package GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCISBNdb;
# Copyright 2005-2006 Tian
# This file is part of GCstar.
# GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
use strict;
use utf8;
use GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCbooksCommon;
package GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCPluginISBNdb;
use base qw(GCPlugins::GCbooks::GCbooksPluginsBase);
use URI::Escape;
sub start
my ($self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext) = @_;
if ($self->{parsingList})
if (($tagname eq 'div') && ($attr->{class} eq 'bookInfo') && ($self->{searchField} ne 'isbn'))
$self->{isBook} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{href},"/d/book/") >= 0) && ($self->{isBook}))
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{url} = "" . $attr->{href};
$self->{isTitle} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{href},"/d/person/") >= 0) && ($self->{isBook}))
$self->{isAuthor} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{href},"/d/publisher/") >= 0) && ($self->{isBook}))
$self->{isPublisher} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{onclick},"isbndbTrackBuy") >= 0) && ($self->{itemIdx} eq '-1'))
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{url} = $self->{loadedUrl} ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'span') && ($attr->{class} eq 'inactive'))
$self->{isBook} = 0 ;
if ($tagname eq 'title')
$self->{isTitle} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{href},"/d/person/") >= 0))
$self->{isAuthor} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{href},"/d/publisher/") >= 0))
$self->{isPublisher} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'a') && ( index($attr->{href},"/c/Library_Shelves/Dewey") >= 0))
$self->{isGenre} = 1 ;
elsif ($tagname eq 'h2')
$self->{isAnalyse} = 1 ;
elsif (($tagname eq 'iframe') && ($self->{curInfo}->{cover} eq ''))
my $html = $self->loadPage( $attr->{src}, 0, 1 );
my $found = index($html,"= 0 )
$html = substr($html, $found +length('{curInfo}->{cover} = $array[0];
sub end
my ($self, $tagname) = @_;
sub text
my ($self, $origtext) = @_;
if ($self->{parsingList})
if ($self->{isTitle})
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} = $origtext;
$self->{isTitle} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isAuthor})
if ($self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{authors} eq '')
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{authors} = $origtext;
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{authors} .= ', ';
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{authors} .= $origtext;
$self->{isAuthor} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isPublisher})
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{edition} = $origtext;
$self->{isPublisher} = 0 ;
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$origtext =~ s/^\s+//;
# Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
$origtext =~ s/\s+$//g;
if ($self->{isTitle})
$self->{curInfo}->{title} = $origtext;
$self->{isTitle} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isAuthor})
$self->{curInfo}->{authors} .= $origtext;
$self->{curInfo}->{authors} .= ",";
$self->{isAuthor} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isPublisher})
$self->{curInfo}->{publisher} = $origtext;
$self->{isPublisher} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isAnalyse})
$self->{isFormat} = 1 if ($origtext =~ m/Book Details:/i);
$self->{isDescription} = 1 if ($origtext =~ m/Notes:/i);
$self->{isDescription} = 1 if ($origtext =~ m/Summary:/i);
$self->{isAnalyse} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isFormat})
my @array = split(/\n/,$origtext);
my @array2;
my @array3;
my $element;
my $element2;
foreach $element (@array)
@array2 = split(/:/,$element);
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$array2[1] =~ s/^\s+//;
# Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
$array2[1] =~ s/\s+$//g;
if ($array2[0] =~ m/Language/i)
$self->{curInfo}->{language} = $array2[1];
elsif ($array2[0] =~ m/Physical Description/i)
@array3 = split(/;/,$array2[1]);
foreach $element2 (@array3)
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$element2 =~ s/^\s+//;
$_= $element2;
if (/(^[0-9]+)(\s[p])(.*)/)
$self->{curInfo}->{pages} = $1;
elsif (/(.*)(\s)([0-9]+)(\s[p])(.*)/)
$self->{curInfo}->{pages} = $3;
elsif ($array2[0] =~ m/Edition Info/i)
@array3 = split(/;/,$array2[1]);
$self->{curInfo}->{format} = $array3[0];
$_= $array3[1];
if (/(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(.*)/)
$self->{curInfo}->{publication} = $array3[1];
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$self->{curInfo}->{publication} =~ s/^\s+//;
$self->{isFormat} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isDescription})
$origtext =~ s/\n\n/\n/g;
$self->{curInfo}->{description} = $origtext;
$self->{isDescription} = 0 ;
elsif ($self->{isGenre})
my @array = split(/--/,$origtext);
$self->{curInfo}->{genre} = $array[1];
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$self->{curInfo}->{genre} =~ s/^\s+//;
$self->{isGenre} = 0 ;
elsif (($origtext =~ m/ISBN:/i) && ($self->{curInfo}->{isbn} eq ''))
my @array = split(/:/,$origtext);
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$array[1] =~ s/^\s+//;
# Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
$array[1] =~ s/\s+$//g;
my @array2 = split(/ /,$array[1]);
$self->{curInfo}->{isbn} = $array2[0];
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$self->{curInfo}->{isbn} =~ s/^\s+//;
# Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
$self->{curInfo}->{isbn} =~ s/\s+$//g;
sub new
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
bless ($self, $class);
$self->{hasField} = {
title => 1,
authors => 1,
publication => 0,
format => 0,
edition => 1,
serie => 0,
$self->{isBook} = 0;
$self->{isTitle} = 0;
$self->{isAuthor} = 0;
$self->{isAnalyse} = 0;
$self->{isDescription} = 0;
$self->{isGenre} = 0;
return $self;
sub preProcess
my ($self, $html) = @_;
if ($self->{parsingList})
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s||\n* |gi;
$html =~ s|
$html =~ s|
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s|||gi;
$html =~ s||\n|gi;
$html =~ s|
$html =~ s|\x{92}|'|g;
$html =~ s||'|gi;
$html =~ s||*|gi;
$html =~ s|
$html =~ s|\x{8C}|OE|gi;
$html =~ s|\x{9C}|oe|gi;
return $html;
sub getSearchUrl
my ($self, $word) = @_;
if ($self->{searchField} eq 'isbn')
return "" .$word;
return "" .$word ."&isn=";
sub getItemUrl
my ($self, $url) = @_;
return $url;
sub getName
return "ISBNdb";
sub getCharset
my $self = shift;
return "ISO-8859-15";
sub getAuthor
return 'TPF';
sub getLang
return 'EN';
sub getSearchFieldsArray
return ['isbn', 'title'];