/* * cam97s3hk * * Color Appearance Model, based on * CIECAM97, "Revision for Practical Applications" * by Mark D. Fairchild, with the addition of the Viewing Flare * model described on page 487 of "Digital Color Management", * by Edward Giorgianni and Thomas Madden, and the * Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect, using the equation * the Bradford-Hunt 96C model as detailed in Mark Fairchilds * book "Color Appearance Models". * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 5/10/00 * Version: 1.20 * * Copyright 2000, 2002 Graeme W. Gill * Please refer to COPYRIGHT file for details. * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. */ /* Note that XYZ values are normalised to 1.0 consistent */ /* with the ICC convention (not 100.0 as assumed by the CIECAM spec.) */ /* Note that all whites are assumed to be normalised (ie. Y = 1.0) */ /* Various changes have been made to allow the CAM conversions to */ /* function over a much greater range of XYZ and Jab values that */ /* the functions are described in the above references. This is */ /* because such values arise in the process of gamut mapping, and */ /* in scanning through the grid of PCS values needed to fill in */ /* the A2B table of an ICC profile. Such values have no correlation */ /* to a real color value, but none the less need to be handled without */ /* causing an exception, in a geometrically consistent and reversible */ /* fashion. */ #include #include #include #include "xcam.h" #include "cam97s3.h" #undef DIAG /* Print internal value diagnostics for each conversion */ #define CAM_PI 3.14159265359 /* Utility function */ /* Return a viewing condition enumeration from the given Ambient and */ /* Adapting/Surround Luminance. */ static ViewingCondition cam97_Ambient2VC( double La, /* Ambient Luminance (cd/m^2) */ double Lv /* Luminance of white in the Viewing/Scene/Image field (cd/m^2) */ ) { double r; if (fabs(La) < 1e-10) /* Hmm. */ r = 1.0; else r = La/Lv; if (r < 0.01) return vc_dark; if (r < 0.2) return vc_dim; return vc_average; } static void cam_free(cam97s3 *s); static int set_view(struct _cam97s3 *s, ViewingCondition Ev, double Wxyz[3], double La, double Yb, double Lv, double Yf, double Fxyz[3], int hk); static int XYZ_to_cam(struct _cam97s3 *s, double *Jab, double *xyz); static int cam_to_XYZ(struct _cam97s3 *s, double *xyz, double *Jab); /* Create a cam97s3 conversion object, with default viewing conditions */ cam97s3 *new_cam97s3(void) { cam97s3 *s; // double D50[3] = { 0.9642, 1.0000, 0.8249 }; if ((s = (cam97s3 *)calloc(1, sizeof(cam97s3))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"cam97s3: malloc failed allocating object\n"); exit(-1); } /* Initialise methods */ s->del = cam_free; s->set_view = set_view; s->XYZ_to_cam = XYZ_to_cam; s->cam_to_XYZ = cam_to_XYZ; /* Set a default viewing condition ?? */ /* set_view(s, vc_average, D50, 33.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, D50, 0); */ return s; } static void cam_free(cam97s3 *s) { if (s != NULL) free(s); } /* A version of the pow() function that preserves the */ /* sign of its first argument. */ static double spow(double x, double y) { return x < 0.0 ? -pow(-x,y) : pow(x,y); } static int set_view( cam97s3 *s, ViewingCondition Ev, /* Enumerated Viewing Condition */ double Wxyz[3], /* Reference/Adapted White XYZ (Y range 0.0 .. 1.0) */ double La, /* Adapting/Surround Luminance cd/m^2 */ double Yb, /* Relative Luminance of Background to reference white */ double Lv, /* Luminance of white in the Viewing/Scene/Image field (cd/m^2) */ /* Ignored if Ev is set to other than vc_none */ double Yf, /* Flare as a fraction of the reference white (Y range 0.0 .. 1.0) */ double Fxyz[3], /* The Flare white coordinates (typically the Ambient color) */ int hk /* Flag, NZ to use Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect */ ) { double tt; if (Ev == vc_none) /* Compute enumerated viewing condition */ Ev = cam97_Ambient2VC(La, Lv); /* Transfer parameters to the object */ s->Ev = Ev; s->Wxyz[0] = Wxyz[0]; s->Wxyz[1] = Wxyz[1]; s->Wxyz[2] = Wxyz[2]; s->Yb = Yb > 0.005 ? Yb : 0.005; /* Set minimum to avoid divide by 0.0 */ s->La = La; s->Yf = Yf; s->Fxyz[0] = Fxyz[0]; s->Fxyz[1] = Fxyz[1]; s->Fxyz[2] = Fxyz[2]; s->hk = hk; /* Compute the internal parameters by category */ switch(s->Ev) { case vc_dark: s->C = 0.525; s->Nc = 0.8; s->F = 0.9; break; case vc_dim: s->C = 0.59; s->Nc = 0.95; s->F = 0.9; break; case vc_cut_sheet: s->C = 0.41; s->Nc = 0.8; s->F = 0.9; break; default: /* average */ s->C = 0.69; s->Nc = 1.0; s->F = 1.0; break; } /* Compute values that only change with viewing parameters */ /* Figure out the Flare contribution to the flareless XYZ input */ tt = s->Yf * s->Wxyz[1]/s->Fxyz[1]; s->Fsxyz[0] = tt * s->Fxyz[0]; s->Fsxyz[1] = tt * s->Fxyz[1]; s->Fsxyz[2] = tt * s->Fxyz[2]; /* Rescale so that the sum of the flare and the input doesn't exceed white */ s->Fsc = s->Wxyz[1]/(s->Fsxyz[1] + s->Wxyz[1]); s->Fsxyz[0] *= s->Fsc; s->Fsxyz[1] *= s->Fsc; s->Fsxyz[2] *= s->Fsc; s->Fisc = 1.0/s->Fsc; /* Sharpened cone response white values */ s->rgbW[0] = 0.8562 * s->Wxyz[0] + 0.3372 * s->Wxyz[1] - 0.1934 * s->Wxyz[2]; s->rgbW[1] = -0.8360 * s->Wxyz[0] + 1.8327 * s->Wxyz[1] + 0.0033 * s->Wxyz[2]; s->rgbW[2] = 0.0357 * s->Wxyz[0] - 0.0469 * s->Wxyz[1] + 1.0112 * s->Wxyz[2]; /* Degree of chromatic adaptation */ s->D = s->F - (s->F / (1.0 + 2.0 * pow(s->La, 0.25) + s->La * s->La / 300.0) ); /* Chromaticaly transformed white value */ s->rgbcW[0] = (s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[0]) + 1.0 - s->D ) * s->rgbW[0]; s->rgbcW[1] = (s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[1]) + 1.0 - s->D ) * s->rgbW[1]; s->rgbcW[2] = (s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[2]) + 1.0 - s->D ) * s->rgbW[2]; /* Transform from spectrally sharpened, to Hunt-Pointer_Estevez cone space */ s->rgbpW[0] = 0.6962394300923847 * s->rgbcW[0] + 0.2492311682812913 * s->rgbcW[1] + 0.0545394016263241 * s->rgbcW[2]; s->rgbpW[1] = 0.3054822636273227 * s->rgbcW[0] + 0.5921282520433844 * s->rgbcW[1] + 0.1023894843292929 * s->rgbcW[2]; s->rgbpW[2] = -0.0139683251072516 * s->rgbcW[0] + 0.0278065725014340 * s->rgbcW[1] + 0.9861617526058175 * s->rgbcW[2]; /* Background induction factor */ s->n = s->Yb/ s->Wxyz[1]; s->nn = pow((1.64 - pow(0.29, s->n)), 1.41); /* Pre computed value */ /* Lightness contrast factor ?? */ { double k; k = 1.0 / (5.0 * s->La + 1.0); s->Fl = 0.2 * pow(k , 4.0) * 5.0 * s->La + 0.1 * pow(1.0 - pow(k , 4.0) , 2.0) * pow(5.0 * s->La , 1.0/3.0); } /* Background and Chromatic brightness induction factors */ s->Nbb = 0.725 * pow(1.0/s->n, 0.2); s->Ncb = s->Nbb; /* Base exponential nonlinearity */ s->z = 1.0 + pow(s->n , 0.5); /* Post-adapted cone response of white */ tt = pow(s->Fl * s->rgbpW[0], 0.73); s->rgbaW[0] = (40.0 * tt / (tt + 2.0)) + 1.0; tt = pow(s->Fl * s->rgbpW[1], 0.73); s->rgbaW[1] = (40.0 * tt / (tt + 2.0)) + 1.0; tt = pow(s->Fl * s->rgbpW[2], 0.73); s->rgbaW[2] = (40.0 * tt / (tt + 2.0)) + 1.0; /* Achromatic response of white */ s->Aw = (2.0 * s->rgbaW[0] + s->rgbaW[1] + (1.0/20.0) * s->rgbaW[2] - 3.05) * s->Nbb; #ifdef DIAG printf("Scene parameters:\n"); printf("Viewing condition Ev = %d\n",s->Ev); printf("Ref white Wxyz = %f %f %f\n", s->Wxyz[0], s->Wxyz[1], s->Wxyz[2]); printf("Relative liminance of background Yb = %f\n", s->Yb); printf("Adapting liminance La = %f\n", s->La); printf("Flare Yf = %f\n", s->Yf); printf("Flare color Fxyz = %f %f %f\n", s->Fxyz[0], s->Fxyz[1], s->Fxyz[2]); printf("Internal parameters:\n"); printf("Surround Impact C = %f\n", s->C); printf("Chromatic Induction Nc = %f\n", s->Nc); printf("Adaptation Degree F = %f\n", s->F); printf("Pre-computed values\n"); printf("Sharpened cone white rgbW = %f %f %f\n", s->rgbW[0], s->rgbW[1], s->rgbW[2]); printf("Degree of chromatic adaptation D = %f\n", s->D); printf("Chromatically transformed white rgbcW = %f %f %f\n", s->rgbcW[0], s->rgbcW[1], s->rgbcW[2]); printf("Hunter-P-E cone response white rgbpW = %f %f %f\n", s->rgbpW[0], s->rgbpW[1], s->rgbpW[2]); printf("Background induction factor n = %f\n", s->n); printf("Lightness contrast factor Fl = %f\n", s->Fl); printf("Background brightness induction factor Nbb = %f\n", s->Nbb); printf("Chromatic brightness induction factor Ncb = %f\n", s->Ncb); printf("Base exponential nonlinearity z = %f\n", s->z); printf("Post adapted cone response white rgbaW = %f %f %f\n", s->rgbaW[0], s->rgbaW[1], s->rgbaW[2]); printf("Achromatic response of white Aw = %f\n", s->Aw); #endif return 0; } /* Conversions */ static int XYZ_to_cam( struct _cam97s3 *s, double Jab[3], double XYZ[3] ) { int i; double xyz[3], rgb[3], rgbp[3], rgba[3], rgbc[3]; double a, b, nab, J, C, h, e, A, ss; double ttd, tt; /* Add in flare */ xyz[0] = s->Fsc * XYZ[0] + s->Fsxyz[0]; xyz[1] = s->Fsc * XYZ[1] + s->Fsxyz[1]; xyz[2] = s->Fsc * XYZ[2] + s->Fsxyz[2]; /* Spectrally sharpened cone responses */ rgb[0] = 0.8562 * xyz[0] + 0.3372 * xyz[1] - 0.1934 * xyz[2]; rgb[1] = -0.8360 * xyz[0] + 1.8327 * xyz[1] + 0.0033 * xyz[2]; rgb[2] = 0.0357 * xyz[0] - 0.0469 * xyz[1] + 1.0112 * xyz[2]; /* Chromaticaly transformed sample value */ rgbc[0] = (s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[0]) + 1.0 - s->D ) * rgb[0]; rgbc[1] = (s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[1]) + 1.0 - s->D ) * rgb[1]; rgbc[2] = (s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[2]) + 1.0 - s->D ) * rgb[2]; /* Transform from spectrally sharpened, to Hunt-Pointer_Estevez cone space */ rgbp[0] = 0.6962394300923847 * rgbc[0] + 0.2492311682812913 * rgbc[1] + 0.0545394016263241 * rgbc[2]; rgbp[1] = 0.3054822636273227 * rgbc[0] + 0.5921282520433844 * rgbc[1] + 0.1023894843292929 * rgbc[2]; rgbp[2] = -0.0139683251072516 * rgbc[0] + 0.0278065725014340 * rgbc[1] + 0.9861617526058175 * rgbc[2]; /* Post-adapted cone response of sample. */ /* rgba[] has a minimum value of 1.0 for XYZ[] = 0 and no flare. */ /* We add linear segments at the ends of this conversion to */ /* allow numerical handling of a wider range of values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (rgbp[i] < 0.0) { tt = pow(s->Fl * -rgbp[i], 0.73); if (tt < 78.0) rgba[i] = (2.0 - 39.0 * tt) / (tt + 2.0); else rgba[i] = (2.0 - tt) / 2.0; } else { tt = pow(s->Fl * rgbp[i], 0.73); if (tt < 78.0) rgba[i] = (41.0 * tt + 2.0) / (tt + 2.0); else rgba[i] = (tt + 2.0) / 2.0; } } /* Preliminary red-green & yellow-blue opponent dimensions */ a = rgba[0] - 12.0 * rgba[1]/11.0 + rgba[2]/11.0; b = (1.0/9.0) * (rgba[0] + rgba[1] - 2.0 * rgba[2]); nab = sqrt(a * a + b * b); /* Normalised a, b */ /* Hue angle */ h = (180.0/CAM_PI) * atan2(b,a); h = (h < 0.0) ? h + 360.0 : h; /* Eccentricity factor */ { double r, e1, e2, h1, h2; if (h <= 20.14) e1 = 0.8565, e2 = 0.8, h1 = 0.0, h2 = 20.14; else if (h <= 90.0) e1 = 0.8, e2 = 0.7, h1 = 20.14, h2 = 90.0; else if (h <= 164.25) e1 = 0.7, e2 = 1.0, h1 = 90.0, h2 = 164.25; else if (h <= 237.53) e1 = 1.0, e2 = 1.2, h1 = 164.25, h2 = 237.53; else e1 = 1.2, e2 = 0.8565, h1 = 237.53, h2 = 360.0; r = (h-h1)/(h2-h1); #ifdef CIECAM97S3_SPLINE_E r = r * r * (3.0 - 2.0 * r); #endif e = e1 + r * (e2-e1); } /* Achromatic response */ /* Note that the minimum values of rgba[] for XYZ = 0 is 1.0, */ /* hence magic 3.05 below comes from the following weighting of rgba[], */ /* to base A at 0.0 */ A = (2.0 * rgba[0] + rgba[1] + (1.0/20.0) * rgba[2] - 3.05) * s->Nbb; /* Lightness */ J = spow(A/s->Aw, s->C * s->z); /* J/100 - keep Sign */ /* Saturation */ /* Note that the minimum values for rgba[] for XYZ = 0 is 1.0 */ /* Hence magic 3.05 below comes from the following weighting of rgba[] */ ttd = rgba[0] + rgba[1] + (21.0/20.0) * rgba[2]; ttd = fabs(ttd); if (ttd < 3.05) { /* If not physically realisable, limit denominator */ ttd = 3.05; /* hence limit max ss value */ } ss = (50000.0/13.0 * s->Nc * s->Ncb * nab * e) / ttd; /* Chroma - Keep C +ve and make sure J doesn't force it to 0 */ tt = fabs(J); if (tt < 0.01) tt = 0.01; C = 0.7487 * pow(ss, 0.973) * pow(tt, 0.945 * s->n) * s->nn; /* Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect */ if (s->hk) { double kk = C/300.0 * sin(CAM_PI * fabs(0.5 * (h - 90.0))/180.0); if (kk > 0.9) /* Limit kk to a reasonable range */ kk = 0.9; J = J + (1.0 - J) * kk; } J *= 100.0; /* Scale J */ /* Compute Jab value */ Jab[0] = J; if (nab > 1e-10) { Jab[1] = C * a/nab; Jab[2] = C * b/nab; } else { Jab[1] = 0.0; Jab[2] = 0.0; } #ifdef DIAG printf("Processing:\n"); printf("XYZ = %f %f %f\n", XYZ[0], XYZ[1], XYZ[2]); printf("Including flare XYZ = %f %f %f\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); printf("Sharpened cone sample rgb = %f %f %f\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); printf("Chromatically transformed sample value rgbc = %f %f %f\n", rgbc[0], rgbc[1], rgbc[2]); printf("Hunt-P-E cone space rgbp = %f %f %f\n", rgbp[0], rgbp[1], rgbp[2]); printf("Post adapted cone response rgba = %f %f %f\n", rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]); printf("Prelim red green a = %f, b = %f\n", a, b); printf("Hue angle h = %f\n", h); printf("Eccentricity factor e = %f\n", e); printf("Achromatic response A = %f\n", A); printf("Lightness J = %f\n", J); printf("Saturation ss = %f\n", ss); printf("Chroma C = %f\n", C); printf("Jab = %f %f %f\n", Jab[0], Jab[1], Jab[2]); #endif return 0; } static int cam_to_XYZ( struct _cam97s3 *s, double XYZ[3], double Jab[3] ) { int i; double xyz[3], rgb[3], rgbp[3], rgba[3], rgbc[3]; double ja, jb, aa, ab, a, b, J, C, h, e, A, ss; double tt, ttA, tte; J = Jab[0] * 0.01; /* J/100 */ ja = Jab[1]; jb = Jab[2]; /* Compute hue angle */ h = (180.0/CAM_PI) * atan2(jb, ja); h = (h < 0.0) ? h + 360.0 : h; /* Compute chroma value */ C = sqrt(ja * ja + jb * jb); /* Must be Always +ve */ /* Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect */ if (s->hk) { double kk = C/300.0 * sin(CAM_PI * fabs(0.5 * (h - 90.0))/180.0); if (kk > 0.9) /* Limit kk to a reasonable range */ kk = 0.9; J = (J - kk)/(1.0 - kk); } /* Eccentricity factor */ { double r, e1, e2, h1, h2; if (h <= 20.14) e1 = 0.8565, e2 = 0.8, h1 = 0.0, h2 = 20.14; else if (h <= 90.0) e1 = 0.8, e2 = 0.7, h1 = 20.14, h2 = 90.0; else if (h <= 164.25) e1 = 0.7, e2 = 1.0, h1 = 90.0, h2 = 164.25; else if (h <= 237.53) e1 = 1.0, e2 = 1.2, h1 = 164.25, h2 = 237.53; else e1 = 1.2, e2 = 0.8565, h1 = 237.53, h2 = 360.0; r = (h-h1)/(h2-h1); #ifdef CIECAM97S3_SPLINE_E r = r * r * (3.0 - 2.0 * r); #endif e = e1 + r * (e2-e1); } /* Achromatic response */ A = spow(J, 1.0/(s->C * s->z)) * s->Aw; /* Keep sign of J */ /* Saturation - keep +ve and make sure J = 0 doesn't blow it up. */ tt = fabs(J); if (tt < 0.01) tt = 0.01; ss = pow(C/(0.7487 * pow(tt, 0.945 * s->n) * s->nn), 1.0/0.973); /* keep +ve */ /* Compute a & b, taking care of numerical problems */ aa = fabs(ja); ab = fabs(jb); ttA = (A/s->Nbb)+3.05; /* Common factor */ tte = 50000.0/13.0 * e * s->Nc * s->Ncb; /* Common factor */ if (aa < 1e-10 && ab < 1e-10) { a = ja; b = jb; } else if (aa > ab) { double tanh = jb/ja; double sign = (h > 90.0 && h <= 270.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; if (ttA < 0.0) sign = -sign; a = (ss * ttA) / (sign * sqrt(1.0 + tanh * tanh) * tte + (ss * (11.0/23.0 + (108.0/23.0) * tanh))); b = a * tanh; } else { /* ab > aa */ double itanh = ja/jb; double sign = (h > 180.0 && h <= 360.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; if (ttA < 0.0) sign = -sign; b = (ss * ttA) / (sign * sqrt(1.0 + itanh * itanh) * tte + (ss * (108.0/23.0 + (11.0/23.0) * itanh))); a = b * itanh; } { /* Check if we have a limited saturation because it is non-realisable */ double tts; double nab = sqrt(a * a + b * b); /* Normalised a, b */ tts = (nab * tte) / 3.05; /* Limited saturation number */ if (tts < ss) { /* Saturation exceeds it anyway so must have limited denom. */ a *= ss/tts; /* Rescale a & b to account for extra ss */ b *= ss/tts; /* even though denom was limited (since nab was in numerator). */ } } /* Post-adapted cone response of sample */ rgba[0] = (20.0/61.0) * ttA + ((41.0 * 11.0)/(61.0 * 23.0)) * a + ((288.0 * 1.0)/(61.0 * 23.0)) * b; rgba[1] = (20.0/61.0) * ttA - ((81.0 * 11.0)/(61.0 * 23.0)) * a - ((261.0 * 1.0)/(61.0 * 23.0)) * b; rgba[2] = (20.0/61.0) * ttA - ((20.0 * 11.0)/(61.0 * 23.0)) * a - ((20.0 * 315.0)/(61.0 * 23.0)) * b; /* Hunt-Pointer_Estevez cone space */ /* (with linear segments at the ends0 */ tt = 1.0/s->Fl; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (rgba[i] < 1.0) { double ta = rgba[i] > -38.0 ? rgba[i] : -38.0; rgbp[i] = -tt * pow((2.0 - 2.0 * rgba[i] )/(39.0+ ta), 1.0/0.73); } else { double ta = rgba[i] < 40.0 ? rgba[i] : 40.0; rgbp[i] = tt * pow((2.0 * rgba[i] -2.0)/(41.0 - ta), 1.0/0.73); } } /* Chromaticaly transformed sample value */ rgbc[0] = 1.7605948990728097 * rgbp[0] - 0.7400833814121892 * rgbp[1] - 0.0205291236096116 * rgbp[2]; rgbc[1] = -0.9170843265341294 * rgbp[0] + 2.0826033118941054 * rgbp[1] - 0.1655098145167107 * rgbp[2]; rgbc[2] = 0.0507964678367941 * rgbp[0] - 0.0692054676442407 * rgbp[1] + 1.0184084918427683 * rgbp[2]; /* Spectrally sharpened cone responses */ rgb[0] = rgbc[0]/(s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[0]) + 1.0 - s->D); rgb[1] = rgbc[1]/(s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[1]) + 1.0 - s->D); rgb[2] = rgbc[2]/(s->D * (1.0/s->rgbW[2]) + 1.0 - s->D); /* XYZ values */ xyz[0] = 0.9873999149199270 * rgb[0] - 0.1768250198556842 * rgb[1] + 0.1894251049357572 * rgb[2]; xyz[1] = 0.4504351090445316 * rgb[0] + 0.4649328977527109 * rgb[1] + 0.0846319932027575 * rgb[2]; xyz[2] = -0.0139683251072516 * rgb[0] + 0.0278065725014340 * rgb[1] + 0.9861617526058175 * rgb[2]; /* Subtract flare */ XYZ[0] = s->Fisc * (xyz[0] - s->Fsxyz[0]); XYZ[1] = s->Fisc * (xyz[1] - s->Fsxyz[1]); XYZ[2] = s->Fisc * (xyz[2] - s->Fsxyz[2]); #ifdef DIAG printf("Processing:\n"); printf("Jab = %f %f %f\n", Jab[0], Jab[1], Jab[2]); printf("Chroma C = %f\n", C); printf("Saturation ss = %f\n", ss); printf("Lightness J = %f\n", J * 100.0); printf("Achromatic response A = %f\n", A); printf("Eccentricity factor e = %f\n", e); printf("Hue angle h = %f\n", h); printf("Prelim red green a = %f, b = %f\n", a, b); printf("Post adapted cone response rgba = %f %f %f\n", rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]); printf("Hunt-P-E cone space rgbp = %f %f %f\n", rgbp[0], rgbp[1], rgbp[2]); printf("Chromatically transformed sample value rgbc = %f %f %f\n", rgbc[0], rgbc[1], rgbc[2]); printf("Sharpened cone sample rgb = %f %f %f\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); printf("Including flare XYZ = %f %f %f\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); printf("XYZ = %f %f %f\n", XYZ[0], XYZ[1], XYZ[2]); #endif return 0; }