{ package GCLang::ZH_CN::GCModels::GCstamps; use utf8; ################################################### # # Copyright 2005-2007 Tian # # This file is part of GCstar. # # GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ################################################### use strict; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = qw(%lang); our %lang = ( CollectionDescription => '邮票收藏', Items => {0 => '邮票', 1 => '张邮票', X => '邮票', lowercase1 => '张邮票', lowercaseX => '邮票' }, NewItem => '新邮票', General => '一般', Detail => '详细', Value => '价值', Notes => '笔记', Views => '观察', Name => '名称', Country => '国家', Year => '年份', Catalog => '类型', Number => '数目', Topic => '主题', Serie => '系列', Designer => '设计者', Engraver => '雕刻师', Type => '类型', Format => '形式', Description => '描述', Color => '颜色', Gum => '背胶', Paper => '纸张', Perforation => '穿孔', PerforationSize => '穿孔大小', CancellationType => '注销戳类型', Comments => '注释', PrintingVariety => '印刷变种', IssueDate => '发行日期', EndOfIssue => '结束发行', Issue => '发行', Grade => '分级', Status => '状态', Adjusted => '调整', Cancellation => '注销戳', CancellationCondition => '注销戳情况', GumCondition => '背胶情况', PerforationCondition => '穿孔情况', ConditionNotes => '状态笔记', Error => '错误', ErrorNotes => '错误记录', FaceValue => '面值', MintValue => '制造值', UsedValue => '使用值', PurchasedDate => '购买日期', Quantity => '数量', History => '历史', Picture1 => '图片1', Picture2 => '图片2', Picture3 => '图片3', AirMail => '航空邮件', MilitaryStamp => '军邮', Official => '公务邮件', PostageDue => '应付邮资类', Regular => '常规', Revenue => '税收', SpecialDelivery => '特别投递', StrikeStamp => '罢工邮票', TelegraphStamp => '电报邮票', WarStamp => '战争邮票', WarTaxStamp => '战争税邮票', Booklet => '小型张', BookletPane => '单张小型张', Card => '明信片', Coil => '卷状', Envelope => '信封', FirstDayCover => '首日封', Sheet => '联张', Single => '单张', Heliogravure => '凹版照相', Lithography => '平版', Offset => '胶印', Photogravure => '凹版印刷', RecessPrinting => '凹口印刷', Typography => '凸版印刷', OriginalGum => '原始背胶', Ungummed => '无胶', Regummed => '后加背胶', Chalky => '粉笔状', ChinaPaper => '瓷器般的', Coarsed => '粗糙', Glossy => '有光泽的', Granite => '花岗岩状', Laid => 'Laid纸', Manila => '马尼拉纸', Native => '本地纸', Pelure => 'Pelure纸', Quadrille => 'Quadrille纸', Ribbed => '棱纹纸', Rice => '宣纸', Silk => '丝纸', Smoothed => '光滑的', Thick => '厚', Thin => '薄', Wove => '布纹纸', CoarsedPerforation => '粗糙穿孔', CombPerforation => '梳状穿孔', CompoundPerforation => '混合穿孔', DamagedPerforation => '破坏了的穿孔', DoublePerforation => '双孔', HarrowPerforation => '耙状孔', LinePerforation => '线孔', NoPerforation => '无孔', CancellationToOrder => '整理注销戳', FancyCancellation => '精致注销戳', FirstDayCancellation => '首日戳', NumeralCancellation => '数字戳', PenMarked => '笔戳', RailroadCancellation => '铁路戳', SpecialCancellation => '特殊戳', Superb => '华丽', ExtraFine => '极精致', VeryFine => '非常精致', FineVeryFine => '精致/很精致', Fine => '精致', Average => '一般', Poor => '差', Owned => '持有者', Ordered => '已排序', Sold => '已售', ToSell => '待售', Wanted => '需要', LightCancellation => '轻戳', HeavyCancellation => '重戳', ModerateCancellation => '中等戳', MintNeverHinged => '未铰', MintLightHinged => '轻铰', HingedRemnant => '残余铰', HeavilyHinged => '重铰', LargePartOriginalGum => '大面积原始胶', SmallPartOriginalGum => '小面积原始胶', NoGum => '无胶', Perfect => '完美', VeryNice => '非常好', Nice => '好', Incomplete => '不完整', ); } 1;