Summary: Add a command 'track' Status: Finished CreatedBy: Andrew Chilton AssignedTo: Andrew Chilton Label: Milestone-v0.5 Label: Type-Enhancement Comment: 70533ec8 Inserted: 2008-07-05T02:58:20 Updated: 2008-07-05T03:09:11 A new command called 'track' would be good so that you can tell 'cil' to tell your CVS which files to track. This means you don't have to keep adding all those issues and/or comments to your repo manually and all the dependecies are done. e.g. $ cil track cafebabe git add issues/i_cafebabe.cil git add issues/c_decaf7ea.cil git add issues/a_deadbeaf.cil Maybe for now it should just print those lines out, but in the future a command line option means to actually do it. In the this state, you could always do: $ cil track cafebabe | sh which would then do it for you.