package GCExport::GCExportHTML; ################################################### # # Copyright 2005-2010 Christian Jodar # # This file is part of GCstar. # # GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # ################################################### use strict; use GCExport::GCExportBase; { package GCExport::GCExporterHTML; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use XML::Simple; use base qw(GCExport::GCExportBaseClass); use GCUtils 'glob'; our $FieldsList = 'GCSfields'; our $GroupsList = 'GCSgroups'; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); $self->{genericModels} = 0; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub getName { my $self = shift; return "HTML"; } sub getSuffix { my $self = shift; return ".html"; } sub needsUTF8 { my $self = shift; return 1; } sub getModels { my $self = shift; return []; } sub setModelsDir { my $self = shift; $self->{genericModelsDir} = $ENV{GCS_SHARE_DIR}.'/html_models/GCstar'; if ($self->{model}) { $self->{modelsDir} = $ENV{GCS_SHARE_DIR}.'/html_models/'.$self->{model}->getName; if ((! $self->{model}->getName) || (! -e $self->{modelsDir})) { $self->{modelsDir} = $self->{genericModelsDir}; $self->{genericModels} = 1; } } } sub getOptions { my $self = shift; $self->{modelsFiles} = ''; $self->setModelsDir; my $defaultModel = ''; $self->{isGeneric} = {}; foreach (glob $self->{modelsDir}.'/*') { next if ($_ =~ /\/CVS$/) || ($_ =~ /\.png$/); (my $mod = basename($_)) =~ s/_/ /g; $self->{modelsFiles} .= $mod.','; $defaultModel = $mod if !$defaultModel; $self->{isGeneric}->{$mod} = $self->{genericModels}; } $self->{genericAdded} = 0; if (!$self->{genericModels}) { # Previous one was specific, we also add the generic ones. foreach (glob $self->{genericModelsDir}.'/*') { next if ($_ =~ /\/CVS$/) || ($_ =~ /\.png$/); (my $mod = basename($_)) =~ s/_/ /g; next if exists $self->{isGeneric}->{$mod}; $self->{modelsFiles} .= $mod.','; $self->{isGeneric}->{$mod} = 1; $self->{genericAdded} = 1; } } $self->{modelsFiles} .= 'UseFile,'; return [ { name => 'template', type => 'options', label => 'FileTemplate', valuesList => $self->{modelsFiles}, default => $defaultModel, changedCallback => sub {shift; $self->checkFileField(@_)}, buttonLabel => 'Preview', buttonCallback => sub {shift; $self->preview(@_)} }, { name => 'modelFile', type => 'file', label => 'TemplateExternalFile', default => '', insensitive => 1, }, { name => 'title', type => 'short text', label => 'Title', default => 'Items list', }, { name => 'imgHeight', type => 'number', label => 'HeightImg', default => 160, min => 50, max => 500, }, { name => 'withJs', type => 'yesno', label => 'WithJS', default => '1' }, { name => 'open', type => 'yesno', label => 'OpenFileInBrowser', default => '0' }, ] } sub getNewPictureHeight { my $self = shift; return $self->{options}->{imgHeight}; } sub checkFileField { my ($self, $data) = @_; my ($parent, $list) = @{$data}; return if ! $parent->{options}->{modelFile}; my $model = $list->getValue ; $parent->{options}->{modelFile}->set_sensitive($model eq 'UseFile'); $parent->{fieldsSelection}->set_sensitive($self->{isGeneric}->{$model}) if $parent->{fieldsSelection}; $self->{wantsFieldsSelection} = $self->{isGeneric}->{$model}; } sub preview { my ($self, $data) = @_; my ($parent, $list) = @{$data}; (my $template = $list->getValue) =~ s/ /_/g; my $dialog = new Gtk2::Dialog($self->getLang->{Preview}.' - '.$list->getValue, $parent, [qw/modal destroy-with-parent/], 'gtk-ok' => 'ok', ); my $picFile; if ($self->{isGeneric}->{$template}) { $picFile = $self->{genericModelsDir}.'/'.$template.'.png'; } else { $picFile = $self->{modelsDir}.'/'.$template.'.png'; } if (-f $picFile) { my $image = Gtk2::Image->new_from_file($picFile); $image->set_padding(10,10); $dialog->vbox->pack_start($image,0,0,0); } else { my $label = new Gtk2::Label; $label->set_markup(''.$self->getLang->{NoPreview}.''); $dialog->vbox->pack_start($label,1,1,0); $dialog->set_default_size(300,300); } $dialog->vbox->show_all; $dialog->run; $dialog->destroy; $parent->showMe; } sub wantsFieldsSelection { my $self = shift; return 1; } sub wantsImagesSelection { return 1; } sub wantsOsSeparator { return 0; } sub wantsSort { return 1; } sub transformData { my ($self, $item, $field, $asATable) = @_; my $data = $item->{$field}; if ($asATable) { return '' if !$data; my $result = ''; my $i = 1; foreach (@{$data}) { my $class = ($i % 2) ? 'even' : 'odd'; $result .= " \n"; foreach my $item(@{$_}) { $result .= " $item\n"; } $result .= " \n"; $i++; } return $result; } else { my $value = $self->transformValue($data, $field); $value =~ s|\n|
|g; return $value; } } sub getValues { my ($self, $values, $filter) = @_; my $needFilter = (length($filter) > 2); my @result; if ($values eq $GroupsList) { # We generate the list of group for the selected fields my %groups; foreach (@{$self->{options}->{fields}}) { my $group = $self->{options}->{fieldsInfo}->{$_}->{group}; $groups{$group} = 1; } foreach (@{$self->{model}->{groups}}) { my $group = $_->{id}; push @result, $group if $groups{$group}; } } else { # We could have a group name or a list of fields types my $type; my $group; foreach (@{$self->{options}->{fields}}) { $type = $self->{options}->{fieldsInfo}->{$_}->{type}; $group = $self->{options}->{fieldsInfo}->{$_}->{group}; push @result, $_ if ($type ne 'triple list') && (($group =~ /^$values$/i) || ($values eq $FieldsList)) && (!$needFilter || ($needFilter && ($filter =~ /$type/))); } } return \@result; } sub preProcess { my $self = shift; $self->{errors} = 0; $self->setModelsDir; my $template = $self->{options}->{template}; my $file; my $model; if ($template eq 'UseFile') { $file = $self->{options}->{modelFile}; if ( ! -e $file) { $self->{errors} = $self->getLang->{ModelNotFound}; return 0; } } else { $template =~ s/ /_/; if ($self->{isGeneric}->{$template}) { $file = $self->{genericModelsDir}.'/'.$self->{options}->{template}; } else { $file = $self->{modelsDir}.'/'.$self->{options}->{template}; } $file =~ s/"//g; #" } # The problem should only happen when using command line, so a die is enough. open FILE, $file or die "\nModel $template doesn't exist for this kind of collection"; binmode(FILE, ':utf8' ); $model = do { local $/; }; close FILE; if ($model =~ /^/) { my $xs = XML::Simple->new; my $meta = $xs->XMLin($model, ForceArray => ['field']); open FILE, $self->{genericModelsDir}.'/'.$meta->{model}; binmode(FILE, ':utf8' ); $model = do { local $/; }; close FILE; $self->{options}->{fields} = $meta->{fields}->{field}; } if ($self->{options}->{withJs}) { $model =~ s/(\[JAVASCRIPT\])|(\[\/JAVASCRIPT\])//gms; $model =~ s/\[NOJAVASCRIPT\].*?\[\/NOJAVASCRIPT\]//gms; } else { $model =~ s/\[JAVASCRIPT\].*?\[\/JAVASCRIPT\]//gms; $model =~ s/(\[NOJAVASCRIPT\])|(\[\/NOJAVASCRIPT\])//gms; } # If collection does not manage lendings, remove the LENDING blocks $model =~ s|\[LENDING\](.*?)\[/LENDING\]| $self->{model}->{hasLending} ? $1 : '' |ems; #Loops while ($model =~ m/\[LOOP([0-9]+)?\s+values=([^\s]*?)\s+idx=([^\s]*?)(\s+filter=([^\s]*?))?\]\n?(.*?)\n\s*\[\/LOOP\1\]/gms) { my $loopNumber = $1; my $values = $2; my $index = $3; my $filter = ','.$5.','; my $motif = $6; my $valuesArray = $self->getValues($values, $filter); my $string; foreach my $value(@$valuesArray) { (my $line = $motif) =~ s/$index/$value/gms; # For generic models, we add an img tag for images # and an a tag for links if (exists $self->{options}->{fieldsInfo}->{$value}) { # If this is an image if ($self->{options}->{fieldsInfo}->{$value}->{type} eq 'image') { # We do it only if it is between 2 tags. $line =~ s|>\$\$$value\$\$<|><|; } # If this is the item URL elsif ($value eq $self->{model}->{commonFields}->{url}) { # We do it only if it is between 2 tags. $line =~ s|>\$\$$value\$\$<|>\$\$$self->{model}->{commonFields}->{title}\$\$<|; } } $string .= $line; } $model =~ s/(\n?)\s*\[LOOP$loopNumber\s+values=$values\s+idx=$index(\s+filter=$filter)?\].*?\[\/LOOP$loopNumber\]/$1$string/gms; } $model =~ s/TITLE_FIELD/$self->{model}->{commonFields}->{title}/eg; $model =~ s/COVER_FIELD/$self->{model}->{commonFields}->{cover}/eg; $model =~ m{ \[HEADER\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/HEADER\].*? \[ITEM\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/ITEM\].*? \[FOOTER\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/FOOTER\].*? \[POST\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/POST\] }xms; $self->{header} = $1; $self->{item} = $2; $self->{footer} = $3; $self->{post} = $4; return 1; } sub getHeader { my ($self, $total) = @_; my $result = $self->{header}; $self->{total} = $total; $result =~ s/\$\$PAGETITLE\$\$/$self->{options}->{title}/g; $result =~ s/\$\$TOTALNUMBER\$\$/$total/g; $result =~ s/\$\$ITEMS\$\$/$self->{model}->getDisplayedItems/eg; #Search form $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_INPUT\$\$/$self->getLang->{InputTitle}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_SEARCH1\$\$/$self->getLang->{SearchType1}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_SEARCH2\$\$/$self->getLang->{SearchType2}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_SEARCHBUTTON\$\$/$self->getLang->{SearchButton}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_SEARCHTITLE\$\$/$self->getLang->{SearchTitle}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_ALLBUTTON\$\$/$self->getLang->{AllButton}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_ALLTITLE\$\$/$self->getLang->{AllTitle}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_EXPAND\$\$/$self->getLang->{Expand}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_EXPANDTITLE\$\$/$self->getLang->{ExpandTitle}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_COLLAPSE\$\$/$self->getLang->{Collapse}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$FORM_COLLAPSETITLE\$\$/$self->getLang->{CollapseTitle}/eg; #Labels $result =~ s/\$\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)_LABEL\$\$/$self->{model}->getDisplayedLabel($1)/eg; return $result."\n"; } sub getFooter { my ($self, $item) = @_; my $total = $self->{total}; my $result = $self->{footer}; $result =~ s/\$\$PAGETITLE\$\$/$self->{options}->{title}/g; $result =~ s/\$\$TOTALNUMBER\$\$/$total/g; $result =~ s/\$\$GENERATOR_NOTE\$\$/$self->getLang->{Note}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$BORROWED_ITEMS\$\$/$self->{options}->{lang}->{BorrowedTitle}/g; return $result."\n"; } sub getItem { my ($self, $item, $idx) = @_; my $total = $self->{total}; my $result = $self->{item}; #Separator $result =~ s/\$\$SEPARATOR\$\$/$self->{options}->{lang}->{Separator}/g; #Labels that need a special process $result =~ s/\$\$URL_LABEL\$\$/$self->{options}->{lang}->{PanelWeb}/g; #Other labels $result =~ s/\$\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)_LABEL\$\$/$self->{model}->getDisplayedLabel($1)/eg; #Fields that need a special process $result =~ s/\$\$HEIGHT_PIC\$\$/$self->{options}->{imgHeight}/g; my $url = $item->{$self->{model}->{commonFields}->{url}} || '#'; $result =~ s/\$\$URL\$\$/$url/g; #Borrower my $borrowerField = $self->{model}->{commonFields}->{borrower}->{name}; my $tmpBorrower = $item->{$borrowerField}; my $borrowerFlag = 1; my $borrowerYesNo = $self->getLang->{Borrowed}; my $borrowerOrEmpty = $tmpBorrower; if (!$tmpBorrower || ($tmpBorrower eq 'none')) { $tmpBorrower = $self->{options}->{lang}->{PanelNobody}; $borrowerFlag = 0; $borrowerYesNo = $self->getLang->{NotBorrowed}; $borrowerOrEmpty = ''; } elsif ($tmpBorrower eq 'unknown') { $tmpBorrower = $self->{options}->{lang}->{PanelUnknown}; } $result =~ s/\$\$borrower\$\$/$tmpBorrower/g; $result =~ s/\$\$borrower_OREMPTY\$\$/$borrowerOrEmpty/g; $result =~ s/\$\$borrower_FLAG\$\$/$borrowerFlag/g; $result =~ s/\$\$borrower_YESNO\$\$/$borrowerYesNo/g; $result =~ s/\$\$IDX\$\$/$idx/g; $result =~ s/\$\$TOP\$\$/$self->getLang->{Top}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$BOTTOM\$\$/$self->getLang->{Bottom}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$TOTALNUMBER\$\$/$total/g; # Stock labels $result =~ s/\$\$(gtk-[^\$]*)\$\$/$self->getStockLabel($1)/eg; #Multiple list displayed as a table $result =~ s/\$\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)_TABLE\$\$/$self->transformData($item, $1, 1)/eg; #Other fields #$result =~ s/\$\$([A-Z_]*)\$\$/$item->{lc $1}/eg; $result =~ s/\$\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\$\$/$self->transformData($item, $1, 0)/eg; return $result."\n"; } sub postProcess { my ($self, $headerRef, $bodyRef) = @_; #Variables to be used in POST section my $header = $$headerRef; my $body = $$bodyRef; my @items = @{$self->{sortedArray}}; eval $self->{post}; print "Errors with HTML template in POST:\n $@\n" if $@; $$headerRef = $header; $$bodyRef = $body; } sub getEndInfo { my $self = shift; if ($self->{errors}) { return ($self->{errors}, 'error'); } my $message = ''; if ($self->{options}->{open}) { $self->{options}->{parent}->launch($self->{fileName}, 'url'); } else { $message = $self->getLang->{InfoFile}.$self->{fileName}; $message .= ' '.$self->getLang->{InfoDir}.$self->{dirName} if $self->{options}->{withPictures}; } return $message; } } 1;