package GCPlugins::GCfilms::GCMediadis; ################################################### # # Copyright 2005-2010 Christian Jodar # # This file is part of GCstar. # # GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # ################################################### use strict; use GCPlugins::GCfilms::GCfilmsCommon; { package GCPlugins::GCfilms::GCPluginMediadis; use base qw(GCPlugins::GCfilms::GCfilmsPluginsBase); sub start { my ($self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext) = @_; $self->{inside}->{$tagname}++; if ($self->{parsingList}) { if ($tagname eq "a") { if ( ($attr->{href} =~ m|http://www\.mediadis\.com/video/detail\.asp|) && ($attr->{class} eq 'a-blue')) { my $url = $attr->{href}; $self->{isMovie} = 1; $self->{isInfo} = 1; $self->{itemIdx}++; $self->{itemsList}[ $self->{itemIdx} ]->{url} = $url; } elsif (($self->{couldBeCast}==1) && ($attr->{href} =~ m|http://www\.mediadis\.com/products/search\.asp|)) { # yes, found the magic link. director(s) to follow. $self->{couldBeCast} = 2; } } if (($tagname eq 'td') && ($attr->{class} eq 'search-list')) { if ($attr->{align} eq 'center') { $self->{couldBeYear} = 1; } if (($attr->{align} eq 'left') && ($attr->{colspan} eq '5')) { $self->{couldBeCast} = 1; } } } else { if ($tagname eq "img") { if ($attr->{src} =~ /^http:\/\/www\.(dvdzone2|mediadis)\.com\/pictures\/big\//) { $self->{curInfo}->{image} = $attr->{src}; } } elsif ($tagname eq "p") { $self->{insideSynopsis} = 1; } elsif ($tagname eq "span") { if (($attr->{class} eq "detail-title")) { $self->{insideName} = 1; } } } } sub end { my ($self, $tagname) = @_; $self->{inside}->{$tagname}--; if ($self->{parsingList}) { if ($tagname eq 'tr') { $self->{couldBeCast} = 0; } } } sub text { my ($self, $origtext) = @_; return if length($origtext) < 2; if ($self->{parsingList}) { $origtext =~ s/^\s*(\S*)\s*$/$1/; # remove surrouding whitespace if ($self->{isMovie}) { $self->{itemsList}[ $self->{itemIdx} ]->{title} = $self->capWord($origtext); $self->{isMovie} = 0; $self->{isInfo} = 1; return; } elsif ($self->{couldBeYear}) { $self->{itemsList}[ $self->{itemIdx} ]->{date} = $1 if $origtext =~ m/([0-9]{4})/; $self->{couldBeYear} = 0; } elsif ($self->{couldBeCast} == 2) # waiting for director name { if ($origtext eq "-") { $self->{couldBeCast} = 3; # read actors now } elsif (!$self->{itemsList}[ $self->{itemIdx} ]->{director}) { # revert the failed name transposure done my mediadis: $origtext =~ s/^(.*) (\S+)$/$2 $1/; # only one entry, no list. $self->{itemsList}[ $self->{itemIdx} ]->{director} = $origtext; } } elsif ($self->{couldBeCast} == 3) # waiting for actors names { if ($origtext) { # revert the failed name transposure done my mediadis: $origtext =~ s/^(.*) (\S+)$/$2 $1/; $self->{itemsList}[ $self->{itemIdx} ]->{actors} .= $origtext; } } } else { $origtext =~ s/ : //g if !$self->{insideSynopsis}; if ($self->{insideRating}) { $origtext =~ s{(\d+),(\d+)/10}{$1.$2}; $self->{curInfo}->{ratingpress} = int ($origtext + 0.5); $self->{insideRating} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideGenre}) { $origtext =~ s/ - /,/g; # don't scream! Convert all caps to first cap only. $self->{curInfo}->{genre} .= ucfirst(lc($origtext)); $self->{insideGenre} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideDate}) { $self->{curInfo}->{date} = $origtext; $self->{insideDate} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideDirector}) { if (!$self->{curInfo}->{director}) { my @directors = split(/\s+-\s+/, $origtext); for (my $i=0; $i<@directors; $i++) { # revert the failed name transposure done my mediadis: $directors[$i] =~ s/^(.*) (\S+)$/$2 $1/; } $self->{curInfo}->{director} = join (', ', @directors); } $self->{insideDirector} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideSynopsis}) { $self->{curInfo}->{synopsis} .= $origtext . "\n\n"; $self->{insideSynopsis} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideNat}) { $self->{curInfo}->{country} = $origtext; $self->{insideNat} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideTime}) { $self->{curInfo}->{time} = $origtext; $self->{insideTime} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideActors}) { foreach my $name (split(/\s+-\s+/, $origtext)) { # revert the failed name transposure done my mediadis: # move the first name part back in front. $name =~ s/^(.*) (\S+)$/$2 $1/; # and store the actors in a proper list. push @{$self->{curInfo}->{actors}}, [$name] if ($self->{actorsCounter} < $GCPlugins::GCfilms::GCfilmsCommon::MAX_ACTORS); $self->{actorsCounter}++; } $self->{insideActors} = 0; } elsif ($self->{insideOrig}) { $self->{curInfo}->{original} = $self->capWord($origtext) if !$self->{curInfo}->{original}; $self->{insideOrig} = 0; } elsif (($self->{inside}->{span}) && ($self->{insideName})) { $self->{curInfo}->{title} = $self->capWord($origtext) if !$self->{curInfo}->{title}; } elsif ($self->{inside}->{strong}) { $self->{insideDate} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Year/; $self->{insideDirector} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Director\(s\)/; $self->{insideGenre} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Genres/; $self->{insideOrig} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Original title/; $self->{insideTime} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Duration/; $self->{insideNat} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Country/; $self->{insideActors} = 1 if $origtext =~ m/Actors/ or $origtext =~ m/Voice of/; } if ($self->{inside}->{td}) { if ($origtext =~ m/Global rating/) { $self->{insideRating} = 1; } } } } sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); bless($self, $class); $self->{hasField} = { title => 1, date => 0, # hide the date as it is wrong most of the time director => 1, actors => 1 }; $self->{isInfo} = 0; $self->{isMovie} = 0; $self->{curName} = undef; $self->{curUrl} = undef; return $self; } sub preProcess { my ($self, $html) = @_; $html =~ s|([^<]*)|$2|g; $html =~ s/ / /g; return $html; } sub getSearchUrl { my ($self, $word) = @_; return "$word"; } sub getItemUrl { my ($self, $url) = @_; return $url unless $url eq ''; return ''; } sub getName { return 'Mediadis'; } sub getAuthor { return 'Tian'; } sub getLang { return 'EN'; } } 1;