/* * Argyll Color Correction System * Spectral .ti3 or .sp file converter * * Copyright 2005 Gerhard Fuernkranz * All rights reserved. * * Copyright 2006, 2007 Graeme Gill. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * See the License2.txt file for details. * * Pursuant to the above, this file is licenced in ArgyllCMS * under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. * * This program takes the spectral data in a .ti3 or .sp file, converts them * to XYZ and Lab and fills the XYZ_[XYZ] and LAB_[LAB] columns in the * output .ti3 or .sp file with the computed XYZ and Lab values. If the columns * XYZ_[XYZ] and/or LAB_[LAB] are missing in the input file, they are * added to the output file. * * All other colums are copied from the input to the output .ti3 or .sp file. * * If the -f option is used, the FWA corrected spectral reflectances * are written to the output .ti3 or .sp file, instead of simply copying the * spectral reflectances from the input .ti3 or .sp file. In this case, the * XYZ_[XYZ] and D50 LAB_[LAB] values are computed from the FWA corrected * reflectances as well. */ /* NOTE this uses hard coded space signatures, and should be converted to use xcolorants instead. This doesn't handle display .ti3's properly, as the resulting CIE values need to be normalised to Y=100 or marked as not normalised. Calibration tables aren't being passed through either ?? This is intended for conversion of reflective measurements to XYZ - there is no illuminant for emissive values. L*a*b* is always D50. */ #define ALLOW_PLOT #define XRES 200 #include #if defined(__IBMC__) #include #endif #include "aconfig.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "cgats.h" #include "xicc.h" #include "insttypes.h" #include "conv.h" #include "icoms.h" #include "inst.h" #ifdef ALLOW_PLOT #include "plot.h" #include "ui.h" #endif void usage (void) { fprintf (stderr, "Convert spectral .ti3 or .sp file, Version %s\n", ARGYLL_VERSION_STR); fprintf (stderr, "Author: Gerhard Fuernkranz, licensed under the AGPL Version 3\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Usage: spec2cie [options] input.[ti3|sp] output.[ti3|sp]\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -v Verbose mode\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -I illum Override actual instrument illuminant in .ti3 or .sp file:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " A, C, D50, D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp\n"); fprintf (stderr, " (only used in conjunction with -f)\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -f [illum] Use Fluorescent Whitening Agent compensation [simulated inst. illum.:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " M0, M1, M2, A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp]\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -i illum Choose illuminant for computation of CIE XYZ from spectral data & FWA:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -o observ Choose CIE Observer for spectral data:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " 1931_2 (def), 1964_10, S&B 1955_2, shaw, J&V 1978_2 or file.cmf\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -n Don't output spectral values\n"); #ifdef ALLOW_PLOT fprintf (stderr, " -p Plot each values spectrum\n"); #endif fprintf (stderr, " input.[ti3|sp] Measurement file\n"); fprintf (stderr, " output.[ti3|sp] Converted measurement file\n"); exit (1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fa, nfa; /* current argument we're looking at */ int verb = 0; int nospec = 0; /* NZ if not to output spectral values */ char *in_ti3_name; char *out_ti3_name; cgats *icg; /* input cgats structure */ cgats *ocg; /* output cgats structure */ cgats_set_elem *elems; int isspect = 0; /* nz if SPECT file rathe than TI3 */ int isemis = 0; /* nz if this is an emissive reference */ int isdisp = 0; /* nz if this is a display device */ int isdnormed = 0; /* Has display data been normalised to 100 ? */ icColorSpaceSignature devspace = icmSigDefaultData; /* The device colorspace */ int isAdditive = 0; /* 0 if subtractive, 1 if additive colorspace */ int isInverted = 0; /* nz if inverted real device */ int ci, mi, yi, ki; /* Indexes of device values */ int fwacomp = 0; /* FWA compensation */ int doplot = 0; /* Plot each patches spectrum */ char* illum_str = "D50"; icxIllumeType tillum = icxIT_none; /* Target/simulated instrument illuminant, if set. */ xspect cust_tillum, *tillump = NULL; /* Custom target/simulated illumination spectrum */ /* if tillum == icxIT_custom */ icxIllumeType illum = icxIT_none; /* CIE calc. illuminant spectrum, and FWA inst. */ /* illuminant if tillum not set. */ xspect cust_illum; /* Custom CIE illumination spectrum if illum == icxIT_custom */ double *ill_wp = NULL; /* If illum is not D50, illum white point XYZ */ double _ill_wp[3]; /* (What ill_wp points at if it is not NULL) */ icxIllumeType inst_illum = icxIT_none; /* Actual instrument illumination */ xspect inst_cust_illum; /* Custom actual instrument illumination spectrum */ /* if inst_illum == icxIT_custom */ icxObserverType observ = icxOT_none; xspect cust_observ[3]; /* Custom observer CMF's */ int npat; /* Number of patches */ int dti; /* Device Type index */ char *kw; int i, j, jj, k; #if defined(__IBMC__) _control87 (EM_UNDERFLOW, EM_UNDERFLOW); _control87 (EM_OVERFLOW, EM_OVERFLOW); #endif if (argc < 3) usage (); /* Process the arguments */ for (fa = 1; fa < argc; fa++) { nfa = fa; /* skip to nfa if next argument is used */ if (argv[fa][0] == '-') { /* Look for any flags */ char *na = NULL; /* next argument after flag, null if none */ if (argv[fa][2] != '\000') na = &argv[fa][2]; /* next is directly after flag */ else { if ((fa + 1) < argc) { if (argv[fa + 1][0] != '-') { nfa = fa + 1; na = argv[nfa]; /* next is seperate non-flag argument */ } } } if (argv[fa][1] == '?') usage (); /* Verbose */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') verb = 1; /* Don't output spectral */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n' || argv[fa][1] == 'N') nospec = 1; /* Plot each patch spectral value */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'p' || argv[fa][1] == 'P') doplot = 1; /* Instrument Illuminant type */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'I') { fa = nfa; if (na == NULL) usage (); if (strcmp (na, "A") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_A; } else if (strcmp (na, "C") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_C; } else if (strcmp (na, "D50") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_D50; } else if (strcmp (na, "D50M2") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_D50M2; } else if (strcmp (na, "D65") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_D65; } else if (strcmp (na, "F5") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_F5; } else if (strcmp (na, "F8") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_F8; } else if (strcmp (na, "F10") == 0) { inst_illum = icxIT_F10; } else { /* Assume it's a filename */ inst_meas_type mt; inst_illum = icxIT_custom; if (read_xspect (&inst_cust_illum, &mt,na) != 0) usage (); if (mt != inst_mrt_none && mt != inst_mrt_emission && mt != inst_mrt_ambient && mt != inst_mrt_emission_flash && mt != inst_mrt_ambient_flash) error("Instrument illuminant '%s' is wrong measurement type",na); } } /* FWA comp & simulated instrument illuminant */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'f') { fwacomp = 1; if (na != NULL) { /* Argument is present - target/simulated instr. illum. */ fa = nfa; if (strcmp(na, "A") == 0 || strcmp(na, "M0") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_A; } else if (strcmp(na, "C") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_C; } else if (strcmp(na, "D50") == 0 || strcmp(na, "M1") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_D50; } else if (strcmp(na, "D50M2") == 0 || strcmp(na, "M2") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_D50M2; } else if (strcmp(na, "D65") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_D65; } else if (strcmp(na, "F5") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_F5; } else if (strcmp(na, "F8") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_F8; } else if (strcmp(na, "F10") == 0) { tillum = icxIT_F10; } else { /* Assume it's a filename */ inst_meas_type mt; tillum = icxIT_custom; if (read_xspect(&cust_tillum, &mt, na) != 0) usage(); if (mt != inst_mrt_none && mt != inst_mrt_emission && mt != inst_mrt_ambient && mt != inst_mrt_emission_flash && mt != inst_mrt_ambient_flash) error("Target illuminant '%s' is wrong measurement type",na); } } } /* CIE tristimulous spectral Illuminant type */ /* (and FWA simulated instrument illuminant if tillum == icxIT_none) */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i') { fa = nfa; if (na == NULL) usage (); illum_str = na; if (strcmp (na, "A") == 0) { illum = icxIT_A; } else if (strcmp (na, "C") == 0) { illum = icxIT_C; } else if (strcmp (na, "D50") == 0) { illum = icxIT_D50; } else if (strcmp (na, "D50M2") == 0) { illum = icxIT_D50M2; } else if (strcmp (na, "D65") == 0) { illum = icxIT_D65; } else if (strcmp (na, "F5") == 0) { illum = icxIT_F5; } else if (strcmp (na, "F8") == 0) { illum = icxIT_F8; } else if (strcmp (na, "F10") == 0) { illum = icxIT_F10; } else { /* Assume it's a filename */ inst_meas_type mt; illum = icxIT_custom; if (read_xspect (&cust_illum, &mt, na) != 0) usage (); if (mt != inst_mrt_none && mt != inst_mrt_emission && mt != inst_mrt_ambient && mt != inst_mrt_emission_flash && mt != inst_mrt_ambient_flash) error("CIE illuminant '%s' is wrong measurement type",na); } } /* Spectral Observer type */ else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o' || argv[fa][1] == 'O') { fa = nfa; if (na == NULL) usage (); if (strcmp (na, "1931_2") == 0) { /* Classic 2 degree */ observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; } else if (strcmp (na, "1964_10") == 0) { /* Classic 10 degree */ observ = icxOT_CIE_1964_10; } else if (strcmp (na, "1955_2") == 0) { /* Stiles and Burch 1955 2 degree */ observ = icxOT_Stiles_Burch_2; } else if (strcmp (na, "1978_2") == 0) { /* Judd and Voss 1978 2 degree */ observ = icxOT_Judd_Voss_2; } else if (strcmp (na, "shaw") == 0) { /* Shaw and Fairchilds 1997 2 degree */ observ = icxOT_Shaw_Fairchild_2; } else { /* Assume it's a filename */ observ = icxOT_custom; if (read_cmf (cust_observ, na) != 0) usage (); } } else usage (); } else break; } /* Get the file name arguments */ if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage (); in_ti3_name = argv[fa++]; if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage (); out_ti3_name = argv[fa++]; /* Open and look at the .ti3 profile patches file */ icg = new_cgats (); /* Create a CGATS structure */ icg->add_other (icg, "CTI3"); /* Calibration Target Information 3 */ icg->add_other (icg, "SPECT"); /* Spectral file */ ocg = new_cgats (); /* Create a CGATS structure */ ocg->add_other (ocg, "CTI3"); /* Calibration Target Information 3 */ icg->add_other (ocg, "SPECT"); /* Spectral file */ if (icg->read_name (icg, in_ti3_name)) error ("CGATS file read error: %s", icg->err); if (icg->ntables == 0 || icg->t[0].tt != tt_other || (icg->t[0].oi != 0 && icg->t[0].oi != 1)) error ("Input file isn't a CTI3 or SPECT format file"); if (icg->t[0].oi == 1) isspect = 1; if (icg->ntables < 1) error ("Input file doesn't contain at least one table"); /* add table to output file */ if (isspect) ocg->add_table(ocg, tt_other, 1); else ocg->add_table(ocg, tt_other, 0); /* copy keywords */ for (i = 0; i < icg->t[0].nkwords; i++) { kw = icg->t[0].ksym[i]; if (fwacomp && strcmp(kw, "TARGET_INSTRUMENT") == 0) { /* * overwrite TARGET_INSTRUMENT with the new illuminant, * since the FWA corrected spectral data are no longer * valid for the original instrument's illuminant */ ocg->add_kword (ocg, 0, kw, illum_str, NULL); } else { ocg->add_kword (ocg, 0, kw, icg->t[0].kdata[i], icg->t[0].kcom[i]); } } if (isspect) { if ((dti = icg->find_kword (icg, 0, "MEAS_TYPE")) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword MEAS_TYPE"); /* Reflective options when not a reflective profile type */ if (strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[dti],"EMISSION") == 0 || strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[dti],"AMBIENT") == 0 || strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[dti],"EMISSION_FLASH") == 0 || strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[dti],"AMBIENT_FLASH") == 0) { isemis = 1; if (illum != icxIT_none) error("-i illuminant can't be used for emissive reference type"); if (fwacomp) error("-f FWA compensation can't be used for emissive reference type"); fwacomp = 0; tillum = icxIT_none; } } else { if ((dti = icg->find_kword (icg, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS")) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword DEVICE_CLASS"); /* Reflective options when not a reflective profile type */ if (strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[dti],"DISPLAY") == 0 || strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[dti],"EMISINPUT") == 0) { isemis = 1; if (illum != icxIT_none) error("-i illuminant can't be used for emissive reference type"); if (fwacomp) error("-f FWA compensation can't be used for emissive reference type"); fwacomp = 0; tillum = icxIT_none; } } /* Set defaults */ if (illum == icxIT_none) illum = icxIT_D50; if (observ == icxOT_none) observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2; /* See if the display CIE data has been normalised to Y = 100 */ { int ti; if ((ti = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "NORMALIZED_TO_Y_100")) < 0 || strcmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"NO") == 0) { isdnormed = 0; } else { isdnormed = 1; } } /* Figure out what sort of device it is */ if (icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "COLOR_REP") >= 0) { int ti; char *tos; if ((ti = icg->find_kword(icg, 0, "COLOR_REP")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain keyword COLOR_REP"); if (strcmp (icg->t[0].kdata[dti], "DISPLAY") == 0) { isdisp = 1; } if ((tos = strchr(icg->t[0].kdata[ti], '_')) == NULL) tos = icg->t[0].kdata[ti]; if (strncmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"CMYK_",5) == 0 || strncmp(tos,"_CMYK",5) == 0) { devspace = icSigCmykData; } else if (strncmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"CMY_",4) == 0 || strncmp(tos,"_CMY",4) == 0) { devspace = icSigCmyData; } else if (strncmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"RGB_",4) == 0 || strncmp(tos,"_RGB",4) == 0) { devspace = icSigRgbData; } else if (strncmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"iRGB_",4) == 0 || strncmp(tos,"_iRGB",4) == 0) { devspace = icSigRgbData; isInverted = 1; } else if (strncmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"K_",2) == 0 || strncmp(tos,"_K",2) == 0) { devspace = icSigGrayData; isAdditive = 0; } else if (strncmp(icg->t[0].kdata[ti],"W_",2) == 0 || strncmp(tos,"_W",2) == 0) { devspace = icSigGrayData; isAdditive = 1; } else error("Device has unhandled color representation '%s'",icg->t[0].kdata[ti]); if (devspace == icSigGrayData) { if (isAdditive) { if ((ci = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "GRAY_W")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field GRAY_W"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[ci] != r_t) error("Field GRAY_W is wrong type - expect float"); } else { if ((ci = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "GRAY_K")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field GRAY_K"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[ci] != r_t) error("Field GRAY_K is wrong type - expect float"); } mi = yi = ki = ci; } else if (devspace == icSigRgbData) { if ((ci = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "RGB_R")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field RGB_R"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[ci] != r_t) error("Field RGB_R is wrong type - expect float"); if ((mi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "RGB_G")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field RGB_G"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[mi] != r_t) error("Field RGB_G is wrong type - expect float"); if ((yi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "RGB_B")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field RGB_B"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[yi] != r_t) error("Field RGB_B is wrong type - expect float"); ki = yi; } else if (devspace == icSigCmyData) { if ((ci = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMY_C")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMY_C"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[ci] != r_t) error("Field CMY_C is wrong type - expect float"); if ((mi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMY_M")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMY_M"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[mi] != r_t) error("Field CMY_M is wrong type - expect float"); if ((yi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMY_Y")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMY_Y"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[yi] != r_t) error("Field CMY_Y is wrong type - expect float"); ki = yi; } else { /* Assume CMYK */ if ((ci = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMYK_C")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMYK_C"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[ci] != r_t) error("Field CMYK_C is wrong type - expect float",icg->t[0].ftype[ci],r_t); if ((mi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMYK_M")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMYK_M"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[mi] != r_t) error("Field CMYK_M is wrong type - expect float"); if ((yi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMYK_Y")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMYK_Y"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[yi] != r_t) error("Field CMYK_Y is wrong type - expect float"); if ((ki = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "CMYK_K")) < 0) error("Input file doesn't contain field CMYK_K"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[ki] != r_t) error("Field CMYK_K is wrong type - expect float"); } } if ((npat = icg->t[0].nsets) <= 0) error ("No sets of data"); /* Read in the CGATs fields */ { // int sidx; /* Sample ID index */ int ti, ii; int Xi, Yi, Zi, Li, ai, bi; /* CGATS indexes for each field */ int spi[XSPECT_MAX_BANDS]; /* CGATS indexes for each wavelength */ int oXi, oYi, oZi, oLi, oai, obi; /* CGATS indexes for each ouput field */ xsp2cie *sp2cie; /* Spectral conversion object */ xspect sp; double XYZ[3]; double Lab[3]; char buf[100]; /* These are only set if fwa is needed */ xspect rmwsp; /* Raw medium white spectrum */ xspect mwsp; /* FWA compensated medium white spectrum */ double mwXYZ[3]; /* Media white XYZ */ #ifdef NEVER if ((sidx = icg->find_field (icg, 0, "SAMPLE_ID")) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain field SAMPLE_ID"); if (icg->t[0].ftype[sidx] != nqcs_t) error ("Field SAMPLE_ID is wrong type"); #endif /* Using spectral data */ if ((ii = icg->find_kword (icg, 0, "SPECTRAL_BANDS")) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword SPECTRAL_BANDS"); sp.spec_n = atoi (icg->t[0].kdata[ii]); if ((ii = icg->find_kword (icg, 0, "SPECTRAL_START_NM")) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword SPECTRAL_START_NM"); sp.spec_wl_short = atof (icg->t[0].kdata[ii]); if ((ii = icg->find_kword (icg, 0, "SPECTRAL_END_NM")) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword SPECTRAL_END_NM"); sp.spec_wl_long = atof (icg->t[0].kdata[ii]); if (!isdisp || isdnormed != 0) sp.norm = 100.0; else sp.norm = 1.0; /* Find the fields for spectral values */ for (j = 0; j < sp.spec_n; j++) { int nm; /* Compute nearest integer wavelength */ nm = (int) (sp.spec_wl_short + ((double) j / (sp.spec_n - 1.0)) * (sp.spec_wl_long - sp.spec_wl_short) + 0.5); sprintf (buf, "SPEC_%03d", nm); if ((spi[j] = icg->find_field (icg, 0, buf)) < 0) error ("Input file doesn't contain field %s", buf); if (icg->t[0].ftype[spi[j]] != r_t) error("Field %s is wrong type - expect float",buf); } if (isemis) { illum = icxIT_none; } /* copy fields to output file (except spectral if nospec) */ for (i = 0; i < icg->t[0].nfields; i++) { if (nospec) { for (j = 0; nospec && j < sp.spec_n; j++) { if (spi[j] == i) { break; /* Yes it is */ } } if (j < sp.spec_n) continue; /* Skip it */ } ocg->add_field (ocg, 0, icg->t[0].fsym[i], icg->t[0].ftype[i]); } /* create field for XYZ and Lab if not present */ if ((Xi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "XYZ_X")) < 0) if ((Xi = ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "XYZ_X", r_t)) < 0) error ("Cannot add field to table"); if ((Yi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "XYZ_Y")) < 0) if ((Yi = ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "XYZ_Y", r_t)) < 0) error ("Cannot add field to table"); if ((Zi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "XYZ_Z")) < 0) if ((Zi = ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "XYZ_Z", r_t)) < 0) error ("Cannot add field to table"); if ((Li = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "LAB_L")) < 0) if ((Li = ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_L", r_t)) < 0) error ("Cannot add field to table"); if ((ai = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "LAB_A")) < 0) if ((ai = ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_A", r_t)) < 0) error ("Cannot add field to table"); if ((bi = icg->find_field(icg, 0, "LAB_B")) < 0) if ((bi = ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_B", r_t)) < 0) error ("Cannot add field to table"); oXi = Xi; oYi = Yi; oZi = Zi; oLi = Li; oai = ai; obi = bi; /* allocate elements */ if ((elems = (cgats_set_elem *) calloc(ocg->t[0].nfields, sizeof(cgats_set_elem))) == NULL) { error("Out of memory"); } /* If CIE calculation illuminant is not standard, compute it's white point */ if (illum != icxIT_D50) { ill_wp = _ill_wp; /* Compute XYZ of illuminant */ if (icx_ill_sp2XYZ(ill_wp, observ, cust_observ, illum, 0.0, &cust_illum) != 0) error("icx_ill_sp2XYZ returned error"); } /* Create a spectral conversion object */ if ((sp2cie = new_xsp2cie(illum, &cust_illum, observ, cust_observ, icSigXYZData, icxClamp)) == NULL) { error ("Creation of spectral conversion object failed"); } if (fwacomp && devspace == icmSigDefaultData) { // In theory could fake white spectra by accumulating max of // all values as an alternative. error ("No device values, so can't locate white patch for FWA compensation"); } if (fwacomp) { double nw = 0.0; /* Number of media white patches */ rmwsp = sp; /* Initial Struct copy */ /* Find the media white spectral reflectance */ for (j = 0; j < rmwsp.spec_n; j++) rmwsp.spec[j] = 0.0; /* Compute the mean of all the media white patches */ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) { int use = 0; if (devspace == icSigGrayData) { if (isAdditive) { if (*((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][ci]) > (100.0 - 0.1)) use = 1; } else { if (*((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][ci]) < 0.1) use = 1; } } else if (devspace == icSigRgbData) { if (*((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][ci]) > (100.0 - 0.1) && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][mi]) > (100.0 - 0.1) && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][yi]) > (100.0 - 0.1)) use = 1; } else if (devspace == icSigCmyData) { if (*((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][ci]) < 0.1 && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][mi]) < 0.1 && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][yi]) < 0.1) use = 1; } else { /* Assume CMYK */ if (*((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][ci]) < 0.1 && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][mi]) < 0.1 && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][yi]) < 0.1 && *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][ki]) < 0.1) { use = 1; } } if (use) { /* Read the spectral values for this patch */ for (j = 0; j < rmwsp.spec_n; j++) { rmwsp.spec[j] += *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]); } nw++; } } if (nw == 0.0) { warning("Can't find a media white patch to compute white reference"); warning("Using maximum of all spectral readings instead"); /* Track the maximum reflectance for any band to determine white. */ /* This might give bogus results if there is no white patch... */ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) { for (j = 0; j < rmwsp.spec_n; j++) { double rv = *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]); if (rv > rmwsp.spec[j]) rmwsp.spec[j] = rv; } } nw++; } for (j = 0; j < rmwsp.spec_n; j++) { rmwsp.spec[j] /= nw; /* Compute average */ } mwsp = rmwsp; /* Structure copy */ } if (fwacomp) { instType itype; /* Spectral instrument type */ xspect insp; /* Instrument illuminant */ if (inst_illum == icxIT_none) { /* try to get from .ti3 file */ if ((ti = icg->find_kword (icg, 0, "TARGET_INSTRUMENT")) < 0) error ("Can't find target instrument needed for FWA compensation"); if ((itype = inst_enum (icg->t[0].kdata[ti])) == instUnknown) error ("Unrecognised target instrument '%s'", icg->t[0].kdata[ti]); if (inst_illuminant (&insp, itype) != 0) error ("Instrument doesn't have an FWA illuminent"); } else if (inst_illum == icxIT_custom) { insp = inst_cust_illum; /* Structure copy */ } else { if (standardIlluminant(&insp, inst_illum, 0) != 0) error ("Failed to find standard illuminant"); } /* If we are setting a specific simulated instrument illuminant */ if (tillum != icxIT_none) { tillump = &cust_tillum; if (tillum != icxIT_custom) { if (standardIlluminant(tillump, tillum, 0.0)) { error("simulated inst. illum. not recognised"); } } } /* Enable FWA, and use tillump as instrument illuminant if */ /* it is set, else use observer illuminant set by new_xsp2cie(). */ /* (Note that sp and mwsp.norm is set to 100.0) */ if (sp2cie->set_fwa(sp2cie, &insp, tillump, &mwsp)) error ("Set FWA on sp2cie failed"); if (verb) { double FWAc; sp2cie->get_fwa_info(sp2cie, &FWAc); printf("FWA content = %f\n",FWAc); } /* Create an FWA compensated white spectrum and XYZ value */ sp2cie->sconvert (sp2cie, &rmwsp, mwXYZ, &mwsp); } /* If CIE conversion illuminant is non-standard, add it to the output */ if (ill_wp != NULL) { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf,"%f %f %f", ill_wp[0], ill_wp[1], ill_wp[2]); ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "ILLUMINANT_WHITE_POINT_XYZ",buf, NULL); } /* Transform patches from spectral to CIE */ for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) { xspect corr_sp; /* copy all input colums to output (except spectral if nospec) */ for (jj = j = 0; j < icg->t[0].nfields; j++) { if (nospec) { /* See if this is a spectral field */ for (k = 0; nospec && k < sp.spec_n; k++) { if (spi[k] == j) break; } /* It is a spectral field */ if (k < sp.spec_n) { continue; /* Skip it */ } } /* Correct the other fields location in output */ if (j == Xi) oXi = jj; if (j == Yi) oYi = jj; if (j == Zi) oZi = jj; if (j == Li) oLi = jj; if (j == ai) oai = jj; if (j == bi) obi = jj; switch (icg->t[0].ftype[j]) { case r_t: elems[jj].d = *((double *) icg->t[0].fdata[i][j]); break; case i_t: elems[jj].i = *((int *) icg->t[0].fdata[i][j]); break; default: elems[jj].c = (char *) icg->t[0].fdata[i][j]; } jj++; } /* Read the spectral values for this patch */ for (j = 0; j < sp.spec_n; j++) { sp.spec[j] = *((double *)icg->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]); } if (fwacomp) { corr_sp = sp; /* Copy spectrum */ /* Convert it to CIE space */ sp2cie->sconvert (sp2cie, &corr_sp, XYZ, &sp); /* Write the corrected spectral values for this patch */ if (nospec == 0) { for (j = 0; j < sp.spec_n; j++) { elems[spi[j]].d = sp.spec[j] = corr_sp.spec[j]; } } } /* No FWA comp */ else { /* Convert it to CIE space */ sp2cie->convert (sp2cie, XYZ, &sp); } /* Could use sp2cie->get_cie_il() to get CIE white point */ /* if we wanted to return L*a*b* relative to that. */ /* We would have to mark that in the .ti3 though. */ /* This won't work for emmisive though, since get_cie_il() will return 'E' */ icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, Lab, XYZ); #ifdef ALLOW_PLOT if (doplot) { int ii; double xx[XRES]; double y1[XRES]; printf("Patch %d, XYZ = %f %f %f, Lab = %f %f %f\n",i, XYZ[0], XYZ[1], XYZ[2], Lab[0], Lab[1], Lab[2]); /* Plot spectrum out */ for (ii = 0; ii < XRES; ii++) { double ww; ww = (sp.spec_wl_long - sp.spec_wl_short) * ((double)ii/(XRES-1.0)) + sp.spec_wl_short; xx[ii] = ww; y1[ii] = value_xspect(&sp, ww); } do_plot(xx,y1,NULL,NULL,ii); } #endif elems[oXi].d = XYZ[0] * 100.0; elems[oYi].d = XYZ[1] * 100.0; elems[oZi].d = XYZ[2] * 100.0; elems[oLi].d = Lab[0]; elems[oai].d = Lab[1]; elems[obi].d = Lab[2]; ocg->add_setarr(ocg, 0, elems); } if (ocg->write_name(ocg, out_ti3_name)) { error ("Write error: %s", ocg->err); } sp2cie->del (sp2cie); /* Done with this */ ocg->del (ocg); /* Clean up */ icg->del (icg); /* Clean up */ free (elems); } return 0; }