Summary: Ability to filter the issues lists (summary and list) Status: Finished CreatedBy: Andrew Chilton AssignedTo: Andrew Chilton Label: Milestone-v0.3 Label: Release-v0.2.0 Label: Type-Enhancement Comment: 02a9bb68 Comment: 4b71d0c3 Comment: 7eb313cd Comment: e9cc10a9 Inserted: 2008-06-23T12:05:33 Updated: 2008-06-27T13:32:59 The ability to filter on various things would be nice. For example using these list commands, though summary should work the same way: $ cil list --status=New $ cil list --status=Assigned $ cil list --status=Finished $ cil list --label=Release-v0.1 $ cil list --label=Type-Enhancement And combining them should be easy: $ cil list --status=Assigned --label=Type-Defect Other options include: $ cil list $ cil list --has-attachments --has-comments $ cil list --is-open/closed There may be other options so this issue will be closed when we think we've had enough. Note: whilst filtering on lists is good, actual searching is still better for a lot of things you'd like to do. This will be added as a separate issue.