#include #include #include #include #include #include "foomaticrip.h" #include "options.h" #include "process.h" /* * One of these fileconverters is used if the 'textfilter' option in the config file * is not set. (Except if the spooler is CUPS, then 'texttops' is used */ const char *fileconverters[][2] = { { "a2ps", "a2ps -1 @@--medium=@@PAGESIZE@@ @@--center-title=@@JOBTITLE@@ -o -" }, { "enscript", "enscript -G @@-M @@PAGESIZE@@ @@-b \"Page $%|@@JOBTITLE@@ --margins=36:36:36:36 --mark-wrapped-lines=arrow --word-wrap -p-" }, { "mpage", "mpage -o -1 @@-b @@PAGESIZE@@ @@-H -h @@JOBTITLE@@ -m36l36b36t36r -f -P- -" }, { NULL, NULL } }; char fileconverter[PATH_MAX] = ""; void set_fileconverter(const char *fc) { int i; for (i = 0; fileconverters[i][0]; i++) { if (!strcmp(fc, fileconverters[i][0])) strlcpy(fileconverter, fileconverters[i][1], PATH_MAX); } if (!fileconverters[i][0]) strlcpy(fileconverter, fc, PATH_MAX); } int guess_fileconverter() { int i; for (i = 0; fileconverters[i][0]; i++) { if (find_in_path(fileconverters[i][0], getenv("PATH"), NULL)) { strlcpy(fileconverter, fileconverters[i][1], PATH_MAX); return 1; } } return 0; } /* * Replace @@...@@PAGESIZE@@ and @@...@@JOBTITLE@@ with 'pagesize' and * 'jobtitle' (if they are are not NULL). Returns a newly malloced string. */ char * fileconverter_from_template(const char *fileconverter, const char *pagesize, const char *jobtitle) { char *templstart, *templname; const char *last = fileconverter; char *res; size_t len; len = strlen(fileconverter) + (pagesize ? strlen(pagesize) : 0) + (jobtitle ? strlen(jobtitle) : 0) +1; res = malloc(len); res[0] = '\0'; while ((templstart = strstr(last, "@@"))) { strncat(res, last, templstart - last); templstart += 2; templname = strstr(templstart, "@@"); if (!templname) break; if (startswith(templname, "@@PAGESIZE@@") && pagesize) { strncat(res, templstart, templname - templstart); strcat(res, pagesize); last = templname + 12; } else if (startswith(templname, "@@JOBTITLE@@") && jobtitle) { strncat(res, templstart, templname - templstart); strcat(res, jobtitle); while (templstart != templname) { if (*templstart == '\"') { strcat(res, "\""); break; } templstart++; } last = templname + 12; } else last += strlen(res); } strlcat(res, last, len); return res; } int exec_kid2(FILE *in, FILE *out, void *user_arg) { int n; const char *alreadyread = (const char *)user_arg; char tmp[1024]; /* child, first part of the pipe, reading in the data from standard input * and stuffing it into the file converter after putting in the already * read data (in alreadyread) */ _log("kid2: writing alreadyread\n"); /* At first pass the data which we already read to the filter */ fwrite(alreadyread, 1, strlen(alreadyread), out); _log("kid2: Then read the rest from standard input\n"); /* Then read the rest from standard input */ while ((n = fread(tmp, 1, 1024, stdin)) > 0) fwrite(tmp, 1, n, out); _log("kid2: Close out and stdin\n"); fclose(out); fclose(stdin); _log("kid2 finished\n"); return EXIT_PRINTED; } typedef struct { const char *fileconv; const char *alreadyread; } kid1_userdata_t; int exec_kid1(FILE *in, FILE *out, void *user_arg) { int kid2; FILE *kid2out; int status; const char *fileconv = ((kid1_userdata_t *)user_arg)->fileconv; const char *alreadyread = ((kid1_userdata_t *)user_arg)->alreadyread; kid2 = start_process("kid2", exec_kid2, (void *)alreadyread, NULL, &kid2out); if (kid2 < 0) return EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS; if (spooler != SPOOLER_CUPS) _log("file converter command: %s\n", fileconv); if (dup2(fileno(kid2out), fileno(stdin)) < 0) { _log("kid1: Could not dup stdin\n"); fclose(kid2out); return EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS; } if (dup2(fileno(out), fileno(stdout)) < 0) { _log("kid1: Could not dup stdout\n"); fclose(kid2out); return EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS; } if (debug && !redirect_log_to_stderr()) { _log("Could not dup logh to stderr\n"); fclose(kid2out); return EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS; } /* Actually run the thing... */ status = run_system_process("fileconverter", fileconv); fclose(out); fclose(kid2out); fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) { wait_for_process(kid2); _log("kid1 finished\n"); return EXIT_PRINTED; } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { switch (WTERMSIG(status)) { case SIGUSR1: return EXIT_PRNERR; case SIGUSR2: return EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY; case SIGTTIN: return EXIT_ENGAGED; } } return EXIT_PRNERR; } /* * This function is only used when the input data is not PostScript. Then it * runs a filter which converts non-PostScript files into PostScript. The user * can choose which filter he wants to use. The filter command line is * provided by 'fileconverter'. */ void get_fileconverter_handle(const char *alreadyread, FILE **fd, pid_t *pid) { pid_t kid1; FILE *kid1out; const char *pagesize; char *fileconv; kid1_userdata_t kid1_userdata; _log("\nStarting converter for non-PostScript files\n"); if (isempty(fileconverter) && !guess_fileconverter()) rip_die(EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS, "Cannot convert file to " "Postscript (missing fileconverter)."); /* Use wider margins so that the pages come out completely on every printer * model (especially HP inkjets) */ pagesize = option_get_value(find_option("PageSize"), optionset("header")); if (pagesize && startswith(fileconverter, "a2ps")) { if (!strcasecmp(pagesize, "letter")) pagesize = "Letterdj"; else if (!strcasecmp(pagesize, "a4")) pagesize = "A4dj"; } if (do_docs) snprintf(get_current_job()->title, 128, "Documentation for the %s", printer_model); fileconv = fileconverter_from_template(fileconverter, pagesize, get_current_job()->title); kid1_userdata.fileconv = fileconv; kid1_userdata.alreadyread = alreadyread; kid1 = start_process("kid1", exec_kid1, &kid1_userdata, NULL, &kid1out); if (kid1 < 0) rip_die(EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS, "Cannot convert file to " "Postscript (Cannot fork for kid1!)\n"); *fd = kid1out; *pid = kid1; free(fileconv); } int close_fileconverter_handle(FILE *fileconverter_handle, pid_t fileconverter_pid) { int status; _log("\nClosing file converter\n"); fclose(fileconverter_handle); status = wait_for_process(fileconverter_pid); if (WIFEXITED(status)) return WEXITSTATUS(status); else return EXIT_PRNERR_NORETRY_BAD_SETTINGS; }