/* * Argyll Color Correction System * * Hughski ColorHug related functions * * Author: Richard Hughes * Date: 30/11/2011 * * Copyright 2006 - 2013, Graeme W. Gill * Copyright 2011, Richard Hughes * All rights reserved. * * (Based on huey.c) * * This material is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 or later :- * see the License2.txt file for licencing details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SALONEINSTLIB #include "copyright.h" #include "aconfig.h" #include "numlib.h" #else /* SALONEINSTLIB */ #include "sa_config.h" #include "numsup.h" #endif /* SALONEINSTLIB */ #include "xspect.h" #include "insttypes.h" #include "conv.h" #include "icoms.h" #include "colorhug.h" static inst_code colorhug_interp_code(inst *pp, int ec); /* Interpret an icoms error into a ColorHug error */ static int icoms2colorhug_err(int se) { if (se != ICOM_OK) return COLORHUG_COMS_FAIL; return COLORHUG_OK; } /* ColorHug commands that we care about */ typedef enum { ch_set_mult = 0x04, /* Set multiplier value */ ch_set_integral = 0x06, /* Set integral time */ ch_get_firmware_version = 0x07, /* Get the Firmware version number */ ch_get_serial = 0x0b, /* Gets the serial number */ ch_set_leds = 0x0e, /* Sets the LEDs */ ch_take_reading = 0x22, /* Takes a raw reading minus dark offset */ ch_take_reading_xyz = 0x23, /* Takes an XYZ reading using the current matrix */ ch_get_post_scale = 0x2a /* Get the post scaling factor */ } ColorHugCmd; /* Diagnostic - return a description given the instruction code */ static char *inst_desc(int cc) { static char buf[40]; switch(cc) { case 0x04: return "SetMultiplier"; case 0x06: return "SetIntegral"; case 0x07: return "GetFirmwareVersion"; case 0x0b: return "GetSerial"; case 0x0e: return "SetLeds"; case 0x22: return "TakeReading"; case 0x23: return "TakeReadingXYZ"; case 0x2a: return "GetPostScale"; } sprintf(buf,"Unknown %02x",cc); return buf; } /* Error codes interpretation */ static char * colorhug_interp_error(inst *pp, int ec) { ec &= inst_imask; switch (ec) { case COLORHUG_INTERNAL_ERROR: return "Internal software error"; case COLORHUG_COMS_FAIL: return "Communications failure"; case COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_MODEL: return "Not a known ColorHug Model"; case COLORHUG_OK: return "OK"; case COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_CMD: return "Unknown connamd"; case COLORHUG_WRONG_UNLOCK_CODE: return "Wrong unlock code"; case COLORHUG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Not implemented"; case COLORHUG_UNDERFLOW_SENSOR: return "Sensor underflow"; case COLORHUG_NO_SERIAL: return "No serial"; case COLORHUG_WATCHDOG: return "Watchdog"; case COLORHUG_INVALID_ADDRESS: return "Invalid address"; case COLORHUG_INVALID_LENGTH: return "Invalid length"; case COLORHUG_INVALID_CHECKSUM: return "Invlid checksum"; case COLORHUG_INVALID_VALUE: return "Invalid value"; case COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_CMD_FOR_BOOTLOADER: return "Unknown command for bootloader"; case COLORHUG_NO_CALIBRATION: return "No calibration"; case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_MULTIPLY: return "Multiply overflow"; case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_ADDITION: return "Addition overflow"; case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_SENSOR: return "Sensor overflow"; case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_STACK: return "Stack overflow"; case COLORHUG_DEVICE_DEACTIVATED: return "Device deactivated"; case COLORHUG_INCOMPLETE_REQUEST: return "Incomplete request"; /* Internal errors */ case COLORHUG_NO_COMS: return "Communications hasn't been established"; case COLORHUG_NOT_INITED: return "Insrument hasn't been initialised"; default: return "Unknown error code"; } } /* Do a command/response exchange with the colorhug */ static inst_code colorhug_command(colorhug *p, ColorHugCmd cmd, unsigned char *in, unsigned int in_size, unsigned char *out, unsigned int out_size, double timeout) { int i; unsigned char buf[64]; int xwbytes, wbytes; int xrbytes, rbytes; int se, ua = 0, rv = inst_ok; int ishid = p->icom->port_type(p->icom) == icomt_hid; a1logd(p->log,5,"colorhg_command: sending cmd '%s' args '%s'\n", inst_desc(cmd), icoms_tohex(in, in_size)); /* Send the command with any specified data */ memset(buf, 0, 64); buf[0] = cmd; if (in != NULL) memcpy(buf + 1, in, in_size); if (ishid) { xwbytes = 64; se = p->icom->hid_write(p->icom, buf, xwbytes, &wbytes, timeout); } else { // xwbytes = in_size + 1; /* cmd + arguments */ xwbytes = 64; se = p->icom->usb_write(p->icom, NULL, 0x01, buf, xwbytes, &wbytes, timeout); } if (se != 0) { a1logd(p->log,1,"colorhug_command: command send failed with ICOM err 0x%x\n",se); return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_COMS_FAIL); } rv = colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2colorhug_err(ua)); if (rv == inst_ok && wbytes != xwbytes) rv = colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_BAD_WR_LENGTH); a1logd(p->log,6,"colorhug_command: got inst code \n",rv); if (rv != inst_ok) { /* Flush any response if write failed */ if (ishid) p->icom->hid_read(p->icom, buf, 64, &rbytes, timeout); else p->icom->usb_read(p->icom, NULL, 0x81, buf, out_size + 2, &rbytes, timeout); return rv; } /* Now fetch the response */ a1logd(p->log,6,"colorhug_command: Reading response\n"); if (ishid) { xrbytes = 64; se = p->icom->hid_read(p->icom, buf, xrbytes, &rbytes, timeout); } else { // xrbytes = out_size + 2; xrbytes = 64; se = p->icom->usb_read(p->icom, NULL, 0x81, buf, xrbytes, &rbytes, timeout); } if (rbytes >= 2) { a1logd(p->log,6,"colorhug_command: recieved cmd '%s' error '%s' args '%s'\n", inst_desc(buf[1]), colorhug_interp_error((inst *) p, buf[0]), icoms_tohex(buf, rbytes - 2)); } if (se != 0) { /* deal with command error */ // if (rbytes == 2 && buf[0] != COLORHUG_OK) { if (buf[0] != COLORHUG_OK) { a1logd(p->log,1,"colorhug_command: Got Colorhug !OK\n"); rv = colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, buf[0]); return rv; } /* deal with underrun or overrun */ if (rbytes != xrbytes) { a1logd(p->log,1,"colorhug_command: got underrun or overrun\n"); rv = colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_BAD_RD_LENGTH); return rv; } /* there's another reason it failed */ a1logd(p->log,1,"colorhug_command: read failed with ICOM err 0x%x\n",se); return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_COMS_FAIL); } rv = colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2colorhug_err(ua)); /* check the command was the same */ if (rv == inst_ok && buf[1] != cmd) { a1logd(p->log,1,"colorhug_command: command wasn't echo'd\n"); rv = colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_BAD_RET_CMD); return rv; } if (rv == inst_ok && out != NULL) memcpy(out, buf + 2, out_size); a1logd(p->log,5,"colorhg_command: returning '%s' ICOM err 0x%x\n", icoms_tohex(buf + 2, out_size),ua); return rv; } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* Little endian wire format conversion routines */ /* Take an int, and convert it into a byte buffer */ static void int2buf_le(unsigned char *buf, int inv) { buf[0] = (inv >> 0) & 0xff; buf[1] = (inv >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = (inv >> 16) & 0xff; buf[3] = (inv >> 24) & 0xff; } /* Take an unsigned int, and convert it into a byte buffer */ static void uint2buf_le(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int inv) { buf[0] = (inv >> 0) & 0xff; buf[1] = (inv >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = (inv >> 16) & 0xff; buf[3] = (inv >> 24) & 0xff; } /* Take a short, and convert it into a byte buffer */ static void short2buf_le(unsigned char *buf, int inv) { buf[0] = (inv >> 0) & 0xff; buf[1] = (inv >> 8) & 0xff; } /* Take an unsigned short, and convert it into a byte buffer */ static void ushort2buf_le(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int inv) { buf[0] = (inv >> 0) & 0xff; buf[1] = (inv >> 8) & 0xff; } /* Take a word sized buffer, and convert it to an int */ static int buf2int_le(unsigned char *buf) { int val; val = buf[3]; val = ((val << 8) + buf[2]); val = ((val << 8) + buf[1]); val = ((val << 8) + buf[0]); return val; } /* Take a word sized buffer, and convert it to an unsigned int */ static unsigned int buf2uint_le(unsigned char *buf) { unsigned int val; val = buf[3]; val = ((val << 8) + buf[2]); val = ((val << 8) + buf[1]); val = ((val << 8) + buf[0]); return val; } /* Take a short sized buffer, and convert it to an int */ static int buf2short_le(unsigned char *buf) { int val; val = buf[1]; val = ((val << 8) + buf[0]); return val; } /* Take an unsigned short sized buffer, and convert it to an int */ static unsigned int buf2ushort_le(unsigned char *buf) { unsigned int val; val = buf[1]; val = ((val << 8) + buf[0]); return val; } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* Converts 4 bytes of packed float into a double */ static double buf2pfdouble(unsigned char *buf) { return (double) buf2int_le(buf) / (double) 0x10000; } /* Set the device LED state */ static inst_code colorhug_set_LEDs(colorhug *p, int mask) { int i; unsigned char ibuf[4]; inst_code ev; mask &= 0x3; p->led_state = mask; ibuf[0] = mask; ibuf[1] = 0; /* repeat */ ibuf[2] = 0; /* on */ ibuf[3] = 0; /* off */ /* Do command */ ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_set_leds, ibuf, sizeof (ibuf), /* input */ NULL, 0, /* output */ 2.0); return ev; } /* Take a measurement from the device */ /* There are 64 calibration matricies, index 0..63 */ /* 0 is the factory calibration, while 1..63 are */ /* applied on top of the factory calibration as corrections. */ /* Index 64..70 are mapped via the mapping table */ /* to an index between 0 and 63, and notionaly correspond */ /* as follows: */ /* LCD = 0 */ /* CRT = 1 */ /* Projector = 2 */ /* LED = 3 */ /* Custom1 = 4 */ /* Custom2 = 5 */ static inst_code colorhug_take_measurement(colorhug *p, double XYZ[3]) { inst_code ev; int i; ORD8 ibuf[2]; if (!p->inited) return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_NOT_INITED); if (p->icx == 11) { /* Raw */ unsigned char obuf[3 * 4]; /* Do the measurement, and return the values */ ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_take_reading, NULL, 0, obuf, 3 * 4, 30.0); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; /* Convert to doubles */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) XYZ[i] = p->postscale * buf2pfdouble(obuf + i * 4); } else { int icx = 64 + p->icx; unsigned char obuf[3 * 4]; if (p->icx == 10) /* Factory */ icx = 0; /* Choose the calibration matrix */ short2buf_le(ibuf + 0, icx); /* Do the measurement, and return the values */ ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_take_reading_xyz, ibuf, sizeof (ibuf), obuf, 3 * 4, 30.0); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; /* Convert to doubles */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) XYZ[i] = buf2pfdouble(obuf + i * 4); } /* Apply the colorimeter correction matrix */ icmMulBy3x3(XYZ, p->ccmat, XYZ); a1logd(p->log,3,"colorhug_take_measurement: XYZ = %f %f %f\n",XYZ[0],XYZ[1],XYZ[2]); return inst_ok; } /* Establish communications with a ColorHug */ static inst_code colorhug_init_coms(inst *pp, baud_rate br, flow_control fc, double tout) { int se; colorhug *p = (colorhug *) pp; a1logd(p->log, 2, "colorhug_init_coms: About to init coms\n"); /* Open as an HID if available */ if (p->icom->port_type(p->icom) == icomt_hid) { a1logd(p->log, 3, "colorhug_init_coms: About to init HID\n"); /* Set config, interface */ if ((se = p->icom->set_hid_port(p->icom, icomuf_none, 0, NULL)) != ICOM_OK) { a1logd(p->log, 1, "colorhug_init_coms: set_hid_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se); return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2colorhug_err(se)); } } else if (p->icom->port_type(p->icom) == icomt_usb) { a1logd(p->log, 3, "colorhug_init_coms: About to init USB\n"); /* Set config, interface, write end point, read end point */ if ((se = p->icom->set_usb_port(p->icom, 1, 0x00, 0x00, icomuf_detach, 0, NULL)) != ICOM_OK) { a1logd(p->log, 1, "colorhug_init_coms: set_usb_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se); return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2colorhug_err(se)); } } else { a1logd(p->log, 1, "colorhug_init_coms: wrong communications type for device!\n"); return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_MODEL); } a1logd(p->log, 2, "colorhug_init_coms: inited coms OK\n"); p->gotcoms = 1; return inst_ok; } /* Get the firmware version */ static inst_code colorhug_get_firmwareversion (colorhug *p) { inst_code ev; unsigned char obuf[6]; /* Hmm. The post scale is in the 2nd short returned */ ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_get_firmware_version, NULL, 0, obuf, 6, 2.0); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; p->maj = buf2short_le(obuf + 0); p->min = buf2short_le(obuf + 2); p->uro = buf2short_le(obuf + 4); a1logd(p->log,2,"colorhug: Firware version = %d.%d.%d\n",p->maj,p->min,p->uro); return ev; } /* Set the device multiplier */ static inst_code colorhug_set_multiplier (colorhug *p, int multiplier) { inst_code ev; unsigned char ibuf[1]; /* Set the desired multiplier */ ibuf[0] = multiplier; ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_set_mult, ibuf, sizeof (ibuf), NULL, 0, 2.0); return ev; } /* Set the device integral time */ static inst_code colorhug_set_integral (colorhug *p, int integral) { inst_code ev; unsigned char ibuf[2]; /* Set the desired integral time */ short2buf_le(ibuf + 0, integral); ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_set_integral, ibuf, sizeof (ibuf), NULL, 0, 2.0); return ev; } /* Get the post scale factor */ static inst_code colorhug_get_postscale (colorhug *p, double *postscale) { inst_code ev; unsigned char obuf[4]; /* Hmm. The post scale is in the 2nd short returned */ ev = colorhug_command(p, ch_get_post_scale, NULL, 0, obuf, 4, 2.0); *postscale = buf2pfdouble(obuf); return ev; } static inst_code set_default_disp_type(colorhug *p); /* Initialise the ColorHug */ static inst_code colorhug_init_inst(inst *pp) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_code ev; int i; a1logd(p->log, 2, "colorhug_init_coms: About to init coms\n"); /* Must establish coms first */ if (p->gotcoms == 0) return colorhug_interp_code((inst *)p, COLORHUG_NO_COMS); /* Get the firmware version */ ev = colorhug_get_firmwareversion(p); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; /* Turn the LEDs off */ ev = colorhug_set_LEDs(p, 0x0); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; /* Turn the sensor on */ ev = colorhug_set_multiplier(p, 0x03); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; /* Set the integral time to maximum precision */ ev = colorhug_set_integral(p, 0xffff); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; if (p->maj <= 1 && p->min <= 1 && p->uro <= 4) { /* Get the post scale factor */ ev = colorhug_get_postscale(p, &p->postscale); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; /* In firmware >= 1.1.5, the postscale is done in the firmware */ } else { p->postscale = 1.0; } p->trig = inst_opt_trig_user; /* Setup the default display type */ if ((ev = set_default_disp_type(p)) != inst_ok) { return ev; } p->inited = 1; a1logd(p->log, 2, "colorhug_init: inited coms OK\n"); /* Flash the LEDs */ ev = colorhug_set_LEDs(p, 0x1); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; msec_sleep(50); ev = colorhug_set_LEDs(p, 0x2); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; msec_sleep(50); ev = colorhug_set_LEDs(p, 0x1); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; msec_sleep(50); ev = colorhug_set_LEDs(p, 0x0); if (ev != inst_ok) return ev; return inst_ok; } /* Read a single sample */ static inst_code colorhug_read_sample( inst *pp, char *name, /* Strip name (7 chars) */ ipatch *val, /* Pointer to instrument patch value */ instClamping clamp) { /* NZ if clamp XYZ/Lab to be +ve */ colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; int user_trig = 0; int rv = inst_protocol_error; if (!p->gotcoms) return inst_no_coms; if (!p->inited) return inst_no_init; if (p->trig == inst_opt_trig_user) { if (p->uicallback == NULL) { a1logd(p->log, 1, "colorhug: inst_opt_trig_user but no uicallback function set!\n"); return inst_unsupported; } for (;;) { if ((rv = p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_armed)) != inst_ok) { if (rv == inst_user_abort) return rv; /* Abort */ if (rv == inst_user_trig) { user_trig = 1; break; /* Trigger */ } } msec_sleep(200); } /* Notify of trigger */ if (p->uicallback) p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_triggered); /* Progromatic Trigger */ } else { /* Check for abort */ if (p->uicallback != NULL && (rv = p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_armed)) == inst_user_abort) return rv; /* Abort */ } /* Read the XYZ value */ if ((rv = colorhug_take_measurement(p, val->XYZ)) != inst_ok) { return rv; } /* This may not change anything since instrument may clamp */ if (clamp) icmClamp3(val->XYZ, val->XYZ); val->mtype = inst_mrt_emission; val->XYZ_v = 1; /* These are absolute XYZ readings ? */ val->sp.spec_n = 0; val->duration = 0.0; if (user_trig) return inst_user_trig; return rv; } /* Insert a colorimetric correction matrix */ inst_code colorhug_col_cor_mat( inst *pp, double mtx[3][3] ) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; if (!p->gotcoms) return inst_no_coms; if (!p->inited) return inst_no_init; if (mtx == NULL) { icmSetUnity3x3(p->ccmat); } else { if (p->cbid == 0) { a1loge(p->log, 1, "colorhug: can't set col_cor_mat over non base display type\n"); inst_wrong_setup; } icmCpy3x3(p->ccmat, mtx); } return inst_ok; } /* Convert a machine specific error code into an abstract dtp code */ static inst_code colorhug_interp_code(inst *pp, int ec) { ec &= inst_imask; switch (ec) { case COLORHUG_OK: return inst_ok; case COLORHUG_INTERNAL_ERROR: case COLORHUG_NO_COMS: case COLORHUG_NOT_INITED: return inst_internal_error | ec; case COLORHUG_COMS_FAIL: return inst_coms_fail | ec; case COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_MODEL: return inst_unknown_model | ec; case COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_CMD: case COLORHUG_WRONG_UNLOCK_CODE: case COLORHUG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: case COLORHUG_UNDERFLOW_SENSOR: case COLORHUG_NO_SERIAL: case COLORHUG_WATCHDOG: case COLORHUG_INVALID_ADDRESS: case COLORHUG_INVALID_LENGTH: case COLORHUG_INVALID_CHECKSUM: case COLORHUG_INVALID_VALUE: case COLORHUG_UNKNOWN_CMD_FOR_BOOTLOADER: case COLORHUG_NO_CALIBRATION: case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_MULTIPLY: case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_ADDITION: case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_SENSOR: case COLORHUG_OVERFLOW_STACK: case COLORHUG_DEVICE_DEACTIVATED: case COLORHUG_INCOMPLETE_REQUEST: case COLORHUG_BAD_WR_LENGTH: case COLORHUG_BAD_RD_LENGTH: case COLORHUG_BAD_RET_CMD: case COLORHUG_BAD_RET_STAT: return inst_protocol_error | ec; } return inst_other_error | ec; } /* Destroy ourselves */ static void colorhug_del(inst *pp) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; if (p != NULL) { if (p->icom != NULL) p->icom->del(p->icom); inst_del_disptype_list(p->dtlist, p->ndtlist); free(p); } } /* Return the instrument mode capabilities */ void colorhug_capabilities(inst *pp, inst_mode *pcap1, inst2_capability *pcap2, inst3_capability *pcap3) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_mode cap = 0; inst2_capability cap2 = 0; cap |= inst_mode_emis_spot | inst_mode_colorimeter ; cap2 |= inst2_prog_trig | inst2_user_trig | inst2_has_leds | inst2_disptype | inst2_ccmx ; if (pcap1 != NULL) *pcap1 = cap; if (pcap2 != NULL) *pcap2 = cap2; if (pcap3 != NULL) *pcap3 = inst3_none; } /* Check device measurement mode */ inst_code colorhug_check_mode(inst *pp, inst_mode m) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_mode cap; if (!p->gotcoms) return inst_no_coms; if (!p->inited) return inst_no_init; pp->capabilities(pp, &cap, NULL, NULL); /* Simple test */ if (m & ~cap) return inst_unsupported; /* only display emission mode and ambient supported */ if (!IMODETST(m, inst_mode_emis_spot) && !IMODETST(m, inst_mode_emis_ambient)) { return inst_unsupported; } return inst_ok; } /* Set device measurement mode */ inst_code colorhug_set_mode(inst *pp, inst_mode m) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_code ev; if ((ev = colorhug_check_mode(pp, m)) != inst_ok) return ev; p->mode = m; return inst_ok; } /* The HW handles up to 6, + 2 special */ static inst_disptypesel colorhug_disptypesel[7] = { { inst_dtflags_default, /* flags */ 0, /* cbix */ "l", /* sel */ "LCD, CCFL Backlight", /* desc */ 0, /* refr */ 0 /* ix */ }, { inst_dtflags_none, 0, "c", "CRT display", 0, 1 }, { inst_dtflags_none, 0, "p", "Projector", 0, 2 }, { inst_dtflags_none, 0, "e", "LCD, White LED Backlight", 0, 3 }, { inst_dtflags_none, 1, "F", "Factory matrix (For Calibration)", 0, 10 }, { inst_dtflags_none, 2, "R", "Raw Reading (For Factory matrix Calibration)", 0, 11 }, { inst_dtflags_end, 0, "", "", 0, 0 } }; /* Get mode and option details */ static inst_code colorhug_get_disptypesel( inst *pp, int *pnsels, /* Return number of display types */ inst_disptypesel **psels, /* Return the array of display types */ int allconfig, /* nz to return list for all configs, not just current. */ int recreate /* nz to re-check for new ccmx & ccss files */ ) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_code rv = inst_ok; /* Create/Re-create a current list of abailable display types */ if (p->dtlist == NULL || recreate) { if ((rv = inst_creat_disptype_list(pp, &p->ndtlist, &p->dtlist, colorhug_disptypesel, 0 /* doccss*/, 1 /* doccmx */)) != inst_ok) return rv; } if (pnsels != NULL) *pnsels = p->ndtlist; if (psels != NULL) *psels = p->dtlist; return inst_ok; } /* Given a display type entry, setup for that type */ static inst_code set_disp_type(colorhug *p, inst_disptypesel *dentry) { int ix; /* The HW handles up to 6 calibrations */ ix = dentry->ix; if (ix != 10 && ix != 11 && (ix < 0 || ix > 3)) return inst_unsupported; p->icx = ix; p->refrmode = dentry->refr; p->cbid = dentry->cbid; if (dentry->flags & inst_dtflags_ccmx) { icmCpy3x3(p->ccmat, dentry->mat); } else { icmSetUnity3x3(p->ccmat); } return inst_ok; } /* Setup the default display type */ static inst_code set_default_disp_type(colorhug *p) { inst_code ev; int i; if (p->dtlist == NULL) { if ((ev = inst_creat_disptype_list((inst *)p, &p->ndtlist, &p->dtlist, colorhug_disptypesel, 0 /* doccss*/, 1 /* doccmx */)) != inst_ok) return ev; } for (i = 0; !(p->dtlist[i].flags & inst_dtflags_end); i++) { if (p->dtlist[i].flags & inst_dtflags_default) break; } if (p->dtlist[i].flags & inst_dtflags_end) { a1loge(p->log, 1, "set_default_disp_type: failed to find type!\n"); return inst_internal_error; } if ((ev = set_disp_type(p, &p->dtlist[i])) != inst_ok) { return ev; } return inst_ok; } /* Set the display type */ static inst_code colorhug_set_disptype(inst *pp, int ix) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_code ev; inst_disptypesel *dentry; if (p->dtlist == NULL) { if ((ev = inst_creat_disptype_list(pp, &p->ndtlist, &p->dtlist, colorhug_disptypesel, 0 /* doccss*/, 1 /* doccmx */)) != inst_ok) return ev; } if (ix < 0 || ix >= p->ndtlist) return inst_unsupported; dentry = &p->dtlist[ix]; if ((ev = set_disp_type(p, dentry)) != inst_ok) { return ev; } return inst_ok; } /* * Set or reset an optional mode. * * Some options talk to the instrument, and these will * error if it hasn't been initialised. */ static inst_code colorhug_get_set_opt(inst *pp, inst_opt_type m, ...) { colorhug *p = (colorhug *)pp; inst_code ev = inst_ok; /* Record the trigger mode */ if (m == inst_opt_trig_prog || m == inst_opt_trig_user) { p->trig = m; return inst_ok; } if (!p->gotcoms) return inst_no_coms; if (!p->inited) return inst_no_init; /* Get the display type information */ if (m == inst_opt_get_dtinfo) { va_list args; int *refrmode, *cbid; va_start(args, m); refrmode = va_arg(args, int *); cbid = va_arg(args, int *); va_end(args); if (refrmode != NULL) *refrmode = p->refrmode; if (cbid != NULL) *cbid = p->cbid; return inst_ok; } /* Operate the LEDs */ if (m == inst_opt_get_gen_ledmask) { va_list args; int *mask = NULL; va_start(args, m); mask = va_arg(args, int *); va_end(args); *mask = 0x3; /* Two general LEDs */ return inst_ok; } else if (m == inst_opt_get_led_state) { va_list args; int *mask = NULL; va_start(args, m); mask = va_arg(args, int *); va_end(args); *mask = p->led_state; return inst_ok; } else if (m == inst_opt_set_led_state) { va_list args; int mask = 0; va_start(args, m); mask = va_arg(args, int); va_end(args); return colorhug_set_LEDs(p, mask); } return inst_unsupported; } /* Constructor */ extern colorhug *new_colorhug(icoms *icom, instType itype) { colorhug *p; int i; if ((p = (colorhug *)calloc(sizeof(colorhug),1)) == NULL) { a1loge(icom->log, 1, "new_colorhug: malloc failed!\n"); return NULL; } p->log = new_a1log_d(icom->log); p->init_coms = colorhug_init_coms; p->init_inst = colorhug_init_inst; p->capabilities = colorhug_capabilities; p->check_mode = colorhug_check_mode; p->set_mode = colorhug_set_mode; p->get_disptypesel = colorhug_get_disptypesel; p->set_disptype = colorhug_set_disptype; p->get_set_opt = colorhug_get_set_opt; p->read_sample = colorhug_read_sample; p->col_cor_mat = colorhug_col_cor_mat; p->interp_error = colorhug_interp_error; p->del = colorhug_del; p->icom = icom; p->itype = icom->itype; icmSetUnity3x3(p->ccmat); return p; }