package GCImport::GCImportMyMovies; ################################################################################# # # Created by Rob Maas | (2008) # # # This file is strongly based op the already existing DVDProfiler # import class. It is also my first perl script :-) # # Since MyMovies has some different fields then GCStar, there are some work # arounds to get as much of the original data. # # If the field ExtraFeatures is filled, it will appear in the General tab in # the synopsis. # # The rating system will be calculated back to the Dutch rating system. # # If data was imported from IMDB, the webpage button will link to the specific # movie site on IMDB. # # Cause GCstar hasnĀ“t (yet?) a real EAN field, the EAN code is placed on the # details tab under comments. # # Special thanks goes to Tian who helped me with some array trouble :-P and # for creating this software. # ################################################################################# use strict; use GCImport::GCImportBase; { package GCImport::GCImporterMyMovies; use base qw(GCImport::GCImportBaseClass); use XML::Simple; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub getName { return "MyMovies (.xml)"; } sub getOptions { my $self = shift; my @options; return \@options; } sub getFilePatterns { return (['MyMovies (.xml)', '*.xml']); } #Return supported models name sub getModels { return ['GCfilms']; } # Ignored for the moment sub wantsFieldsSelection { return 0; } sub getEndInfo { return ""; } sub getItemsArray { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $xml; my $data; # Creates an object / Skip empty ellements $xml = new XML::Simple(suppressempty => 1); $data = $xml->XMLin ("$file"); my @result; my $film; # For each "Title" in the XML file foreach $film(@{$data->{Title}}){ my $item; #General fields $item->{title} = $film->{LocalTitle}; $item->{original} = $film->{OriginalTitle}; $item->{date} = $film->{ProductionYear}; $item->{time} = $film->{RunningTime}.' min'; $item->{synopsis} = $film->{Description}; #Extra's on the disc if ($film->{ExtraFeatures}->{content}){ $item->{synopsis} .= "\n\nEXTRA\n"; $item->{synopsis} .= $film->{ExtraFeatures}->{content}; } #Based on the Dutch ratings! $item->{age} = ($film->{ParentalRating}->{Value} == 1) ? 1 : ($film->{ParentalRating}->{Value} == 2) ? 2 : ($film->{ParentalRating}->{Value} == 3) ? 5 : ($film->{ParentalRating}->{Value} == 4) ? 12 : 16; if ($film->{DataProvider} eq ''){ $item->{webPage} = ''.$film->{DataProviderId}; } $item->{country} = $film->{Country}; ###### GENRE ######### my $type; if (ref ($film->{Genres}->{Genre}) eq "ARRAY"){ foreach $type(@{$film->{Genres}->{Genre}}){ $item->{genre} .= $type.','; } } else{ $item->{genre} = $film->{Genres}->{Genre}; } ###### END GENRE ######### ####### DIRECTOR AND ACTORS ######### my $actor; if (ref ($film->{Persons}->{Person}) eq "ARRAY") { foreach $actor(@{$film->{Persons}->{Person}}){ if ($actor->{Type} eq 'Director'){ $item->{director} = $actor->{Name}; } else{ $item->{actors}.= $actor->{Name}.' ('.$actor->{Role}.'), '; } } } else{ $item->{actors}.= $film->{Persons}->{Person}->{Name}.' ('.$film->{Persons}->{Person}->{Role}.')'; } ###### END DIRECTOR AND ACTORS ###### ##DETAIL $item->{format} = $film->{Type}; $item->{video} = $film->{VideoStandard}; $item->{added} = $film->{Added}; $item->{identifier} = $film->{CollectionNumber}; #Temporately cause a real barcode field is missing if (length($film->{Barcode}) gt 0){ $item->{comment} = 'EAN: '.$film->{Barcode}; } ###### AUDIO ######### my $audio; my @audioTracks; if (ref ($film->{AudioTracks}->{AudioTrack}) eq "ARRAY"){ foreach $audio(@{$film->{AudioTracks}->{AudioTrack}}){ push @audioTracks, [$audio->{Language}, $audio->{Type}.' '.$audio->{Channels}]; } $item->{audio} = \@audioTracks; } else{ $item->{audio} = [[$audio->{Language}, $audio->{Type}]]; } ###### END AUDIO ######### ###### SUBTITLES ######### my $subt; if (ref ($film->{Subtitles}->{Subtitle}) eq "ARRAY"){ foreach $subt(@{$film->{Subtitles}->{Subtitle}}){ $item->{subt} .= $subt->{Language}.','; } } else{ $item->{subt} = $subt->{Language}; } ###### END SUBTITLES ######### #$item->{borrower} = $film->{Title}; #$item->{lendDate} = $film->{Title}; #$item->{history} = $film->{Title}; #$item->{seen} = $film->{Title};# non par defaut ? #$item->{image} = $film->{Title}; #$item->{number} = $film->{CollectionNumber}; #$item->{rating} = $film->{Title};# note par defaut #$item->{place} = $film->{Title}; $item->{director} =~ s/, $//; $item->{actors} =~ s/, $//; $item->{audio} =~ s/, $//; $item->{subt} =~ s/, $//; $item->{genre} =~ s/, $//; push @result, $item; } return \@result; } } 1;