numlib ../gamut ; # X3DOM files x3dom.css & x3dom.js are from /src/x3dom/dist after using # /src/x3dom/src/Makefile python script to assemble them. if [ GLOB $(PATH) : xxd xxd.exe ] { Echo "xxd seems to be available" ; GenFileNNDnc x3dom.css.h : xxd -i "<" [ NormPaths x3dom.css ] ">" [ NormPaths x3dom.css.h ] ; GenFileNNDnc x3dom.js.h : xxd -i "<" [ NormPaths x3dom.js ] ">" [ NormPaths x3dom.js.h ] ; } #MainsFromSources ttt.c : : : ../numlib ; #Main ttt : ttt.c : : : ../numlib : : ../numlib/libnum libplot : ; #MainsFromSources t.c ;