/* * International Color Consortium Format Library (icclib) * View the gamut clipping implemented by the bwd profile. * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 2000/12/8 * Version: 1.23 * * Copyright 2000 Graeme W. Gill * Please refer to License.txt file for details. */ /* TTBD: * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "copyright.h" #include "aconfig.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "icc.h" #include "vrml.h" #define TRES 43 /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* Return maximum difference */ double maxdiff(double in1[3], double in2[3]) { double tt, rv = 0.0; if ((tt = fabs(in1[0] - in2[0])) > rv) rv = tt; if ((tt = fabs(in1[1] - in2[1])) > rv) rv = tt; if ((tt = fabs(in1[2] - in2[2])) > rv) rv = tt; return rv; } /* Return absolute difference */ double absdiff(double in1[3], double in2[3]) { double tt, rv = 0.0; tt = in1[0] - in2[0]; rv += tt * tt; tt = in1[1] - in2[1]; rv += tt * tt; tt = in1[2] - in2[2]; rv += tt * tt; return sqrt(rv); } /* ---------------------------------------- */ void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"View bwd table clipping of an ICC file, , Version %s\n",ARGYLL_VERSION_STR); fprintf(stderr,"Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3\n"); fprintf(stderr,"usage: fbtest [-v] infile\n"); fprintf(stderr," -v verbose\n"); exit(1); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int fa,nfa; /* argument we're looking at */ int verb = 0; int doaxes = 0; char in_name[100]; char *xl, out_name[100]; icmFile *rd_fp; icc *rd_icco; int rv = 0; icColorSpaceSignature ins, outs; /* Type of input and output spaces */ /* Check variables */ int co[4]; double in[4], out[4], check[4], temp[4]; error_program = argv[0]; if (argc < 2) usage(); /* Process the arguments */ for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) { nfa = fa; /* skip to nfa if next argument is used */ if (argv[fa][0] == '-') { /* Look for any flags */ char *na = NULL; /* next argument after flag, null if none */ if (argv[fa][2] != '\000') na = &argv[fa][2]; /* next is directly after flag */ else { if ((fa+1) < argc) { if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') { nfa = fa + 1; na = argv[nfa]; /* next is seperate non-flag argument */ } } } /* Verbosity */ if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') { verb = 1; } else if (argv[fa][1] == '?') usage(); else usage(); } else break; } if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage(); strcpy(in_name,argv[fa]); strcpy(out_name, in_name); if ((xl = strrchr(out_name, '.')) == NULL) /* Figure where extention is */ xl = out_name + strlen(out_name); xl[0] = '\000'; /* Remove extension */ /* Open up the file for reading */ if ((rd_fp = new_icmFileStd_name(in_name,"r")) == NULL) error ("Read: Can't open file '%s'",in_name); if ((rd_icco = new_icc()) == NULL) error ("Read: Creation of ICC object failed"); /* Read the header and tag list */ if ((rv = rd_icco->read(rd_icco,rd_fp,0)) != 0) error ("Read: %d, %s",rv,rd_icco->err); /* Run the target Lab values through the bwd and fwd tables, */ /* to compute the overall error. */ { #define GAMUT_LCENT 50.0 double merr = 0.0; double aerr = 0.0; double nsamps = 0.0; icmLuBase *luo1, *luo2; int doaxes = 1; vrml *wrl; int i, j; /* Get a Device to PCS conversion object */ if ((luo1 = rd_icco->get_luobj(rd_icco, icmFwd, icAbsoluteColorimetric, icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL) { if ((luo1 = rd_icco->get_luobj(rd_icco, icmFwd, icmDefaultIntent, icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL) error ("%d, %s",rd_icco->errc, rd_icco->err); } /* Get details of conversion */ luo1->spaces(luo1, &ins, NULL, &outs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ins != icSigCmykData) { error("Expecting CMYK device"); } /* Get a PCS to Device conversion object */ if ((luo2 = rd_icco->get_luobj(rd_icco, icmBwd, icAbsoluteColorimetric, icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL) { if ((luo2 = rd_icco->get_luobj(rd_icco, icmBwd, icmDefaultIntent, icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL) error ("%d, %s",rd_icco->errc, rd_icco->err); } if ((wrl = new_vrml(out_name, doaxes, vrml_lab)) == NULL) { error("new_vrml for '%s%s' failed\n",out_name,vrml_ext()); } wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0); i = 0; // for (co[0] = 0; co[0] < TRES; co[0]++) { for (co[1] = 0; co[1] < TRES; co[1]++) { for (co[2] = 0; co[2] < TRES; co[2]++) { int rv1, rv2; double mxd, absd; // temp[0] = co[0]/(TRES-1.0); temp[1] = co[1]/(TRES-1.0); temp[2] = co[2]/(TRES-1.0); // in[0] = temp[0] * 100.0; in[0] = 0.0; in[1] = 200.0 * temp[1] -100.0; in[2] = 200.0 * temp[2] -100.0; /* PCS -> Device */ if ((rv2 = luo2->lookup(luo2, out, in)) > 1) error ("%d, %s",rd_icco->errc,rd_icco->err); /* Device -> PCS */ if ((rv1 = luo1->lookup(luo1, check, out)) > 1) error ("%d, %s",rd_icco->errc,rd_icco->err); if (verb) { printf("%f %f %f -> %f %f %f %f -> %f %f %f [%f]\n", in[0],in[1],in[2],out[0],out[1],out[2],out[3],check[0],check[1],check[2], maxdiff(check, in)); } /* Check the result */ mxd = maxdiff(check, in); if (mxd > merr) merr = mxd; nsamps++; absd = absdiff(check, in); aerr += absd; if (absd > 3.0) { wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, in); wrl->add_vertex(wrl, 0, check); i++; } } } // } wrl->make_lines(wrl, 0, 2); if (wrl->flush(wrl) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error writint output file '%s%s'\n",out_name,vrml_ext()); return 2; } wrl->del(wrl); printf("bwd to fwd check complete, peak err = %f, avg err = %f\n",merr,aerr/nsamps); /* Done with lookup object */ luo1->del(luo1); luo2->del(luo2); } rd_icco->del(rd_icco); rd_fp->del(rd_fp); return 0; }