# JAM style makefile for libusb-win32, to create .inf files. # This doesn't make the drivers themselves. # (you need the Server 2003 DDK 64 & 32 bit build enironmantes, # and then run ddk_build.cmd. This will then run # build in libusb/os. ) #PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCOPTFLAG) ; # Turn optimisation on PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCDEBUGFLAG) ; # Debugging flags #PREF_CCFLAGS = $(CCHEAPDEBUG) ; # Heap Debugging flags PREF_LINKFLAGS = $(LINKDEBUGFLAG) ; # Link debugging flags #Products #Libraries = ; #Executables = ; #Headers = ; #Install #InstallBin $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin : $(Executables) ; #InstallFile $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/h : $(Headers) ; #InstallLib $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib : $(Libraries) ; if [ GLOB $(PATH) : sed sed.exe ] { Echo "sed seems to be available" ; CREATE_INFS = true ; } else { CREATE_INFS = false ; } # Create ArgyllCMS.inf from the template and device list if $(CREATE_INFS) = true { local _i _t _d ; NDepends files : ArgyllCMS.inf ; NDepends install : ArgyllCMS.inf ArgyllCMS.cat ArgyllCMS_x64.cat ; _i = [ NormPaths ArgyllCMS.inf ] ; _t = [ NormPaths ArgyllCMS.inf.t ] ; _d = [ NormPaths ArgyllCMS.inf.d ] ; File ArgyllCMS.inf : ArgyllCMS.inf.t ; GenFileNND ArgyllCMS.inf : "sed s/#PLAT#// $(_d) >> $(_i)" : ArgyllCMS.inf.t ArgyllCMS.inf.d ; GenFileNND ArgyllCMS.inf : "sed s/#PLAT#/.NTx86/ $(_d) >> $(_i)" : ArgyllCMS.inf.t ArgyllCMS.inf.d ; GenFileNND ArgyllCMS.inf : "sed s/#PLAT#/.NTamd64/ $(_d) >> $(_i)" : ArgyllCMS.inf.t ArgyllCMS.inf.d ; # If we have the tools and the .inf file has changed, # create valid (but unsigned) .cat files. if $(NT) && [ GLOB $(PATH) : inf2cat.exe ] { _b = [ NormPaths makecat.bat ] ; # echo "SUBDIR = '" $(SUBDIR) "'" ; GenFileNNDnc ArgyllCMS.cat : $(_b) $(SUBDIR) : ArgyllCMS.inf ; } }