Summary: Add command 'am' Status: Finished CreatedBy: Andrew Chilton AssignedTo: Andrew Chilton Label: Milestone-v0.4 Label: Type-Enhancement Comment: 45cd5e23 Comment: 6f5bc459 Inserted: 2008-06-28T23:57:56 Updated: 2008-06-29T12:11:14 This command would take a mailbox and apply it as a new bug. It would take the first subject as the summary and the body as the issue decription. Then, each subsequent email would be added as a comment. The Status would be set to 'New' pending another way of doing it. I guess attachments throughout the email thread could also be imported. Depending on how hard this is, we might syphon it off to another issue for another release. There may be other smart things we can do further down the line. For example, maybe we could try and read the Status from the subject line somehow but I think we just implement it straightforward for now and see what suggestions other people have.