Summary: Add a filter '--grep=regex' Status: New CreatedBy: Andrew Chilton AssignedTo: Andrew Chilton Label: Milestone-Future Label: Release-v0.2.1 Label: Type-Enhancement Inserted: 2008-06-24T12:16:57 Updated: 2008-06-27T23:59:48 Having a 'grep' filter would be quite powerful. It could be used in the 'list' and 'summary' commands. It would be good if it accepts Perl regexes and might work a little something like this: Find all issues with 'screenshot' in them: $ cil list --grep=screenshot Find any issue that mentions one of the following: $ cil list --grep=css|html|javascript This one would be directed at the 'CreatedBy' and 'AssignedTo' fields: $ cil list --grep=andychilton@ This one would probably be targeted at the 'Label' field: $ cil list --grep=^Release-v0.2 So accepting Perl regexes would be excellent.