Summary: Options for issues names needs to be added Status: New CreatedBy: Andrew Chilton AssignedTo: Andrew Chilton Label: Milestone-v0.2 Label: Priority-Low Label: Release-v0.1 Label: Type-Enhancement Comment: feb65ae7 Inserted: 2008-05-05T12:33:19 Updated: 2008-06-21T10:57:47 When issues are created, they are given the epoch as it's name. Instead of just using the epoch, the user should be able to configure the .cil file to use the format of their choice. e.g. issue_name_format=[ epoch | inc | iso-8601 ] Possible name formats include: * an incrementing number * but if cil goes distributed (which was originally planned), will this work? * ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00) * do we need to have TZD on the end (though obviously this wouldn't then be ISO 8601) * GUID/UUID like 9e28b50a-cba1-4b20-9276-d30ee727b14a (and maybe others)