Summary: Add a 'cil check-in-git' command Status: New CreatedBy: Andrew Chilton AssignedTo: Andrew Chilton Label: Milestone-Future Label: Release-v0.2.1 Label: Type-Enhancement Inserted: 2008-06-24T03:24:14 Updated: 2008-06-27T13:29:00 The ability to check whether issues/comments/attachments are tracked by Git is important. Or indeed any VCS system. My thoughts are that this command would do something like the following: * internally, it runs "git ls-files issues/" and makes a list of files in that directory * makes a list of issues that are currently contained in the directory * complains if it finds something Git doesn't know about Also, when it runs through each issue, it should do the same for all comments and attachments. It could either output something which tells you you have untracked files or it could give you example git commands which add them to those being tracked.