/* * Argyll Color Correction System * Calibration curve class. * * Author: Graeme W. Gill * Date: 30/10/2005 * * Copyright 2005 Graeme W. Gill * All rights reserved. * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :- * see the License.txt file for licencing details. * * This class allows reading and using a calibration file. * Creation is currently left up to specialized programs (dispcal, printcal). * This class doesn't handle the extra table that dispcal creates/uses. * */ #undef DEBUG /* Input points */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "copyright.h" #include "aconfig.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "xicc.h" #ifdef NT /* You'd think there might be some standards.... */ # ifndef __BORLANDC__ # define stricmp _stricmp # endif #else # define stricmp strcasecmp #endif /* rspl setting functions */ static void xcal_rsplset(void *cbntx, double *out, double *in) { co *dpoints = (co *)cbntx; int ix; ix = *((int*)&in[-0-1]); /* Get grid index being looked up */ out[0] = dpoints[ix].v[0]; } /* Read a calibration file from a cgats table */ /* Return nz if this fails */ static int xcal_read_cgats(xcal *p, cgats *tcg, int table, char *filename) { int oi; int i, j, ti; char *ident; char *bident; int spi[1+MAX_CHAN]; /* CGATS indexes for each field */ char buf[100]; if ((oi = tcg->get_oi(tcg, "CAL")) < 0) { sprintf(p->err, "Input file '%s' can't be a CAL format file", filename); return p->errc = 1; } if (tcg->t[table].tt != tt_other || tcg->t[table].oi != oi) { sprintf(p->err, "Input file '%s' isn't a CAL format file", filename); return p->errc = 1; } /* See what sort of device type this calibration is for */ if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "DEVICE_CLASS")) < 0) { sprintf(p->err, "Calibration file '%s'doesn't contain keyword DEVICE_CLASS",filename); return p->errc = 1; } if (strcmp(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti],"INPUT") == 0) { p->devclass = icSigInputClass; } else if (strcmp(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti],"OUTPUT") == 0) { p->devclass = icSigOutputClass; } else if (strcmp(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti],"DISPLAY") == 0) { p->devclass = icSigDisplayClass; } else { sprintf(p->err,"Calibration file '%s' contain unknown DEVICE_CLASS '%s'", filename,tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); return p->errc = 1; } if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "COLOR_REP")) < 0) { /* Be backwards compatible with V1.0.4 display calibration files */ if (p->devclass != icSigDisplayClass) { sprintf(p->err, "Calibration file '%s'doesn't contain keyword COLOR_REP",filename); return p->errc = 1; } warning("\n *** Calibration file '%s'doesn't contain keyword COLOR_REP, assuming RGB ***",filename); if ((p->devmask = icx_char2inkmask("RGB") ) == 0) { sprintf(p->err, "Calibration file '%s' has unrecognized COLOR_REP '%s'", filename,tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); return p->errc = 1; } } else { if ((p->devmask = icx_char2inkmask(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]) ) == 0) { sprintf(p->err, "Calibration file '%s' has unrecognized COLOR_REP '%s'", filename,tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); return p->errc = 1; } } if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "VIDEO_LUT_CALIBRATION_POSSIBLE")) >= 0) { if (stricmp(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti], "NO") == 0) p->noramdac = 1; } p->colspace = icx_colorant_comb_to_icc(p->devmask); /* 0 if none */ p->devchan = icx_noofinks(p->devmask); ident = icx_inkmask2char(p->devmask, 1); bident = icx_inkmask2char(p->devmask, 0); /* Grab any descriptive information */ if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "MANUFACTURER")) >= 0) p->xpi.deviceMfgDesc = strdup(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "MODEL")) >= 0) p->xpi.modelDesc = strdup(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "DESCRIPTION")) >= 0) p->xpi.profDesc = strdup(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); if ((ti = tcg->find_kword(tcg, table, "COPYRIGHT")) >= 0) p->xpi.copyright = strdup(tcg->t[table].kdata[ti]); if (tcg->t[table].nsets <= 0) { sprintf(p->err, "Calibration file '%s' has too few entries %d", filename,tcg->t[table].nsets); return p->errc = 1; } /* Figure out the indexes of all the fields */ sprintf(buf, "%s_I",bident); if ((spi[0] = tcg->find_field(tcg, table, buf)) < 0) { sprintf(p->err,"Calibration file '%s' doesn't contain field '%s'", filename,buf); return p->errc = 1; } for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { inkmask imask = icx_index2ink(p->devmask, j); sprintf(buf, "%s_%s",bident,icx_ink2char(imask)); if ((spi[1+j] = tcg->find_field(tcg, table, buf)) < 0) { sprintf(p->err,"Calibration file '%s' doesn't contain field '%s'", filename,buf); return p->errc = 1; } } /* Read in each channels values and put them in a rspl */ for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { datai low,high; int gres[MXDI]; double smooth = 1.0; co *dpoints; low[0] = 0.0; high[0] = 1.0; gres[0] = tcg->t[table].nsets; if ((p->cals[j] = new_rspl(RSPL_NOFLAGS,1, 1)) == NULL) { sprintf(p->err,"new_rspl() failed"); return p->errc = 2; } if ((dpoints = malloc(sizeof(co) * gres[0])) == NULL) { sprintf(p->err,"malloc dpoints[%d] failed",gres[0]); return p->errc = 2; } /* Copy the points to our array */ for (i = 0; i < gres[0]; i++) { dpoints[i].p[0] = i/(double)(gres[0]-1); dpoints[i].v[0] = *((double *)tcg->t[table].fdata[i][spi[1+j]]); } /* Set the rspl */ p->cals[j]->set_rspl(p->cals[j], 0, (void *)dpoints, /* Read points */ xcal_rsplset, /* Setting function */ low, high, gres, /* Low, high, resolution of grid */ NULL, NULL /* Default data scale */ ); free(dpoints); } free(ident); free(bident); return 0; } /* Read a calibration file */ /* Return nz if this fails */ static int xcal_read(xcal *p, char *filename) { cgats *tcg; /* .cal file */ int table = 0; int rv; if ((tcg = new_cgats()) == NULL) { sprintf(p->err, "new_cgats() failed"); return p->errc = 2; } tcg->add_other(tcg, "CAL"); /* our special input type is Calibration Target */ if (tcg->read_name(tcg, filename)) { strcpy(p->err, tcg->err); p->errc = tcg->errc; tcg->del(tcg); return p->errc; } rv = xcal_read_cgats(p, tcg, table, filename); tcg->del(tcg); return rv; } /* Write a calibration to a new cgats table */ /* Return nz if this fails */ static int xcal_write_cgats(xcal *p, cgats *tcg) { int oi; int table; int i, j, ti; char *ident, *bident; time_t clk = time(0); struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk); char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */ char buf[100]; cgats_set_elem *setel; /* Array of set value elements */ int nsetel = 0; int calres; oi = tcg->add_other(tcg, "CAL"); /* our special type is Calibration Target */ table = tcg->add_table(tcg, tt_other, oi); /* Add a table for calibration */ tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Device Calibration Curves",NULL); tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll", NULL); atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000'; /* Remove \n from end */ tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "CREATED",atm, NULL); if (p->devclass == icSigInputClass) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "DEVICE_CLASS","INPUT", NULL); else if (p->devclass == icSigOutputClass) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "DEVICE_CLASS","OUTPUT", NULL); else if (p->devclass == icSigDisplayClass) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "DEVICE_CLASS","DISPLAY", NULL); else { sprintf(p->err,"Unknown device class '%s'",icm2str(icmProfileClassSignature,p->devclass)); return p->errc = 1; } /* Colorspace */ ident = icx_inkmask2char(p->devmask, 1); bident = icx_inkmask2char(p->devmask, 0); tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "COLOR_REP", ident, NULL); /* Grab any descriptive information */ if (p->xpi.deviceMfgDesc != NULL) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "MANUFACTURER",p->xpi.deviceMfgDesc, NULL); if (p->xpi.modelDesc != NULL) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "MODEL",p->xpi.modelDesc, NULL); if (p->xpi.profDesc != NULL) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "DESCRIPTION",p->xpi.profDesc, NULL); if (p->xpi.copyright != NULL) tcg->add_kword(tcg, table, "COPYRIGHT",p->xpi.copyright, NULL); sprintf(buf, "%s_I",bident); tcg->add_field(tcg, table, buf, r_t); nsetel++; for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { inkmask imask = icx_index2ink(p->devmask, j); sprintf(buf, "%s_%s",bident,icx_ink2char(imask)); tcg->add_field(tcg, table, buf, r_t); nsetel++; } if ((setel = (cgats_set_elem *)malloc(sizeof(cgats_set_elem) * nsetel)) == NULL) { sprintf(p->err,"Malloc failed"); return p->errc = 2; } calres = p->cals[0]->g.res[0]; for (i = 0; i < calres; i++) { double vv = i/(calres-1.0); co tp; setel[0].d = vv; for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { tp.p[0] = vv; p->cals[j]->interp(p->cals[j], &tp); setel[j+1].d = tp.v[0]; } tcg->add_setarr(tcg, table, setel); } free(setel); free(ident); free(bident); return 0; } /* Write a calibration file */ /* Return nz if this fails */ static int xcal_write(xcal *p, char *filename) { cgats *tcg; /* .cal file */ int table = 0; int rv; if ((tcg = new_cgats()) == NULL) { sprintf(p->err, "new_cgats() failed"); return p->errc = 2; } if ((rv = xcal_write_cgats(p, tcg)) != 0) { strcpy(p->err, tcg->err); p->errc = tcg->errc; tcg->del(tcg); return p->errc; } if (tcg->write_name(tcg, filename)) { strcpy(p->err, tcg->err); p->errc = tcg->errc; tcg->del(tcg); return p->errc; } tcg->del(tcg); return rv; } /* Translate values through the curves. */ static void xcal_interp(xcal *p, double *out, double *in) { int j; co tp; for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { tp.p[0] = in[j]; p->cals[j]->interp(p->cals[j], &tp); out[j] = tp.v[0]; } } #define MAX_INVSOLN 10 /* Rspl maximum reverse solutions */ /* Translate a value backwards through the curves. */ /* Return nz if the inversion fails */ static int xcal_inv_interp(xcal *p, double *out, double *in) { int nsoln; /* Number of solutions found */ co pp[MAX_INVSOLN]; /* Room for all the solutions found */ int j, k; /* Chosen solution */ double dir = 0.5; /* target if multiple solutions */ int rv = 0; for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { pp[0].v[0] = in[j]; nsoln = p->cals[j]->rev_interp ( p->cals[j], /* this */ RSPL_NEARCLIP, /* Clip to nearest (faster than vector) */ MAX_INVSOLN, /* Maximum number of solutions allowed for */ NULL, /* No auxiliary input targets */ NULL, /* Clip vector direction and length */ pp); /* Input and output values */ nsoln &= RSPL_NOSOLNS; /* Get number of solutions */ if (nsoln == 1) { /* Exactly one solution */ k = 0; } else if (nsoln == 0) { /* Zero solutions. This is unexpected. */ rv = 1; return -1.0; } else { /* Multiple solutions */ double bdist = 1e300; int bsoln = 0; for (k = 0; k < nsoln; k++) { double tt; tt = pp[k].p[0] - dir; tt *= tt; if (tt < bdist) { /* Better solution */ bdist = tt; bsoln = k; } } k = bsoln; } out[j] = pp[k].p[0]; } return rv; } /* Translate a value through one of the curves */ static double xcal_interp_ch(xcal *p, int ch, double in) { co tp; if (ch < 0 || ch >= p->devchan) return -1.0; tp.p[0] = in; p->cals[ch]->interp(p->cals[ch], &tp); return tp.v[0]; } /* Translate a value backwards through one of the curves */ /* Return -1.0 if the inversion fails */ static double xcal_inv_interp_ch(xcal *p, int ch, double in) { int nsoln; /* Number of solutions found */ co pp[MAX_INVSOLN]; /* Room for all the solutions found */ int k; /* Chosen solution */ double dir = 0.5; /* target if multiple solutions */ if (ch < 0 || ch >= p->devchan) return -1.0; pp[0].v[0] = in; nsoln = p->cals[ch]->rev_interp ( p->cals[ch], /* this */ RSPL_NEARCLIP, /* Clip to nearest (faster than vector) */ MAX_INVSOLN, /* Maximum number of solutions allowed for */ NULL, /* No auxiliary input targets */ NULL, /* Clip vector direction and length */ pp); /* Input and output values */ nsoln &= RSPL_NOSOLNS; /* Get number of solutions */ if (nsoln == 1) { /* Exactly one solution */ k = 0; } else if (nsoln == 0) { /* Zero solutions. This is unexpected. */ return -1.0; } else { /* Multiple solutions */ double bdist = 1e300; int bsoln = 0; for (k = 0; k < nsoln; k++) { double tt; tt = pp[k].p[0] - dir; tt *= tt; if (tt < bdist) { /* Better solution */ bdist = tt; bsoln = k; } } k = bsoln; } return pp[k].p[0]; } /* Delete an xcal */ static void xcal_del(xcal *p) { int j; if (p->xpi.deviceMfgDesc != NULL) free(p->xpi.deviceMfgDesc); if (p->xpi.modelDesc != NULL) free(p->xpi.modelDesc); if (p->xpi.profDesc != NULL) free(p->xpi.profDesc); if (p->xpi.copyright != NULL) free(p->xpi.copyright); for (j = 0; j < p->devchan; j++) { if (p->cals[j] != NULL) p->cals[j]->del(p->cals[j]); } free(p); } /* Create a new, uninitialised xcal */ xcal *new_xcal(void) { xcal *p; if ((p = (xcal *)calloc(1, sizeof(xcal))) == NULL) return NULL; /* Init method pointers */ p->del = xcal_del; p->read_cgats = xcal_read_cgats; p->read = xcal_read; p->write_cgats = xcal_write_cgats; p->write = xcal_write; p->interp = xcal_interp; p->inv_interp = xcal_inv_interp; p->interp_ch = xcal_interp_ch; p->inv_interp_ch = xcal_inv_interp_ch; return p; }