350 False 5 Activation Settings False True center-on-parent True dialog False False vertical False end gtk-cancel True True True False True False False 0 gtk-ok True True True False True False False 1 False True end 0 True False 6 6 True False True True 0 True False 1 It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well! False False 1 True False 0 in True False 6 6 6 6 True False Turbo mode True True False True If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key. If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key. False 0 True False True 0 Long press for activation True True False True If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer. If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer. False 0 True False True 1 Open Pie centered on the screen True True False True If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop up at your pointer. If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop up at your pointer. False 0 True False True 2 True False Activation options False True 2 True True 1 cancel-button ok-button