///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 2011-2018 Simon Schneegans // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace GnomePie { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// A list displaying all available Action types and ActionGroup types. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SliceTypeList : Gtk.TreeView { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This signal gets emitted when the user selects a new Type. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public signal void on_select(string id, string icon_name); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The listore which staroes all types internally. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Gtk.ListStore data; private enum DataPos {ICON, ICON_NAME, NAME, ID} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// C'tor, constructs the Widget. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public SliceTypeList() { GLib.Object(); this.data = new Gtk.ListStore(4, typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)); this.data.set_sort_column_id(2, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); base.set_model(this.data); base.set_headers_visible(true); base.set_grid_lines(Gtk.TreeViewGridLines.NONE); this.set_fixed_height_mode(true); var main_column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); main_column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.FIXED); main_column.title = _("Slice types"); var icon_render = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(); main_column.pack_start(icon_render, false); var name_render = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); name_render.xpad = 6; main_column.pack_start(name_render, true); base.append_column(main_column); main_column.add_attribute(icon_render, "pixbuf", DataPos.ICON); main_column.add_attribute(name_render, "markup", DataPos.NAME); this.get_selection().changed.connect(() => { Gtk.TreeIter active; if (this.get_selection().get_selected(null, out active)) { string id = ""; string icon = ""; this.data.get(active, DataPos.ID, out id); this.data.get(active, DataPos.ICON_NAME, out icon); this.on_select(id, icon); } }); reload_all(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Loads a registered actions and action groups. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void reload_all() { Gtk.TreeIter active; string current_id = ""; if (this.get_selection().get_selected(null, out active)) this.data.get(active, DataPos.ID, out current_id); data.clear(); foreach (var action_type in ActionRegistry.types) { var description = ActionRegistry.descriptions[action_type]; Gtk.TreeIter current; data.append(out current); var icon = new Icon(description.icon, 36); data.set(current, DataPos.ICON, icon.to_pixbuf()); data.set(current, DataPos.ICON_NAME, description.icon); data.set(current, DataPos.NAME, GLib.Markup.escape_text(description.name) + "\n" + "" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(description.description) + ""); data.set(current, DataPos.ID, description.id); } foreach (var group_type in GroupRegistry.types) { var description = GroupRegistry.descriptions[group_type]; Gtk.TreeIter current; data.append(out current); var icon = new Icon(description.icon, 36); data.set(current, DataPos.ICON, icon.to_pixbuf()); data.set(current, DataPos.ICON_NAME, description.icon); data.set(current, DataPos.NAME, GLib.Markup.escape_text(description.name) + "\n" + "" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(description.description) + ""); data.set(current, DataPos.ID, description.id); } select_first(); select(current_id); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Selects the first type in the list. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void select_first() { Gtk.TreeIter active; if(this.data.get_iter_first(out active) ) { this.get_selection().select_iter(active); string id = ""; string icon = ""; this.data.get(active, DataPos.ID, out id); this.data.get(active, DataPos.ICON_NAME, out icon); this.on_select(id, icon); } else { this.on_select("", "stock_unknown"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select the given slice type. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void select(string id) { this.data.foreach((model, path, iter) => { string pie_id; this.data.get(iter, DataPos.ID, out pie_id); if (id == pie_id) { this.get_selection().select_iter(iter); string icon = ""; this.data.get(iter, DataPos.ICON_NAME, out icon); this.on_select(pie_id, icon); this.scroll_to_cell(path, null, true, 0.5f, 0.5f); this.has_focus = true; return true; } return false; }); } } }