package GCImport::GCImportAMC; ################################################### # # Copyright 2005-2010 Christian Jodar # # This file is part of GCstar. # # GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # ################################################### use strict; use GCImport::GCImportBase; { package GCImport::GCImporterAMC; use base qw(GCImport::GCImportBaseClass); use File::Basename; use File::Copy; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); $self->{fileId} = " AMC_X.Y Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.x "; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub getName { return "Ant Movie Catalog (.amc)"; } sub getFilePatterns { return (['Ant Movie Catalog (.amc)', '*.amc']); } #Return supported models name sub getModels { return ['GCfilms']; } #Return current model name sub getModelName { return 'GCfilms'; } sub getOptions { my $self = shift; my @options; return \@options; } # Ignored for the moment sub wantsFieldsSelection { return 0; } sub getEndInfo { return ""; } sub readBool { my $self = shift; my $value; read $self->{file}, $value, 1; return unpack('C',$value); } sub readInt { my $self = shift; my $value; read $self->{file}, $value, 4; $value = unpack('L',$value); return undef if $value == 4294967295; return $value; } sub readString { my $self = shift; my $binary = shift; my $length = $self->readInt; my $string; return '' if $length == 0; read $self->{file}, $string, $length; #$string =~ s/\n//gm if !$binary; $string =~ s/\|/,/gm if !$binary; return $string; } sub getItemsArray { my ($self, $file) = @_; my @result; open ITEMS, $file; binmode ITEMS; $self->{file} = \*ITEMS; my $identifier; read ITEMS, $identifier, length($self->{fileId}); ($self->{AMCVersion} = $identifier) =~ s/.*?AMC_(\d+)\.(\d+).*/$1.$2/; my @versions = split m/\./, $self->{AMCVersion}; $self->{AMCMajorVersion} = $versions[0]; $self->{AMCMinorVersion} = $versions[1]; $self->readString; # name $self->readString; # mail if (($self->{AMCMinorVersion} <= 3) && ($self->{AMCMinorVersion} < 5)) { $self->readString; # icq } $self->readString; # site $self->readString; # description my $baseDir = dirname($file); my $i = 0; while (! eof ITEMS) { $result[$i]->{identifier} = $self->readInt; #Id $self->readInt; #Add date $result[$i]->{rating} = $self->readInt; if (($self->{AMCMinorVersion} >= 3) && ($self->{AMCMinorVersion} >= 5)) { use integer; $result[$i]->{rating} /= 10; } $result[$i]->{date} = $self->readInt; $result[$i]->{time} = $self->readInt; my $ vb = $self->readInt; #Video bitrate my $ab = $self->readInt; #Audio bitrate $result[$i]->{number} = $self->readInt; $self->readBool; #Checked $result[$i]->{place} = $self->readString; #Media label $result[$i]->{format} = $self->readString; $self->readString; #Source $result[$i]->{borrower} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{borrower} = 'none' if ! $result[$i]->{borrower}; $result[$i]->{original} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{title} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{title} = $result[$i]->{original} if !$result[$i]->{title}; $result[$i]->{director} = $self->readString; $self->readString; #Producer $result[$i]->{country} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{genre} = [[$self->readString]]; $result[$i]->{actors} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{webPage} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{synopsis} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{comment} = $self->readString; $result[$i]->{video} = $self->readString; my $encodings = $self->readString; #Audio format my $res = $self->readString; #Resolution $self->readString; #Framerate $result[$i]->{audio} = $self->readString; if ($result[$i]->{audio}) { my @encodings = split /,/,$encodings; $result[$i]->{audio} =~ s/(^|,)([^;]*?)(,|$)/$1$2;$_$3/ foreach (@encodings); $result[$i]->{audio} =~ s/, +/,/g; $result[$i]->{audio} =~ s/; +/;/g; } $result[$i]->{subt} = [[$self->readString]]; $self->readString; #File size $result[$i]->{image} = $self->readString; my $picture = $self->readString(1); if ($result[$i]->{image} =~ /^\..{3}/) { my $pictureName = $self->{options}->{parent}->getUniqueImageFileName($result[$i]->{image}, $result[$i]->{title}); open PIC, "> $pictureName"; binmode PIC; print PIC $picture; close PIC; $result[$i]->{image} = $self->{options}->{parent}->transformPicturePath($pictureName); } else { if (! File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($result[$i]->{image})) { $result[$i]->{image} = $baseDir . $result[$i]->{image}; } #copy $result[$i]->{image}, $pictureName; } $i++; } close ITEMS; return \@result; } } 1;