package GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCBDGest; ################################################### # # Copyright 2005-2006 Tian # # This file is part of GCstar. # # GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # ################################################### use strict; use utf8; use GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCbooksCommon; { package GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCPluginBDGest; use base qw(GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCbooksPluginsBase); use URI::Escape; # tableau pour stocker l'identifiant propre à bdgest my @tableau; sub start { my ($self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext) = @_; $self->{inside}->{$tagname}++; # parse une liste de résultat if ($self->{parsingList}) { if (($tagname eq 'tr')) { $self->{isBook} = 1 ; $self->{isUrl} = 1 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ($self->{isUrl}) && ($self->{isBook}) && (index($attr->{href},"serie-") >= 0)) { $self->{itemIdx}++; $self->{isFound} = 1 ; $tableau[$self->{itemIdx}] = substr($attr->{href},index( $attr->{href},"#")+1); #on retravaille l'url pour avoir toutes les pages de la série my $urlRecherche = substr($attr->{href},0,index($attr->{href},"."))."__10000".substr($attr->{href},index($attr->{href},".")); $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{url} = $urlRecherche; $self->{isSerie} = 1 ; $self->{isUrl} = 0 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ($attr->{name} eq 'TitreAlbum')&& ($self->{isBook}) && ($attr->{title} ne '')) { $self->{isTitle} = 1 ; $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} = $attr->{title}; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isTitle} eq 1) { $self->{isPublisher} = 1 ; $self->{isTitle} = 0; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isPublisher} eq 2) { $self->{isPublication} = 1 ; $self->{isPublisher} = 0; } } else # parse un item { if (($tagname eq 'a') && ($attr->{name} eq $tableau[$self->{wantedIdx}])) { $self->{isTitle} = 1 ; $self->{isCover} = 1; $self->{isBook} = 1 ; } elsif ($tagname eq 'html') { $self->{isCover} = 0 ; } elsif ($tagname eq 'head') { $self->{isCover} = 0 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ($attr->{name} ne $tableau[$self->{wantedIdx}]) && ($attr->{name} ne '')) { $self->{isBook} = 0 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'font') && ($attr->{color} eq '#294A6B') && ($attr->{style} eq 'font-family:Trebuchet MS; FONT-SIZE: 11pt;') && ($self->{isTitle} eq 1)) { $self->{isTitle} = 2 ; } # elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ($self->{isCover} eq 0) && (index($attr->{href},"Couvertures") >= 0)) elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ($self->{isCover} eq 0)) { my $urlimage = $attr->{href}; $urlimage =~ s/\'//g; $urlimage =~ s/\)//g; $urlimage = substr($urlimage,index($urlimage,"Couvertures/")); $self->{curInfo}->{cover} = ''.$urlimage; } elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ($self->{isBook}) && (index($attr->{href},"auteur") >= 0)) { $self->{isAuthor} = 1 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && ($self->{isPublisher} eq 1)) { $self->{isPublisher} = 2 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isPublication} eq 1) { $self->{isPublication} = 2 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isEdition} eq 1) { $self->{isEdition} = 2 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isFormatPublication} eq 1) { $self->{isFormatPublication} = 2 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isISBN} eq 1) { $self->{isISBN} = 2 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'td') && $self->{isPage} eq 1) { $self->{isPage} = 2 ; } elsif (($tagname eq 'i') && $self->{isDescription} eq 1) { $self->{isDescription} = 2 ; } } } sub end { my ($self, $tagname) = @_; $self->{isFound} = 0; $self->{inside}->{$tagname}--; } sub text { my ($self, $origtext) = @_; if ($self->{parsingList}) { if ($self->{isSerie}) { $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{serie} = $origtext; $self->{isSerie} = 0 ; } if ($self->{isPublisher} eq 1) { $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{edition} = $origtext; $self->{isPublisher} = 2 ; } if ($self->{isPublication} eq 1) { $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{publication} = $origtext; $self->{isPublication} = 0 ; } } else { # Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine $origtext =~ s/^\s+//; # Je reinitialise le champs s il est cense etre vide $origtext =~ s/#TPFCHAMPSVIDE#//; if ($self->{isTitle} eq 2) { # si le titre contient INT (cas intégrale et donc sans titre de la série) on concaténe la série au titre. if($origtext =~ /INT/i) { # on enléve le préfixe INT ou int et le point $origtext =~ s/INT//i; $origtext =~ s/.//; $self->{curInfo}->{title} = $self->{itemsList}[$self->{wantedIdx}]->{serie}." ".$origtext; } else { # si numéro avant titre on le transforme en tome et on concaténe avec le nom de la série. if($origtext =~ /[0-9]./) { my $tome = substr($origtext,0,index($origtext,".")); $tome =~ s/^\s+//; my $titre = substr($origtext,index($origtext,".")+1); $titre =~ s/^\s+//; $self->{curInfo}->{title} = $self->{itemsList}[$self->{wantedIdx}]->{serie}." Tome ".$tome ." : ".$titre; } else { $self->{curInfo}->{title} = $origtext; } } $self->{curInfo}->{web} = "".$self->{itemsList}[$self->{wantedIdx}]->{url}; $self->{curInfo}->{serie} = $self->{itemsList}[$self->{wantedIdx}]->{serie}; $self->{curInfo}->{language} = 'Français'; $self->{isTitle} = 0 ; } elsif (($self->{isAuthor}) && ($self->{nbAuthor} < 3)) { # Enleve la virgule entre le nom et le prenom $origtext =~ s/,//g; if (($origtext ne '') && ($origtext ne '#TPF NOIR ET BLANC TPF#')) { $self->{curInfo}->{authors} .= $origtext; $self->{curInfo}->{authors} .= ","; } $self->{isAuthor} = 0; $self->{nbAuthor} = $self->{nbAuthor} + 1; } elsif ($self->{isPublisher} eq 2) { $self->{curInfo}->{publisher} = $origtext; $self->{isPublisher} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isPublication} eq 2) { $self->{curInfo}->{publication} = $origtext; $self->{isPublication} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isEdition} eq 2) { $self->{curInfo}->{edition} = $origtext; $self->{isEdition} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isFormatPublication} eq 2 ) { $self->{curInfo}->{format} = $origtext; $self->{isFormatPublication} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isISBN} eq 2) { $origtext =~ s/978\-//; $self->{curInfo}->{isbn} = $origtext; $self->{isISBN} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isPage} eq 2) { $self->{curInfo}->{pages} = $origtext; $self->{isPage} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isDescription} eq 2) { if($origtext ne '') { if($self->{curInfo}->{description} ne '') { $self->{curInfo}->{description} .= "\n\n"; } $self->{curInfo}->{description} .= "Info sur cette edition : ".$origtext; } $self->{isDescription} = 3 ; } elsif ($self->{isBook} eq 1) { if (($origtext eq "Editeur :") && ($self->{isPublisher} ne 3)) { $self->{isPublisher} = 1; } elsif (($origtext eq "Dépot légal :") && ($self->{isPublication} ne 3)) { $self->{isPublication} = 1; } elsif (($origtext eq "Collection :") && ($self->{isEdition} ne 3)) { $self->{isEdition} = 1; } elsif (($origtext eq "Taille :") && ($self->{isFormatPublication} ne 3)) { $self->{isFormatPublication} = 1; } elsif (($origtext eq "ISBN :") && ($self->{isISBN} ne 3)) { $self->{isISBN} = 1; } elsif (($origtext eq "Planches :") && ($self->{isPage} ne 3)) { $self->{isPage} = 1; } elsif (($origtext eq "Info édition : ") && ($self->{isDescription} ne 3)) { $self->{isDescription} = 1; } } } } sub new { #la classe est instancié une seule fois au démarrage de l'appli. my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); bless ($self, $class); $self->{hasField} = { serie => 1, title => 1, publication => 1, format => 0, edition => 1, }; $self->{idPage} = 0; $self->{nbAuthor} = 0; $self->{isFound} = 0; $self->{isSerie} = 0; $self->{isBook} = 0; $self->{isUrl} = 0; $self->{isTitle} = 0; $self->{isAuthor} = 0; $self->{isFormatPublication} = 0; $self->{isPublisher} = 0; $self->{isISBN} = 0; $self->{isPublication} = 0; $self->{isFormat} = 0; $self->{isSerie} = 0; $self->{isPage} = 0; $self->{isDescription} = 0; $self->{isCover} = 0; return $self; } sub preProcess { my ($self, $html) = @_; #RAZ des variables (entre 2 recherches la classe reste en mémoire) $self->{idPage} = 0; $self->{nbAuthor} = 0; $self->{isFound} = 0; $self->{isSerie} = 0; $self->{isEdition} = 0; $self->{isBook} = 0; $self->{isUrl} = 0; $self->{isTitle} = 0; $self->{isAuthor} = 0; $self->{isFormatPublication} = 0; $self->{isPublisher} = 0; $self->{isISBN} = 0; $self->{isPublication} = 0; $self->{isFormat} = 0; $self->{isSerie} = 0; $self->{isPage} = 0; $self->{isDescription} = 0; $self->{isCover} = 0; if ($self->{parsingList}) { } else { $html =~ s|||gi; $html =~ s|
  • |\n* |gi; $html =~ s|
    |\n|gi; $html =~ s|
    |\n|gi; $html =~ s|||gi; $html =~ s|||gi; # $html =~ s|||gi; # $html =~ s|||gi; $html =~ s|

    |\n|gi; $html =~ s|

    ||gi; $html =~ s|\x{92}|'|g; $html =~ s|’|'|gi; $html =~ s|•|*|gi; $html =~ s|…|...|gi; $html =~ s|\x{8C}|OE|gi; $html =~ s|\x{9C}|oe|gi; # Quand un champs n est pas renseigne il peut y avoir un souci $html =~ s||#TPFCHAMPSVIDE#|gi; $html =~ s|||gi; $html =~ s|||gi; # Ce n est pas un coloriste donc il ne faut pas le rajouter a la liste des auteurs $html =~ s|<N&B>|#TPF NOIR ET BLANC TPF#|gi; } return $html; } sub getSearchUrl { my ($self, $word) = @_; # si isbn renseigné alors url de recherche différent if((length($word) eq 13 || length($word) eq 10) && ($word =~ /[0-9]/)) { # si contient pas de caractére - alors insertion de ceux ci pour recherche chez bdgest (ISBN sur 10 au lieu de 13) if($word =~ /\-/) { $word =~ s/978\-//; return "". $word; } else { # Ajouts des - et enléve le 978 en début si présent $word =~ s/978//; #re calcul de la clé de vérification my $total = substr($word,0,1)*10; $total = $total + (substr($word,1,1)*9); $total = $total + (substr($word,2,1)*8); $total = $total + (substr($word,3,1)*7); $total = $total + (substr($word,4,1)*6); $total = $total + (substr($word,5,1)*5); $total = $total + (substr($word,6,1)*4); $total = $total + (substr($word,7,1)*3); $total = $total + (substr($word,8,1)*2); $total = 11 - ($total%11); if($total eq 10) { $total = 'X'; } $word = substr($word,0,1)."-".substr($word,1,2)."%25-%25".substr($word,7,2)."-".$total; return "". $word; } } else { return "". $word; } } sub getItemUrl { my ($self, $url) = @_; return "" . $url; } sub getName { return "BDGest"; } sub getCharset { my $self = shift; return "ISO-8859-1"; } sub getAuthor { return 'Rataflo'; } sub getLang { return 'FR'; } sub getSearchFieldsArray { return ['isbn','title']; } } 1;