bitz-server =========== An ICAP server implementation in C++ ### Copyright and License Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Uditha Atukorala. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the [GNU General Public License]( for more details. ### The concept The main goal of this project is to create an ICAP server ([RFC 3507]( implementation in C++ to use the power of object oriented programming. Starting from scratch, the server is developed with a modular architecture in mind. The server core (written in C++) will handle the client requests, manage workers (child processes) etc. and will provide basic handlers to serve ICAP requests. To extend this core functionality the idea is to have pluggable modules (like apache server modules). These modules will provide features like content filtering, anti-virus scanning etc. and to make it easier to write (and faster to implement) such modules there is hope to exploit python programming language. ### Acknowledgements * Many thanks to Kenneth Oksanen for his support in finding and fixing bugs ### Downloads You can download the source distributions from #### Debian/Ubuntu packages First you should add the repository key to avoid warning. $ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - Then add the following to your `/etc/apt/sources.list`; $ deb [release] main where the `[release]` being wheezy, jessie, sid etc. Finally update your package list and install bitz-server; $ sudo aptitude update $ sudo aptitude install bitz-server ### Dependencies * [libconfig++ >= 1.4]( * log4cpp >= 1.0 * python 2.7 (for modpy module) ### Bugs and Feature Requests Please report all bugs and feature requests [here]( under the [bitz-server]( project. Known issues can be found [here]( ### Version history __0.1.6__ - _28th September 2013_ * Few tweaks and minor changes distribution files (no functional changes) __0.1.5__ - _11th August 2013_ * Fixing modpy interface module string copy bug __0.1.4__ - _01st August 2013_ * Code optimisations * Fixing bug [#34]( __0.1.3__ - _29th July 2013_ * Fixing bugs [#31](, [#32]( __0.1.2__ - _07th July 2013_ * Added a RESPMOD handler ([bug #16]( * Added Message Preview features ([bug #17]( * Code cleanup and optimisations * Fixing bugs [#15](, [#23](, [#24](, [#25]( __0.1.1__ - _06th March 2013_ * Fixing bugs [#19]( and [#22]( __0.1.0__ - _03rd March 2013_ * Daemonized version ([bug #18](, hence the minor version bump. Server core is re-organised with bitz::server namespace to be more cleaner and easier to read. * Make it possible to pass in command-line options * Closed a memory leak in modpy module * Fixing bugs [#20]( and [#21]( __0.0.1__ - _24th February 2013_ * Proof of concept. An ICAP server with only a REQMOD handler. Includes a template _echo_ module to demonstrate the pluggable module architecture and the _modpy_ module to demonstrate the python interface. --------------------------------------- ### Compiling from source First you need to initialise the autotools $ libtoolize (glibtoolize in OS X) $ aclocal $ autoheader $ autoconf $ automake --add-missing --foreign Or you can grab the latest source distribution tar from [CI artifacts]( After that you can use the usual `./configure && make` #### Notes ##### modpy This is the (long awaited) python interface module. It provides a template for any other python interface module implementations either as C++ module template or as a C++ interface for python modules. ##### Debugging Use the following to create the binaries with debug symbols $ ./configure CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" ##### config file The default config file location is `/etc/bitz/bitz-server.conf` but this can changed using the `--with-config` option when you run `configure`. e.g. $ ./configure --with-config=/[path to source code]/conf/bitz-server.conf ##### valgrind checks $ valgrind --leak-check=full --read-var-info=yes --trace-children=yes --suppressions=test/valgrind.supp --log-file=valgrind.log ./src/bitz-server --debug