#ifndef BT1886_H #define BT1886_H /* * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 16/8/13 * Version: 1.00 * * Copyright 2013, 2014 Graeme W. Gill * All rights reserved. * * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUB LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. * */ /* BT.1886 type input offset transfer curve, */ /* + general gamma + input + output offset curve support. */ typedef struct { icmXYZNumber w; /* White point for Lab conversion */ double ingo; /* input Y offset for bt1886 */ double outsc; /* output Y scale for bt1886 */ double outo; /* output Y offset */ double outL; /* output black point L value */ double tab[2]; /* Target ab offset value at zero input for bt1886 */ double gamma; /* bt.1886 technical gamma to apply */ } bt1886_info; /* Set the bt1886_info to a default do nothing state */ void bt1886_setnop(bt1886_info *p); /* Setup the bt1886_info for the given target */ void bt1886_setup( bt1886_info *p, icmXYZNumber *w, /* wp used for L*a*b* conversion */ double *XYZbp, /* normalised bp used for black offset and black point hue "bend" */ double outoprop, /* 0..1 proportion of output black point compensation */ double gamma, /* technical or effective gamma */ int effg /* nz if effective gamma, z if technical gamma */ ); /* Apply BT.1886 eotf curve to the device RGB value */ /* to produce a linear light RGB. We pass xvYCC out of range values through. */ void bt1886_fwd_curve(bt1886_info *p, double *out, double *in); /* Apply BT.1886 processing black point hue adjustment to the XYZ value */ void bt1886_wp_adjust(bt1886_info *p, double *out, double *in); /* Apply inverse BT.1886 eotf curve to the device RGB value */ /* to produce a linear light RGB. We pass xvYCC out of range values through. */ void bt1886_bwd_curve(bt1886_info *p, double *out, double *in); /* Apply inverse BT.1886 processing black point hue adjustment to the XYZ value */ void bt1886_inv_wp_adjust(bt1886_info *p, double *out, double *in); #endif /* BT1886_H */