/* * ArgyllCMS. * Apply a device calibration to an ICC profile. * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 2009/8/31 * Version: 1.00 * * Copyright 2009 Graeme W. Gill * * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. */ /* TTBD: * * Would be good if remove restores shared curves, rather than * leaving duplicates. * * Could stash the whole cal file in a text tag. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "copyright.h" #include "aconfig.h" #include "cgats.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "rspl.h" #include "xicc.h" #undef DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG #undef DBG #define DBG(xxx) printf xxx ; #else #undef DBG #define DBG(xxx) #endif void usage(char *diag, ...) { int i; fprintf(stderr,"Apply device calibration to an ICC profile, Version %s\n",ARGYLL_VERSION_STR); fprintf(stderr,"Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3\n"); if (diag != NULL) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr," Diagnostic: "); va_start(args, diag); vfprintf(stderr, diag, args); va_end(args); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [-options] [calfile.cal] inprof%s [outprof%s]\n","applycal",ICC_FILE_EXT,ICC_FILE_EXT); fprintf(stderr," -v Verbose mode\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a Apply or re-apply calibration (default)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -u Remove calibration\n"); fprintf(stderr," -c Check calibration\n"); fprintf(stderr," calfile.cal Calibration file to apply\n"); fprintf(stderr," inprof%s ICC profile to read\n",ICC_FILE_EXT); fprintf(stderr," outprof%s modified ICC profile to write\n",ICC_FILE_EXT); exit(2); } /* A primary signature and its backup */ struct _tagsigpair { icTagSignature prim; icTagSignature back; int chan; int dir; /* 0 = none or out, 1 = in */ }; typedef struct _tagsigpair tagsigpair; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fa,nfa; /* argument we're looking at */ char cal_name[MAXNAMEL+1]; char in_name[MAXNAMEL+1]; char out_name[MAXNAMEL+1]; xcal *cal = NULL; /* Calibration to apply */ icmFile *rd_fp = NULL, *wr_fp = NULL; icc *icco; int apply = 1; int remove = 0; int check = 0; int verb = 0; int found = -1; int rv; if (argc < 3) usage("Too few arguments"); /* Process the arguments */ for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) { nfa = fa; /* skip to nfa if next argument is used */ if (argv[fa][0] == '-') { /* Look for any flags */ char *na = NULL; /* next argument after flag, null if none */ if (argv[fa][2] != '\000') na = &argv[fa][2]; /* next is directly after flag */ else { if ((fa+1) < argc) { if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') { nfa = fa + 1; na = argv[nfa]; /* next is seperate non-flag argument */ } } } if (argv[fa][1] == '?') usage("Usage requested"); else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') verb = 1; else if (argv[fa][1] == 'a' || argv[fa][1] == 'A') { apply = 1; remove = 0; check = 0; } else if (argv[fa][1] == 'u' || argv[fa][1] == 'U') { apply = 0; remove = 1; check = 0; } else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c' || argv[fa][1] == 'C') { apply = 0; remove = 0; check = 1; } else usage("Unknown option '%s'",argv[fa][1]); } else break; } if (apply) { if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Missing calibration filename"); strncpy(cal_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); cal_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000'; } if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Missing input profile filename"); strncpy(in_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); in_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000'; if (apply || remove) { if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Missing output profile name"); strncpy(out_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); out_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000'; } if (fa < argc) usage("Extra argument '%s'",argv[fa]); DBG(("apply %d, remove %d, check %d, calfile '%s', infile '%s', outfile '%s'\n",apply,remove,check,cal_name,in_name,out_name)); if (apply) { /* Open up the calibration file */ if ((cal = new_xcal()) == NULL) error("new_xcal failed"); if ((cal->read(cal, cal_name)) != 0) error("%s",cal->err); } /* Open up the profile for reading */ if ((rd_fp = new_icmFileStd_name(in_name,"r")) == NULL) error ("Can't open file '%s'",in_name); if ((icco = new_icc()) == NULL) error ("Creation of ICC object failed"); /* Read header etc. */ if ((rv = icco->read(icco,rd_fp,0)) != 0) error ("%d, %s",rv,icco->err); /* Read every tag */ if (icco->read_all_tags(icco) != 0) { error("Unable to read all tags: %d, %s",icco->errc,icco->err); } rd_fp->del(rd_fp); /* ======================================= */ { tagsigpair sigs[] = { /* Signatures to modify and their backups */ { icSigProfileDescriptionTag, icmMakeTag('A','R','0','T'), 0, 0 }, { icSigAToB0Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','1','0'), 0, 1 }, { icSigAToB1Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','2','0'), 0, 1 }, { icSigAToB2Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','3','0'), 0, 1 }, { icSigBToA0Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','4','0'), 0, 0 }, { icSigBToA1Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','5','0'), 0, 0 }, { icSigBToA2Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','6','0'), 0, 0 }, { icSigRedTRCTag, icmMakeTag('A','R','7','0'), 0, 0 }, { icSigGreenTRCTag, icmMakeTag('A','R','7','1'), 1, 0 }, { icSigBlueTRCTag, icmMakeTag('A','R','7','2'), 2, 0 }, { icSigGrayTRCTag, icmMakeTag('A','R','8','0'), 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; tagsigpair linksigs[] = { /* Signatures to modify */ { icSigProfileDescriptionTag, icmMakeTag('A','R','0','T'), 0 }, { icSigAToB0Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','9','1'), 1 }, { icSigAToB0Tag, icmMakeTag('A','R','9','0'), 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; tagsigpair *ssigp, *sigp; int ntags = 0; /* Number of tags done */ icmBase *dtags[50]; /* Address of tags done */ int inp = 0; /* NZ for input calibration */ unsigned int i, j; if (icco->header->deviceClass == icSigInputClass && cal->devclass != icSigInputClass) { warning("Non-input calibration being applied to an input profile"); } if (check) { DBG(("Checking...\n")); for (sigp = linksigs; sigp->prim != 0; sigp++) { icmBase *primt; if (sigp->prim != icSigProfileDescriptionTag) continue; if ((primt = icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->prim)) == NULL) error("Can't find icSigProfileDescriptionTag in profile"); /* See if we have a backup */ if (icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->back) != NULL) found = 1; else found = 0; } DBG(("found = %d\n",found)); if (found < 0) error("Internal, didn't look for ProfileDescriptionTag"); if (verb) { if (found) printf("Profile has had calibration applied\n"); else printf("Profile has NOT had calibration applied\n"); } } else if (apply) { DBG(("Applying...\n")); if (icco->header->deviceClass == icSigInputClass || icco->header->deviceClass == icSigDisplayClass || icco->header->deviceClass == icSigOutputClass) { DBG(("Input, display or output profile\n")); /* Check colorspace is compatible */ if (cal->colspace != icco->header->colorSpace) error("Calibration space %s doesn't match profile %s", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, cal->colspace), icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, icco->header->colorSpace)); ssigp = sigs; /* Note the cal direction */ if (cal->devclass == icSigInputClass) inp = 1; else inp = 0; } else if (icco->header->deviceClass == icSigLinkClass) { DBG(("Device link profile\n")); /* Check colorspace is compatible */ if (cal->colspace != icco->header->pcs) error("Calibration space %s doesn't match profile %s", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, cal->colspace), icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, icco->header->pcs)); ssigp = linksigs; /* Noe the cal direction */ if (cal->devclass == icSigInputClass) inp = 1; else inp = 0; } else { error("Can't apply calibration to profile of class %s", icm2str(icmProfileClassSignature, icco->header->deviceClass)); } DBG(("input calibration = %d\n",inp)); /* First pass is to duplicate any linked TRCTags */ for (sigp = ssigp; sigp->prim != 0; sigp++) { /* Process each tag */ icmBase *primt; DBG(("looking for tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim))); if ((primt = icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->prim)) == NULL) { if (sigp->prim == icSigProfileDescriptionTag) error("Can't find icSigProfileDescriptionTag in profile"); continue; /* Don't have this tag */ } /* XXXXTRCTag */ if (primt->ttype == icSigCurveType) { icmCurve *wo, *ro = (icmCurve *)primt; /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->back)) == NULL) { /* If tag is shared, we need to separated it */ if (ro->refcount > 1) { DBG(("tag is shared, so separate it\n")); if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->add_tag( icco, sigp->back, icSigCurveType)) == NULL) error("Failed to create tag '%s'\n", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); wo->flag = ro->flag; wo->size = ro->size; wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo); /* Allocate space */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ wo->data[i] = ro->data[i]; if (icco->delete_tag(icco, sigp->prim)) error("Failed to delete tag '%s'",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim)); if (icco->rename_tag(icco, sigp->back, sigp->prim)) error("Failed to rename tag '%s' to '%s'", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back), icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim)); } } else { if (ro->refcount > 1) error("Found tag %s has backup, but is shared",icm2str(icmTagSignature,sigp->prim)); } } } /* Second pass we create backups and calibrated curves */ for (sigp = ssigp; sigp->prim != 0; sigp++) { /* Process each tag */ icmBase *primt; DBG(("looking for tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim))); if ((primt = icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->prim)) == NULL) { if (sigp->prim == icSigProfileDescriptionTag) error("Can't find icSigProfileDescriptionTag in profile"); continue; /* Don't have this tag */ } /* icSigProfileDescriptionTag type */ if (primt->ttype == icSigTextDescriptionType) { icmTextDescription *wo, *ro = (icmTextDescription *)primt; char *extra = NULL; /* See if we've done this tag before due to links */ for (i = 0; i < ntags; i++) { if (dtags[i] == primt) break; /* Yes */ } if (i < ntags) { DBG(("Found this tag before (link)\n")); continue; /* Skip tag */ } if (ntags >= 50) /* Impossible */ error("Internal, run out of previuos tags space"); dtags[ntags++] = primt; /* Remember this one */ DBG(("ProfileDescriptionTag\n")); DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back))); /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmTextDescription *)icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->back)) == NULL) { DBG(("No backup, creating one\n")); /* No, so create one */ if ((wo = (icmTextDescription *)icco->add_tag( icco, sigp->back, icSigTextDescriptionType)) == NULL) error("Failed to create tag '%s'\n", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); wo->size = ro->size; wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo); /* Allocate space */ strcpy(wo->desc, ro->desc); /* Copy the string in */ /* Hmm. what should we do with Unicode and script ? */ } if (cal->xpi.profDesc != NULL) extra = cal->xpi.profDesc; else extra = cal_name; ro->size = strlen(ro->desc) + 3 + strlen(extra) + 3; ro->allocate((icmBase *)ro); /* Allocate space */ strcpy(ro->desc, wo->desc); strcat(ro->desc, " [ "); strcat(ro->desc, extra); strcat(ro->desc, " ]"); DBG(("Set tag contents to '%s'\n",ro->desc)); /* icSigAToBXTag or icSigBToAXTag */ } else if (primt->ttype == icSigLut8Type || primt->ttype == icSigLut16Type) { icmLut *ro = (icmLut *)primt; /* Modified Lut */ /* See if we've done this tag before due to links */ for (i = 0; i < ntags; i++) { if (dtags[i] == primt) break; /* Yes */ } if (i < ntags) { DBG(("Found this tag before (link)\n")); continue; /* Skip tag */ } if (ntags >= 50) /* Impossible */ error("Internal, run out of previous tags space"); dtags[ntags++] = primt; /* Remember this one */ DBG(("Lut8 or Lut16\n")); if (sigp->dir) { /* Apply calibration to the input table */ for (j = 0; j < ro->inputChan; j++) { icTagSignature bsig = sigp->back; icmCurve *wo; /* Backup of original */ /* Create a tag per channel */ bsig += j; DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig))); /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->read_tag(icco, bsig)) == NULL) { DBG(("No backup, creating one\n")); /* No, so create one */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->add_tag( icco, bsig, icSigCurveType)) == NULL) error("Failed to create tag '%s'\n", icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig)); wo->flag = icmCurveSpec; /* Specified version */ wo->size = ro->inputEnt; wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo); /* Allocate space */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ wo->data[i] = ro->inputTable[j * ro->inputEnt + i]; } /* Create new input curve from inv cal + orginal curve */ for (i = 0; i < ro->inputEnt; i++) { double val; val = i/(ro->inputEnt-1.0); if (inp) val = cal->interp_ch(cal, j, val); /* Do calibration */ else val = cal->inv_interp_ch(cal, j, val); /* Undo calibration */ wo->lookup_fwd(wo, &val, &val); /* Original curve */ ro->inputTable[j * ro->inputEnt + i] = val; } DBG(("Created calibrated input curve\n")); } } else { /* Apply calibration to the output table */ for (j = 0; j < ro->outputChan; j++) { icTagSignature bsig = sigp->back; icmCurve *wo; /* Backup of original */ /* Create a tag per channel */ bsig += j; DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig))); /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->read_tag(icco, bsig)) == NULL) { DBG(("No backup, creating one\n")); /* No, so create one */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->add_tag( icco, bsig, icSigCurveType)) == NULL) error("Failed to create tag '%s'\n", icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig)); wo->flag = icmCurveSpec; /* Specified version */ wo->size = ro->outputEnt; wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo); /* Allocate space */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ wo->data[i] = ro->outputTable[j * ro->outputEnt + i]; } /* Create new output curve from original + cal */ for (i = 0; i < ro->outputEnt; i++) { double val; val = i/(ro->outputEnt-1.0); wo->lookup_fwd(wo, &val, &val); /* Original curve */ if (inp) val = cal->interp_ch(cal, j, val); /* Undo calibration */ else val = cal->interp_ch(cal, j, val); /* Do calibration */ ro->outputTable[j * ro->outputEnt + i] = val; } DBG(("Created calibrated output curve\n")); } } /* XXXXTRCTag */ } else if (primt->ttype == icSigCurveType) { icmCurve *wo, *ro = (icmCurve *)primt; DBG(("CurveType\n")); DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back))); /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->back)) == NULL) { DBG(("No backup, creating one\n")); /* No, so create one */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->add_tag( icco, sigp->back, icSigCurveType)) == NULL) error("Failed to create tag '%s'\n", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); wo->flag = ro->flag; wo->size = ro->size; wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo); /* Allocate space */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ wo->data[i] = ro->data[i]; /* Change type & size of ro if necessary */ if (ro->flag != icmCurveSpec || wo->size < 256) { ro->flag = icmCurveSpec; ro->size = 256; ro->allocate((icmBase *)wo); /* Allocate space */ } } /* Create new forward direction curve from cal + orginal curve */ j = sigp->chan; for (i = 0; i < ro->size; i++) { double val; val = i/(ro->size-1.0); //printf("~1 Input val %f", val); val = cal->inv_interp_ch(cal, j, val); /* Inverse output calibration */ //printf(", after inv curve %f", val); wo->lookup_fwd(wo, &val, &val); /* Original curve */ //printf(", after orig %f\n", val); ro->data[i] = val; } DBG(("Created calibrated %s curve for chan %d\n",inp ? "input" : "output",j)); } else { error("Tag %s is type %s we don't know how to handle", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim), icm2str(icmTypeSignature, primt->ttype)); } } } else if (remove) { int k; DBG(("Removing...\n")); for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (k == 0) ssigp = sigs; else if (k == 1) ssigp = linksigs; for (sigp = ssigp; sigp->prim != 0; sigp++) { /* Process each tag */ icmBase *backt, *primt; DBG(("Looking for baclup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back))); if ((backt = icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->back)) == NULL) continue; /* Don't have this backup tag */ DBG(("Looking for primary tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim))); if ((primt = icco->read_tag(icco, sigp->prim)) == NULL) { error("Can't find primary tag %s for backup %s", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim), icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); } /* icSigProfileDescriptionTag type */ if (primt->ttype == icSigTextDescriptionType) { icmTextDescription *wo, *ro = (icmTextDescription *)primt; DBG(("ProfileDescriptionTag\n")); wo = (icmTextDescription *)backt; /* Restore primary table */ ro->size = wo->size; ro->allocate((icmBase *)ro); /* Reallocate space */ strcpy(ro->desc, wo->desc); /* Restore description */ /* delete backup */ if (icco->delete_tag(icco, sigp->back)) error("Failed to delete tag '%s'",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim)); DBG(("Restored primary and deleted backup\n")); /* icSigAToBXTag or icSigBToAXTag */ } else if (primt->ttype == icSigLut8Type || primt->ttype == icSigLut16Type) { icmLut *ro = (icmLut *)primt; /* Modified Lut */ if (sigp->dir) { /* Restore the input table */ for (j = 0; j < ro->inputChan; j++) { icTagSignature bsig = sigp->back; icmCurve *wo; /* Backup of original */ /* Create a tag per channel */ bsig += j; DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig))); /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->read_tag(icco, bsig)) == NULL) error("Can't find original table data in tag %s", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); /* Restore primary table */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ ro->inputTable[j * ro->inputEnt + i] = wo->data[i]; /* delete backup */ if (icco->delete_tag(icco, bsig)) error("Failed to delete tag '%s'",icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig)); DBG(("Restored primary and deleted backup\n")); } } else { /* Restore the output table */ for (j = 0; j < ro->outputChan; j++) { icTagSignature bsig = sigp->back; icmCurve *wo; /* Backup of original */ /* Create a tag per channel */ bsig += j; DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig))); /* See if we have a backup */ if ((wo = (icmCurve *)icco->read_tag(icco, bsig)) == NULL) error("Can't find original table data in tag %s", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); /* Restore primary table */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ ro->outputTable[j * ro->outputEnt + i] = wo->data[i]; /* delete backup */ if (icco->delete_tag(icco, bsig)) error("Failed to delete tag '%s'",icm2str(icmTagSignature, bsig)); DBG(("Restored primary and deleted backup\n")); } } /* XXXXTRCTag */ } else if (primt->ttype == icSigCurveType) { icmCurve *wo, *ro = (icmCurve *)primt; DBG(("CurveType\n")); DBG(("Looking for backup tag '%s'\n",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back))); /* See if we have a backup */ wo = (icmCurve *)backt; /* Restore primary table */ ro->flag = wo->flag; ro->size = wo->size; ro->allocate((icmBase *)ro); /* Allocate space */ for (i = 0; i < wo->size; i++) /* Copy the curve */ ro->data[i] = wo->data[i]; /* delete backup */ if (icco->delete_tag(icco, sigp->back)) error("Failed to delete tag '%s'",icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->back)); DBG(("Restored primary and deleted backup\n")); } else { error("Tag %s is type %s we don't know how to handle", icm2str(icmTagSignature, sigp->prim), icm2str(icmTypeSignature, primt->ttype)); } } } } } /* ======================================= */ if (apply || remove) { /* Open up the other profile for writing */ if ((wr_fp = new_icmFileStd_name(out_name,"w")) == NULL) error ("Can't open file '%s'",out_name); if ((rv = icco->write(icco,wr_fp,0)) != 0) error ("Write file: %d, %s",rv,icco->err); wr_fp->del(wr_fp); } if (cal != NULL) cal->del(cal); icco->del(icco); if (found == 1) return 1; return 0; }