/* * Simple diagnostic VRML function library for debugging * * Copyright 2005 - 2007 Graeme W. Gill * All rights reserved. * * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. */ /* TTBD: X3DOM commands: Examine Mode (activate with key e): Left Button / Left Button + Shift Rotate Mid Button / Left Button + Ctl Pan Right Button / Wheel / Left Button + Alt Zoom Left double click Set center of rotation n back to normal view e examine mode a show all u upright stats pane log move zoom zoom */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "numlib.h" #include "icc.h" #include "gamut.h" #include "vrml.h" #ifdef NT /* You'd think there might be some standards.... */ # ifndef __BORLANDC__ # define stricmp _stricmp # endif #else # define stricmp strcasecmp #endif /* Convert input values to x,y, z */ static void cs2xyz(vrml *s, double *out, double *in) { if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) { /* RGB */ out[0] = s->scale * in[0]; out[1] = s->scale * in[1]; out[2] = s->scale * in[2]; } else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) { /* XYZ */ out[0] = s->scale * in[1]; out[1] = s->scale * in[2]; out[2] = s->scale * in[0] - s->off; } else { /* Lab */ out[0] = s->scale * in[1]; out[1] = s->scale * in[2]; out[2] = s->scale * in[0] - s->off; } } /* Add a sphere at the given location, with transparency. */ /* if col[] is NULL, use natural color. */ /* Need to do this before or after start_line_set()/dd_vertex()/make_lines() ! */ static void add_marker_trans(vrml *s, double pos[3], double col[3], double trans, double rad) { double rgb[3], xyz[3]; if (rad <= 0.0) rad = 1.0; if (col == NULL || col[0] < 0.0) { if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, pos); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, pos); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, pos); } else { rgb[0] = col[0]; rgb[1] = col[1]; rgb[2] = col[2]; } cs2xyz(s, xyz, pos); if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp," # Shere\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Transform { translation %f %f %f\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); fprintf(s->fp," children [\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Shape{\n"); fprintf(s->fp," geometry Sphere { radius %f }\n", s->scale * rad); fprintf(s->fp," appearance Appearance { material Material { \n"); if (trans > 0.0) { fprintf(s->fp," transparency %f, \n",trans); } fprintf(s->fp," diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); if (trans > 0.0) { fprintf(s->fp," fp," transparency='%f'>\n", trans); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n",s->scale * rad); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } /* Add a sphere at the given location. */ /* if col[] is NULL, use natural color. */ /* Need to do this before or after start_line_set()/dd_vertex()/make_lines() ! */ /* (Hasn't been fixed to work in RGB space) */ static void add_marker(vrml *s, double pos[3], double col[3], double rad) { add_marker_trans(s, pos, col, 0.0, rad); } /* Add a cone marker to the plot. col == NULL for natural color */ /* Need to do this before or after start_line_set()/dd_vertex()/make_lines() ! */ static void add_cone(vrml *s, double pp0[3], double pp1[3], double col[3], double rad) { double rgb[3]; double p0[3], p1[3]; icmScale3(p0, pp0, s->scale); icmScale3(p1, pp1, s->scale); //printf("~1 cone %f %f %f -> %f %f %f rad %f\n", p0[0], p0[1], p0[2], p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], rad); if (rad <= 0.0) rad = 1.0; if (col == NULL || col[0] < 0.0) { icmAdd3(rgb, p1, p0); icmScale3(rgb, rgb, 0.5); /* Compute half way value */ if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, rgb); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, rgb); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, rgb); } else { rgb[0] = col[0]; rgb[1] = col[1]; rgb[2] = col[2]; } p0[0] -= s->off; p1[0] -= s->off; { double base[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; /* Default orientation of cone is b axis */ double len; double loc[3]; double vec[3]; double axis[3]; /* Axis to rotate around */ double rot; /* In radians */ int j; //printf("~1 edge vert %d to %d\n",tp->v[0]->n, tp->v[1]->n); //printf("~1 edge %f %f %f to %f %f %f\n", //tp->v[0]->ch[0], tp->v[0]->ch[1], tp->v[0]->ch[2], //tp->v[1]->ch[0], tp->v[1]->ch[1], tp->v[1]->ch[2]); icmAdd3(loc, p1, p0); icmScale3(loc, loc, 0.5); /* Compute half way value */ icmSub3(vec, p1, p0); len = icmNorm3(vec); //printf("~1 loc = %f %f %f\n", loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]); //printf("~1 vec = %f %f %f\n", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]); //printf("~1 len = %f\n", len); if (len < 0.1) len = 0.1; icmNormalize3(base, base, 1.0); icmNormalize3(vec, vec, 1.0); icmCross3(axis, base, vec); rot = icmDot3(base, vec); //printf("~1 base = %f %f %f\n", base[0], base[1], base[2]); //printf("~1 vec = %f %f %f\n", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]); //printf("~1 axis = %f %f %f, rot = %f\n",axis[0],axis[1],axis[2],rot); if (icmNorm3sq(axis) < 1e-10) { /* 0 or 180 degrees */ double base2[3]; int mxi = 0; //printf("~1 computing a different axis\n"); base2[0] = vec[1]; /* Comute vector in a different direction */ base2[1] = vec[2]; base2[2] = vec[0]; for (j = 1; j < 3; j++) { if (fabs(base2[j]) > fabs(base2[mxi])) mxi = j; } base2[mxi] = -base2[mxi]; icmCross3(axis, base2, vec); if (icmNorm3sq(axis) < 1e-10) { /* 0 or 180 degrees */ error("VRML rotate axis still too small"); } if (rot < 0.0) rot = 3.1415926; else rot = 0.0; } else { rot = acos(rot); //printf("~1 rotation %f\n",rot); } if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," # Cone\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Transform {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," rotation %f %f %f %f\n",axis[1], axis[2], axis[0], rot); fprintf(s->fp," translation %f %f %f\n",loc[1], loc[2], loc[0]); fprintf(s->fp," children [\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Shape { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," geometry Cone { bottomRadius %f height %f }\n",s->scale * rad,len); fprintf(s->fp," appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n",rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]); fprintf(s->fp," } \n"); fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," translation='%f %f %f'>\n", loc[1], loc[2], loc[0]); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n",s->scale * rad, len); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } } /* Add a text marker to the plot. col == NULL for natural color */ /* (Need to do this before or after start_line_set()/dd_vertex()/make_lines() !) */ static void add_text(vrml *s, char *text, double p[3], double col[3], double size) { double rgb[3], xyz[3]; if (size <= 0.0) size = 1.0; if (col == NULL || col[0] < 0.0) { if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, p); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, p); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, p); } else { rgb[0] = col[0]; rgb[1] = col[1]; rgb[2] = col[2]; } cs2xyz(s, xyz, p); if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp," # Text\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Transform { translation %f %f %f\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); fprintf(s->fp," children [\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Shape{\n"); fprintf(s->fp," geometry Text { string [\"%s\"]\n",text); fprintf(s->fp," fontStyle FontStyle { family \"SANS\" style \"BOLD\" size %f }\n", s->scale * size); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," appearance Appearance { material Material "); fprintf(s->fp,"{ diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n",text); fprintf(s->fp," \n", s->scale * size); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } /* Start building up verticies that will be converted to lines or patches. */ /* This clears the data from an existing set */ /* Set can be from 0 - 9 */ static void start_line_set(vrml *s, int set) { if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml start_line_set set %d out of range",set); s->set[set].npoints = 0; s->set[set].ntrqu = 0; s->set[set].ppoly = 0; } /* Add a verticy with color. */ /* col == NULL or col[0] < 0.0 for natural color */ /* Return the index number */ static int add_col_vertex_l(vrml *s, int set, double pos[3], double col[3], int last) { if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml add_col_vertex_l set %d out of range",set); if (s->set[set].npoints >= s->set[set].paloc) { s->set[set].paloc = (s->set[set].paloc + 10) * 2; if (s->set[set].pary == NULL) s->set[set].pary = malloc(s->set[set].paloc * sizeof(struct vrml_point)); else s->set[set].pary = realloc(s->set[set].pary, s->set[set].paloc * sizeof(struct vrml_point)); if (s->set[set].pary == NULL) error("VRML malloc failed at count %d\n",s->set[set].paloc); } s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].pp[0] = pos[0]; s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].pp[1] = pos[1]; s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].pp[2] = pos[2]; /* Make lines/triangle etc. will convert to natural color if col[0] < 0.0 */ if (col == NULL || col[0] < 0.0) { s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].cc[0] = -1.0; } else { s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].cc[0] = col[0]; s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].cc[1] = col[1]; s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].cc[2] = col[2]; } s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints].last = last; s->set[set].npoints++; return s->set[set].npoints-1; } /* Add a verticy (default natural color from pos.) */ /* Return the index number */ static int add_vertex(vrml *s, int set, double pos[3]) { return add_col_vertex_l(s, set, pos, NULL, 0); } /* Add a verticy with color */ /* Retun the index number */ static int add_col_vertex(vrml *s, int set, double pos[3], double col[3]) { return add_col_vertex_l(s, set, pos, col, 0); } /* Turn the last added vertex into the last vertex of the line */ static void make_last_vertex(vrml *s, int set) { if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml make_last_vertex set %d out of range",set); if (s->set[set].npoints <= 0) warning("vrml plot: tried to set last point with no points added!\n"); else s->set[set].pary[s->set[set].npoints-1].last = 1; } /* Turn all the vertexes into a set of points */ static void make_points(vrml *s, int set) { double xyz[3]; int i, j; if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml make_points set %d out of range",set); if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," # Points\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Shape {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," geometry PointSet { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," coord Coordinate { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," point [\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } /* Color */ if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp," color Color {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color [ # RGB colors of each vertex\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } /* End color */ if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," } # end shape\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } /* Convert the verticies to lines, ppset verticies per line (or .last flag) */ static void make_lines(vrml *s, int set, int ppset) { double xyz[3]; int i, j; if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml make_lines set %d out of range",set); /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */ if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," # Lines\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Shape {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," geometry IndexedLineSet { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," coord Coordinate { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," point [\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints; i++) { cs2xyz(s, xyz, s->set[set].pary[i].pp); fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); } fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," coordIndex [\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints;) { fprintf(s->fp," "); for (j = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints && j < ppset; j++) { fprintf(s->fp," %d, ", i++); if (s->set[set].pary[i-1].last != 0) break; } fprintf(s->fp," -1,\n"); } fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); /* Color */ fprintf(s->fp," colorPerVertex TRUE\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color Color {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color [ # RGB colors of each vertex\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints; i++) { double rgb[3], Lab[3]; if (s->set[set].pary[i].cc[0] < 0.0) { Lab[0] = s->set[set].pary[i].pp[0]; Lab[1] = s->set[set].pary[i].pp[1]; Lab[2] = s->set[set].pary[i].pp[2]; if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, Lab); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, Lab); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, Lab); } else { icmCpy3(rgb, s->set[set].pary[i].cc); } fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } fprintf(s->fp," ] \n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); /* End color */ fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," } # end shape\n"); /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */ } else { /* x3d */ fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," colorPerVertex='true'\n"); /* Indexes */ fprintf(s->fp," coordIndex='\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints;) { fprintf(s->fp," "); for (j = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints && j < ppset; j++) { fprintf(s->fp," %d ", i++); if (s->set[set].pary[i-1].last != 0) break; } fprintf(s->fp," -1\n"); } fprintf(s->fp," '\n"); fprintf(s->fp," > \n"); /* Coordinates */ fprintf(s->fp," \n"); /* Color */ fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } /* Convert the verticies to lines, triangles or quads */ static void make_line_tri_quad( vrml *s, int set, double trans, /* Transparency level */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc == NULL or cc[0] < 0.0 */ /* for previously set or vertex or natural color */ ) { int i, j, nverts, ix; int v[3]; int lines = 0; if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml make_line_tri_quad set %d out of range",set); if (s->set[set].npoints > 0 && s->set[set].tqary[0].ix[2] < 0) /* First is a line */ lines = 1; /* Assume all are lines */ if (cc != NULL && cc[0] >= 0.0) { s->set[set].ppoly = 1; /* Per poligon color */ } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */ if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { if (lines) { fprintf(s->fp," # Lines\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," # Triangles and Quads\n"); } fprintf(s->fp," Shape { \n"); if (lines) fprintf(s->fp," geometry IndexedLineSet {\n"); else { fprintf(s->fp," geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ccw FALSE\n"); fprintf(s->fp," convex TRUE\n"); if (trans > 0.0) fprintf(s->fp," solid FALSE\n"); else fprintf(s->fp," solid TRUE\n"); } fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," coord Coordinate { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," point [ # Verticy coordinates\n"); /* Spit out the point values, in order. */ for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints; i++) { double xyz[3]; cs2xyz(s, xyz, s->set[set].pary[i].pp); fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); } fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," coordIndex [ # Indexes of %s Verticies \n", lines ? "line" : "polygon"); /* Spit out the lines/triangles/quads */ for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].ntrqu; i++) { if (s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[2] < 0) /* Line */ fprintf(s->fp," %d, %d, -1\n", s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[0], s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[1]); else if (s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[3] < 0) /* Triangle */ fprintf(s->fp," %d, %d, %d, -1\n", s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[0], s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[1], s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[2]); else /* Quad */ fprintf(s->fp," %d, %d, %d, %d, -1\n", s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[0], s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[1], s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[2], s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[3]); } fprintf(s->fp," ]\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); if (s->set[set].ppoly) { fprintf(s->fp," colorPerVertex FALSE\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color Color {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color [ # RGB colors of each line/tri/quad\n"); /* Spit out the colors for each line/tri/quad */ for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].ntrqu; i++) { double out[3]; double rgb[3]; /* Use line/patch overall supplied color */ if (cc != NULL && cc[0] >= 0.0) { fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", cc[0], cc[1], cc[2]); /* Use per line/tri/quad color */ } else if (s->set[set].tqary[i].cc[0] >= 0.0) { fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", s->set[set].tqary[i].cc[0], s->set[set].tqary[i].cc[1], s->set[set].tqary[i].cc[2]); /* Hmm. We can only have all per vertex or all per polygon - */ /* use natural color of first vertex. */ } else { int vx = s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[0]; if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, s->set[set].pary[vx].pp); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, s->set[set].pary[vx].pp); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, s->set[set].pary[vx].pp); fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } } fprintf(s->fp," ] \n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); /* Per vertex color */ } else { fprintf(s->fp," colorPerVertex TRUE\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color Color {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," color [ # RGB colors of each vertex\n"); /* Spit out the colors for each vertex */ for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].npoints; i++) { double out[3]; double rgb[3]; /* Use vertex color */ if (s->set[set].pary[i].cc[0] >= 0.0) { fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", s->set[set].pary[i].cc[0], s->set[set].pary[i].cc[1], s->set[set].pary[i].cc[2]); /* Use natural color of vertex */ } else { if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, s->set[set].pary[i].pp); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, s->set[set].pary[i].pp); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, s->set[set].pary[i].pp); fprintf(s->fp," %f %f %f,\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } } fprintf(s->fp," ] \n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); } fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," appearance Appearance { \n"); fprintf(s->fp," material Material {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," shininess 0.95\n"); fprintf(s->fp," specularColor .6 .6 .6\n"); if (trans > 0.0) fprintf(s->fp," transparency %f\n",trans); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); /* } */ fprintf(s->fp," } # end Shape\n"); /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* x3d */ } else { if (lines) { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } fprintf(s->fp," \n"); if (lines) fprintf(s->fp," fp," fp," convex='true'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ccw='false'\n"); if (trans > 0.0) fprintf(s->fp," solid='false'\n"); else fprintf(s->fp," solid='true'\n"); } if (s->set[set].ppoly) fprintf(s->fp," colorPerVertex='false'\n"); else fprintf(s->fp," colorPerVertex='true'\n"); /* Indexes */ fprintf(s->fp," coordIndex='\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].ntrqu; i++) { fprintf(s->fp," "); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[j] < 0) break; fprintf(s->fp," %d", s->set[set].tqary[i].ix[j]); } fprintf(s->fp," -1\n"); } fprintf(s->fp," '>\n"); #ifdef NEVER if (s->set[set].ppoly) { /* colorIndex field is necessary for colorPerVertex=true ? */ fprintf(s->fp," colorIndex='\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->set[set].ntrqu; i++) { fprintf(s->fp," %d\n",i); } fprintf(s->fp," -1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," '>\n"); } #endif /* Coordinates */ fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); /* Color */ fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); if (lines) fprintf(s->fp," \n"); else fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," specularColor='.6 .6 .6'\n"); if (trans > 0.0) fprintf(s->fp," transparency='%f'>\n", trans); else fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); /* Hack to workaround bugs in x3dom trasparency */ if (s->fmt == fmt_x3dom && trans > 0.0) fprintf(s->fp," \n", trans); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } /* Output lines using per vertex or per line colors. */ static void make_lines_vc( vrml *s, int set, double trans /* Transparency level */ ) { make_line_tri_quad(s, set, trans, NULL); } /* Output lines with overall per line color */ /* col == NULL or col[0] < 0.0 not to set overall color */ static void make_lines_cc( vrml *s, int set, double trans, /* Transparency level */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc == NULL or cc[0] < 0.0 for per vertex color */ ) { make_line_tri_quad(s, set, trans, cc); } /* Add a line defined by vertex index, and set per line color. */ /* col == NULL or col[0] < 0.0 not to set per line color */ static void add_col_line(vrml *s, int set, int ix[2], double col[3]) { if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml add_col_line set %d out of range",set); if (s->set[set].ntrqu >= s->set[set].taloc) { s->set[set].taloc = (s->set[set].taloc + 10) * 2; if (s->set[set].tqary == NULL) s->set[set].tqary = malloc(s->set[set].taloc * sizeof(struct vrml_triquad)); else s->set[set].tqary = realloc(s->set[set].tqary, s->set[set].taloc * sizeof(struct vrml_triquad)); if (s->set[set].tqary == NULL) error("VRML malloc failed at count %d\n",s->set[set].taloc); } s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[0] = ix[0]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[1] = ix[1]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[2] = -1; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[3] = -1; if (col != NULL && col[0] >= 0.0) { icmCpy3(s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].cc, col); s->set[set].ppoly = 1; } s->set[set].ntrqu++; } /* Add a line defined by vertex indexes using per vertex color */ static void add_line(vrml *s, int set, int ix[2]) { add_col_line(s, set, ix, NULL); } /* Output triangles using per vertex colors. */ static void make_triangles_vc( vrml *s, int set, double trans /* Transparency level */ ) { make_line_tri_quad(s, set, trans, NULL); } /* Output triangles with overall per line color */ /* col == NULL or col[0] < 0.0 not to set overall color */ static void make_triangles( vrml *s, int set, double trans, /* Transparency level */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc == NULL or cc[0] < 0.0 for natural color */ ) { make_line_tri_quad(s, set, trans, cc); } /* Add a triangle defined by vertex indexes, and set per triangle color. */ /* col == NULL or col[0] < 0.0 not to set per line color */ static void add_col_triangle(vrml *s, int set, int ix[3], double col[3]) { if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml add_col_triangle set %d out of range",set); if (s->set[set].ntrqu >= s->set[set].taloc) { s->set[set].taloc = (s->set[set].taloc + 10) * 2; if (s->set[set].tqary == NULL) s->set[set].tqary = malloc(s->set[set].taloc * sizeof(struct vrml_triquad)); else s->set[set].tqary = realloc(s->set[set].tqary, s->set[set].taloc * sizeof(struct vrml_triquad)); if (s->set[set].tqary == NULL) error("VRML malloc failed at count %d\n",s->set[set].taloc); } s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[0] = ix[0]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[1] = ix[1]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[2] = ix[2]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[3] = -1; if (col != NULL && col[0] >= 0.0) { icmCpy3(s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].cc, col); s->set[set].ppoly = 1; } s->set[set].ntrqu++; } /* Add a triangles defined by vertex indexes using per vertex color */ static void add_triangle(vrml *s, int set, int ix[3]) { add_col_triangle(s, set, ix, NULL); } /* Convert the verticies to quads with vertex color */ static void make_quads_vc( vrml *s, int set, double trans /* Transparency level */ ) { make_line_tri_quad(s, set, trans, NULL); } /* Convert the verticies to quads with color */ static void make_quads( vrml *s, int set, double trans, /* Transparency level */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc == NULL or cc[0] < 0.0 for natural color */ ) { make_line_tri_quad(s, set, trans, cc); } /* Add a quad defined by vertex indexes, and set per quad color. */ /* col == NULL or col[0] < 0.0 not to set per quad color */ static void add_col_quad(vrml *s, int set, int ix[4], double col[3]) { if (set < 0 || set > 9) error("vrml add_quad set %d out of range",set); if (s->set[set].ntrqu >= s->set[set].taloc) { s->set[set].taloc = (s->set[set].taloc + 10) * 2; if (s->set[set].tqary == NULL) s->set[set].tqary = malloc(s->set[set].taloc * sizeof(struct vrml_triquad)); else s->set[set].tqary = realloc(s->set[set].tqary, s->set[set].taloc * sizeof(struct vrml_triquad)); if (s->set[set].tqary == NULL) error("VRML malloc failed at count %d\n",s->set[set].taloc); } s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[0] = ix[0]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[1] = ix[1]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[2] = ix[2]; s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].ix[3] = ix[3]; if (col != NULL && col[0] >= 0.0) { icmCpy3(s->set[set].tqary[s->set[set].ntrqu].cc, col); s->set[set].ppoly = 1; } s->set[set].ntrqu++; } /* Add a quad */ static void add_quad(vrml *s, int set, int ix[4]) { add_col_quad(s, set, ix, NULL); } /* Create a gamut surface solid or wireframe from the given gamut. */ /* Use the given transparency level. */ /* Display in natural colors if c[0] < 0.0, */ /* or the given color otherwise. Uses set 9 */ static void make_gamut_surface_2( vrml *s, gamut *g, double trans, /* Transparency level */ int wire, /* Z for solid, NZ for wireframe */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc == NULL or cc[0] < 0.0 for natural color */ ) { int i, nverts, ix; int v[3]; nverts = g->nverts(g); if (nverts == 0) return; s->start_line_set(s, 9); for (ix = i = 0; ix >= 0 && i < nverts; i++) { double out[3]; ix = g->getvert(g, NULL, out, ix); s->add_vertex(s, 9, out); } g->startnexttri(g); while (g->getnexttri(g, v) == 0) { if (wire) { int ix[2]; /* Only output 1 wire of two on an edge */ if (v[0] < v[1]) ix[0] = v[0], ix[1] = v[1]; if (v[1] < v[2]) ix[0] = v[1], ix[1] = v[2]; if (v[2] < v[0]) ix[0] = v[2], ix[1] = v[0]; s->add_line(s, 9, ix); } else { s->add_triangle(s, 9, v); } } if (wire) s->make_lines_cc(s, 9, trans, cc); else s->make_triangles(s, 9, trans, cc); s->start_line_set(s, 9); } /* Create a gamut surface from the given gamut. */ /* Use the given transparency level. */ /* Display in natural colors if c[0] < 0.0, */ /* or the given color otherwise */ static void make_gamut_surface( vrml *s, gamut *g, double trans, /* Transparency level */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc == NULL or cc[0] < 0.0 for natural color */ ) { s->make_gamut_surface_2(s, g, trans, 0, cc); } /* Add cusp markers from a gamut surface */ /* Use the given transparency level. */ /* Display in natural colors if c[0] < 0.0, */ /* or the given color otherwise. */ static void add_cusps( vrml *s, gamut *g, double trans, /* Transparency level */ double cc[3] /* Surface color, cc[0] < 0.0 for natural color, NULL for default */ ) { double cusps[6][3]; double ccolors[6][3] = { { 1.0, 0.1, 0.1 }, /* Red */ { 1.0, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Yellow */ { 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 }, /* Green */ { 0.1, 1.0, 1.0 }, /* Cyan */ { 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 }, /* Blue */ { 1.0, 0.1, 1.0 } /* Magenta */ }; double rgb[3], xyz[3]; double *cv = NULL; int i; int v[3]; if (g->getcusps(g, cusps) != 0) return; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (cc == NULL) { cv = ccolors[i]; } else if (cc[0] < 0.0) { if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) /* RGB */ icmCpy3(rgb, cusps[i]); else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) /* XYZ */ s->XYZ2RGB(s, rgb, cusps[i]); else /* Lab */ s->Lab2RGB(s, rgb, cusps[i]); cv = rgb; } else { cv = cc; } s->add_marker_trans(s, cusps[i], cc, trans, 2.0); } } /* Clear verticies and triangles */ static void clear(vrml *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (s->set[i].pary != NULL) free(s->set[i].pary); s->set[i].pary = NULL; s->set[i].npoints = s->set[i].paloc = 0; if (s->set[i].tqary != NULL) free(s->set[i].tqary); s->set[i].tqary = NULL; s->set[i].ntrqu = s->set[i].taloc = 0; } } /* Helper :- convert a Lab value to RGB for display purposes */ static void Lab2RGB(vrml *s, double *out, double *in) { double L = in[0], a = in[1], b = in[2]; double x,y,z,fx,fy,fz; double R, G, B; /* Scale so that black is visible */ L = L * (100 - 40.0)/100.0 + 40.0; /* First convert to XYZ using D50 white point */ if (L > 8.0) { fy = (L + 16.0)/116.0; y = pow(fy,3.0); } else { y = L/903.2963058; fy = 7.787036979 * y + 16.0/116.0; } fx = a/500.0 + fy; if (fx > 24.0/116.0) x = pow(fx,3.0); else x = (fx - 16.0/116.0)/7.787036979; fz = fy - b/200.0; if (fz > 24.0/116.0) z = pow(fz,3.0); else z = (fz - 16.0/116.0)/7.787036979; x *= 0.9642; /* Multiply by white point, D50 */ y *= 1.0; z *= 0.8249; /* Now convert to sRGB values */ R = x * 3.2410 + y * -1.5374 + z * -0.4986; G = x * -0.9692 + y * 1.8760 + z * 0.0416; B = x * 0.0556 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570; if (R < 0.0) R = 0.0; else if (R > 1.0) R = 1.0; if (G < 0.0) G = 0.0; else if (G > 1.0) G = 1.0; if (B < 0.0) B = 0.0; else if (B > 1.0) B = 1.0; R = pow(R, 1.0/2.2); G = pow(G, 1.0/2.2); B = pow(B, 1.0/2.2); /* For a black background: */ // R = R * 0.85 + 0.15; // G = G * 0.85 + 0.15; // B = B * 0.85 + 0.15; /* For a white background: */ // R = R * 0.70 + 0.05; // G = G * 0.70 + 0.05; // B = B * 0.70 + 0.05; out[0] = R; out[1] = G; out[2] = B; } /* Helper :- convert an XYZ value to RGB for display purposes */ static void XYZ2RGB(vrml *s, double *out, double *in) { double x = in[0], y = in[1], z = in[2]; double R, G, B; /* Now convert to sRGB values */ R = x * 3.2410 + y * -1.5374 + z * -0.4986; G = x * -0.9692 + y * 1.8760 + z * 0.0416; B = x * 0.0556 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570; if (R < 0.0) R = 0.0; else if (R > 1.0) R = 1.0; if (G < 0.0) G = 0.0; else if (G > 1.0) G = 1.0; if (B < 0.0) B = 0.0; else if (B > 1.0) B = 1.0; R = pow(R, 1.0/2.2); G = pow(G, 1.0/2.2); B = pow(B, 1.0/2.2); /* For a black background: */ // R = R * 0.85 + 0.15; // G = G * 0.85 + 0.15; // B = B * 0.85 + 0.15; /* For a white background: */ R = R * 0.70 + 0.05; G = G * 0.70 + 0.05; B = B * 0.70 + 0.05; out[0] = R; out[1] = G; out[2] = B; } static int do_flush(vrml *s); static void del_vrml(vrml *s); /* Global format */ static vrml_fmt g_fmt = fmt_uninit; /* Check and override the global format */ static void check_format() { if (g_fmt == fmt_uninit) { char *ev; g_fmt = fmt_x3dom; /* Set global default */ if ((ev = getenv("ARGYLL_3D_DISP_FORMAT")) != NULL) { if (stricmp(ev, "VRML") == 0 || stricmp(ev, "WRL") == 0) g_fmt = fmt_vrml; else if (stricmp(ev, "X3D") == 0) g_fmt = fmt_x3d; else if (stricmp(ev, "X3DOM") == 0) g_fmt = fmt_x3dom; } } } /* Return the global format file extension */ static char *ret_ext(vrml_fmt fmt) { if (fmt == fmt_uninit) check_format(); if (fmt == fmt_x3dom) return ".x3d.html"; else if (fmt == fmt_x3d) return ".x3d"; else return ".wrl"; } /* Return the global format type name */ static char *ret_format(vrml_fmt fmt) { if (fmt == fmt_uninit) check_format(); if (fmt == fmt_x3dom) return "X3DOM"; else if (fmt == fmt_x3d) return "X3D"; else return "VRML"; } /* Return this files format extension (i.e. ".wrl" */ static char *get_ext(vrml *s) { return ret_ext(s->fmt); } /* Return this files format type name */ static char *get_format(vrml *s) { return ret_format(s->fmt); } /* Constructor */ /* ispace = 0 = L*a*b* */ /* ispace = 1 = XYZ scale (range 0..1) */ /* ispace = 2 = RGB scale (range 0..1) */ vrml *new_vrml_vdist( char *name, int doaxes, vrml_space ispace, double vdist ) { vrml *s; int i, j; if ((s = (vrml *)calloc(1, sizeof(vrml))) == NULL) { warning("Malloc of vrml plot object failed"); return NULL; } if ((s->name = (char *)malloc(strlen(name) + 10)) == NULL) { warning("Malloc of vrml name failed"); free(s); return NULL; } s->ext = get_ext; s->format = get_format; s->flush = do_flush; s->del = del_vrml; s->add_marker = add_marker; s->add_marker_trans = add_marker_trans; s->add_cone = add_cone; s->add_text = add_text; s->start_line_set = start_line_set; s->add_vertex = add_vertex; s->add_col_vertex = add_col_vertex; s->make_last_vertex = make_last_vertex; s->make_lines = make_lines; s->make_points = make_points; s->add_line = add_line; s->add_col_line = add_col_line; s->make_lines_vc = make_lines_vc; s->make_lines_cc = make_lines_cc; s->add_triangle = add_triangle; s->add_col_triangle = add_col_triangle; s->make_triangles_vc = make_triangles_vc; s->make_triangles = make_triangles; s->add_quad = add_quad; s->add_col_quad = add_col_quad; s->make_quads_vc = make_quads_vc; s->make_quads = make_quads; s->make_gamut_surface = make_gamut_surface; s->make_gamut_surface_2 = make_gamut_surface_2; s->add_cusps = add_cusps; s->clear = clear; s->Lab2RGB = Lab2RGB; s->XYZ2RGB = XYZ2RGB; if (g_fmt == fmt_uninit) check_format(); s->fmt = g_fmt; /* Use global format */ s->ispace = ispace; if (s->ispace == vrml_rgb) { /* RGB, scale 0..1 to 0..100 */ s->scale = 100.0; s->off = 0.0; } else if (s->ispace == vrml_xyz) { /* XYZ, scale 0..1 to 0..100 */ s->scale = 100.0; s->off = 50.0; /* z axis offset */ } else { /* L*a*b*, leav 0..100 */ s->scale = 1.0; s->off = 50.0; /* z axis offset */ } /* Create filename with the right exension */ { char *xl = NULL; strcpy(s->name, name); if ((xl = strrchr(s->name, '.')) != NULL) { /* Found extension */ /* Hmm. Could set format from extension ?? */ if (stricmp(xl, ".wrl") != 0 && stricmp(xl, ".vrml") != 0 && stricmp(xl, ".x3d") != 0 && stricmp(xl, ".x3dom") != 0 && stricmp(xl, ".html") != 0) xl = NULL; /* Don't override extension */ } if (xl == NULL) xl = s->name + strlen(s->name); strcpy(xl, vrml_ext()); } if ((s->fp = fopen(s->name,"w")) == NULL) { warning("Opening of vrml plot file '%s' for write failed",s->name); free(s); return NULL; } /* Output header and prolog */ if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"#VRML V2.0 utf8\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"# Created by the Argyll CMS\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"Transform {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," children [\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," NavigationInfo {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," type \"EXAMINE\" # It's an object we examine\n"); fprintf(s->fp," headlight FALSE\n"); fprintf(s->fp," } # We'll add our own light\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," DirectionalLight {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," intensity 0.4\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity 0.05\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction 1 1 -1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," DirectionalLight {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," intensity 0.4\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity 0.05\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction 0 -0.7 -1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," DirectionalLight {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," intensity 0.4\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity 0.05\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction -0.7 0 -1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," DirectionalLight {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," intensity 0.4\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity 0.05\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction -1 -1 1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," DirectionalLight {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," intensity 0.4\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity 0.05\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction 0 0.7 1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp," DirectionalLight {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," intensity 0.4\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity 0.05\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction 0.7 0 1\n"); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," Viewpoint {\n"); fprintf(s->fp," position 0 0 %f # Position we view from\n",vdist); fprintf(s->fp," }\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); } else { /* For some strange reason, x3dom can't handle some tags that don't have a */ /* discrete closing tag. Is this XML or what ??? */ if (s->fmt == fmt_x3dom) { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," x='0px' y='0px' width='100%%' height='70%%'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," id='someUniqueId' showStat='false' showLog='false'>\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); } fprintf(s->fp," \n"); if (s->fmt == fmt_x3dom) { /* To match other renderers, we turn Gamma encoded output off :-( :-( :-( */ fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," intensity='0.4'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity='0.05'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction='1 1 -1'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," intensity='0.3'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity='0.05'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction='0 -0.7 -1'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," intensity='0.4'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity='0.05'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction='-0.7 0 -1'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," intensity='0.4'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity='0.05'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction='-1 -1 1'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," intensity='0.3'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity='0.05'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction='0 0.7 1'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); fprintf(s->fp," fp," intensity='0.4'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ambientIntensity='0.05'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," direction='0.7 0 1'\n"); fprintf(s->fp," >\n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n",vdist); } if (doaxes != 0) { /* Axes definition */ struct { char *label; double x, y, z; /* == a,b,L or Y,Z,X */ double wx, wy, wz; double r, g, b; } axes[3][6] = { { /* Box coords are center and size: */ { "L", 0, 0, 50, 2, 2, 100, .7, .7, .7 }, /* L axis */ { "+a", 50, 0, 0, 100, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0 }, /* +a (red) axis */ { "-b", 0, -50, 0, 2, 100, 2, 0, 0, 1 }, /* -b (blue) axis */ { "-a", -50, 0, 0, 100, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0 }, /* -a (green) axis */ { "+b", 0, 50, 0, 2, 100, 2, 1, 1, 0 }, /* +b (yellow) axis */ { NULL }, }, { { "X", 0, 0, 50, 2, 2, 100, .7, .7, .7 }, /* X axis */ { "Y", 50, 0, 0, 100, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0 }, /* Y (red) axis */ { "Z", 0, 50, 0, 2, 100, 2, 0, 0, 1 }, /* Z (blue) axis */ { NULL }, }, { { "R", 50, 0, 0, 100, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0 }, /* R (red) */ { "G", 0, 50, 0, 2, 100, 2, 0, 1, 0 }, /* G (green) axis */ { "B", 0, 0, 50, 2, 2, 100, 0, 0, 1 }, /* B (blue) axis */ { NULL }, } }; if (s->ispace == 2) { j = 2; if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) fprintf(s->fp," # RGB axes as boxes:\n"); else fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } else if (s->ispace == 1) { j = 1; if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) fprintf(s->fp," # XYZ axes as boxes:\n"); else fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } else { j = 0; if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) fprintf(s->fp," # Lab axes as boxes:\n"); else fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } for (i = 0; ; i++) { double toff[3] = { -3.0, -2.0, 0 }; if (axes[j][i].label == NULL) break; if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"\tTransform { translation %f %f %f\n", axes[j][i].x, axes[j][i].y, axes[j][i].z - s->off); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\tchildren [\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\tShape {\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\tgeometry Box { size %f %f %f }\n", axes[j][i].wx, axes[j][i].wy, axes[j][i].wz); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\tappearance Appearance {\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\t\tmaterial Material { diffuseColor %f %f %f }\n", axes[j][i].r, axes[j][i].g, axes[j][i].b); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\t}\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t}\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t]\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t}\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n", axes[j][i].x, axes[j][i].y, axes[j][i].z - s->off); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", axes[j][i].r, axes[j][i].g, axes[j][i].b); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", axes[j][i].wx, axes[j][i].wy, axes[j][i].wz); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } if (fabs(axes[j][i].x) > fabs(axes[j][i].y) && fabs(axes[j][i].x) > fabs(axes[j][i].z)) { if (axes[j][i].x > 0.0) toff[0] += axes[j][i].x + 0.5 * axes[j][i].wx + 5.0; else toff[0] += axes[j][i].x - 0.5 * axes[j][i].wx - 5.0; } else if (fabs(axes[j][i].y) > fabs(axes[j][i].x) && fabs(axes[j][i].y) > fabs(axes[j][i].z)) { if (axes[j][i].y > 0.0) toff[1] += axes[j][i].y + 0.5 * axes[j][i].wy + 5.0; else toff[1] += axes[j][i].y - 0.5 * axes[j][i].wy - 5.0; } else { if (axes[j][i].z > 0.0) toff[2] += axes[j][i].z + 0.5 * axes[j][i].wz + 5.0; else toff[2] += axes[j][i].z - 0.5 * axes[j][i].wz - 5.0; } if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"\tTransform { translation %f %f %f\n", toff[0], toff[1], toff[2] - s->off); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\tchildren [\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\tShape {\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\tgeometry Text { string [\"%s\"]\n",axes[j][i].label); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\t\tfontStyle FontStyle { family \"SANS\" style \"BOLD\" size %f }\n", 7.0); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\t\t}\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t\tappearance Appearance { material Material "); fprintf(s->fp,"\t{ diffuseColor %f %f %f } }\n", axes[j][i].r, axes[j][i].g, axes[j][i].b); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t\t}\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t\t]\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\t}\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n", toff[0], toff[1], toff[2] - s->off); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n", axes[j][i].r, axes[j][i].g, axes[j][i].b); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n",axes[j][i].label); fprintf(s->fp," \n", 7.0); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); } } } return s; } vrml *new_vrml( char *name, int doaxes, vrml_space ispace ) { return new_vrml_vdist(name, doaxes, ispace, 340.0); } /* The X3DOM files */ unsigned char x3dom_css[] = { #include "x3dom.css.h" }; #define x3dom_css_len sizeof(x3dom_css) unsigned char x3dom_js[] = { #include "x3dom.js.h" }; #define x3dom_js_len sizeof(x3dom_js) /* Finish writing the file */ /* Return nz on error */ static int do_flush(vrml *s) { int rv = 0; if (!s->written) { if (s->fmt == fmt_vrml) { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); fprintf(s->fp," ] # end of children for world\n"); fprintf(s->fp,"}\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); if (s->fmt == fmt_x3dom) { fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp," \n"); fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); } else { fprintf(s->fp,"\n"); } } fflush(s->fp); rv = fclose(s->fp); /* Check that there are the x3dom files with the output file */ if (s->fmt == fmt_x3dom) { char *xl, *x3name; struct sys_stat sbuf; FILE *fp; char *oflags = #if !defined(O_CREAT) && !defined(_O_CREAT) // No O_BINARY possible # error "Need to #include fcntl.h!" #endif #if defined(O_BINARY) || defined(_O_BINARY) "wb"; #else "w"; #endif if ((x3name = (char *)malloc(strlen(s->name) + 20)) == NULL) { warning("VRML: failed to malloc x3dom filename\n",rv); return -1; } strcpy(x3name, s->name); // Locate start of filename if ((xl = strrchr(x3name, '/')) == NULL && (xl = strrchr(x3name, '\\')) == NULL && (xl = strrchr(x3name, ':')) == NULL) xl = x3name; else xl++; strcpy(xl, "x3dom.css"); if (sys_stat(x3name, &sbuf) != 0 || sbuf.st_size != x3dom_css_len) { // printf("Can't locate '%s' or wrong size\n",x3name); if ((fp = fopen(x3name, oflags)) == NULL) { warning("Opening '%s' for write failed",x3name); return -1; } if (fwrite((void *)x3dom_css, sizeof(char), x3dom_css_len, fp) != x3dom_css_len || fclose(fp) != 0) { warning("Writing '%s'failed",x3name); return -1; } // printf("Written '%s' %d bytes\n",x3name,x3dom_css_len); } strcpy(xl, "x3dom.js"); if (sys_stat(x3name, &sbuf) != 0 || sbuf.st_size != x3dom_js_len) { // printf("Can't locate '%s'\n",x3name); if ((fp = fopen(x3name, oflags)) == NULL) { warning("Opening '%s' for write failed",x3name); return -1; } if (fwrite((void *)x3dom_js, sizeof(char), x3dom_js_len, fp) != x3dom_js_len || fclose(fp) != 0) { warning("Writing '%s'failed",x3name); return -1; } // printf("Written '%s' %d bytes\n",x3name,x3dom_js_len); } free(x3name); } s->written = 1; } return rv; } /* Return the global format file extension */ char *vrml_ext() { return ret_ext(g_fmt); } /* Return the global format type name */ char *vrml_format() { return ret_format(g_fmt); } /* Finish writing the file and free ourselves */ static void del_vrml(vrml *s) { int i, rv; if ((rv = do_flush(s)) != 0) error("VRML: Error %d closing VRML file\n",rv); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (s->set[i].pary) free(s->set[i].pary); if (s->set[i].tqary) free(s->set[i].tqary); } if (s->name != NULL) free(s->name); free(s); }