${LSTR} LANG_CODE "TR" ${LSTR} REMOVE_PREVIOUS "A previous installation of ${PRODUCT_NAME} has been detected. Do you want to uninstall it before continuing?" ${LSTR} INSTALL_APP_DEP "Default" ${LSTR} INSTALL_FULL "Full" ${LSTR} INSTALL_APP_ONLY "${PRODUCT_NAME} only" ${LSTR} PRE_MULTIPLE "The ${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} installer is already running." ${LSTR} LINK_APPLICATION "${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${LSTR} LINK_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION "Personal collections manager" ${LSTR} LINK_UPDATE "Update plugins" ${LSTR} LINK_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION "Download and install bug fixes in plugins (do not change the application itself)" ${LSTR} LINK_SITE "Website" ${LSTR} LINK_SITE_DESCRIPTION "Visit ${PRODUCT_NAME} website" ${LSTR} LINK_REMOVE "Uninstall" ${LSTR} LINK_REMOVE_DESCRIPTION "Remove ${PRODUCT_NAME} from the system" ${LSTR} FILE_DESC "${PRODUCT_NAME} Collection" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING "Downloading %s" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_CONNECTING "Connecting..." ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_SECOND "second" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_MINUTE "minute" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_HOUR "hour" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_PLURAL "s" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS "%dkB (%d%%) of %dkB" ${LSTR} DOWNLOAD_REMAINING " (%d %s%s remaining)" ${LSTR} PERL_VERIFYING "Checking available Perl modules..." ${LSTR} PERL_INSTALLING "Installing module:" ${LSTR} PERL_UPDATING "Updating module:" ${LSTR} PERL_WAIT "Please wait as it could take a long time..." ${LSTR} PERL_INSTALLERROR "ActivePerl has not been installed.$\r$\n \ This software is required by ${PRODUCT_NAME}.$\r$\n \ Please install it manually and launch again this installation.$\r$\n \ Do you want to go to ActivePerl download page?" ${LSTR} SEC_DEPENDENCIES "Dependencies" ${LSTR} SEC_ACTIVEPERL "Install ActivePerl" ${LSTR} SEC_LIB "Gtk2 libraries" ${LSTR} SEC_PPM "Perl Modules" ${LSTR} SEC_UN "Uninstall previous version" ${LSTR} SEC_ICONS "Icons" ${LSTR} SEC_DSK "Desktop icon" ${LSTR} SEC_QUICK "Quick launch icon" ${LSTR} DESC_DEPENDENCIES "Install softwares needed by ${PRODUCT_NAME}." ${LSTR} DESC_ACTIVEPERL "Download (around 12.5 MB) and install ActivePerl." ${LSTR} DESC_GTKPERL "Install all needed dependancies (Optional). If you are not sure, install them" ${LSTR} DESC_GTK "Install Gtk2 libraries needed by ${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${LSTR} DESC_PERL "Install Perl bindings (ActivePerl modules)" ${LSTR} DESC_UN "Remove the previous ${PRODUCT_NAME} installation." ${LSTR} DESC_APP "Install ${PRODUCT_NAME} components (Mandatory)." ${LSTR} DESC_ICONS "Add some shortcut icons." ${LSTR} DESC_DESKTOP "Add an icon on the desktop." ${LSTR} DESC_QUICK "Add an icon in the quick launch bar (when available)" ${LSTR} INSTALL_USER "${PRODUCT_NAME} needs some changes in environment to be able to run. Do you these changes to be perfomed for all users?$\r$\nSaying no here will change the environment for the current user only.$\r$\n(Administrator permissions required for all users)" ${LSTR} INSTALL_ALL_ERROR "The environment could not be changed for all users$\r$\nShould I try for the current user?" ${LSTR} INSTALL_USER_ERROR "The environment could not be changed for the current user." ${LSTR} FINISH_LAUNCH "Launch ${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${LSTR} FINISH_WEBSITE "Visit ${PRODUCT_NAME} website" ${LSTR} UN_QUESTION "Are you sure to want to totaly remove $(^Name) and all of his composants?" ${LSTR} UN_PERSO "Do you want also to remove your personal data (collections and configuration)?" ${LSTR} UN_SUCESS "$(^Name) has been successfullly removed from your computer." ${LSTR} UN_ABORTED "Uninstall has been aborted."